Can America Contain China? America's New Cold War with China

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @CyrusJanssen
    @CyrusJanssen  2 года назад +73

    ✅ Get Surfshark VPN at - enter promo code CYRUS for 83% off and 4 extra months for free!
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    • @macgurkha1973
      @macgurkha1973 2 года назад +7

      The ideology driving the powerbrokers and their followers in the United States and Britain is called "white anglo saxon protestantism" and its so called "manifest destiny". Its an ideology that has been around for at least 200 years with the purpose of "ruling the planet" under its tutelage and influence.

    • @hanshaofa3758
      @hanshaofa3758 2 года назад +13

      It is not ideological differences! If any countries threats to US number 1 position, US will try to destroy these countries, no matter which political systems adapted! Even if Germany or India ( suppose they are “democratic countries”) have the same power as China’s today, US will find some reasons to destroy them)

    • @tanerlysusanawati5797
      @tanerlysusanawati5797 2 года назад +13

      When Mr. President Xi Jinping says that China will never bully, will never oppress or will never subjugate other countries..or in other words,Mr. President Xi Jinping's speech in July 1st, 2021, is absolutely and definitely right and absolutely and definitely true.
      As Confucius said, " Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."
      So, if you don't want to get hurt by others, so, don't hurt others.. That's why China will forever never and never to invade, subjugate, oppress, bully, smear, etc to other countries.. China will live and can live and forever live in peace and harmony side by side with other countries as friends, partners, not as enemies or rivals.

    • @JO-et2ir
      @JO-et2ir 2 года назад +6

      Times have changed. Smallpox and polio would still be a problem with today's attitudes.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +5

      I am copying another regular to this channel. Please give a big round of applause to both Cyrus and his guest today, Terry D. Wittenmyer. 👋

  • @singularityagi5562
    @singularityagi5562 2 года назад +536

    If we are talking about democracy at the global level, it should be a multipolar governance system where no one single country should control the world like the US did in the past century. Great to know that there are people like Cyrus & Terry in the US see the bigger picture.

    • @raaid85
      @raaid85 2 года назад +18

      excellently put

    • @johnsonkhaw2495
      @johnsonkhaw2495 2 года назад +24

      Sad to say they are the minority! Majority still see China a threat based on the social media narratives.

    • @singularityagi5562
      @singularityagi5562 2 года назад +19

      Agree but I see the numbers are increasing. It could take time, let’s be patient!

    • @pmo2982
      @pmo2982 2 года назад +22

      @@johnsonkhaw2495 just come out and work hard and stop blaming China for their hard work.

    • @siahiongngie642
      @siahiongngie642 2 года назад +17

      Please read more articles on Chinese history, look at their culture.

  • @ubermenschen3636
    @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад +32

    @15:59, Wrong. Cyrus explains China’s military build-up in so many words: as a nation (China) becomes bigger, wealthier, and economically strong, it naturally builds up the military. Absolutely wrong as applied to China. China’s military build-up is in response to US military encirclement of China. USA has assigned a 7th Fleet carrier task force to patrol the China coastline; re-established two massive military bases, Clark and Subic, in the Philippines; USA has army and/ or naval military bases in Thailand, Japan, Diego Garcia, and Turkey. Until recently, USA had two military bases in Afghanistan. Notice the opposite has not occur in the USA. As the US economy, standard of living, and wealth declined during the past 20 years, the US military build-up increased rather than decrease.

    • @siamcharm7904
      @siamcharm7904 2 года назад +2

      excellent post.

    • @JWscandi
      @JWscandi 2 года назад +2

      I concur.

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад +7

      And the mad US regime says that China is the aggressor and wants to invade the US!!!

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +1

      @Uber Menschen That is why Chairman Xi requested CCP to extend his chairmanship because he can see what is being built by the western powers (UK, USA and Australia). May I once again remind everybody that all 3 nations' politicians can be linked back to England. USA declared their independence around 1774 so at one time the Brits called them Yankees. Australia asked for independence from England around end of 19th century. Those Australians saw how the Brits keep on asking for more and more (just look at how they treated the Indians before Mr. Mahatma Gandhi proactively rallied up the Indians and with the help of international powers convinced England to set them free) so the Aussies want their independence.

    • @firefly4326
      @firefly4326 2 года назад

      Wrong! You fail to read up history and ignore China prosperity. A country becomes bigger, wealthier and economically strong, naturally builds up the military? False accusation!
      What happens to China Tang dynasty?
      What happens to byzantine empire?
      You are assuming that bigger a country is, naturally they are a threat, which is not true!

  • @liviahollmayer4981
    @liviahollmayer4981 2 года назад +43

    The US gov. approved for the department of defense an indecent huge budget of 780 billiards .To understand how huge this are we can compare it with the GDP/PPP of some countries in 2020 : Switzerland GDP 590 bill., Belgium 557 bill., Singapore 531 bill. , Sweden 463 bill., Austria 463bill, Israel 353 bill,. Norway 342 bill., Denmark 326 bill. The budget of American's army is as big as 10 or more countries in Africa or South America. The US Gov and the leaders of the US army have to justifies the necessity of this obscene budget. With the help of media they create enemies who must to be powerful and well armed. For sure China is the ideal enemy and immediately after is Russia. In the mentality of Americans and Westerns those countries are associated with the communism the biggest enemy of their values : democracy and freedom,
    human rights. Additionally China is in way to become the first economical and financial force in world and dethrone the American hegemony. Russia is a good motivation to maintain this obsolete and expensive alliance NATO and there are also the owners of American s gas who want to take over the place of Russia's trader gas.
    Probably 70 % of American's economy represent the armament industry MIC. Their lobbyists
    as some few other big corporation and banks, are the real leaders of US. For them is vital to create all the time conflicts around the world. They own the biggest part of media, they built a huge machine of propaganda they have CIA , lot of NGOs and the government under their control. That explain the declarations contradictory of US officials. They are just the puppets of this oligarch, if their declarations contravene the oligarch's interest they are forced to change their declarations. The pacts, the alliance , the entente, the accords elaborate by Us gov. with any country worth nothing the leaders in shadow can whenever they want to annul all that without any bad consequence for them.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +2

      United States (or any other country) cannot control China.

    • @gerdbreunung490
      @gerdbreunung490 2 года назад

      Recommend reading George Orwell's 1984. The department of WAR is renamed department of DEFENSE. Canadian TAR Sands are renamed OIL Sands, etc. > please read the book.

  • @sapaiyo9810
    @sapaiyo9810 2 года назад +26

    The problem is there is no people like Cyrus or Daniel Dumbbell that sort at both side of the US political parties. Not to live under constant mercy of those US politicians, the Chinese government has to enlarge their nuclear arsenal and technology to be on par with US, the logic reasons being you don't see aggressive actions from US politicians towards the Russian since WW2.

    • @CN_SFY_General
      @CN_SFY_General 2 года назад

      No! This is not an option for China. China only needs some means and tools so that China is not far behind. This is sufficient to keep any others at bay! China plays go game so "dancing with the wolf" is the best choice, weaker but not too far behind is the best strategy. Chinese political system also has no capacity to bring the best Chinese at the front; mean people rule China and get all money. Chinese culture will never be russian.

  • @manuelmanolini6756
    @manuelmanolini6756 2 года назад +10

    the question is on what basis does Gringoland get off? Leave China well enough alone. Gringoland should deal with universal health a free public higher education instead of passing judgment on capitalist China.

  • @Dragon-gl1rw
    @Dragon-gl1rw 2 года назад +16

    The UK seeks help from the CIA in the 1950s to stage the coup in Indonesia using the same excuse that the then Indonesian president Sukarno is a socialist dictator. After the US-installed new president took over, more than one million Indonesian some political analysts say the number of people who were massacred was probably up to 3 million.

    • @楊蕙萍-p7h
      @楊蕙萍-p7h 2 года назад +3

      correction, its in 1965. yes its true, and US got freeport as reward.

    • @Dragon-gl1rw
      @Dragon-gl1rw 2 года назад

      @@楊蕙萍-p7h Tks for the correction. Not just the freeport, the US oil company Haliburton got the gas exploration permits in the Natuna Sea until today. Dick Cheney was the executive in charge of Haliburton. Remember him? The guy who shows to the UNSC a vail consisting of chalk powder and claimed it was Iraq's WMD? He is now one of the co-owners of Genie Oil company in Syria's occupied Golan heights.

  • @ylyon84
    @ylyon84 2 года назад +12

    Thank you for what you do Cyrus, building bridges is hard but it's the best thing we can try to do.

  • @tc-fz5qn
    @tc-fz5qn 2 года назад +12

    So good to listen to an intelligent conversation ! Wish more Americans were as intelligent..........especially those politicians and people in office.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      @tc Thank you. Just like Mr. Ray Dalio's video,видео.html indicated at the end of the video, "hopefully policy makers watch the video" - I take it he was referring to the US policy makers. Happy new year!

  • @honcheelim1220
    @honcheelim1220 2 года назад +5

    Cyrus wish you and family a very Happy New Year ahead - 2022 🍷🌈

  • @ahkoy973
    @ahkoy973 2 года назад +6

    Thank you Cyrus for setting the record straight and counter the misinformation in mainstream media 🙌
    The average westerner needs people like you to educate themselves ...

  • @crashingintorice6973
    @crashingintorice6973 2 года назад +1

    One thing I like about China governance is the continuation of large projects because the government doesn't change every four years

  • @pahatpahat9566
    @pahatpahat9566 2 года назад +1

    A very down to earth discussion of the issues facing people from China and US, it is surprising that the better educated US people are often caught so ignorant of what is happening in China and how the general Chinese people are responding to the current political leadership. Why should one imposes one's perception of how one should live one's life on another? Such talks by Cyrus promotes better understanding of what is going on in China!

  • @pmo2982
    @pmo2982 2 года назад +1

    America should work for peace not conflict as it is doing now.

  • @pikachus5m166
    @pikachus5m166 2 года назад +6

    The biggest flaw in American politics, is its non-accountability, and political discourse based on Edward Bernays "Propaganda" rulebook, or in the past outright imperialism, deflecting domestic failures and projecting against foreigner success, a zero sum game that has resulted in 200yrs of conflict around the globe. Coupled with hubristic arrogance and insecurities, it resorts to fabricating and engineering issues to justify its adversarial approach. Unless that changes, the march to war goes unabated, and China has no choice but to ramp up to guarantee MAD.

  • @risingdragon8886
    @risingdragon8886 2 года назад

    I think what a lot of people don't seem to understand about Afghanistan is this. It was NEVER about teh Taliban, or some extremists hiding in some caves. The USA a long time ago had a plan, to use Afghanistan as a outpost, to recruit, train, arm a bunch of extremists, for their nefarious regime changes across the middle east region, including traning extremists from Xinjiang, since Afghanistan shares a border with Xinjiang, this is one of the main reasons why the US & its allies have been in Afghanistan for so many years Cyrus. Also the fact that many extremists flood into Afghanistan from all over the place, which also makes this an ideal place for US to set up shop to train, arm extremists who go back to Xinjiang, or even Russia too. This simple fact shouldn't be overlooked either. Even the Nattional Endowment for Democracy (CIA created organisation in the 1980's) admitted themselves on their own twitter account to funding, backing Xinjang extremists since 2004. Hell, maybe they were funding them much longer than they claim. People have to be aware of this nefarious plan by the US establishment, so this containment idea has been around for many years. Ever since Mao took over mainland China, the US already had future plans to contain China, they knew back then that sooner or later, China would rise up to be a competitor with US, so if they knew back then, & are still planning to go ahead with this plan as we can all see now, things don't look that great especially in terms of peace. The US has been busy the last few years, trying to destabilise all countries dealing with China in trade etc. This will only continue as the US gets even more desperate & is pinned in a corner like a wild animal. Its a sad reality that people have to be aware of. War can & should be resisted by all. War is preventable, thankfully we're not at that stage just yet, but we're soon heading down this path especially with the way US govenrment & majority of western biased media is going, & engineering through their propaganda hit pieces. As long as there are good people like Cyrus, Terry Wittenmyer, Numuves, Daniel Dumbril, Gweilo60, others who speak the truth with a balanced view can there be hope for the future. Great video Cyrus, keep on speaking the truth so more people will understand the real dangers of our current world trajectory.

