I left Hollywood, sold all my belongings, and moved to Morocco 🇲🇦 REVERT STORY

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024

Комментарии • 233

  • @muslimah42
    @muslimah42 10 месяцев назад +51

    As an Italian revert (5y) Alhamdulillah I love hearing other reverts story !!!!

    • @ahmedalshalchi
      @ahmedalshalchi 10 месяцев назад +2

      ma shaa Allah ... May Allah bless you and fix you on the straight path ...
      How many Italian reverts do you know yet ?

    • @muslimah42
      @muslimah42 10 месяцев назад

      I know a lot through social media !!! Islam is growing , a lot of woman are converting to Islam , Allahu Akbar !

    • @I.amSultan.
      @I.amSultan. 10 месяцев назад

      Masha Allah Sister

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      Salam ! Be aware of danger of Volano VESUVIO in Nampoly bay !
      Largo a Factotum della Cita Largo !

    • @truetruth6981
      @truetruth6981 10 месяцев назад

      Whose story is this , podcast , . The name , introduction should be done in beginning, in description box , to getting know for us , readers , viewers.

  • @houcinezarwal6797
    @houcinezarwal6797 10 месяцев назад +73

    noway, you're here? in morocco? welcome sister, this is your country, you're one of us as well

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 10 месяцев назад

      Allah of the Muslims has *NO HISTORY* whatsoever *before* 610 *outside* the Qur'an. Where? But the dawah script deceives beloved Muslims and others into believing that *'Allah'* or *'Alaha'* written in the *Arabic and Aramaic Bibles* before 610 already referred to *'Allah'* of the Muslims. FOUR reasons why this is pure deception!
      1. It is shocking that beloved Muslims are unaware that 'Allah' or 'Alaha' are just *common noun/generic words* for just about any god an Arabic/Aramaic speaker worships. This is just basic knowledge. Even the pagan Hubal ☪️ of the Kaaba 🕋 was also called *'Allah' ('al-ilah'/the god).* Hubal means 'He who is Baal'. Baal is a manifestation of Satan... So one has to be specific which 'Allah' they are referring to!
      2. By the way, 'Allah'/'Alaha' mentioned in the Arabic/Aramaic Christian Bible is the one whom all the Prophets of Israel (over 20 of them beginning with Moses to Malachi) taught is one *["O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one"* (Deuteronomy 6:4)]. All these prophets are the *many witnesses* who testify of and specifically submitted to the one God whose glory (shekinah) out of love of mankind (not weakness), *descends to the earth and dwelt with mankind* by entering the *TEMPLE* of Moses (Exodus 40:34) and Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1‭-‬3).
      This is Allah'/'Alaha' the Arabic and Aramaic Bibles teach. Is this one God (Allah/Allah) of the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4) who descends and dwells with mankind 'Allah' of the Qur’an? No! These are two different beings!
      Allah of the Qur’an (who does not dwell with mankind) only has *one witness:* Muhammad. ‭‭One witness is not enough to establish a serious matter. A matter must be established by the testimony of *many witnesses* (Deuteronomy 19:15, 17:6).
      3. When Arabic-speaking Christians use the word Allah, it is usually used in combination with the word *al-Ab.* *Allah al-Ab* means “God the Father,” and this usage is one way Arab Christians differentiate their true God from the false Islamic god of the Hajr e aswad (Black stone) and Kaaba. Can you, as a Muslim, say: *"Allah is my Father and the Father of Jesus and Muhammad"?* No!
      Moses was addressing the rebellious Israelites:
      "Is this the way you repay the Lord, you foolish and unwise people? Is he not your *FATHER,* your *Creator,* who made you and formed you?" (Deuteronomy 32:6).
      Allah is father to no one (QS 6:100): 'And they falsely ascribe to Him sons and daughters without any knowledge.'
      So *Allah al-Ab* of the Arab Christians who has history before 610, is not Allah of the Qur’an!
      4. The Arab/Aramaic Bible shares exactly the same content and theology (with just about any other Bible of other Christian groups whether English, Latin or Greek) about the God who is the Father and Jesus who is the Son. In the Arabic/Aramaic Bible, Jesus is still the one who will *RESURRECT* mankind, *JUDGE* the world and give *ETERNAL LIFE* to those who believe in him. Only God, not a prophet, can do that.
      In *Isaiah 40:3-5, Malachi 3:1 and John 1:1, 14* (for example) the Arabic/Aramaic Bible teach that Jesus is God ('Allah') in the flesh. Arab and Aramaic Christians believe in the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as a *triune* God.
      Clearly, the Allah/Alaha of Arab/Aramaic Christians is not the Allah whom the Muslims worship. If you really, really think about it, the Quran is a 7th century book making *claims about the past* but interestingly, when you actually *go back into the past,* there is no mention or reference whatsoever to its god *(before* 610 *outside* the Qur'an)! Where? Can you provide any one verse from the Bible or any manuscripts (or anything) before 610 which testifies of Allah of the Muslims? Zero, zilch, nadda!
      Would I worship a god with no history for 5000 years before 610? No, no, no!
      Let him who has ears hear and be blessed by this message!

