It's the best Wc3 player of all time. I still remember his crazy stats on the ladder. It was like 1300 won 200 games lost. I think he will be good in no time. Noway I played this good after 3 games.
I know he is a pro in other games but that Caitlyn combo at 19:08 for a first timer was exceptionally clean. You earned my sub bro. Hope to see you doing a challenger (Highest league rank) run someday. You definitely have what it takes.
I have watched you on and off for a long time, and I have really been enjoying watching you lately. It's crazy to think you never even tried LoL till now.
Really enjoy the unique perspectives from a pro with prior moba experience. This is fast becoming one of my favorite series. Hope we get more of it in the future
Subscribed just to watch your league journey, I love watching your discovery of all the things us old players take for granted. The Mordekaiser in your first game was a BOT, was filled in to cover the small amount of players available at your beginner level. As you get to bronze/silver level they will go faster for matchups but then slow waaaaay down above gold. Also, if you have Xbox Gamepass ALL of the champs are available to play, or if you have Prime then you can claim a monthly capsule to gain extra stuff in the game.
Wow you're actually playing League thats so great! I remember watching your WC3 tutorial videos before when I stopped playing League that time and now I am here watching you play League lol and I'm totally down for more League content! I'm loving these
Seeing Grubby play league is a dream come true, honestly! I remember being a little kid and watching him play wc3 on the TV as the orc prince (youre def a KING now brother), starcraft 2 was INSANE and then you started doing guides and go ranked on my favorite MOBA, hots! All these years i played league in the background and you made this former wc3 baby a very happy adult man, welcome to league!
There's a heaven and a hell and there's Jesus Christ and there's Satan and there's the Bible and there's the forbidden fruit that the serpent deceptively made us consume.
Watching you try out league was so much fun that I had to go to Twitch and watch the vod of this before it came out. Don't mind a rewatch though. Hope you keep a trickle of these coming!
Arcane was simply amazing. I was glad to see it because it really resembled one of my favorite games, Dishonored 1 and 2 in almost every way. I've been avoiding for a while, but it seems this is it. You made me want to try out League of Legends, Grubby. I have to give it a try now. :)
As adc or any core in league, you want to build damage early instead of AS because of no turn rate and very small hit swing. So if you go for attack speed, you have to all in all the time for it to be even with output damage. And in league, expensive item actually give more stat per gold unlike dota. Like bf sword is 1300g for 40 damage equal to 4 short sword which is 350 each so 1400 and 4 slot for same stuff. So you want to buy toward your 1st big item with item that help you get to that point without feeding too much. GLHF.
Honestly as a new player buying the recomended items will give you a passible build every game, and you will get a feel for how different builds change your gameplay.
I barely play much League anymore, but as an aging wc3 player, It's a blast to watch you learn LoL grubby! Hope you keep going with this series! I'm a little bit sheepish that after a few games you are about as good as I was after a few years of playing
I love how people in chat seriously think there are new players in league of legends 😂 For every really new player there are probably 10 raging smurfs who are levelling a new account because the last one was banned for racist slurs for the fourth time this year
More likely for each completely clueless new player, there's 50 newbies who watched seasoned players, figured the basics before playing and picked up on useful tips.
But the vid he played show that it's true. He get match with noobs in his first game. The problem is that he himself is not a complete noob. Hence why the system decided that he was a smurf and place him with other smurf
@@dieptrieu6564 this, there's 100% enough new players to fill matches constantly at least on EUW/NA/KR. Watched my housemate play recently and everyone was clearly fully new to the game, even though he's played 25 or so games.
I’m loving these league streams. A small tip, you should go a Doran’s item as your starting item each game unless you’re jungle or support. They’re special starter items that give you a bit of everything you need but don’t build into anything. There’s the sword, the ring, and the shield and they align with what you’d expect, physical damage, magic damage, and tank.
@@deuswult3082 Simply wrong, this isn’t ARAM, you need to survive lane, especially early. You go Cull or Mana crystal and any good player will exploit your weak start to put you so far behind that it’ll be much more than a 2 min delay on your item. Also, Grubby is just starting out, giving him some niche strats that only good players can pull off is very misguided, well over 90% of players need and want a Doran’s item to start.
@@dibel3669 He's right though. But you need to be good enough to either play even in difficult lanes, or know its an easy or neutral matchup. Even with the new buff to Dorans items, the ramping you get from Cull start is insane (if you farm well and if you don't die). Obviously if you start Cull into a bad matchup and you aren't good enough to go even in that lane, you are griefing.
Watched the vod on twitch alraady. Followed you for wc3 originally Enjoyed the dota content as a league player, so to see you trying league has been so pog.
