The Philosophy of White Red - Boros | Definitive Color Pie Study

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 103

  • @DiceTry
    @DiceTry  Год назад +9

    If you want to learn more about the individual colors of this video then check out these links:

  • @CitanulsPumpkin
    @CitanulsPumpkin Год назад +62

    The best thing about Strixhaven was that it brought a new ideological archetype to Boros.
    The Indiana Jones style archeologists adventurer.
    Lorehold combined White's love of history, structure, and society with Red's love of exploration, discovery, and playing in the dirt.
    Not to mention, for 5e backgrounds, the spell list for the Lorehold Student background is insane.

  • @AsuraPsych
    @AsuraPsych Год назад +34

    Tied for my favorite color pair with Orzhov.
    I have such respect for people with raw red energy in real life. It's not me, but I highly appreciate the values on a philosophical level.
    Great look into the duo here.

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +9

      Honestly I feel like I gained a new appreciation to this pair while writing this video. There is a lot of merit to its philosophy.

  • @joshscorcher
    @joshscorcher Год назад +14

    Been Boros from Day 1. You got the nail on the head in so many ways.

  • @MoistyLimes
    @MoistyLimes Год назад +44

    So much of what you are descibing here is just exactly like my own experiences with having both ADHD and aspergers, and how they interact with eachother. Just personally found that fascinating

    • @m0thernature730
      @m0thernature730 6 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly! I have DID ADHD and autism and it shocks me i don’t have more system mates with this color pair!

    • @DiamondCraft2000
      @DiamondCraft2000 5 месяцев назад +1

      i have both but my white side is exclusive to religious conviction out of the belief of it being true from evidence. i personally hate structure and rules and don’t care TOO much about people working together

    • @Dartyus
      @Dartyus 4 месяца назад

      I was thinking this exact thing. For a lot of people with ADHD, anxiety develops as a coping mechanism to deal with school. That’s why people with ADHD need the pressure of a deadline to do something. From the outside this seems detrimental. In fact I was originally diagnosed with GAD because my anxiety was turning me into a real awful person. Pairing red with white almost seems like hitching a millstone around red’s neck. But if you use it correctly the structure that white gives can multiply red’s effectiveness. Instead of allowing structure to fester as anxiety I try to consciously add structure to my life as discipline.

    • @jacks1368
      @jacks1368 Месяц назад

      Interesting. I also have the ADHD/Aspergers wonbo combo, but in me it manifests as Blue/Green rather than White/Red.

    • @TheAxeLord47911
      @TheAxeLord47911 Месяц назад +1

      I have Autism and ADHD, too, and I identify the most with Boros. That fundamental conflict in need for stability yet self-expression, and me craving for both inherently in that. A world that protects everyone while ensures individuality for all.

  • @AeonHero64
    @AeonHero64 Год назад +9

    One small addition / nitpick I’d like to make: the freedom and governance aspects of red and white don’t necessarily have to be antagonistic / reach a compromise. Rather than just fascism vs anarchy, I think red/white can also synthesize their core concepts into one cohesive ideology.
    I see modern anarchist movements as very red/white because they seek to form a social structure without hierarchy, radically combining order and chaos instead of trying balance them and just ending up as a centrist.
    This version of red/white tries to take the best parts of each of its component colors without needing to dilute the identity of either, and I find that goal really compelling.

  • @coopertolbertsmith6067
    @coopertolbertsmith6067 Год назад +38

    This is the most comprehensive look at boros that I’ve seen to date. Even when talking about topics I’ve heard about before, this video was still able to give me a new perspective on them. Thank you for such an awesome breakdown, and I can’t wait to see what color combination you choose to do next!

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +4

      This is honestly why I wanted to do the definitive series. Sure I have covered Boros before but my understanding of the color pie and my ability to present ideas has grown so much. In writing this series I myself have come to gain new appreciations for each color and their combinations.

    • @enibeni2071
      @enibeni2071 Год назад +1

      I agree with you.