  • @spiritofgoldfish
    @spiritofgoldfish 2 года назад

    The classical role of government is to tax away economic rents and use it to lower the cost of production. This is done through subsidies for such things as public infrastructure, education, and health care, not raising the cost of living and therefore the cost of labor, as with monopolistic privatization.
    The problem with economics as it is understood in America, is that there is no distinction between wealth production and wealth extraction. Production of goods and services speaks for itself, but monopolies and the banks (FIRE, finance, insurance, and real estate) extract what is called economic rent. The free market Adam Smith talked about is free FROM economic rent, not free FOR economic rent.
    This is Industrial Capitalism (China) as opposed to Financial Capitalism (USA), and it is what the conflict is really all about.
    American democracy is entirely theatrical with the majority having no more effect on the rentier oligarchy than the Chinese majority on the Communist Party of China.
    If the US was a democracy, we would have a decent minimum wage, public health care, free education, parental leave, and gun control, to name a few, all by popular demand.

  • @relaxwhc
    @relaxwhc 2 года назад +3

    The US tell the Americans that they can beat China, because they have Emma with 2 mums 😂💥

  • @angela031
    @angela031 2 года назад

    The US is not so altruistic as to wish to help the Chinese to improve their livelihood. By supporting China's entry too the WTO, the US was no doubt hoping to overwhelmed China was American goods same services, a market so huge that they cannot afford to miss out.

  • @kernlingyap2042
    @kernlingyap2042 2 года назад +1

    Loved your session and many of your videos. Respect your effort to be a bridge between USA and China. Only one points to provide alternative view. I believe The reason for USA establishing democratic Relatiinship with China is to counter The Soviet Union and not about to improve the well being of Chinese people.

  • @chriswestwood3289
    @chriswestwood3289 2 года назад

    I disagree that the western countries were helping China whatsoever. It was the western capital for profit and needed China to contain Soviet Union. It is more of the western countries need help from China then. We never really help anyone.

  • @JS-sf9mi
    @JS-sf9mi 2 года назад

    Nice job Cyrus!

  • @delepeno9636
    @delepeno9636 2 года назад +2

    If only more American just like you, I think world peace maybe achievable..

  • @kevinl7173
    @kevinl7173 8 дней назад

    China is too big to be contained from the beginning, I don't know who got this idea

  • @relaxwhc
    @relaxwhc 2 года назад +357

    If you enjoyed this video, raise your hand to show Cyrus Janssen your undying support ✋🙋🏻‍♂️👍

  • @yaoypl
    @yaoypl 2 года назад +133

    "People of China looks at results..." Terry nailed it. Good governance is all about delivering good results. I bought Terry's book and a good read. Cyrus and Terry are the true American patriot. They understand China and are doing critical work to bridge the culture gap between US and China.

    • @KenDavies-qv3fs
      @KenDavies-qv3fs 2 года назад +1

      China has no ethics and all trade must stop with this country.

    • @mu-taolee9222
      @mu-taolee9222 2 года назад +6

      @@KenDavies-qv3fs I think that your are referring a country starts with US...

    • @SaretGnasoh
      @SaretGnasoh 2 года назад +3

      @@KenDavies-qv3fs here we go with brainwashed victim of murica propaganda.
      Did you think murica have ethics?

    • @andrewchew29
      @andrewchew29 2 года назад +1

      @@KenDavies-qv3fs you have nothing to talk here

    • @lifeisneverthesame910
      @lifeisneverthesame910 2 года назад

      it's false.

  • @dan2bet
    @dan2bet 2 года назад +265

    There is no perfect system. I wish America can do more for her people and not spent her energy containing countries or forcing countries to adopt their system. A new year a new beginning. My wish is for America to do more for her people and bless her people.

    • @clement3718
      @clement3718 2 года назад +40

      Danny, you have a good heart but the US politicians value their money more than the lives of ALL other human beings, whether they're White, Yellow, Brown or Black ! Their bank account can grow exponentially only by waging wars against weaker countries because war is business to their massive arm industries. The facts are all there in the social media and history books....etc. China has to grow stronger both militarily and economically in order to prevent the destruction of their country. The history of the 100 years of humiliation of China has volumes of how the Western countries bullied Qing China...India the other Asian giant also suffered hundreds of years of colonialism where their people are literally enslave , resources stolen, etc.

    • @CyrusJanssen
      @CyrusJanssen  2 года назад +18

      Amen! This is the exact message that I have been preaching for a long time on my channel

    • @brianliew5901
      @brianliew5901 2 года назад +14

      America doesn't want the world to be like her; she wants the world to slave for her.

    • @nibss5293
      @nibss5293 2 года назад +2

      @@clement3718 great

    • @1313hyme
      @1313hyme 2 года назад +14

      @wee danny - You're right! Some governing system might be better than another, but that also depends on the society and its people. I grew up in NYC and that was what I was taught in my world history. I guess many of Americans fall as sleep in class or they might not have been taught properly like in the mid-West. Or they were brainwashed by the US media/govt. In my opinion, China is more democratic than US in the sense China don't push other countries to be like them. They let other countries make their choice. Whereas US dictates/forces how other countries should be governed. They don't let the people of that country to decide - no freedom of choice.

  • @relaxwhc
    @relaxwhc 2 года назад +158

    If you believe China is a peaceful and progressive country, raise your hand ✋🙋🏻‍♂️👍

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +4

      China is addicted to crackdown on freedoms.

    • @garrycoleman8537
      @garrycoleman8537 2 года назад +14

      @@MarkYeung1 Rubbish!!! I feel free in China compared to Australia!!!

    • @SYL7Tube
      @SYL7Tube 2 года назад +6

      @@MarkYeung1 define freedom

    • @meeep520
      @meeep520 2 года назад +3

      @@MarkYeung1 have you visit China lately?

    • @tigerlily6668
      @tigerlily6668 2 года назад +6

      @@MarkYeung1 the problem starts when propagandas are being pushed to serve one’s agenda. When China govt regulate, it’s being demonise and the word ‘ crackdown ‘ is being used to replace the word ‘ regulate’. All countries have regulations for all things, and it is a good thing to have regulations to govern their country.

  • @yu-jd5jg
    @yu-jd5jg 2 года назад +442

    Can a country with less than 500 years of history contain a country with 5,000 years of unbroken civilization? Or a country with 330M people able to contain another country with 1.4B united and hardworking people?

    • @eddiehah9842
      @eddiehah9842 2 года назад +16


    • @wren1718
      @wren1718 2 года назад +23


    • @fredtan1506
      @fredtan1506 2 года назад +28

      @UClZmPKzJkNLNs1Wbm6E1SfQ No. In fact it's on the increase because one child policy has been lifted. It's US population that is falling because of failure to control Covid and opioid and marijuana addiction and gun violence and refusal of couples to have children (abortions).

    • @j-mobi9209
      @j-mobi9209 2 года назад +18

      Yes, in their dreams 🌝

    • @Zakaius
      @Zakaius 2 года назад


  • @shiowhuang5128
    @shiowhuang5128 2 года назад +84

    I admire your insights, wisdom, and courage to really educate whoever with open mind 🙏

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      Yes, right, thanks Cyrus!🙏

  • @zhugeliang3905
    @zhugeliang3905 2 года назад +187

    You missed the real reason why Nixon reached out to China. The US wanted to use China to counter the USSR. It turned out that Russia and China are now allied together to counter the US. Geopolitics is constantly in flux.

    • @hyc1266
      @hyc1266 2 года назад +17

      The US/UK have wanted the China market since last century.

    • @irritatedanglosaxon1705
      @irritatedanglosaxon1705 2 года назад +7

      @HYC 126 say my name..

    • @wnklee6878
      @wnklee6878 2 года назад +3

      @@hyc1266 Wanted? The had it!видео.html

    • @salvadorvizcarra769
      @salvadorvizcarra769 2 года назад +46

      Perhaps, when the Second World War ended, we, the US, assumed that the USSR intended to attack us. Today we know from the verified Facts, that the USSR never had a plan to attack the US. They, USSR, only had a plan to defend against an invasion by the US Armed Forces. We know this now, when the USSR no longer exists, but the Archives do exist that tell us how weak and unprepared the Russians were to initiate an attack or even to defend themselves. For its part, China... was in worse shape than USSR. Furthermore, it is a verifiable fact that China is a nation of Peace. China does not attack anyone. China does not invade, and it has not done so in 1,000 years of its history. China does not "Expand" or steal the territory of sovereign nations, neither neighboring nor distant. China does not intervene in the affairs of other sovereign nations. On the other hand we, the US. Well... please check out these FACTS that are on the Web: In 250 years of existence as a nation, the US has fought against 29 sovereign countries. (In Fact, since 1785, we have been involved, for 219 years, in some kind of war. And this wars, against all varieties of sovereign nations. From going against the Sultan of Morocco, to invading the tiny island of Grenada. Well, this means that in our entire history, we have only had 17 years of peace, and even fewer, cuz here the almost 5 years (1861-1865), of our Civil War are not counted (Union/Confeds), since this war was not with another country, but against us. And the wars against the Native Nations of America are not counted too, for the same reason). Anyway: We fought against 29 countries. We have "Grown" 711 the size of our territory from the original 13 colonies. We have provoked with total impunity, 13 Genocides --inside and outside our own borders--, and Assassinations of Gov’t. Leaders, Coups d'État and Economic Blockades in 6 UN member nations. Between 1947 and 1989, the US tried to change other nations gov’ts. 73 times. It includes 66 covert Ops. And 7 overt ones. In Civil Wars: The US has taken advantage of and intervened without justification in the following Civil Wars: In Cuba (1898 and 1960). In Haiti (1813 and then 1915-1934). In Colombia (1899-1902 and 1948). In Mexico (1847 and 1914 and again in 1916). In Russia (1918). In the "Republic Banana Wars" of Central America (1912-1934). In Venezuela (1945 and again in 1948). In China (1857, and 1900, and again in 1945-1946-1949). In Korea (1950-1953). In Viet Nam (1959-1975). In Panama (1964 and again 1989). In Central Africa (1969-1974 and 1982-1988). In Nicaragua (1937 and 1985). In Bosnia (1995). In Philippines (1898 and 1900)... In Kosovo, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc.). And more: We have almost 800 Military Bases scattered around the world; 93 of which are against China. On the other hand, China and Korea (The "Axis of Evil"), in 1,000 years of history have NEVER invaded anyone. These nations have fought their Civil Wars, defended themselves against foreign invasions, and secured their immediate borders, but they have never been meddling or aggressor countries. Do you know how many Military Bases China or Korea have outside their territory? None. Zero. Any. NADA! They do not have a single Base. These are verifiable facts. Neither China nor Korea will invade the world; We do... that's DONE, as we do in the Middle East. Iran also does not have a SINGLE MILITARY BASE outside its national territory, and it is surrounded by 16 US Bases, and it is we who call the Iranians Terrorists. The US wanted to use China to counter the USSR? Yeah... The US ALWAYS do that: They intend to use other countries for their geopolitics cuz the US has not yet realized that the only real threat in the world is us, the US.