    • @Almanar.
      @Almanar. 10 месяцев назад +5

      Yes, of course, we are very proud of our new sister in Islam, welcome to Morocco ♥️

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 10 месяцев назад +1

      Why do Jews *(MESSIANIC JEWS),* with their knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures, become *CHRISTIAN* and accept Jesus Christ of the NT Gospels as the *TRUE MESSIAH* and Prophet Isa of the Qur'an as a *FALSE MESSIAH?*
      1. There are over 300 prophecies of the Messiah from the prophets of old in the Jewish Torah and Tanakh. Messianic Jews are amazed to discover that these prophecies of the Messiah match with Jesus Christ of the New Testament Gospels and none of the prophecies match with the 7th century Prophet Isa of the Qur'an. In fact, the study of *Messianic prophecies* is one sure way for a sincere Muslim (who seeks the truth, not religion) to finally come to the realization that Prophet Isa, Allah and Islam are false. Can you find just 3 prophecies of the Messiah which MATCH with Isa of the Qur'an? Which ones? Allah of the Qur’an is a 7th century god *making claims about the past* but when you do simple research, *there's no reference to Allah of the Qur’an in the past* (before 610 outside the Qur'an). Where?
      2. Why would Messianic Jews, who believe in the ONENESS of the God of the OT then go on to believe in the ONENESS of the triune God of the NT (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit)? Jesus confirmed (Mark12:29) the OT teaching that God is ONE.
      "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is *ONE."* (Deuteronomy 6:4)
      Jesus also declares in his own words: "I and the Father are *ONE.”* (John 10:30).
      So how is this ONENESS of the OT the same ONENESS of the NT?
      ANSWER: *Progressive revelation!*
      [ *"ONE"* in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Hebrew language is *"ECHAD"* /אֶחָד which means a single entity but made up of more than one part *(UNITY/COMPOUND)].*
      Even the Arabic equivalent, *AHAD* (from which the Islamic Tawhid is derived) means *"one of"* and is usually used to indicate part of a whole. *AHAD does not mean absolute singularity!* All attributes of Allah of the Kaaba, as is the claim, are united with his essence and also united with each other.
      Beloved Muslim, the ONENESS of the true God of Israel (the God of the previous scriptures) is different from the ONENESS (Tawhid/monotheism) of Allah of the Qur’an. They are not the same being, despite Allah of the Qur'an's claim to be (QS 29:46)!
      [There is a Hebrew word that means “absolute singularity,” *(YACHID),* but it is never used in the Hebrew Scriptures in reference to God! The Hebrew scriptures never says "God is YACHID"]
      "ECHAD" is also used in Genesis 2:24 in referring to a husband and wife (who are TWO) leaving their parents and becoming united into “ONE” *(ECHAD)* flesh:
      "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is UNITED to his wife, and they become one *(אֶחָד/ECHAD)* flesh. (Genesis 2:24).
      The OT and NT are harmonious in revealing the three persons of the ONE God:
      The *FATHER* (Deuteronomy 32:6,
      Isaiah 63:16, Isaiah 64:8 and Jeremiah 31:9)
      The *SON* (Genesis 49:10, 1 Chronicles 17:11-15, Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:1-7, Luke 1:31-33)
      The *Holy Spirit* (Numbers 11:17‭, ‬25‭-‬29 Psalms 104:29‭-‬30, Acts 2:1‭-‬6)
      3. Here is the problem for Islam: all the known prophets before 610, from Moses to Malachi, are the *many witnesses* who testify of and specifically submitted to the one God of the previous scriptures whose glory (shekinah) out of love of mankind (not weakness), *descends to the earth and dwelt with mankind* by entering the *TEMPLE* of Moses (Exodus 40:34) and Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1‭-‬3).
      This is Allah'/'Alaha' whom the Arabic and Aramaic Bibles teach. Allah of the Qur’an does not descend and dwell with mankind. The Allah of Deut 6:4 is therefore not the 'Allah' of the Qur’an. These are two different beings!
      To rely on oneness alone is a *False Dilemma Fallacy.*
      4. Both the Jewish OT and the NT teach about the SALVATION of mankind through the punishment of Messiah for the sins of others (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and Zechariah 12:10)
      Ironically Islam does teach about the *sacrifice* of others *(Jews and Christians)* for the forgiveness of sins and salvation of others *(Muslims)* but hypocriticaly the Qur'an rejects the crucifixion of Jesus as a punishment for the sins of others! What a contradiction and deception!
      Sahih Muslim Book 37, Hadith Number 6665, Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6668) and The Book Of Repentance And Allah’s Great Mercy, pp. 1033-1034.
      Unlike Islam, Christianity never claims the corruption of the Jewish Torah and Tanakh but accepts the entire Jewish Torah and Tanakh as preserved and authoritative despite some minor textual differences.