  • @Powershade117
    @Powershade117 Год назад +31

    While I don't feel the tug of white/red, I do find it inspiring, as many heroes do take on this color combination. It isn't enough at times to hold white's ideals of structure, law, and order. And red without purpose comes across as chaotic, intimidating, and dangerous. But when these colors come together, you have individuals who don't just speak the dogmas of their ruling bodies, but instead speak them from the heart and with a passion that inspires and moves others to action.
    What I find interesting though is that a white/red character cannot and will not abide by either of its colors being taken to the extreme. If its own government becomes oppressive in the name of order and protection, the red side of that Boros character stands up for what is right rather than what the law says. They will become the rebel of the government they once swore an oath to, as to them, they didn't swear an oath to a king or to a set of rules, but to the heart and soul of those ideals. And if they feel that they have been betrayed, they will strike with a fury that only red can bring, but also tempered by white's discipline. On the other side, a boros character will not hide behind their walls while anarchy and senseless violence brought on by anger fill their streets. Their white side now shows itself as they desire to not just punish the guilty, but also defend those who find themselves in the crossfire. In this they become a hero and inspiration to not just their peers, but also those they have sworn to protect...even from their own people if necessary.

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +9

      Well said. That is also what I find interesting about any combination containing Red, it seems to add this struggle that is almost required to keep the balance. It sounds odd and yet makes so much sense.

  • @cyberpigion1334
    @cyberpigion1334 4 месяца назад +3

    I have ADHD and autism, and with the chaos my adhd thrives in and the peace my autism wants, this speaks to me so much

    • @jacks1368
      @jacks1368 Месяц назад

      My own autism/ADHD combo works out in a more Blue/Green way; seeking to learn everything about my interests, and then improve on them, trying to thread the needle between the Blue OPTIMIZE EVERYTHING drive and the Green desire to not desecrate something's core nature. (I regard my ADHD as more of a Green thing than Red; my restlessness feels more like instinct than emotion, an inner beast I need to take for walks, if that makes sense).

    • @TheAxeLord47911
      @TheAxeLord47911 Месяц назад

      Same! I have ADHD and Autism as well, so I relate to this heavily.

  • @rougenarwhal8378
    @rougenarwhal8378 10 месяцев назад +3

    a civic engineer is also a great example of this, potential for artistic expression in their buildings that inspire awe and wonder in the audience of anyone who visits, but marred by the reality of logsitics and physics, and so must be made stable and functional to exist at all, and rarely outside of the security of a large city

  • @LordJudgement1818
    @LordJudgement1818 Год назад +13

    My wife and I are a white red couple. That's why we work. I enjoy order and she's passionate. We work well together because we both need what each other has. She gets me out of my rigidity to experience life more. As for me I give her peace in her life of forever feeling the need to move for the sake of moving.
    It can be difficult at times when the clash of stiles we are but the combination is a beautiful thing.

  • @haidynwendlandt2479
    @haidynwendlandt2479 9 месяцев назад +2

    Boros is definitely my favorite color pair, I just love the passionate and heroic figures like Depala and Quintorius. It’s a strong moral code of justice for all that they’re always willing to fight for

    • @screwbattle1689
      @screwbattle1689 5 месяцев назад

      Depala and Quintorius (MTG) is Chaotic Good Alignment

  • @rileyguerra8619
    @rileyguerra8619 Год назад +12

    Wow, Red/white sounds like a really nice combo, I can defintley see a good amount of aspects in myself that are found in Red and White, maybe I will try that MtG cokor quiz you talked about a copule months ago I try again with it see If I had changed a little, but either way this was an amazing video. Also sorry if there are any spelling or grammer errors in this

  • @MrZippidydoodahh
    @MrZippidydoodahh Год назад +5

    I think my major take away is that the compromise of enemy pairs opens up different avenues of civilization.
    I wonder how pleasant it'd be to live in a philosophically pure, mono color society. I doubt it would be.

