The word Chamis is a corruption of the name of a river in Epirus called Thamis. Attested in ancient sources. Greeks first, and later Greeks and Albanians have lived in this part of northwestern Greece. It's no wonder that they have similar dances.
@bledalb like it or not fustanella is our traditional cloth.if we have same music ,same habits,same clothes means that we are relatives,we are living together greeks and albanians for thousand years and we still live together in the same villages same cities,we work peace man!!!!we live in 2010.NO NATIONALISM,NO RACISM-BALKAN NATIONS SHOULD BE UNITED.
Greeks, Albanians, Bulgarians etc have lived together for a very long time (in some areas at least) and it's completely natural that their national costumes, their music, their dances will be similar to some extent. I don't understand why some idiots seem to have a problem with this.
this music is very nice and there are simmilarities in greek and turkish music.i am turkish but i love greece and greek people... we must find a way to accept eachother.
@dimired1 All this culture, is almost the same in the Balkans because we were approximately 400 years under Turkish occupation. We gave and took characteristics from them. if you have ever noticed, the Illyrian Tsamiko is the same with Epirotic Tsamilko. Also Thracian Dances are almost the same with Bulgarian Dances, and some Thessalian Dances or Pontian are almost the same with Turkish. It's not bad to accept that, we as Greeks have almost the same tradition with other Balkanian Peoples.
Just like the noumerous versions of songs ... there are numerous versions of dances also. We should just enjoy them just the same! With internet and IT , theay are now international. Albania has other most pressing problems to solve!!! than to care about who invented Tsamikos dance.
it's identical to an epirot's dance , called "syrto sta 3". After living together for hundreds of years,all balkan nations have the evident common heritage.
I agree. Tsamouria is used by chams, from the river kalamas, or thyamis as ancient greeks called it. Thesprotia is the ancient name of the region and it's used by greeks
Third, I know that there were Roman emperors from the various regions including Africa. Forth, I know that Bocari, Bouboulina, Kolokotroni, helped with the liberation of Hellas (Greece is a Roman name), but there were not the only ones, and we are not to attribute the liberation to them. In any event, I think of them as Hellenes of Albanian origin.
The place is just beautiful, with beaches, the canyon of acheron etc... My mother can also speak arvanitika, she can communacate with albanians, although she cannot understand all the words. On the fanari plains, the old acherousia lake, there is the ancient nekromanteion, the oracle of the dead, that homirus describes in Odyseia.
@RenaldoNjeshi tsams was powerfull greeks or sometimes turks at 19th century when the greece was ruled by othomans. for your information this dance dancing in greece now days and coming from an ancient war dance(see circle shape). besides when the greeks dancing the albanians was leaving on trees.
@JonathanGiann even the coffee is not Turkish, it originated in Africa , in Ethiopia , and Kenya to be exact. Through trade the Africans brought it to Yemen, and Egypt, and from there to Greece, Turkey etc.
@JonathanGiann We did not copy from others because we had a very highly developed culture.To a person who knows history,and how human development progressed through the ages will agree with me.There were periods of stagnation, but almost everything has roots in ancient Greece,therefore others copy .It was a slow natural process, that is why people do not notice it right away.Through thousands of years those Greek ideals created the western culture, and thought that spread throughout the world
I can't wait to have Vorio Ipiros back where she belongs, with our mana Ellada..... we will never forget, we will never go away, no matter what you say, how you put it, we will have what is ours. It will be... that's a PROMISE!!!!!!
Look, i know many albanians, that came here in early 90's that have changed names,surnames even religion and pretend to be from the greek minority of northern epirus. The question should be asked to them. Arvanites are a totally different story. Biris has given the title "Arvanites, Dorians of the newer hellenism". I think that this title is representative. I'm happy to have a talk with you!!
My mother comes from fanari, preveza if you know. People there speak arvanitika, but have nothing to do with albanians, as they and i claim. The albanians came in the 90's , i still remember how strange was to see hundreds of them passing the borders and hiding from the police...