    • @pissyourselfandshitncoom2172
      @pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 2 года назад +23

      But notice how Biden is now talking closely with Russia's Putin? It's just a repeat of last time, but now Russia is the weaker of the two partners, so Biden is going to try to pinch Russia off from China.
      Putin has to stay firm, if he wishes to defend EurAsia against the Americans.

  • @tsaiwinsor5644
    @tsaiwinsor5644 2 года назад +97

    I am disappointed about the knowledge Cryrus has about the reason USA established relationship with China. It was definitely not about the West trying to help China. It was about ganging up on Soviet! But I understand that he needs to self censor so that he does not get on the wrong side of the US govt.

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 2 года назад +14

      but no one said china also help america by buying their debt bond and china ended up in debt trap

    • @joeawk
      @joeawk 2 года назад +10

      @@fannyalbi9040 China is foolish to sell to the US in exchange for a piece of paper.

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 2 года назад +3

      @@joeawk irony hey?

    • @katong1953
      @katong1953 2 года назад +7

      @tsai winsor. Minor slip by Cyrus compared to the mountain of ignorance in America about China due to the vile, wilful demonization of China by the warmongers and collaborators in the mainstream media. Few among Americans have done more for China-US relations than Cyrus. Someone should nominate Cyrus jointly with the other independent media people for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +6

      @@fannyalbi9040 Debt is not a trap if the country has the effective means to generate cash from either products or services they export per any economic textbooks. It is a fact that China is the world's manufacturing country due to a great number of Chinese willing to work for less than their western counter parts. China is investing to expand the logistic to ship all those manufactured goods to every part of the world. What does U.S.A. do? They manufacture weapons and encourage the use of weapons all over the world. Which generates more revenue? Weapons or daily needs of every humans? Please do the math. Happy new year!

  • @marcozhang3990
    @marcozhang3990 2 года назад +49

    As a Chinese, I can tell you guys, we can criticize the government, there are many ways we can express our unsatisfactory to the government. Don’t believe in the Western media that Chinese people can’t criticize the government

    • @davidk6269
      @davidk6269 2 года назад +1

      I'm surprised to here you say that. The experience of my family who live in mainland China have not had the same experience as you, especially recently.

    • @hangtuah888
      @hangtuah888 2 года назад +2

      @@davidk6269 That is why you do not discern here from hear. So how to criticise any form of government if you do not know the difference between here and hear. Maybe when you learn the difference, then criticise, it would not be too late. Pray tell us why must you criticise and on what grounds? No point being critical for critical sake.

    • @relaxwhc
      @relaxwhc 2 года назад +1

      You can criticize of cause, but afterwards you will be "disappeared". 💥 Just like Jack Ma can criticize China's financial system, and then he's silent forever 😂

    • @wiekiatong4018
      @wiekiatong4018 2 года назад

      Can u said xi bear bear current policy is wrong?
      In weibo and also can criticism xi bear bear in the public?

    • @hangtuah888
      @hangtuah888 2 года назад +4

      @@wiekiatong4018 I bet you come from Singapore one of the worst state for freedom of speech where the judiciary is co-opted to be a organ of oppression and the whole population brainwashed to the extent they cannot rationalise or think for themselves parroting the CNA propaganda rubbish dress up as news.

  • @JP-sg8ng
    @JP-sg8ng 2 года назад +74

    they move all the sources to china. make in China. Now they blaming China about pollutions lol..I just don’t get it

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад

      Western corporations should have forced China to improve the pollution when they moved to China. Do you think Beijing would agree?

    • @hyc1266
      @hyc1266 2 года назад +23

      @@MarkYeung1 The US should solve the pollution problem involved with their product manufacturing before moving their factories to China. One of the reasons that US moved most of its manufacturing to China and foreign countries is to avoid the pollution problems. US had also been shipping its garbage to China for years until China stopped accepting the garbage a few years ago.

    • @ahsoontan1219
      @ahsoontan1219 2 года назад +9

      These corporations is more concerned for their bottom lines, that’s profits
      They willingly sacrifice their countrymen welfare and exploiting cheap labour elsewhere and their politicians took this opportunity to make countries especially China as their scapegoat for their country failure

    • @PhiloSurfer
      @PhiloSurfer 2 года назад +14

      First, China is not the biggest pollutor on a per capita basis. The US has been and is the biggest pollutor. Second, the US and Europe focus mainly on the current flow of pollution, but conveniently ignored the stock of past pollution. Third, China is the world's factory. The bulk of the pollutions come from producing stuff for the US and Europe - essentially, the west outsourced their pollution to China.

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 2 года назад +11

      the self righteous west even delivered toxic garbage to asia and smear asia for environmental pollution. u know how toxic the west are!

  • @wsi1917
    @wsi1917 2 года назад +45

    Cyrus, I admire most of your VDO but you are absolutely incorrect about US try to help Chinese people when established relationship in 1971. The real purpose is geopolitics to play China against USSR to contain USSR. During 1990-2000 after destroyed USSR, the objective switch to having cheap labor in China (for American profit) and wanted to switch another communism country (China) to make sure no adversary to American Ideology (Blinken and Neo- Con already admitted that US cannot change China)
    To be fair, most of American are good, kind and honest but US Administration and their supporter are evils and try using patriotism to brain wash normal Americans who are neutral
    You know how many bad things US administration had done in past 50 years, they never keep their promises and never walk their talk. If Americans never stop support their evil admissions Americans will continue to exceed 500 years almost non stop war (420 years out of 440 years) which means America still having war at your grand children generation. The potential coming one could be American second civil war and majority of countries in the world will watch happily

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад

      Only ignoramuses buy the meta narratives of the US and the West that they are anti China and sinophobic because of democracy, human rights and freedom. The US and the West were; ironically, China's strongest cheerleaders after the US and the West established diplomatic relations with China from the 1970s. China then were not more "democratic", enjoyed more liberal human rights or has more "freedom" , as it now does. That tells you how intelligent are those who keep quoting these so called western values to demonise and justify their angst, ire and hate against China.

    • @questworldmatrix
      @questworldmatrix 2 года назад

      I don't see how most Americans are good, kind, and honest if most are in support of the narratives against China. I mean they have a gun culture and not even weekly school shootings, nevermind a pandemic or climate change, is going to move the needle on their "freedoms." They've lost the plot. They've gone all Karen.

    • @wsi1917
      @wsi1917 2 года назад

      @@questworldmatrix I travel to US since 1991 and just forfeited my Green Card few year ago to stop paying tax. I travel and live in US extensively both metropolitan and small town (two street town size), I work with both blue and white collar so I would say most of American are good.
      The real issue is American education system where "American history text book are couples of 2"-3" thick" while International history book are less than 1" plus 60% to 70% are European history and remaining are the rest of the world combine so Americans have very little knowledge about International plus many of them are never travel abroad even some are never travel out of their state. Majority of American today are high school graduate (especially boomer and Gen X) as college are expensive
      The second serious issue is MSM which they use to be good in 1970 - 1990 as journalist still have their moral ground and ethics. Until 2010 American still rely on TV for news especially international and they were influenced by MSM which financially supported by NED. Once social media become popular after 2015 so more alternative news outlets available so I would not classify people who get ill information as bad people as many of them change their mind after they know the truth.
      To be fair, I travel to China since 1992 and live & work in HK-China for 20 years. I also saw a lot of bad thing coming out of Corrupted Chinese officers. Censorship and I myself being home-visit by officer every year as my family was only foreign citizen in the complex. Many Chinese study abroad and did not want to come back, Chinese travel to HK to give birth of second or third child to avoid penalty - list are very long. Many entrepreneurs I knew move their family abroad for second citizenship, children education and wealth transfer (make sure cpc cannot reach). Situation improved after Xi crack down corruption and fruits from tree that planted by Deng ripe, more Chinese started to change their attitude especially the group who migrated since 1990 - 2010. The Trump humiliations and pandemic spur up "country pride especially feeling that China is better place to live for Chinese." With all the negativity in China causing by corrupted office also does not mean Chinese people are bad. Most of them are good, kind and honest too.
      In general, ordinary people in most of countries in this world are good, kind and honest. The evils mostly Governments, politician and elites who hold the power (for profit). I travel more than 50 countries (Asia, EU and North America) and found the same thing. BE OPEN MINDED and Separate your perception between People and their government. I still stand by my comment that most of Americans are good, kind and honest but US-Administration is the most EVIL in the world and it has been co-exist for at least after WWII.

  • @vla6211
    @vla6211 2 года назад +48

    If one day America decides to get along with the world peacefully, the world will become a better place to live suddenly.

  • @lavendereucalyptus3225
    @lavendereucalyptus3225 2 года назад +51

    In 2003, US invaded Iraq, looted the Chinese oil field that was contracted with Iraqi government at the time, China protested, no use, because the bully US has bigger fist.
    In 2011, US, France and UK invaded Libya, also looted the Chinese investment in Libya, causing China great loss on foreign investments.
    In 1999, NATO bombing Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, China swallowed the insult.
    When China started to stand her ground, the west would frame her as ‘harsh, assertive, aggressive”, bully always cries foul when the bullied fights back.
    Sometimes I suspect the west countries who have invaded, looted China in the late 1800s and early 1900s are afraid of China’s return to power, because they are afraid China may revenge if China gets too powerful, The west is only.capable of projecting its own sins and quilts onto China.

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад +3

      Agree absolutely.

    • @josephdewuhan
      @josephdewuhan 2 года назад +4

      Well said. Hope that sanity prevails eventually in the west. Don’t create the scenario that China will be capable of practicing revenge. Japan is getting closer to give the Chinese people a chance to revenge all sins they committed on China if they meant what they said that they will intervene in Taiwan.

  • @paysanfrancais7045
    @paysanfrancais7045 2 года назад +70

    When Cyrus brought up the freedom that Americans have to not wearing a mask, there is almost a sense of value and sympathy attached to it. The freedom Americans value is a freedom without responsibility, justice or fairness. As a result, the perpetrators always have more freedom than the victims. Is this a freedom that you condone?

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +2

      You can celebrate Chinese New Year in United Sates, but celebrate Christmas in China is officially discouraged. Is it the freedom you're talking about?

    • @ipip38
      @ipip38 2 года назад +4

      Vánoce nejsou v Číně oficiálním svátkem a Nový rok se slaví jindy. Ale můžete oslavit Vánoce i v Číně - stačí se podívat na RUclips. Takže tady neplatíte nesmysly!

    • @ztz818
      @ztz818 2 года назад +4

      Methinks the problem with the mask -wearing debate really stems from the assumption that you wear a mask to protect yourself but in reality you wear a mask both to protect yourself and others from yourself. So your freedom to not wear a mask here is chafing against other people's freedom to not be infected by you and people eventually will have to decide which freedom is more important.