  • @TheJamesGamel
    @TheJamesGamel Год назад +6

    Given that you are redoing your Duality Series, I put forward a revisit to the philosophy of Red-Black is much needed, if not the most important to revisit in this series. The following is my thoughts on the matter as a Black-Blue-Red person.
    First let us look at Black. Black is ambition, Black is pride, Black is the ego, Black is in a word, limitless. Black is focused on getting the most out of its life and the environments it finds itself in. While many revile against this color, what is it they are really disgusted by? Black is honest and will go to any measure it deems needed to accomplish its goals. Black looks at Green and White and scoffs, seeing how they will always fail at their tasks because at the end of the day, they just aren't willing to do what is needed as White is held back by its own virtue, and Green rooted in its traditions.
    Second comes Red. Red is freedom, full on emotional expression for the entire spectrum. Red is caring, kind, that excited glee filled kid who runs out of the house to explore the world, always loving the twists and shocks in this game of life. Red also looks to its enemies in Blue and White, seething at the teeth as Blue wastes the present for a future that isn't here yet, and White demands order and structure when such foolhardy ideas only stifle the chaos and inspiration of life.
    Third, let us look at how each color pulls its pair away from their natural ally. Black pulls Red closer, warning Red of the staleness of Green. Green being set in their ways, doesn't take up the opportunities that life gives us, and instead just sits back and observes, only acting when needed. Black stokes the flames of Red, showing Red all the things they can go out and experience, if only we took that leap. Red is always ready and willing to dive headfirst into the unknown, and laugh all throughout their next adventure. On the other hand though, Red pulls Black away from Blue, warning Black that too much time in the future leads to a dull life. In Magic we often see vampires in Black, and Red reminds Black that a dull life isn't a life worth living. Black in this regard abandons Blue, for while Black is always looking to better it's own position, it knows that it is on this pursuit out of a desire for the best life has to offer, and while neither Black or Red can truly ever be happy, they both can love the rollercoaster ride they are on.
    Next comes their shared enemy. Black and Red both hate to be tied down, they despise being told no, and are disgusted by the notion of order. A shared enemy in White is expected for these two, but how do they aid each other in this struggle? Black offers a guiding hand, helping to plan the attack and follow through with it, making sure everything falls into its proper place like good puppets, while Red is an unexpected fury, a storm unlike any other. Red performs its show, unleashing its emotion and acts as a fuel to aid Black in their united efforts. Red can overcome worlds of problems when Black helps navigate, and Black can be an unstoppable force of pure passion when Red has their back. They topple White's structures, burning White's rules, and pulling off White's mask to show a true coward in shining knights armor.
    With all of this, what does it show us of Red and Black when they are together? In MTG we see the combat, the aggression, the madness even, but is this all there is to this combo? I say not, look at two of its greatest figures, first Angrath a planeswalker minotaur who sought to tear an entire plane apart just to get back to his daughters. This magnificent creation is a perfect reflection of a core value of this combo, the ability and willingness to do ANYTHING for those you care most about. Black is selfish, but it treasures the people it cares most about, and when that treasuring instinct is fueled by the full weight that Red brings, it shows us that this combo is to be both feared and respected as they never bluff, they are always willing to wage war and worse for those they care for, and will take on any consequences of their actions with a gleeming grin, ready to start some chaos. Second though, is the Lord of Riots himself, Lord Rakdos. In the most recent visit to Ravnica, we saw Lord Rakdos through the entire weight of his guild and himself at a threat to his home turf, fighting alongside a planeswalker who opposes him in every way, but Lord Rakdos backed him when they had a common enemy. To quote a certain someone, "Any world where Red Black exists can never truly be safe" and to give credit to Etno the Chesnaut Knight “A plane with Red Black can never be in true danger of being destroyed, because as long as Red Black has a reason to fight, it'll fight.” Lord Rakdos shows us this coin of reality, how in times of peace you need to be careful with Red Black, but in times of war they are your greatest asset.
    Red is the unlimited heart, and Black the unbound potential. Their combined freedom shows us the true beauty in chaos, in being honest with yourself, in living every day, no, every moment like it's your last. Red pulls out the gleeful kid out of Black, and Black dials Red up a few notches to a new level of fun.
    Black may have a bad reputation going for it, and Red may be just a bit crazy at times, but it's not evil, it's not crazy, it's not insane. This combo shows us fun, guided emotion to a new playground in life.

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +3

      Wow, this was amazing, and I do agree. Black/Red is the pair that deserves a remake the most. I really didn't get it at the time but there is so much more to the pair than I expressed.

