This was the games that took over the school yard after yu gi oh, beyblades and Pokemon for my school. Every recess for months was prime hunter, 2v2s and free for alls. This multiplayer on a hand held was awesome. But near the end of its life span the games degraded into sylux vs trace. Good times.
GracefulDeadBear Lucky you and especially considering the fact that Metroid took over Pokémon in a school setting. That's like a dream (for me) to me. Considering the fact that me and a few friends were like only a few to know/like what Metroid is
I... really liked the game, am I alone? Like really? - Story was not really great, but environments were not that bad! + Best FPS controls for DS in my opinion. + Voice chat over internet play + Friends list + Rival list (with no need for friend codes) + Radar to search for rivals (Street pass was not even a thing at the time) + Online text chat with friends + Multiplayer game modes + 1 Game cartridge allowed for DownloadPlay and allowed to play every map with almost no restriction + Allowed to mix multicartridges with DownloadPlay + Player licenses with stats from player, friends and rivals + License achievements + 2 endings, completion ratio, playtime stats, cinematic view + Music and Sound Effects menu + Multiple audio options + Nice control settings + A few multiplayer maps really different from each other + 7 playable bountyhunters + Several weapons allowed for different playstiles and each bountyhunter had a special ability linked to its weapon + Player ranking + Online filters (Match my rank, any rank, worldwide, regional) + One of the very few games to support the rumble pack Maybe the other Metroid games were better in its story mode and graphics, but this game was really an awesome game in every category, except maybe... single player. (and just... Maybe...) It basically used EVERY SINGLE feature the Nintendo DS had access to and was one of the early games! BTW, I liked the video but you focused too much on the worst aspect at first, and some people who don't watch the full video still think this is a crappy game or something xD
Slug of Borg to be fair, a Monolith is a pretty common maguffin in media and in real life, and it’s literally just one rock. When you think about it this way an octolith is eight times as cool.
I actually like the touch controls better than analog sticks... I hate analog stick FPS. in fact the only change I'd make if it cones out it to rmmake ZL the jump button.
Alias Anybody no, you just weren't good at the game. The touch controls made for great accuracy. It was a bit uncomfortable, but once you got used to it, it worked very well. I used to be an expert at getting headshots on that game
I enjoyed Metroid Prime Pinball. It needed more maps (boards? levels? cabinets? no idea), but it was pretty fun. I just wish the rumble pack that came with it was supported by more games.
You know after other M made all the designs stream-lined and removed all the bulk, I was glad that Federation Force was really blocky. Like how water-boarding is enjoyable after you've been stuck in the desert of 10 years.
I played the shit out of this game multiplayer when I was a kid & it was weirdly enough my gateway into Metroid series so I have to thank it for that. Fun Fact: Samus was actually considered the best character in multiplayer because her weapon perk was her super missiles locked on & you could do crazy Morph Ball speed runs around a stage to get to Vantage points. Noxus & Sylux were close seconds. The worst character was Kanden by a landslide.
Weavel had a few hilarious easy-to-do bugs that made him obnoxious on some maps; He could actually clip inside of morphball tunnels & set up his turret inside walls. Kanden's perk was useless & his alt was actively bad. Its rate of fire was maybe 1 shot every 4 seconds & in alt he couldn't get up slopes without a running start.
I was a 5 star legendary hunter and honestly all hunters were good, but id agree that Samus was the Uno. trace was for the snipers, noxus was for the cheap freeze and shoot players. sylux was a "rusher" fast pace character with a nasty lockjaw 1hit kill alt. spire could climbs walls... but could shred you if you chose to stand in front of his Alt form. kenden and weavel were "alt and run" characters because their alts could mainly do damage if they were being chased . really fun game. I miss the good old mph days. Btw I played on DS-play if anyone is from there.
I also played the shit out of multiplayer. 5 star legendary with well over 10k wins and games played iirc. Sylux was the best imo. Most deadly alt form- could set traps and take health down before enemy even got to you. Trace was also great- small head, imp, fast deadly alt P.S. Does anyone remember Noxus' freeze glitch where you could aim at the ground and freeze someone from miles away?
Samus was definitely the strongest character and pretty much everyone who was really good at it chose Samus. The morph ball was the 2nd strongest alt form after sylux'. But auto lock missiles > health regeneration. god I loved this game.
i was writing a comment about how much i liked the video and as i was about to submit it the video got taken down so it didn't go through but i'll just say i enjoyed the video thanks for making it and stuff
I can play as a bounty hunter that separates his lower body and uses it as a turret and another one that turns into a caterpillar instead morph ball That alone makes it great, also it’s multiplayer was great back in secondary school (Mario kart DS was still the shiz tho)
I would like to say, that despite the single player being lack luster the multiplayer was EXTREMELY fun, and really made it one of the funnest metroids I've ever played. Like, that game has some REALLY great matches, and the different hunters were fun to test in Multiplayer as well :)
You nailed pretty much all of the game's strengths and weaknesses, but... it was still the best portable FPS of it's time; especially the multiplayer. It was in some aspects outdone later by other games like COD WAW, but I still consider it an impressive work. I really regret selling my copy after I got 100% and all my friends stopped playing the multiplayer.
