Can confirm. I make my own heroic groups. Am only 404 as a bear druid. But after I've got my big pumpers, I can't resist picking up the lowest ilv person I can find. Just to help them out. Took a 313 priest to heroic Mogu, then Terrace, and then up to Dark Animus in Throne.
I finally started upgrading my gear. At first I wasn't going to do it, but really glad that I did. Started doing higher and higher content the last 4 days. I've been doing all heroic raids, upgrade as I could. I finally hit 476 ilevel (Max ilevel) and completed Mythic Siege last night. We did have a few people who were being carried and was more than happy to help out. Felt bad when they died just because the damage would one shot them (I play a healer mainly), but no wipes. More bronze drops in higher content, plus a ton of gear to break down for even more bronze. I can see I will be able to get all the items I don't have in the next couple weeks. Didn't grind frogs, just did quests, instance content, all the world bosses and upgrade my gear. Have all the achievements except two reps (one after dailies reset). Then I'll be spending a lot of time on Timeless Isle for the rep there a whole lot of mob grinding. Just like it was when MoP was live. So was it worth the 600K+ bronze? I would say yes.
A lot of the discourse was over people who managed to get to where you are now at only a fraction of the time and labor involved; there's no defending that. As the dust settles though, while the investment is substantial, the payoff in player power is massive. felt good when I'd break into a new item level bracket and I'd start upgrading the tinker gear first for huge dps increases.
I've been in Remix a bunch. I'm only upgrading gear on my main there because it's freakishly expensive, but I'm bronze farming on alts with base gear too. Thumbs up!
I will be doing remix beta and retail for raids(only). I have enjoyed every time I have gotten into a beta reporting bugs and it's a great way of figuring out what class changes fit your style as I enjoy specific style. So I will be excited next weeks beta.
Speaking of new shaman races, Blizzard recently made a reply stating they have no plans to add new paladin races, pretty much contradicting what they've said before about wanting to free all race/class restrictions. We can all assume this is because making new shaman totems, paladin mounts, and especially druid forms for all races takes time and resources. That's why I would introduce one or two new shaman, paladin, or druid races per expansion. It would give the art team plenty of time to make them work visually, and add some new lore to them, like with the new warlock races. Heck, some of these race/class combos already exist in some form.
I'm having a wrist surgery tomorrow so who knows when I'll be able to go back to playing. I've already bought almost all worthwhile tmogs so e.g. on clothies I'm just using up bronze I get daily to buy everything one by one, I had to create another plate wearer to buy plate sets though cause my paladin pumps every bit of bronze into her gear (still WAAAAY too low at 416 with 2 pieces of 430).. I do wonder if I manage to get to a point where I can join HC raids so I can finally get a necklace (and maybe some new garrosh heirloom) My problem with Pandamonium is that the selection of powers is EXTREMELY limited, so every single class ends up using the same darn loadout. I'd love to theme my kit but lord knows you either go fire or you go home. Like there's barely 3 frost gems, and even less for the other damage sources. Meanwhile there's like 8 fire ones and they are all top tier.. So I said fck this and play a radiant retri paladin, all holy and fire I can get. The problem is, even if you wanted to go without the stupid fire stuff, you literally can't, because there's not enough gems of even the other elements combined. It's SO BAD I'd rather sacrifice those gems for more prismatic slots...
I'm loving it, levelled a troll WW monk, great fun. Aiming for as many non raiding achievement s as i can, only the Timeless Isles rares and some rep grinds to do. Have amassed 200k bronze via questing and daily LFR, dungeon and scenario runs. World bosses too. Still need my neck piece but the tmog collecting and mounts are more important to me. Luckily i have the expensive mounts already from retail but there are some expensive toys to gather bronze for.
I just hit my first 70 the last night I played and I had around 130k bronze. Pretty sure that’s enough to get every mount exclusive to Remix, and still have some left over. …I spent it all on gear upgrades though 😂 the rest of my 70 army will be for cosmetics!
@@Scuuurbs I had around 70k. Now you also get some extra 40k. Even at 130k, unique remix mounts are about 150k in all, so no, you don't get enough and leftover.
@@Crisalpha i just did the math, looking on wowhead. For the mounts that you can ONLY buy in Remix with Bronze, if you want them all you need a total of 103,400 bronze. - 18 mounts at 2,200 each - 7 mounts at 4,400 each - 5 mounts at 6,600 each Now, there’s Remix exclusive transmog too, but if all they want is the new mount recolors then one level 70 should be enough
I'm just going to level a few different classes that I don't usually play and get whatever mounts I can. Being summer, I'm only putting in about 8 hours a week, so I'll be happy with whatever I get.
Good on you, I'm also in the "Lets see how OP I can get to carry my friends through content" Currently at 153k stamina on the cloak, and aiming for 380k eventually, which should be around the point where the cloak hardcaps every secondary stat. I also feel the "Biggest" Thing missing from Remix from the collector side of things, is arsenals, Would have loved to be able to buy the weapon sets per raid/zone/dungeon even if the cost was higher than the armor (10k Maybe?)
I got my gear maxed, all the mounts, all the heirlooms and the shoulders, all the class recolors from the trading post, the unique xmogs and some raid xmogs. Still missing some toys.
My focus was just getting my alt army all to 70, got all of them except 1 there... I unexpectedly gained a bit of a love for fury warriors in the process.
I am at level 11 with my very first toon in remix. I have 40k achiev, almost every AoTC and other decently cool stuff. This to say I am engaged in the game but Pandaria for me is so boring I will do just _something_ just to get a few things I want. I got my only burnout in Pandaria after having played it ad nauseam. So I wont put too much effort in it. And I am fine with that. If you dont feel the urge to play it, simply don't. The world won't end
I've been in remix, solo (a lot of my old guildies and friends no longer play) But I already played through Mists, so I have the toys etc.. my "wants" were limited to sky surfer, elegons astral drop, and one the RF mage tier sets.. I noticed: Certain transmogs can drop, so you can save the bronze.. I went though to 70.. grinding rare elites questing and dungeon queue... Rather than do daily quests for a majority of reputations.. as the rare elites drop rep tokens.. Chose to upgrade my paladins gear, first.. because now at the 500 level soloing normal raids (aside from a few 1 shot mechanics, is feasible. Not upgrading the gear would be detrimental to actually gaining more, faster. Spending 1/10th of the time on an encounter.. is most definitely worth it. My hammers of judgement 1 shot things.. Gains! The reputation bonus change is trash.. The change to every man for himself was gross enough (back then).. They are definitely making some bad changes over the years. Lastly... That's all minor compared to them taking away my goddamn water elemental buddy.. 😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
During MoP retail, I didn’t get the Hellscream’s heirloom Strength one-handed sword and shield. I have the sword now two more bones and I will have the shield, then I will be done with MoP Remix.
