“You know what would be really interesting to do? Don’t denounce me as a Stalinist but, for example - it’s my old temptation - to rewrite Star Wars… presenting Palpatine and Darth Vader as good progressive egalitarian centralist fighting reactionary feudalists, all the Jedi bullshit. It would tell a completely different story, from the others point of view. What do they [Jedi] stand for? All that, ‘Republic’, what strange of Republic is when you have a Princess, knights, kings and so on? No, Palpatine the Emperor and Darth Vader, they are my good progressive Bonapartist revolutionaries trying to get rid of the old world.” - Slavoj Zizek
Well. Maybe you will be really surprised, but it is a very common plot in Russian Star Wars Fanfiction! There are hundreds of different fanfics, that behave exactly in that way!
@@hovobardakchyan6630 You mean those of the "popadanci" subgenre? I mean, of course they will be portrayed that way, otherwise Joseph Stalin wouldn't fly the TIE-fighter (I don't know if it actually happens in the fanfic, I just saw it's funny cover with Stalin smoking right in the canopy)
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
Yes, but as per Sirach 33:7-15, Why doth one day excel another, and one light another, and one year another year, when all come of the sun? 8 By the knowledge of the Lord they were distinguished, the sun being made, and keeping his commandment. 9 And he ordered the seasons, and holidays of them, and in them they celebrated festivals at an hour. 10 Some of them God made high and great days, and some of them he put in the number of ordinary days. And all men are from the ground, and out of the earth, from whence Adam was created. 11 With much knowledge the Lord hath divided them and diversified their ways. "Around 1750, new spiritual currents begin to move in the West. English Sensualist philosophy assumes the ascendancy over the European soul. Reason, empiricism, analysis, induction- this is the new spirit. But everything becomes folly when examined in the light of reason unleavened by faith and instinct- Erasmus had demonstrated in his malicious work In Praise of Folly that everything is folly, not only greed, ambition, pride, and war, but Church, State, marriage, child-bearing and philosophy. The supremacy of Reason is hostile to Life, and brings about a crisis in any organism which succumbs to it. The Culture-crisis of Rationalism was a part of the Destiny of the West. All previous Cultures have gone through it. It marks the turning-point from the inwardness of Culture to the externalized soul-life of Civilization. The focal idea of Rationalism is liberty- which means liberty from the bonds of Culture. Napoleon liberated war from the style of Fontenoy, 1745, where each side courteously invited the other to fire the first shot. Beethoven liberated music from the form-perfection of Bach and Mozart. The Terror of ‘93 liberated the West from the idea of the sacredness of Dynasty. Materialistic philosophy liberated it from the spirit of religion, and ultra-Rationalism then proceeded to liberate science from philosophy. Waves of revolution liberated the Civilization from the dignity of the State and its high traditions into the dirt of party-politics. Class war was liberation from social order and hierarchy. The new idea of “humanity” and “The Rights of Man” liberated the Culture from its old pride of exclusiveness and feeling of unconscious superiority. Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of their sex and turned them into inferior men"-Imperium, Francis Parker Yockey
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
Grand moff tarkin was actually one of the reasons the empire fell. He blew up Alderaan, leading to many people to join the rebellion and cause a full on war
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
@@M50A1literally the empire lost cuz plot armor and cuz they are the "Bad guys"(they aren't, the bad guys are the rebel terrorists) and ofc the "bad guys" need to lose.
Chad Empire: Wants peace and prosperity and order. Abolishes the worthless, bloated Senate Builds massive space navy to protect its territories Virgin Rebel Alliance: >:(
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
You know how it is. As a kid you think the Rebels are so cool, but as you grow older you start more and more to see the Empire's side of things. Fight on brave Troopers.
@Alexander Perkins it's more so the reasons behind those things that make me consider them good. but clearly understanding why the empire did what it did is too difficult for you.
Original trilogy is where Lucas actually was a thin and starving artist with creativity. Then he got rich, and produced basically shit devoid of creativity. Original trilogy is pure space opera and epic, 70-80s were the golden era of this genre, also in anime with Gundam and Legend of the Legendary Heroes among others.
Усвой, повстанец, если ты не дятел: АТ-АТ в бою непобедим! Своей земли не отдадим ни пяди, а впрочем, и чужой не отдадим. На страже мира, отдыха и спорта Боезапас мы тратили не зря: Теперь здесь будут лыжные курорты, И здравницы, и просто лагеря. Стучат сердца, как дизель-генератор, машины рвутся в яростный поход, Чтоб снова мог любимый Император Ходить на лыжах по планете Хот!
