# 11 Jack Sequeira- The investigative judgement

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @kenchrispens4023
    @kenchrispens4023 5 лет назад +2

    Excellent! I was really blessed by this message! Praise God for his love and mercy!

  • @dohnlabalaba9470
    @dohnlabalaba9470 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Jesus for this timely message. To God be the glory! Amen and Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty, all the earth is full of your glory.

  • @mangnuraj
    @mangnuraj 6 лет назад +2

    Beautiful message and it is so comforting. Thank you very much Pastor Jack.

  • @jtumewu
    @jtumewu 6 лет назад +3

    AMEN and Amen for this beautiful & wonderful message,I'm truly blessed,thank you.

  • @MrMalege
    @MrMalege 9 лет назад +2

    Praise be to God for loving us and helping me understand the gospel through your presentation. I am convinced that this is the message the church has to share and live to vindicate the gospel. What was the problem with Dr. Ford in counteracting the sanctuary message and prophesy of 2300 years?

    • @erichondel6221
      @erichondel6221 8 лет назад

      moses malege Good question. Des Ford believes that the IJ contradicts scripture because Jesus went directly into the "Most Holy Place" at His Ascension, not in 1844. EGW endorsed the IJ. The IJ is a corner stone of the SDA faith. If it falls, so does EGW. Now, I have a question. The Ascension of Christ refers to what? After the Cross, or after the 40 days, or both?

    • @margaretblaine6516
      @margaretblaine6516 8 лет назад

      Eric Hondel after the ascension. Remember when Jesus met the two women after His resurrection? One went to hug Him, and He said, "Touch me not for I have NOT yet been to the Father."

    • @fruitofthepirit
      @fruitofthepirit 7 лет назад +4

      The earthly sanctuary, (a copy of the heavenly sanctuary, illustrates that after the sacrifice of the lamb was made the priest entered into the holy place to sprinkle the blood on the alter. The priest went into the most holy place once a year on the day of atonement. Therefore, Jesus entered into the holy place when he ascended to heaven.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 5 лет назад

      god: "i love you, you will love me, or i will burn you alive every day for eternity" god is a psychopath and the sooner religions go the way of the pharoahs, the happier i will be.

  • @stephendickie8694
    @stephendickie8694 9 лет назад +4

    This truly GOOD NEWS, thank you.

  • @WhiteLightXII
    @WhiteLightXII 12 лет назад +3

    Thanks Jack! Sadly many people are still deceived by the slander and libel of the church and EGW. Satan ironically tempts us to become the judge of our brethren when they judge this doctrine - finally God will judge, and is judging as we speak.

    • @dohnlabalaba9470
      @dohnlabalaba9470 4 года назад

      Awesome! Our God is awesome, wonderful indeed!

    • @stewiefy
      @stewiefy 4 года назад +1

      Is dividing the Word and understanding truth judging the brethren? you yourself followed that up by saying we judge this doctrine. This doctrine can be judged false without judging or condemning those who believe it. You seem to have a grasp of irony similar to that of Alanis Morsette. Jesus is saving as we speak. John 12:48, "There is a judge for the one who rejects Me and does not receive My words: the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. God changes not, He went into heaven to do the same. We are judged on the last day. By this we know there is no investigative judgement. The truth shall set you free. What's ironic is that you condemn others for judging SDA's and their doctrine, while you judge other Christian churches as apostate, false believers, and heretics. Jack speaks to that here saying to stop doing it.(13:13) I never said what Gods judgement of you will be, you ended with it. The Bible disagrees, saying that the wicked are judged/condemned by the Word/law. Jesus is doing work in the heavenly sanctuary as high priest but it is to save, not judge or condemn. That work is reserved for the last day.

    • @ruganzureggie385
      @ruganzureggie385 4 года назад

      Which judgement ? Do you mean there is an investigative judgementvgoing on right now ?

    • @jurgenswolfaardt6610
      @jurgenswolfaardt6610 4 года назад

      @@ruganzureggie385 Hi Reginald. This comment is from very long ago now, so I have lost the complete context, but yes, there is an investigative judgment going on right now. SDAs teach that this started in 1844.