    • @samimawon14
      @samimawon14 2 года назадвидео.html how about this

    • @CyrusJanssen
      @CyrusJanssen  2 года назад +10

      It's interesting because I've been in the US for the past 40 days (my longest stretch in the last 15 years as I've lived abroad these years) and yes I would agree, with ultimate freedom available in America, you will naturally have a society that has higher levels of lawlessness. This is why America has the most amount of homicides, the most amount of incarcerated people, and high levels of crime. I personally would give up some personal freedoms (ie right to own all kinds of guns) for more freedom, but I am in the minority of Americans that feel this way. For the vast majority of Americans they want unlimited freedom and everything (even the bad crime) that comes with it.

  • @DragonTiger388
    @DragonTiger388 2 года назад +16

    Talking of Great Chairman Xi Jin Ping, he out do many Past and Present World Leaders in many ways even we the Overseas Countries people we are a bit of Jealous over China having such a Great leader and we hope our leaders are Half or a Quarter like him, .... Country first and people also first.....

  • @lap-sangsin9712
    @lap-sangsin9712 2 года назад +49

    Being a loyal fans to your production, it is no offense to point out that when US first wanted to establish diplomatic relationship with China, it is not out of the good sake that US want China people better off. Such move is primarily out of political issue that US want one more ally in Asia to go against Soviet; and out of economic issue that US want China to be a low-labour-cost producer. To motivate China away from Communism is good ideologically to US, rather than really hope for China people's wellness.

    • @weiskl887
      @weiskl887 2 года назад +5

      In the early parts of the seventies the US was actually facing an economic crisis, a losing war against Vietnam and Soviet Union was at its Peak rivaling US both in Tech and economy. US was still in the Gold standard and after overspending on the military had to go off Gold standard. That resulted in stagflation peaking during Reagan years with interest rates up to 20 percent.
      This was the reason for re establishing Diplomatic relations with China. US was powerful in the 70s but not the Hegemon that it became reaching its Zenith in the 90s as after Soviet Union collapsed the Military tech internet was given for free to the Private sector hence came the internet age.
      Despite the Demonization of Lenin and Stalin they were not Imperialist. It wasn't until Brezhnev came in that Soviet Union started demanding China to be its Vassal state like those who have already joined the Union. Soviet Union in the early seventies were kicking US arse in Africa and middle east while is Supreme in Central Asia. US completely lost interest in Asia after suffering Two extremely Heavy defeats in Korea and Vietnam. It bankrupted US Gold.
      Europe was also getting independent of US as France told US troops to move out of France hence ending US troop presence in France through Nato. The US was at its Weakest in the early Seventies. Hence they hold their Noses and re establish diplomatic relations with China that they couldn't beat or have any hope of beating in a conventional war.
      People all over the world watching Hollywood movies thought US was all powerful LOL. That was a Made up reality. The Real reality is US was facing economic crisis, too many fronts being confronted by the Soviet Union and was in Real danger of Declining and losing to Soviet Union.
      Planned economy is Superior if not equal to market economy in its Initial stage. But later stages needed a market or a Mixed economy to run efficiently. The US and the West actually Copied the Soviet Union like Universal education and welfare state that actually saved Capitalism because Extreme capitalism also has the same problem as Extreme Socialism.
      If it were not for the competition faced by the Soviet Union the US education system would be like it is today, which is Privatizing heavily and underfunding of Public schools and Public infrastructure. US infrastructure used to be Publicly funded. The US highway system is not Privately funded but Military funded used the excuse that US needs roads so their Planes can land and be used by the Military LOL.
      The West won by copying many of Soviet Union economic policies but Soviet Union did not learn from the West the Market system and collapsed on its own. Many people don't know that US public funded schools was heavily funded with Kennedy saying in order to compete with Soviet Union advances in Science they have to invest in Public schools and Universities used to be FREE to US citizens.
      Not the private tuition fees which is Private today.

    • @peterboyd7304
      @peterboyd7304 2 года назад +1

      not real communisim in china.socialisim with chinese characters.

    • @chatreal7396
      @chatreal7396 2 года назад

      Absolutely right

  • @HKChineseCanadian
    @HKChineseCanadian 2 года назад +101

    Cyrus is the hardest working peacemaker between China and USA. The world stands to benefit from this effort.

    • @myleshagar9722
      @myleshagar9722 2 года назад +4

      Any war with China is also a war with Russia at this point. It is obvious that they will win.

    • @HKChineseCanadian
      @HKChineseCanadian 2 года назад +3

      @@myleshagar9722 Correct. And any war with Russia is a war with China. Don't you think that America should leave Taiwan and Ukraine to settle their political differences?

    • @miajinggoh1117
      @miajinggoh1117 2 года назад +1

      Many thanks to Cyrus and best wishes for your family and those around you!

    • @demonridera
      @demonridera 2 года назад +1

      He is a good man but nothing will change. The roots of Western behaviour are so deep that they will lie but not change. A strong and united China where people continue to prosper and innovate is the only answer

    • @pwling888
      @pwling888 2 года назад

      Cyrus the American deserves a Peace Prize. Someone from China should nominate him as well.

  • @victorinochavarriajr.6100
    @victorinochavarriajr.6100 2 года назад +13

    If US policy makers pontificate on freedom so much, why don't they give other countries the FREEDOM to choose their own political system?

  • @lktan224
    @lktan224 2 года назад +30

    Why China must be contained ? What have China done ?

    • @georgejesson1944
      @georgejesson1944 2 года назад +12

      The west wants to contain world progression so that they can continue their hegemony.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад

      What have China done to Hong Kong lately?

    • @楊蕙萍-p7h
      @楊蕙萍-p7h 2 года назад +16

      @@MarkYeung1 bring stability back?

    • @zeissiez
      @zeissiez 2 года назад +2

      @@MarkYeung1 litmus test: Is the National Endowment for Democracy a promoter for democracy?

    • @lktan224
      @lktan224 2 года назад +3

      @@楊蕙萍-p7h well said 👍👍

  • @steventurner1002
    @steventurner1002 2 года назад +119

    Very good to see this interview: A couple important points that all these China Hawks leave out that should be made very clear to all the USA people. China is not Russia (during the Cold war) China is not Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries that couldn't defend themselves. How many USA people are the USA willing to lose in the South China sea. All the parents of children in the USA should know that any attack on China in the South China sea will mean a big loss of life of USA military people. All China Hawks and their families and friends should be made to be on the front line with any war with China. We will see how quick they want to go to war then "for democracy" "for Taiwan". The USA/West may control the narrative (propaganda) but China will control the outcomes.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +6

      Thank you Mr. Turner for speaking sense into the situation. The whole world will suffer from an environment with shortage of labor (thousands killed in a war between China and those 3 western nations) plus damaged economic facilities. You say the supply chain issue is bad now (brought on by people who are not at their posts because they have COVID), image when supplies and staples needed by the world is either destroyed or blocked due to war damaged airports and sea ports. I am reminded by Dr. Stephen R. Covey's message - "we tend to see the world as we are" . Politicians governing USA, Australia and England derived their view from the same country: England. During the UK colonization of the world, England ships their citizens to both U.S. and Australia. Just my cent and following what Mr. Albert Einstein has shared with us "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything". Happy new year and please stay safe plus healthy.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +1

      Mr. Turner, what would happen if China attack Taiwan?

    • @steventurner1002
      @steventurner1002 2 года назад +6

      @@quocjchau Hi Quoc, thanks for your kind and very enlightening words. I am 66 years of age and lived a reasonably healthy and long life. I also served in the Navy for 12 years (mostly in peace time). I feel sorry for the younger generations who have not as yet lived a full and long life. I have done many things and been many places. And countries that are led by mad war mongering psychopaths is a big worry. I still have a long life to live myself. Life is too short. Take care of yourself and your family.

    • @steventurner1002
      @steventurner1002 2 года назад +8

      @@MarkYeung1 Hi Mark, thanks for your reply, I would say it best for China and Taiwan to sit down and speak directly to each other and not have the USA interfere. I am sure that China and Taiwan if they had talks that there would be no need for any war. It is amazing how differences can be sorted out when two people talk directly to each other. I am sure that China and Taiwan share a lot in common and have a lot of common interests. Take care kind regards Steven.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +1

      @@steventurner1002 I fully agree with you. China and Taiwan should sit down and discuss these important points, without foreign interference. Beijing used to do it, but stopped.

  • @mytub9
    @mytub9 2 года назад +33

    Cyrus, great job to tell the truth about China!

  • @youfeiyu3403
    @youfeiyu3403 2 года назад +31


  • @paulkam4059
    @paulkam4059 2 года назад +20

    Most Chinese people and many peoples around the world do not see the provocative aggression from the west towards them has anything to do with ideology and moral high ground. Nothing can be further from the truth. It is all about material interests, and ideology and virtue high ground are just tools to cover their motive. Throughout history (a very simple example of American history since Columbus in 1400s), the west develop and grow based on unstainable law of win lose, zero sum. Of course it is a threat to them with the Chinese relatively modern political system of communism/socialism which is about equality, not those terms the west use for ages to demonize it for the uninformed. In their eyes how could China not be a threat to their dominating winning and exceptionalism?

  • @katong1953
    @katong1953 2 года назад +165

    There are a few points the warmongers don't understand. First, while the USSR was a military superpower, it was an economic dwarf, which was precisely the reason why it lost the Cold War. But China is no economic midget. It is both an economic and military superpower, able to stand up to the US. Warmongers gunning for containment of China is running a fool's errand. Not only will containment fail, it will lead to the ruination of the US, which damage has already started. For example, the law authorizing the spending of $300 million a year for 5 years for propaganda against China (over and above existing propaganda expenditure) will see a pure waste of money.
    Second, it is ridiculous to equate China's military buildup with ambitions to take over the world. It is a no brainer that China's military buildup is almost exclusive aimed at defending itself against the US. Don't expect China to believe it could defend itself against the mightiest military in history by building a half baked military. Don't expect China to be as confused as Joe Biden, who is going for a half baked, semi-boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics (the healthy foot in China, the lame foot outside). Even this half baked, semi-boycott is collapsing as the US is now applying for visas for Pentagon officials (no joke) to accompany the athletes to China.
    Third, warmongers who love US hegemony over the world, project their worldview onto China, and see China as having hegemonic amibitions. China's alleged ambition to replace America as world hegemon is rubbish. Americans, who have had centuries of prosperity, tend not to see the costs of anything. Warmongers certainly do not see the costs of foreign adventures. They only see glory. In contrast, China has had thousands of years of poverty, famine, natural disasters, pandemics, and predatory officials. The Chinese look at the cotsts of everything. They see world hegemony as costly and stupid. They would rather just trade with the world. And China has made it very clear that it wants a multipolar world.
    Americans speaking out and taking action to counter warmonger lies against China are patriotic Americans saving their country from the wasteful and counterproductive containment of China, which exercise is a fool's errand. These loyal Americans are also countering America's road to war against China. America would lose a war against China in China's vicinity. But win or lose, a war with China would diminish America, just as World War II diminished the British empire, even though the British won that war with American help. The world is looking on open mouthed at the insanity of a small number of warmongers taking a great country to war that it would lose and be diminished.

    • @Batteristafoto
      @Batteristafoto 2 года назад +11

      Everything ok except...the russians won ww2. We did nothing compared to Russia and we love to glorify our little part in it after Henry Ford and other idiot merchants only saw money and sold raw materials to AH. If it wasnt for them AH wouldnt have gotten so far. Also America is a continent not a country.

