ye played it too for way too long. put too much money into this game not only cause i was a bit too addicted but also cause i hoped to support this game to offer, add more and change things. like more new maps like HOTS. more interactive terrain like dota2 and more cool badass skins but it never added new maps or cool skins for the main map and changed more to a asian and disney orientated game aesthetic wise... thats why i stopped buying and also end up stop playing (which partly also was cause the ppl i met in league were too toxic and i got too toxic aswell. no mental fortress like grubby has. they finally start to listen more to the community and add more and try a bit more but its either too little or too late - at least in my opinion. i still think HOTS is mostly the way to go but only cause it lacked competitivness it doesnt get the support it deserves even it has the best ideas and aesthetics compared to the other mobas... (i am even at a point i stil want my couple hundred bucks back and i still try to find a way even i still kinda feel connected to league i mean, it was part of me about 8/9 years as you. its like a toxic ex kinda lol. xD
Yeah after playing for so long there is something wholesome about seeing the game through the eyes of someone who hasnt played before 😂 I've played for like 11 years and have hit diamond in the last like 5 seasons, but these games are almost exactly like the few times I tried HOTS and DOTA with almost no idea what I was doing 😂
enjoy the comparisons too. but some ppl in twitch chat are pretty damn annoying and childish... but i never understood ppl who are fanatic for one game, club, religion etc. tbh. it seems grubby is more similar to me and tries to stay objective and concerned but still positive (more positive than i would be/am xD)
@@klavicus2276 besides, I don't like that many people constantly give suggestions to grubby, like what items to build and how to do the combo. Like, let new player have fun figuring out things man. No everyone need to play a game perfectly day 1.
I understand and mostly agree! But I assume most do this not cause they want to show how much they “know” or to distract grubby but simply because of enthusiasm and to show they can kind of help I think at least @@feedking985
As a League of Legends player and a big fan of Your streams, it's really enjoyable to watch how you learn the game. Instead of constantly complaining, you just have fun learning LoL. Additionally, it's cool to see how some Dota fans can't get handle that You play league 😜
I'm biding my time to eventually hear him come out with a really spicy take, like, "LoL has greater player expression, and higher competition in lanes."
Glad to hear you're focusing on top lane. The role has some issues, but it has some of the most fun champions in League (between all the fighters and tanks), and it feels nice to grind people out 1v1 in the early game.
@@DoctorStrange01 Yeah, it's usually just you and the other guy fighting for the ground inch by inch and walking on the edge of each other's range. Toplane made me fall in love with fighting games, in a way.
Top lane IS a soloQ noob lane. Like there you can chill and understand champs and laning mechanics in relative tranquility. If you play with a friend you can try bot duo but it will be slightly harder, though noob adc and noob sup champs as Tristan and sona are very role focused and gives all hints required to understand how role is played. For playing mid you should know how lane works to roam and should know jungle basics to help jungler. Like, LoL seems to be the easiest moba but actually it's the hardest moba out there bcs all things you should know to play good are so subtle and not instantly obvious The only downside of toplane is it's the fastest leveling lane so if you feed your opponent - say goodbye to your win. Like I started playing lol with Ahri bcs I liked a champ and eventually became good in poking and killing my opponents on mid lane but still often failed games bcs I had little understanding of roaming. So I switched to jungle bcs I though that I have some understanding of the game already, so can try here. WW and Master are good champs, but I had nearly mental breakdown trying to carry games and climb out of bronze. Like, jungler is bond to play around teammates or understand well window of opportunity to feed on enemy jg. So switched on top and eventually with understanding of wave control climbed with Nasus. It's easy and requires good understanding of wave control Hard carrying is fun on it's own but I have kind of feeling that this is taken into account somehow and team balance with such champ puts you always with players going 0/5 before 10th min
Brother, top lane, in terms of wave control, is the hardest lane on league. Mess up a wave and u r f*ckd, nobody is comming to help u fix the wave, and the game isn't fun anymore and this is why top lane is so fun, is 8 or 80. I changed to top a few years ago after years playing support and i climbed fast af, for some reason bullying others is fun.
There is just something so oddly wholesome watching a new player learn and enjoy the game I've been playing for years. Def gonna keep watching more vids and hopefully catch some streams :)
big fan grubby. just as a heads up if youre going phase rush (the rune) you should go ironspike whip first because you can Q-E-whip and it procs the phase rush very easily and if youre going conqueror you should prioritize going berserker's greaves because it gives you the many spins. ignite almost always aswell because it makes it kill threat (which is already good kinda boosted by him excelling at short trades).
I played the original DotA on WC3 in 2003 until 2010 where I then found about League of Legends and have played ever since. My best advice I can give is pick what you find to be fun, for both role selection and champion choice. Keeping a narrow champion pool to pick from will make it far easier to improve, but don't let that stop you from trying everything! There's a lot to intake with how many champions there are and there's a good chance one of the cast will stand out most for you. As you get the basics down, there is a plethora of resources for quite literally anything in the game to learn from on youtube. Best of luck on Summoner's Rift!
You really should try out some mages or AP champions as they are called in league, they play totally differently and have unique items. Also in your collection you can view runes, try to learn them a few at a time, they are really important in this game. Some rune loadouts can enable very different playstyles.
A really love these league videos. I've not been watching you as much in recent years as I've used to but watching you try new games is fascinating! Much love
I played Garen all the way to Emerald in just couple weeks. The simplicity helps focus more on macro, which is what actually wins the games, and the ability to push efficiently gives you a chance to actively make a difference in the game. Great champ, hard early matchups though.
Top is a great role to learn the game in. After that, I suggest learning to Support, then Jungle. That will pretty much cover everything. Mid is a great lane to learn, but you can learn just about everything about mid from Support and Top (roaming, warding, prio, lane control, working with jg, etc.)