You're talking about a homebrew, which most people didn't have access too. I hadn't even heard of DsDoom until you brought it up. Doom is an awesome game and certainly the best FPS of it's time, but comparing it to anything outside it's time is unfair. Let's take the nostalgia goggles off for a moment; classic Doom is no longer the Ultimate FPS experience, and it hasn't been for decades. It is, however, a treasure in the history of gaming.
Marco Ru I wasn't saying Doom doesn't hold up, I just don't think it's fair to compare it to a similar style game that came out over 10 years later. I love the original Doom and still sometimes play it, though with more modern mouse controls. As for modern FPS games that aren't purely linier but still follow a path: Half Life, Wolfenstein NE/ OB, BioShock, Metro, and Doom 4 are all pretty good. I do understand a thirst for more of that though, especially on handhelds. Metroid Prime games aren't exactly in the same category as Doom, but they still remind me of it.
Back in the day, me and my friend were taking a test, had finished early, and immediately whipped out our original DS’s and began playing Metroid prime hunters. The teacher eventually caught us and said “you know your not supposed to be playing games during a test” I said “yea we finished early so we’re just 1v1 each other in Metroid” he said “wait, wirelessly? I said “yea pretty neat cool right it “ he agreed and literally walked always and let us play for the rest of class lmao
Why is it that seemingly everybody who reviews this game forgets that *Metroid Prime: Hunters was **_NOT_** nor **_EVER WAS_** DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED WITH THE PEN STYLUS?!?* *_The game was designed to be played WITH THE THUMB STYLUS built into the DS's carry strap!_* I hate to use all caps here, but I cannot emphasize this enough: *IF YOU ARE USING THE PEN STYLUS, **_YOU'RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG!!!_*
I think the constant copy and pasting of bosses and maps is the result of trying to fit a 5 hour-ish 3D Metroid Prime game into a tiny 512 MB NDS Cartridge.
And this is where most Federation Force defenders fail to understand why people are so mad at the chibi feds when Hunters was also a subpar Metroid experience: the context behind each release! When Hunters came out, Metroid was at its prime (pun semi intended), with Metroid Prime being the best selling game in the franchise and Echoes just around the corner/just released (don't remember exactly which). In contrast tot hat, Federation Force came 6 years after Other M nearly killed the franchise! The idea that Federation Force is just a spin-off doesn't excuse its existence. If your franchise is going through a hard time, it's not a spin-off that's going to save it, it's a main entry in the series. Imagine if the last game in the Zelda franchise was one of the Philips CD-i titles; then after 6 years of no news about the franchise, they release Triforce heroes, but instead of playing as Link, you play as generic Hyrule soldiers. Every game has a context behind it, a timing that can determine weather or not the game will succeed. Look at Duke Nuken Forever: the game so long to get released, when it came out, most people had grown out of its humor that it became a bad title, whereas had it been released two or three years after its development begun, it would have been quite a good title for those same players. The visual style and lack of focus on Samus are the least of Federation Flop's problems; the real issue is the poor timing. Had it come out after, say, Metroid Prime 4, nobody would have felt it was a middle finger to the fanbase. But after 6 years of ignored complaints about Other M, and no new game in sight, it did feel like a giant middle finger! Context can make or break a game!
I never managed to find that one last stupid thing to scan, it was so frustrating.... But otherwise yeah, this video sums it up pretty nicely. The bosses were a joke and the story somewhat weak, but I did have quite a lot of fun in the multiplayer with friends, and looking at some of the scenes I really feel like exploring some of the areas again.
Believe it or not the game is stupidly well balanced. The primary fire is the most viable weapon to use in any situation so it makes the choice to use alt weapons actually meaningful. Short of a few bugs (Shadow freeze, boost stacking, OOB clipping) the only thing that is unbalanced is Samus' homing missiles. You can be anywhere on the map and that shit will hit you if it's even remotely flying your way and you can't avoid it and unlike alt ammo, missiles are REALLY common. Think you can get a sneak attack on her with the invisibility perk? Guess again, because she can just spam missiles in random directions to find your location way faster than any other hunter can. None of the other characters fare any better since their affinity boost is much less effective being either out-ranged or out DPS'd. You can always try using your alt-form but she also has the best alt form thanks to boost stacking so you'll lose there too.
It really was. Nintendo wasn't really going to advertise "anti-hand cramp" grips, but those would solve the long playing problem for sure. Amazing game to say the least.
Just wanted to say having been playing this... They do explain why Samus has to leave every time she gets an octolith. It says some security measure has been activated and that's probably why the guardians and all these things come out and she has to leave for it to reset. That last part is speculation on my part and sure it could have been better explained but they did give a reason.
Well, Gorea's lair did appear in the middle of the Alimbic Cluster, pretty noticeable for the hunters while Samus was in the octolith temple of Alinos.
Man, another awesome video in the bag, Gaming Brit. It's aged graphics sure are what you notice first, and while really not living up to the potential it has, it sure looks like a great diversion (and yes, fantastic multiplayer) of a Metroid game.
I used the Dual Hand nide because I thought the stylus controls would be too hard. Hey, anybody remember that one missile door that you can miss forever if you don't scan it? This game deserves a remake.
SYLUX IS COMIN BACK BABY I hope there's a lot of Kriken presence in Prime 4 as well :s I think it would be insaaaaaaaaane to be able to go to their empire's capital planet. Idk.