@enkeledi Arbanites are Greek Ipirotans from ancient times , yes some speak both Albanian, and Greek that does not make them Albanian. Some people for example who live close to each other, and interact on a daily basis learn both languages. It is very normal, you could see it in many poliethnic Countries, or cities around the world
Seventh, the great potential of our region is wasted with ethnic in-fighting ... back than as now (blame it on the Great Powers!). BTW, I like the idea of Balkan Unity! Is that a picture of Bouboulina on you Channel? Finally, I came here to see the dance and listen to the music, and not to have a political dialogue!
Εκπληκτικός χορός ο Τσάμικος, όχι γιατί είμαι Ηπειρώτισσα αλλά γιατί όπως είπε ο Αλέξης Κωστάλας στους Ολυμπιακούς της Αθήνας, είναι "χορός βαρύς, λεβέντικος αντρικός"... όπως ακριβώς δηλαδή είναι οι Ηπειρώτες!
"that two black doves had come flying from Thebes in Egypt, one to Libya and one to Dodona; ...........Zeus must be made there; the people of Dodona understood that the message was divine, and therefore established the oracular shrine.......
@soNofLeoniDasandLas .(corection- they were descendants of Las).. continuing.... Las was a fierce warrior Chieftain of the Lan people, and lived 3.300 B.C. The neolithic Lan people later they marry with the Dorian Spartans, and created a unique Greek culture, based on honor, and love for their motherland Hellas. There were other neolithic Greek people in the Cyclades islands ,Krete, and elsewhere who mix with the bronze age Greek tribes .Greek history is vast, and well documented for eternity ..
@Truejustice100 I suggest to you to go see ancient Greek vases from 600 B.C. and see the fustanela, or Greek kilt painted on those vases. Also there are ancient Greek marble statues depicting warriors, on these statues there is the kilt carved with the pleats identical to the one the evzones wear today.This specific statue is depicting a Greek warrior holding a bow.I had seen other ancient Greek statues with the fustanella . Albanians should accept these facts, nothing wrong to copy from Greeks
Markos Mpotsaris died when he pursued an albanian corps of 4000 thousand albanians , whose chief was also the albanian Mustafa pasa of skodra. Arvanites speak a vocal dialect, unlike albanian which is written language. Ok it sounds albanian(i'm arvanite too). But arvanites used this dialect because it is not as complicated as greek, which needs school to be learned, and far more easier to learn. This dialect has also turkish influence.
Ean exete arxidia elleta! But just to remind you... Aristotle said 2400 years ago... "chiefly in the Greek world and in it especially about ancient Hellas, the country about Dodona and the Achelous, a river which has often changed its course. Here the Selli dwelt and those who were formerly called Graeci and now Hellenes. Epirus has always been Hellenic.
@JonathanGiann I will tell you one thing, having studied in detail Greek history, and everything else that has to do with the Greek world from antiquity to the present, I cannot find one item that Greeks copy from the Ottoman Turks , even the tsiftetely dance that is common in the Balkans, and the middle east , is Gypsy , and not Turkish. Can you name one thing that we copied from the Turks? maybe there is one that I missed :)
@JamesGREEK26 What does the word FUSTANELA mean in greek???? If it is greek then explain it ,because in alabnian we know wery well what fustanela is and the meaning of this word.
Hello to our Albanian friends, Go to Epiros, and count how many Tsams are there, then go to North Epiros in Argirokastro, and Agios Saranda and count how many Greeks are there.
Glad to know that you are making progress! Sorry, No Albanian yet, but can do English, French, Some German and Greek, naturally. Do not have time to be the police of utube! Got work to do! PEACE :))))
@enkeledi Learn some history to understand why the Greek Arbanites of Ipiros spoke Albanian and Greek. The reason they spoke Albanian was because they lived in close proximity , and sometimes in the same Greek towns in north Ipiros as they still do to this day. When two different ethnic groups live close to each other they learn each others language to communicate when they trade goods, or for general trivial conversation. This is happening throughout the world. Arvanites are Greek Ipirotans.
People that never been to school or have no knowledge of history say Maybe. There is no maybe, & there is nothing wrong with Greeks dancing it. Greeks & Albanians bark @ each other all day in the internet but they are very similar. Living so close for thousands of years Greeks & Albanians have same traditions, music, dances, culture.
