Legendary Moments at School

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
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    What Was the Most Legendary Thing a Student Did In School?
    #Reddit #AskReddit

Комментарии • 45

  • @NatGeoGacha
    @NatGeoGacha Год назад +5

    I’m the who released the Hex Bugs in the cafeteria in fifth grade.
    In sixth grade, a boy named Thomas disappeared. Like, straight up walked out of the school in the middle of the day. Didn’t see him much after that.
    Also in twelfth grade, the boys renovated the 3rd floor boys’ bathroom, hanging up posters, bringing fancy soaps, and even a Christmas tree just before winter break. It got more and more complex throughout the school year. They put a welcome mat in front of the door. They hung up a sign that said “Gentlemen’s Lounge”. They’d even invite some girls into the Lounge.
    Also in 12th grade, two of the boys decided to invent Jumpsuit January, where they’d wear a different jumpsuit to school every single day. That made it into the yearbook.
    The guys just made high school so enjoyable.

  • @birkinsmith88
    @birkinsmith88 Год назад +24

    it was legendary amongst teachers.
    In science class, they had, like, an old hair dryer or something that had been sawn in half and then nailed to a plank so the kids could see how the electronics looked. One kid plugged it into the electrical output on the bench and it was sparking and smoking and hissing angrily and the teacher had to prize it off with one of those plastic rulers and hope she didnt get killed.

  • @exxor9108
    @exxor9108 Год назад +6

    This story I'm gonna share isn't so much a legendary thing a student did, but legendary nonetheless.
    It was 6th grade, and we were doing the annual Field Day event where we went outside, played games, in general had fun. It was the one school district I went to throughout my school life where I was treated as a person, and not an emotional punching bag. I digress. During the beginning part of the event, there were some big dark grey clouds starting to loom overhead of us. I warned the teachers about rain coming. Not long after I could see the fog of rain coming in our direction. We took that cue a little too late, because as we started to head back inside, the rain started pouring down. Just about _everybody_ was soaked in rain. I had to change clothes because my socks had become wet, and it was making me feel ill. The rain had stopped about an hour later, and we were able to head back outside again. I tell you what, it was worth it, because I had that story to tell. cx

  • @BWMegatron
    @BWMegatron Год назад +2

    9:35 - I like this prank - nobody got hurt, and everybody - including the principal - had fun.

  • @logger22
    @logger22 Год назад +2

    My freshman year, someone sprayed “liquid ass” in the doorway of world geography and the class had to be evacuated while they struggled not to puke. The funniest thing was seeing our coach basically on the brink of fainting as he was coughing his brains out, red veiny balled head, and sweat.

    • @_daturaa
      @_daturaa Год назад

      thanks for the idea

  • @Fantasygod930
    @Fantasygod930 Год назад +21

    I wish during my time at school there was legendary moments the only thing that's close to it is my elementary school principal getting pie in his face that was pretty funny but it was during a festival but it was still pretty funny regardless I wasn't there to see the entire thing but I got to see the end result that made young me smile

  • @stanford-nf4jk
    @stanford-nf4jk 11 месяцев назад +1

    Every September each freshman, (at our “Welcome to High School” assembly), was told the tale of a previous graduating class that stole the Bob’s Big Boy statue and encased it in cement up to its waist and placed it in our quad. We were informed of this event to discourage a repeat incident.

  • @parzival-bo
    @parzival-bo Год назад +2

    During my graduation, one graduate rolled across the stage on his Heelys after getting his diploma.
    The teacher was cool with it, surprisingly. Just paused, made a pun, and went on with the show.

  • @Pfisiar22
    @Pfisiar22 11 месяцев назад

    ok, the story with the student on the piano and the principal is gold. Kudos to the principal for having a superb sense of humor.

