꧁༺ 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓹𝓪 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 ༻꧂ ч.о/r.d

  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024
  • рус. - Привет ребята, это довольно ленивое видео, но нарисовано думаю неплохо
    Идею взял у : ArttoBlacX
    Ну, приятного просмотра :)
    укр - Привіт друзі, це досить ліниве відео, але намальовано думаю непогано
    Ідею взяв у: ArttoBlacX
    Що ж, приємного перегляду :)
    eng. - Hello guys, this is a rather lazy video, but I think it is well drawn
    Borrowed the idea from: ArttoBlacX
    Well, enjoy watching :)
    rus. - дальше можете не читать, ничего интересного не найдёте ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    укр. - далі можете не читати, нічого цікавого не знайдете ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    eng. - you can not read further, you will not find anything interesting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    #саяка #майзоно #саякамайзоно #эдит #саякаэдит #майзоноэдит #майзоносаяка #нож #саякашип #Sayaka #Maizono #SayakaMaizono #Edit #SayakaEdit #MaizonoSayaka #Knife #SayakaShip
    #джунко #эношима #джункоэношима #джункоэдит #эношимаэдит #эношимаджунко #монокума #хвостики #психопат #джункошип #junko #enoshima #junkoenoshima #junkoedit #enoshimaedit #enoshimajunko #monokuma #ponytails #psychopath #junkoship
    #леон #кувата #леонкувата #леонэдит #куватаэдит #куваталеон #бита #бейсбол #спорт #леоншип #leon #kuwata #leonkuwata #leonedit #kuwataedit #kuwataleon #bat #baseball #sport #leonship
    #чихиро #фуджисаки #чихирофуджисаки #чихироэдит #фуджисакичихиро #программирование #альтерэго #мальчик #девочка #чихирошип #chihiro #fujisaki #chihirofujisaki #chihiroedit #fujisakichihiro #programming #alterego #boy #girl #chihiroship
    #мондо #овада #мондоовада #мондоэдит #овадамондо #байк #крутой #масло #мондошип #mondo #owada #mondoowada #mondoedit #owadamondo #bike #cool #butter #mondoship
    #киотака #ишимару #киотакаишимару #киотакаэдит #ишимарукиотака #школьныйдежурный #крик #брови #kiyotaka #ishimaru #kiyotakaishimaru #kiyotakaedit #ishimarukiyotaka #school attendant #scream #brows
    #хифуми #ямада #хифумиямада #хифумиэдит #ямадахифуми #фанфик #автор #авторфанфиков #hifumi #yamada #hifumiyamada #hifumiedit #yamadahifumi #fanfiction #author #fanfictionauthor
    #селестия #люденберг #селестиялюденберг #селестияэдит #люденбергселестия #селеста #азартныйигрок #карты #королевалжецов #вайфу #celestia #ludenberg #celestialudenberg #celestiaedit #ludenbergcelestia #celeste #gambler #cards #queenofliars #waifu
    #сакура #огами #сакураогами #сакураэдит #огамисакура #сила #доброта #ум #sakura #ogami #sakuraogami #sakuraedit #ogamisakura #strength #kindness #mind
    #ясухиро #хагакурэ #ясухирохагакурэ #ясухироэдит #хагакурэясухиро #таро #экстрасенс #волосы #yasuhiro #hagakure #yasuhirohagakure #yasuhiroedit #hagakureyasuhiro #taro #psychic #hair
    #аой #асахина #аойасахина #аойэдит #асахинааой #хина #пончики #пловчиха #aoi #asahina #aoiedit #asahinaaoi #hina #donuts #swimmer
    #токо #фукава #токофукава #токоэдит #фукаватоко #геноцидник #сё #геноцидниксё #сёэдит #сёгеноцидник #toko #fukawa #tokofukawa #tokoedit #fukawatoko #genocider #sayo #genocidersayo #sayoedit #sayogenocider
    #бьякуя #тогами #бьякуятогами #бьякуяэдит #тогамибьякуя #деньги #наследство #скажиимнаэги #byakuya #togami #byakuyatogami #byakuyaedit #togamibyakuya #money #inheritance # tell'emnaegi
    #кёко #киригири #кёкокиригири #кёкоэдит #киригирикёко #детектив #фиолетовый #амнезия #kyoko #kirigiri #kyokokirigiri #Kyokoedit #kirigirikyoko #detective #purple #amnesia
    #макото #наэги #макотонаэги #макотоэдит #наегимакото #удача #главныйгерой #надежда #makoto #naegi #makotonaegi #makotoedit #naegimakoto #luck #maincharacter #HOPE
    #данганронпа #отчаянье #рулетка #судьба #danganronpa #despair #wheel #fate