Garen's Q and most other abilities that give you a bonus on your next hit also reset your autoattack cooldown, so you can hit with a normal auto and then Q to immediately hit with another enhanced auto. Pretty important to learn, a bit less for garen but for some heroes that have a vey low cooldown autoattack reset it's very important to maximize damage. Also if you're gonna learn top lane, the #1 skill to master is wave management. People think dota has less depth without denying, but honestly without the ability to deny or creep block and not having a courier to bring you extra regen/items, it makes managing the wave state in lane and creating opportunities to recall while missing as little as possible is a pretty deep skill in its own right, especially top where you're pretty much going to be engaged in a prolonged 1v1 for most of the game.
@@Arsenov92 in fact, laning in high elo in league is much harder than laning in dota in a couple aspects. The main one is that you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T DO A SINGLE MISTAKE. A single mistake, a single trade in the wrong time, and you will be frozen for the next 15 minutes and theres absolutely nothing you can do. While in dota, you can always go for a pull or farm the jungle
@@PamellaCardoso-pp5tr that's actually false, there is way more options in dota to manage the waves, there is a skill to manage waves in league like freezing and proxy but in dota there is more depth and management for the waves like pulling and denying and freezing, the fact that you are forced to go jungle in some cases is a proof that laning in dota is more punishing in dota where you have to ditch your lane because lots of times depending on match ups you can't lane.
btw I've been playing both game and league is more chill, and right now I am enjoying league more than dota but there is times where I enjoy dota more depending on the mood
@@moebino2685 no. You're the one wrong here. Because in dota you have so many options to fix your shitty lane state, the laning is LESS punishable. You lost Lane equilíbrium? You Might Go for a pull, or try to slowly pull the wave using Aggro, or you Might Just give up and go Farm the jungle. The problem here is there you did a mistake. You fucked your Lane equilíbrium but you Still got many options to either recover equilíbrium or Go Farm somewhere else Just so you avoid being too behind in Gold and XP. While in league, If you do a mistake against a good player and get Frozen... Theres absolutely NOTHING you can do. You can only pray for your jungler otherwise you will be zoned out of both Gold AND XP, you Will be 2 levels behind which in terms of pure stats is worth 800 Gold by itself not taking into account the gold from the creeps. This is a clear situTion where having LESS options makes It into a way worse situation and so you get punished really hard by a single mistake.
Please more league videos. I thoroughly enjoyed them, I don't remember the last time I was smiling through a whole league gameplay video. Love the chill vibes ❤❤❤!
I played DOTA 2 and League of Legends for past time. I actually love seeing grubby trying to play League. Ive seen his adventure in DOTA 2 and now i am witnessing another adventure in league. I hope in the end grubby will give his opinion about DOTA 2 and LOL. In my opinion, both are unique in playstyle so i enjoyed both games.
Great content, thanks for sharing your journey! It obviously doesnt rly matter in games with new players like this, but you should be recalling more. Turrets take reduced damage before 5 mins or so. When you get an early kill, push the wave into the turret then instantly recall for an item advantage on your opponent, its way better than having minimal damage on turret. Attack speed boots are a huge spike because it synergizes with his e. Its components and the item itself are super cheap so its basically impossible to get nothing out of early recall. Another advantage is when you recall after pushing in the wave, the enemy's wave will slow push towards you, forcing the enemy to overextend for cs. This becomes very valuable when you start playing with a jungler on your team as theyll be vulnerable to ganks. Good luck!
You can E then Q as Garen if you want to use the Q ms as it also cleanses the E self slow on it allowing you to keep up with your target while using E just make sure to cancel e before your q runs out to also get the silence. Though if the champ has a dash or some kind of peel hitting your q then using e helps stick on a bit more as it silences them before they can use their peel. Once you get stride though you prob dont need to worry about it.
Ability haste is weird but pretty straightforward. It's the amount in percentage of extra abilities you can cast during the non reduced cooldown. So if you have 100 ability haste, you can cast the same ability twice during the non reduced cooldown (50% cooldown reduction). 200 ability haste, you can cast it three times (66% cooldown reduction), and so on. 50 ability haste you can cast it 3 times during double the usual cooldown (so 33% cooldown reduction).
yeah it's the same calculation as Armor and Magic resist. If you have 30 haste/armor/magic resist, then you divide the cooldown/damage by 1.3. If you have 90 haste/armor/MR then it would be divide by 1.9, 150 haste/armor/MR would be divide by 2.5, etc.
ill be more excited to see when grubby is playing against skill players. grubby is an impressive gamer (dota/wc3/hots) so seeing him stomp noobs isnt surprising. will be here waiting for the skill match ups
Es muy emocionante ver cómo interpretas el juego desde una base estratégica, me parece que puedes llegar muy lejos con tus conocimientos de macro. Gran serie!
as somone who play league since he was 13 i think ur first game and first week overall is very good you are better than 99% of ppl who start league i love it and its fun and chill ( im 23 now )
Only advice is to save Q just a second longer. Even a stream person called it out as I was typing lmao the Q allows you to get past them while using E, then cancel E at the last second to land Q and proceed to muscle them.
I have no idea who you are or what you play otherwise, i just got this video recommended to me but was rly nice seeing how you learned so fast despite being a beginner, will for sure watch ur future league videos
It's called ability haste because it used to be cooldown reduction. Meaning 20% cdr = 20% reduction. But you could max it out pretty quick and have insane cooldowns so they changed it to an infinitely stacking system
It was actually capped to prevent that, which was part of the problem. The way flat CDR worked was also weird, where the more you had, the more powerful it got.
Ability haste conversion to CDR confused me at first but it’s fairly intuitive when you realize 100 AH halves your CD. So 100 is 50% CDR, 200 is 75% CDR, etc, which is exactly the same math for armor/MR converting to damage reduction, so it’s cleaner to have everything on the same system.