I spent countless hours in multiplayer. It was simply the most fun multiplayer game i have ever played. P.S. If you still want to play online after the WiFi shutdown, checkout the videos on my channel.
I remember getting this game when I was in 6th grade and being so blown away. I don't think it aged very well unlike nearly every other Metroid game, but at the time it was incredible.
The 'fear factor' of this game is a very interesting point to bring up. The hunters were scary as a kid. Their intro cutscenes make them all out to be menacing and when they showed up I would get legitimately tense. Of course I was a little dumb ass kid, but I played it through again in high school to celebrate Samus Returns launching and it was a somewhat ominous game. It's not scary, but the game definitely has a moody atmosphere. Didn't really think of it like that until you pointed it out in your review, though.
So did nobody use the lanyard that came packaged with the original DS that has a thumb-stylus on it? I keep hearing about the stick stylus complaint, but nobody was ever smart enough to use the lanyard thumb stylus. The game was miles easier to play with that. Same goes for Kid Icarus Uprising.
this review really underappreciates the game, the multiplayer is where it shines. You're better off playing against bots than playing the singleplayer bc the multiplayer is just that much better
The bounty hunter designs were so good, diverse and memorable. Also this game was creepy af. It was actually traumatic, paranoia set in whenever you sensed a bounty hunter would appear. I definitely agree that they could have fine tuned that concept
Tenshi Cat I realize this is an old comment but I had to respond. This is because Fusion and Zero Mission replicate the SNES style of Metroid games. Which is easy to do with the hardware provided. With Hunters being a Prime title, people expected Prime 1 on DS which simply isn’t possible given it’s hardware limitations. Hunters is repetitive and lacking compared to its mainline titles, but it’s was never supposed to be one. It’s a spin off and, quite frankly, one of the most graphically and mechanically impressive DS games to come out so early in its lifespan.
You mean you're not sick of the "slurred lmao XD so funney" talk that every game reviewer does now? Golly. Also I believe the slurred speech was started by the Mr. Plinkette reviews way before Jontron did it.
Yeah, I'm just being vague about it. It's an overused thing. That mixed with Jpegs flying over the screen while you you speak. It's stale. Just dont want TGBS to overdo it 'cause I really like his stuff.
Anybody who played MPH on Wi-Fi but stopped because the servers were shut down, there is still a forum of players that are still online with a different server. We are looking for even more players so anyone who wants to join us to play mph in 2017 is welcome :)
"wHeRE DID.. U GO... SHAMUSH.... SHAMUSH ARIAN????!" oh my gOD It kinda pisses me off that you'll probably have to know the story of this thing to get Prime 4, since s lot of people are theorizing that Sylux might be a thing there
Alinds Gateway, Spire, run at the bottom left of the rock to the right of the Imperialist ledge and enter the morph ball. You will then clip into the rock. You can both see, shoot and walk out of said rock, but the same cannot be said for other players and into said rock.
Man I feel that part about the logbook scan percentages, the closest I ever got was like 98% to this very day I don't even know where the last couple of scans may even be.
13:32 The snow ice golem boss is very similar to the ice golem boss from Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. No legs, moth that opens up massively, room almost covered in ice but with lots of rock walls still exposed. And odd Team Ninja / Samus early crossover.
One thing I'd really hope to do in a future Prime installment is to be able to play as the other bounty hunters from Hunters in a single player campaign. It'd be really cool to be able to play a story through a completely alien perspective. They're too cool to be used only once as playable characters in a multiplayer mode from a DS game.
I had so much fun with this game’s online multiplayer back in the day. I remember vividly sniping people as Trace while cloaked high up or playing as the snake guy in his morph form and just spamming his homing tails to screw people up. I was a pretty darn good rank at one point lol
Man, I loved this game when I first played it. I remember actually training myself in order to acclimate myself to the crazy control scheme. This game will always hold a special place in my heart. But, on a different, yet similar, matter, how amazing would it be to have a Mass Effect style Metroid Prime game where you can actually catch bounties, explore dozens of planets, and find ancient alien artifacts, all while being able to play as different bounty hunters. Just imagine if the game also allowed you to play with other players online. You could team up with friends or strangers or catch others who have racked up bounties on their head. can only dream.
4 года назад
This video just showed me the last thing that I haven't scaned and that I was searching for so long: Sylux's spaceship. Great, now I have to restart the entire game just to not miss it this time.
As a lefty who quickly discovered that trying to use the face buttons to move was like trying tighten bolts using a G-clamp with my armpits I actually did aim with the face buttons, yeah my accuracy when fighting bots was like 17%
Ah Memories. Played this game to death in school when it came out, had some classmates to play it in local multiplayer. It was great fun and the different hunters were a good idea for multiplayer. I actually broke the shoulder buttons of two different DS.
This game's soundtrack still kicks arse and is in general my favorite soundtrack of the series. The haunting melodies of Arcterra, the creepy as shit second visit to Celestial Archives, the moody yet catchy first visit to Celestial Archives and Vesper to the badass multiplayer themes. Barely any of it was flat remixes yet all of them remain so memorable to me.
