One month ago I deleted FB account. No regrets. 3 books done, finished all scans of old photo and fixed old laptop. Also, in this month I sow a new movie, something about "Less is now" - very good.
in my previous phone, i deleted fb app (not account yet) , but last week i changed to a brand new phone, the fb automaticly installed from the phone factory. BUT I'M NOT LOGIN. You know what next?, some apps than previous i install and "login with fb" CANNOT LOG!!! because i not loggin to fb FIRST!!!. So, changing to login with email now. LOGIN with FB or EMAIL or Phone number.. CHOOSE WISE! How about my IG? yes i got that "YOU're all caught UP" yes i got "3 minutes reminder" but you know.. . scrolling is addict. i scrolling in 3 minutes, i see a lot! girls in feed, glamour in feed, funny moment in feed, more girls, more marvel, more dc, more scrooling. ENOUGH!
@Arthur Tkachov hello there, im fine thank you, i hope u good too. I have removed fb ig for weeks. And installed again but with some boundaries. First, even whatsapp is addicted, but thats is my main socmed with my friend, family, bussines and social church community. So, i turn off MANUALY one by one of whatsapp status. Every all of them, even my fam, and friend. I only receive personal message and group info message for the news. Believe me 90% status feed is dancing, food, selfie, pets, etc, news? Like earthquake, emergency, accident, etc when there is important i get it from. My friend group message. Thats is my filter. Mute status notif now. Second, fb is sometime i used for looking a stuff of electronic device (pc, mouse, etc, coz is on my local town community) other else is none. Instagram, the most addic of ig is story. Feed from your friend doesn't attract me like story did. So mute story who very common post a story. Dont let them steal your sleep hours. Game, i'am a gamer. I usually play with my team 2 hours (never expand more than 2h) just play that time win or lose, and important DONT CHASE MISSION when you buy battlepass. Just play for fun, not chase a goal mission from developer. Its like a dog chasing his own tail.
I deleted all social media except RUclips and LinkedIn.I only log on to these platforms for certain purposes at certain times. Thanks to you guys who’ve inspired me to do this. I’ve been reaching my goals a lot faster now. It’s crazy how much you can do when you’re less distracted. Thank you guys ☺️
I deactivated my Instagram and Facebook 8 months ago and it was life changing. As an introvert I initially felt very isolated because social media didn't require any effort on my part to connect with people. Then I slowly started to be more intentional about maintaining just a few close friendships. I only use RUclips now, but I am much more careful about who or what I subscribe to. I highly recommend it!
After having an Instagram account for 8 years, I permanently deleted my account. I was sick to my stomach when I became aware that it’s very difficult to delete your account. It took me 15 minutes to figure out the process and then... if you log in for 30 days after deleting your account, not only will your account not get deleted, but you have to start your 30. Days. Over. Again. That alone should wake people up. I also became very aware at the amount of parents that are staring at their phones while their small children are playing at the playground. I have 4 kids myself so I understand this temptation to disconnect. Yesterday my husband pointed out at the playground, “Jill, almost every parent is taking a photo of something their toddler does at the playground and spends the next 10 -15 minutes staring at their phone.”
May I also recommend Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Disconnected for a while and it felt so good but just like that, i went back to my toxic apps to stay connected into these socially really challenging times.. the struggle to keep boundaries is real!
@Aiden Roger It's from the movie War Games. It means that in some games, nobody wins. In the context of this video, it's referring to not getting into the cycle of social media, because no matter how much fun it can seem at first, if it sucks up all our time and energy and results in depression, then it's not worth it.
I can entirely relate to chasing this “all caught up” thinking. You are so right! We will NEVER get all caught up on social media and it’s madness even attempting. Thank u for this piece of wisdom 🙏🏻
I have to close youtube after this, or I have to admit to myself that I have an addiction. Listening to the minimalist is like looking at my screen time.
This video is so timely for me, I removed Instagram a bit over week ago as i self identified the exact issues discussed in this video. I can honestly say that i dont miss it! Im reading more and researching things of interest, so empowering to let go. If you are thinking about doing this, you have nothing to lose and only time to gain :).