    • @makavelihussein2013
      @makavelihussein2013 10 месяцев назад

      She is welcome in Morocco, but she is not in her country. Stop talking like our country is your property

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 10 месяцев назад +1

      I am one of those Christians who doubted that Allah of the *QUR’AN* is in the *BIBLE* until I came across the unmistakable *voice* of Allah of the Qur’an in the Torah! This was after God had commanded Adam and Eve (in the garden of Eden) not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil otherwise they would die. Then the *voice* of the *Great Deceiv3r* said to the woman, *‭‭“You will not certainly die,”* (Genesis‬ ‭3:4‬). ‭
      God had said *they would die,* but the Great Deceiver corrupts and says *they will not die!*
      This deception led to Adam and Eve being kicked out of their *inheritance of the garden of Eden.*
      And then in the Tanakh (Old Testament) God revealed possibly the most stunning prophecy in all of scripture! *Isaiah 53!* Every Muslim must read this chapter, Wow! This was 7 centuries before the coming of the Messiah, the New Testament, Paul and Nicea!
      The prophecy is about the *'arm of the Lord'* who *'bared his soul unto DEATH and bore the SINS OF MANY'.* (Isaiah 53:12)
      Salvation of mankind prophesied! The crucifixion. ‭‭Jesus confirmed:
      'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, *and to give his LIFE as a RANSOM for MANY.”* (Mark‬ ‭10:45‬).
      Just as the Great Deceiv3r had deceived mankind from his *inheritance of the garden of Eden,* the Great Deceiver would return again to deceive beloved Muslims from the *inherence of Eternal Life* through belief in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The unmistakable voice of the Great Deceiv3r said:
      *QS 4:157* 'And because of their claiming, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allâh,’ *whereas they killed him not, nor did they cause his death by crucifixion, but he was made to them to resemble* (one crucified to death). *Verily, those who differ therein are certainly in confusion about it. They have no definite knowledge of the matter but are only following a conjecture.* They did not kill him, this much is *certain.'*
      There's no *certainty* in a claim. Jesus confirmed that he *did die and rose again* but 600 years later a familiar voice, just as in the garden of Eden, corrupts and says Jesus *did not certainly die!*
      But Jesus Christ strongly rebuked the REJECTION of his crucifixion as being of *'Satan', 'offensive',* and *'not mindful of the things of God'.* (Matthew 16:21-23).
      Jesus said: "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again." (John‬ ‭10:17‬) and further, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:13).
      So the formula of the Great Deceiver is to create *doubt* about what God really said or did.
      If the crucifixion is for the salvation of mankind, would Satan reject the crucifixion? Yes.
      Does Allah of the Kaaba reject the crucifixion? Yes.
      How could the true God have saved Jesus from the crucifixion if Jesus himself said that if he wanted, he could easily have called for 72 000 angels (Mathew 26:53) to save him from the crucifixion. Jesus wanted the crucifixion. He said:
      "Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world (Satan) will be driven out. And I, when I am *lifted up* from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” *He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.* (John‬ ‭12:31‭-‬33‬)
      While on the cross, Jesus actually *identified* and *spoke* to his mother, Mary, and the disciple he loved-John:
      'When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home."
      (John 19:26‭-‬27)
      Beloved Muslims are throwing away a precious *SALVATION* (which guarantees eternal life in Heaven *TODAY)* by dismissing the crucifixion and believing, instead, in a fuzzy and unclear verse which comes *SIX HUNDRED YEARS* after the event, shared by a man who spoke a different language, lived far away in place and time from the location and witnesses of the crucifixion, whose 7th century god disguises himself as the Most High God.
      The prophet Isaiah warned that the Great Deceiver would claim to be the Most High God (Isaiah 14:12-14). The 7th century Allah of the Muslims' claim to be the Most High God (Al-Aʻla 87:1) is a fulfillment of the Isaiah prophecy.

  • @ben11551
    @ben11551 3 месяца назад +2

    Thanks a lot for this valuable interview 👍بارك الله فيك
    Congrats an best wishes for sister Jamie 👍بارك الله فيك وتبتك على طريق الهدى والإيمان

  • @تهاميالمقرشل
    @تهاميالمقرشل 10 месяцев назад +13

    I am from Morocco🇲🇦😊. Welcome sister

  • @trignal
    @trignal 6 месяцев назад +1

    What a fascinating and uplifting story, MashAllah!. As a born Muslim living in the west and being in and out of the Deen, I find revert stories make my iman stronger. More please!