My mother speak arvanitika, but she never learned me so... They just speak that dialect because greek is much more harder to learn and needs school, whereas arvanitika is easier for uneducated.
What does "tsamiko" mean ? The uniforms are very interesting. I saw them in Athens and they do not look "sissy" in real life at all. Cool dance. Thanks for the posting.
Zeus, king, lord of Dodona, Pelasgian, you who live far off, ruling cold Dodona, around whom live the Selli, your prophets, with unwashed feet, who sleep upon the ground, Homer Iliad, Book 16
Look, before answering try to read what i write. I come from an arvanitic village. I don't need a book to learn. The problem is that you learn from wrong books. Arvanitic is a mutual dialect, with mostly a few hundred albanian words and greek and turkish influence. Arvanites could easily constitute schools in order to preserve that dialect(many prime ministers , politicians and so on are arvanites ) but they don't feel like to. Their heart beats with greece.
dear odinese you are sympathe to me but the similarities of greek and turkish dances is that porse and fiat panda have four weels . greek dances are unik brother
@71nasta no no, you greek are number 1 in nationalism . i am just fanatic. in defending my people and our folklore. tsamiko. is from cam albanians they danced this dance. we have many dances you have just 1 or 2 both copie frm albanians
Hey Pirrothecham, Do you know where the word Cham comes from? The Thamys River in Epiros which Albanians call Chamis...... Can I ask you what does Pirro mean in your language? Wink wink......haha...
Fifth, Do not forget the naval battles at Nafplion and Pillos, Hellas, had to win at sea in order to have any chance on land against the Ottoman Empire (no Turkey yet!), and Albania was not a naval power. Sixth, regarding the Pelasgians, It is an open question, I do not claim to have the response to that question, However, I remain open-minded as I do not believe that all started with the Hellenes at the Balkan peninsula.
and Epirotes are pure Greeks...... The deluge in the time of Deucalion, for instance, took place chiefly in the Greek world and in it especially about ancient Hellas, the country about Dodona and the Achelous, a river which has often changed its course. Here the Selli dwelt and those who were formerly called Graeci and now Hellenes. Aristotle, Meteorogy Book 1
ha ha ha Mister profesor, coffee is turkish, Ethiopia was Turkey as was Greece, Coffee was a state secret in the empire and only after Turkey vacate Vienna, we discover coffee beans left behind
To sum up, arvanites have spilled their blood to liberate greece for hundreds of years, and along with their undoubtely greek origin have won the right and the honour to name themselves hellenes, like ancient athenians,spartans,cretans and macedonians. THE END
My Vlakh ancestors were too worn out trying to make a living herding sheep in order to pay the Turks evshirme tax so they wouldn't grab our boys for Ieniceare and pretty girls for harems. No energy for these triple kicks and "pyhramide" stunts. If Greek and Chame ancestors could do these acrobatics, all power to them. Personally I think pressure from both Hoxhists AND Greek nationalists caused these dances to become "genetically enhanced" gymnastics over the generations.
The main point is that although arvanites speak this dialect and have come from intermarriage between greeks and albanians, chose the greek identity in deed by fighting against turkish and albanians for the liberty of Greece. Kolokotronis, Mpotsaris, Miaoulis, Tzavellas and a bunch of others are greek arvanites heros. I don't see what's your problem is when themselves identify as greeks...
Can you plz tell me where do you live? Country, and, if you want region? Because in preveza and thesprotia provinces, calling an arvanite "albanian" is insult, or sometimed funny, but with negative meaning!
@enkeledi but the fact is the Arvanetes are Greeks from north Ipiros with thousands of years history. I personally have a friend who is a descendant of the great Arbanete Greek fighter Botsaris, and he has the same last name. I am telling you that he is very proud of his Greek ancestry , and he will sacrifice his life for Greece if need be. What I wrote you is no bull shit, you have to be open minded , do not be like some fanatic Albanians .. peace :)
Not Albanian, This is a costum if the Tsams, an old ethnic group which as old as the Romman Empire, before Albania was even a country! So the dance is called Tsamiko and Albaniko!!