There's technically no reason it couldn't still be called CDR. It's just not a flat % CDR. Guessing Riot just really wanted to hammer home their way of calculating it.
@@TunaIRL People would absolutely riot (ha) if they changed the stat completely and didn't change the name. Besides, the name implies that it's a 1:1 ratio, haste is much more appropriate for an unknown proportion
@@TheJerbol What in the name implies a 1:1 ratio? I'd say the percentage does but that's not in the name. You could have 20 CDR instead of 20% CDR and it'd be as ambiguous as 20 AH.
League used to have CDR, that you where able to max at 40%. eventualy the game and champs where designed around to get 40% CDR during the game. so early your CD's where relativly long but became much shorter while geting items. eventually this was changed into ability haste. it doesn't have the % approach anymore but is also no longer capped. many items also lost their inbuild CDR at that time, so you activly had to choose if you want ability haste or something else, like armorshred and not just both
@@Projolo yes it is, but it is no longer a liniar thing. first investment is great but has diminishing returns. back then, 100% CDR would have been exactly that (without the cap) but now 100 AH is not even close to that
@@Projolo Yes technically it is a percentage system still but it's just not a flat percentage system which is what they were saying. +1 AH at 0 AH = +0.99% CDR +1 AH at 100 AH = +0.25% CDR
No matter what everyone say, Its always easier to get good by using simple champs like garen Since Micro is more simple (Skills how you maneuver your champ, when to use skill etc.) And All you need to improve more is your Macro Skill ( when to rotate, who priority to kill , is it worth to do these and that etc. ) Goodluck. League can only be fun if you dont let things pressure you. If possible try to break the meta and explore more the game as you learn.
It's funny seeing someone who is a genuinely good gamer pick up league for the first time, you see the beginner mistakes but also see the natural talent which lifts Grubby above the actual noobs.
btw its called ability haste cause its a stat that gives cdr. but it scales flat, unlike cdr - where the more u have the better it is to get even more. in case ur confused if u have 80% cdr and u get 10% more u get 90% aka u half ur cds, and riot doesnt want stacking cdr to be strong while only having a little being costinefficient
You described wanting big tanky cc/damage champions, but darius/garen are pretty low on the cc/tankiness fronts. You should check out sett, ksante, sion, even ornn top (more of a cc tank). Maybe zac jungle.
Ability Haste is a stat that turns into cooldown reduction and can be stacked up by alot. It used be called cooldown reduction and it was just a flat number with a cap of 40% but they changed it so that it can instead go beyond 40% but with deminishing returns. They called this stat that you can get a bunch of ability haste, when you hover over the ability haste stat it will show you how much cooldown reduction it is equating too. Its called this for a reason because you can get like 180 ability haste and they dont want people thinking that means 180% reduced cooldowns because its not it ends up equating to like 60% cooldown reduction.
League was out in 2009 and dota 2 was out in 2013. I started watching you on warcraft 3 while i played warcraft 3 and league and transitioned to WoW for a period. Starcraft 2 beta for the first 6 resets I was diamond. Then i didnt have a pc so i recently started playing sc2 and im a filthy gold casual, and league again and now this series. Great timing lol. Ty
This such a fun series. keep it up. You usually see things that hots got from lol. But yuumi is like one of the things that lol got from hots. yuumi is like abathur.
depending how you see it, he propably is. I think from his knowledge from Dota and WC3 alone by handleing heroes and minions, he will land in silver by default. compared to real new players, that is smurfing but it's still funny
@@xazarl3381 everyone will perform better on melee champs, especialy bruisers at first. because if you get fed with a bruiser,. a new player can*t ever deal with that. you just run at them and kill them. and it works every time. if you get fed on a ranged champ, you still need to keep distance for the whole game and that one time you don't? you get killed by that 0/7 toplaner with 50 farm anyway. so playing ranged needs some time to learn to keep distance. you also need to know what the important skills of enemies are. because even if you know how to keep distance, that first time fighting malphite? you still die. meanwhile a fed bruiser tanks everything and walks away
Hi Grubby its me Noodle! I been watching all ur Lol streams and most of ur Dota aswell. Its cool to see you enjoy top and i Think its where most of the champs u Will like are played. I do Think though, u might enjoy support aswell since its more about teamplay and u Can even roam to help jungler and mid when u get more into it. Else Lol is more Lane focused then Dota and not much action happening besides farming early. Can recommend checking Reel and my own favorite champ Rakan out for support, both strong engage CC champs Which i Think fits your playstyle or Leona if u want a bit more simple champ for a start
@Grubby They replaced CDR with Ability Haste because Haste is an additive increase, removing the need for an artificial cap (It used to be an arbitrary 40%). Now you can have >100 Ability Haste and never reach 100% CDR. Players no longer have to feel bad about inefficient waste of CDR items, now you can stack all the ability haste you want.
Grubster, if you wanna be ground a clicking (quick attacking I think it’s called in league), rebind A click to only attack champs, it will help with the accidentally attacking minions
generally the less expensive champions in the shop are easier to learn. eg. Garen, Darius, Dr.Mundo, Tryndamere. Cho'Gath. Champions that cost 450-3150 BE are your best bet, they have mostly simple kits with linear playstyle.
Ability haste is not cdr, I believe all those years ago it was implemented it was to stop early cdr stacking so if you hover the ability haste it shows the equivalent to cdr. It also gives diminishing returns on high amounts of ability haste.
I know you're a mechanics guy and not a lore guy, but could you show the character page so folks who like reading character backgrounds can pause the video and read it? Or maybe you can do a quick read of it yourself? I know I can go to the website for the lore too, but I think it might be fun if you did a bit of a lore deep dive so I'm making this suggestion! :) Plus, it is kind of fun to discover stuff about how the characters see each other. For example, Garen has an interesting relationship with Lux and some of the other Demacian characters.