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus “A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius "Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism." "This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
Would be cool to implement some scenes created in like Empire at War using the remaster mod that came out on Christmas, in order to supplement some battle scenes
@@dr.strangelove6118 they weren't terrorists. Definition of terrorismi is "unlawful use of violence and intimidation, against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". Rebels did not attack civilians (unlike empire).
John Williams' work is beyond incredible, let's make no mistake, but there is something about seeing SWs with synth like this that just. . . Feels right, somehow. Also, Long live the Empire.
Couple this music video with my spicy political beliefs and you got my full support behind the GALACTIC EMPIRE. Great recruitment propaganda stuff. Long live the Emperor!
unifying the galaxy, creating a centralized economy/currency, ending galactic-scale terrorism/smuggling > thinking youre a good person for liking the rebels
It will never cease to sadden me that the Fel Empire will probably never make it onto the big screen. For the first time in Star Wars, the imperials got to be good guys. Or, at least proven to be able to overcome their troubled past to become a genuinely functioning and responsible government.
The Fel Empire is proof that the only serious flaw of the Galactic Imperial system was that the Galactic Empire was ruled by one of the most evil Sith Lords to have existed. Only the Infinite Empire and Valkorion could seriously claim to be more evil than Palpatine.
“You know what would be really interesting to do? Don’t denounce me as a Stalinist but, for example - it’s my old temptation - to rewrite Star Wars… presenting Palpatine and Darth Vader as good progressive egalitarian centralist fighting reactionary feudalists, all the Jedi bullshit. It would tell a completely different story, from the others point of view.
What do they [Jedi] stand for? All that, ‘Republic’, what strange of Republic is when you have a Princess, knights, kings and so on? No, Palpatine the Emperor and Darth Vader, they are my good progressive Bonapartist revolutionaries trying to get rid of the old world.”
- Slavoj Zizek
Well. Maybe you will be really surprised, but it is a very common plot in Russian Star Wars Fanfiction! There are hundreds of different fanfics, that behave exactly in that way!
@@hovobardakchyan6630 links?
@@hovobardakchyan6630 You mean those of the "popadanci" subgenre? I mean, of course they will be portrayed that way, otherwise Joseph Stalin wouldn't fly the TIE-fighter (I don't know if it actually happens in the fanfic, I just saw it's funny cover with Stalin smoking right in the canopy)
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
So he admits that progressive egalitarian centrists are willing to blow up entire planets just to assert their view? Lol okay
star wave: revenge of the synth
flo __ underrated comment
Good one
More like Rave-nge of the Synth!
Star Wave: The Synthwave Strikes Back!
"You unironically support the Galactic Empire"
Chad Empire vs Virgin Alliance lol, gg no re.
Same here mate.
"... The problem is people don't always agree!"
"Then they should be made to."
"That sounds like a dictatorship."
"Well. If it works."
@@spongeboymebob771 Or... An EMPIRE!
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
Ah I see you're a Generation Tech fan and a man of culture as well
Amen to that
No matter the cost.
Yes, but as per Sirach 33:7-15, Why doth one day excel another, and one light another, and one year another year, when all come of the sun?
8 By the knowledge of the Lord they were distinguished, the sun being made, and keeping his commandment.
9 And he ordered the seasons, and holidays of them, and in them they celebrated festivals at an hour.
10 Some of them God made high and great days, and some of them he put in the number of ordinary days. And all men are from the ground, and out of the earth, from whence Adam was created.
11 With much knowledge the Lord hath divided them and diversified their ways.
"Around 1750, new spiritual currents begin to move in the West. English Sensualist philosophy assumes
the ascendancy over the European soul. Reason, empiricism, analysis, induction- this is the new spirit.
But everything becomes folly when examined in the light of reason unleavened by faith and instinct-
Erasmus had demonstrated in his malicious work In Praise of Folly that everything is folly, not only
greed, ambition, pride, and war, but Church, State, marriage, child-bearing and philosophy. The
supremacy of Reason is hostile to Life, and brings about a crisis in any organism which succumbs to it.