  • @heavenbound9867
    @heavenbound9867 4 года назад +4

    What was presented here was beautifully laid out...unfortunately it didn't fully disclose the teaching of the investigative judgment by the SDA church. Much of the problem with the full teaching is the origin of this doctrine which was from a failed attempt at setting a date of Christ's return being October 22, 1844 and the refusal to admit that date was an error and repent for attempt to set a date was a sin. SDA continues to hold on to this 1844 date when they say that's when Jesus went from the holy place into the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary....this is in error and is not supported by scripture. SDA ties the hands of God with this doctrine by not allowing Christ to return prior to 1844 when Paul believed it would happen in his day and many Christians throughout the ages believed it would happen in their day as well. The Hebrew word for "day" used in Dan 8:14 is ereb-boqer (STRONGS #6153 & #1242) and means literally "evening-morning" and refers to the evening and morning sacrifices in the Temple. SDA Fundamental Belief #24 uses Num 14:34 and Ezek 4:6 as support texts for the use of the day for a year principal they force into Daniel 8:14. The Hebrew word for "day" in both support texts is yowm (STRONGS #3117) and can mean, day, a period of time or a year. If God meant for the 2300 period of time to be interpreted prophetically as a day for a year in Dan 8:14 why didn't he use the word yowm (STRONGS #3117)? Ellen White stated in The Great Controversy, p 418-419 The new "light from God" was in their "discovery" that the cleansing is necessary because of sacrificial blood which defiled the heavenly sanctuary with the forgiven sins of Gods people. And again in page 421 she states "By placing these confessed sins on Christ, they are "transferred, in fact, to the heavenly sanctuary." Please show me where in scripture the blood of a sacrifice ever defiled the sanctuary. Belief #24 indicates the ministry of our heavenly high priest is typified by the work of the high priest in the earthly sanctuary. According to Leviticus 16 it always cleansed the entire sanctuary in one day....the day of atonement and it always started with the most holy place. Belief #24 also says the work of the investigative judgment is a part of the ultimate disposition of all sin typified by the cleansing of the Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. Mr. Sequeira fails to discuss this as well perhaps because SDA teaches that just as sins are placed on the scapegoat in Leviticus 16 the sins that Jesus' blood transports to heavenly sanctuary will be placed on Satan as the scapegoat. This makes Satan our final sin bearer and a party to our salvation which is clearly not in scripture. In Num 18:9 it states that every sin offering was made most holy and Lev 16:5 is clear that two goats were given for one sin offering...in verse 7 both goats are presented to the Lord. Both goats would be considered most holy based on Num18:9. How can a "most holy" "sin offering" represent Satan? Lev 16:17-18 &21-22 is where Aaron lays hands on the live goat after he has applied the blood to the mercy seat and cleansing of he sanctuary and there is no instruction to wash his hands prior to laying his hands on the live goat....we must then conclude the live goat was "most holy"....again how can a "most holy" "sin offering" represent Satan himself? More errors could be disclosed but there is not the space or time to continue.....nor is there a need. What Mr. Sequeira has laid out lines up with Evangelicals however it's disingenuous not to disclose the entire investigative judgment doctrine as held by SDA and their General Conference to only seek the approval of man. Please repent and renounce your false prophetess and your false doctrines...to continue to fight for them is fighting the wrong fight.

  • @desmondford3454
    @desmondford3454 5 лет назад +3

    Gillian Ford. Some comments. What a beautiful man full of the Spirit. Similar to Des Ford he teaches the primacy of justification for our standing before God, but that j'ion and s'ion are always together. There is agreement also on a pre-Advent judgment. This is a fairly typical view from GC not just Jack Sequeria [see the memorial for Des in the Review and Herald-that the church agreed with Des on righteousness by faith, but not on the sanctuary (to answer comments here]. This presentation is a fairly official modern view that makes the Investigative Judgment good news and not a thing of fear. As Roy Ingram has pointed out in his book on 1844, this is different to the view portrayed in Great Controversy. Go back and read it, and be aware that it was largely written by Uriah Smith and J. N. Andrews. Ellen White agreed to it, but in her own writings had less and less to say about it as time went on. The consensus statements at Glacier View took the position that Jesus went into the Most Holy Place at his ascension, as the Book of Hebrews teaches. What Jack's presentation omits, and someone pointed it out below, is the connection with the sanctuary doctrine, thus 1844 and the 2300 days. The IJ doctrine came into being after Jesus did not return in 1844 as one of the explanations for the error. Without that history, no one would be discussing an investigative judgment at the end of time. So it needs to be included in the conversation. And yes, Des disagreed with the principle of historicism (except that the principles of good and evil repeat themselves in every age), and the calculation of dates and the way we interpreted prophecy back there. These questions have been raised from the beginning of the church. Scholars of the 1950s in Australia and at Andrews did not believe in the investigative judgment but talked only about this to themselves. Which set Des to study it. He was quite conservative at age 28. Des was just the latest in the line to acknowledge this, but his sin was that he thought the truth was important and harried like a deer by baying traditional hounds, he spoke to the common people.