  • @novelgiani
    @novelgiani 9 месяцев назад +2

    I ended up rolling a white/red after finding your roleplaying guide, and this video helps a lot with what kind of character I wished to create.
    In Baldur's Gate 3, I ended up with a Paladin Gith under the Oath of Vengeance. She is the type to fight for a just cause, but if she doesn't find a cause or group to be fair and just in their actions, she will fight that injustice to the end, often going too far with her punishments, and even harming herself in the process with her refusal to give in to whatever she's had her sights on to destroy. She sometimes wouldn't even realize the harm she's caused to others during her ruthless campaigns whilst she served on the battlefield, but she's had allies who would temper her rage during her time. She's since become independent as a lone mercenary, smiting the filth across Faerûn while asking for little in return from those who are especially not well off financially. Aside from the bare necessities such as food and shelter, the annihilation of evil is more than enough of a reward for her. Because of this, however, she usually finds herself to be short on gold, and believes it to be "unsavory" looting the filthy creatures she's slain. The only weapons she uses are ones personally crafted for her, and will hardly use another weapon picked off the battlefield unless as a last resort.
    I hope that this is a good read, and thank you for introducing this concept of roleplaying for me. I feel like my roleplays have always felt so linear compared to what this color wheel can show me. Appreciate the content!

  • @DiceTry
    @DiceTry  Год назад +15

    Do you agree with White Red's outlook, do they have the right idea?

    • @chrisrobo1
      @chrisrobo1 Год назад +2

      Sometimes. I personally find all these colors and combinations have a time and place they best serve. They can just as easily become twisted and vengeful if pushed or pulled in the right way. White red speciaficly can become zealouse rage. It could also become a society that is fudementally brutal and basic only considering what is best for now. Even though white red can create heros and can also create violent and egotistical villians without the honesty of black.
      White can be discipline. it can also be dogma. It is community but your community can become corrupt.

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +6

      Very true, no ideal pushed to far is healthy I believe. We must always question what it is we are doing and where we are going.

    • @chrisrobo1
      @chrisrobo1 Год назад +2

      ​@@DiceTry i would like to add that i do largely agree with your conclusions and apreciate your open mindedness. Your take on magic colors are both engrossing and have given me a new love for both colors and the game of magic. Apreciate the mountain of mental work you do saying all you do the way you do. Philosophy is tough not to say anything about color philosophy or fantasy philosophy. You are very apreciated by me and i would imagine hundreds or thousands of others in the magic community ❤ ps. Im also certine the philosophy folks love what you do too

    • @Ctrooper2011
      @Ctrooper2011 Год назад +4

      The White-Red way-of-thinking is ideal, as long as it has some Blue to temper its violence and to have some self-awareness.
      White-Red is the color pair that aims for the ideal of good over evil, but it also has the flaw of violence and conflict.
      You shouldn't put Black in the mix because that would corrupt the pair with relativism and darwinism. Both of these defeat the goal of White-Red since God wants both truth and altruism to exist, something relativism (a philosophy which seems tolerant but mainly exists to justify vices) and darwinism (which takes "losers weepers" and justifies being a jerk to them) take way heavily. Green seems okay at first, but it takes away free will (God wants our love to be authentic, not implanted) and villifies sapience (since God breathed life into our nostrils out of His undying love for us, sapience is a gift He gave just because). Finally, both Black and Green, in their conflict, present the false dichotomy of nihilism vs fate; St Thomas Aquinas has already put this dilemma aside by arguing in favor of Providence (Soft Determinism in non-theological terms), which means that God not only guides us all but also gives us complete free will. Not only do Black and Green do more harm than good, but they also both respectively take away purpose and agency.
      If you've read this far, you may have noticed a small but important role of Blue. While Blue's logically methodical thinking helps to explain why White & Red are essential and Black & Green hold you down, Blue retains a supporting role due to its amoral streak. Nonetheless, it retains its importance because Red-White needs to retain self-awareness and the ability to determine a faction's morality in a way that doesn't involve position but takes agency into account; after all, Prudence is the mother of all virtues.

    • @TheAirborneKite
      @TheAirborneKite Год назад +1

      It's hard to say, because I think it's sort of the default outlook in Western countries. Using rules and structures to enable individuality is just kind of how we do things, and it's probably not a coincidence that red white is the heroic archetype in our society. It's very difficult to have a perspective on the background radiation of one's own life, but I do like living in the West.