I have my social media access on a different device from my phone. I appreciate that they aren't as user friendly on a phone's internet explorer because it helps me stick to it. I check social media once a day, and often forget for days. I got into watching RUclips 2 years ago, but I only follow 7 people, and they're for motivation (minimalism, pregnancy/parenting/psychology, exercise routines) or language learning. It definitely helps to set the limits before you start, and limit what you get into at all.
Heres an idea inspired by the minimalist month challenge. Every time you end up on Instagram you have to unfollow something. Second time you go on it unfollow 2. 3rd time 3. See if you can get down to just going on it once a day
RUclips is my only social media... that and googling health symptoms trying to find out if something is wrong with me which is literally the worst thing you can do regardless of how innocent it seems so yeah you're definitely right😣
I do the same regarding googling everything about my health. My mom calls me a hypochondriac because I keep looking the internet everytime I have a little pain for a new illness, definitely not healthy and I need to stop these bad habits.
Love the word play of this. I recently closed my fb account and feel much better. Still find myself reaching to look at it but there's really nothing to miss. More time for my children to actually talk to me instead of the old, in a minute! Because childhood is really only a minute long and then they are gone.
I’ve found what works best for me, is limits. Not only does it teach self control, but I also don’t use the app unless there is a defined purpose behind it. No random pickups. I did completely delete tiktok, simply because of the negative impacts I was feeling from it. Instagram however was not giving me these feeling, so I decided it can stay but perhaps put a time limit behind it. I’ve done this for a little bit now, and the main thing I’ve noticed is actually how much I’m bored. I’ve filled all my time with scrolling and social media that now that I take that away, I have all this free time I don’t know what to do with. I’ve been trying to find something meaningful to do with it but it’s been difficult. I started writing again, as well as reading, but I can only read a book for so many hours. There have been downsides to deleting, as I just said, but upsides would be in more productive, I have a longer attention span then I used to, as well as being a generally happier person.
Yes! I'm with you. I'm off Instagram and FB. I did a 30 day trial off in November and never went back. I also quit drinking and am weaning off coffee. I don't want to be addicted to anything
Absolutely, very good message! Now more than ever it´s important to be mindful when using these platforms As a content creator i try to keep it simple and focused on what matters, otherwise it´s so hard to be creative if your always spending a lot of time on these platforms! I also haven´t use a smartphone for a year now, it´s not necessary at all in my opinion to be connected 24/7
You are so right! Personally, when I get this notification, I know I've been scrolling to much, spent too much time doing nothing constructive and it makes me feel bad. It is fortunately rare!
I haven't been on social media in a month and a half now. I have no desire to go back either. However, I kept my account active for 2 reasons- 1) Messenger- I have friends on the other side of the border who I can't easily stay in contact since the border is closed thanks to the pandemic. Texting/calling international gets expensive if you both don't have a cell phone plan for it and 2) My Spotify account was created through my Facebook account years ago, so I *think* I'd lose all my playlists if I closed my account. Since getting off social media I've started reading for the first time in my life, stumbled across The Minimalists, Matt D'Avella and Graham Stephan, sold off a ton of stuff I don't use or have a need for, set up a budget, got out of overdraft, paid off a fair chunk of debt, lost 5 lbs and I'm finally happy with what I have. I'm not chasing the next thing I'll buy with my next paycheque, but instead focusing on putting my income towards paying off debt from past mistakes and setting myself up for financial success. I should say It's not just social media, but around the same time I got off I started seeking out ways to improve my life and better spend my time so everything went hand in hand.
It doesn't matter how many times i uninstall any social media app, as soon as i reinstall it after a good break, gradually but eventually i get back to my old habits. I feel the best approach is being able to control yourself, even with those apps in hand, and just being mindful. But we are human, hiccups happen, and that's okay, acknowledge it and move on. Just my two cents, idk im trying to figure this out myself.