One last thing, there is a minority in northen Epirus, the recognized greek minority, which mainly consists of arvanites. If arvanites are not greeks, why UN recognized such a minority? Be glad that an albanian state was also established without a true reason... Greeks(including arvanites from epirus) fought against italians germans and albanians(including chams) . Can't you see the difference my fellow (albanian)-epiroti???
@Megalexandros78 RenaldoNjeshi seems to know what is writing.It obvious that this poeple are dancing albanian dance.If they would dance Sirtaki that would something greek maybe ,but this not .Chames are albanians and they will stay albanians
The Chechen language is similar to Albanian. They both have similar grammar and similar sounds such as SQ, PSHQ, which are not common in any IE languages, but are very common in Caucasus languages like Chechenian. The Albanians call themselves "Shqip-tari". This name is not Indo-European in origin and contains in it the Ural-Altaic suffix "ar" or "tar". Much like: "Khaz-AR", "Av-AR", "Magy-AR", "Bulg-AR", "Hung-AR", "Ta-TAR" - "Ship-TAR". see: CHECHENIA=ICHQERIA ALBANIA=SHQIPTERIA
Coolhead, I was reading your comment again, and since you call me 'Patrioti', and you know that Epirus means continent, I conclude that you are a Greek of Albanian origin or you are from Epirus. Correct?
@enkeledi I am 26 with a history degree, and had done historical studies on different cultures in many places of Europe, and I also studied in detail everything pertaining to the Greek history from early Neolithic period to the present. One thing some of you brainwashed Albanians, Turks, and Fyromonkeydonians do not understand. There are many well educated Greeks who know their history well. Our history is vast, and well documented, it is not written by some pseudo historian , or some unknown--
@enkeledi you have to many unanswered questions my friend , I will try to answer you these questions , so you can find the truth. You ask why the Arbanites speak Albanian. They speak Albanian because in many places in Greek north Ipiros the Greeks,and Albanians lived near each other, and converse on a daily basis on maters of trade etc. this phenomena where two different ethnic groups speak two languages is very common throughout the world , from china to USA, and elsewhere. Arbanites are greek
@soNofLeoniDasandLas i know but they are and always will be jelous of our rich culture and the great things greeks have given to the world. this is why we must fight to get them of our lands and take back what is ours (agia sofia). orthodoxy is and always will be the right way in life the true faith for thousands of years.
Well there is nothing to argue then Arvanites prove with their actions what they bealive and nobody refuses that Greeks influenced by Albanians in some cultural elements. But we must accept that Albanians also influenced by Greeks in many ways.... All western world is influenced by Greeks and their way of thinking...
H Ellada pou antiskete. H Ellada pou epimeni. Ke opios den katalaveni den xeri pou pata ke pou pigeni.
Savopoulos o megas.
From Boston with love.
The word Chamis is a corruption of the name of a river in Epirus called Thamis. Attested in ancient sources. Greeks first, and later Greeks and Albanians have lived in this part of northwestern Greece. It's no wonder that they have similar dances.
@bledalb like it or not fustanella is our traditional cloth.if we have same music ,same habits,same clothes means that we are relatives,we are living together greeks and albanians for thousand years and we still live together in the same villages same cities,we work peace man!!!!we live in 2010.NO NATIONALISM,NO RACISM-BALKAN NATIONS SHOULD BE UNITED.
This is also a dance found in all parts of mainland Greece.....
Greeks, Albanians, Bulgarians etc have lived together for a very long time (in some areas at least) and it's completely natural that their national costumes, their music, their dances will be similar to some extent. I don't understand why some idiots seem to have a problem with this.
My goodness he is the best I've seen so far that dances the tsamiko like he does thanks for sharing.
this music is very nice and there are simmilarities in greek and turkish music.i am turkish but i love greece and greek people... we must find a way to accept eachother.
@dimired1 All this culture, is almost the same in the Balkans because we were approximately 400 years under Turkish occupation. We gave and took characteristics from them. if you have ever noticed, the Illyrian Tsamiko is the same with Epirotic Tsamilko. Also Thracian Dances are almost the same with Bulgarian Dances, and some Thessalian Dances or Pontian are almost the same with Turkish. It's not bad to accept that, we as Greeks have almost the same tradition with other Balkanian Peoples.