I am leveling all races I don't have for heritage armor, all classes through landfall and thunder isle for weapon and armor rewsrds to save some bronze, lots of time and just having fun with it. Will try to do normal and heroic eventually.
I never liked that buff for humans only... it felt too much like the real world biases we find in racism. Not saying it was meant like that, just that it felt TO ME like that. Not trying to start anything, just expressing the flavor it had for me. The hearth thing is pretty amazing, tbh. Still feels unfair, too. I mean, all races have their racial plusses, sure, and that's fine as long as they kind of balance out. AAaaaannnnnyway, thanks for the update and the info. Also thanks for being a gent by sharing your mightiness in raid groups. I'm absolutely NOT a power gamer - health and mobility issues keep me from playing too long or too often - but the high I-Level folks who're kind to me in-game can usually be counted on one hand most days. It's nice to see someone being cool to their fellow players, even if they aren't BAMFs. *_chuckle_* 😁👍🏻
For remix gear upgrade,lets wait until july and the nerfs for the farm, i got all achievements i wanted without gear upgrade, and buy mounts/ mogs via the daily quest, still plenty of time to get all of them without sweating this game mode
Too funny, I'm playing the same way. I just have one more 1 hand weapon appearance Do Thrak sword and still trying to figure out the Monkey King staff drop. When those drop them I'll be bronze farming and helping others
I wish the standard WoW interface tracked sets that I own for other classes than the one I'm playing. I'm using that Reddit excel sheet to manually track it because the game would happily let me buy the same set across multiple characters and not warn me I already have it.
... And get bored. As opposed to repeating the same raid on multiple alts every day for 80 days. Every single day. That's better somehow? And less boring?
@@Baofuruyou are missing the point. By rushing everything, you ruin the game for yourself. You are your own worst enemy. You are the reason you aren’t having fun.
OK IMO remix is fine, I have been doing remix stuff at my own pace, my main character is not OP, done every raid in normal, I haven't any farming, doing the main quest of every zone and getting some bronce along the way, after that I'll lvl up 3 or 4 alts via remix, get some cosmetics and that will be my tale in MOP remix, experiencing the expansion that I didn't play when it was live.
Just as a PSA to anyone out there who is nervous or scared to pug mythic Siege - you can literally make your own group and put it together. Nobody cares if you're a fresh 70. If you get like 5 max ilvl players they'll carry you through it. It's not a big deal. All of this content is easy even mythic. It isn't some insanely unattainable thing only available for the top 1%. Get out there, make a group and get carried. Or push your ilvl up and carry it yourself. Getting max ilvl opens up the most amount of bronze for yourself to unlock all the mogs.
I guess I am the exception, cuz I have been at 416-430 ilvl and getting declined for NORMALS, let alone heroic......... So I gave up for now and finished up the Champaign. But now I am stuck in LFR trying to find Normals because my guild only wants to do Heroic or Mythic and want to have all 5 slots with a 400 ilvl character. I do do the LF Dailies but trying to get into heroics.
Just only questing i took 30 hrs first too. Second toon 16 hrs. Note lvl 65 to 70 was rough as mage as the npc hit like tanks mages. I also found alot new shield i didn’t have before
I want them to add like a combo meter and bronze multiplier for collecting the floating bronze using dragon riding, flying around collecting them is kinda fun it just sucks how little you get, I'd love a challenigly fast decay that forces you to plan out your routes and even beat out other players before they mess up your combo.
I maxed my upgrades doing all daily content (All world bosses, 2x Sce, 2x DG and LFR Wings) and farming between LFRs... Now I have to get some courage and find groups to do Normal and Heroic raid because I play alone, all my friends leave wow a while ago.
Is there an external URL for that list of all the Remix-only recolors you have up? I noticed they existedwhen that green recolor of the Island Expedition staff that's a mild remodel of the Sha-touched water orb staff dropped for me, but tracking them down with the default mogging UI is a bit of a pain.
It would be more cool to see the human racial changed to allow the hearthstone return you to the place you used it on a 15min time out. 'Home is where the Hearth Is'
For Remix, i've played how I want. I don't care what others are doing, i'm here to have fun, collect some mogs and move on. I waiting on Elf Paladins... they use the light(Priests) and also are Warriors so no reason not to have Pallies. Hopefully they'll open that option up some day. Most Tender i've spent in months tbh, down to 3.2k now... i feel so broke
Elf priests don’t worship the Light. They worship Elune, or the Void, or the sunwell depending on the type of elf. Each race has its own religion in wow. High elves worshipped the light but we can’t play them.
I just got done buying the last mount I wanted from Remix. Cost me 300k bronze, so not that much. Is there a place I can see all the weapon available to farm? Thanks :)
I had a plan to create a mage to xfr to tww but that plan was quickly abandoned.. so I am just waiting for tww.. In the meantime Im going to play tarisland..
Im on the fence with allthethings in this mode ... like i bought all the sets of 1 vendor yet on every character it screams "dude ur missin pieces"....
I've noticed that too and I'm sure the ATT was mostly bugging out cause after some reloads/restarts the tracking worked better. At worst, do a manual check of what ATT says you don't have and then look at your appearance UI directly.
