QFRS Recruit for a Day

  • Опубликовано: 29 май 2012
  • Imagine being in a hot, dark and smoke filled shipping container with flames circling around you. You are wearing three layers of thick, heavy firefighting gear and a 17kg oxygen tank on your back. This is just one of many scenarios a firefighter recruit participates in during their training.
    The QFRS Media and Social Media teams were recently given the chance to walk in the shoes of a recruit for a day. We had a crash course in firefighting basics, from learning how to put on all the protective gear and using a breathing apparatus, to experiencing extreme temperatures in confined spaces and controlling a gas fire at a mock petrol station.
    What we experienced was only a small portion of what the recruits go through during their 12 weeks of training -- and what firefighters experience every day on the job -- yet it was enough to exhaust us.
    Through intensive training, the QFRS Tactical Training Unit ensures our firefighters have the highest quality skills. When you see firefighters attending an incident, rest assured these guys know what they're doing!

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