From Arcane you can also play Vi, Ekko, Singed, Jayce, Viktor and Heimerdinger There are a bit more of them actually, but it is more like spoilers from s2 or tiny easter eggs
A bit unfortunate that most of players in both League and Dota are actually 10 times smurfs, so even the matchmaking can't put you against even skilled opponents. If you already know the game then it is difficult to get friends to play as well for that very reason.
already better at understanding the game than 80% of the player base. thinking about vision, autos, .. "I need to push this quickly because I'm in a dangerous spot" "If I kill the ranged creep first to push as fast as I can" melts my heart 😊
Kind of ridiculous to *still* see people malding in chat because they haven't overcome the kiddie-console-war mentality of "my game is better than your game".
look forward to more of these. never watched grubby before but this is very interesting to watch as a lol player. some moments he is practicing some advanced 'moba theory' and then in contrast the mechanics need some work :-D
Love watching you play WC3. One of my favorite rts. Then Dota, the game I actually spent most of my time on, and now league, a game I played until dota 2 came out. League is a lot of fun even though I don't play it anymore, the jungle role is really cool. Hope to see you try it.
The second game shows one of the reasons why I permanently switched to dota from lol years ago. That Diana could basically 100-0 anything in a fraction of a second. Sure, this person is a smurf, but in dota, it feels like there's always a way to play around someone who's fed like that. Very few heroes in dota can just jump in 1v4 like he did at 53:45 and obliterate the entire team with 100% hp left. The problem is, every ability scales, and they scale really freaking hard. There is no real concept of power curve in this game. Everything is linear, so the person with most CS and/or champion kills wins, plain and simple. Strategy is dumbed down because everyone and their mother has replenishable wards, so the winning team controls vision of the entire map, making comebacks almost impossible. I mean, I haven't watched pro LoL in a while, but this concept was really apparent back then. Tournament games would finish with a score of like 2-1, because taking risks in this game is never worth it because the snowball effect is ridiculous.
I think this was a very interesting read! I agree to a certain extent, but would like to offer an opposing point of view. Or rather I agree with the observation, but not entirely with the conclusion: let's elaborate: I think the major difference between LoL and Dota is that in Dota, small details give you small advantages and you win games through constantly getting those small advantages wherever you can until you eventually, gradually beat back your opponent. On the opposing side, in LoL, small details give you large advantages instead (a slight misposition can win or lose you a fight, or killing a single minion can entirely dictate how a wave pushes through a lane). This leads to very snowbally situations of course, but can also lead to very swingy moments. Because even if an opponent is quite a bit ahead, you can still beat them if they make a mistake (until a certain point where you've made so many mistakes that the opponent is so drastically ahead (such as the Diana example) that it requires some very serious mistakes on their part to get a comeback (but it's still possible)). So it's a trade-off between a much more stable (and probably fair) game state in Dota, with the drawback that the better players will almost always win after a long slog with little to no chance of a flashy outplay having much effect - or a much more dynamic (some would say epic), unpredictable game state in LoL, with the drawback that after very large and numerous mistakes, the game state becomes very skewed and no longer fun to play for one side. I don't think one system is necessarily better than the other, it just depends on what you personally prefer. I definitely like the LoL side more, because it feels like you - as an individual player - can have a larger effect on the game, but I can definitely appreciate the beauty of Dota as well. I just always found it very hard to get into Dota because of the lack of good educational content creators or tutorials imo. On another random side note: LoL actually has a lot of strategy, with just as much depth as Dota in my opinion, it just takes a very different form (partially due to said previously mentioned effect of small details having larger results). So - for example - even if the enemy team would have vision of the entire map, you can still easily and subtly setup minion waves so that they crash a minute later, just when both parties are going to contest an objective, forcing a lose-lose situation on the opponent. And to elaborate on the vision point; there's just as much vision denial in the game as vision, so it's very much possible to blindside a winning team.
a lot of that situation is due to the low skill level of the game though. Diana is level 13 when she crashes into them, four levels ahead of Grubby, FIVE levels ahead of a Malphite who has done nothing all game (some five minutes earlier when Grubby pressed tab, he had a sheen, armor boots and a dorans shield lol). She has an absurdly high lead on them. That would absolutely feel as overwhelming in a similar Dota constellation.
Good refresher to watch Grubby play and hear his thoughts as a beginner, pretty sure he will start climbing up nicely with more games in hand. Moar games please Grubby! I will be watching every single one, also maybe you can get pro players to help you like you did in Dota2
Nice games, kinda tough in the start. The skill combos can work well also once you get the hang of it, just like in dota with blink in + fast skills in order. I suggest you watch also the current Worlds 2023 games, the casters have great input, also might love a character and lane from spectating. Only 1 korean team is left active and remaining ones are strong chinese teams.
yasy second episode :> both games are unique and fun in their own ways. comparing them constantly does no good cuz while they are similar in genre, they're really really different! after so many years I realized how dumb it was to compare and say "this" is better than the other one. and no surprise people still do the tribalism thing, really fun to observe as someone who respects both games equally. :D
It's really interesting watching someone go through the same growing pains as I did two years ago when I started, lol. Champions do all sorts of things and you don't understand what is happening, no vision control or map awareness or knowing where to stand in a lane etc.. Puts into perspective how many things I've internalized as obvious concepts are not really that obvious.