Комментарии • 207

  • @joelowes7893
    @joelowes7893 2 года назад +390

    Please let me know when the others are out because the art is beautiful and I’m living for protagonist Celestia

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +29

      the second part is already in the making 😄

    • @gbmegurineluka
      @gbmegurineluka 2 года назад +2

      Same fr

    • @HibikiOtonokoji-kawaii
      @HibikiOtonokoji-kawaii 6 месяцев назад +3

      I actually imagine her being the protag, and how she would change
      She will start from Celestia, and ends up being Taeko. Like, accepting herself that she can actually do something without her "cool persona"

  • @natsumie.williams3931
    @natsumie.williams3931 2 года назад +246

    Celeste would be an amazing protagonist. She's a gambler playing in a game that's going to test her limits to the very end

  • @WinnieBlack-RM
    @WinnieBlack-RM 2 года назад +238

    Celestia is not only alive, she's the protagonist AND Hifumi ended up being the mastermind. I'd love to see a complete animation for that.

    • @D1abolosMemez
      @D1abolosMemez 8 месяцев назад +8

      I might make a wattpad story of that accompanied with SFM images.

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  8 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@D1abolosMemez I'd be very interested in reading this (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

  • @tikkilover4890
    @tikkilover4890 2 года назад +584

    Mondo, Hina, Togami: Some things never change

  • @King_Drew10k
    @King_Drew10k 2 года назад +50

    0:05 *the mastermind is dead. we can all go home*

    • @MaxOver2
      @MaxOver2 10 месяцев назад +1

      Noooo...She's just a normal victim

    • @xIV3_the_w4rd0x
      @xIV3_the_w4rd0x Месяц назад +2

      ​@@MaxOver2let him/her have thier fun

  • @SuperSoxGaming
    @SuperSoxGaming 2 года назад +122

    Mondo and Aoi: Some things never change

  • @zachyplayzzz4720
    @zachyplayzzz4720 2 года назад +53

    Chihiro had some memories from the original dr amd thought junko was the mastermind amd killed her 😔

    • @PureLilyShipper
      @PureLilyShipper 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @manicbeyond
    @manicbeyond 2 года назад +52

    Mondo will always kill in the second trial...
    Leon will always kill Sayaka...
    And Aoi will always try to get everyone killed in trial 4.