    • @mariellenreiber7761
      @mariellenreiber7761 2 года назад

      I have been told that the BRI heavily criticized and Jack Sequeira was not ultimately ok with the GC.

  • @radiomanguy
    @radiomanguy 10 лет назад +7

    Hebrews 10:16-17
    New King James Version (NKJV)
    16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,”[a] 17 then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”[b]

    • @ruganzureggie385
      @ruganzureggie385 4 года назад

      Which law will be in their hearts ?

    • @Kirwa777
      @Kirwa777 3 года назад

      @@ruganzureggie385 God's law,

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 4 года назад

    The saints will execute the fair judgment of God under the leadership of Christ during this thousand years. That day or hour is described as a time of heat and drought and great harvest. At the same time, it is a day for the wicked to be revealed, to be killed by the word of truth and destroyed by the brightness of that day. But the people of the holy ones will stand and endure. They will recognize this day and they will be purified like silver and tested like gold.

  • @michaelreyes-er8el
    @michaelreyes-er8el 4 года назад

    If salvation is not by performance then we are all going to be saved...even the sunday keeper...right?

  • @michaelreyes-er8el
    @michaelreyes-er8el 4 года назад +1

    OK...we are Justified by faith. Salvation has been provided outside of ourselves. I can't add works to the gift...it is free to the believer...I got it. We all believe that. And yes, good works come come natural from this connection with Christ. But heres the question. Are these natural good works required for salvation? Am I saved by them? No you quickly say. OK, then let me ask. Can I be lost if there are no good works? ''Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God''. Thus...you are not saved by your good works but you can and will be lost without them...period! This is the heart of why an SDA does not have confidence in there salvation. They know to be born again is to allow the Lord to transform the life by faith. That means good works. The lack of confidence is not in Christ but in their commitment. Bible teaches...salvation from sin...evangelicals...salvation in sin. The investigative judgement determines if our faith is pure..if we are allowing the Lord to prepare us for Heaven. We are not saved by our works but we can be lost if not born again be thru the power of Christ.
    ''“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned''. John 15

    • @stewiefy
      @stewiefy 4 года назад +1

      Some 30 fold, some 60 fold, some 90. If we have the mind of Christ in us, we will bear fruit and live in the Spirit or have an excellent Spirit upon us. We wont be perfect seeing 100 fold was not even given as an option or expectation. You will be hard pressed to get credit where credit is due among the Adventists even 30 fold. If we would judge ourselves we should not be judged. Adventists are extremely judgmental and condemning because Ellen White was and told them to be. Stumbling block. Can I be lost if there are no good works? That is a bad question. Jesus said the branch with no fruit is cast into the fire. Before we cast ourselves into the fire lets see if God has produced fruit in us that nobody gives Him credit for. God is judge.

  • @alanrichardson7244
    @alanrichardson7244 5 лет назад +2

    So you successfully defended a lie.

  • @swanswannagan4953
    @swanswannagan4953 8 лет назад +7

    Only Satan would want you afraid of another judgement. It subjects a believer to fear and kills joy like Jack Sequeira said in the open as Dr. Walter Martin said in his book. The point is YES we are sinners...but Jesus died to cover it ONCE FOR ALL! READ Jn 5:24 Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be JUDGED guilty but has crossed over from death to life. ROM 6:10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. why would we need to be judged if we are saved? We already know Satan is bad, so we don't need to see his judgement--its the unbelievers who need to see that Satan was the "bad actor" And if our works are not good compared to other saints then so be it, but God allows us to be justified 100% not on works.
    Heb: 6:19-20 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,
    SDA's have to split hairs to try to cover over (re-interpret) the heretical tracks/doctrines of Ellen G White. the Investigative Judgement is EG Whites arrogant self centered prophecy. And now SDAs realize it and it takes Jack Sequeria more than an hour to try to justify EG Whites heresy--Unfortunately he does more to confuse us than to clarify...why she spoke such a prophesy. Was it because she was trying to cover her tracks that the Millerites AKA the SDA's incorrectly predicted Christa return--I think you will find your REAL answer there--only PRIDE (Satans sin) would try to justify and cover over such a mistake--incorrectly predicting Christs return. Beware the EG White heresies! Please investigate them for yourself.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 5 лет назад