Thank you for playing decently. RUclipsrs who complained about the lack of lore, content, mechanics advertised mindless frogging and it resulted in closing high content to anyone uber geared. And now to using a 2nd account to lvl faster when it's already super fast as is, resulting in dungeons where lvl 20 tanks stay at the start, they zerg through leaving mobs and certain bosses untouched and new players dumbfounded and lost in what is new content to them and a very poor image of retail. I wish Blizzard would create a BIS requirement in TWW behind an endless frog farming since they found it so efficient and riveting! Who needs lore, instances and quests when you can have frogs, right? I will spend my next 80 days farming for bronze then new alts for heritage armor. The human racial is strong enough I will finally make one. Beta I will check briefly for crafting but leave the surprise for the release, concerned there seems to be little questing content from what I heard. I hope it comes once maxed out with special transmorgs and other perks. Cya in remix, some lfr geared have been very gracious and others left 2/3 of the raid behind closed doors. And no, no loot in the mail if it wasn't picked up.
There're some regional differences, like when you look at the world sets all of one set drops from one zone's quests, drops, rares etc. Those are quite easy to collect AND you can still buy them up from the vendors. Weapons are not.
Imo warm bodies are all you need for heroic but that's if you're able to carry that burden. Basically can enough people stay alive for shooting down galakras lol
The only thing I want them to fix is the scaling from 67 to 70. I don't care that a level 20 can do 10x more damage than any of my 5 remix 70s, but I'd rather like to not die in one shot every single pack or boss, especially as a tank.
I do not see a point in stopping the playing of mop remix to play the beta. All that will do is have me bored of the content by launch at which point I wouldn’t play. I’m gonna keep grinding in mop because that’s about the only fun the game has to offer until 11.0 comes out.
I really don’t feel like it is too much of a choice. remix is a temporary event you can go in. Have some fun collect a few new looks get some achievements and have fun leveling up some oddball characters that you might not normally have gotten around to which is good for unlocking some of the different heritage armor. meanwhile season four doesn’t really offer anything drastically new. You get some of the awakened stuff which makes you more powerful than you were before defeat the same enemies and bosses as before… You could play the alpha /beta when it comes out. But most people that take the time to do so only want to see what is in store for the new expansion and do not want to spend too much time playing a version of the game that has zero carryover
Basically just getting the achievements done, the normal raid achievements being the most annoying, since, I should just upgrade my gear and solo it myself as opposed to trying to use the raid finder.
How it's going? Still not managed to get invited to a single SoO group (sub-70 character, so not much bronze into gear but also on slightly better scaling than a fresh 346 from what I hear). Being a tank doesn't help when you're not level 70 with ten million health.
Some people go down the list, some go for high ilvl first, some go for low ilvl first. I say try queuing as a healer if your class lets you, might give you better results. Otherwise run the other raids as they'll get you that much closer to 70 anyway. Just always be doing *something.*
I don't have a need for the hearthstone racial. There are many other ways to port out of something already. It's not the slightest bit useful. Not even compared to the 10% rep boost. After grinding reps from BC to MoP I decided that the 10% wasn't enough.
I have never heard rubber-banding being used in this way, for me it was always used in the way where you move your character and then your character keeps getting "reset" a few (or sometimes more than a few) steps back, because the server and client can't really agree on where your character truly is in the world. I first experienced this in Counter-Strike and Diablo 3 was a particular egregious one. I have never heard rubber-banding referring to using hearthstones to jump back and forth easily.
I was looking at raid finder yesterday and came across a normal SoO saying something like 500 something tank taking all. I was skeptical to say the least but signed up and we flew through the raid and I finally got my neck. So there are certainly people out there running people out of the kindness of their heart. The tank invited me to the Normal Raids for Neck community and I definitely will be helping others get there neck.
I wish I would have just spent my bronze on mounts and tmog. Instead of all on gear now that I'm burnt out and longer playing, it all seems like a waste. I might come back towards the end do get a few choice items, but that's about it. Breaking the game and being ludicrously OP is fun, but the novelty wears off quickly.
I was doing remix but then i got caught up with retails mog farming with bullions getting the mythic weapon colours. there is only so much time in the day
realistically bro with how it's set up now. so long as u have ur cloak to a point where alts start with 100% it takes like 3-4 hours to hit 70 on a new character and youll get 70k through the leveling process. Knock out a few new level 70s even if u don't plan on playing em, get all the mounts and be done with it. the mogs? w/e. account wide mogs is gonna make getting those substantially faster. the mounts will be going back to their original drop rates tho after the event. AT THE BARE MINIMUM get the world boss mounts
@@-.-Monster the remix mog sets are not cls bound like the retail ones, so dks can mog a full paladin set for example. So they are kind of mandatory to get, if you care about transmogs.
@@Cerenu fair; was just saying in regards to this guy not having much available time. id say bare minimum get the world boss mounts. in regards to mogs: getting the lfr varients of everything is pretty fast so that would cut out 1/3 of the cost by just having 1 of each armor type class in remix because you collect all the sets in lfr, class doesnt matter. getting roughly 70k per 70 and 4 armor types youll have all the sets by the time you finish the 4th guy
You can always wait till like the last two weeks of retail and get all the bullons then, unless there’s a weekly quest for 2 you’re not gonna miss the ones you could get weekly… just gonna run a full set of lfr the last two weeks to get all the retail mogs
I’ve found myself having a great time playing remix even though I swore I wasn’t going to give in, I too am refusing to pay out the high amount of bronze to upgrade my end game green gear and have been doing everything still in level 346 I am having no problems at all doing heroic anything or raids and do the daily quests for bronze every single day. Maybe if I was after mythic orgrimmar achievement but I’m not. I don’t think they needed to nerf the bosses at all if I’m making it through then anyone else can do it. I pre-ordered so have access to the beta but have no plan to actually play on it as I want to wait for the retail to be released so it’s not spoiled for me in any way beyond what I can see on RUclips from various wow channels.
Am I crazy that I think betas and ptrs etc have been slowly killing my enjoyment of the game? I think im just going to ignore them this time in just do whatever in TWW
I want to max out my gear on 1 character and it’s taking too damn long to do it. I’m not even doing alts I just want to get max ilvl 1 time in the history of me playing this game and blizzard just wants to prevent people that can’t play for 10-15 hours a day from feeling powerful even on a limited time event.