  • @kayyisanamira6341
    @kayyisanamira6341 2 года назад +38

    Hifumi finally live up his dream fictional manga and become the mastermind XD

  • @x_izuki_x69
    @x_izuki_x69 2 года назад +121

    wow. You got a great editing and drawing skills like it looks so pretty

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +4

      Thank you very much, I'm really glad to hear that 🤗

  • @A_Random_IRS_B0T_
    @A_Random_IRS_B0T_ 2 года назад +48

    Chapter 1: Basic Chapter One stuff, everyone gets to know one another and all the shady people are shady including Celestia, since were playing as Celestia her point of view would be pretty interesting to say the least. After one day someone is already dead and it was Junko in the shower for some reason, Celestia would try looking for evidences but would mostly ask Kyoko for help. Class trail comes and with it a new perspective appears because Celestia would use lies and maybe some manipulation to get the truths out of the others, but there at a road block because everyone can’t figure out who Junko would let in her room that night, but Celestia has a theory that maybe it was someone who look physically weak. Junko’s injury’s show only one cut, but the knife was also tinted in poison, so after working with Kyoko to find the Blacken they find that Chiro was the murder, no one expected that. They all question Chiro and Chiro Simple’s says, “I wanted to end the killing game, my programs said it would of been Junko but once she died and the game kept going, I knew all hope was lost for me,” everyone comforts Chiro before Monokuma brings down this weird collar and takes Chiro to his execution, Chiro must recode a new Monokuma in a minute, and Chiro almost gets there but the timer goes from 10 seconds to 0 in one swoop, that means Chiro was executed.
    Chapter 2: Everyone is speechless from yesterday, but Monokuma announces that everyone must take 15 minutes in the gym or pool or else they’ll be punished, so everyone does that and some time later, Makoto if found dead. Celestia and Kyoko talk for a while about the situation, and Kyoko makes a discovery that the posters have been switched around, Class Trail and everyone blames a woman for this since Makoto’s body was found there, but Celestia and Kyoko point out that the posters have been swapped so it had to be a male, Celestia thinks back at Makoto’s wounds and figures that someone physically strong had to do it because Makoto’s head is pretty… well let’s not talk about that. Celestia tells some lie’s about the situation, and one of these lie’s was that Makoto was secretly a female which gets a reaction from Mondo, Kyoko talks to some of the suspects who saw Mondo heading to the gym, is was all pointing at Mondo, and Mondo later confessed. Mondo was asked why and he said, “that’s a question I’ve been asking myself every since I got my brother killed, huh I guess watching Makoto get stronger for his sister did something to me,” Mondo is executed.
    Chapter 3: Kiyotaka goes super sayin about Mondo’s death and makes a pledge to not let anymore students die, this aged will milk because later Toko would be found dead in the medical place, Toko was transported there after Jack did something not so cool, anyway they look around and question Leon since he was hanging out with out earlier, and Leon simply stated that he was only talking about sports with her and nothing else, Byakuya call’s bull on that. Then after Celestia and Kyoko hear a scream from Aoi they hurry over and see Sayaka laying in some kind of storage room. This brings a whole lot of questions but they can’t even answer them as they hear someone else scream and run to the storage room again to find Toko and Sayaka in there together. Class trail and Celestia and Kyoko are overpowered by Byakuya’s confidence that it is Leon, so Celestia try’s a bit of lying and gets a reaction out of Leon, Kyoko takes this time to question the others before they jump on the conclusion of Leon, then after some thinking Celestia figures that Leon and Toko staged the hospital sense, and Leon killed Sayaka since she was the easiest, and killed Toko later on because they would become a problem in the class trail, No one could believe Leon was capable of pulling something like this off, but Leon says,” Someone else was pulling the strings, I was simply following them, I’m sorry but I didn’t want to die you know, maybe this is how my life should end.” Celestia and everyone else watch Leon be executed.
    Chapter 4: Celestia holds a party for Kyoko for whatever reason and Kyoko decides to take this time to talk with each student one on one, but later Aoi finds Kyoko dead, oof that was a hard blow to Celestia because she really like Kyoko,(intrepid this how ever you want) so Celestia made her mission TK find the blacken with hell from Aoi now, Kiyotaka says that Hifumi’s been quite ever since we got here so they should go check him out, and Hifumi explains his meeting with Kyoko was more about his obsession with anime than anything else. Class trial and Sakura brings up that she was the last person Kyoko saw before she died, or so she thought… Celestia try’s lying but that trick is no longer available as everyone knows how good of a lier Celestia is, so she resorted to Aoi for evidence, and the more Aoi presents the more Celestia realizes that it match’s up with one of Celestia’s novels she gave to Kyoko as a gift from the party, a sacrifice ritual on chapter 4 of the novel, Celestia makes the discovery that Kyoko sacrifice herself for them, but Celestia is still wondering why all the evidence was hidden, or was it because Aoi was the last person Kyoko saw, Aoi explains the situation of not wanting Kyoko death to go in vain so they made a trail for her in memory of her, and everyone scolds her for almost getting them killed, oh and the one executed is one of Celestia stuff animals because we need an execution, I don’t even know if Celestia has any stuff animals so do what you will with this.
    Chapter 5: No one has anytime to relax because tomorrow someone else is already dead, and it’s Kiyotaka. Everyone believes Celestia did it because it was in her room, but Sakura and Mukuro defend her, anyway during the class trail it’s pretty much everyone Vs Hifumi because only Hifumi thinks Celestia did it, and in this class trail if the votes are split the person with the least amount of votes will be executed, so everyone comes together to think about the entirety of this game. Aoi thinks about the students, Sakura thinks about the structure, Mukruo thinks about Monokuma in all of this, and Celestia puts the pieces together to figure out Hifumi is the master mind, Hifumi laughs as he then reviles yes he is, and congratulates them on there discovery, now they must figure out who actually killed Kiyotaka because all Hifumi did was tamper with it a little, Celestia makes the discover that Aoi did it to save Celestia from being a victim to Kiyotaka, Celestia decides to keep Ali’s secret and reviles herself to be the blackened, everyone reluctantly votes her, Celestia is being carried to a burning trash pit, but out of the blue Chiro’s program saves her. Aoi explains that Chiro’s programmed an AI for them when “she” was finding out who the mastermind was.
    Chapter 6.5: After some stuff goes down between Hifumi and Celestia, Hifumi steps down and let’s then win as this isn’t the only show the’ll be in, and Celestia and the gang leave thinking that they’ve just won, but reality they’ve just played into Hifumi’s hands.