    • @katong1953
      @katong1953 2 года назад +10

      @Batterristafoto. Yes, almost 90% of German casualties in WWII were suffered on the eastern front. The Russians even got to Berlin first.
      I appreciate your care not to let the US appropriate "America" for itself at the expense of the continent. I use "America" in passages when it rings better with Americans (I mean, US citizens). The context makes things clear.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +1

      What about all the missiles in Chinese coast aiming at Taiwan. What about the military jets flying daily towards the Taiwan strait. Are they defensive build-up?

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +1

      @@Batteristafoto North America is a continent. America is a country plus together with Canada and Mexico resides the entire North America continent. Thanks for the interaction.

    • @katong1953
      @katong1953 2 года назад +32

      @mark yeung. Your questions tell me why you should watch the independent media, such as those of Cyrus, Daniel Dumbrill, Fernando, Brian Berletic, Barett, Jason Lightfoot, AJ of PTE, and even Blondie in China.
      It amazes me that you seem okay with the US having 400 military bases surrounding China (that's half of all US military bases around the world outside the US), conducting gunboat diplomacy 24/7 with aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines just off the coast of China, drawing a US (disguised as Taiwan) Air Defense Identification Zone into mainland China, having troops in Taiwan over the objections of China, forming the Quad and AUKUS for war with China, etc.
      So why can't China have missiles facing Taiwan, especially when a war with the US will be fought in the Taiwan theater? Also, it is typical of US propaganda to give the impression that Chinese warplanes had often flown into Taiwan airpace (which actually is also China's airspace). China's warplanes do not fly into Taiwan airspace.
      China has expressly stated that it would rather reunite with Taiwan peacefully. But the US is now proceeding with creeping, slow motion Taiwan independence. Anyone who doesn't want China to station missiles across the Taiwan Strait should tell the US to stick to its official recognition of Taiwan as part of China.

  • @Wongrich6
    @Wongrich6 2 года назад +36

    They need to understand China have about 1.4 billion people that the government need to take care and make sure that the people life, while US only have over 300 million people and sleeping in sidewalk. US government need to look into the people life and help them and not looking into handful of people, give the people with all empty promise and coming soon or next change.

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 2 года назад +5

      the west generally has small family, they don’t get the idea of taking care of huge family. Same reason, they don’t know to rule big population

  • @user-kg4sx2wb7u
    @user-kg4sx2wb7u 2 года назад +30

    One point you mentioned, a kid of 15 would be expecting and setting a new standard for the meaning of good life. This is exactly what happened in Hong Kong. The protests and riots sometimes ago are coming from the younger generation who has no idea what it was like when Hong Kong was a colony of UK. There was no “freedom” at all in, say, electing the Governor and let along participation in politics. They would never know how corrupt the Brits were, how they look down on the local Hong Kong’ers, the BNO passport created is a good example. What we have before the riots is heaven compared to the UK rules, and now, they got what we don’t want but we have ourselves to blame.

    • @BenjiSun
      @BenjiSun 2 года назад +2

      has the ICAC ever arrested any of the British white men in charge? the people behind all the drug running between Europe and the Golden Triangle using HK as a port? why did most of the Hong Kong drug lords end up in Amsterdam in the 70's? while US supposedly had zero jurisdiction in Hong Kong, how much drugs are whisk away through US Navy controlled Fenwick pier? why are all the sailor strip clubs and prostitution centered around Lockhart and Luard roads? McLehose tried, but it only made things go underground.
      only a certain class of people were ever allowed "freedom" in Hong Kong before 1997, and it certainly was not Hong Kongers. some parts of Hong Kong weren't even allowed to modernize until the 80's when the UK government had to recognize the finality of signing HK back to China in 97. in the early 80's, there's still a few remaining neighborhood where people had to pump water at the neighborhood water pump, and "wood house" shanty towns were still commonplace. Vietnam refugees, the ones their children are part of the rioters now? however unfortunate their circumstances were, their lives were screwed over by shitty refugee treatment orders by the British overlords on tiny internment islands, but the people carrying out those orders are yellow skinned Hong Kong officers so they've placed all the blame on Kongers. where were the American pity for the Royal Hong Kong Police Force then? doesn't exist. yellow clearly didn't matter to them then, and it still doesn't matter to them now. we're forever victims of their racist demonization.

  • @MrDsnc
    @MrDsnc 2 года назад +52

    Cyrus should have point out how many wars America had initiated in the last 50 years and how many China had.
    I believe bringing your message to the citizens of the world at this point is less effective than bringing your message to the Americans and their politicians.

    • @chinadollfmd
      @chinadollfmd 2 года назад

      China continues to provoke, US carries through. China seems to be the villain these days.

    • @eileenshen1760
      @eileenshen1760 2 года назад

      it was covered in the conversation.

    • @MrDsnc
      @MrDsnc 2 года назад

      @@eileenshen1760 I don't mean including the subject in the conversation, that way will not get to the politicians. I mean finding a way to speak to them in person or in direct in writing.

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 2 года назад +6

      @Niki L stop with your self projecting of US actions on to China, first question is why the f are US military half way across the world and sitting on China's coastline? The aggressor is the one whose bringing their military onto someone else backyard! Nobody it asia wants your present there. The western media kept repeating same garbage lies about US being there for good of trade, that single are benefits China as about 70% of all trades traffics are to and from china, US is only there to try and interfere with their trade and development just like what it's done to countries in Middle East. Nobody should fall for another garbage lies of Us military regime.

    • @stadinh
      @stadinh 2 года назад

      in 1979, Deng and the PLA launched a border war against Vietnam in order to teach them a lesson. They used People's war and scorched earth strategies, and were soundly beaten. Deng said at the time he would march into Ha Noi in 48 hours. It would take thousands of PLA 3 weeks to advance 32kms into northern, suffering huge loses, train after train carrying dead PLA soildiers back to the mother land. The CCP and their military wing are all talk, 胆小 in battles. I'd like to see them fighting a conventional war again.

  • @relaxwhc
    @relaxwhc 2 года назад +37

    The US can't even contain Vietnam 😂🔥💥
    They can't. Raise your hand if you agree ✋🙋🏻‍♂️👍

  • @MYSG-nc6wp
    @MYSG-nc6wp 2 года назад +59

    Cyrus, why do you need to be apologetic and say "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean we need to get more like China.". Actually, if ANY country gets something done right and better than our country, there is absolutely nothing wrong in saying that we need to be more like that country, in how it does well in that particular area. No country can or will copy another country fully, but a country should be open minded to learn from the best practises of other countries. China is successful precisely because it first learns, then experiments, and if successful, expands to the whole country. It also improves to be even better than the original version. Repeat that many times over decades, you get results. My country , Singapore, does the same for many decades too, so we are OK, but of course we are too small and talent pool is in no way comparable to China. We can't compete with China, so we hope to partner China for our future success.

    • @zeissiez
      @zeissiez 2 года назад +15

      Yes I agree with you. But nowadays, saying something positive about China is not popular, and would raise “wumao” alert 🤷‍♂️

    • @CyrusJanssen
      @CyrusJanssen  2 года назад +25

      I use it as an insurance you know many people try to slander me online and misuse the words I say, if I don't have that statement people will use it against me...have to stay two steps ahead of these guys

    • @zeissiez
      @zeissiez 2 года назад +6

      @@CyrusJanssen Happy New Year to you Cyrus! May 2022 be better for China-USA relationship.

    • @MYSG-nc6wp
      @MYSG-nc6wp 2 года назад +11

      @@CyrusJanssen Sigh, I agree with you. While they say they support "freedom-of-apeech", then they cyber-bully people who have different views. Hypocrites. Anyway, I wish you a Happy & Prosperous New Year!

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      @@CyrusJanssen I know the type of environment you operate in. Keep up the great work! Too many of us go for the easy path, they need to filter through their knowledge before making any judgments. Using Dr. Stephen R. Covey's terms: Clock and Compass. Many go to the clock (a path that does not require the participants to spend too much time to decide so they can go back to their "pass time" activities. The compass way requires the participants to listen (with intent to truly understand), process, compare to what they have seen and heard with own eyes and then finally judge or take side on the issue. Also I love to share this video with you and all.видео.html. Will tune in in about 3 hours.😀

  • @xelkim9666
    @xelkim9666 2 года назад +208

    As a Chinese, it pains me to hear that covid is taking so many lives of the Americans and everywhere around the world. I truly hope that we live together in this world peacefully. Thank you again Cyrus for doing the hard part🙏

    • @stadinh
      @stadinh 2 года назад +1

      Buddy, The Virus started in Wuhan, China.

    • @tailslapexplore6887
      @tailslapexplore6887 2 года назад +32

      Knock knock hello......dude if those coloniser wanted to live peacefully with the world they won't colonise the world, genocide those native and try to suppress other color.
      Only small percentage of them are good the rest are ignoring, denial and racist.

    • @stadinh
      @stadinh 2 года назад

      @@tailslapexplore6887 Knock knock, who’s there? It’s Xi. Xi who? It’s Xi Jinping, the Fat Pooh Bear. Shouldn’t you be “resting at home” with Zhang Gaoli instead of moving your fat ass around? I run out of honey, ah I mean land, clean air and water, natural resources, etc.

    • @wren1718
      @wren1718 2 года назад +6

      @@stadinh 🥱🤣🙄🤣😂🤣😂😆

    • @windydragon6522
      @windydragon6522 2 года назад +24

      And who have benefited the most from this virus? Jack Ma? Xjp?
      Or Pfizer ceo?

  • @hingneo3014
    @hingneo3014 2 года назад +121

    Cyrus and Terry Great conversation. Both of you might save the world from WWIII. Hope both of you start a Peace Movement in USA. Conversation is good but Action is better.

    • @lesstom3308
      @lesstom3308 2 года назад +1

      Title should be - Can China contain USA?

    • @jessyjames9242
      @jessyjames9242 2 года назад

      If i'm not wrong, there is a NO COLD WAR movement where everyone is encouraged to join, You may just googled to check that up.

    • @CyrusJanssen
      @CyrusJanssen  2 года назад +15

      Thank you! We are starting the anti-war talk before the conflict and I've spent a lot of time talking with Americans about China these past few weeks in America

    • @stadinh
      @stadinh 2 года назад

      Bring on WWIII. I'd like to see what China and the PLA are made of?

    • @firefly4326
      @firefly4326 2 года назад +1

      Cyrus is doing a noble job to bridge US his home country with China. It is people like him that promote peace and not war.
      Bless Cyrus!

  • @arjunsherpa3826
    @arjunsherpa3826 2 года назад +13

    Hats off to you guys.. You guys are really doing great for the peace between CHINA and USA (i.e for world peace) a great love from Nepal ....

  • @ubermenschen3636
    @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад +13

    @16:19, Cyrus: China has three military bases. Wrong. These Chinese ‘military bases’ are maintenance facility; they are not staging grounds for war as are the case for nearly all US foreign military bases. Western media’s favorite China Naval base is located in Oman. China had established this maintenance facility as part of joint anti-piracy mission with NATO. Western media exaggerate the size and importance of this China naval base while conveniently omitting the US naval base around the corner which is more than 3X larger and the fact that the US 6th Fleet is stationed in the Mediterranean Sea 24/7.

    • @JWscandi
      @JWscandi 2 года назад +2

      Absolutely right! Eventually have to understand Cyrus is an American, after all.

  • @OPEN-qg2ui
    @OPEN-qg2ui 2 года назад +25

    In 100 years from now.. Cyrus you will be a legend for spreading Peace.