Have to disagree on the hearthstone cooldown. I think it’s lame… 15 min is already plenty and I have the extra cloaks, and dalaran hearthstone, kinda pointless.
Same problem here I don’t understand why you can’t add that to collection with every class like the heirlooms… I had no plan to level up and gear a plate class in remix but if they don’t change it I have to I guess -.-
5 days ago i was ilvl 376 had 140k bronze, cuz i ve wanted to store it for cosmetics. then a guildi told me what to do every day in order to get bronze kinda quick. 5days later i got all gems in legy, full epic gear with great rolls and ilvl 455. what to do?pump all bronze into gear, do the 3 main daylies, do all world bosses, do all raids (on hc) you can do SoO on all 3 difficulties. if you can do it with a great group. you can do all in under 2h, which gets you 60k bronze and a lot of threads, gear and gems. ofc that's not possible for everyone and throne and SoO you won't get invited under 430ilvl or it's less likely. if you won't get good grps it may take you over 3h. and with RL you won't get everything done every day, but eventually, since it's gonna last more than 2 months from now on, everyone can do it, if he wants to.
You're more likely to see the super buffed players run to kill bosses and lock you out of a kill even on LFR than bother to help. They won't wait for 4-6 seconds for some people to run in, nevermind actually help. I mean those 4 seconds are super precious, who has time to waste on anyone but themselves? Even as a tank, you don't have that control - if 1 single person wants to pull and lock people out, it'll happen. I wait too as a tank, but often I can't do anything about it. And 10+ hours per day, you were joking, right? No way you farmed so heavily while telling us to take it easy and not care what others do, right? It was probably sarcasm flying over my head. I mean most people don't have 10 hours of time outside work to begin with to spend on the bare minimum to survive (travel to and back from work, eat, wash, change clothes, do mandatory chores), let alone interact with family and actually get to play. How would you even be capable to give any type of tip when that's so so hardcore and off your average player. I can't even imagine anyone could play this much.
as an OG 2004 human player, I get why the racial had to change... but this new one ain't it. I do outdoor travelling and there's no way I'd use it this much. I'm not using it in the alpha, the questing flow doesn't support "Rubberbanding" much. Give me 2 different inns, not 2 charges at the same inn. What it will be for 99% of people, is setting to the capital city and forgetting, exactly as they do now.
Nahhhh people are getting locked out until they learn to use their class mobility + gem mobility between bosses! Press those buttons on cd or you’re wasting them!
I have no interest in farming any power until power acquired is share PROPERLY between characters. It's like they abducted a designer from legion that was living under a rock to design remix. It's so not alt friendly it's crazy. Gear upgrade should have the cost reduction for alts just like on alts, the cloak should be shared 100% between all toons and have full power from level 1. Period. The mode was built and marketed as get overpowered and have fun. I've spent plenty of time on it, have 2 characters at max level and they are way weaker than they would be in dragonfligh. It's actually silly.
Sorta would make sense to allow the discount to apply on all Timerunners, but the drawback would be many of those players would likely remove themselves from group participation because they can do most activities solo. I'm fishing for a possible reason there I admit, but something about that feels off.
I prefer playing wow rather than following the few busted ppl and looting corpses. Shame that remix died after 3 days. Was fun and challenging those first few days...
Bronze farming is tedious. Why not reward people for completing quests, lines, and achievements? One (frog farmer) player doing 15M+ damage when the rest of the raid is doing less than 5M is dumb.
Burnt out with remix. There's just no point in putting that much time and effort into gearing out for a limited time event of old content. Thankfully there were only a few tmogs that I was interested in and I bought those after leveling a couple of toons. Since I don't care about mounts, the only advantage of the event now is dinging and parking 70s. Blizz is great at sucking the fun out of their own ideas.
Can confirm. I make my own heroic groups. Am only 404 as a bear druid. But after I've got my big pumpers, I can't resist picking up the lowest ilv person I can find. Just to help them out. Took a 313 priest to heroic Mogu, then Terrace, and then up to Dark Animus in Throne.
Love your channel, love the vibes, and love this community you have gathered here :)
Dude, that locking people out comment had me cheering. A bunch of us are just learning the layout of the raid…
Yeah, that was a like and subscribe here. I've been locked out of several boss fights now. Cripes, people.
I finally started upgrading my gear. At first I wasn't going to do it, but really glad that I did. Started doing higher and higher content the last 4 days. I've been doing all heroic raids, upgrade as I could. I finally hit 476 ilevel (Max ilevel) and completed Mythic Siege last night. We did have a few people who were being carried and was more than happy to help out. Felt bad when they died just because the damage would one shot them (I play a healer mainly), but no wipes. More bronze drops in higher content, plus a ton of gear to break down for even more bronze. I can see I will be able to get all the items I don't have in the next couple weeks. Didn't grind frogs, just did quests, instance content, all the world bosses and upgrade my gear. Have all the achievements except two reps (one after dailies reset). Then I'll be spending a lot of time on Timeless Isle for the rep there a whole lot of mob grinding. Just like it was when MoP was live. So was it worth the 600K+ bronze? I would say yes.
A lot of the discourse was over people who managed to get to where you are now at only a fraction of the time and labor involved; there's no defending that.
As the dust settles though, while the investment is substantial, the payoff in player power is massive. felt good when I'd break into a new item level bracket and I'd start upgrading the tinker gear first for huge dps increases.
Just how much more Bronze does Mythic drop? Needs to be pretty insane number to justify the 600k cost to upgarde gear.
I've been in Remix a bunch. I'm only upgrading gear on my main there because it's freakishly expensive, but I'm bronze farming on alts with base gear too. Thumbs up!
They should have added a weapons ensemble. Great video 👍
I will be doing remix beta and retail for raids(only). I have enjoyed every time I have gotten into a beta reporting bugs and it's a great way of figuring out what class changes fit your style as I enjoy specific style. So I will be excited next weeks beta.