Dunno if anyone will tell you in thia video but if not: melee creeps die in 2 turret shots and 1 auto. Ranged creeps die in 1 turrer shot and 2 autos. Champion doesnt matter this is always true for every champ assuming you only have starter items. Thats an easy rule for farming under your turret. Also turrets prioritize the first thing that gets into range > champions if they dmg you under turret > cannon minions > melee minions > range minions. Hope that helps, loving the vids!
I really hope that one of his mods will tell him about test mode where he can test how champs work, put target dummies, buy items/get infinite gold, etc.... He was doing testing it DOTA but in LoL he just goes into game raw and have no clue how champs works.
??? testing and understanding the mechanics is as relevant here as anywhere else? His last game as Jinx he didn't understand her Q or R most of the game. Now I don't blame at all, ofc no one is gonna learn the mechanics on the fly first time. But like Jinxs kit is basic, but more complexity than Sniper or Viper
@@DancyspartanI mean Dota players always will downplay League because "it is watered down dota". But they forget that League has different mechanics that you will not find in Dota aswell. Really comparing both games is stupid. Both work fundamentally different and have different skill expressions.
@@randomdude2026 yea DOTA player are so egoistical its crazy, League players has nothing but good thing to say to DOTA but DOTA players just so high on their head its crazy. Proving which one actually more toxic than the other. Literally 2 different games with different mechanics
not sure if anyone mentioned, but if you have xbox game pass, it gives you full access. Might depend on where you are and if game pass is available there though
It's unlucky that you had to face such hard opponents these games. A couple of your opponents definitely had years of experience. Still great to watch you though, I hope you continue with the league content!
these really were not hard opponents lol this was just like the first game when he got loads of kills on jinx. The difference is Jinx is a scaling hyper carry and Caitlyn is a lane bully and he didnt pressure in lane and he doesnt really understand range in this game yet so anything with a stun like brand or taunt like rammus is just GG for him. Also caitlyn has way more mechanics and animation cancels you need to auto trap W into -e-q so you net and fire your q ability into a headshot into trap headshot into galeforce and if somehow they still didnt die from that insane combo you ultimate or auto.
The brand in the first game and Diana in the second game were definitely experienced players. Not sure why you are bringing up mechanics when I was talking about the skill level of the players.@@xazarl3381
Its actually crazy how well his skills transition. Like his overall understanding of gametheory and ideas like freezing (even tho he doesnt know the name and specifics yet) is insane.
caitlyn has a really nice long combo you can do. easy: E, Q crit-auto. but you can E+W(trap on them)+Q which gives you 2 crit autos after that in a row (from E and W). shes poke & good follow up. shes actually really hard to play perfectly.. theres a lot you can do with traps.. you are supposed to go for full damage and armor-pen(sometimes called lethality), so you 1shot with your combo. if you go for that build though, you will do nothing against tanks, unless you are 10/0
idk if the lore is still the same or it's still like this but the 2 top laners of this match (Nasus and Renekton) have history together in their lore and they have special voice dialogue between them. Same with the champs Rengar and Kha'Zix.
58:40 you have the client audio bug :( ive had this for like a year now, always getting this bug with this weird sound, only relogging fixes it, this is the first time ive seen it in a video that someone else has this too
From most important to least: 1) destroy Nexus (witch means No 2) 2) destroy towers/inhibitors 3) Assisting your team in securing major objectives like Herald, Drake, and Baron is vital. These objectives provide significant advantages that can lead to game-winning scenarios. 4) Accumulating wealth is key - through farming, eliminating enemies, completing objectives, and destroying towers. Remember, securing enemy jungle camps denies resources to your opponent while boosting your own strength. 5) While eliminating enemies grants you gold and temporary manpower advantage, the true value lies in using this time effectively. Each enemy death creates an opportunity to gain a strategic edge, be it through taking objectives or fortifying your position on the map. Keep in mind, outright killing your opponents isn't the primary path to victory. It's thrilling, sure, but the real game-changers are the strategic decisions you make regarding objectives and resource management. Items are critical for gaining an edge in fights and creating a snowball effect. However, the acquisition of these items hinges on efficient gold management. Therefore, prioritize objectives and resource control to equip your team for victory.
Best way to learn league is with a friend. Can give a full tour of the map, explain how camps and epic creatures work etc Even if they aren't playing with you just spectating but talking you through it.
Some hero recommendations if you want tanky engage champs - Zac (jungle, sometimes support), Rammus (jungle, sometimes top), Amumu (jungle, sometimes support), Malphite (top or mid), Ornn (top, sometimes mid). Most tanky damage dealers are going to either be top laners or junglers in general; there are tank supports but they're usually more focused on peeling so you don't have much agency in the game if your ADC is bad. The big exception is probably Rell who's a very aggressive tank support, though she doesn't do much damage so you still rely on your team getting something done in fights. If you want the most Sand King-like champ I'd recommend Zac, but learning to jungle in League is a whole process and it's generally the hardest role to the point where any player you watch jungle under diamond is probably doing literally everything wrong.
this is the 2nd most addicting game ive ever played. It can be the most fun and it can also be the most miserable. I think you will be really good at this game since ur good at warcraft.