  • @TheSwordsman100
    @TheSwordsman100 Год назад +1

    As this is my favorite color duo, I appreciate how this is far more in depth then other videos I've seen on the paring. It also touches a bit on the part that drew me to this paring, their similarities. White and Red are the two colors that care the most about people in their own ways, while also being the most moral of the colors. I really think this delicate balance brings out the best out of both colors, while also preventing each other from becoming their worst selves.

  • @okeanos317
    @okeanos317 Год назад +1

    Wow,love how you clearly defined the contrast/opposite qualities of these philosophies and how they're able to blend these aspects into a complete whole

  • @Aran_of-MTG
    @Aran_of-MTG Год назад +1

    It may sound odd, but... I think you misunderstood this colour pair. Yes, there are a lot leaders and soldiers in this and of course some of them can be driven by inspiration and wish for safety. And there can be a conflict when one strives for peace and stability, but needs to fight and protect those things.
    However, the main thing about white-red is that believes in forceful solution. Discipline of white and passion of red... Actually it is will in it's strongest form.
    It's less about conflict between order and chaos (let's left this for single colours) and more about person who tries to solve all his problems using will and forceful decisions.
    Thanks for the video! Anyway it's good to know something new about colour pie)

  • @jordanmartin8458
    @jordanmartin8458 3 месяца назад

    Ive only been playing magic for a year and a half and immediately gravitated towards boros, and built my first proper edh on boros. This video really resonated with me, i got a little misty eyed. Awesome content.

  • @SomethingWittyIdk
    @SomethingWittyIdk 20 дней назад

    I was thinking about this when I was taking a look at Kamigawa, trying to find a commander for my next deck. When I came across Risona, the leader of the Asari Uprising. And I looked into their lore and I was...captured by it.
    When the Wandering Emperor disappeared and created a power vacuum in Kamigawa, the Empire put restrictions onto the people's access to technology in hopes of controlling the public and hold power. The Asari seek to overthrow the empire and give technology back to the people.
    The Asari are Boros aligned and the Empire is mono white aligned. What interests me and something I wish that WOTC expanded on, is that a pair of colours who are typically in conflict with one another, working together against a colour that exists within it.

  • @AFO666
    @AFO666 Год назад +4

    I cannot wait for a redblackwhite study. I have seen so many and have loved each's take on that wedge. I understand there is plenty more stuff to do before that but i hope to see it someday ^_^

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад

      I actually have covered each 3 color combination already, though there may come a time when I revisit them in this style and capacity. If If you are new to the channel I would suggest you check that video out though, it is part of my slicing the pie series. Here is a link to the combination you are talking about Mardu:видео.html

    • @CitanulsPumpkin
      @CitanulsPumpkin Год назад +1

      Red/White/Black always struck me as, "What if a Boros soldier was a bit of an edgelord?"
      Or the paladin/cop who's been on the force a little too long, and no one is quite sure if they'll say "I'm getting too old for this shit" and get shot 2 days before retirement, or if he'll retire then go completely off the rails like Dennis Hopper in speed and start slapping bombs onto busses and ornithopters.

  • @Kiwi9552
    @Kiwi9552 Год назад +2

    One important thing I'd like to add: Being in between every point two colours have is often not different to not having either colour. Not always, but often.
    Having two colours can also mean being on the extreme side on one of the colour in one topic and on the extreme of the other colour in a different topic.
    For example in boros case one pretty common one I think is having a very structured society, but having the unhemmed passion of R to push this society to others.
    Another example might be a person that a very strict moral code and makes its decisions based on that, but not having Ws structured approach to things, but Rs chaotic in the moment one instead.

  • @Hadex79
    @Hadex79 Год назад +2

    That was a nice breakdown of white/red. I hope that you would consider a later video on the villainous expressions of various color pairs as that is one thing that seems missing. Otherwise it was a good guide for the development of organizations and individuals aligned with this pair.