Blizzard: we have created the ultimate FOMO experience
Blizzard: shuffles hands together
"big repuatation" shirt is that something for Bob
Speaking of new shaman races, Blizzard recently made a reply stating they have no plans to add new paladin races, pretty much contradicting what they've said before about wanting to free all race/class restrictions. We can all assume this is because making new shaman totems, paladin mounts, and especially druid forms for all races takes time and resources. That's why I would introduce one or two new shaman, paladin, or druid races per expansion. It would give the art team plenty of time to make them work visually, and add some new lore to them, like with the new warlock races. Heck, some of these race/class combos already exist in some form.
I'm having a wrist surgery tomorrow so who knows when I'll be able to go back to playing.
I've already bought almost all worthwhile tmogs so e.g. on clothies I'm just using up bronze I get daily to buy everything one by one, I had to create another plate wearer to buy plate sets though cause my paladin pumps every bit of bronze into her gear (still WAAAAY too low at 416 with 2 pieces of 430).. I do wonder if I manage to get to a point where I can join HC raids so I can finally get a necklace (and maybe some new garrosh heirloom)
My problem with Pandamonium is that the selection of powers is EXTREMELY limited, so every single class ends up using the same darn loadout. I'd love to theme my kit but lord knows you either go fire or you go home. Like there's barely 3 frost gems, and even less for the other damage sources. Meanwhile there's like 8 fire ones and they are all top tier.. So I said fck this and play a radiant retri paladin, all holy and fire I can get.
The problem is, even if you wanted to go without the stupid fire stuff, you literally can't, because there's not enough gems of even the other elements combined. It's SO BAD I'd rather sacrifice those gems for more prismatic slots...
I'm loving it, levelled a troll WW monk, great fun. Aiming for as many non raiding achievement s as i can, only the Timeless Isles rares and some rep grinds to do. Have amassed 200k bronze via questing and daily LFR, dungeon and scenario runs. World bosses too. Still need my neck piece but the tmog collecting and mounts are more important to me. Luckily i have the expensive mounts already from retail but there are some expensive toys to gather bronze for.
Thank you for waiting! It’s become a big pet peeve since I’m playing a slow DK that likely needs to change specs
I'm just playing the game reading quests doing a linear quest path hopefully I'll get enough to get some mounts at the end
100% you'll have enough for a few
I just hit my first 70 the last night I played and I had around 130k bronze. Pretty sure that’s enough to get every mount exclusive to Remix, and still have some left over.
…I spent it all on gear upgrades though 😂 the rest of my 70 army will be for cosmetics!
@@Scuuurbs I had around 70k. Now you also get some extra 40k.
Even at 130k, unique remix mounts are about 150k in all, so no, you don't get enough and leftover.
@@Crisalpha i just did the math, looking on wowhead. For the mounts that you can ONLY buy in Remix with Bronze, if you want them all you need a total of 103,400 bronze.
- 18 mounts at 2,200 each
- 7 mounts at 4,400 each
- 5 mounts at 6,600 each
Now, there’s Remix exclusive transmog too, but if all they want is the new mount recolors then one level 70 should be enough
I'm just going to level a few different classes that I don't usually play and get whatever mounts I can. Being summer, I'm only putting in about 8 hours a week, so I'll be happy with whatever I get.
Good on you, I'm also in the "Lets see how OP I can get to carry my friends through content" Currently at 153k stamina on the cloak, and aiming for 380k eventually, which should be around the point where the cloak hardcaps every secondary stat.
I also feel the "Biggest" Thing missing from Remix from the collector side of things, is arsenals, Would have loved to be able to buy the weapon sets per raid/zone/dungeon even if the cost was higher than the armor (10k Maybe?)
Love your shirt! I’ve been a prisoner of Warcraft since vanilla 😬
I got my gear maxed, all the mounts, all the heirlooms and the shoulders, all the class recolors from the trading post, the unique xmogs and some raid xmogs. Still missing some toys.
My focus was just getting my alt army all to 70, got all of them except 1 there... I unexpectedly gained a bit of a love for fury warriors in the process.
I am at level 11 with my very first toon in remix. I have 40k achiev, almost every AoTC and other decently cool stuff. This to say I am engaged in the game but Pandaria for me is so boring I will do just _something_ just to get a few things I want. I got my only burnout in Pandaria after having played it ad nauseam. So I wont put too much effort in it. And I am fine with that. If you dont feel the urge to play it, simply don't. The world won't end
What is that damage number add-on that is bananas looking
I've been in remix, solo (a lot of my old guildies and friends no longer play)
But I already played through Mists, so I have the toys etc.. my "wants" were limited to sky surfer, elegons astral drop, and one the RF mage tier sets..
I noticed:
Certain transmogs can drop, so you can save the bronze..
I went though to 70.. grinding rare elites questing and dungeon queue... Rather than do daily quests for a majority of reputations.. as the rare elites drop rep tokens..
Chose to upgrade my paladins gear, first.. because now at the 500 level soloing normal raids (aside from a few 1 shot mechanics, is feasible.
Not upgrading the gear would be detrimental to actually gaining more, faster.
Spending 1/10th of the time on an encounter.. is most definitely worth it.
My hammers of judgement 1 shot things..
The reputation bonus change is trash..
The change to every man for himself was gross enough (back then)..
They are definitely making some bad changes over the years.
That's all minor compared to them taking away my goddamn water elemental buddy.. 😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
I’ve been loving remix! I don’t know if I should get all the toys and work thru pandaria before making another toon. Any suggestions?
You can make another character and play through the parts of pandaria you didn't the first time
Well the best way has always been know what you want before you start so you can focus farm
During MoP retail, I didn’t get the Hellscream’s heirloom Strength one-handed sword and shield. I have the sword now two more bones and I will have the shield, then I will be done with MoP Remix.
I just wanted the elegon mount, everything after that is extra 🥰
I am leveling all races I don't have for heritage armor, all classes through landfall and thunder isle for weapon and armor rewsrds to save some bronze, lots of time and just having fun with it. Will try to do normal and heroic eventually.