As a master player in LoL, and WC3 enthusiast I really enjoy you trying a new game. I would highly suggest you try Cho Gath. He is extremely, fun amazing tank, has a lot of crowd control and silence. His ultimate scales his hp the more champions, epic monsters and minions he chomps. It also deals a lot of true damage. Please try him and make a video of it. Thank you!
Are you gonna make a comparison video between DOTA and League in the future? We would like to hear your thoughts because you are clearly an expert on MOBAs and RTS
"Unkillable Demon King" is a reference to the most legendary LoL player alive, Faker. The man who modernized the game of LoL, and brought a ton of korean strats to the mainstream competitive scene.
Not having flash is kind of a death sentence at high level when people know what they do. If you can trade flashes with your enemy laner, or get a kill from it it is fine, otherwise the amount of pressure you lose from not having it available early can snowball your enemy's advantage
Garen is a great champ to learn as his simple kit lets you focus on positioning, macro and trades, which help you improve as a player in general. But you can tell how experienced you are at MOBAS. Doing auto attack resets already.
league doesnt have a deny mechanic,so you deny cs through correct wave manipulations. Once you understand the way minion waves work,and learn the 3 basic concepts(Shove,slow push,freeze) you will instantly start gaining elo like crazy since it is one of the most overlooked concepts in the lower brackets. For a beginner,you are very good and you definitely have potential to hit high ranks . Trust me and try to understand minion waves,and how to manipulate them in order to set up your jungler for ganks and/or get good roam timings to help your mid laner and your jungler control the map. For example,when you freeze a wave,the enemy laner has to come to contest the freeze otherwise he will not be able to play the game. Once he tries to contest,the jungler can then gank him since he is pushed out and vulnerable. Combine that with for example a good trade early where you take your enemys flash,and you just secured a kill for your team. It's concepts like this in league,and small details that once mastered,elevate your game.
Your playing all of my favorite champions. Lux Jinx and now Garen. You should AA cancel with q on the tower. Auto Q Auto lol. Try playing Smite too sometime
Cooldown reduction is still in the game. Instead of buying it, you instead buy ability haste which converts to cooldown reduction. I'm pretty sure if you hover over your ability haste in your stats, it will tell you the conversion. I don't remember the reasoning for why they made that change though.
watched this one live and it was hilarious to see the snowball xD poor jinx :'( but you learn so fast but maybe thats cause you are so logical and analytic which is totally not what a person like me is xD
minimap stays big, hug on min its not really required to be so big you get a general idea on cd timers anyway and its less stuff visible on the screen reducing clutter
Garen is so strong for beginners indeed, spin to win hehe! Squishy champions stand no chance when ambushed with that Q and shred E, they'll have to burn flash etc. Later there'll be semifinals of Worlds 2023
Garen is a sledgehammer. In the right hands, he can be a very high-quality finely crafted sledgehammer but ultimately, that's mostly what he is. You need items to fill in the gaps of what he's lacking. He's not a swiss army knife like Yasuo or Riven.
as someone who has played league for 8~ years, I greatly enjoy this series 😄
And it feels like it hasn't developed any further in all the years. It looks exactly the same, even the meta😅😅
ye played it too for way too long. put too much money into this game not only cause i was a bit too addicted but also cause i hoped to support this game to offer, add more and change things. like more new maps like HOTS. more interactive terrain like dota2 and more cool badass skins but it never added new maps or cool skins for the main map and changed more to a asian and disney orientated game aesthetic wise... thats why i stopped buying and also end up stop playing (which partly also was cause the ppl i met in league were too toxic and i got too toxic aswell. no mental fortress like grubby has. they finally start to listen more to the community and add more and try a bit more but its either too little or too late - at least in my opinion. i still think HOTS is mostly the way to go but only cause it lacked competitivness it doesnt get the support it deserves even it has the best ideas and aesthetics compared to the other mobas... (i am even at a point i stil want my couple hundred bucks back and i still try to find a way even i still kinda feel connected to league i mean, it was part of me about 8/9 years as you. its like a toxic ex kinda lol. xD
@@RichyRich2607 As someone who played on the last map, I beg to differ
Yeah after playing for so long there is something wholesome about seeing the game through the eyes of someone who hasnt played before 😂
I've played for like 11 years and have hit diamond in the last like 5 seasons, but these games are almost exactly like the few times I tried HOTS and DOTA with almost no idea what I was doing 😂
Same lol
First time seeing someone interpret league of legends champions with those from HOTS and Dota. It's pretty cool 😂
Yea, cool that the people who watching can find interest in new moba for them.
enjoy the comparisons too. but some ppl in twitch chat are pretty damn annoying and childish... but i never understood ppl who are fanatic for one game, club, religion etc. tbh. it seems grubby is more similar to me and tries to stay objective and concerned but still positive (more positive than i would be/am xD)
@@klavicus2276 besides, I don't like that many people constantly give suggestions to grubby, like what items to build and how to do the combo.
Like, let new player have fun figuring out things man. No everyone need to play a game perfectly day 1.
I understand and mostly agree! But I assume most do this not cause they want to show how much they “know” or to distract grubby but simply because of enthusiasm and to show they can kind of help I think at least @@feedking985
@@feedking985 why this is bad? He is streaming and reading chat a lot, not seems to me like he don't like when people teaching him. So why not
As a League of Legends player and a big fan of Your streams, it's really enjoyable to watch how you learn the game. Instead of constantly complaining, you just have fun learning LoL.
Additionally, it's cool to see how some Dota fans can't get handle that You play league 😜
I'm biding my time to eventually hear him come out with a really spicy take, like, "LoL has greater player expression, and higher competition in lanes."