8:04 I believe this does happen albeit only twice - there's a point in the second level's second half where one of the hunters is scripted to show up in the next room (I think it's Spire) and you can scan something in the weird loading hallway that clues you in to this. There's also another one in the ice level but I forget where cos its been 4+ years since I played the game
This was the games that took over the school yard after yu gi oh, beyblades and Pokemon for my school. Every recess for months was prime hunter, 2v2s and free for alls. This multiplayer on a hand held was awesome. But near the end of its life span the games degraded into sylux vs trace. Good times.
GracefulDeadBear It must've been cool to have friends that liked gaming at a young age.
JC4R certainly made school a lot less boring.
Lucky you and especially considering the fact that Metroid took over Pokémon in a school setting. That's like a dream (for me) to me. Considering the fact that me and a few friends were like only a few to know/like what Metroid is
We would play this on my bus in middle school. At least I think it was middle school.... might have been early high school
Doctor Doom
The other Bounty hunters from the game
I... really liked the game, am I alone? Like really?
- Story was not really great, but environments were not that bad!
+ Best FPS controls for DS in my opinion.
+ Voice chat over internet play
+ Friends list
+ Rival list (with no need for friend codes)
+ Radar to search for rivals (Street pass was not even a thing at the time)
+ Online text chat with friends
+ Multiplayer game modes
+ 1 Game cartridge allowed for DownloadPlay and allowed to play every map with almost no restriction
+ Allowed to mix multicartridges with DownloadPlay
+ Player licenses with stats from player, friends and rivals
+ License achievements
+ 2 endings, completion ratio, playtime stats, cinematic view
+ Music and Sound Effects menu
+ Multiple audio options
+ Nice control settings
+ A few multiplayer maps really different from each other
+ 7 playable bountyhunters
+ Several weapons allowed for different playstiles and each bountyhunter had a special ability linked to its weapon
+ Player ranking
+ Online filters (Match my rank, any rank, worldwide, regional)
+ One of the very few games to support the rumble pack
Maybe the other Metroid games were better in its story mode and graphics, but this game was really an awesome game in every category, except maybe... single player. (and just... Maybe...)
It basically used EVERY SINGLE feature the Nintendo DS had access to and was one of the early games!
BTW, I liked the video but you focused too much on the worst aspect at first, and some people who don't watch the full video still think this is a crappy game or something xD
▐ ᴇʟᴍᴏᴅᴏ7▐ I like the game :)
▐ ᴇʟᴍᴏᴅᴏ7▐ it was good
I have played the game multiple times over. I think its easier to play on the 3ds with the circle pad and bigger screens
▐ ᴇʟᴍᴏᴅᴏ7▐ I finished the game with a pencil cause I lost the one thats for the ds...
HUNTERS is the best title on the fkin DS wtf r u people talking about
Yes, yes it was. This game ate up a lot of my childhood. To the point of breaking my L button on my DS.
hahah there are some who did more than once xD.
Evan C. Lol that happened to me too. And I had to upgrade to an ds light
i went through 2.
me too!!! I broke my L button as well playin this game!!!
I ripped 2 l buttons thanks to that game .... memories
It's actually kind of interesting to note that the "First Hunt" version of this game that came packed in with DS systems did include Metroids.
A comment much later than your's Knight, X^) but cool note.
"Octo" = Eight
"Lith" = Rock
The maguffins in MPH are literally eight rocks. Thrilling.
Slug of Borg to be fair, a Monolith is a pretty common maguffin in media and in real life, and it’s literally just one rock. When you think about it this way an octolith is eight times as cool.
Holy shit
They're eight-sided though... technically that's an octahedron, but still...
To conclude my comments about the original: The game is quite good, it's just that a DS isn't made for FPS.
Alias Anybody
Playing it on a 3ds is better with the circle pad doing the movement
What? The DS is basically emulating mouse controls, how is that not made for FPS? If anything the DS is the only handheld made for Shooters.
Yes, mouse controls.. In PC FPS games I too jump by slamming my mouse up and down.
And I fire my guns with the 1 key while walking with RDFG.
I actually like the touch controls better than analog sticks... I hate analog stick FPS.
in fact the only change I'd make if it cones out it to rmmake ZL the jump button.
Alias Anybody no, you just weren't good at the game. The touch controls made for great accuracy. It was a bit uncomfortable, but once you got used to it, it worked very well. I used to be an expert at getting headshots on that game
So when are you gonna review Metroid Prime Pinball?
I enjoyed Metroid Prime Pinball. It needed more maps (boards? levels? cabinets? no idea), but it was pretty fun. I just wish the rumble pack that came with it was supported by more games.
that's more a pinball game than metroid game
Vultage7 best pinball game
But, seriously. Metroid Prime Pinball was actually a really good game. We're about on par with Meteos with this one.
Metroid Prime: Hunters has voice chat but Metroid Prime: Federation Force(a game released a decade later) does not
My wrist never hurt.
But I was morbidly obese and incredibly inactive so, maybe I was in better shape.
You know after other M made all the designs stream-lined and removed all the bulk, I was glad that Federation Force was really blocky.
Like how water-boarding is enjoyable after you've been stuck in the desert of 10 years.
9:05 Hey, guess what got revealed 7 years after this video was made
I played the shit out of this game multiplayer when I was a kid & it was weirdly enough my gateway into Metroid series so I have to thank it for that.