The main goal of jungle is to help snowball lanes. Jungler gets their main xp/gold from the monsters in the jungle while ganking/counter ganking any lane that will benefit the team.
Dota 2 client is one of the best clients not just for mobas, but for any game period. League's in current state is not bad, it is just Dota 2's is several tiers above everything.
@@Nuvizzle Are you sure? Even if we take mobas, it is better than Smite which is more or less what League had at launch. Then again, most Hi-Rez games had poorly made clients. Plenty of games that had shitty clients are already shutdown, mostly mmos. If we go 'AAA', A few Battlefield games did not even have a client, you had to use web browser for browsing servers, unlocks, stats and so on. Imagine launching a game, only to then stumble upon 'server full' message, the game closes and it has to relaunch when you select a different server. That by far was the most annoying and poorly made 'client' experience. My main issue with League client is that it keeps getting new stuff added to it and it is losing clarity which it definitely had at some point.
I've played Cait for years, and I've just learnt headshot is not only about doubling dmg, but also about doubling range :) Oh no, ok... it's not on headshots, only on nettled and trapped... this I knew ;)
Nice video Grubby, hope you have fun discovering the game. A quality of life tip for the videos tho: every now and then theres some weird cheering/crowd noise, with headphones kinda sounds like someone is calling you from some other room. If is not too much to ask, could you turn down this sound setting?
yes, there are some active ones but Rito keeps deleting and nerfing them :0 but nei, not bare stats, actually.. itemization is rather versatile, there are different effects like anti-heal, slow, blocking cc, aoe damage, additional shields,some things that help scaling.. lots&lots of stuff :)
For reference's sake, the first wave used to be able to be blocked but when it started being BIG abused in pro play into some unfun early strategies, they just removed the ability to block first wave
This gameplay + commentary is both very cute, funny and wholesome, as well as hard to watch sometimes. You play really well and learn fast!
The trap into out of range Q combo is painful.
It's the best Wc3 player of all time. I still remember his crazy stats on the ladder. It was like 1300 won 200 games lost. I think he will be good in no time. Noway I played this good after 3 games.
Grubby is such a nice guy. Feels weird to see someone play league and laughing at a 17/0 diana one shoting him
I know he is a pro in other games but that Caitlyn combo at 19:08 for a first timer was exceptionally clean. You earned my sub bro. Hope to see you doing a challenger (Highest league rank) run someday. You definitely have what it takes.
placing a trap where enemy was gonna flash around 10:10 was pretty impressive
I have watched you on and off for a long time, and I have really been enjoying watching you lately. It's crazy to think you never even tried LoL till now.
Really enjoy the unique perspectives from a pro with prior moba experience.
This is fast becoming one of my favorite series.
Hope we get more of it in the future
Subscribed just to watch your league journey, I love watching your discovery of all the things us old players take for granted. The Mordekaiser in your first game was a BOT, was filled in to cover the small amount of players available at your beginner level. As you get to bronze/silver level they will go faster for matchups but then slow waaaaay down above gold. Also, if you have Xbox Gamepass ALL of the champs are available to play, or if you have Prime then you can claim a monthly capsule to gain extra stuff in the game.
Wow you're actually playing League thats so great! I remember watching your WC3 tutorial videos before when I stopped playing League that time and now I am here watching you play League lol and I'm totally down for more League content! I'm loving these
Seeing Grubby play league is a dream come true, honestly!
I remember being a little kid and watching him play wc3 on the TV as the orc prince (youre def a KING now brother), starcraft 2 was INSANE and then you started doing guides and go ranked on my favorite MOBA, hots!
All these years i played league in the background and you made this former wc3 baby a very happy adult man, welcome to league!
someone save this guy before it's too late
lol hahahaha 😂
Poor soul is lost forever …
There's a heaven and a hell and there's Jesus Christ and there's Satan and there's the Bible and there's the forbidden fruit that the serpent deceptively made us consume.
@@junkgum dude are you high?
Watching you try out league was so much fun that I had to go to Twitch and watch the vod of this before it came out. Don't mind a rewatch though. Hope you keep a trickle of these coming!
Arcane was simply amazing. I was glad to see it because it really resembled one of my favorite games, Dishonored 1 and 2 in almost every way. I've been avoiding for a while, but it seems this is it. You made me want to try out League of Legends, Grubby. I have to give it a try now. :)
As adc or any core in league, you want to build damage early instead of AS because of no turn rate and very small hit swing. So if you go for attack speed, you have to all in all the time for it to be even with output damage. And in league, expensive item actually give more stat per gold unlike dota. Like bf sword is 1300g for 40 damage equal to 4 short sword which is 350 each so 1400 and 4 slot for same stuff. So you want to buy toward your 1st big item with item that help you get to that point without feeding too much. GLHF.
Honestly as a new player buying the recomended items will give you a passible build every game, and you will get a feel for how different builds change your gameplay.