Glad to hear you're focusing on top lane. The role has some issues, but it has some of the most fun champions in League (between all the fighters and tanks), and it feels nice to grind people out 1v1 in the early game.
Top will surely be easier to learn for a newbie since it's more chill than mid.
@@DoctorStrange01 Yeah, it's usually just you and the other guy fighting for the ground inch by inch and walking on the edge of each other's range. Toplane made me fall in love with fighting games, in a way.
as a former toplaner i can agree.
Top lane IS a soloQ noob lane. Like there you can chill and understand champs and laning mechanics in relative tranquility. If you play with a friend you can try bot duo but it will be slightly harder, though noob adc and noob sup champs as Tristan and sona are very role focused and gives all hints required to understand how role is played.
For playing mid you should know how lane works to roam and should know jungle basics to help jungler. Like, LoL seems to be the easiest moba but actually it's the hardest moba out there bcs all things you should know to play good are so subtle and not instantly obvious
The only downside of toplane is it's the fastest leveling lane so if you feed your opponent - say goodbye to your win.
Like I started playing lol with Ahri bcs I liked a champ and eventually became good in poking and killing my opponents on mid lane but still often failed games bcs I had little understanding of roaming.
So I switched to jungle bcs I though that I have some understanding of the game already, so can try here. WW and Master are good champs, but I had nearly mental breakdown trying to carry games and climb out of bronze. Like, jungler is bond to play around teammates or understand well window of opportunity to feed on enemy jg.
So switched on top and eventually with understanding of wave control climbed with Nasus. It's easy and requires good understanding of wave control Hard carrying is fun on it's own but I have kind of feeling that this is taken into account somehow and team balance with such champ puts you always with players going 0/5 before 10th min
Brother, top lane, in terms of wave control, is the hardest lane on league. Mess up a wave and u r f*ckd, nobody is comming to help u fix the wave, and the game isn't fun anymore and this is why top lane is so fun, is 8 or 80. I changed to top a few years ago after years playing support and i climbed fast af, for some reason bullying others is fun.
There is just something so oddly wholesome watching a new player learn and enjoy the game I've been playing for years. Def gonna keep watching more vids and hopefully catch some streams :)
Guys, remember the pure Grubby.
We all know he will change.
he didnt change playing Dota. has some outbursts but never went full dark side. LoL aint changing him
big fan grubby. just as a heads up if youre going phase rush (the rune) you should go ironspike whip first because you can Q-E-whip and it procs the phase rush very easily and if youre going conqueror you should prioritize going berserker's greaves because it gives you the many spins. ignite almost always aswell because it makes it kill threat (which is already good kinda boosted by him excelling at short trades).
I played the original DotA on WC3 in 2003 until 2010 where I then found about League of Legends and have played ever since.
My best advice I can give is pick what you find to be fun, for both role selection and champion choice. Keeping a narrow champion pool to pick from will make it far easier to improve, but don't let that stop you from trying everything! There's a lot to intake with how many champions there are and there's a good chance one of the cast will stand out most for you.
As you get the basics down, there is a plethora of resources for quite literally anything in the game to learn from on youtube.
Best of luck on Summoner's Rift!
as an ex DOTA 1/2 player and now plays league this has been a blast
and your Mods have been doing an awesome jobs from these one game andies
You really should try out some mages or AP champions as they are called in league, they play totally differently and have unique items. Also in your collection you can view runes, try to learn them a few at a time, they are really important in this game. Some rune loadouts can enable very different playstyles.
for checking if you can flash over something: if the flash would carry you over more than half of the obstacle it puts you down on the other side
A really love these league videos. I've not been watching you as much in recent years as I've used to but watching you try new games is fascinating! Much love
I played Garen all the way to Emerald in just couple weeks. The simplicity helps focus more on macro, which is what actually wins the games, and the ability to push efficiently gives you a chance to actively make a difference in the game. Great champ, hard early matchups though.
Top is a great role to learn the game in. After that, I suggest learning to Support, then Jungle. That will pretty much cover everything. Mid is a great lane to learn, but you can learn just about everything about mid from Support and Top (roaming, warding, prio, lane control, working with jg, etc.)
Garen's Q and most other abilities that give you a bonus on your next hit also reset your autoattack cooldown, so you can hit with a normal auto and then Q to immediately hit with another enhanced auto. Pretty important to learn, a bit less for garen but for some heroes that have a vey low cooldown autoattack reset it's very important to maximize damage.
Also if you're gonna learn top lane, the #1 skill to master is wave management. People think dota has less depth without denying, but honestly without the ability to deny or creep block and not having a courier to bring you extra regen/items, it makes managing the wave state in lane and creating opportunities to recall while missing as little as possible is a pretty deep skill in its own right, especially top where you're pretty much going to be engaged in a prolonged 1v1 for most of the game.
people don't understand that the moment you remove some things others got used to, it's a totally different beast.
@@Arsenov92 in fact, laning in high elo in league is much harder than laning in dota in a couple aspects. The main one is that you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T DO A SINGLE MISTAKE. A single mistake, a single trade in the wrong time, and you will be frozen for the next 15 minutes and theres absolutely nothing you can do.
While in dota, you can always go for a pull or farm the jungle
@@PamellaCardoso-pp5tr that's actually false, there is way more options in dota to manage the waves, there is a skill to manage waves in league like freezing and proxy but in dota there is more depth and management for the waves like pulling and denying and freezing, the fact that you are forced to go jungle in some cases is a proof that laning in dota is more punishing in dota where you have to ditch your lane because lots of times depending on match ups you can't lane.
btw I've been playing both game and league is more chill, and right now I am enjoying league more than dota but there is times where I enjoy dota more depending on the mood
@@moebino2685 no. You're the one wrong here.