Fun Fact: Samus was actually considered the best character in multiplayer because her weapon perk was her super missiles locked on & you could do crazy Morph Ball speed runs around a stage to get to Vantage points. Noxus & Sylux were close seconds. The worst character was Kanden by a landslide.
Wasnt Weavel the worst character due to his health being shared with the stationary turret?
Weavel had a few hilarious easy-to-do bugs that made him obnoxious on some maps; He could actually clip inside of morphball tunnels & set up his turret inside walls.
Kanden's perk was useless & his alt was actively bad. Its rate of fire was maybe 1 shot every 4 seconds & in alt he couldn't get up slopes without a running start.
I was a 5 star legendary hunter and honestly all hunters were good, but id agree that Samus was the Uno. trace was for the snipers, noxus was for the cheap freeze and shoot players. sylux was a "rusher" fast pace character with a nasty lockjaw 1hit kill alt. spire could climbs walls... but could shred you if you chose to stand in front of his Alt form. kenden and weavel were "alt and run" characters because their alts could mainly do damage if they were being chased . really fun game. I miss the good old mph days. Btw I played on DS-play if anyone is from there.
I also played the shit out of multiplayer. 5 star legendary with well over 10k wins and games played iirc. Sylux was the best imo. Most deadly alt form- could set traps and take health down before enemy even got to you.
Trace was also great- small head, imp, fast deadly alt
P.S. Does anyone remember Noxus' freeze glitch where you could aim at the ground and freeze someone from miles away?
Samus was definitely the strongest character and pretty much everyone who was really good at it chose Samus. The morph ball was the 2nd strongest alt form after sylux'. But auto lock missiles > health regeneration.
god I loved this game.
That MISSION CLEAR ending screen is dope af.
i was writing a comment about how much i liked the video and as i was about to submit it the video got taken down so it didn't go through but i'll just say i enjoyed the video thanks for making it and stuff
Apparently the return of Sylux was hinted at in a Federation Force's post-credits scene.
It was hinted at in the end of Metroid Prime 3.
and prime 3.
He'll probably be the villain of Prime 4.
I want sylux and others hunters to retun, the potenticial is huge honestly
Gotta love hype surrounding a character that the hype-train and everyone else knows nothing about.
Hunters was my first Metroid game and I really loved it. Imo the controls were quite possibly the best possible for a shooter on console.
I can play as a bounty hunter that separates his lower body and uses it as a turret and another one that turns into a caterpillar instead morph ball
That alone makes it great, also it’s multiplayer was great back in secondary school (Mario kart DS was still the shiz tho)
I would like to say, that despite the single player being lack luster the multiplayer was EXTREMELY fun, and really made it one of the funnest metroids I've ever played. Like, that game has some REALLY great matches, and the different hunters were fun to test in Multiplayer as well :)
You nailed pretty much all of the game's strengths and weaknesses, but... it was still the best portable FPS of it's time; especially the multiplayer. It was in some aspects outdone later by other games like COD WAW, but I still consider it an impressive work. I really regret selling my copy after I got 100% and all my friends stopped playing the multiplayer.
What about doom
You're talking about a homebrew, which most people didn't have access too. I hadn't even heard of DsDoom until you brought it up. Doom is an awesome game and certainly the best FPS of it's time, but comparing it to anything outside it's time is unfair. Let's take the nostalgia goggles off for a moment; classic Doom is no longer the Ultimate FPS experience, and it hasn't been for decades. It is, however, a treasure in the history of gaming.
Clashman The Third ... unless you're talking about a non-DS version, but my argument would still apply to things like the GBA version.
Mr.deacle LOL wym doom holds up amazingly especially if you consider most fps don't have exploration anymore and are linear shitty games
Marco Ru I wasn't saying Doom doesn't hold up, I just don't think it's fair to compare it to a similar style game that came out over 10 years later. I love the original Doom and still sometimes play it, though with more modern mouse controls. As for modern FPS games that aren't purely linier but still follow a path: Half Life, Wolfenstein NE/ OB, BioShock, Metro, and Doom 4 are all pretty good. I do understand a thirst for more of that though, especially on handhelds. Metroid Prime games aren't exactly in the same category as Doom, but they still remind me of it.
Does this guy even know that Prime Hunters offered about 4 different control schemes, one which didn't even require the stylus?
Yknow, he mentioned it in the video :P
He mentioned it in the video, joking about how you wouldn't be able to hit anything.
If they brought the online component back, this game would repopulate overnight. Big time Kanden main here.
Yep, wanna play sometime?
Back in the day, me and my friend were taking a test, had finished early, and immediately whipped out our original DS’s and began playing Metroid prime hunters. The teacher eventually caught us and said “you know your not supposed to be playing games during a test” I said “yea we finished early so we’re just 1v1 each other in Metroid” he said “wait, wirelessly? I said “yea pretty neat cool right it “ he agreed and literally walked always and let us play for the rest of class lmao
Better than Federation Force, that's for damn sure.
Nah, it's still _slightly_ better then Other M.
Psy-Crow Mantis You'll have to enlighten me about these redeeming qualities because I can only thing of the dodge command being good.
It's remarkably better than Other M. Other M was just garbage in every regard except for graphical prowess, and that's basically worthless.