I never liked that buff for humans only... it felt too much like the real world biases we find in racism. Not saying it was meant like that, just that it felt TO ME like that. Not trying to start anything, just expressing the flavor it had for me. The hearth thing is pretty amazing, tbh. Still feels unfair, too. I mean, all races have their racial plusses, sure, and that's fine as long as they kind of balance out. AAaaaannnnnyway, thanks for the update and the info. Also thanks for being a gent by sharing your mightiness in raid groups. I'm absolutely NOT a power gamer - health and mobility issues keep me from playing too long or too often - but the high I-Level folks who're kind to me in-game can usually be counted on one hand most days. It's nice to see someone being cool to their fellow players, even if they aren't BAMFs. *_chuckle_*
For remix gear upgrade,lets wait until july and the nerfs for the farm, i got all achievements i wanted without gear upgrade, and buy mounts/ mogs via the daily quest, still plenty of time to get all of them without sweating this game mode
Too funny, I'm playing the same way. I just have one more 1 hand weapon appearance Do Thrak sword and still trying to figure out the Monkey King staff drop. When those drop them I'll be bronze farming and helping others
I wish the standard WoW interface tracked sets that I own for other classes than the one I'm playing. I'm using that Reddit excel sheet to manually track it because the game would happily let me buy the same set across multiple characters and not warn me I already have it.
we got 80 days left...its fine lol
For real it's been like 10% of the timer, but all these sweaty people rush as hard as they can then get bored.
... And get bored. As opposed to repeating the same raid on multiple alts every day for 80 days. Every single day. That's better somehow? And less boring?
@@Baofuruyou are missing the point. By rushing everything, you ruin the game for yourself. You are your own worst enemy. You are the reason you aren’t having fun.
80 days!!! That's it! Never mind, forget it then 😂
thats not truee!!! we have 79 days 17 hours 22 mins left!!! TIME IS RUNNING OUT 😂😂😂
Since they keep adding more ways to get bronze I going to assume eventaly they will add the wepon apperences to the bronze vendor
OK IMO remix is fine, I have been doing remix stuff at my own pace, my main character is not OP, done every raid in normal, I haven't any farming, doing the main quest of every zone and getting some bronce along the way, after that I'll lvl up 3 or 4 alts via remix, get some cosmetics and that will be my tale in MOP remix, experiencing the expansion that I didn't play when it was live.
Just as a PSA to anyone out there who is nervous or scared to pug mythic Siege - you can literally make your own group and put it together. Nobody cares if you're a fresh 70. If you get like 5 max ilvl players they'll carry you through it. It's not a big deal. All of this content is easy even mythic. It isn't some insanely unattainable thing only available for the top 1%. Get out there, make a group and get carried. Or push your ilvl up and carry it yourself. Getting max ilvl opens up the most amount of bronze for yourself to unlock all the mogs.
can't seem to get pass 333 ilvl got me rings and trinkets what am I doing wrong ????
I guess I am the exception, cuz I have been at 416-430 ilvl and getting declined for NORMALS, let alone heroic......... So I gave up for now and finished up the Champaign. But now I am stuck in LFR trying to find Normals because my guild only wants to do Heroic or Mythic and want to have all 5 slots with a 400 ilvl character. I do do the LF Dailies but trying to get into heroics.
Just only questing i took 30 hrs first too. Second toon 16 hrs. Note lvl 65 to 70 was rough as mage as the npc hit like tanks mages.
I also found alot new shield i didn’t have before
I want them to add like a combo meter and bronze multiplier for collecting the floating bronze using dragon riding, flying around collecting them is kinda fun it just sucks how little you get, I'd love a challenigly fast decay that forces you to plan out your routes and even beat out other players before they mess up your combo.
I maxed my upgrades doing all daily content (All world bosses, 2x Sce, 2x DG and LFR Wings) and farming between LFRs... Now I have to get some courage and find groups to do Normal and Heroic raid because I play alone, all my friends leave wow a while ago.
Try soloing some of those raids to get a feel of it; that ought to give you the courage to eventually join groups.
Is there an external URL for that list of all the Remix-only recolors you have up? I noticed they existedwhen that green recolor of the Island Expedition staff that's a mild remodel of the Sha-touched water orb staff dropped for me, but tracking them down with the default mogging UI is a bit of a pain.
It would be more cool to see the human racial changed to allow the hearthstone return you to the place you used it on a 15min time out. 'Home is where the Hearth Is'
For Remix, i've played how I want. I don't care what others are doing, i'm here to have fun, collect some mogs and move on. I waiting on Elf Paladins... they use the light(Priests) and also are Warriors so no reason not to have Pallies. Hopefully they'll open that option up some day. Most Tender i've spent in months tbh, down to 3.2k now... i feel so broke
Elf priests don’t worship the Light. They worship Elune, or the Void, or the sunwell depending on the type of elf. Each race has its own religion in wow. High elves worshipped the light but we can’t play them.
I just got done buying the last mount I wanted from Remix. Cost me 300k bronze, so not that much.
Is there a place I can see all the weapon available to farm? Thanks :)
push that yt algo! gogogoggogogogo
What’s that 1-H sword at 2:30? Looks awesome!
I had a plan to create a mage to xfr to tww but that plan was quickly abandoned.. so I am just waiting for tww.. In the meantime Im going to play tarisland..
The thunder king qust are good lore wise and gave me cool mogs not alot but still cool
Im on the fence with allthethings in this mode ... like i bought all the sets of 1 vendor yet on every character it screams "dude ur missin pieces"....
I've noticed that too and I'm sure the ATT was mostly bugging out cause after some reloads/restarts the tracking worked better.
At worst, do a manual check of what ATT says you don't have and then look at your appearance UI directly.
been sayng it all along. those that cheese the bronze farm were just doing it to carry those that were locked out.
Thank you for playing decently. RUclipsrs who complained about the lack of lore, content, mechanics advertised mindless frogging and it resulted in closing high content to anyone uber geared. And now to using a 2nd account to lvl faster when it's already super fast as is, resulting in dungeons where lvl 20 tanks stay at the start, they zerg through leaving mobs and certain bosses untouched and new players dumbfounded and lost in what is new content to them and a very poor image of retail. I wish Blizzard would create a BIS requirement in TWW behind an endless frog farming since they found it so efficient and riveting! Who needs lore, instances and quests when you can have frogs, right? I will spend my next 80 days farming for bronze then new alts for heritage armor. The human racial is strong enough I will finally make one. Beta I will check briefly for crafting but leave the surprise for the release, concerned there seems to be little questing content from what I heard. I hope it comes once maxed out with special transmorgs and other perks. Cya in remix, some lfr geared have been very gracious and others left 2/3 of the raid behind closed doors. And no, no loot in the mail if it wasn't picked up.