I used to be a daily IG poster. In 2020, I posted 22 photos, less than 2 a month. Now, when I download the IG app to my phone, I find myself deleting it within the hour. It's clear some kind of change is happening. Thanks for the great video, JFM. You and Ryan are awesome and this message is iconic. Oh, and that's a sweet rattan table. :)
I love the pace of these videos. So many commercials and tiktoks and other media seem to have so much music, movement, and fast paced switching between scenes so it'll hold our attention or get our attention. It's just annoying! I feel like they're cramming the commercial/video down our throat! Thank you for creating media that is not an assault on our senses!
During a walk with my friend I deleted Instagram off of my phone with the intentions to use my time on a laptop rather than scrolling an unlimited time whenever I was bored/needed to have some sort of fix. I learned that I didn't miss it after a couple weeks, and I didn't feel the need to check the social media page on the browser. However, after posting a picture, I noticed I was thinking about the likes again, and I felt the urge to check more often. Now, not having posted anymore after that one instance, I should admit Instagram is not per se an application that serves much value to my life. Maybe a massive unfollow can make it more mindful, but I haven't figured this out yet. Good video.
Social media is a very sharp double edge. When we use it as a tool to truly engage and promote business, sure, it’s great. Personal use is insidious. No sugar coating that. A mantra I repeat to myself when I post is “seek to share, don’t share to seek”. All easier said than done. I’ve done days where I shut my phone off and my body literally recalibrated and I feel so much more wholesome and healthy. Our generation will feel the effects later on just like the boomers and their cigarettes did.
Eu em meio a essa pandemia, encontrei vocês através da Netflix e foi o achado mais maravilhoso que tive, venho repensando vários aspectos de minha vida e retomando o controle, obrigado por me ajudarem, o conteúdo de vocês é muito bom
I had quit Instagram (I only had Instagram and RUclips) because I wanted to stop being so addicted and after 2 years I got it again for school purposes (COVID hit and it was a way schools could see kids participating since everything shut down out of nowhere) and I was addicted again. It took me a year to completely erase it again. I miss it but I feel a sense of freedom as well. Up until now I feel it was the best decision personally. And now when I see others glued to their phones I feel a sense of pride.
Thank you for this video it was awesome. I'm so thankful I was born before the internet. I do use my devices! And they don't use me very often. I will leave the house without my phone and it doesn't bother me. I lived some 20 odd years before the internet or any devices you carry with you, so my mind isn't always on ooooh take a selfie here or someone's calling or texting....I must drop everything to get that or at least see who it is. It's very annoying when I'm talking to someone and they start checking their phone, then you quit talking and they look up and give an answer to a question that was never asked. It isn"t easy to limit yourself but you have to make a conscious decision when your on social media, how much of your time u will allow to be squandered. It's like a drug for some ppl. sigh
I deleted both Instagram and Facebook a couple of months ago,, My mind is somehow much quieter without the constant look at me,,, just for a minute debate which I realised was always going on in my head, I like this new feeling of Peace 😌
I deleted my apps, except I just recently added instagram back after a few months. I turned off notifications, and I made a deal with myself. I can post finished art. I can scroll for 5 minutes, or click specific people to support in that 5 minutes. Thr moment I go off of my rule I made, I will delete the app again. I use youtube for when I'm working, cleaning, or need it to learn something. I'm currently obsessed with minimalism, so I actively seek minimalism videos, and other self improvement podcasts.
Yes!! I deleted social media and have not missed it at all! I love my life without it so much more! I’m also much more conscious on my RUclips use and try to only use it for researching something specific. *Emphasis on try*
Simply disable all unnecessary notifs. Even mute mail and communicators, just check them once, twice a day. I know the feeling that something may miss you. But infact nothing is. You are missing your own, physical life.
Thing is I want to share my photography?? If I never shared my work I would never have achieved such things as having my work on book covers? And I definitely want to capture moments as I just lost my dog and if I had never photographed him ... well it would have been a shame. That’s what I struggle with!!! Where to I store my photos and share them!