Eshte Valle shqiptare e cameve qe jetojne ne greqi 🤗
Just like the noumerous versions of songs ... there are numerous versions of dances also.
We should just enjoy them just the same!
With internet and IT , theay are now international.
Albania has other most pressing problems to solve!!! than to care about who invented Tsamikos dance.
it's identical to an epirot's dance , called "syrto sta 3". After living together for hundreds of years,all balkan nations have the evident common heritage.
I agree. Tsamouria is used by chams, from the river kalamas, or thyamis as ancient greeks called it. Thesprotia is the ancient name of the region and it's used by greeks
One of the best Tsamiko I've seen! Bravo :-)
Ju lumëshin këmbet o vëllezër çamë
Albanian 4ever
Arvanites were merged with local greek population, and nowdays they have strong greek identity. What's your problem?
Who care's about where it cam from or who it belongs to.... Let's just enjoy this great video. Bravo re levntis!!
Third, I know that there were Roman emperors from the various regions including Africa. Forth, I know that Bocari, Bouboulina, Kolokotroni, helped with the liberation of Hellas (Greece is a Roman name), but there were not the only ones, and we are not to attribute the liberation to them. In any event, I think of them as Hellenes of Albanian origin.
My favorite!
There are people who dance it and people who argue about it- on both sides of Oros Grammos.
MPRAVO! the dance it's great, and the band playing too! Na se kalá
Very very nice!
The place is just beautiful, with beaches, the canyon of acheron etc... My mother can also speak arvanitika, she can communacate with albanians, although she cannot understand all the words. On the fanari plains, the old acherousia lake, there is the ancient nekromanteion, the oracle of the dead, that homirus describes in Odyseia.
Zervas himself was a Souliote and he was witnessed leading a Tsamiko at a press party at Thessaloniki in1948
Bravo, leventia!
@RenaldoNjeshi tsams was powerfull greeks or sometimes turks at 19th century when the greece was ruled by othomans. for your information this dance dancing in greece now days and coming from an ancient war dance(see circle shape). besides when the greeks dancing the albanians was leaving on trees.
Bravo!!! Poli oreo xorôs!!! Wonderful, have tecnical and greek essencs!!!
an amazing greek dance with amazing greek foustanelles
@JonathanGiann even the coffee is not Turkish, it originated in Africa , in Ethiopia , and Kenya to be exact. Through trade the Africans brought it to Yemen, and Egypt, and from there to Greece, Turkey etc.
@JonathanGiann We did not copy from others because we had a very highly developed culture.To a person who knows history,and how human development progressed through the ages will agree with me.There were periods of stagnation, but almost everything has roots in ancient Greece,therefore others copy .It was a slow natural process, that is why people do not notice it right away.Through thousands of years those Greek ideals created the western culture, and thought that spread throughout the world
I guess,this is Dora Stratou Dance Group.I like it very much.Υεια στα χέρια σου.
Thank you for keeping alive albanian cham(iko) dance! Bravo sas palikaria!
I can't wait to have Vorio Ipiros back where she belongs, with our mana Ellada..... we will never forget, we will never go away, no matter what you say, how you put it, we will have what is ours. It will be... that's a PROMISE!!!!!!
Look, i know many albanians, that came here in early 90's that have changed names,surnames even religion and pretend to be from the greek minority of northern epirus. The question should be asked to them. Arvanites are a totally different story. Biris has given the title "Arvanites, Dorians of the newer hellenism". I think that this title is representative. I'm happy to have a talk with you!!
My mother comes from fanari, preveza if you know. People there speak arvanitika, but have nothing to do with albanians, as they and i claim. The albanians came in the 90's , i still remember how strange was to see hundreds of them passing the borders and hiding from the police...