Because in dota you have so many options to fix your shitty lane state, the laning is LESS punishable.
You lost Lane equilíbrium? You Might Go for a pull, or try to slowly pull the wave using Aggro, or you Might Just give up and go Farm the jungle.
The problem here is there you did a mistake. You fucked your Lane equilíbrium but you Still got many options to either recover equilíbrium or Go Farm somewhere else Just so you avoid being too behind in Gold and XP.
While in league, If you do a mistake against a good player and get Frozen... Theres absolutely NOTHING you can do. You can only pray for your jungler otherwise you will be zoned out of both Gold AND XP, you Will be 2 levels behind which in terms of pure stats is worth 800 Gold by itself not taking into account the gold from the creeps.
This is a clear situTion where having LESS options makes It into a way worse situation and so you get punished really hard by a single mistake.
Please more league videos. I thoroughly enjoyed them, I don't remember the last time I was smiling through a whole league gameplay video. Love the chill vibes ❤❤❤!
I played DOTA 2 and League of Legends for past time. I actually love seeing grubby trying to play League. Ive seen his adventure in DOTA 2 and now i am witnessing another adventure in league. I hope in the end grubby will give his opinion about DOTA 2 and LOL.
In my opinion, both are unique in playstyle so i enjoyed both games.
Great content, thanks for sharing your journey!
It obviously doesnt rly matter in games with new players like this, but you should be recalling more.
Turrets take reduced damage before 5 mins or so. When you get an early kill, push the wave into the turret then instantly recall for an item advantage on your opponent, its way better than having minimal damage on turret.
Attack speed boots are a huge spike because it synergizes with his e. Its components and the item itself are super cheap so its basically impossible to get nothing out of early recall.
Another advantage is when you recall after pushing in the wave, the enemy's wave will slow push towards you, forcing the enemy to overextend for cs. This becomes very valuable when you start playing with a jungler on your team as theyll be vulnerable to ganks.
Good luck!
You can E then Q as Garen if you want to use the Q ms as it also cleanses the E self slow on it allowing you to keep up with your target while using E just make sure to cancel e before your q runs out to also get the silence. Though if the champ has a dash or some kind of peel hitting your q then using e helps stick on a bit more as it silences them before they can use their peel. Once you get stride though you prob dont need to worry about it.
Ability haste is weird but pretty straightforward.
It's the amount in percentage of extra abilities you can cast during the non reduced cooldown. So if you have 100 ability haste, you can cast the same ability twice during the non reduced cooldown (50% cooldown reduction). 200 ability haste, you can cast it three times (66% cooldown reduction), and so on. 50 ability haste you can cast it 3 times during double the usual cooldown (so 33% cooldown reduction).
yeah it's the same calculation as Armor and Magic resist. If you have 30 haste/armor/magic resist, then you divide the cooldown/damage by 1.3. If you have 90 haste/armor/MR then it would be divide by 1.9, 150 haste/armor/MR would be divide by 2.5, etc.
ill be more excited to see when grubby is playing against skill players. grubby is an impressive gamer (dota/wc3/hots) so seeing him stomp noobs isnt surprising. will be here waiting for the skill match ups
Es muy emocionante ver cómo interpretas el juego desde una base estratégica, me parece que puedes llegar muy lejos con tus conocimientos de macro. Gran serie!
as somone who play league since he was 13 i think ur first game and first week overall is very good you are better than 99% of ppl who start league i love it and its fun and chill ( im 23 now )
Only advice is to save Q just a second longer. Even a stream person called it out as I was typing lmao the Q allows you to get past them while using E, then cancel E at the last second to land Q and proceed to muscle them.
I have no idea who you are or what you play otherwise, i just got this video recommended to me but was rly nice seeing how you learned so fast despite being a beginner, will for sure watch ur future league videos
whipping out the blink dagger at 7:34
It's called ability haste because it used to be cooldown reduction. Meaning 20% cdr = 20% reduction. But you could max it out pretty quick and have insane cooldowns so they changed it to an infinitely stacking system
It was actually capped to prevent that, which was part of the problem. The way flat CDR worked was also weird, where the more you had, the more powerful it got.
Ability haste conversion to CDR confused me at first but it’s fairly intuitive when you realize 100 AH halves your CD. So 100 is 50% CDR, 200 is 75% CDR, etc, which is exactly the same math for armor/MR converting to damage reduction, so it’s cleaner to have everything on the same system.
There's technically no reason it couldn't still be called CDR. It's just not a flat % CDR. Guessing Riot just really wanted to hammer home their way of calculating it.
@@TunaIRL People would absolutely riot (ha) if they changed the stat completely and didn't change the name. Besides, the name implies that it's a 1:1 ratio, haste is much more appropriate for an unknown proportion
@@TheJerbol What in the name implies a 1:1 ratio? I'd say the percentage does but that's not in the name. You could have 20 CDR instead of 20% CDR and it'd be as ambiguous as 20 AH.
League used to have CDR, that you where able to max at 40%. eventualy the game and champs where designed around to get 40% CDR during the game. so early your CD's where relativly long but became much shorter while geting items. eventually this was changed into ability haste. it doesn't have the % approach anymore but is also no longer capped. many items also lost their inbuild CDR at that time, so you activly had to choose if you want ability haste or something else, like armorshred and not just both
Ability haste gives more CDR for less investment.
It is still a % reduction but more hidden.
@@Projolo yes it is, but it is no longer a liniar thing. first investment is great but has diminishing returns. back then, 100% CDR would have been exactly that (without the cap) but now 100 AH is not even close to that
@@calronkeltaran493 100 AH is 50% CDR
@@Projolo Yes technically it is a percentage system still but it's just not a flat percentage system which is what they were saying.