Gear doesnt have specific drop location so they can drop from everything, even random mobs.. so it doesnt matter, you'll get everything eventually
There're some regional differences, like when you look at the world sets all of one set drops from one zone's quests, drops, rares etc.
Those are quite easy to collect AND you can still buy them up from the vendors. Weapons are not.
is there a benefit to maxing out gear? do we get more sockets?
I would be totally down to help people in normal raids. But it locks my heroic raids so I can't get the bigger bronze.
Imo warm bodies are all you need for heroic but that's if you're able to carry that burden. Basically can enough people stay alive for shooting down galakras lol
I agree. They should allow us to do all levels like you can in Siege.
The only thing I want them to fix is the scaling from 67 to 70. I don't care that a level 20 can do 10x more damage than any of my 5 remix 70s, but I'd rather like to not die in one shot every single pack or boss, especially as a tank.
I do not see a point in stopping the playing of mop remix to play the beta. All that will do is have me bored of the content by launch at which point I wouldn’t play. I’m gonna keep grinding in mop because that’s about the only fun the game has to offer until 11.0 comes out.
What addon is that at 4:30?
All The Things (ATT). He mentions it a few seconds earlier.
PLEASE tell me where you got that shirt it's everything I didn't know I needed!!! ❤
haha I made it. I've been slacking off on getting merch back up but plan on releasing some stuff at as low of a margin as they'll let me
@SoulSoBreezy the world needs this shirt! My bestie and I will be the first purchases when you get it going :D can't wait.
I really don’t feel like it is too much of a choice. remix is a temporary event you can go in. Have some fun collect a few new looks get some achievements and have fun leveling up some oddball characters that you might not normally have gotten around to which is good for unlocking some of the different heritage armor. meanwhile season four doesn’t really offer anything drastically new. You get some of the awakened stuff which makes you more powerful than you were before defeat the same enemies and bosses as before…
You could play the alpha /beta when it comes out. But most people that take the time to do so only want to see what is in store for the new expansion and do not want to spend too much time playing a version of the game that has zero carryover
it pisses me off that we cant get pvp transmog from remix
Basically just getting the achievements done, the normal raid achievements being the most annoying, since, I should just upgrade my gear and solo it myself as opposed to trying to use the raid finder.
How it's going? Still not managed to get invited to a single SoO group (sub-70 character, so not much bronze into gear but also on slightly better scaling than a fresh 346 from what I hear). Being a tank doesn't help when you're not level 70 with ten million health.
Lmfao that’s impossible I’ve ran so many SoO on every alt and more than half my groups had lower level tanks
@@PhenomRom Then clearly I smell funny or something. It's not like anyone ever says why they decline you.
Some people go down the list, some go for high ilvl first, some go for low ilvl first.
I say try queuing as a healer if your class lets you, might give you better results.
Otherwise run the other raids as they'll get you that much closer to 70 anyway. Just always be doing *something.*
How does it feel to play the same game over, and over again?
I don't have a need for the hearthstone racial. There are many other ways to port out of something already. It's not the slightest bit useful. Not even compared to the 10% rep boost.
After grinding reps from BC to MoP I decided that the 10% wasn't enough.
Im still waiting on my blood elf shamans 😂
I have never heard rubber-banding being used in this way, for me it was always used in the way where you move your character and then your character keeps getting "reset" a few (or sometimes more than a few) steps back, because the server and client can't really agree on where your character truly is in the world. I first experienced this in Counter-Strike and Diablo 3 was a particular egregious one. I have never heard rubber-banding referring to using hearthstones to jump back and forth easily.
With the new human racial they will be goto choice for leveling speed runs lol
Unlocked all mounts,toys few cool mogs especially the shado pan and dark shaman set. No more remix.
I was looking at raid finder yesterday and came across a normal SoO saying something like 500 something tank taking all. I was skeptical to say the least but signed up and we flew through the raid and I finally got my neck. So there are certainly people out there running people out of the kindness of their heart. The tank invited me to the Normal Raids for Neck community and I definitely will be helping others get there neck.
I wish I would have just spent my bronze on mounts and tmog. Instead of all on gear now that I'm burnt out and longer playing, it all seems like a waste. I might come back towards the end do get a few choice items, but that's about it. Breaking the game and being ludicrously OP is fun, but the novelty wears off quickly.
I was doing remix but then i got caught up with retails mog farming with bullions getting the mythic weapon colours. there is only so much time in the day
realistically bro with how it's set up now. so long as u have ur cloak to a point where alts start with 100% it takes like 3-4 hours to hit 70 on a new character and youll get 70k through the leveling process. Knock out a few new level 70s even if u don't plan on playing em, get all the mounts and be done with it. the mogs? w/e. account wide mogs is gonna make getting those substantially faster. the mounts will be going back to their original drop rates tho after the event. AT THE BARE MINIMUM get the world boss mounts
@@-.-Monster the remix mog sets are not cls bound like the retail ones, so dks can mog a full paladin set for example. So they are kind of mandatory to get, if you care about transmogs.
@@Cerenu fair; was just saying in regards to this guy not having much available time. id say bare minimum get the world boss mounts.
in regards to mogs:
getting the lfr varients of everything is pretty fast so that would cut out 1/3 of the cost by just having 1 of each armor type class in remix because you collect all the sets in lfr, class doesnt matter. getting roughly 70k per 70 and 4 armor types youll have all the sets by the time you finish the 4th guy
I plan on waiting a bit then use alts to buy mythic appearances via raid finder
You can always wait till like the last two weeks of retail and get all the bullons then, unless there’s a weekly quest for 2 you’re not gonna miss the ones you could get weekly… just gonna run a full set of lfr the last two weeks to get all the retail mogs
i am living in pandaria remix for almost all of it till TWW comes out myself
I’ve found myself having a great time playing remix even though I swore I wasn’t going to give in, I too am refusing to pay out the high amount of bronze to upgrade my end game green gear and have been doing everything still in level 346 I am having no problems at all doing heroic anything or raids and do the daily quests for bronze every single day. Maybe if I was after mythic orgrimmar achievement but I’m not. I don’t think they needed to nerf the bosses at all if I’m making it through then anyone else can do it.