Yes!! loving the League content!!
Grubby about to hit the next level, LOL has the viewership he deserves.
I barely play much League anymore, but as an aging wc3 player, It's a blast to watch you learn LoL grubby! Hope you keep going with this series! I'm a little bit sheepish that after a few games you are about as good as I was after a few years of playing
Makin me want to try league again. Love watching you learn a new game because you have a great game mechanics background.
I’m excited for this a lot, hoping it becomes a series
Oh man I cant wait for Grubby to discover how hilarious playing garen or malphite can be
I love how people in chat seriously think there are new players in league of legends 😂 For every really new player there are probably 10 raging smurfs who are levelling a new account because the last one was banned for racist slurs for the fourth time this year
More likely for each completely clueless new player, there's 50 newbies who watched seasoned players, figured the basics before playing and picked up on useful tips.
But the vid he played show that it's true. He get match with noobs in his first game. The problem is that he himself is not a complete noob. Hence why the system decided that he was a smurf and place him with other smurf
@@dieptrieu6564 this, there's 100% enough new players to fill matches constantly at least on EUW/NA/KR. Watched my housemate play recently and everyone was clearly fully new to the game, even though he's played 25 or so games.
Love your content, used to play league. Excited to watch you play Garen!
I’m loving these league streams.
A small tip, you should go a Doran’s item as your starting item each game unless you’re jungle or support. They’re special starter items that give you a bit of everything you need but don’t build into anything. There’s the sword, the ring, and the shield and they align with what you’d expect, physical damage, magic damage, and tank.
dorans itmes are useless, it deleays your first item by 2 mins. On carried start cull or on mana go mana crystal
@@deuswult3082 Simply wrong, this isn’t ARAM, you need to survive lane, especially early. You go Cull or Mana crystal and any good player will exploit your weak start to put you so far behind that it’ll be much more than a 2 min delay on your item.
Also, Grubby is just starting out, giving him some niche strats that only good players can pull off is very misguided, well over 90% of players need and want a Doran’s item to start.
@@deuswult3082 Couldn't be more wrong. Especially since they just buffed all the dorans items
@@deuswult3082kindly never give advice again.
@@dibel3669 He's right though. But you need to be good enough to either play even in difficult lanes, or know its an easy or neutral matchup. Even with the new buff to Dorans items, the ramping you get from Cull start is insane (if you farm well and if you don't die). Obviously if you start Cull into a bad matchup and you aren't good enough to go even in that lane, you are griefing.
Watched the vod on twitch alraady. Followed you for wc3 originally Enjoyed the dota content as a league player, so to see you trying league has been so pog.
I can't believe that I use to watch you like over ten years ago in the finals of warcraft 3. It's crazy.
Been watching your content since before HOTS, and also started league for the first time last month! Supremely entertaining content my man
Considering how new you are to the game you are doing a great job
Looking forward to seeing you grow in this game and improve
I'll stay updated with your vids, subbed!
Love the LOL content Grubby. Ive been watching you since HGC days so glad to see you playing my favorite game now!
I started playing league again after years because of these streams. Grubby is a cool dude.
From Arcane you can also play
Vi, Ekko, Singed, Jayce, Viktor and Heimerdinger
There are a bit more of them actually, but it is more like spoilers from s2 or tiny easter eggs
Grubbyyyy, love playing you see league. Now I can watch you more often!
You are doing so well and figuring game out so fast I am impressed, hope you are having fun!
There are brief moments of excellence. Followed by a lot of blunders to keep it interesting, I like it.
i love this so much, i played a fair bit in beta before HoN wish I could get my account back and give it a go again.
It is really fun learning new mechanics whenever a new game is played, what refreshing feeling it is
It´s so much fun :)
A bit unfortunate that most of players in both League and Dota are actually 10 times smurfs, so even the matchmaking can't put you against even skilled opponents. If you already know the game then it is difficult to get friends to play as well for that very reason.
@@fartloudYT yeah. Tru
The good side of Grubby-playing-lol is you get to see someone nice playing this game. The bad side is you might wanna play it again...
already better at understanding the game than 80% of the player base.
thinking about vision, autos, ..
"I need to push this quickly because I'm in a dangerous spot"
"If I kill the ranged creep first to push as fast as I can"
melts my heart 😊
Love watching you play this game for the first time!
Kind of ridiculous to *still* see people malding in chat because they haven't overcome the kiddie-console-war mentality of "my game is better than your game".
look forward to more of these. never watched grubby before but this is very interesting to watch as a lol player.
some moments he is practicing some advanced 'moba theory' and then in contrast the mechanics need some work :-D
I love LoL, sadly haven't played it since I got mytwins but would say it is in the top five games I played (after wc3 ofc).
Keep up the league content, very entertaining
Love watching you play WC3. One of my favorite rts. Then Dota, the game I actually spent most of my time on, and now league, a game I played until dota 2 came out. League is a lot of fun even though I don't play it anymore, the jungle role is really cool. Hope to see you try it.