The Culture-crisis of Rationalism was a part of the Destiny of the West. All previous Cultures have
gone through it. It marks the turning-point from the inwardness of Culture to the externalized soul-life of
Civilization. The focal idea of Rationalism is liberty- which means liberty from the bonds of Culture.
Napoleon liberated war from the style of Fontenoy, 1745, where each side courteously invited the other to
fire the first shot. Beethoven liberated music from the form-perfection of Bach and Mozart. The Terror
of ‘93 liberated the West from the idea of the sacredness of Dynasty. Materialistic philosophy liberated it
from the spirit of religion, and ultra-Rationalism then proceeded to liberate science from philosophy.
Waves of revolution liberated the Civilization from the dignity of the State and its high traditions into the
dirt of party-politics. Class war was liberation from social order and hierarchy. The new idea of
“humanity” and “The Rights of Man” liberated the Culture from its old pride of exclusiveness and feeling
of unconscious superiority. Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of their sex and turned
them into inferior men"-Imperium, Francis Parker Yockey
That moment when you realize you're REALLY into the empire because of the hardcore retro imperial aesthetic.
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
For such a minor character, Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin always stuck with me. He just dominates the scenes he is in.
I agree.
Tarkin is not a minor character, he is the main villain of a new hope
Grand moff tarkin was actually one of the reasons the empire fell. He blew up Alderaan, leading to many people to join the rebellion and cause a full on war
@@MMiglietta and yet, if not for destruction of the death star, all of this rebels would've been crushed because of "tarkin doctrine".
Ah, yes. The Good Guys, always so Aesteticc
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
Empire is shown here exactly as it should be shown in films.
Literally all this footage is from the films lol
@@LordVader1094 I meant that the Empire should have been shown to be strong and unbeatable, as in this video.
@@kanzlerross1565 strong and unbeatable mfs when they collapse and splinter into nothing:
@@M50A1literally the empire lost cuz plot armor and cuz they are the "Bad guys"(they aren't, the bad guys are the rebel terrorists) and ofc the "bad guys" need to lose.
"Dear rebels, if your democracy is better than the Empire, then why New Republic was destroyed only few decades later?"
Chad Empire:
Wants peace and prosperity and order.
Abolishes the worthless, bloated Senate
Builds massive space navy to protect its territories
Virgin Rebel Alliance: >:(
i guess I am quite randomly asking but does anybody know a good website to watch new tv shows online ?
@Harvey Armani I dunno atm I've been using flixportal. You can find it if you google=) -ray
@Ray Bronson Thank you, I went there and it seems to work =) I appreciate it !!
@Harvey Armani You are welcome =)
@@harveyarmani6380 Piss off bots.
"4 years ago"
Wow, how time flies. Still a treasure Comrade!
Impressive. M O S T I M P R E S S I V E
Thank you for your service! 🤣🤣
German military forces documentary, 3044 colorized
*5 b.b.y
@@phillip_iv_planetking6354 he's in Argentina👀
ribcageConsumer nah m8
Deutschland 3k
Mwaniki Mwaniki Bro you can enjoy an aesthetic without crying about politics
Mwaniki Mwaniki lol 😂 my bad
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
@@RenneDanjoule schizo moment
@@RenneDanjoule based
Am looking forward to this!
Edit: Peace through the empire!
Edit 2: rebels are terrorists
Edit 3: The premiere was great! Good job Mauzer!
Hi Eririn
Yes , you are true.Rebels are terrorists.
E M P I R E !
I A m T h e S e n a t e
n o t y e t
hahaha u cant spell senate
@@Enygma293 it's treason then
@@BearHawkful lol my mistake:)
You forgot the"
" A H H H H H H H R R R G G G G H H H H H "
I swear, every single one of the bad guys in movies and video games always look the coolest.
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
The video I didn't know I wanted, but now I cannot live without
Patrolling the Alderaan orbit almost makes you wish for a Death Star.
Where the republic refuses to do anything, the empire solves all the problems
This is the thing.
The command post is under imperial control!
Ah a nother fan of the classics I see
The Empire did nothing wrong.
Na, he would betrayed you.
@@meathead6155 What?
@@asierra8787 Affirmative. Heading back to patrol. Never gets easier out here in the Rim you know? For the Emprie.
Rebels is shit
@@СергейБр-щ5н Your support for the Empire is noted citizen. Your rations shall be increased accordingly.