    • @A_Random_IRS_B0T_
      @A_Random_IRS_B0T_ 2 года назад +4

      All right give me feedback because I got really lazy while doing this, so sorry if I offend you.

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +3

      omg! this sounds so cool 🤩
      i really like it!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    • @A_Random_IRS_B0T_
      @A_Random_IRS_B0T_ 2 года назад +1

      @@Kofe1nchik thanks for liking it

    • @alfasvirtuosos1981
      @alfasvirtuosos1981 Год назад +3

      It was really good, you really pot a lot of thought onto it

    • @A_Random_IRS_B0T_
      @A_Random_IRS_B0T_ Год назад +1

      @@alfasvirtuosos1981 yeah, I feel like I could’ve put more effort into it, but at the end of the day I still feel a little proud of this for some reason. Thanks for the reply👍

  • @askosefamerve
    @askosefamerve 2 года назад +73

    *spoilers to wheel*

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +7


    • @spidersonic91
      @spidersonic91 2 года назад +6

      @@Kofe1nchik actually it was toko and kyoko killed herself

    • @A_Random_IRS_B0T_
      @A_Random_IRS_B0T_ 2 года назад +2

      Seems a bit out of character for Leon, but still funny

    • @askosefamerve
      @askosefamerve 7 месяцев назад +2

      @theredeemedsoul Could be!

    • @askosefamerve
      @askosefamerve 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@A_Random_IRS_B0T_ loll 😂

  • @TeethoftheMoon
    @TeethoftheMoon 2 года назад +11

    A liar learning to seek out the truth? And it's Celeste?
    I... actually love that.

  • @alexBM1112
    @alexBM1112 2 года назад +44

    Ура,Хифуми мастермайнд!Люблю такое. :]

  • @kartanaist
    @kartanaist Год назад +6

    hifumi being the mastermind is actually a pretty cool concept
    it's as if danganronpa thh was all a fanfiction he wrote

    • @yourfavoritenothing3.0
      @yourfavoritenothing3.0 11 месяцев назад +1

      That reminds me of a theory my friend made up where all the Danganronpa games were all just a fanfic hifumi and Tsumugi made for their classmates.

  • @rubyfernandez3503
    @rubyfernandez3503 2 года назад +43

    Ok but like-
    What made sweet boi Chihiro do something so cruel? He’s so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +2

      Yea that's really sad 🥺

    • @inky_tea4186
      @inky_tea4186 2 года назад +1

      I have a theory. Are you interested?

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +1

      @@inky_tea4186 sure :0

    • @inky_tea4186
      @inky_tea4186 2 года назад +5

      @@Kofe1nchik I do belive one of the motives had to do with secrets and they got mixed up. So the person who got chihiro's secret about them being a boy and confronts them. Out of fear chihiro kills them to keep they're secret.
      This was sorta just a first idea so yeah.

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +2

      @@inky_tea4186 I think it sounds right :3

  • @ThatAverageCuber
    @ThatAverageCuber Год назад +2

    Kiyotaka Ishimaru. The sixteenth student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the Ultimate Moral Compass. Watch out for him.