Spoken by someone who has likely never played Federation Force.
Toa Matoro to be fair, no one played that shit lol it only sold a few thousand.
Why is it that seemingly everybody who reviews this game forgets that *Metroid Prime: Hunters was **_NOT_** nor **_EVER WAS_** DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED WITH THE PEN STYLUS?!?* *_The game was designed to be played WITH THE THUMB STYLUS built into the DS's carry strap!_*
I hate to use all caps here, but I cannot emphasize this enough: *IF YOU ARE USING THE PEN STYLUS, **_YOU'RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG!!!_*
Wow I didn't even know such a peripheral existed. Knowing that, I could probably go back and play it a lot more easily than I ever did.
Oh, well then it looks like I played the game wrong (and very well).
The thumb stylus made this game SO VERY MUCH MORE PLAYABLE.
tbh I never knew this thing even existed
didnt know a thumb stylus was a thing
I think the constant copy and pasting of bosses and maps is the result of trying to fit a 5 hour-ish 3D Metroid Prime game into a tiny 512 MB NDS Cartridge.
It also have FMV cutscenes.
FFS. I'm not repeating my comment that I put in the video yesterday.
Cyber Robyn uh, me too
He done fucked our comments up.
Where's my letter refund?! >:0
blame youtube for throttling.
rip my comment
And this is where most Federation Force defenders fail to understand why people are so mad at the chibi feds when Hunters was also a subpar Metroid experience: the context behind each release!
When Hunters came out, Metroid was at its prime (pun semi intended), with Metroid Prime being the best selling game in the franchise and Echoes just around the corner/just released (don't remember exactly which). In contrast tot hat, Federation Force came 6 years after Other M nearly killed the franchise!
The idea that Federation Force is just a spin-off doesn't excuse its existence. If your franchise is going through a hard time, it's not a spin-off that's going to save it, it's a main entry in the series. Imagine if the last game in the Zelda franchise was one of the Philips CD-i titles; then after 6 years of no news about the franchise, they release Triforce heroes, but instead of playing as Link, you play as generic Hyrule soldiers.
Every game has a context behind it, a timing that can determine weather or not the game will succeed. Look at Duke Nuken Forever: the game so long to get released, when it came out, most people had grown out of its humor that it became a bad title, whereas had it been released two or three years after its development begun, it would have been quite a good title for those same players.
The visual style and lack of focus on Samus are the least of Federation Flop's problems; the real issue is the poor timing. Had it come out after, say, Metroid Prime 4, nobody would have felt it was a middle finger to the fanbase. But after 6 years of ignored complaints about Other M, and no new game in sight, it did feel like a giant middle finger! Context can make or break a game!
The third paragraph is a fantastic analogy. Hahahaha
and then Samus Returns came out and Prime 4 announced and saved the series.
This should've been on 3DS simple as that
Sadly, Nintendo decided to make the awful Metroid Prime Federation Force instead of a remake of Hunters.
Still waiting for your video about NieR: Automata
Like, come on
Where the heck is our free entertainment? HEH?
Angel di Soufre The fact that he hasn't done a video on N:A blows my fucking mind.
Angel di Soufre He hyped it up so much. Now im just waiting for his review of the dlc.
I never managed to find that one last stupid thing to scan, it was so frustrating....
But otherwise yeah, this video sums it up pretty nicely. The bosses were a joke and the story somewhat weak, but I did have quite a lot of fun in the multiplayer with friends, and looking at some of the scenes I really feel like exploring some of the areas again.
Finally the big showdown against Sylux is happening!
Believe it or not the game is stupidly well balanced. The primary fire is the most viable weapon to use in any situation so it makes the choice to use alt weapons actually meaningful. Short of a few bugs (Shadow freeze, boost stacking, OOB clipping) the only thing that is unbalanced is Samus' homing missiles. You can be anywhere on the map and that shit will hit you if it's even remotely flying your way and you can't avoid it and unlike alt ammo, missiles are REALLY common.
Think you can get a sneak attack on her with the invisibility perk? Guess again, because she can just spam missiles in random directions to find your location way faster than any other hunter can. None of the other characters fare any better since their affinity boost is much less effective being either out-ranged or out DPS'd. You can always try using your alt-form but she also has the best alt form thanks to boost stacking so you'll lose there too.
Play Kanden and his alt weapon (Volt Driver) homes as well and disrupts your opponents screens when fully charged.
I actually quite liked the controls aiming with the stylus was very precise
Stylux lol...
It really was. Nintendo wasn't really going to advertise "anti-hand cramp" grips, but those would solve the long playing problem for sure. Amazing game to say the least.
Just wanted to say having been playing this... They do explain why Samus has to leave every time she gets an octolith. It says some security measure has been activated and that's probably why the guardians and all these things come out and she has to leave for it to reset. That last part is speculation on my part and sure it could have been better explained but they did give a reason.
who is here after the prime 4 trailer?
Big sad to see the personal story of GamingBrit’s hands being injured and in casts back in 2006 was removed at around the 1:15 mark
Go figure, you do all the work, but the other 6 bounty hunters somehow still APPEAR in Gorea's lair.