40:39 crazy that you already understand what a freeze can be, hope you get into league, its a good game, fast but good
its actually a good 1st time :O u understand fast and react with logic , welcome in the rift english friend ^^
I love how he knows so many other abilities from other mobas, feels good man
The second game shows one of the reasons why I permanently switched to dota from lol years ago. That Diana could basically 100-0 anything in a fraction of a second. Sure, this person is a smurf, but in dota, it feels like there's always a way to play around someone who's fed like that. Very few heroes in dota can just jump in 1v4 like he did at 53:45 and obliterate the entire team with 100% hp left.
The problem is, every ability scales, and they scale really freaking hard. There is no real concept of power curve in this game. Everything is linear, so the person with most CS and/or champion kills wins, plain and simple. Strategy is dumbed down because everyone and their mother has replenishable wards, so the winning team controls vision of the entire map, making comebacks almost impossible.
I mean, I haven't watched pro LoL in a while, but this concept was really apparent back then. Tournament games would finish with a score of like 2-1, because taking risks in this game is never worth it because the snowball effect is ridiculous.
I think this was a very interesting read!
I agree to a certain extent, but would like to offer an opposing point of view. Or rather I agree with the observation, but not entirely with the conclusion: let's elaborate:
I think the major difference between LoL and Dota is that in Dota, small details give you small advantages and you win games through constantly getting those small advantages wherever you can until you eventually, gradually beat back your opponent. On the opposing side, in LoL, small details give you large advantages instead (a slight misposition can win or lose you a fight, or killing a single minion can entirely dictate how a wave pushes through a lane). This leads to very snowbally situations of course, but can also lead to very swingy moments. Because even if an opponent is quite a bit ahead, you can still beat them if they make a mistake (until a certain point where you've made so many mistakes that the opponent is so drastically ahead (such as the Diana example) that it requires some very serious mistakes on their part to get a comeback (but it's still possible)).
So it's a trade-off between a much more stable (and probably fair) game state in Dota, with the drawback that the better players will almost always win after a long slog with little to no chance of a flashy outplay having much effect - or a much more dynamic (some would say epic), unpredictable game state in LoL, with the drawback that after very large and numerous mistakes, the game state becomes very skewed and no longer fun to play for one side.
I don't think one system is necessarily better than the other, it just depends on what you personally prefer. I definitely like the LoL side more, because it feels like you - as an individual player - can have a larger effect on the game, but I can definitely appreciate the beauty of Dota as well. I just always found it very hard to get into Dota because of the lack of good educational content creators or tutorials imo.
On another random side note: LoL actually has a lot of strategy, with just as much depth as Dota in my opinion, it just takes a very different form (partially due to said previously mentioned effect of small details having larger results). So - for example - even if the enemy team would have vision of the entire map, you can still easily and subtly setup minion waves so that they crash a minute later, just when both parties are going to contest an objective, forcing a lose-lose situation on the opponent. And to elaborate on the vision point; there's just as much vision denial in the game as vision, so it's very much possible to blindside a winning team.
a lot of that situation is due to the low skill level of the game though. Diana is level 13 when she crashes into them, four levels ahead of Grubby, FIVE levels ahead of a Malphite who has done nothing all game (some five minutes earlier when Grubby pressed tab, he had a sheen, armor boots and a dorans shield lol). She has an absurdly high lead on them. That would absolutely feel as overwhelming in a similar Dota constellation.
Subbing for the league of legends journey, this is really fun to watch
I don't play League anymore, but I really enjoyed most of my time with it, and I'm happy you seem to be enjoying it as well.
Good refresher to watch Grubby play and hear his thoughts as a beginner, pretty sure he will start climbing up nicely with more games in hand.
Moar games please Grubby! I will be watching every single one, also maybe you can get pro players to help you like you did in Dota2
Nice games, kinda tough in the start.
The skill combos can work well also once you get the hang of it, just like in dota with blink in + fast skills in order.
I suggest you watch also the current Worlds 2023 games, the casters have great input, also might love a character and lane from spectating.
Only 1 korean team is left active and remaining ones are strong chinese teams.
Lol pro games nowadays quite boring to watch. They end too fast without much kills and fights.
the minion aggro at 9:13 is apart of script that tells melee minions to attack caster minions. you see a friendly melee do the same at the same time
16:05 hahahaha love how Grubby reacted
yasy second episode :>
both games are unique and fun in their own ways.
comparing them constantly does no good cuz while they are similar in genre, they're really really different!
after so many years I realized how dumb it was to compare and say "this" is better than the other one.
and no surprise people still do the tribalism thing, really fun to observe as someone who respects both games equally. :D
It's really interesting watching someone go through the same growing pains as I did two years ago when I started, lol. Champions do all sorts of things and you don't understand what is happening, no vision control or map awareness or knowing where to stand in a lane etc.. Puts into perspective how many things I've internalized as obvious concepts are not really that obvious.