  • @Latteurmoon
    @Latteurmoon 2 года назад +26

    Celeste when she was the culprit: oh shi-
    Celeste as protagonist: I get to escape my time when I was culprit

    • @Latteurmoon
      @Latteurmoon 2 года назад

      Btw- How come Celeste's wink is like she won the gambling game and butter man is a noob :-\

  • @gamingman3252
    @gamingman3252 2 года назад +17

    I like that celestia is the protagonist

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +2

      Thank you ❤️

    • @enzoh7151
      @enzoh7151 2 года назад +2

      same, like her art too

  • @cold8136
    @cold8136 2 года назад +73

    "spoilers on the wheel"
    The fact hifumi is the mastermind and Celestia is the Protag PFF-

  • @goldenhydreigon4727
    @goldenhydreigon4727 Год назад +4

    Ngl, for Protagonist Celeste, I could see her eventually accepting herself as Taeko Yasuhiro

  • @floofycupkim1197
    @floofycupkim1197 2 года назад +17

    HOLY DAMN, i did one that wasn't public, and celeste was the protag

  • @cringetrain
    @cringetrain 2 года назад +6

    Hifumi as mastermind would be something *interesting*

  • @AnimeEvie12
    @AnimeEvie12 6 месяцев назад +3

    Ngl why is celeste winking in the chapt 2 closing argument 🤔

  • @kittenz188
    @kittenz188 Год назад +5

    The fact that Celeste was the protagonist and Hifumi was the mastermind..

  • @alexiskuwata
    @alexiskuwata Год назад +2

    Leon: Do I get to live?
    Wheel: Well yes but actually no.

  • @joselitobubu
    @joselitobubu 2 года назад +3


    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад

      Thank you ♥️♥️♥️

  • @tobypuromaizono4444
    @tobypuromaizono4444 2 года назад +11

    Edit: Sadly My favorite characters died

  • @Oboro4265
    @Oboro4265 10 месяцев назад +3

    Leon, Mondo, Byakuya and Yasuhiro: Some things never change.

  • @aiai5127
    @aiai5127 2 года назад +4


  • @Kadkadael
    @Kadkadael 2 года назад +13

    Mondo, leon, ishimaru, chihiro, sayaka:
    Some things shall never change

  • @Al3xc7
    @Al3xc7 2 года назад +14


  • @Tiew-fs6jm
    @Tiew-fs6jm 2 месяца назад +1

    I love Celeste. So I love this au 😂
    (Makoto and Chihiro's hair is very similar lol.)

  • @joselitobubu
    @joselitobubu 2 года назад +1

    WAIT I kinda like this group of survivors 🥴 Sakura and Mukuro deserved for sure

  • @Yourtypicalgachatuber-y7y
    @Yourtypicalgachatuber-y7y 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mondo pulled a somethings never change
    Also Chihiro ate honestly Junko deserved that (unless it was Mukuro which Chihiro Ate Anyways.)

  • @ChazWalser
    @ChazWalser 7 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting way of Celestia’s feud with Hifumi

  • @anderspedersen7046
    @anderspedersen7046 2 года назад +2

    Celestia talking to Hifumi. killed you once in the original universe and imma f*cking do it again

  • @mohamedgemer3276
    @mohamedgemer3276 7 месяцев назад +1

    Dagronpa's animation feel is legendary

  • @aleiaaya742
    @aleiaaya742 2 года назад +8


    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +2

      Omg thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @aiaiainnnnnnn7777
    @aiaiainnnnnnn7777 2 года назад +6

    Мондо, Аой, Бьякуя : ничего не изменилось🗿
    Кстати, Леон снова убил Саяку ._.

  • @phrotonz
    @phrotonz 2 года назад +4

    Man, Hifumi’s Danganronpa AU got a bit out of hand

  • @biljanamikic9463
    @biljanamikic9463 2 года назад +3

    This is interissing for Celest being the Proganist

  • @cammy_totaldrama
    @cammy_totaldrama 2 года назад +5


  • @Cheese-Slime-Sheriff
    @Cheese-Slime-Sheriff 3 месяца назад

    Celestia would be an amazing protagonist. She’s the ultimate gambler, every new chapter is a gamble of life and death.
    Every choice, every trial, decides her fate