Well, Gorea's lair did appear in the middle of the Alimbic Cluster, pretty noticeable for the hunters while Samus was in the octolith temple of Alinos.
Man, another awesome video in the bag, Gaming Brit. It's aged graphics sure are what you notice first, and while really not living up to the potential it has, it sure looks like a great diversion (and yes, fantastic multiplayer) of a Metroid game.
I still have my old copy of First Hunt, which is pretty fun.
72speedway you still have it?
72speedway lmao same, still play it too
I always thought the results music in first hunt sounded fucking terrifiying
You had to leave the place after the boss because it was going to blow up... there was literally a whole cut scene showing this
I used the Dual Hand nide because I thought the stylus controls would be too hard. Hey, anybody remember that one missile door that you can miss forever if you don't scan it? This game deserves a remake.
Just returning to this video to drop a cheeky little comment about Sylux and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt know that (0_0)
He mentioned it in the video, joking about how you wouldn't be able to hit anything.
Man I remember playing the multiplayer In this game alot during my childhood good times.
I hope there's a lot of Kriken presence in Prime 4 as well :s I think it would be insaaaaaaaaane to be able to go to their empire's capital planet. Idk.
I spent countless hours in multiplayer. It was simply the most fun multiplayer game i have ever played.
P.S. If you still want to play online after the WiFi shutdown, checkout the videos on my channel.
RxZ95sssPG I agree.
Which video?
"(Tutorial) Connect to wi-fi after server shutdown" We are some players active still in 2017
looooool bro was geht, ich kann mich noch an dich erinnern ich bin NWE~Sweet, erinnerste dich noch an LP usw :D?
Hi sweet :D
Ich mein wir hatten damals auch Kontakt. LP_Lux hier.
Finally 🙂
This had the best controls if you weren't shit. Online was extremely competitive around the end of its life-span.
I remember getting this game when I was in 6th grade and being so blown away. I don't think it aged very well unlike nearly every other Metroid game, but at the time it was incredible.
10:41 Fidget spinners were inspired by this thing. Lol.
Fidget spinners were a thing before already tho. Thanks in advance for the r/woosh
The 'fear factor' of this game is a very interesting point to bring up. The hunters were scary as a kid. Their intro cutscenes make them all out to be menacing and when they showed up I would get legitimately tense. Of course I was a little dumb ass kid, but I played it through again in high school to celebrate Samus Returns launching and it was a somewhat ominous game. It's not scary, but the game definitely has a moody atmosphere. Didn't really think of it like that until you pointed it out in your review, though.
So did nobody use the lanyard that came packaged with the original DS that has a thumb-stylus on it?
I keep hearing about the stick stylus complaint, but nobody was ever smart enough to use the lanyard thumb stylus. The game was miles easier to play with that. Same goes for Kid Icarus Uprising.
I used that thing all the time for Mario 64 DS and Prime Hunters back in the day. It would still hurt my thumb after long enough game sessions x.x
not everybody has a chonky old ass OG DS
this review really underappreciates the game, the multiplayer is where it shines. You're better off playing against bots than playing the singleplayer bc the multiplayer is just that much better
Kim Eversole #NoMoreSadSamus
"Where did you go, Samus Aran?" Oh boy, I have some good news for you.
Was I the only who wanted the other hunters to be in Smash Bros?
Boshwa no
The bounty hunter designs were so good, diverse and memorable. Also this game was creepy af. It was actually traumatic, paranoia set in whenever you sensed a bounty hunter would appear. I definitely agree that they could have fine tuned that concept
Metroid prime hunters was the best Metroid game ever!
I love being able to play as all the other hunters!
I honestly hope they bring back the bounty hunters for something at some point in the future, they were cool as hell
You all know why you came back
I hope he just reuploads this video every day until the end of the year for a laugh lol
where did you find the uncompressed videos?
Yea I'd like to know that, too.
He legit said it in the vid
the video had to be reuploaded because i touch myself at night
Thanks for reminding me about one of the few nostalgic feelings I had towards highschool
By far the game with the best graphics on DS, Federation Force doesn't look better.
The Hell you expected? The game is 11 years old and it was a ds game.
And yet the two Metroid games on a weaker handheld system, Fusion and Zero Mission, are still fun to play today!
Tenshi Cat I realize this is an old comment but I had to respond.
This is because Fusion and Zero Mission replicate the SNES style of Metroid games. Which is easy to do with the hardware provided.
With Hunters being a Prime title, people expected Prime 1 on DS which simply isn’t possible given it’s hardware limitations. Hunters is repetitive and lacking compared to its mainline titles, but it’s was never supposed to be one. It’s a spin off and, quite frankly, one of the most graphically and mechanically impressive DS games to come out so early in its lifespan.
Then why didn't they make a game that wouldn't have been held back by technical limitations?
The fact that you played this with broken wrists earned you a new sub good sir! Hello from Indiana in the US. :)
Why was this reuploaded?
Gavin80001 Take a guess.
Last-minute editing, or f*ckin' RUclips?
Go figure.
Crazy how this managed to run on a DS
What's up with the fuckin like Jontron voice at the beginning? Please don't end up making videos just like everyone else.
Densus Ech
You mean you're not sick of the "slurred lmao XD so funney" talk that every game reviewer does now? Golly. Also I believe the slurred speech was started by the Mr. Plinkette reviews way before Jontron did it.