  • @andresramirez3673
    @andresramirez3673 Год назад +1

    I love the myriad mechanic with the red white cards from baulder's gate it really helped with the theme of my boros deck of "I'm fighting everyone and I'm hitting hard so I don't die"

  • @LeeCarlson
    @LeeCarlson Год назад +2

    Chaos assures that all possible concepts will come into being and Order assures that only the best of those concepts will thrive and continue.

  • @MayBeSomething
    @MayBeSomething 26 дней назад +1

    Passion shapes Devotion.
    Devotion tempers Passion.
    Passion and Devotion.
    Shape and Temper.
    Both are needed to forge a blade.

  • @jantheflyingdutchman
    @jantheflyingdutchman Год назад +3

    Great video and breakdown as always. I've always identified most with these colors. It is a passion for justice, standing up for what is right and fighting for those that cannot fend for themselves. It is ultimately why I went into law enforcement. I think that's also why you see a lot of soldiers and guardians in those colors.

  • @DragonxFlutter
    @DragonxFlutter Год назад +1

    This was a great video, and I found myself in agreement with your conclusions. Freedom is highly important for individuals to have, and order must then be used to ensure that people are not deprived of their freedoms.
    When we get to Simic (UG), I hope you address the conflict of Tradition and Progress.
    Tradition is important for culture, as our traditions shape who we are. Progress is important, because it’s how we grow as individuals and as a group. To rigidly and dogmatically stick to tradition will ensure its inevitable demise; but progress for the sake of progress is just as destructive. Holding to the core of tradition while allowing it to adapt to an ever-changing world is a crucial balance that I believe must be maintained for a society to thrive.

  • @BlazeFlarerEclipse
    @BlazeFlarerEclipse Год назад +1

    Chaos is order, governance is freedom. - A true Boros Player.

  • @johncasamassa2840
    @johncasamassa2840 Год назад +1

    I know you've already done a video that talks about Blue/Black, but as a Dimir player, I would LOVE to have you do another, deeper die into the philosophy of that color pairing.

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +1

      Don't worry that will be coming with this series.

    • @johncasamassa2840
      @johncasamassa2840 Год назад

      @@DiceTry Sweet! I'm looking forward to hearing a devil's advocate argument on behalf of Dimir. I don't believe that color pairing is necessarily the "ultimate evil." If someone asked me to name a pop culture hero that was Blue/Black, I would go with Batman. Thoughts?

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад

      I think batman is a great example

  • @johanandersson8252
    @johanandersson8252 Год назад +2

    Today we are serving Philosophy pie 🥧 for ya’ll.
    Its baked with blackberries and blueberries, its tasting like galaxies and wonder with a sweet berry aftertaste.

  • @Paul20661
    @Paul20661 3 месяца назад +1

    watching this while remaking my Boros deck :))

  • @BIacklce
    @BIacklce Год назад +6

    boros is the easiest to understand as its the most intrinsically human

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад +5

      Agreed, I think people see it as one dimensional but hopefully this video changes that.

    • @TeaAddict1
      @TeaAddict1 5 месяцев назад +1

      Honestly I have understood boros very little. I find orzhov the most human.

    • @BIacklce
      @BIacklce 5 месяцев назад

      @@TeaAddict1 thats profoundly sad

    • @TeaAddict1
      @TeaAddict1 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@BIacklce who said its sad? Orzhov isn't a bad color combo. It just happens to be the philosophy that best represents the human experience.

    • @BIacklce
      @BIacklce 5 месяцев назад

      I did.
      The internal conflict between impulsive individualism v collective order drives humanity in every choice it makes.
      Much more than a parody of Borgian catholicism

  • @masonduarte8001
    @masonduarte8001 Год назад

    I feel like this combination is the chaotic but supportive bestie.

  • @PeachDragon_
    @PeachDragon_ Месяц назад

    I had no idea i was going to get sniped by this video, you described me word for word, almost uncanny

  • @SabreAran
    @SabreAran Год назад +1

    Why do I feel attacked in this video😅, very well done, I love it!

  • @floridaman6982
    @floridaman6982 10 месяцев назад +1

    Rebels and freedom fighters to me feel like the true embodiment of boros. They fight based in their beliefs and they have strength in their numbers. Even their symbol is a fist!