@enkeledi Arbanites are Greek Ipirotans from ancient times , yes some speak both Albanian, and Greek that does not make them Albanian. Some people for example who live close to each other, and interact on a daily basis learn both languages. It is very normal, you could see it in many poliethnic Countries, or cities around the world
Seventh, the great potential of our region is wasted with ethnic in-fighting ... back than as now (blame it on the Great Powers!). BTW, I like the idea of Balkan Unity! Is that a picture of Bouboulina on you Channel?
Finally, I came here to see the dance and listen to the music, and not to have a political dialogue!
And this is where Spartans come from . What happened !!
Εκπληκτικός χορός ο Τσάμικος, όχι γιατί είμαι Ηπειρώτισσα αλλά γιατί όπως είπε ο Αλέξης Κωστάλας στους Ολυμπιακούς της Αθήνας, είναι "χορός βαρύς, λεβέντικος αντρικός"... όπως ακριβώς δηλαδή είναι οι Ηπειρώτες!
dance of the chams from Cameria Epiri Epirus Albania
"that two black doves had come flying from Thebes in Egypt, one to Libya and one to Dodona; ...........Zeus must be made there; the people of Dodona understood that the message was divine, and therefore established the oracular shrine.......
@soNofLeoniDasandLas .(corection- they were descendants of Las).. continuing.... Las was a fierce warrior Chieftain of the Lan people, and lived 3.300 B.C. The neolithic Lan people later they marry with the Dorian Spartans, and created a unique Greek culture, based on honor, and love for their motherland Hellas. There were other neolithic Greek people in the Cyclades islands ,Krete, and elsewhere who mix with the bronze age Greek tribes .Greek history is vast, and well documented for eternity ..
Only in you 'freaking cold' culture !
thanks a lot. Ill be waiting. Thank you very much.
@duzane0320 the video shows the contrary - Greeks dancing to a Cham dance - wearing a corrupted version of Albanian foustanella (too short).
@Truejustice100 I suggest to you to go see ancient Greek vases from 600 B.C. and see the fustanela, or Greek kilt painted on those vases. Also there are ancient Greek marble statues depicting warriors, on these statues there is the kilt carved with the pleats identical to the one the evzones wear today.This specific statue is depicting a Greek warrior holding a bow.I had seen other ancient Greek statues with the fustanella . Albanians should accept these facts, nothing wrong to copy from Greeks
Markos Mpotsaris died when he pursued an albanian corps of 4000 thousand albanians , whose chief was also the albanian Mustafa pasa of skodra. Arvanites speak a vocal dialect, unlike albanian which is written language. Ok it sounds albanian(i'm arvanite too). But arvanites used this dialect because it is not as complicated as greek, which needs school to be learned, and far more easier to learn. This dialect has also turkish influence.
@soNofLeoniDasandLas to be exact the foustanela had 100 layers. i think i still have my great grandfathers one.
Ean exete arxidia elleta!
But just to remind you...
Aristotle said 2400 years ago...
"chiefly in the Greek world and in it especially about ancient Hellas, the country about Dodona and the Achelous, a river which has often changed its course. Here the Selli dwelt and those who were formerly called Graeci and now Hellenes.
Epirus has always been Hellenic.
@odinese good comment my friend!!
@JonathanGiann I will tell you one thing, having studied in detail Greek history, and everything else that has to do with the Greek world from antiquity to the present, I cannot find one item that Greeks copy from the Ottoman Turks , even the tsiftetely dance that is common in the Balkans, and the middle east , is Gypsy , and not Turkish. Can you name one thing that we copied from the Turks? maybe there is one that I missed :)
Ainte Pame ena tsamiko leventiko...:)
@JamesGREEK26 What does the word FUSTANELA mean in greek????
If it is greek then explain it ,because in alabnian we know wery well what fustanela is and the meaning of this word.
Hello to our Albanian friends, Go to Epiros, and count how many Tsams are there, then go to North Epiros in Argirokastro, and Agios Saranda and count how many Greeks are there.
Glad to know that you are making progress!
Sorry, No Albanian yet, but can do English, French, Some German and Greek, naturally.
Do not have time to be the police of utube! Got work to do! PEACE :))))
NEITHER YOU, and that is funny too.