  • @johnli6782
    @johnli6782 2 года назад +24

    Thank you for the video and your conversation with Terry. Many good points are brought up in the conversation and they are all very good points. Everyone who pick up on those points will have to clearly answer them for themselves. On one of the most frequently used metrics, the GDP as a measure of overall economic strength, many in the US are being conditioned that they must not allow China's GDP to exceed that of the US, with the implication that it would mean the US is losing.
    Somehow, the very idea that the US is not winning, or not looked-up-to as the shinning city on the hill, seems emotionally traumatic to many. In the case of the GDP, do they not realize that China's population is 4 times that of the US and what this means on a per person basis? Do they not realize that even with China's GDP being on par with the US, it would mean on average, every individual in China would only have a quarter of the standard of living that every US citizen enjoys? Think of it in terms of meals, work hours, etc. For every meal a Chinese citizen enjoys, the US citizen is able to enjoy 4 (of course, the analogy is applicable only if the US citizens share the nation's GDP by-and-large fairly). What this means is that if a Chinese citizen is able to enjoy 1 meal for every 2 meals that a US citizen enjoys, China's GDP would have to be double that of the US! The US citizens have to stop obsessing about its GDP, even when China's GDP exceeds that of the US. China has to at the very least, bring its GDP to be on par with the US, if not double it.
    With regard to being looked-up-to as the shinning city on the hill, the approach currently adopted by the warmongers of the US is in fact self-defeating should require no explanation.
    PS: Indeed, I am proud for China, its government, and the people - for simply having improved the lives of nearly everyone to a level that only just two generation ago, no one could have imagined. I recall a picture of my grand father from the time of the great leap forward and from the image my father have painted before the Japanese invasion. The later was of a scholar, shop-owner, and a student of Western medicine. The former was a downtrodden middle-aged man before China's opening up.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      @John Li - Jerry Rice once said "the enemy of the best is the good" - Dr. Stephen R. Covey quoted that. My personal view is that what is going on in the USA can be described by that very statement. Happy new year and a strong year of the tiger!

  • @hangtuah888
    @hangtuah888 2 года назад +10

    FYI, Cyrus, China has eight parties and it is incorrect to portray it as one party. Singapore and Malaysia had one party rule since independence and nobody batted an eyelid that they are one party state. Japan too other than an interregnum of four years, had been ruled by the LDP, since the end of the Second World War, for your information. It is not the constituent of the government that counts but the desire to serve the people. Those countries that often have military coups are not because the citizens are in favour of military coup but it is because the generals are able to break the gridlock and deliver the good governance albeit unelected.

  • @Batman65410
    @Batman65410 2 года назад +9

    I want to thank you for speaking the truth that China is not a threat at all.

    • @Batman65410
      @Batman65410 2 года назад

      @Raymond Lee I can't believe your own lies.

  • @jessicaw8682
    @jessicaw8682 2 года назад +19

    Peace is the virtue of civilisation. War is its crime -- Victor Hugo Thank you, Cyrus and your guest, Terry for your time and effort in building mutual understanding between the two countries. Wishing you, your family and everyone here health, happiness, peace and prosperity in 2022!

    • @pandabearoceanpark
      @pandabearoceanpark 2 года назад +2

      The US obviously doesn't care about peace and human rights - look at how many countries that have bombed to get its way! Including killing tons of innocent people in Iraq for a pure lie!

  • @crazyjohnhoward
    @crazyjohnhoward 2 года назад +13

    If we have more people like Cyrus, the world would be a more respectful, peaceful and prosperous place. Thanks for the great video.

  • @kindface
    @kindface 2 года назад +15

    You can tell that Terry Wittenmyer has had very substantial engagement and spent a very substantial amount of time on the ground with his Chinese friends because the perspectives he shares about Chinese values and how the Chinese views the US and the world is absolutely spot on.

  • @kamwengloh244
    @kamwengloh244 2 года назад +12

    I am a Chinese Singaporean, typical corporate man being visiting China in works since the late 90's & did stay a year a turnaround assignment in 2015. Totally, enjoying this watch you both know your stuffs well, thank you!

  • @joestki
    @joestki 2 года назад +28

    Blinken in one of his latest speeches said "if US is not leading the world there can only be 2 results, nobody will be leading and the world will be in chaos, or another country will lead and our interests, values cannot be preserved ...", something to that effect.
    Firstly what is the United Nations there for? Secondly every country would like to preserve their own interests and values and can do that without leading the world (as long as the US does not interfere). US is playing God. With this mindset in the top US government and preaching to its people the result is obvious. There is nothing the rest of the world can do until the US $ is no longer the monopoly in world trade which will weaken the effectiveness of sanctions imposed by US.

    • @sinhinlim098
      @sinhinlim098 2 года назад

      US is not playing God. It is playing the role of God Father.

    • @lktan224
      @lktan224 2 года назад

      Blinker is like a spoiled fat boy destroying other peoples hard work if he can get what he wants. If I can get it I will destroy it.

    • @joestki
      @joestki 2 года назад +1

      @@sinhinlim098 Yes, godfather too. Decades ago there used to be a righteous, kind, wealthy and generous godfather which the world welcomed. When it turns into a bully, my way or the highway, is influenced by weapon manufacturers, prints money and puts the burden on other countries, hoards vaccine ... it no longer deserves the respect.
      When China did not buy from Australia, godfather only pays lip service. What kind of help did Australia get from US? None, and instead sells to China the products that used to come from Australia, sells nuclear submarine at a much higher price than from France (and when delivered in 20-30 years time may become museum piece). I don't want this godfather.

    • @firefly4326
      @firefly4326 2 года назад

      US is the real dictator playing God going by the name of freedom and democracy.

  • @canonyeo4286
    @canonyeo4286 2 года назад +35

    Thanks for Terry's views. Again he is sharing with us the truth of China and US like Brian Linden. China is run by STEM grads with long experiences working for the country from ground up whereas America is run by politicians. STEMs work towards the best for its people. Thus its people are supportive of the gov. The people are the Gov. People are happy to work towards a better future together. Politicians only care about themselves. They will say anything to be elected again, no matter how childish and stupid. It's not difficult to see the differences. All we need is being realistic.

    • @rap3208
      @rap3208 2 года назад +4

      yeah all the high officials and officials worth noting in China is the cream of the crop who got to the top by merit and it took them decades to get there by starting at the bottom and working their way up.
      In the US, the politicians get their posts practically by popularity by popularity like a pageant. that is the reason why Pompeo and Trump got to the highest positions with no experience whatsoever in governance.

    • @canonyeo4286
      @canonyeo4286 2 года назад +1

      @@rap3208 yes, instead of trying to contain China, America should take care of their own backyard, taking care of the growing homeless people, drug addicts on the streets, the violence, clean up their subways and repair them if they cannot afford to build new ones, lol.
      To continue this series, Cyrus can have deep dialogue with Jeffrey Sachs, the American humanitarian economist and to educate Americans on China policies, John Ross on his book, China Great Road. And, on the economic front, talk to Ray Dalio on his book, The Changing World Order.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад

      @@canonyeo4286 I am glad that Joe Biden is focusing the infrastructure of US instead of provoking China more like trump. Democracy certainly picked the right president in 2020.

    • @rap3208
      @rap3208 2 года назад +2

      @@MarkYeung1 they just recently killed his infrastructure bill. Sorry, seems like the usual as always as they instead upped the defense budget.

  • @112313
    @112313 2 года назад +10

    why is there even a discussion about containing another country? what audacity is that?

  • @joshtep6784
    @joshtep6784 2 года назад +14

    What's really unspoken is that America's pursuit for global leadership through the spread of democracy is just a rebranding of Europe's old pursuit to lead the world through cultural superiority thought. The rise of China is indicative to the fall of colonization and imperialism. The Cold War vis a vis the Soviet Union was an effort for these two superpowers to inherit the destroyed global system after the fall of European Empires. The global structure of developed and developing countries is a continuation of the imperial order, but with all the former colonial powers being able to benefit from the cake. The current "rules based order" is prohibitive to the rise of former colonial countries to sit at the table. The rise of the G20 in replacement of the G20 alone, is evidence that that former order is cracking. China with it's ASEAN +3, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Belt and Road Initiative, and the African Union +China, shows united effort to break the imperial glass ceiling.
    America is scared because it can't afford more protracted wars, cannot tell countries to stop trading with China, nor can it imagine a nuclear war. China is not like the USSR because unlike it, it actually is involved and is a big sponsor of the system. That's why when Donald Trump tried to push China away, it did more harm to America than it did to China. America and the rest of the world stand to benefit, but it's the neo-imperials in Washington and also in Brussels, who still think in the manner of racial hierarchy.
    What America wants to suppress isn't communism or socialism, it's self-determination and a multi-polar RACIALLY MIXED world order that China promotes. A world where all peoples black, white, asian, and brown are prosperous is like acid to those that still believe that white people are superior.

  • @shadowlessbeam8124
    @shadowlessbeam8124 2 года назад +8

    You two are doing a great jobs , hope that more people would see your video and book and understand the world does not evolves around US only .

  • @hh0686
    @hh0686 2 года назад +18

    Cyrus should be bringing his content to Tiktok, straight to the US audience

  • @ubermenschen3636
    @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад +15

    @8:24, When distinguishing the Vietnam War from the current wars, Wittenmyer left out one important detail regarding the anti Vietnam Movement: the military draft. The military draft motivated the high caliber young people to organize the national protests against the Vietnam War. Ultimately, the anti military draft and the anti Vietnam War movement consolidated into one massive anti-Vietnam War movement that galvanized the nation. That lesson did not escape notice of the US military. In all subsequent wars after Vietnam War the US government refused to activate the military draft, making possible the 20 year Afghanistan War, and the endless concurrent wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen - some of these are celebrating their 21st year anniversary without any meaningful anti war protest across the USA in stark contrast to the violent anti war protests beginning midway through the 10 year Vietnam War.

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад +3

      The more important reason that Americans would want to stop a war, would be the number of bodybags of US military personnel and their consciousness of the horrors of war. When the realities of the horrors of the Vietnam adventures were transmitted live into the living rooms of the American household, it greatly increased the anti war sentiments of the people. You should notice that after that every war that the US fought, the news media were very closely controlled by the military and what they were able to report were very carefully managed.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      @Uber Menschen Great point! Thank you very much! Happy new year!