  • @ryancoldiron554
    @ryancoldiron554 Год назад +2

    Personally looking forward to gruul!

  • @DiamondCraft2000
    @DiamondCraft2000 4 месяца назад +1

    what is hard for me to understand with this combination is how it is applied to a person who is religious but hates structure and rules. if a person hates restricting itself and hates government or any kind of governing body, but has a religion that is centered around a deity about morals, then is being convinced about that deity from one’s personal experiences and being fervent in following it really still white-aligned? does a person become white-aligned once they follow a structure and want the well-being of others if they hate all rules and structure and only make others happy in the way they beleive is right and within reason on how much of themselves they sacrifice to make it happen? this is something i’ve struggled with for a long time.

  • @power_SERG
    @power_SERG 7 месяцев назад +1

    Disciplined fury.

  • @KarnodAldhorn
    @KarnodAldhorn Год назад +2

    I've always said that Boros (or Jeskai) is the color combo of democracy. Structures protecting Freedom and Freedom in creating structure. The question of why a law is in place and actions to uphold peace. Of course it doesn't work ideally but that doesn't steer Red or White away from their pursuit.
    And if you are sum antidemocrat who wants to convince me that democracy is inherently deceitful or bs like that just don't. Just stop there think about a little thing called propaganda and think about how successful and prosperous and good for the majority autocracies have actually been historically and leave my Ass alone. I am extremely unimpressed and uninterested in such opinions.

  • @BenovskyGM
    @BenovskyGM Месяц назад


  • @masonduarte8001
    @masonduarte8001 Год назад

    Mulan is a great example of white/red. She feels the need to take action to protect her family and nation..

  • @seradestin6000
    @seradestin6000 9 месяцев назад

    Hey DiceTry! I have trouble finding any of the music you use in your videos.
    Can you start to give proper music crrdits in the description? I'd mean alot to me
    Oh and if anyone knows what track plays at 4:45 please do tell me

  • @sarahnadeofpoetry
    @sarahnadeofpoetry Год назад

    Boros and Izzet are by far the two colour combinations that resonate with me the most. Boros, because it speaks to my passion for justice. Izzet, because it speaks to my passion for individual pursuits.

  • @Ronin3453
    @Ronin3453 Год назад +2

    Jund when?

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад

      I have covered Jund in the past, and it still holds up. I will eventually get to the 3 colors in the definitive style eventually, but gotta finish the pairs first.

  • @eldrazidragon5347
    @eldrazidragon5347 Год назад

    I have an idea, what if you looked at zodiacs and tried to identify their color pairs or wedges

  • @azazelgrigori9244
    @azazelgrigori9244 Год назад +1

    Can Orzhov be next

    • @DiceTry
      @DiceTry  Год назад

      If you check this playlist, you'll find I actually already made it, enjoy

  • @noahwilson3809
    @noahwilson3809 Год назад

    Something you absolutely need to understand: order does not come from chaos, nor does chaos come from order, and neither can exist within one another. That is like saying fire comes from water and vice versa. The movement of an atom is just that, movement. Order and chaos are not something we percieve, they are forces at work that oppose each other like the 4 elements. Order is all about the natural order of things, the status quo, and there never is too much of it either due to balance being a part of order. Chaos is all about the disruption of that order and imposing of its own rules on others but will break said rules itself while punishing those who do break them. Neither can coexist, and neither will achieve harmony. Not that white and red can't achieve harmony themselves, but you gotta stop looking at them as order and chaos. Instead, look at them as discipline/selflessness, and freedom/passion. The harmony between the two is usually preservation, red wants to preserve freedom while white wants to preserve the people. To harmonize, red must understand that to preserve freedom, anarchy must be prevented, and white must understand that the people need their freedoms in order to function properly. The orderly fashion of both color work together in harmony to prevent the chaos of tyranny and anarchy from within, while keeping the chaos of impulsiveness and vanity (black and blue) at bay.