@enkeledi Learn some history to understand why the Greek Arbanites of Ipiros spoke Albanian and Greek. The reason they spoke Albanian was because they lived in close proximity , and sometimes in the same Greek towns in north Ipiros as they still do to this day. When two different ethnic groups live close to each other they learn each others language to communicate when they trade goods, or for general trivial conversation. This is happening throughout the world. Arvanites are Greek Ipirotans.
These guys are the reason they invented PANTS.....
I'm sure of it.
Good job with this video my fellow Greek!
Way to go!!
Τη άλλο θα δούμε, και τη άλλο θα ακούσουμε...............
People that never been to school or have no knowledge of history say Maybe.
There is no maybe, & there is nothing wrong with Greeks dancing it.
Greeks & Albanians bark @ each other all day in the internet but they are very similar.
Living so close for thousands of years Greeks & Albanians have same traditions, music, dances, culture.
My mother speak arvanitika, but she never learned me so... They just speak that dialect because greek is much more harder to learn and needs school, whereas arvanitika is easier for uneducated.
Hehehe good one!
What does "tsamiko" mean ? The uniforms are very interesting. I saw them in Athens and they do not look "sissy" in real life at all. Cool dance. Thanks for the posting.
ha ha ha Mister profesor, even the way we speak is Turkish, we use Helenistic alfabet but the words they not from Plato
Zeus, king, lord of Dodona, Pelasgian,
you who live far off, ruling cold Dodona,
around whom live the Selli, your prophets,
with unwashed feet, who sleep upon the ground, Homer Iliad, Book 16
Look, before answering try to read what i write. I come from an arvanitic village. I don't need a book to learn. The problem is that you learn from wrong books. Arvanitic is a mutual dialect, with mostly a few hundred albanian words and greek and turkish influence. Arvanites could easily constitute schools in order to preserve that dialect(many prime ministers , politicians and so on are arvanites ) but they don't feel like to. Their heart beats with greece.
dear odinese you are sympathe to me but the similarities of greek and turkish dances is that porse and fiat panda have four weels . greek dances are unik brother
@71nasta no no, you greek are number 1 in nationalism . i am just fanatic. in defending my people and our folklore. tsamiko. is from cam albanians they danced this dance. we have many dances you have just 1 or 2 both copie frm albanians
Hey Pirrothecham,
Do you know where the word Cham comes from? The Thamys River in Epiros which Albanians call Chamis......
Can I ask you what does Pirro mean in your language? Wink wink......haha...
@korca8albania not bs at all , accept the truth .... truth is a virtue
Fifth, Do not forget the naval battles at Nafplion and Pillos, Hellas, had to win at sea in order to have any chance on land against the Ottoman Empire (no Turkey yet!), and Albania was not a naval power. Sixth, regarding the Pelasgians, It is an open question, I do not claim to have the response to that question, However, I remain open-minded as I do not believe that all started with the Hellenes at the Balkan peninsula.
and Epirotes are pure Greeks......
The deluge in the time of Deucalion, for instance, took place chiefly in the Greek world and in it especially about ancient Hellas, the country about Dodona and the Achelous, a river which has often changed its course. Here the Selli dwelt and those who were formerly called Graeci and now Hellenes. Aristotle, Meteorogy Book 1
One correction : That's classical greek epirot folk dance.
ha ha ha Mister profesor, coffee is turkish, Ethiopia was Turkey as was Greece, Coffee was a state secret in the empire and only after Turkey vacate Vienna, we discover coffee beans left behind
To sum up, arvanites have spilled their blood to liberate greece for hundreds of years, and along with their undoubtely greek origin have won the right and the honour to name themselves hellenes, like ancient athenians,spartans,cretans and macedonians. THE END
U are very yang to understand boy,very yang and so far from greece.See what i will send to u.
My Vlakh ancestors were too worn out trying to make a living herding sheep in order to pay the Turks evshirme tax so they wouldn't grab our boys for Ieniceare and pretty girls for harems. No energy for these triple kicks and "pyhramide" stunts. If Greek and Chame ancestors could do these acrobatics, all power to them. Personally I think pressure from both Hoxhists AND Greek nationalists caused these dances to become "genetically enhanced" gymnastics over the generations.