    • @ubermenschen3636
      @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад +1

      @@stephenlock7236 ::: The Men of the Pentagon blamed the media for losing the Vietnam War. They claimed the war correspondents’ video, photo, and news portrayed the US military in a bad light; distorted the noble mission of the US military in Vietnam; and encouraged the enemy to persevere. By today’s standard the press photography and transmission technology during the Vietnam War are considered primitive, but nevertheless, the video and still photography of dead and mutilated bodies of men, women, children, and babies broadcasted during prime-time TV hours were sufficiently repulsive as to angry the higher rank military men of the Pentagon. Horrific photos of the My Lai Massacre committed by US soldiers; the naked little girl running on a dirt path from exploding napalm fire ball became the icon for the anti-War protesters; news stories about rape and murder ( the double veterans) undermined the support from certain religious groups; and videos showing the willingness and courage of the Vietnamese people to die in battle against the overwhelming fire power of the US military gradually eroded the two primary political explanations for the Vietnam War: the Dominoes Theory and free the Vietnamese from communism. After the bitter defeat in Vietnam the Pentagon vowed never again to grant future war correspondents the press freedom as granted during the Vietnam War. Fast ward to the Gulf Wars, the Pentagon announced that every journalists is forbidden to roam free, but must be ‘embedded’ within certain military groups. Not surprisingly the ‘embedded’ war correspondents produced sanitized and embellished videos, photos, and news stories of the Gulf Wars, Central Asia War, and N Africa Ear for public consumption - much to the delight of the Men of the Pentagon. Having kept much of USA in a mushroom factory, the War Lovers of the Pentagon were able to concurrently wage six wars for over 20 years; many are still raging without any military objective or seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад +1

      @@stephenlock7236 100% true, it was the uncensored footage of the Vietnam war broadcasted by the journalists that awakened the American parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and so forth so the U.S. citizens protest against that war. It was the 1st war the U.S. loss dearly after WWII so lots of top U.S. government officials resented the Vietnam veterans (at least that is what I read and heard). So it makes perfect sense for the U.S. military to manage the broadcasting of any footage related to subsequent wars where U.S. is involved in. Here is an interesting video shared by another viewer of this channel.видео.html

  • @huiqinjinxi4514
    @huiqinjinxi4514 2 года назад +4

    Very intelligent and I always love to watch this channel, but I have a question. Is America the master of the Earth? Not sure where the word CONTAIN come from, or who gave the right to America to CONTAIN any country. When our Chinese ancestors were enjoying all the fun parts, America didn't even exist. We have made huge mistakes by being arrogant and self centered during the past 200 years and learnt our lesson the hardest way. Let's hope America is able to find some real experts who understand the world's oldest civilization and choose not to make us its enemy.

    • @zenperri3969
      @zenperri3969 2 года назад

      American-centric mindset, USA today is repeating what we had experienced hundreds of years ago, the fall comes after.

  • @ricardoluitam
    @ricardoluitam 2 года назад +15

    Amazing video. Keep up the good work. Support

  • @Ray89135
    @Ray89135 2 года назад +6

    You guys are great peacemakers. Going g against the prevailing juggernaut of anti-China culture is a daunting task. For the sake of world peace, we'll pray that the West, especially USA realizes there's more to life than constant war cold or hot.

  • @tanthxx
    @tanthxx 2 года назад +18

    China's opening up since late 1970s has been a positive for the world. It has been beneficial for China, US and world on economic progress and growth. However, how these benefits are managed within each country, is where the diversion occurred. Reconciling and appreciating within each country would be a good start. Tangential blames at others, rather than focusing on resolving own issues should be the appropriate direction.

    • @MarkYeung1
      @MarkYeung1 2 года назад +1

      Very good point. Wolf warriors diplomacy certainly doesn't help your country's image.

  • @112313
    @112313 2 года назад +4

    regarding the presidential term hypocritical of americans to criticize china when they keep quiet about germany's lack of chancellorship term limits....

  • @ubermenschen3636
    @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад +19

    @7:40, Wrong. Wars are not fought over ideology; they are fought over resources. The Privileged Class maintains its political power by controlling resources. It needs the proletariat to wage war to acquire new resources and defend their existing resources from a competing Privileged Class. Since the proletariat has very little personal wealth to defend, the Privileged Class persuades the proletariat to give up his life for ideology. For the military man, “Duty, Honor, Country “ is drilled into his head. For the commoner, “Freedom” is the magic hot button the politicians frequently push. Soldiers are trained to obey, not ask questions. The commoner is too stupid to realize the hollow and shallow meaning of “ Freedom” as vocalized by politicians. Sadly, the poorer the commoners the more likely they are the cannon fodders dying for an ideology. As Janice Joplin wrote, “Freedom is just another word when you got nothing else to lose.”

    • @JWscandi
      @JWscandi 2 года назад +1

      Not completely wrong. Can't be too obsessed with "fought over resources" ideology of contemporary era. War are fought over ideology too, perfect example was between Christian and Muslims.

    • @quocjchau
      @quocjchau 2 года назад

      @ Uber Menachem, great point! Thanks for sharing, happy & healthy 2022!

    • @ubermenschen3636
      @ubermenschen3636 2 года назад

      @@JWscandi ::: wrong. The Christian and Muslim Leaders fought over the control of land and the resources, in particular Jerusalem. Both Christian and Muslim Leaders lived in luxury compared to and at the expense of the commoner. Both levied and coerced taxes from the proletariates to be used to support their lavish life style. During both Crusader Wars, both sides looted. Both religious Leaders brainwashed the people into believing and serving a God and the notion that they are the all important intermediary and ambassador to God. Today’s political Leaders use the modern secular ideology , “honor, duty, country” to motivate the commoners to kill and be killed. In the past the religious Leaders used religious dogma to do the same. The former claims the Country is the beneficiary of their sacrifice, while the later claims God is the beneficiary. Both are liars and scam artists. Today’s Men of Power rally the commoners to wars with bogus claims of : Weapon of Mass Destruction, Chemical Weapon, Communism, Terrorism, Defense of Freedom, Freedom of Navigation. Truth be told, the Privileged Class controls and benefits from the resources seized from wars.

  • @jillshr2212
    @jillshr2212 2 года назад +3


  • @Steve-gl1ij
    @Steve-gl1ij 2 года назад +4

    Thank you very much for broadcasting this series of videos. This one is another great video of yours, Cyrus!
    The ideas of the US/China being healthy competitors, cooperating for the World’s economy and piece etc are absolutely great. But I’m almost giving those up after supporting for over three decades - possibly that is another ‘ideology’.
    Closing the door isn’t an option because serious bullies start, leading to a war etc but maybe a ‘nudge decoupling’ might be preferred for the people of China and the future of Asia.
    A good example is that drawing clear lines and claiming ‘this is mine’ isn’t really a traditional Asian value. In traditional Asia, you don’t say mine but share to use. If there is a dispute authority appears and tell them what to do. Whereas in the West you have ‘freedom’ to own, to exclude others so rules are explicitly set.
    That is why China didn’t claim those sealines traditionally. Then the US/Japan team unilaterally brought the idea of EEZ, the 200 Nautical miles policy and their friends followed during Cold War, making Japan the 6th largest country with the sea territories over night. Then China was suddenly in a big trouble, still struggling with it.
    This is what happens when dealing with Western rules. Since China became week centuries ago, all Asian countries are at least economically invaded by Western corporations who are still slavering people in many Asian countries. All Asian countries used to be peacefully sustainable.
    The US policies might be the disturbs of the world today, leading the world in danger. I don’t think they’ll ever stop. I don’t see a goal of those policies except creating and selling more weapons to their “allies”. Asia doesn’t want to get dragged with it forever.

  • @larrywang3841
    @larrywang3841 2 года назад +4

    Patriotism is I love my country, and I hope you love yours as well. Natioanlism is I love my country, but you can't love yours because I hate your country.

  • @Lisa-kx5wd
    @Lisa-kx5wd 2 года назад +5

    Well done, Cyrus! 👍👍

    @AKEMXP 2 года назад +17

    Speaking of living standard improvement... My father grew up in a poor village in northeast China. When he was a baby, he got really sick once, and his parent threw him outside to die. His aunt brought him back home and luckily he survived. He joined the army when he was 18 and when he had the first bite of an apple, he thought that was the most delicious food in the world.
    Now he is 67. He just called me and said that he was cycling in Hainan and drinking coffee at a stop.

  • @gentleman2410
    @gentleman2410 2 года назад +3

    Glad to hear and see different perspectives with common sense. Much Respect ✊ and so inspiring!

  • @jeorge1153
    @jeorge1153 2 года назад +2

    Here's a comment by another youtuber. found it pretty insightful and I share his sentiments. Thought I'd pass this on, here. Enjoy
    I’m from Malaysia. China has traded with Malaysia for 2000 years. In those years, they had been the world’s biggest powers many times. Never once they sent troops to take our land. Admiral Zhenghe came to Malacca five times, in gigantic fleets, and a flagship eight times the size of Christopher Columbus’ flagship, Santa Maria. He could have seized Malacca easily, but he did not. In 1511, the Portuguese came. In 1642, the Dutch came. In the 18th century the British came. We were colonised by each, one after another.
    When China wanted spices from India, they traded with the Indians. When they wanted gems, they traded with the Persian. They didn’t take lands. The only time China expanded beyond their current borders was in Yuan Dynasty, when Genghis and his descendants Ogedei Khan, Guyuk Khan & Kublai Khan concurred China, Mid Asia and Eastern Europe. But Yuan Dynasty, although being based in China, was a part of the Mongolian Empire.
    Then came the Century of Humiliation. Britain smuggled opium into China to dope the population, a strategy to turn the trade deficit around, after the British could not find enough silver to pay the Qing Dynasty in their tea and porcelain trades. After the opium warehouses were burned down and ports were closed by the Chinese in ordered to curb opium, the British started the Opium War I, which China lost. Hong Kong was forced to be surrendered to the British in a peace talk (Nanjing Treaty). The British owned 90% of the opium market in China, during that time, Queen Victoria was the world’s biggest drug baron. The remaining 10% was owned by American merchants from Boston. Many of Boston’s institutions were built with profit from opium.
    After 12 years of Nanjing Treaty, the West started getting really really greedy. The British wanted the Qing government:
    1. To open the borders of China to allow goods coming in and out freely, and tax free.
    2. Make opium legal in China.
    Insane requests, Qing government said no. The British and French (with supports from the US), started Opium War II with China, which again, China lost. The Anglo-French military raided the Summer Palace, and threatened to burn down the Imperial Palace, the Qing government was forced to pay with ports, free business zones, 300,000 kilograms of silver and Kowloon was taken. Since then, China’s resources flew out freely through these business zones and ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaties, Chinese people were sold overseas to serve as labor.
    In 1900, China suffered attacks by the 8-National Alliance (Empire of Japan, Russian Empire, British Empire (including India), France, USA, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary). Innocent Chinese civilians in Peking (Beijing now) were murdered, buildings were destroyed & women were raped. The Imperial Palace was raided, and treasures ended up in museums like the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris.
    In late 1930s China was occupied by the Japanese in WWII. Millions of Chinese died during the occupancy. 300,000 Chinese died in Nanjing Massacre alone.
    Mao brought China together again from the shambles. There were peace and unity for some time. But Mao’s later reign saw sufferings and deaths from famine and power struggles.
    Then came Deng Xiao Ping and his infamous “black-cat and white-cat” story. His preference in pragmatism than ideologies has transformed China. This thinking allowed China to evolve all the time to adapt to the actual needs in the country, instead of rigidly bounded to ideologies. It also signified the death of Communism in actually practice in China. The current Socialism+Meritocracy+Market Economy model fits the Chinese like gloves, and it propels the uprise of China. Singapore has a similar model, and has been arguably more successful than Hong Kong, because Hong Kong being gateway to China, was riding on the economic boom in China, while Singapore had no one to gain from.
    In just 30 years, the CPC have moved 800 millions of people out from poverty. The rate of growth is unprecedented in human history. They have built the biggest mobile network, by far the biggest high speed rail network in the world, and they have become a behemoth in infrastructure. They made a fishing village called Shenzhen into the world’s second largest technological centre after the Silicon Valley. They are growing into a technological power house. It has the most elaborate e-commerce and cashless payment system in the world. They have launched exploration to Mars. The Chinese are living a good life and China has become one of the safest countries in the world. The level of patriotism in the country has reached an unprecedented height.
    For all of the achievements, the West has nothing good to say about it. China suffers from intense anti-China propagandas from the West. Western Media used the keyword “Communist” to instil fear and hatred towards China. Everything China does is negatively reported.
    They claimed China used slave labor in making iPhones. The truth was, Apple was the most profitable company in the world, it took most of the profit, leave some to Foxconn (a Taiwanese company) and little to the labor.
    They claimed China was inhuman with one-child policy. At the same time, they accused China of polluting the earth with its huge population. The fact is the Chinese consume just 30% of energy per capita compared to the US.
    Minorities in China
    Show me any currency in the world which also prints the language of its ethinc minorities. Chinese bank notes show 5 languages of 5 minorities living in China, including Tibetan and Uyghur.
    They claimed China underwent ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang. The fact is China has a policy which priorities ethnic minorities. For a long time, the ethnic minorities were allowed to have two children and the majority Han only allowed one. The minorities are allowed a lower score for university intakes. Muslims students get Halal food at the university cafeteria. There are 39,000 mosque in China, and 2100 in the US. China has about 3 times more mosque per muslim than the US.
    When terrorist attacks happened in Xinjiang, China had two choices:
    1. Re-educate the Uighur extremists before they turned terrorists.
    2. Let them be, after they launch attacks and killed innocent people, bomb their homes.
    China chose 1 to solve problem from the root and not to do killing. How the US solve terrorism? Fire missiles from battleships, drop bombs from the sky.
    During the pandemic,
    When China took extreme measures to lockdown the people, they were accused of being inhuman.
    When China recovered swiftly because of the extreme measures, they were accused of lying about the actual numbers.
    When China’s cases became so low that they could provide medical support to other countries, they were accused of politically motivated.
    Western Media always have reasons to bash China.
    Just like any country, there are irresponsible individuals from China which do bad and dirty things, but the China government overall has done very well. But I hear this comment over and over by people from the West: I like Chinese people, but the CPC is evil. What they really want is the Chinese to change the government, because the current one is too good.
    Fortunately China is not a multi-party democratic country, otherwise the opposition party in China will be supported by notorious NGOs (Non-Government Organization) of the USA, like the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), to topple the ruling party. The US and the British couldn’t crack Mainland China, so they work on Hong Kong. Of all the ex-British colonial countries, only the Hong Kongers were offered BNOs by the British. Because the UK would like the Hong Kongers to think they are British citizens, not Chinese. A divide-and-conquer strategy, which they often used in Color Revolutions around the world.
    They resort to low dirty tricks like detaining Huawei’s CFO & banning Huawei. They raised a silly trade war which benefits no one. Trade deficit always exist between a developing and a developed country. USA is like a luxury car seller who ask a farmer: why am I always buying your vegetables and you haven’t bought any of my cars?
    When the Chinese were making socks for the world 30 years ago, the world let it be. But when Chinese started to make high technology products, like Huawei and DJI, it caused red-alert. Because when Western and Japanese products are equal to Chinese in technologies, they could never match the Chinese in prices. First world countries want China to continue in making socks. Instead of stepping up themselves, they want to pull China down.
    The recent movement by the US against China has a very important background. When Libya, Iran, and China decided to ditch the US dollar in oil trades, Gaddafi’s was killed by the US, Iran was being sanctioned by the US, and now it’s China’s turn. The US has been printing money out of nothing. The only reason why the US Dollar is still widely accepted, is because it’s the only currency which oil is allowed to be traded with. The US has an agreement with Saudi that oil must be traded in US dollar ONLY. Without the petrol-dollar status, the US dollars will sink, and America will fall. Therefore anyone trying to disobey this order will be eliminated. China will soon use a gold-backed crypto-currency, the alarms in the White House go off like mad.
    China’s achievements and success have been by hard work. Not by looting and plundering the world.
    I have deep respect and love for China for all the suffering and the hardship they endured, but now I feel happy for them. China is not rising, they are going back to where they belong. Good luck China.