  • @TheAirborneKite
    @TheAirborneKite Год назад +2

    I think the basic principle of this colour pair is that the virtues white extols - peace, order, and prosperity - are only good because they're good for the individual. A few prompts:
    "Justice is a feeling" - freedom, tyranny, justice, and injustice aren't abstract concepts hanging out in the metaphysical ether. They are things experienced by people, and they have to be understood at that level. There's no such thing as 'technically in the right', because the difference between right and wrong is not technical, it's experiential.
    "Freedom requires stability" - Freedom is important, but it's no good unless it is actually accessible. That requires enough structure to create space for everyone to do their thing. This applies at a societal level (you aren't free to live your life if you can't walk down the street without getting robbed) and at an individual level (you aren't free to follow your passions if you don't have the discipline to execute your plans).
    "Society is for people" - society is important, but society exists to serve the individual, not the other way around. Society doesn't have its own rights and needs - other people do, perhaps in large number, but that's not the same thing. What's more, you don't owe society anything, because it's never done anything for you, and it never could. Society doesn't feed you or protect you, farmers and soldiers do.
    Probably best exemplified by Margaret Thatcher, oddly enough. She's not quite the person who springs to mind when I think "battlefield hero", but her perspective fits: there is no such thing as society, just other people.

    • @AeonHero64
      @AeonHero64 Год назад +1

      That’s certainly the way Magic usually goes about depicting Boros, though I don’t see any reason why that “society is for people” concept could almost be reversed and still be red/white. A society where everyone contributes their individual strengths and ideas to support each other in some kind of egalitarian commune perfectly fits red’s ideals of individuality and freedom and white’s ideals of structure and community.
      Would be kinda hyped to see Magic explore a red/white faction like that.

    • @TheAirborneKite
      @TheAirborneKite Год назад

      @@AeonHero64 for sure. That's still society being "for people", there's just some difference in how much duty of care people have over each other. The people on your commune are still working for the benefit of people.
      The opposite - people are for society - is more selesnya. Selesnya sees society as its own thing, bigger than the sum of its parts. For them, something can be good 'for society ' totally separate from it being good for any individual or group of individuals.
      For real world analogues of this, I would look at religious cults and maybe 20th century communist nations? Anyone who thinks their community or society has some 'higher purpose' than the benefit of its members. I'm sure there are more flattering examples, but someone else will have to come up with them since - as you can probably tell - I'm not much of a fan.
      Azorius probably also has an angle here. It sees breaking the law as wrong even when no one is harmed, because society itself is damaged when people break the rules.

    • @AeonHero64
      @AeonHero64 Год назад

      @@TheAirborneKite that’s a good point, I suppose such a society would still be for its individuals in practice, since the two would basically be synonymous when everyone has equal control over governance.

  • @gamervox1707
    @gamervox1707 Год назад +3

    I hate how people believe that heirachies are order, when history hierarchies have been chaotic and hierarchies have a history of going to war over any little thing even today they chem nuke neighborhoods as corporation.

    • @AeonHero64
      @AeonHero64 Год назад +2

      Yeah, I think that’s the one small weakness of this video. Great stuff, but an egalitarian society without hierarchy that focuses on cooperation and community sounds extremely red and white to me, despite being very different to how Boros is usually depicted.

    • @gamervox1707
      @gamervox1707 Год назад +1

      @@AeonHero64 I agree with that.

    • @sioraigrian8400
      @sioraigrian8400 Год назад +2

      healthy hierarchies made up of good people are order/orderly. bad people whether in a hierarchy or not cause chaos, they just might have more opportunity to do so in a hierarchy. on the flipside, good people have more power to do good in a hierarchy. hierarchy is just a concentration of power, not inherently good or evil. no hierarchy is better than bad hierarchy, and good hierarchy is better than no hierarchy.

    • @gamervox1707
      @gamervox1707 Год назад

      @@sioraigrian8400 The dark side of an anarchy would be like pirate ship that are anti slavery but will take food or goods that are need. The dark-side of all hierarchies is poisonings people, world wars, mass rape, genocide, useless leadership, and horrible conduction. yes your right on good or bad ,but you forget hierarchies have history that not great.

    • @AeonHero64
      @AeonHero64 Год назад +1

      @@sioraigrian8400 That’s a perfect example of a white-aligned philosophy, maybe even white/green.
      I personally think no hierarchy is ever justified, and least at a societal level, but that’s what makes the color pie such a fun lens for looking at philosophy.