I utilize Instagram to connect with clients and industry organizations. I also use it when I'm looking for vintage/secondhand furniture to purchase locally. It can be a great tool, but I find my reasons for utilizing it as a catalyst into mindless scrolling and reaching for my phone every 10 minutes to only look at a few photos, click on an ad, or shop, then put it back down. It's a dilemma because I feel that if I don't have it, I will become irrelevant to my work industry due to lack of in person meetings and or I'll have more difficulty finding vintage furniture. Any advice is much appreciated!
Hi guys. What are you teaching your kids about social media? How do you plan to educate them to stop them falling into the trap so many seem to be doing at such a young age?
I watch RUclips but, I don’t have any other social media. I watch the minimalist and how to work on things to save me money. I deleted Facebook in 2013.
Thx for this clear message which seemed to be so important these days more than ever! I am habby I never started FB & Co. in the first place. In the long run I was right to do so... :-)
I guess my question would then be why do you even have Instagram (etc) in the first place? I recently deleted my FB account (it's a mean spirited place as far as I'm concerned) yet I still have Instagram for sharing family photos with my family. There are a few other sites I follow but they are very, very specific and when I see "I'm all caught up" I stop. Plus I have my phone set (Focus Mode) to not allow me to even open the app until Noon and it shuts me down again in the evening. I understand you need to spread your message about Minimalism. I love watching your RUclips channel and very much appreciate the message it's intended to spread. Yet having multiple social media accounts yourselves seems to be the opposite of what you stand for. Like I said....just my opinion....
I haven't see the "you're all caught up" in months. I don't care any more. I have muted or unfollowed people I don't care about and it's been much better. I believe social media can be usefull and good but you have to train your mind first.
Its -29, wind chill to -41 right now. There is no glow of a sun. And our Province still has a ban on recreation facilities being open. Looking forward to spring.
I think it's important to spend money intentionally. If I'm looking for something special to buy, then I'll seek it out. But I don't participate in social media just because there are businesses that want my money. That's a slippery slope to overspending.
One month ago I deleted FB account. No regrets. 3 books done, finished all scans of old photo and fixed old laptop. Also, in this month I sow a new movie, something about "Less is now" - very good.
I deleted mine too. Finally started reading again. My son and I did several puzzles and had some good talks. Its better without.
Good job!!
in my previous phone, i deleted fb app (not account yet) , but last week i changed to a brand new phone, the fb automaticly installed from the phone factory. BUT I'M NOT LOGIN. You know what next?, some apps than previous i install and "login with fb" CANNOT LOG!!! because i not loggin to fb FIRST!!!. So, changing to login with email now. LOGIN with FB or EMAIL or Phone number.. CHOOSE WISE! How about my IG? yes i got that "YOU're all caught UP" yes i got "3 minutes reminder" but you know.. . scrolling is addict. i scrolling in 3 minutes, i see a lot! girls in feed, glamour in feed, funny moment in feed, more girls, more marvel, more dc, more scrooling. ENOUGH!
@Arthur Tkachov hello there, im fine thank you, i hope u good too. I have removed fb ig for weeks. And installed again but with some boundaries.
First, even whatsapp is addicted, but thats is my main socmed with my friend, family, bussines and social church community. So, i turn off MANUALY one by one of whatsapp status. Every all of them, even my fam, and friend. I only receive personal message and group info message for the news. Believe me 90% status feed is dancing, food, selfie, pets, etc, news? Like earthquake, emergency, accident, etc when there is important i get it from. My friend group message. Thats is my filter. Mute status notif now.
Second, fb is sometime i used for looking a stuff of electronic device (pc, mouse, etc, coz is on my local town community) other else is none.
Instagram, the most addic of ig is story. Feed from your friend doesn't attract me like story did. So mute story who very common post a story. Dont let them steal your sleep hours.
Game, i'am a gamer. I usually play with my team 2 hours (never expand more than 2h) just play that time win or lose, and important DONT CHASE MISSION when you buy battlepass. Just play for fun, not chase a goal mission from developer. Its like a dog chasing his own tail.