Dunno if anyone will tell you in thia video but if not: melee creeps die in 2 turret shots and 1 auto. Ranged creeps die in 1 turrer shot and 2 autos. Champion doesnt matter this is always true for every champ assuming you only have starter items. Thats an easy rule for farming under your turret. Also turrets prioritize the first thing that gets into range > champions if they dmg you under turret > cannon minions > melee minions > range minions. Hope that helps, loving the vids!
I really hope that one of his mods will tell him about test mode where he can test how champs work, put target dummies, buy items/get infinite gold, etc.... He was doing testing it DOTA but in LoL he just goes into game raw and have no clue how champs works.
i mean its not like you need much testing in lol. Also starting up practice tool is kinda tedious in lol.
??? testing and understanding the mechanics is as relevant here as anywhere else?
His last game as Jinx he didn't understand her Q or R most of the game. Now I don't blame at all, ofc no one is gonna learn the mechanics on the fly first time. But like Jinxs kit is basic, but more complexity than Sniper or Viper
@@DancyspartanI mean Dota players always will downplay League because "it is watered down dota". But they forget that League has different mechanics that you will not find in Dota aswell.
Really comparing both games is stupid. Both work fundamentally different and have different skill expressions.
@@randomdude2026 yea DOTA player are so egoistical its crazy, League players has nothing but good thing to say to DOTA but DOTA players just so high on their head its crazy. Proving which one actually more toxic than the other.
Literally 2 different games with different mechanics
not sure if anyone mentioned, but if you have xbox game pass, it gives you full access. Might depend on where you are and if game pass is available there though
Chat told me, I'll have that set up for next stream :) Thanks!
Hope to see more LOL videos here! You're doing just great!
It's unlucky that you had to face such hard opponents these games. A couple of your opponents definitely had years of experience. Still great to watch you though, I hope you continue with the league content!
these really were not hard opponents lol this was just like the first game when he got loads of kills on jinx. The difference is Jinx is a scaling hyper carry and Caitlyn is a lane bully and he didnt pressure in lane and he doesnt really understand range in this game yet so anything with a stun like brand or taunt like rammus is just GG for him.
Also caitlyn has way more mechanics and animation cancels you need to auto trap W into -e-q so you net and fire your q ability into a headshot into trap headshot into galeforce and if somehow they still didnt die from that insane combo you ultimate or auto.
The brand in the first game and Diana in the second game were definitely experienced players. Not sure why you are bringing up mechanics when I was talking about the skill level of the players.@@xazarl3381
I like the League of Legends content 👍
From dota to league, quite interesting following Grubby's journey into new games
Its actually crazy how well his skills transition. Like his overall understanding of gametheory and ideas like freezing (even tho he doesnt know the name and specifics yet) is insane.
That's the benefit of playing a RTS game for a very long time
Thats becouse he played dota 2 and hots before lol. And he is a warcraft 3 pro
@@EtherealHOTS yeah correct and his skills transition well compared to most people who played both before is what im saying
caitlyn has a really nice long combo you can do. easy: E, Q crit-auto. but you can E+W(trap on them)+Q which gives you 2 crit autos after that in a row (from E and W).
shes poke & good follow up. shes actually really hard to play perfectly.. theres a lot you can do with traps.. you are supposed to go for full damage and armor-pen(sometimes called lethality), so you 1shot with your combo. if you go for that build though, you will do nothing against tanks, unless you are 10/0
"new player experience" 2nd game all people know how to play the game. Support is preping minions for tower shots, Diana is avoiding traps ... ok riot
Grubby’s fault for hard carrying his first game where actual noobs were running it down into towers, he’s in Smurf queue now 😅😢
@@saxonknight0 aha makes sense it's the new players fault
Grubby is kinda a special case, no?
no , he is playing like a new person @@maxiumlin6705
First games are deciding where to put you smurf queue or new players, interesting where game will put grubby ;p
"how do you the question mark" 1 step closer to the genuine league experience
idk if the lore is still the same or it's still like this but the 2 top laners of this match (Nasus and Renekton) have history together in their lore and they have special voice dialogue between them. Same with the champs Rengar and Kha'Zix.
Seeing someone new playing 🥰. Having someone new in your team 💀, great video btw
58:40 you have the client audio bug :( ive had this for like a year now, always getting this bug with this weird sound, only relogging fixes it, this is the first time ive seen it in a video that someone else has this too
This was enjoyable to watch ty xD
Please consider turning on quickcast with indicator :D
2nd game already understands the question mark ping and its power. Amazing
It's so funny to see someone totally new and know more about wave management than ppl playing for years
I love War3 content, but I love you playing lol just as much. keep 'em coming.
From most important to least:
1) destroy Nexus (witch means No 2)
2) destroy towers/inhibitors
3) Assisting your team in securing major objectives like Herald, Drake, and Baron is vital. These objectives provide significant advantages that can lead to game-winning scenarios.
4) Accumulating wealth is key - through farming, eliminating enemies, completing objectives, and destroying towers. Remember, securing enemy jungle camps denies resources to your opponent while boosting your own strength.