  • @vasilisa.renasil
    @vasilisa.renasil 2 года назад +3

    Ого, русский решил повторить этот трЭнд :0

  • @3spacebar3
    @3spacebar3 2 года назад +4


  • @IgnoreMyOldComments
    @IgnoreMyOldComments 2 года назад +3

    Omg hifumi-

  • @aizichi
    @aizichi Год назад +1

    ok but ishimaru made me burst out of laughter 😭

  • @xoxogossipgirl.x
    @xoxogossipgirl.x Год назад +1


  • @VeStatronEXE
    @VeStatronEXE 2 года назад +1

    hifumi is the best mastermind in the entire danganronpa

  • @Kanna_Kizuchi
    @Kanna_Kizuchi 2 года назад +1

    HIFUMI XD 🤣🤣🤣 also rip Makoto 😭

  • @aviomnipresent555
    @aviomnipresent555 2 года назад +5

    Я бы такую Ронпу заценила бы 🤔🙃

  • @Theeverythingbundle
    @Theeverythingbundle Месяц назад +1

    first case with Chihiro and Junko. So what could be a possibility is that chihiro thought Junko was the mastermind because she literally wears Monokuma hair pins (there’s more to it than that but basically Junko was being way to into the whole killing game experience for Chihiro’s (or anyone else’s) liking) Chihiro killed Junko to protect everyone but unfortunately their guess was wrong and so they payed the price for it. Chapter 2(re named as Girls’ life of despair) so mondo instead of attacking chihiro for their strength and resolve instead becomes jealous of Makoto’s undying hope and inner strength to save everyone. Chapter 3, so Leon killed Sayaka in self defense again…but Toko saw the whole thing so he had to take her out as well. Chapter 4 Aoi killed Kyoko because the clues they have been finding around the school linked back to Kyoko possibly being the mastermind so she posions Kyoko only to realize she was wrong(it would be even better if Sakura knew about this and tried to devert everyone’s attention to someone else so that her best friend can live)we’ll say the reason she lived is because she killed the one person who was the biggest threat to the killing game Chapter 6: Taka was working with hifumi and got killed chapter 1 (basically the same. But swap out Junko and Makuro with Taka and hifumi ) and let’s say the reason Taka was working with him is because he had been brainwashed like Chisa from the Danganronpa 3 anime. Final chapter: Hifumi started the killing game and destroyed the world to have more inspiration for fanfic to write ☠️. And as for Celeste’s character development I think it’s about her learning to have empathy for others and put the group’s needs over her own and she’ll also lie way less by the end then at the start I feel like at the beginning the player themself wouldn’t trust Celestia but by the end the game ends off by Celestia telling the group and the player her real name. Because by that point she’s down with lies. So the game would open up with Celestia telling all these tall tales on how she came to hopes peak and throughout the game she’d reveal more and more of the truth to others,( making her more trust worthy in our eyes but less so in the eyes of her fellow classmates making class trials more difficult as the game goes on) and in the end it ends off with her finally revealing the biggest truth of all…her real name Taeko Yasuhiro

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  Месяц назад +1

      @@Theeverythingbundle This is wonderful 😭💞
      I'm still amazed at the fact that people are still watching, liking and commenting on this rather crooked video ;"]
      Btw thanks for your comment :] it was interesting for me to read it

  • @luizgabrielfabiano9773
    @luizgabrielfabiano9773 2 года назад +16

    Ficou muito bem feito, parabéns

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +1

      Thank you ❤️

    • @coinflip-ko3ey
      @coinflip-ko3ey 2 года назад +1

      translation pls

    • @luizgabrielfabiano9773
      @luizgabrielfabiano9773 2 года назад +1

      @@coinflip-ko3ey "It was very well done, congratulations"
      I also made this type of video, if you want to see how it turned out and give some opinion...

    • @coinflip-ko3ey
      @coinflip-ko3ey 2 года назад +1

      @@luizgabrielfabiano9773 thanks

    • @coinflip-ko3ey
      @coinflip-ko3ey 2 года назад +1

      @@luizgabrielfabiano9773 its good

  • @Coginumquam486
    @Coginumquam486 2 года назад +2

    0:21 Lol.

  • @GalacticSuperSoul
    @GalacticSuperSoul 9 месяцев назад +2

    Mondo: some things never change.

  • @Pompuree
    @Pompuree Год назад +1

    If that was the case, Hifumi would have made the game because it was an anime lol

  • @darealkiibo6129
    @darealkiibo6129 2 года назад +2

    Am seeing celeste like yumeko in the class trials 💀

  • @mmjlenlvr
    @mmjlenlvr 2 года назад +1

    Yay me and kyoko get a not so good but happy ending!

  • @wandereringshadow8658
    @wandereringshadow8658 Месяц назад

    HOnestly, even though Hifumi was the mastermind, my headcanon that makes me crack up is that Chihiro took out the MM Chapter one, and Hifumi was just the backup plan.