+1 AH at 0 AH = +0.99% CDR
+1 AH at 100 AH = +0.25% CDR
couldn't wait for the YT vid, watched this on your twitch after the Darius vid haha
Found this series through youtube home page, lookin forward to more and hope to catch it live too
No matter what everyone say,
Its always easier to get good by using simple champs like garen
Since Micro is more simple (Skills how you maneuver your champ, when to use skill etc.)
And All you need to improve more is your Macro Skill ( when to rotate, who priority to kill , is it worth to do these and that etc. )
League can only be fun if you dont let things pressure you.
If possible try to break the meta and explore more the game as you learn.
I just found this channel recently. I'm here for the League content only. Can't wait to see him play his first ranked matches xD
Welcome! :D
This guy barely started playing league and has 130 minions at minute 15, BETTER THAN MOST GOLD-PLAT PLAYERS OUT THERE. What a beast!
It's funny seeing someone who is a genuinely good gamer pick up league for the first time, you see the beginner mistakes but also see the natural talent which lifts Grubby above the actual noobs.
yoo keep uploading league really enjoy this content
btw its called ability haste cause its a stat that gives cdr. but it scales flat, unlike cdr - where the more u have the better it is to get even more.
in case ur confused if u have 80% cdr and u get 10% more u get 90% aka u half ur cds, and riot doesnt want stacking cdr to be strong while only having a little being costinefficient
You described wanting big tanky cc/damage champions, but darius/garen are pretty low on the cc/tankiness fronts. You should check out sett, ksante, sion, even ornn top (more of a cc tank). Maybe zac jungle.
Ability Haste is a stat that turns into cooldown reduction and can be stacked up by alot. It used be called cooldown reduction and it was just a flat number with a cap of 40% but they changed it so that it can instead go beyond 40% but with deminishing returns. They called this stat that you can get a bunch of ability haste, when you hover over the ability haste stat it will show you how much cooldown reduction it is equating too. Its called this for a reason because you can get like 180 ability haste and they dont want people thinking that means 180% reduced cooldowns because its not it ends up equating to like 60% cooldown reduction.
I just randomly stumbled upon thesd videos, keep it up man. Try playing yuumi support, that would be hilarious to watch
Knowing you from sc2 glad and unfortunately for you to play LOL.
Loving this series so far. You also getting good at it. Also welcome to Top island.
cooldown reduction would not reflect that your animations+stuff also get " accelerated", that makes ability haste the more appropriate wording.
League was out in 2009 and dota 2 was out in 2013. I started watching you on warcraft 3 while i played warcraft 3 and league and transitioned to WoW for a period. Starcraft 2 beta for the first 6 resets I was diamond. Then i didnt have a pc so i recently started playing sc2 and im a filthy gold casual, and league again and now this series. Great timing lol. Ty
This such a fun series. keep it up. You usually see things that hots got from lol. But yuumi is like one of the things that lol got from hots. yuumi is like abathur.
Enemy Team : Grubby beats them so badly they probably think hes a smurf
depending how you see it, he propably is. I think from his knowledge from Dota and WC3 alone by handleing heroes and minions, he will land in silver by default. compared to real new players, that is smurfing
but it's still funny
@@calronkeltaran493 He performs much better on melee champions so top and jungle is gonna be his home he was awful at range champions.
@@xazarl3381 he wasn't really that awful when using jinx. It's just that cait isn't noob friendly.
@@xazarl3381 everyone will perform better on melee champs, especialy bruisers at first. because if you get fed with a bruiser,. a new player can*t ever deal with that. you just run at them and kill them. and it works every time.
if you get fed on a ranged champ, you still need to keep distance for the whole game and that one time you don't? you get killed by that 0/7 toplaner with 50 farm anyway. so playing ranged needs some time to learn to keep distance. you also need to know what the important skills of enemies are. because even if you know how to keep distance, that first time fighting malphite? you still die. meanwhile a fed bruiser tanks everything and walks away
This is so entertaining lol
I've played for 8 years, and this really brings back memories 😂
Hi Grubby its me Noodle! I been watching all ur Lol streams and most of ur Dota aswell. Its cool to see you enjoy top and i Think its where most of the champs u Will like are played. I do Think though, u might enjoy support aswell since its more about teamplay and u Can even roam to help jungler and mid when u get more into it. Else Lol is more Lane focused then Dota and not much action happening besides farming early. Can recommend checking Reel and my own favorite champ Rakan out for support, both strong engage CC champs Which i Think fits your playstyle or Leona if u want a bit more simple champ for a start
@Grubby They replaced CDR with Ability Haste because Haste is an additive increase, removing the need for an artificial cap (It used to be an arbitrary 40%). Now you can have >100 Ability Haste and never reach 100% CDR. Players no longer have to feel bad about inefficient waste of CDR items, now you can stack all the ability haste you want.
Grubster, if you wanna be ground a clicking (quick attacking I think it’s called in league), rebind A click to only attack champs, it will help with the accidentally attacking minions
gg wp Grubby, I am an Aatrox main ever since his original launch, and I have to say I enjoy your league videos as much as I enjoy WC3 and DotA
Grubby I knew you’d love Garen! Spin to win! So happy for this new series.
generally the less expensive champions in the shop are easier to learn. eg. Garen, Darius, Dr.Mundo, Tryndamere. Cho'Gath. Champions that cost 450-3150 BE are your best bet, they have mostly simple kits with linear playstyle.
you could try Yorick for top lane, fun champ, easy to learn, summons ghouls, early game bully, split push to win
22:10 Based flash on F master race
Ability haste is not cdr, I believe all those years ago it was implemented it was to stop early cdr stacking so if you hover the ability haste it shows the equivalent to cdr. It also gives diminishing returns on high amounts of ability haste.