  • @mcmarvellous
    @mcmarvellous 10 месяцев назад +13

    Alhamdulillah, what an inspiring story. Welcome to Morocco 🇲🇦 sister

  • @Bernoussi
    @Bernoussi 10 месяцев назад +9

    Alhamdoulillah, Morocco 🇲🇦 and Moroccans are blessed that you moved to live with them. Welcome sister and daughter

  • @ben11551
    @ben11551 3 месяца назад +1

    Very interesting interview, and valuable insights 👍
    Keep up 👍

  • @Marr1966
    @Marr1966 10 месяцев назад +6

    Welcome in Morocco sister❤❤❤ Morocco is a home for peace and faith..May God bless us all❤❤❤

  • @alexathecanadianconvert
    @alexathecanadianconvert 10 месяцев назад +5

    Masha Allah I love this sister's story. Cool that you two can relate in some parts of your journey. Thanks for sharing Aisha, keep up the amazing work encouraging all us reverts, giving hope to born muslims and showing the positivity of Islam to the wider world 👍🌱🌼

  • @almastirmizi13
    @almastirmizi13 10 месяцев назад +7

    Mashaa Allah and SubhanAllah. May Allah Kareem keep you steadfast in your deen. Aameen summa Aameen 💗

  • @omeralamari-g3k
    @omeralamari-g3k 10 месяцев назад +3

    احبك اختى عائشه انا من اليمن وانتى انسانه رائعه جدا والحمد لله ان الله هداك للاسلام.. 🎉

  • @MuhmmadShoaib-uz5zs
    @MuhmmadShoaib-uz5zs 10 месяцев назад +8

    May Allah fullfill every legitimate wish of Aisha Rosalie,... ameen 🤲🕋🌹

  • @mordiop9840
    @mordiop9840 10 месяцев назад +7

    May ALLAH SWT shower HIS blessings on you. May HE protect you and guide you.

  • @greenyellow1200
    @greenyellow1200 10 месяцев назад +2

    Alhamdulillah 💚
    Love and respect from Malaysia.May Allah blees you sister 🥰

  • @ahmedmahmoud6504
    @ahmedmahmoud6504 10 месяцев назад +5

    الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام

  • @ReactionsbyShawn
    @ReactionsbyShawn 10 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you for sharing your story

  • @zillinaurainsyed6732
    @zillinaurainsyed6732 10 месяцев назад +6

    Blessed sisters both stay happy blessed

  • @darmansyahujang2482
    @darmansyahujang2482 10 месяцев назад +2

    How lucky you are my lovely sister.. you were selected by Allah directly....welcome to islam.from now on we are as a body.....ok salam from Indonesia

  • @museaweys8825
    @museaweys8825 10 месяцев назад +2

    Good interview and good lady Aisha

  • @KhaledRabaya-py3zn
    @KhaledRabaya-py3zn 10 месяцев назад +5

    احسنتي القول ربي يحفظك ويطعمك الجنة

  • @nonhigher
    @nonhigher 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you both sisters iam so proud of you

  • @houslars4889
    @houslars4889 10 месяцев назад +3

    Welcome sister.. Allah bless you..

  • @MrSkally.
    @MrSkally. 10 месяцев назад +7

    Merhba in Morocco 🇲🇦

  • @niazquraishi6361
    @niazquraishi6361 10 месяцев назад +1

    Fantastic person,May ye be blessed inshallah. Loved her story.

  • @dark_attack7896
    @dark_attack7896 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wa'alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Semua Saudara ISLAM ku. (My Brother's ISLAM), BARAKALLAHU FEEKUM.

  • @Danieljhonson856
    @Danieljhonson856 10 месяцев назад +2

    Welcome to Morocco

  • @rifatylmaz689
    @rifatylmaz689 10 месяцев назад +2

    Welcome your real home sister Jamie.

  • @ismailkhabir7416
    @ismailkhabir7416 10 месяцев назад

    Congratulations sister for accepting Islam ❤
    I like the way you put your hijab♡

  • @saifudeendawood6991
    @saifudeendawood6991 10 месяцев назад

    Sister, You have made a big sacrifice to attain this enlightenment and wish that you will get the highest reward in this world and hereafter as if to fulfil all your aspiratoons

  • @abdellatifmouslih7807
    @abdellatifmouslih7807 10 месяцев назад

    Assalamu alaykom sis, welcome to Morocco, we are here if you need any help

  • @ADAM_sigma
    @ADAM_sigma 5 месяцев назад

    Salam Sister Aisha, a fellow American here. Seriously pondering moving to Rabat. As a Muslim I feel America is no longer the place for me. Grewup in Oregon. Closest mosque is 5 mile drive. Never had a job where I could get a Friday off for the Jumaa. It just became too much now. What is the job market like in Morocco for educated experienced adults? I have done quite a bit of homework on the move. I would be doing exactly as you, selling all belongings and pack and move. Any advice regarding job or linning up a job would be greatly appreciated. Salam.