Yeah, I'm just being vague about it. It's an overused thing. That mixed with Jpegs flying over the screen while you you speak. It's stale. Just dont want TGBS to overdo it 'cause I really like his stuff.
Understandable. I feel the same.
Its only for like 30 seconds in a fucking 18 minute video...
Anybody who played MPH on Wi-Fi but stopped because the servers were shut down, there is still a forum of players that are still online with a different server. We are looking for even more players so anyone who wants to join us to play mph in 2017 is welcome :)
Oh really i want to join :o
i loved metroid prime hunters. i would love a remake of it, though with updated boss fights (including adding more mini-bosses)
"wHeRE DID.. U GO... SHAMUSH.... SHAMUSH ARIAN????!" oh my gOD
It kinda pisses me off that you'll probably have to know the story of this thing to get Prime 4, since s lot of people are theorizing that Sylux might be a thing there
Alinds Gateway, Spire, run at the bottom left of the rock to the right of the Imperialist ledge and enter the morph ball.
You will then clip into the rock. You can both see, shoot and walk out of said rock, but the same cannot be said for other players and into said rock.
Btw metroid other m has an user score of 6,7 while prime hunters has 7.3
This is why the internet was a mistake
I swear the guardian in this lava room shocked me back then
Man I feel that part about the logbook scan percentages, the closest I ever got was like 98% to this very day I don't even know where the last couple of scans may even be.
I like how they actually had some lock on controls in mind originally, but scrapped them for the multiplayer....
Super underrated game. One of my favorites.
I like it when games import the multi-player maps into the campaign, it's pretty cool seeing how areas interlink.
Stumbled upon this review... just wanted to say what a great job you did putting this together. Loved the multiplayer of this game as a kid.
You can jump with the action buttons on the other side of the DS. I used those, by pressing with the side of my pinky.
13:32 The snow ice golem boss is very similar to the ice golem boss from Ninja Gaiden for Xbox.
No legs, moth that opens up massively, room almost covered in ice but with lots of rock walls still exposed.
And odd Team Ninja / Samus early crossover.
One thing I'd really hope to do in a future Prime installment is to be able to play as the other bounty hunters from Hunters in a single player campaign. It'd be really cool to be able to play a story through a completely alien perspective.
They're too cool to be used only once as playable characters in a multiplayer mode from a DS game.
I had so much fun with this game’s online multiplayer back in the day. I remember vividly sniping people as Trace while cloaked high up or playing as the snake guy in his morph form and just spamming his homing tails to screw people up. I was a pretty darn good rank at one point lol
So... is that beginning bit a Plinkett impression, or a "Super Bunnyhop does a Plinkett impression" impression...?
Man, I loved this game when I first played it. I remember actually training myself in order to acclimate myself to the crazy control scheme.
This game will always hold a special place in my heart.
But, on a different, yet similar, matter, how amazing would it be to have a Mass Effect style Metroid Prime game where you can actually catch bounties, explore dozens of planets, and find ancient alien artifacts, all while being able to play as different bounty hunters. Just imagine if the game also allowed you to play with other players online. You could team up with friends or strangers or catch others who have racked up bounties on their head. can only dream.
This video just showed me the last thing that I haven't scaned and that I was searching for so long: Sylux's spaceship.
Great, now I have to restart the entire game just to not miss it this time.
50 people got Shadow Freeze'd, followed by an imperialist gunfire.
Ah yes, another Metroid video from gaming brit. Excellent! I love these.
At least that Sylux thing is gonna play out now, Metroid Prime 4 babyyyyyy
Metroid Prime 4 confirmed.
Looks like your dreams came true, Charlie.
I really wish I had gotten to try out the multiplayer, but at the time of this game’s release, I was a antisocial and lonely teenager.
As a lefty who quickly discovered that trying to use the face buttons to move was like trying tighten bolts using a G-clamp with my armpits I actually did aim with the face buttons, yeah my accuracy when fighting bots was like 17%
Also meant Spire wasted me once in single player and damn I hunted that prick down
Ah Memories. Played this game to death in school when it came out, had some classmates to play it in local multiplayer. It was great fun and the different hunters were a good idea for multiplayer. I actually broke the shoulder buttons of two different DS.
This game's soundtrack still kicks arse and is in general my favorite soundtrack of the series. The haunting melodies of Arcterra, the creepy as shit second visit to Celestial Archives, the moody yet catchy first visit to Celestial Archives and Vesper to the badass multiplayer themes. Barely any of it was flat remixes yet all of them remain so memorable to me.
I’ve wanted a console multiplayer metroid with your choice of hunters ever since this game, so YES!
8:04 I believe this does happen albeit only twice - there's a point in the second level's second half where one of the hunters is scripted to show up in the next room (I think it's Spire) and you can scan something in the weird loading hallway that clues you in to this. There's also another one in the ice level but I forget where cos its been 4+ years since I played the game
This was my first Metroid game and what made me a fan. It's nostalgic to see it again
I enjoyed Metroid Prime Hunters, mostly because it was mostly a way for me to continue playing my favorite series on the go when I was a kid.
remember having my friends complete the story mode to unlock the characters for multiplayer cause my asss was too sacred to play the game lmfao