I deleted all social media except RUclips and LinkedIn.I only log on to these platforms for certain purposes at certain times. Thanks to you guys who’ve inspired me to do this. I’ve been reaching my goals a lot faster now. It’s crazy how much you can do when you’re less distracted. Thank you guys ☺️
Me too! RUclips and Linkedin because it actually benefits us through learning and potential job opportunities.
I deactivated my Instagram and Facebook 8 months ago and it was life changing. As an introvert I initially felt very isolated because social media didn't require any effort on my part to connect with people. Then I slowly started to be more intentional about maintaining just a few close friendships. I only use RUclips now, but I am much more careful about who or what I subscribe to. I highly recommend it!
After having an Instagram account for 8 years, I permanently deleted my account. I was sick to my stomach when I became aware that it’s very difficult to delete your account. It took me 15 minutes to figure out the process and then... if you log in for 30 days after deleting your account, not only will your account not get deleted, but you have to start your 30. Days. Over. Again. That alone should wake people up. I also became very aware at the amount of parents that are staring at their phones while their small children are playing at the playground. I have 4 kids myself so I understand this temptation to disconnect. Yesterday my husband pointed out at the playground, “Jill, almost every parent is taking a photo of something their toddler does at the playground and spends the next 10 -15 minutes staring at their phone.”
Have you seen the documentary "the social dilemma"? This is very much in line with that. Social media is a scary drug.
May I also recommend Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Disconnected for a while and it felt so good but just like that, i went back to my toxic apps to stay connected into these socially really challenging times.. the struggle to keep boundaries is real!
The only winning move is not to play. - Wargames....... Words to live by.
@Aiden Roger It's from the movie War Games. It means that in some games, nobody wins. In the context of this video, it's referring to not getting into the cycle of social media, because no matter how much fun it can seem at first, if it sucks up all our time and energy and results in depression, then it's not worth it.
I love that.
I can entirely relate to chasing this “all caught up” thinking. You are so right! We will NEVER get all caught up on social media and it’s madness even attempting. Thank u for this piece of wisdom 🙏🏻
I have to close youtube after this, or I have to admit to myself that I have an addiction. Listening to the minimalist is like looking at my screen time.
This video is so timely for me, I removed Instagram a bit over week ago as i self identified the exact issues discussed in this video. I can honestly say that i dont miss it! Im reading more and researching things of interest, so empowering to let go. If you are thinking about doing this, you have nothing to lose and only time to gain :).
I have my social media access on a different device from my phone. I appreciate that they aren't as user friendly on a phone's internet explorer because it helps me stick to it. I check social media once a day, and often forget for days.
I got into watching RUclips 2 years ago, but I only follow 7 people, and they're for motivation (minimalism, pregnancy/parenting/psychology, exercise routines) or language learning. It definitely helps to set the limits before you start, and limit what you get into at all.
Heres an idea inspired by the minimalist month challenge. Every time you end up on Instagram you have to unfollow something. Second time you go on it unfollow 2. 3rd time 3. See if you can get down to just going on it once a day
RUclips is my only social media... that and googling health symptoms trying to find out if something is wrong with me which is literally the worst thing you can do regardless of how innocent it seems so yeah you're definitely right😣
I do the same regarding googling everything about my health. My mom calls me a hypochondriac because I keep looking the internet everytime I have a little pain for a new illness, definitely not healthy and I need to stop these bad habits.
Love the word play of this. I recently closed my fb account and feel much better. Still find myself reaching to look at it but there's really nothing to miss. More time for my children to actually talk to me instead of the old, in a minute! Because childhood is really only a minute long and then they are gone.
I now only download Instagram at the weekends, when I feel like "catching up" lol It's done wonders for my productivity and mental health 💕
I’ve found what works best for me, is limits. Not only does it teach self control, but I also don’t use the app unless there is a defined purpose behind it. No random pickups. I did completely delete tiktok, simply because of the negative impacts I was feeling from it. Instagram however was not giving me these feeling, so I decided it can stay but perhaps put a time limit behind it.