      god: "i love you, you will love me, or i will burn you alive every day for eternity" god is a psychopath and the sooner religions go the way of the pharoahs, the happier i will be.

    • @dohnlabalaba9470
      @dohnlabalaba9470 4 года назад


  • @melodyschleicher81
    @melodyschleicher81 2 года назад

    Unfortunately most Christians, Adventists included, view God through the lens of legality. We are not in legal trouble, we have heart trouble. We need new hearts of flesh, and God himself does the transplant.

    • @caleschnell
      @caleschnell Год назад

      There is so many problems many Christians fall into when we see God's law working no differently than the laws human beings make.
      Instead of being seen as sick and in need of healing-they are seen as law-breaking criminals who are declared righteous ‘even though they are not.’
      This penal-legal deception has cursed the doctrine of justification and the 1844 sanctuary message.
      It's about legal pardoning of sin and cleansing of acts of sins recorded in heavenly ledger books.

  • @henryfirus6856
    @henryfirus6856 5 лет назад

    Greetings , i would be very much
    interested in your opinion, and the opinion of others; Is it possible
    that the typology of Leviticus 16:5 represents Esau, Jacob, and
    Isaac? and by further topological extension represents Christians and
    Jews, Esau is the goat for the Lord, Jacob is the scapegoat, and
    Isaac the ram, and all three represent Jesus the atoning sacrifice
    for our sins. This idea is based on the Hebrew word "saw-eer"
    used in Lev 16:5, this word is first used in Genesis ch 27, where
    Esau is "saw-eer", and Jacob becomes "saw-eer azazel",
    when Rebekah places the skin of the goat on him and he is told to
    escape to Laban. The word "azazel" also means strong one
    against God, or God fighter, so does the name Israel given to Jacob.
    Ellen White in her unusual statement on the scapegoat confirms this
    typology, see end section of this article: @t Day of Atonement is
    also called the Day of Reconciliation, pointing to the prophetic
    reconciliation between members of the Biblical family, Christians,
    Jews, and Jesus. In order for this to make sense in the context of
    Seventh Day Adventist theology we have to assign to the three key
    words in Daniel @-14 the following translation: "Unto 2300 years
    and the perpetual Sabbath will return to the Law of the Sanctuary the
    Christian Church." KODESH is first used in Gen 2:3 for the
    Sabbath, so it means seventh day Sabbath. TAWMEED means perpetual,
    Joseph Bates wrote a book called Perpetual Sabbath. TSADAQ means to
    restore to the the Law, so the meaning is that New Testament
    Sanctuary the Christian Church will be cleansed by restoration of the
    Biblical Decalogue. Hiriam Edson's vision in the cornfield was about
    the Sabbath, see Mathew ch 12 where Jesus in the cornfield is master
    of the Sabbath, this was confirmed by Ellen White's vision of the 10
    Commandments with the Sabbath underlined. Uniqueness of S.D.A.
    Sabbath theology is the synthesis of Daniel @-14 and Leviticus ch
    16:5. This synthesis enables fulfilment of Malachi 4:4-6, the
    reconciliation in the Biblical family. Seventh Day Adventist movement
    was prophetically called to participate in this mission of
    reconciliation. What do you think? Please comment, thank you.

  • @anniehoon
    @anniehoon 4 года назад +1

    Study Hebrews

  • @jedethun
    @jedethun Год назад

    Amen to the gospel! Wonderful truth there! However…Jesus has not been judging believers since 1844… that is a false doctrine built upon false prophecy. Don’t believe it.

    • @undrielgrenger53
      @undrielgrenger53 2 месяца назад

      However, that is a biblical FACT. The Speaker Literally presented all the bible texts explaining just that and still, you are in denial...well, the Lord says that you have the freedom of choice to do whatever you want, even deny His own word if you want.