Grand moff Wilhuff Tarkin: *this station will be the beacon of strength of the empire*
One moisture farmer boi: *hold my blue milk*
Farmer boi and rebel forces, don't forget it
TheMidnight1986 underrated comment
A farm boy, a merchant's son, and a gas station attendant.
I didn't know I needed this, but I did.
6 hours into a "democratic' stellaris run
Grand Moff Tarkin is my favorite character in all of Star Wars
I wish he was in the Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi, because Peter Cushing's acting was incredible.
Im partial to veers and thrawn myself
You know how it is. As a kid you think the Rebels are so cool, but as you grow older you start more and more to see the Empire's side of things. Fight on brave Troopers.
Are you referring to Disney or the EU here?
@@timw8250 Both, it is all the same to me.
@@timw8250 Why are you even asking?
@Alexander Perkins you're acting as if these things are bad
@Alexander Perkins it's more so the reasons behind those things that make me consider them good. but clearly understanding why the empire did what it did is too difficult for you.
When you realize the Empire was only made to protect the galaxy from an alien species from another galaxy hellbent on crushing the galaxy.
The Galactic Empire in all its glory - long live the Empire! awesome video by the way
The first trilogy is so amazing is hard to believe.
Yeah, prequels is best
@@arsenicos576 Based
Except for the 1st act of return of Jedi it's nearly perfect.
@@LordVader1094 “I don't like prequel fans. It's coarse and rough and irritating - and it gets everywhere.”
Original trilogy is where Lucas actually was a thin and starving artist with creativity.
Then he got rich, and produced basically shit devoid of creativity.
Original trilogy is pure space opera and epic, 70-80s were the golden era of this genre, also in anime with Gundam and Legend of the Legendary Heroes among others.
I swear every single one of these videos is a frigging artistic masterpiece.
Glory to The Empire!
Усвой, повстанец, если ты не дятел:
АТ-АТ в бою непобедим!
Своей земли не отдадим ни пяди,
а впрочем, и чужой не отдадим.
На страже мира, отдыха и спорта
Боезапас мы тратили не зря:
Теперь здесь будут лыжные курорты,
И здравницы, и просто лагеря.
Стучат сердца, как дизель-генератор,
машины рвутся в яростный поход,
Чтоб снова мог любимый Император
Ходить на лыжах по планете Хот!
Выпал на моменте про лыжи
This is... Imperial propaganda
Its *education*
BlueSkull For the sith and for the empire ☝️
@@williamhicks1091 Star wars nerd here:
Um actually, the average imperial had no idea the sith were even a thing in the Empire.
"The sect of Freemasons/Jedi grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. This swift and formidable advance has brought upon the Church, upon the power of princes, upon the public well-being, precisely that grievous harm which Our predecessors had long before foreseen. Such a condition has been reached that henceforth there will be grave reason to fear, not indeed for the Church - for her foundation is much too firm to be overturned by the effort of men - but for those States in which prevails the power, either of the sect of which we are speaking or of other sects not dissimilar which lend themselves to it as disciples and subordinates."-Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus
“A time will come when the enemies of Christ will boast: “We have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants, and the Christians cannot escape our hands.” Then a Roman Emperor will arise in great fury against them… Drawing his sword, he will fall upon the foes of Christianity and crush them. Then peace will reign on earth, and priests will be relieved of all their anxieties."-St. Methodius
"Philippe Buonarotti's History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals (1828) became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring such socialists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed a mutualist strategy that would revolutionize society by evolutionary stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism/anarchy, and finally to communism."
"This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing"-Winston Churchill
The 80's are strong with this one !
S i t h w a v e
Would be cool to implement some scenes created in like Empire at War using the remaster mod that came out on Christmas, in order to supplement some battle scenes
Dogfights between a tie fighter and an X-Wing will always remind me of a battle between a Spitfire and a BF-109
That was part of the inspiration for those fights. You also had the dog fights that occurred over the pacific that also played it's role as well.
Dunno how many times I've watched this. It's a REALLY good video.
Это ваш Главный и Лучший видос! Все остальные тоже Круть! Спасибо!
Palpatine did nothing wrong
Palpatine didn't know about the Alderaan
I just watched the new star wars film and i got this recommented
@Official Communist Party of Elmira ok commie
Ok stop with the commie insult u will just make us imperials look like Idiots, the rebels are terrorists don't forget, glory to our Empire and Emperor
If to compare to size of the galactic and millions of systems, it's like when US destroying small terrorist village
Growing up is realizing they were the good guys
@@vibecheck2787 you obviously haven’t grown up
the rebellion were terrorists
@@vibecheck2787 Empire through its iron grip unironically prevented wars all over the galaxy.