I’ve done this for a little bit now, and the main thing I’ve noticed is actually how much I’m bored. I’ve filled all my time with scrolling and social media that now that I take that away, I have all this free time I don’t know what to do with. I’ve been trying to find something meaningful to do with it but it’s been difficult. I started writing again, as well as reading, but I can only read a book for so many hours.
There have been downsides to deleting, as I just said, but upsides would be in more productive, I have a longer attention span then I used to, as well as being a generally happier person.
Strictly enforced time limits are key.
THE BEST thing I've seen on the internet and social media for a while. Needed this. THANK YOU!!!
Yes! I'm with you. I'm off Instagram and FB. I did a 30 day trial off in November and never went back. I also quit drinking and am weaning off coffee. I don't want to be addicted to anything
Absolutely, very good message! Now more than ever it´s important to be mindful when using these platforms
As a content creator i try to keep it simple and focused on what matters, otherwise it´s so hard to be creative if your always spending a lot of time on these platforms!
I also haven´t use a smartphone for a year now, it´s not necessary at all in my opinion to be connected 24/7
You are so right! Personally, when I get this notification, I know I've been scrolling to much, spent too much time doing nothing constructive and it makes me feel bad. It is fortunately rare!
I haven't been on social media in a month and a half now. I have no desire to go back either. However, I kept my account active for 2 reasons- 1) Messenger- I have friends on the other side of the border who I can't easily stay in contact since the border is closed thanks to the pandemic. Texting/calling international gets expensive if you both don't have a cell phone plan for it and 2) My Spotify account was created through my Facebook account years ago, so I *think* I'd lose all my playlists if I closed my account.
Since getting off social media I've started reading for the first time in my life, stumbled across The Minimalists, Matt D'Avella and Graham Stephan, sold off a ton of stuff I don't use or have a need for, set up a budget, got out of overdraft, paid off a fair chunk of debt, lost 5 lbs and I'm finally happy with what I have. I'm not chasing the next thing I'll buy with my next paycheque, but instead focusing on putting my income towards paying off debt from past mistakes and setting myself up for financial success.
I should say It's not just social media, but around the same time I got off I started seeking out ways to improve my life and better spend my time so everything went hand in hand.
It doesn't matter how many times i uninstall any social media app, as soon as i reinstall it after a good break, gradually but eventually i get back to my old habits. I feel the best approach is being able to control yourself, even with those apps in hand, and just being mindful. But we are human, hiccups happen, and that's okay, acknowledge it and move on. Just my two cents, idk im trying to figure this out myself.
I used to be a daily IG poster. In 2020, I posted 22 photos, less than 2 a month. Now, when I download the IG app to my phone, I find myself deleting it within the hour. It's clear some kind of change is happening. Thanks for the great video, JFM. You and Ryan are awesome and this message is iconic. Oh, and that's a sweet rattan table. :)
I love the pace of these videos. So many commercials and tiktoks and other media seem to have so much music, movement, and fast paced switching between scenes so it'll hold our attention or get our attention. It's just annoying! I feel like they're cramming the commercial/video down our throat! Thank you for creating media that is not an assault on our senses!
Yes, internet is addicting and wastes so much of our valuable time.
During a walk with my friend I deleted Instagram off of my phone with the intentions to use my time on a laptop rather than scrolling an unlimited time whenever I was bored/needed to have some sort of fix. I learned that I didn't miss it after a couple weeks, and I didn't feel the need to check the social media page on the browser. However, after posting a picture, I noticed I was thinking about the likes again, and I felt the urge to check more often. Now, not having posted anymore after that one instance, I should admit Instagram is not per se an application that serves much value to my life. Maybe a massive unfollow can make it more mindful, but I haven't figured this out yet.
Good video.
Social media is a very sharp double edge. When we use it as a tool to truly engage and promote business, sure, it’s great. Personal use is insidious. No sugar coating that. A mantra I repeat to myself when I post is “seek to share, don’t share to seek”.