They used to have normal names for cooldown reduction and cc and stuff like that, at some point they just decided to get weird with it for some reason
Watched grubby for years but this is the first time he is playing something I play 😂
love to see u play league mate!
I know you're a mechanics guy and not a lore guy, but could you show the character page so folks who like reading character backgrounds can pause the video and read it? Or maybe you can do a quick read of it yourself? I know I can go to the website for the lore too, but I think it might be fun if you did a bit of a lore deep dive so I'm making this suggestion! :)
Plus, it is kind of fun to discover stuff about how the characters see each other. For example, Garen has an interesting relationship with Lux and some of the other Demacian characters.
As a master player in LoL, and WC3 enthusiast I really enjoy you trying a new game. I would highly suggest you try Cho Gath. He is extremely, fun amazing tank, has a lot of crowd control and silence. His ultimate scales his hp the more champions, epic monsters and minions he chomps. It also deals a lot of true damage. Please try him and make a video of it. Thank you!
I am loving this series
Are you gonna make a comparison video between DOTA and League in the future? We would like to hear your thoughts because you are clearly an expert on MOBAs and RTS
"Unkillable Demon King" is a reference to the most legendary LoL player alive, Faker. The man who modernized the game of LoL, and brought a ton of korean strats to the mainstream competitive scene.
i like that he is happy playing league. i will follow this series until his smile fades HOHOHO
i was wondering when you were gonna play this game, i always felt that you'd do good.
Not having flash is kind of a death sentence at high level when people know what they do. If you can trade flashes with your enemy laner, or get a kill from it it is fine, otherwise the amount of pressure you lose from not having it available early can snowball your enemy's advantage
Garen is a great champ to learn as his simple kit lets you focus on positioning, macro and trades, which help you improve as a player in general. But you can tell how experienced you are at MOBAS. Doing auto attack resets already.
I don't play LoL, DotA2 or WC3 but do I ever enjoy watching Grubby!
I'd love to see you look at characters like aphelios or k'sante or some of leagues other "200 years" champs. Maybe like yone or yasuo too
Loving this league arc lol
league doesnt have a deny mechanic,so you deny cs through correct wave manipulations. Once you understand the way minion waves work,and learn the 3 basic concepts(Shove,slow push,freeze) you will instantly start gaining elo like crazy since it is one of the most overlooked concepts in the lower brackets. For a beginner,you are very good and you definitely have potential to hit high ranks . Trust me and try to understand minion waves,and how to manipulate them in order to set up your jungler for ganks and/or get good roam timings to help your mid laner and your jungler control the map. For example,when you freeze a wave,the enemy laner has to come to contest the freeze otherwise he will not be able to play the game. Once he tries to contest,the jungler can then gank him since he is pushed out and vulnerable. Combine that with for example a good trade early where you take your enemys flash,and you just secured a kill for your team. It's concepts like this in league,and small details that once mastered,elevate your game.
Your playing all of my favorite champions. Lux Jinx and now Garen. You should AA cancel with q on the tower. Auto Q Auto lol. Try playing Smite too sometime
Urgot is another top laner that is easy and fun to play once you understand his kit(just a few minutes in practice tool to understand him)
Glad, you didn't quit, after the last one, it sounded like you were good
I love it ! I want to play LoL again now!
Hi Grubby. I would love to see a video of you playing as shen. He is my favorite.
He's not ready for such dark magics
well gg ur lowkey already better than a good proportion of ur chat including me xd
Cooldown reduction is still in the game. Instead of buying it, you instead buy ability haste which converts to cooldown reduction. I'm pretty sure if you hover over your ability haste in your stats, it will tell you the conversion. I don't remember the reasoning for why they made that change though.
I'm very much enjoying this experience with you Grubby! It's like you're smurfing but not. Hope you enjoy the rest of your plays!
Well he is 2 to 3 so he clearly doesn't feel like he is smurfing just new players vs new players.
Should try playing with quickcast on abilities.
CDR got renamed to abilityhaste, because the amount of cdr you get is not equal to the amount of ability-haste you have. you get diminishing returns
oo this is exciting. imagine grubby really gets into LOL, have another friendly streamer (god knows we need more)
8:56 Garen is boring, but hes like a training wheels champion
i enjoyed your league content grubby, keep it up please XD
Might play some lol, this looks fun and addictive XD
It didn't take long for Grubby to realize that Garen lives in bushes
grubby try to do a noob to challenger or any high rank climb series, that would be so cool to see
watched this one live and it was hilarious to see the snowball xD poor jinx :'( but you learn so fast but maybe thats cause you are so logical and analytic which is totally not what a person like me is xD
nice stranglethorn vale music in the background lol
"I wish I had flash on F, it feels better no?" and hence Grubby officially became a sane league player.
minimap stays big, hug on min
its not really required to be so big you get a general idea on cd timers anyway and its less stuff visible on the screen reducing clutter
Hey Grubby,
if you feel you are in the right position i would recommand to ask someone for a coaching
i would think you could fit well with TheBauss
Fiora is one of the best toplaners for mechanical players. Try it, it's like a drug!
hi @grubby, if you want full of skill animation cancellation, try riven :D
Garen is so strong for beginners indeed, spin to win hehe!
Squishy champions stand no chance when ambushed with that Q and shred E, they'll have to burn flash etc.
Later there'll be semifinals of Worlds 2023
Garen is a sledgehammer. In the right hands, he can be a very high-quality finely crafted sledgehammer but ultimately, that's mostly what he is. You need items to fill in the gaps of what he's lacking. He's not a swiss army knife like Yasuo or Riven.
D is for dash
F is fire or fteleport
Loving the league content
in lol there is a saying in chat u use to tell your jungler if a champ has flash or ult " nofnor" no f (flash) no r (ult)
Looking forward to you trying Tryndamere
niice welcome top side of the force ;)