  • @wren1718
    @wren1718 2 года назад +3

    ❤️Russia 🇷🇺 China 🇨🇳 ❤️ 👍

  • @alaskavaper2490
    @alaskavaper2490 2 года назад +2

    I wish there were more intelligent spokesmen for a rational foreign policy toward China. Most advocates of a serious new ‘Cold War’ against China have never visited China but, just accepted the position of political ‘war hawks’. This status will lead to war that will destabilize the world. Thanks for all you do to bring to Americans your honest perspective about China, Cyrus.

  • @hjw2405
    @hjw2405 2 года назад +3

    Do you know yankee has been an opium trader too but history today only highlights British sin.

  • @hkfu2401
    @hkfu2401 2 года назад +2

    When you gusy talked about people living in XinJiang, do you know, in last 40 years, XinJiang people can have more children, we only allowed to have one child. Now XingJiang people only need work 8 hours a day, do you know how many hour are cantonese work now, we have to work hard to have better life. China ships most cheap products to other country, this is because we work hard, get less pay. As chinese, we think Xing Jiang people take advantage from rest chinese, they get many free support from other provinces.

  • @chankane
    @chankane 2 года назад +5

    Under the concept of American democracy, one person one vote or mob rules, then imagine if the whole world works the American way. USA is only 4% of world population.

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад +2

      In reality that's the last thing the regime in the US would want. Do you think the US would want the rest of the world to live the lifestyles of even an average American? If that happens, Americans would be living the lifestyles of an average 3rd world country.

  • @krcalder
    @krcalder 2 года назад +3

    How did America create the problem in the first place?
    Remember the good old days?
    Thirty years ago.
    The West was triumphant, and western liberalism had won the day, it was the end of history.
    The Berlin Wall had fallen and a uni-polar world was born.
    The US reigned supreme.
    China was insignificant and Russia was moving towards the West with Gorbachev.
    Everything was going our way.
    How could we possibly mess this up?
    It seemed impossible, but the neoliberals have managed it.
    We never did ask the obvious question.
    Why did our own business leaders, financiers and investors prefer China to the West?
    Maximising profit is all about reducing costs.
    China had coal fired power stations to provide cheap energy.
    China had lax regulations reducing environmental and health and safety costs.
    China had low taxes and a minimal welfare state.
    China had a low cost of living so employers could pay low wages.
    China had all the advantages in an open globalised world.
    Western companies couldn’t wait to off-shore to low cost China, where they could make higher profits.
    Western businesses tried cutting costs here, but could never get down to Chinese levels and they needed to off-shore to maximise profit.
    They gave away decades of Western design and development knowledge in technology transfer agreements.
    China was a new, fast growing economy compared to the mature, slow growing economies of the West.
    Investors would be able to achieve better returns in the new, fast growing Chinese economy and this is where the money headed.
    US investors love China and know it’s the best place to make real money.видео.html
    George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos .....
    Eventually the Americans realised China would soon overtake the US.

    • @krcalder
      @krcalder 2 года назад

      China did have all the advantages, but .......
      Everyone is making the same mistakes; China was just last in the queue.
      Neoclassical economics is the economics of the Roaring Twenties, the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression.
      Policymakers adopt the economic growth model of the Roaring Twenties, oblivious to where this is leading.
      Japan had the financial crisis is 1991, and were left facing a Great Depression.
      The US, UK and Euro-zone had the financial crisis is 2008, and were left facing a Great Depression.
      China adopted the economic growth model of the Roaring Twenties after 2008 and their troubles are just beginning.
      The Roaring Twenties economic growth model
      You use the money creation of unproductive bank lending to drive the economy.
      They wasted this on pumping up real estate valuations and building empty cities after 2008.
      China did actually see the financial crisis coming as they had worked out where they had gone wrong.
      Davos 2018 - The Chinese know financial crises come from the private debt-to-GDP ratio and inflated asset pricesвидео.html
      The black swan flies in under our policymakers’ radar.
      They are looking at public debt and consumer price inflation, while the problems are developing in private debt and asset price inflation.
      The PBoC knew how to spot a Minsky Moment coming, unlike the FED, BoE, ECB and BoJ.
      A year later, and they had made further progress.
      Davos 2019 - The Chinese know bank lending needs to be directed into areas that grow the economy and that their earlier stimulus went into the wrong places.видео.html
      They had pumped bank credit into areas that don’t grow GDP, and the private debt-to-GDP had risen to a level they were on the verge of a financial crisis.
      Everyone does that with neoclassical economics, but they don’t usually see the financial crisis coming, like the US in 1929, Japan 1991 and US, UK and Euro-zone in 2008.
      They know what they’ve done wrong, putting it right is another matter altogether.
      The banking system is loaded up with claims on future spending power that will drag the economy down for years to come.
      They’ve got a real estate ponzi scheme that could collapse and feed back into the banking system.
      They’ve let real estate become far too expensive, and can now see the problem.
      Davos 2019 - The Chinese have now realised high housing costs eat into consumer spending and they wanted to increase internal consumption.видео.html
      They let real estate rip and have now realised why that wasn’t a good idea.
      The equation makes it so easy.
      Disposable income = wages - (taxes + the cost of living)
      The cost of living term goes up with increased housing costs.
      The disposable income term goes down.
      They have let the cost of living rise, and they want to increase internal consumption.
      Disposable income = wages - (taxes + the cost of living)
      It’s a double whammy on wages.
      China isn’t as competitive as it used to be.
      China has become more expensive and developed Eastern economies are off-shoring to places like Vietnam, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

  • @newtonojok9720
    @newtonojok9720 2 года назад +4

    Great discussion. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022!

  • @44jwong
    @44jwong 2 года назад +3

    Hm.. just wondering, US has been pretty quiet on North Korea. After the high level talk between Trump and NK leader. What happen? NK no more threat? Already contained?

  • @yuegonghuamei6685
    @yuegonghuamei6685 2 года назад +2

    The world needs diversity, not devils, demon, destitute, devastation, divisiveness, discrimination, disease, dead, debts debtbeats, drama, destruction, drug, danger nor doom.

  • @brave_74kyl2
    @brave_74kyl2 2 года назад +9

    Thanks for spreading the message that war is not the solution. Build bridges not tension.

  • @theone8189
    @theone8189 2 года назад +2

    2025: Nobel Peace prize goes to Cyrus Janssen !!!!

  • @josdesouza
    @josdesouza 2 года назад +3

    Is the USA ready to launch a similar Belt & Road Initiative in its own self-attributed 'backyard', i.e., the Americas and the Caribbean? It could if its élites wanted to.

  • @irritatedanglosaxon1705
    @irritatedanglosaxon1705 2 года назад +16

    Cyrus... U are truly 1 of rare Americans who hv brain. Kudos 🇺🇸🇨🇳

    • @jdub8
      @jdub8 2 года назад

      brain for good not evil.

  • @walkslyricsandmore
    @walkslyricsandmore 2 года назад +1


  • @alloomis1635
    @alloomis1635 2 года назад +4

    the trade war is lost. so usg reverts to type, and threatens war. by itself it is a significant presence, but not overwhelming. so the plan seems to be, lure, buy or threaten support in sufficient size to frighten prc into submission. this will not work. actual war is suicidal. so prc will simply continue building roads and trade, and mutually advantageous treaties. 10 years from now, usa will split into 3 pieces, as gb has done, and become just innocuous 'usttabe grand' nations.
    or so i hope. the alternative is armageddon, quite a lively possibility. the orcs who run usa have no recent experience with successful resistance. to them, i urge that they give deep thought to the viet nam war. usa never lost a battle, but couldn't beat a people equipped with 2nd hand weapons and 1st class courage.

    • @stephenlock7236
      @stephenlock7236 2 года назад +1

      True. US rarely lose a battle, only the wars.