All easier said than done. I’ve done days where I shut my phone off and my body literally recalibrated and I feel so much more wholesome and healthy. Our generation will feel the effects later on just like the boomers and their cigarettes did.
Eu em meio a essa pandemia, encontrei vocês através da Netflix e foi o achado mais maravilhoso que tive, venho repensando vários aspectos de minha vida e retomando o controle, obrigado por me ajudarem, o conteúdo de vocês é muito bom
I had quit Instagram (I only had Instagram and RUclips) because I wanted to stop being so addicted and after 2 years I got it again for school purposes (COVID hit and it was a way schools could see kids participating since everything shut down out of nowhere) and I was addicted again. It took me a year to completely erase it again. I miss it but I feel a sense of freedom as well. Up until now I feel it was the best decision personally. And now when I see others glued to their phones I feel a sense of pride.
A nice, short and concise message to all of us out here with FOMO! Thanks.
I'm currently reading Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism, right on time.
Thanks again for your testimony, always appreciated 🙏
Thank you for this video it was awesome. I'm so thankful I was born before the internet. I do use my devices! And they don't use me very often. I will leave the house without my phone and it doesn't bother me. I lived some 20 odd years before the internet or any devices you carry with you, so my mind isn't always on ooooh take a selfie here or someone's calling or texting....I must drop everything to get that or at least see who it is. It's very annoying when I'm talking to someone and they start checking their phone, then you quit talking and they look up and give an answer to a question that was never asked. It isn"t easy to limit yourself but you have to make a conscious decision when your on social media, how much of your time u will allow to be squandered. It's like a drug for some ppl. sigh
I deleted both Instagram and Facebook a couple of months ago,, My mind is somehow much quieter without the constant look at me,,, just for a minute debate which I realised was always going on in my head, I like this new feeling of Peace 😌
This is so beautiful! One thing I’ve been realizing lately!
... am I the only one who thinks this is poetry???? :) Liking it a LOT!
Thank you for sharing this! This is incredibly important! ❤️
I think we can have social media, but with restrictions; I have a limited time for social media daily on my phone
i like the new editing techniques!
I deleted my apps, except I just recently added instagram back after a few months.
I turned off notifications, and I made a deal with myself. I can post finished art. I can scroll for 5 minutes, or click specific people to support in that 5 minutes.
Thr moment I go off of my rule I made, I will delete the app again.
I use youtube for when I'm working, cleaning, or need it to learn something.
I'm currently obsessed with minimalism, so I actively seek minimalism videos, and other self improvement podcasts.
Yes!! I deleted social media and have not missed it at all! I love my life without it so much more! I’m also much more conscious on my RUclips use and try to only use it for researching something specific. *Emphasis on try*
I'm addicted to the internet and notifications
Most of us are
Simply disable all unnecessary notifs. Even mute mail and communicators, just check them once, twice a day. I know the feeling that something may miss you. But infact nothing is. You are missing your own, physical life.
I disable all notifications. Life changer.
I'm slowly working towards the minimalistic screen with limited apps because they are all distraction from our beautiful lives above the screens
Wow! Very well said!! 👏 I couldn't agreed to it 👍more!!!
Thing is I want to share my photography?? If I never shared my work I would never have achieved such things as having my work on book covers? And I definitely want to capture moments as I just lost my dog and if I had never photographed him ... well it would have been a shame. That’s what I struggle with!!! Where to I store my photos and share them!
Flickr is best for that
I utilize Instagram to connect with clients and industry organizations. I also use it when I'm looking for vintage/secondhand furniture to purchase locally. It can be a great tool, but I find my reasons for utilizing it as a catalyst into mindless scrolling and reaching for my phone every 10 minutes to only look at a few photos, click on an ad, or shop, then put it back down. It's a dilemma because I feel that if I don't have it, I will become irrelevant to my work industry due to lack of in person meetings and or I'll have more difficulty finding vintage furniture. Any advice is much appreciated!
Amazing clip!! Sometimes i catch me in a virtual world missing my time.