  • @afghanistanarya8147
    @afghanistanarya8147 10 месяцев назад

    Masha Allah, so nice; welcome back home dear sister.

  • @wearemorocco23
    @wearemorocco23 10 месяцев назад

    Sister, you are a stunning muslim! You are, between your endearing brothers and sisters, at home in Morocco

  • @damanrofiq3699
    @damanrofiq3699 2 месяца назад

    Alhamdulillah...barokah...aamiin,salam from lndonesia❤❤❤

  • @monzurhossain2674
    @monzurhossain2674 10 месяцев назад +1

    Subhan Allah. May Allah bless you and give you a happy fulfiliing life

  • @Babypinkkkkkkkk
    @Babypinkkkkkkkk 10 месяцев назад +1

    You girls are inspiring me to wear jilbab 🧕🏼

  • @chelseamilanistis5361
    @chelseamilanistis5361 10 месяцев назад +2

    Semoga perjuangan untuk mendapat Ridha Allah SWT mendapatkan keberkahan dan pahala yang berlipat ganda

  • @lamasabachthani2132
    @lamasabachthani2132 10 месяцев назад +3

    Someone says: My mother used to say: My grandmother, may God have mercy on her, used to say every time she woke us up for the Fajr prayer: Get up to pray, we don't want anyone to miss us in Paradise❤
    ❤Morocco ❤

  • @QuranforAll-wz5kx
    @QuranforAll-wz5kx 10 месяцев назад +1

    Subhan'Allah...May Allah (SWT) bless us all to the righteous path.Aameen

  • @hichamn8373
    @hichamn8373 10 месяцев назад

    Welcome 🙏 and be smart and strong 💪 ❤

  • @cptheedayat
    @cptheedayat 2 месяца назад

    Sis aisha...u look calm as if u hv found peace in u

  • @mohammadshamsuddin9978
    @mohammadshamsuddin9978 10 месяцев назад

    Assalam alaikum.. sisters..
    Masha Allah..
    Allahu akbar ..
    What an amazing story..

  • @eclecticeccentrickamikaze6526
    @eclecticeccentrickamikaze6526 10 месяцев назад +2

    You didn’t have to Morocco just for spending life as a Muslim

  • @peace-tu5lw
    @peace-tu5lw 10 месяцев назад +1

    Welcome sister to morocco ❤

  • @farazahmad9112
    @farazahmad9112 10 месяцев назад

    May Allah bless you both sisters. Ameen. May Allah give the best of both worlds Ameen . Sister Aisha May Allah give you special reward, you are doing an amazing job Ma Sha Allah. Every single video of yours is inspiring and boost our iman. Please keep them coming.

  • @aminesahrawi3045
    @aminesahrawi3045 10 месяцев назад +3

    لا إله الا الله وحده لاشريك له له الملك والحمدو وهو على كل شي قدير

  • @nourdinnoureddine6225
    @nourdinnoureddine6225 10 месяцев назад +1

    Best country in the world ❤️

  • @boskahh9925
    @boskahh9925 10 месяцев назад +2

    Welcome 🙏 🤗

  • @abdullahaljabri8196
    @abdullahaljabri8196 10 месяцев назад

    Dear lovely sister 😗😔😗 you have chosen the best and the right path, it's a journey to our great lord Allah 💗💗 it's a journey 💐💐 not like any journey but a special journey 💐 to the real religion it's nam is islam , Islam is for humans being all mankind, Islam is peace ✌️ justice, dignity, rights and freedom,

  • @AsSa-kt7ue
    @AsSa-kt7ue 2 месяца назад

    ما شاء الله انتم فخر واعتزاز شكرا لكن

  • @Zainab-kw6sb
    @Zainab-kw6sb 10 месяцев назад

    Welcome to Morocco dear sister ❤❤❤

  • @HindaIbrahim-d6d
    @HindaIbrahim-d6d 10 месяцев назад +1

    Masha Allah masha Allah my Allah bless you ❤❤❤

  • @samkim6671
    @samkim6671 10 месяцев назад +4

    May God bless you and keep you on the right path.