  • @sldwiseowl9041
    @sldwiseowl9041 Год назад +2

    At our school we had prank day which was a day at the end of the year where the year 13s (students in the last year of highschool) are allowed to prank everyone. The legendary year the students split into groups and focused on each teacher. The best I remember was that the chairs and desks were stacked together into a massive stack in the Centre of the room using zip ties, the eacher was the agriculture teacher so they got pet goats and left them jn there (don't worry the made sure they were okay and not in there very long so no one was hurt) the next teacher was my science teacher. They did the stacking the tables and chairs in the center of the room but Also got bean bag balls they were 6 huge bags thrown all over the room. Then using photoshop they photoshopped the teachers face onto an axolotal. It's started off obvious, big ones all around the room then after a few weeks more kept turning up and more and more and more. They made tiny ones as well, it turns out that they printed off so many that they are still finding them hidden in the tiniest crevices of the school 6 years later

  • @Gray567
    @Gray567 2 месяца назад

    4:56 had a kid like this in my school (wasn’t in football or track though) but he was valedictorian

  • @cliffcorson4000
    @cliffcorson4000 Год назад +1

    At my high school a couple of us starting skipping as we were marching to seats.
    By time we were nearing seats all 685 of us were skipping to the same beat
    As we would come to get out diplomas everyone skipped at same point on stage
    When we were leaving all of us skipped out of auditorium
    None of this was planned and in following years classes were warned about not doing that as it was "unprofessional"
    Parents loved it and said it made graduation less of drone and more of an occassion

  • @mclovin2408
    @mclovin2408 10 месяцев назад

    I had an epic dodgeball moment once, straight up I felt like the main character and it was ultimate dodgeball so basically dodgeball but free for all.

  • @kaileyadams2712
    @kaileyadams2712 2 месяца назад

    My partner had halo on a flash drive and since the software banned the game from being downloaded onto computers. What he would do is load it on the flash drive. Plug it in, start the game, and then pass the flash drive around class. He never got caught for it

  • @bread-gz3rl
    @bread-gz3rl Год назад +1

    8:55 they called the fuckin swat team for that?

  • @2shy2guy52
    @2shy2guy52 Год назад

    Apparently someone hotboxed the cafeteria during a dance when I was in middle school

  • @crazychicken2005
    @crazychicken2005 3 месяца назад

    I was not there, but according to my friends someone brought in 1 chicken (they said it was from the hot dog place down the street) and let it loose on the football field during a game. No idea if it's true or not, but still worth sharing.

  • @lemerbrix1375
    @lemerbrix1375 Год назад

    In 4th or 5th grade, we went around the school looking for dirty places to get bacteria samples for a science experiment. A kid in my group had the bright idea of jumping in a literal dumpster to get our bacteria sample.
    That's the only thing I remember from 4th-6th grade

  • @Rebelartist83
    @Rebelartist83 Год назад +1

    I remember when my HS principal got a crappy car and allowed every delinquent to come Take baseball bats and beat the crap out of this beater.. principal ended up scraping the car for $ for the school... another one my choir fundraiser for the choir BBQ and there was two plastic piggy banks and the class that raised the most money for the fundraiser the loser had to dress in drag it was the choir master vs the assistant choir manager some kid kept stuffing the pigs for the bbq and both teachers had to wear drag..what really sucked besides them making really ugly women our choir masters the assistant choir manager was small and scrawny and looked like a mildly handsome version of Beavis so he could wear the varsity dresses and ironically the shoes his wife she got a good laugh I think he bummed some of her costume jewelry but the choir master was tall and mildly buff and sadly my weight so me being the only tall mildly amazonian gal in class with big feet ( yes I'm a girl just was a genetic freak at 17 ) lol 😂 but the butthole took my dress and shoes for his part of the drag...I had to burn my dress and get some eye bleach since the teacher made one ugly girl I should have never stuffed those pigs not realizing that the choir master would have to take my dress for his part of the prank..it's still legendary after 25+ years and nobody knew exactly which of us stuffed the piggy banks..so far that's the only two legendary things I can think of besides this kid named speedbump trying to get college money by riding his bike into cars for insurance money and making stink bombs in chemistry class and having to have the school lock up his formulas after ripping them up .yeah we had some real geniuses come from our school.