The main point is that although arvanites speak this dialect and have come from intermarriage between greeks and albanians, chose the greek identity in deed by fighting against turkish and albanians for the liberty of Greece. Kolokotronis, Mpotsaris, Miaoulis, Tzavellas and a bunch of others are greek arvanites heros. I don't see what's your problem is when themselves identify as greeks...
Can you plz tell me where do you live? Country, and, if you want region? Because in preveza and thesprotia provinces, calling an arvanite "albanian" is insult, or sometimed funny, but with negative meaning!
@enkeledi but the fact is the Arvanetes are Greeks from north Ipiros with thousands of years history. I personally have a friend who is a descendant of the great Arbanete Greek fighter Botsaris, and he has the same last name. I am telling you that he is very proud of his Greek ancestry , and he will sacrifice his life for Greece if need be. What I wrote you is no bull shit, you have to be open minded , do not be like some fanatic Albanians .. peace :)
xaxaxaxaxa! pes ta re :D
Not Albanian, This is a costum if the Tsams, an old ethnic group which as old as the Romman Empire, before Albania was even a country! So the dance is called Tsamiko and Albaniko!!
One last thing, there is a minority in northen Epirus, the recognized greek minority, which mainly consists of arvanites. If arvanites are not greeks, why UN recognized such a minority? Be glad that an albanian state was also established without a true reason... Greeks(including arvanites from epirus) fought against italians germans and albanians(including chams) . Can't you see the difference my fellow (albanian)-epiroti???
Bre pinakidha aftokinitu hk112 to kseris ti simeni "o Balo te hengert tenja te keqen e ke nga brenda"? Ean to kseris tha katalavis ti su leo?
@JonathanGiann it is not Arabic , Arabs prefer drinking tea, not coffee.
@Megalexandros78 RenaldoNjeshi seems to know what is writing.It obvious that this poeple are dancing albanian dance.If they would dance Sirtaki that would something greek maybe ,but this not .Chames are albanians and they will stay albanians
The Chechen language is similar to Albanian. They both have similar grammar and similar sounds such as SQ, PSHQ, which are not common in any IE languages, but are very common in Caucasus languages like Chechenian.
The Albanians call themselves "Shqip-tari". This name is not Indo-European in origin and contains in it the Ural-Altaic suffix "ar" or "tar". Much like: "Khaz-AR", "Av-AR", "Magy-AR", "Bulg-AR", "Hung-AR", "Ta-TAR" - "Ship-TAR". see:
In Greece you can find anything but no greeks. Fruitsalads
@RenaldoNjeshi Do you know that the Arvanites self - identified as Greeks and that's why the nation they freed they called it Greece and not Albania??
Coolhead, I was reading your comment again, and since you call me 'Patrioti', and you know that Epirus means continent, I conclude that you are a Greek of Albanian origin or you are from Epirus. Correct?
@enkeledi I am 26 with a history degree, and had done historical studies on different cultures in many places of Europe, and I also studied in detail everything pertaining to the Greek history from early Neolithic period to the present. One thing some of you brainwashed Albanians, Turks, and Fyromonkeydonians do not understand. There are many well educated Greeks who know their history well. Our history is vast, and well documented, it is not written by some pseudo historian , or some unknown--
@enkeledi you have to many unanswered questions my friend , I will try to answer you these questions , so you can find the truth. You ask why the Arbanites speak Albanian. They speak Albanian because in many places in Greek north Ipiros the Greeks,and Albanians lived near each other, and converse on a daily basis on maters of trade etc. this phenomena where two different ethnic groups speak two languages is very common throughout the world , from china to USA, and elsewhere. Arbanites are greek
@soNofLeoniDasandLas i know but they are and always will be jelous of our rich culture and the great things greeks have given to the world.
this is why we must fight to get them of our lands and take back what is ours (agia sofia).
orthodoxy is and always will be the right way in life the true faith for thousands of years.
Well there is nothing to argue then Arvanites prove with their actions what they bealive and nobody refuses that Greeks influenced by Albanians in some cultural elements. But we must accept that Albanians also influenced by Greeks in many ways.... All western world is influenced by Greeks and their way of thinking...