  • @sdetts.5220
    @sdetts.5220 10 месяцев назад

    Machae Allah, this young woman is the example of all Muslim women who are delighted and satisfied with their life and their religion 💖

  • @imax2000
    @imax2000 10 месяцев назад

    I know Jamie years ago via social media, I saw her once in 'Jour et nuit' cafe in Agadir cornich years ago.

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      how old is she ? are you Moroccan !?

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      Use the Word " Veil" , the Genuine English term since hundreds of years
      ago , instead of " hijab" ! Always , use the terms, concept, ideas, etc.. that
      people are familiar and dear to them , so that transition could be very smooth !
      look how LGBT, concept, speeches influence etc.... got UK these 20 years , to
      the point that it's protected by the Law ! Did people in the era of Welfare State
      (50's 60's World Cup 1966) even think about a day in the future when LGBT
      culture respect would be protected by the Law ? All that because the transition
      from ''No LGBT'' to ''YES to LGBT " was veryyyy smooth , and took decades !
      I'm 13 years older than you !

  • @FigueM
    @FigueM 10 месяцев назад

    Salam Alikoum sister, I hope that Allah protect and bless you

  • @syedhuda9957
    @syedhuda9957 10 месяцев назад +1

    As oppose to all other Religions, trying to market the individual superiority, Islam's "No Frills" straight approach of creating a direct path for dialoguing with the Creator while embarking on setting Divine Laws as oppose to Man made Laws (filled with Political Correctness), is something that attracts thoughtful critical thinking individuals devoting in "Out of the Box" thinking / contemplating types

  • @bjfeerus
    @bjfeerus 10 месяцев назад +2

    Alhamdulillah ..... ... .. .

  • @yugiohmasterduel8789
    @yugiohmasterduel8789 10 месяцев назад

    She's so smooth and a good talker ❤

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      intimidating you with hollywood accent ?

    • @yugiohmasterduel8789
      @yugiohmasterduel8789 10 месяцев назад

      @@Quasar900 That's how you feel, don't push on others. I was talking about the way she was explaining her feelings during the process.

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      @@yugiohmasterduel8789 ساشرح لك يا ذكي : اولا انت لست الاول في الدراسة و لم تقرا كتبا و وجلدات كما فعلنا نحن ! نحن درسنا على يد مفكرين مغاربة و اساتذة : انا التقيت المرحوم المهدي المنجرة مباااشرة ! اما انتم شباب الفيسبوك : فبعضهم يقلد المشارقة و السلفيين في الدين ، و بعضهم مثل اتباع د فايد اصبح يكره السلفيين !
      لذلك فهاتان الفتاتان لا تعرفان بعد اعماق الخطاب الديني و تاثيره على قبول الدين او عدمه !
      نريد الاسلام في بريطانيا و امريكا ؟ حسنا : قولوا لنسائهن ان يلبسن لباسهن التقليدي محتشم مثل قرن 19 + غطاء الراس !
      الا تعلمون مقولة ابن عباس ‘ كل ما شئت و البس ما شئت في غير اسراف و لا مخيلة !
      لماذا اصبح الاسلام يسوِّقه لنا هذا الاعلام المشرقي على ان له موضة خاصة في البباس و غيره ! لم يحدث قط في التاريخ ان غير قوم لباسهم (ولا حتى كفار قريش بعد اسلامهم) السائد اذا لم يكن مخافا للشرع !
      هاتان هما سفيرتان للاسلام لبلديهما ، لذلك يجب عليها اخذ كــــل هذا في الاعتبار !
      بالمناسبة انا اعرف الياباني احسن منك :
      もうアラビア語や、フランス語や、英語や、スペイン語が できるんです。

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 9 месяцев назад

      قالت الام الشابة الباالغة من العمر29 لطفلها البالغ 7 سنوات :
      ‘‘ انظر يا ولدي الى عقارب هذه الساعة ! الساعة تدور و يدور معها الزمان و مع كل دورة نكبر : انت مثلا تكون الآن طفلا ثم تصيير شابا ثم كهلا ثم عجوزا ‘‘ 🙂
      خلد الطفل الى النوم ليلا و هو يستذكر في ذهنه كلام امه بحزن و أسى : (الساعة تدور و يدور معها الزمان و مع كل دورة تشيب شعرة في راس امي . الساعة تدووور و يدووووور معها الزمــــااااان .... ) 😞

  • @Kingeroffinger
    @Kingeroffinger 10 месяцев назад

    Mashallah Thank you for this Great video❤🥰

  • @ateeqahfrancisco4359
    @ateeqahfrancisco4359 10 месяцев назад

    May Allaah increse her in rightous actions and benefical knowledge Allahumma aameen.

  • @rafikkaddour8704
    @rafikkaddour8704 7 месяцев назад

    Mabroukulations is wild!