  • @spades2863
    @spades2863 2 года назад +1

    Mondo just can’t escape the dumbbell

  • @tt-zw9ql
    @tt-zw9ql 29 дней назад

    Is interesting that celestia and hifumi change roles

  • @goldenhydreigon4727
    @goldenhydreigon4727 Год назад +2

    My HC for how this goes:
    Chapter 1:
    As Chihiro starts researching who the Mastermind is, Junko tries to start the killing and targets Chihiro, him being the weakest of the boys. However, she makes a blunder and, as much as he doesn't want to, especially after switching rooms with Celeste, he ultimately fights back and kills Junko in the bathroom. With regret in his heart, he guides everyone to the correct answer. When asked why he did it, he says that she may have been the Mastermind and how he wanted to stop the killing game, but he guess incorrectly, commenting on how weak he is. Mondo comforts Chihiro in his final moments, commenting how strong he was for even having to guts to try the idea out. Internally, Celeste is conflicted. She intially thinks Chihiro's too frail and a coward, but her Taeko Yasuhiro side agrees with Mondo.
    Chapter 2:
    As a memento to Chihiro, Makoto decides to try and get stronger alongside Mondo. Trusting as he is, Mondo decides to confide his secret in Makoto. However, Makoto's questions afterwards lead to him being killed by Mondo in a rage. After Mondo does his best to hide the evidence, Byakuya enters to try and frame Toko's other half, but fails once more. After the trial, Celeste holds a secret meeting with Kyoko and Sakura, who she believes she can trust, and confides that her real name is Taeko Yasuhiro, but would prefer being known as Celeste for now.
    Chapter 3:
    Upset and depressed over how Byakuya treated her in Chapter 2, Toko starts feeling very depressed and tries to hang out with others, namely Leon, whom she finds cute. Ofc, due to this, Genocide Jill inside of her tries to enter more often with intent to kill Leon, but Leon picks up on this and starts hanging out with Sayaka instead. Heartbroken, Toko swears revenge on Sayaka and intentionally lets Jill out, who kills Sayaka. Afterwards, she goes to try and kill Leon, knowing Toko wants to escape just as much as she wanted revenge on Leon, but Leon defends himself and, much like he did against Sayaka canonically, he kills Toko in self-defense.
    Chapter 4:
    After so many deaths, especially the previous death of Makoto, Kyoko's cold and calm exterior starta to waver. Sakura gets revealed as the traitor, but due to Taka's help, only Hifumi and Byakuya remain against her. Eventually, Kyoko and Hina come up with a plan to try and stop the killing game and Kyoko commits self-kill. Hina, however, gets discovered, and the execution this time goes to Alter Ego, the project Kyoko and Celeste got from Chihiro.
    Chapter 5:
    Sick and tired of there being no murders, and wanting the group to have TRUE despair, the Mastermind targets Celeste, but they're stopped by Taka. Angered, the Mastermind kills Taka the next night, who was leading the group now that Kyoko was dead. They try to frame Byakuya for it, but Celeste takes the blame instead. During her execution, her gambler's luck kicks in as Alter Ego rescues her from the firetruck.
    Chapter 6:
    After being exposed as the Mastermind, Hifumi explains he did everything to get inspiration for his next fanfic as well as revenge on the world for being mistreated in school. Thus, he spread despair to everyone as a plot for his fic, but eventually executes himself after agreeing to let the others escape, saying he'd feel the most despair being unable to finish his greatest work. As they prepare to escape, Celeste reveals her true name of Taeko Yasuhiro to everyone, having full trust in them now.
    Survivors: Taeko Yasuhiro (Celestia Ludenburg), Mukuro Ikusaba, Sakura Ogami, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Aoi Asahina, and Byakuya Togami.

  • @fs2t21linkaiwingp3
    @fs2t21linkaiwingp3 4 месяца назад

    brooo imagine simping for the protag and being the mastermind. hifumiiiiiii

  • @voyy999
    @voyy999 2 года назад +3

    Omg did u draw that by yourself because they r gorgeous

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад

      Yep :]
      And thank you!