I pre-ordered so have access to the beta but have no plan to actually play on it as I want to wait for the retail to be released so it’s not spoiled for me in any way beyond what I can see on RUclips from various wow channels.
I'm working on maxing out my remix "main" (483 on upgradable slots currently), will then level alts for the 40k bronze
Am I crazy that I think betas and ptrs etc have been slowly killing my enjoyment of the game? I think im just going to ignore them this time in just do whatever in TWW
They've been slowly updating old models in old dungeons like SM and MC
As long as I get credit for boss kills, I don’t care about being locked out and they mail your loot to you if you don’t get it.
Chilling lvl alt and buyuing stuff, dailies on main
2 hearthstone charges "i think this pretty awesome" SoulSoBreezy must have been drinking or something because my god 😂
Lol 😂😂 he's not in his senses
I want to max out my gear on 1 character and it’s taking too damn long to do it. I’m not even doing alts I just want to get max ilvl 1 time in the history of me playing this game and blizzard just wants to prevent people that can’t play for 10-15 hours a day from feeling powerful even on a limited time event.
People make a lot of fuss for the human racial change. Its incredibly good for a 3rd racial talent when you compare to other races
Here i thought remix is just another mode to lv up your alts insanely faster and not treat it like a raiding season
yea i hate / dislike it when they start the fight and people are still trying to get to the boss so yea Readychecks would be good you know /readycheck
Have to disagree on the hearthstone cooldown. I think it’s lame… 15 min is already plenty and I have the extra cloaks, and dalaran hearthstone, kinda pointless.
I don't play humans, I think them losing diplomacy is arguably right but the repalcement sucks, as the thing they got... should be bloody baseline.
they WILL NOT refund you. i got it on the wrong account, i have a few, wouldnt even switch it
i got my tusks and i cant use them on my warlock :) thats where im at rn
Same problem here I don’t understand why you can’t add that to collection with every class like the heirlooms… I had no plan to level up and gear a plate class in remix but if they don’t change it I have to I guess -.-
I feel bad at this point for not farming frogs just saying!
5 days ago i was ilvl 376 had 140k bronze, cuz i ve wanted to store it for cosmetics. then a guildi told me what to do every day in order to get bronze kinda quick. 5days later i got all gems in legy, full epic gear with great rolls and ilvl 455. what to do?pump all bronze into gear, do the 3 main daylies, do all world bosses, do all raids (on hc) you can do SoO on all 3 difficulties. if you can do it with a great group. you can do all in under 2h, which gets you 60k bronze and a lot of threads, gear and gems. ofc that's not possible for everyone and throne and SoO you won't get invited under 430ilvl or it's less likely. if you won't get good grps it may take you over 3h. and with RL you won't get everything done every day, but eventually, since it's gonna last more than 2 months from now on, everyone can do it, if he wants to.
People are getting runs through siege and I've been declined from every normal...ffs
600k bronze? SoulFrogBreezy, eh? :P
You're more likely to see the super buffed players run to kill bosses and lock you out of a kill even on LFR than bother to help. They won't wait for 4-6 seconds for some people to run in, nevermind actually help. I mean those 4 seconds are super precious, who has time to waste on anyone but themselves? Even as a tank, you don't have that control - if 1 single person wants to pull and lock people out, it'll happen. I wait too as a tank, but often I can't do anything about it.
And 10+ hours per day, you were joking, right? No way you farmed so heavily while telling us to take it easy and not care what others do, right? It was probably sarcasm flying over my head.
I mean most people don't have 10 hours of time outside work to begin with to spend on the bare minimum to survive (travel to and back from work, eat, wash, change clothes, do mandatory chores), let alone interact with family and actually get to play. How would you even be capable to give any type of tip when that's so so hardcore and off your average player. I can't even imagine anyone could play this much.
as an OG 2004 human player, I get why the racial had to change... but this new one ain't it. I do outdoor travelling and there's no way I'd use it this much. I'm not using it in the alpha, the questing flow doesn't support "Rubberbanding" much. Give me 2 different inns, not 2 charges at the same inn. What it will be for 99% of people, is setting to the capital city and forgetting, exactly as they do now.
“Should have played”? It’s only been out for 9 days, you have 80 left
112K stam, and bro said he farmed frogs for an hour lololol
Nahhhh people are getting locked out until they learn to use their class mobility + gem mobility between bosses! Press those buttons on cd or you’re wasting them!
I have no interest in farming any power until power acquired is share PROPERLY between characters.
It's like they abducted a designer from legion that was living under a rock to design remix. It's so not alt friendly it's crazy.
Gear upgrade should have the cost reduction for alts just like on alts, the cloak should be shared 100% between all toons and have full power from level 1. Period. The mode was built and marketed as get overpowered and have fun. I've spent plenty of time on it, have 2 characters at max level and they are way weaker than they would be in dragonfligh. It's actually silly.
Sorta would make sense to allow the discount to apply on all Timerunners, but the drawback would be many of those players would likely remove themselves from group participation because they can do most activities solo.
I'm fishing for a possible reason there I admit, but something about that feels off.
it took me 3 running to 70 toons just to get my only epic pants what a suc
I prefer playing wow rather than following the few busted ppl and looting corpses. Shame that remix died after 3 days. Was fun and challenging those first few days...
Bronze farming is tedious. Why not reward people for completing quests, lines, and achievements? One (frog farmer) player doing 15M+ damage when the rest of the raid is doing less than 5M is dumb.
Burnt out with remix. There's just no point in putting that much time and effort into gearing out for a limited time event of old content. Thankfully there were only a few tmogs that I was interested in and I bought those after leveling a couple of toons. Since I don't care about mounts, the only advantage of the event now is dinging and parking 70s. Blizz is great at sucking the fun out of their own ideas.
It sounds like you got what you wanted out of it though?