  • @ataullah4265
    @ataullah4265 10 месяцев назад

    Only Islam is the light in this dark world, ❤from🇵🇰

  • @aminesahrawi3045
    @aminesahrawi3045 10 месяцев назад +5

    اللهم أمين يارب العالمين

  • @MrBM12
    @MrBM12 10 месяцев назад

    I am from Morocco and I never think to say Mabroklations hahaha, she is so smart Mashallah, sister Btw, my mom will make you couscous if you visit her!

  • @AbdulRauf-dinnar1
    @AbdulRauf-dinnar1 10 месяцев назад

    A s w.
    Sisi keep it up ALLAH will guide u.
    From pakistan watching your videos.
    Also guide me plz.❤❤❤.

  • @Bugis69Bugis-nr3lf
    @Bugis69Bugis-nr3lf 10 месяцев назад +1

    Assalamualaikum 🇲🇾🇲🇾

  • @KhaledRabaya-py3zn
    @KhaledRabaya-py3zn 10 месяцев назад +1

    ماشاء الله عليك احسنت

  • @bmrigs
    @bmrigs 9 месяцев назад

    May Allah accept her hijrah and reward her greatly.

  • @Natasha_mam
    @Natasha_mam 10 месяцев назад

    Alhamdulillah 💖🇵🇸👍

  • @allmaghrib
    @allmaghrib 10 месяцев назад

    proud of my country and both of you
    macha allah sister you deserve mosque celebration
    in marocaine way

  • @yamaahmadi6715
    @yamaahmadi6715 10 месяцев назад

    Alhamdulilah ❤️

  • @yasirahsharif8754
    @yasirahsharif8754 10 месяцев назад

    subhanAllah beautifull journey ❤

  • @MansoorMahammad-q2w
    @MansoorMahammad-q2w 9 месяцев назад

    I am feeling very missed my marriage girl who lives in Agatir, Morocco 😔

  • @Pawstive-tales
    @Pawstive-tales 10 месяцев назад

    Mashallah Allahoma barik 🤲

  • @yugiohmasterduel8789
    @yugiohmasterduel8789 10 месяцев назад

    What a beautiful journey, welcome to agadir ❤

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      فكر و فلسفة عميقة ؟ ، لكن طريقة الكلام فقط توحي بانها
      عميقة الفكر ! الفكر الاكاديمي اعلى من هذا المستوى بكثييييير !
      لا تكونوا ساذجين و تسقطوا في الانحيازات الادراكية !
      انا شخصيا اشعر كانني لست مسلما امامها و امامكم فقط لان اذواقي و افكاري مختلفة
      جذريا !

    • @yugiohmasterduel8789
      @yugiohmasterduel8789 10 месяцев назад

      @@Quasar900 ما كاينش شي عميق قدك.
      لم أتكلم عن العمق أو طريقة تفكيرها، لكنك علقت و كأكنك تفكر بصوت مرتفع !
      الفكر الأكاديمي ينضوي على طريقة معالجة المعطيات و تناولها، و قد استخدمت عقلها و شعورها و طرحت أسئلة وجودية أوصلتها للحقيقة.
      الطريقة الأكاديمية قد استخدمتها خلال رحلتها حيث ساعدها أكاديميون للإجابة عن أسئلتها و لم تعتمد على من هب و دب.
      هناك إسلام واحد و تعاليمه واضحة، لا مجال للأذواق فهو ليس وجبة غذاء أو لونا ترتديه.

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      @@yugiohmasterduel8789 ساشرح لك يا ذكي : اولا انت لست الاول في الدراسة و لم تقرا كتبا و وجلدات كما فعلنا نحن ! نحن درسنا على يد مفكرين مغاربة و اساتذة : انا التقيت المرحوم المهدي المنجرة مباااشرة ! اما انتم شباب الفيسبوك : فبعضهم يقلد المشارقة و السلفيين في الدين ، و بعضهم مثل اتباع د فايد اصبح يكره السلفيين !
      لذلك فهاتان الفتاتان لا تعرفان بعد اعماق الخطاب الديني و تاثيره على قبول الدين او عدمه !
      نريد الاسلام في بريطانيا و امريكا ؟ حسنا : قولوا لنسائهن ان يلبسن لباسهن التقليدي محتشم مثل قرن 19 + غطاء الراس !
      الا تعلمون مقولة ابن عباس ‘ كل ما شئت و البس ما شئت في غير اسراف و لا مخيلة !
      لماذا اصبح الاسلام يسوِّقه لنا هذا الاعلام المشرقي على ان له موضة خاصة في البباس و غيره ! لم يحدث قط في التاريخ ان غير قوم لباسهم (ولا حتى كفار قريش بعد اسلامهم) السائد اذا لم يكن مخافا للشرع !
      هاتان هما سفيرتان للاسلام لبلديهما ، لذلك يجب عليها اخذ كــــل هذا في الاعتبار !
      بالمناسبة انا اعرف الياباني احسن منك :
      もうアラビア語や、フランス語や、英語や、スペイン語が できるんです。