    • @voyy999
      @voyy999 2 года назад +1


    • @voyy999
      @voyy999 2 года назад +3

      Np they actually look like the game

  • @theffects9545
    @theffects9545 2 года назад +2

    Sayaka is once again killed by Leon

  • @ALICE_ollie
    @ALICE_ollie 2 года назад +1

    I like it alot cool alternative ending

  • @cleverfoxV2
    @cleverfoxV2 2 года назад +2

    If Makoto is in the girls bathroom,then he is a!!😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад


    • @Musicbee3945
      @Musicbee3945 2 года назад

      😳😳😳😳was he a girl the whole time???😳😳😳😳😳😳

  • @monarchbutterfly011
    @monarchbutterfly011 2 года назад +1


  • @Alexandra_Westheart
    @Alexandra_Westheart 2 года назад +3

    Nooooooooo!!!! Why did Chihiro and Sayaka had to die?!😭😭😭

  • @caspernee2247
    @caspernee2247 5 месяцев назад +1

    Mondo and aoi: its still the same

  • @meggo2139
    @meggo2139 2 года назад

    Something about taka taking the place of mukero is really cool to me, especially because he is always very careful to follow the rules

  • @SakuraChan564
    @SakuraChan564 2 года назад +8


  • @fuyusan
    @fuyusan 2 года назад +1

    Sayaka: some things never change

  • @Chikayuki
    @Chikayuki 2 года назад +1

    1st victim : YES !

  • @KawaiiYuki193
    @KawaiiYuki193 Год назад +2


  • @Preppyweppyclubpenguino
    @Preppyweppyclubpenguino 10 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing Art!

  • @Blueartist246
    @Blueartist246 3 месяца назад +1

    Danganronpa if it was good and had a GOD-TIER protag
    (Tell me you like Celestia without saying you like Celestia ahh comment 💀 )

  • @officalkirumitojofanclub3570
    @officalkirumitojofanclub3570 2 года назад +1

    I’m close to writing a fanfic out of tbis

  • @_aruuke
    @_aruuke 4 месяца назад

    Селестия по моему раскрфла убийцу и мастермайндов либо с улыбкой, либо с вспышкой гнева

  • @conornolan5884
    @conornolan5884 Год назад +1

    Mondo: Why can I not escape chapter two

  • @vis74
    @vis74 Год назад +2

    А где ахего у макото? 0:10

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  Год назад +1

      Так как он больше не главный герой, я решил её убрать

    • @Maki.Harukawa-Slays
      @Maki.Harukawa-Slays 20 дней назад

      ​@@Kofe1nchikwhy doesn't Celeste have one?

  • @officialcupcakey4287
    @officialcupcakey4287 2 года назад +2

    Mondo: *It will never change*

  • @2thumbsglitch
    @2thumbsglitch 2 года назад +1

    And still Sayaka cannot escape Leon Kawada

  • @PhoebeAndNox
    @PhoebeAndNox Год назад +1

    damn chihiro

  • @usedtobejecjec
    @usedtobejecjec Год назад

    The art is super great!

  • @Idkmanfanpan
    @Idkmanfanpan Год назад +2

    Naegi died because you took his ahoge >:(

  • @BrokenEclipse
    @BrokenEclipse 2 года назад +1


  • @bacteriophage_11037
    @bacteriophage_11037 2 года назад +6

    Прикольно, я подписалась

    • @Kofe1nchik
      @Kofe1nchik  2 года назад +3

      Спасибочки ❤️
      Кстати у меня в планах уже есть 2 часть :]

  • @corpse0
    @corpse0 2 года назад +1

    Sayaka got killed by the same person

  • @Strawbbbieehehe
    @Strawbbbieehehe Год назад +1

    Leon took so long to murder Sayaka

  • @Monopika
    @Monopika 5 месяцев назад

    Woooow👏👏 is awesome!!!

  • @im_nothing104
    @im_nothing104 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @Akikai.2
    @Akikai.2 Год назад +1

    Taka you were so close-

  • @Sally_Nettle
    @Sally_Nettle 2 года назад +3

    Spoilers below
    Leon still kills Sayaka-

  • @personwholikesdanganronpa
    @personwholikesdanganronpa 2 года назад +2

    Yes i am the best protag

  • @ThatWeeb-
    @ThatWeeb- 2 года назад +1

    Wow Leon you still killed Sayaka

  • @supermagix958
    @supermagix958 2 года назад +2


  • @charisseabrio4559
    @charisseabrio4559 6 месяцев назад +2

    Why is naegi replaced

  • @СофіяМостова-з9и
    @СофіяМостова-з9и 2 года назад +3

    В тебе вийшло 😉