  • @denisegoofygirl3727
    @denisegoofygirl3727 Год назад

    In 1997 my senior prank was was taking a large bag of crickets to each of the 6 stairwells and letting them loose. Then 2 years later in 1999 I helped my brother come up with his senior prank. Bought 5 white mice and numbered them 1,2,4,5,&6.

  • @indridcold8433
    @indridcold8433 Год назад

    When I got my diploma, I left! I never looked back!

  • @fknlit7735
    @fknlit7735 Год назад +3

    This one time in High school our math teacher was flipping out cause no one was working on anything.. in the middle of her rant it all goes quiet and this kid sitting in front row let out the longest fart I've heard.. teacher walked out and we didn't see her for the rest of the week.. plus the teacher was hot as hell and the following year a student stole a different teachers phone and found pictures of that hot math teacher and 2 guy teachers having a 3 some.. that kid who stole the phone made like 500bucks charging people to look at the 3 some pictures.. this happened 15 years ago lol

  • @lukelyall5879
    @lukelyall5879 Год назад +1

    23:59 David draiman?!

  • @andrewwatkins4852
    @andrewwatkins4852 4 месяца назад

    I was the only person that could solve the Rubik’s cube the whole puzzle

  • @prsee5969
    @prsee5969 Год назад

    I had to take another bus because I got banned from mine, that bus would arrive late, people would push each other toward the door and it sucked. A teacher I hated grabbed me randomly pulled me aside and stuck his finger in my face and said YOU WI- I grabbed his finger and popped it sideways. They tried to suspend me unless I wrote an apology letter and I basically didn’t say sorry in my note I explained I was doing nothing wrong, and Don’t shove your finger in peoples faces it’s extremely impolite. When I walked into the bus I was last, since he waited until all the kids were on the bus before the fiasco. When I walked in everybody was cheering lol

  • @Storm-930
    @Storm-930 Год назад

    that one guy with the dislike

  • @benleighton9013
    @benleighton9013 Год назад

    two friends got into a fight and began to run hands with each other the teacher didn't stop it it ended only because they got tired hehe

  • @snowyvoidproductionsxx
    @snowyvoidproductionsxx Год назад

    I lost it at "Blah,blah,blah,Mickey Mouse"

  • @niles8102
    @niles8102 Год назад

    Isn't that considered terrorism?

  • @ZaddyGohan
    @ZaddyGohan Год назад

    3:40 LMAO who thinks of that??? Hilarious

  • @decristion
    @decristion Год назад

    A few guys i know planted weed into the garden of the school in Highschool and it took school a about a year to figure it out that those weird plants in the Garden were Actually weed plants. Which are highly illegal in my country. So basicly my school had a small weed garden for a year and no one exept the stoners of that said highschool noticed it for a year.

  • @JoshTay2022
    @JoshTay2022 Год назад

    Omg the selling the school happened to my school near KC, we also had a band kid jump out of the 3rd story window (who eneded up being my first hs bf). No one noticed until 3 classes later other than his forends who dared him. I don't blame him one bit. That teacher was a dick

  • @jugglekittenxz4865
    @jugglekittenxz4865 Год назад

    13:28 i can sympathize w this dude, he got outted and publicly humiliated. But, i do agree. Who bring P0rn to hgihschool? Then again, that was his stuff. But like, why?

  • @KD-xb3tk
    @KD-xb3tk Год назад

    I watch these videos to fall asleep too. The human voice doesn’t work very well, please bring back the robotic voice. Thank you 🙏

  • @Kiingers
    @Kiingers Год назад +2


    • @thefastcommenter7774
      @thefastcommenter7774 Год назад +1

      Dude. Let me make it clearly to you.
      Literally no one cares if you are first. No. One. Cares. Understand?

    • @Kiingers
      @Kiingers Год назад

      @@thefastcommenter7774 skill issue

    • @fleshdadbot6852
      @fleshdadbot6852 Год назад +1

      ​@@Kiingers no.

  • @phedbwa273zwdkyklpv3
    @phedbwa273zwdkyklpv3 Год назад


  • @bananapee86
    @bananapee86 Год назад


  • @wclark3196
    @wclark3196 Год назад

    Your mom.