@@dr.strangelove6118 they weren't terrorists. Definition of terrorismi is "unlawful use of violence and intimidation, against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". Rebels did not attack civilians (unlike empire).
My beloved Galactic Empire.
The Empire of a healthy man...
*I T S T R E A S O N T H E N*
Me and the boys pulling up on Eckarts Ladder be like.
Imagine not wanting to be a TIE Pilot
Imagine wanting to pilot one of the worst star fighters ever devised. Now the Interceptor on the other hand.....
@@Calvin_Coolage "worst"
Laughs in production capacity*
Imagine wanting to look in more directions than “directly in front of you” and “straight up” when engaged in a heated dogfight.
Imagine not wanting to work in the superlaser firing room on the Death Star
@@Calvin_Coolage 100 DPF - very nice argument in maneuver battle against rebel ships, + amazing speed and tiny sizes
Unironically the good guys in Star Wars
I knew that someone should have made the Galactic Empire aesthetics video by now.
the virgin rebels vs the GIGA CHAD EMPIRE TROOPERS
Growing up is realizing the Empire wasn't so bad.
Long live the Empire!
This soundtrack could be easily part of a RTS game.
check out Crisis on Sarapin from SW: Force Commander. Has the same vibe.
Hell yeah, Star Wars goes down well with synthwave.
Well done
Ostfront 2: Hoth Boogaloo
John Williams' work is beyond incredible, let's make no mistake, but there is something about seeing SWs with synth like this that just. . . Feels right, somehow.
Also, Long live the Empire.
long live the emperor!
You are under arrest, in the name of the galactic empire.
So are we not gonna talk about how that one rebel got obliterated by taking the full force of an ATAT blaster?
This is awesome man!
"Music produced by Techno Union"
Bad guys have bad toys and cool songs..🙂
Yes my master
@@ArdanisGeN1e" İronic" ur statement is false !
@@ArdanisGeN1e R E B E L S P R O P A G A N D A
@@ArdanisGeN1e based, that means the rebels are the true bad guys
Making beef jerky while waiting for the vid to drop
Аве Император! Ты навсегда в наших сердцах!
Slava palpatine
*We love comrade mauzer*
"we, we are the good guys ... right ?"
This pleases me GREATLY.
The Empire is pretty badass ngl
This video is unskippable
All hail the Empire.
Glory to the Empire! 🌟 For Justice, Freedom, Peace and Security to the Galaxy! ✊💪❤️
Wow! This why retro/WW2 and space! This is what star war was always about!
For the Galatic Empire.
Couple this music video with my spicy political beliefs and you got my full support behind the GALACTIC EMPIRE. Great recruitment propaganda stuff. Long live the Emperor!
unifying the galaxy, creating a centralized economy/currency, ending galactic-scale terrorism/smuggling > thinking youre a good person for liking the rebels
When the Kaiser wins the Weltkrieg
Good and nice
0:35 Wow! Used a real explosion for that effect.
For the empire!
All Hail Emperor Palpatine and his Empire!
General Veers should have been cloned
Every time I watch these movies I root for the confederacy or the empire to win, of course knowing that they don't.
The Empire is the heir to the Republic. The rebels are the heirs of the confederation
It will never cease to sadden me that the Fel Empire will probably never make it onto the big screen. For the first time in Star Wars, the imperials got to be good guys. Or, at least proven to be able to overcome their troubled past to become a genuinely functioning and responsible government.
Fel empire is the best empire...it's my favorite faction in the leagcy comocs.
The Fel Empire is proof that the only serious flaw of the Galactic Imperial system was that the Galactic Empire was ruled by one of the most evil Sith Lords to have existed. Only the Infinite Empire and Valkorion could seriously claim to be more evil than Palpatine.
For the Imperium of Man
my all-time favorite
Esse era meu fillme preferido muito show
Годнота подъехала 👍🏻
Nice!!!Love it ,perfect movie
What a pity that it was a long time ago and in a galaxy far, far away...
За императора и двор - стреляю в упор !!!
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The Empire made the galaxy safe for humans
Gen Veers was a bad ass !
This new War Thunder update looks pretty lit, ngl