5) While eliminating enemies grants you gold and temporary manpower advantage, the true value lies in using this time effectively. Each enemy death creates an opportunity to gain a strategic edge, be it through taking objectives or fortifying your position on the map.
Keep in mind, outright killing your opponents isn't the primary path to victory. It's thrilling, sure, but the real game-changers are the strategic decisions you make regarding objectives and resource management. Items are critical for gaining an edge in fights and creating a snowball effect. However, the acquisition of these items hinges on efficient gold management. Therefore, prioritize objectives and resource control to equip your team for victory.
grubbys teammates are so nice.
such a rare sight.
everytime i write glhf, i get told to find a rope....
Leona is a big tank support. With cc on Q, E and R. Other tanky chamions with cc are Poppy, Cho Gath and Amumu.
Best way to learn league is with a friend.
Can give a full tour of the map, explain how camps and epic creatures work etc
Even if they aren't playing with you just spectating but talking you through it.
Some hero recommendations if you want tanky engage champs - Zac (jungle, sometimes support), Rammus (jungle, sometimes top), Amumu (jungle, sometimes support), Malphite (top or mid), Ornn (top, sometimes mid). Most tanky damage dealers are going to either be top laners or junglers in general; there are tank supports but they're usually more focused on peeling so you don't have much agency in the game if your ADC is bad. The big exception is probably Rell who's a very aggressive tank support, though she doesn't do much damage so you still rely on your team getting something done in fights.
If you want the most Sand King-like champ I'd recommend Zac, but learning to jungle in League is a whole process and it's generally the hardest role to the point where any player you watch jungle under diamond is probably doing literally everything wrong.
this is the 2nd most addicting game ive ever played. It can be the most fun and it can also be the most miserable. I think you will be really good at this game since ur good at warcraft.
As a veteran league player, when I first saw him do his first 3 question marks I almost started crying as if my baby would've made his first steps
Love the league content! :)
The 23 minute cull proc. Impressive XD
The main goal of jungle is to help snowball lanes. Jungler gets their main xp/gold from the monsters in the jungle while ganking/counter ganking any lane that will benefit the team.
It's so weird to see Grubster in LoL at all, reminded me the time I was playing in it like 5 years ago
That woof at 45:45 is epic
Dota 2 client is one of the best clients not just for mobas, but for any game period. League's in current state is not bad, it is just Dota 2's is several tiers above everything.
Dota 2 is one of the best but League is uniquely bad among all games.
@@Nuvizzle Are you sure? Even if we take mobas, it is better than Smite which is more or less what League had at launch. Then again, most Hi-Rez games had poorly made clients. Plenty of games that had shitty clients are already shutdown, mostly mmos. If we go 'AAA', A few Battlefield games did not even have a client, you had to use web browser for browsing servers, unlocks, stats and so on. Imagine launching a game, only to then stumble upon 'server full' message, the game closes and it has to relaunch when you select a different server. That by far was the most annoying and poorly made 'client' experience.
My main issue with League client is that it keeps getting new stuff added to it and it is losing clarity which it definitely had at some point.
@@Nuvizzledota 2 players are so egotistical it’s crazy that’s why the game is dying community sucks
Oh god, every time I watch him walk up to irelia i feel something creeping up my spine.
Funny to see how much champion knowledge is worth.
enjoy watching this
This man fell in love with the '?' ping so fast haha
Hoping for an A-Z heheh
unrealistic since he'd have to spend a bunch of money :(
@@mystic839 They should upgrade his account to unlock everything, it's a win win
@@mystic839he can play a champ for the first time whenever it is on a free week, its fine
There was a fish hook ping for bait added just for a few months, guess why it has been removed.
It's been a decade since I played, but if you shift+right click you do attack move, nice when kiting... dont know why people say to a+lmb instead...
Grubby will be the ultimate moba streamer getting viewers from lol and dota 2
Never underestimate the power of the scout's code.
I've played Cait for years, and I've just learnt headshot is not only about doubling dmg, but also about doubling range :)
Oh no, ok... it's not on headshots, only on nettled and trapped... this I knew ;)
Nice video Grubby, hope you have fun discovering the game. A quality of life tip for the videos tho: every now and then theres some weird cheering/crowd noise, with headphones kinda sounds like someone is calling you from some other room. If is not too much to ask, could you turn down this sound setting?
youre always fun to watch even if i don't like the game, grubby. it always shocks me you have to actually go fountain to buy items in this game
item builds seem so weird and muddled too. They're all just stats for the most part i feel like. Are there active items in league ?
@@tabbycrumch3062 A lot.
yes, there are some active ones but Rito keeps deleting and nerfing them :0
but nei, not bare stats, actually.. itemization is rather versatile, there are different effects like anti-heal, slow, blocking cc, aoe damage, additional shields,some things that help scaling.. lots&lots of stuff :)
oh the no colision thing before tower is to prevent an exploit, i dont remember which champion it was but they had to patch it
For reference's sake, the first wave used to be able to be blocked but when it started being BIG abused in pro play into some unfun early strategies, they just removed the ability to block first wave
Great, another videos with lol, GL