Perfect, as always.
Ultimately, it is the perfect way to escape your true self with all its shadows. But quick fixes can lead to long-term problems...
Hi guys. What are you teaching your kids about social media? How do you plan to educate them to stop them falling into the trap so many seem to be doing at such a young age?
Yes! Makes a LOT of sense!!
Best Ted talk ever! 😁
The last quote 💯
I watch RUclips but, I don’t have any other social media. I watch the minimalist and how to work on things to save me money. I deleted Facebook in 2013.
Thank you for the reminder!!
Thx for this clear message which seemed to be so important these days more than ever! I am habby I never started FB & Co. in the first place. In the long run I was right to do so... :-)
awesome format!
Amen brother!🙏👍
Thx. Joshua 👍 ✔️ 🦅 🇺🇸
This is great to see. Than you. 👍🏽
This video is so spot on!
So poetic
Thanks for this ❤️
I'm confused. How did you deliver this and your other messages? Social Media
Wow! Excellent
Yep! 👍👆
Yup indeed...very true
I guess my question would then be why do you even have Instagram (etc) in the first place? I recently deleted my FB account (it's a mean spirited place as far as I'm concerned) yet I still have Instagram for sharing family photos with my family. There are a few other sites I follow but they are very, very specific and when I see "I'm all caught up" I stop. Plus I have my phone set (Focus Mode) to not allow me to even open the app until Noon and it shuts me down again in the evening. I understand you need to spread your message about Minimalism. I love watching your RUclips channel and very much appreciate the message it's intended to spread. Yet having multiple social media accounts yourselves seems to be the opposite of what you stand for. Like I said....just my opinion....
Well said💯
I wish everyone will listen to you
excelente...! salidos desde Argentina!
Needed to be said
Truth, as always
what if I spend aroun 15 min a day on instagram, does it still harms me?
I haven't see the "you're all caught up" in months. I don't care any more. I have muted or unfollowed people I don't care about and it's been much better. I believe social media can be usefull and good but you have to train your mind first.
Letting go of FOMO is one of the most difficult things to do.
The book 📖'A slave to the internet ' highlights the damage it’s causing
Waauw - I'm a digital nomad and since 6 months I did close all my social media because they didn't had a added value for my 'digital' job
This post hit me with too much truth like a brick to the head!
I need a true minimalist phone: Only for notes, podcast app, audible and blinkist maybe and one workout app... does something exist out there?
You can already with the phone you have, just by choosing which applications you install on it
Done with FB. My days had been spent mindlessly sitting at the computer from the time I woke to the time I went to bed. It is no way to live.
I deleted all social media apps and only occasionally use Twitter and Linkedin in browser - it is clunky which is the point precisely.
Hear hear!!
When Watching this I understand the word irony now
Lol. I get it. All about moderation....IMO anyway
I Love ♡ Philosophy
I like New Acropolis, is a great chanel in Brazil.
Just Be-au-tiful
Just true
Working on downgrading to a dumbphone. I'm done letting my phone control me.
Thank you for thus reminder. I re-uninstalled Instagram
Doing my Social Media Detox , no Social Media App on Phone for a Month.
I get it. But what to do when you're a Social Media Manager and you earn your livelihood through it?
Set boundaries or be sucked into the void.
Change of plan: Lets not do it and quit instead ;D
I really need your content to have Spanish subtitles ;(
Its -29, wind chill to -41 right now. There is no glow of a sun.
And our Province still has a ban on recreation facilities being open.
Looking forward to spring.
You looked distressed in the video. Was it intentionally?
Traducir al Español, pls, pls, pls
With the newer ios system I deleted Instagram from my home page so that I have to actively search for it.
es más difícil de lo que suena eh?
If we do that what’s the consequences for the small businesses I support here, on IG, and Patreon. And then they (you) are out of business, no?
I think it's important to spend money intentionally. If I'm looking for something special to buy, then I'll seek it out. But I don't participate in social media just because there are businesses that want my money. That's a slippery slope to overspending.