    • @Quasar900
      @Quasar900 10 месяцев назад

      @@yugiohmasterduel8789 للاسف تكتب بالدارجة (الدارجة شفوية و ليست كتابية لذلك اسمها كلام داارج )
      ثانيا انت تخلط بين الدين من حيث هو نصوص من مصدر رباني و بين فهم الدين و تطبيقه اللذان هما فعلان بشريان !
      النصووص شـــــــــيء و الفــــــــــقه شـــــــــيء آآآآآآآآخر ياااااااا ذكي !

    • @yugiohmasterduel8789
      @yugiohmasterduel8789 10 месяцев назад

      @@Quasar900 كتبت بيها حيت نقدر نكتب بيها ما كاين لا للأسف و لا ما هم يحزنون.
      انا ما هدرتش أصلا على النصوص و لا على الفهم، بنتي ليا كاتجاوب على شي حوايج كايدورو فراسك و كأنك كاتفكر بصوت عالي.

  • @shukrijama7836
    @shukrijama7836 10 месяцев назад

    Maashaaallah sisters

  • @Lele-p3g4g
    @Lele-p3g4g 10 месяцев назад

    I don't understand-does she live in Marocco now? How did she manage to LIVE there after the few months couch surfing? We got the couch surfing part but not the extension of how she's managed to actually live there?

    • @jaime_not_jamie
      @jaime_not_jamie 10 месяцев назад +1

      I just kept extending my stay. I would leave to Spain and come back to renew my entry stamp. I no longer live in Morocco.

  • @saffanalvy
    @saffanalvy 10 месяцев назад

    Alhamdulillah. SubhanAllah.

  • @hichamn8373
    @hichamn8373 10 месяцев назад

    Mabroukalations ! And i will write it as pronounced in Arabic 😂 مبوركليشنز

  • @ismailahmed4876
    @ismailahmed4876 10 месяцев назад

    Mansha Allah ❤❤🎉🎉

  • @mokhtar-19-68
    @mokhtar-19-68 10 месяцев назад

    God Almighty says: Is he who God has opened his chest for Islam, then he is upon light from his Lord. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened at the remembrance of God. Those are in clear error. (22) Surah Az-Zumar Great truth of God Greetings, but from Tangier, Morocco

  • @redabouziane918
    @redabouziane918 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @alberxenos
    @alberxenos 10 месяцев назад

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

  • @نور-خ4ح6ش
    @نور-خ4ح6ش 10 месяцев назад

    MashaAllah 👍

  • @Dee-Quran
    @Dee-Quran 10 месяцев назад

    i m from agadir 🥰. welcome sister .

    • @jaime_not_jamie
      @jaime_not_jamie 10 месяцев назад

      SubhanAllah that's where I lived. Dakhla neighborhood

  • @bapak492
    @bapak492 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @tariqvains797
    @tariqvains797 10 месяцев назад

    Masha Allah

  • @N4TECHBLOG121
    @N4TECHBLOG121 10 месяцев назад

    I left from muslim. Quran 9.5....very dangerous world

  • @SAIDAsaida-vz4io
    @SAIDAsaida-vz4io 10 месяцев назад

    I wish you a good life in my country

  • @opking2532
    @opking2532 10 месяцев назад +1

    Mohammad firoz India miss you too

  • @agussholeh0866
    @agussholeh0866 8 месяцев назад

    Mba tolong buatkan terjemah bahasa Indonesianya dong

  • @LLHuAkbarr
    @LLHuAkbarr 10 месяцев назад +6

    As a Marocaine from Europe I can only say that is the best choice you did Alhamdulilah am happy for you may Allah bless you ❤

    • @sam_mirza
      @sam_mirza 10 месяцев назад

      Oh! Morocco is good for her and you ran away to Europe.
      That’s quite interesting.

    • @LLHuAkbarr
      @LLHuAkbarr 10 месяцев назад

      @@sam_mirza yes I live here but it’s better to live there

  • @alibenyoucef6710
    @alibenyoucef6710 10 месяцев назад

    Mashaallah الله اكبر

  • @LamfadalImlahi
    @LamfadalImlahi 10 месяцев назад

    Subhana AlAH ( praise to God ) he guides whom he likes, how ever he will certainly test you , again and again to see if you are steadfast in your faith

  • @Ftug-g2r
    @Ftug-g2r 10 месяцев назад

    الله أكبر ❤

    @BAFREMAUXSOORMALLY 10 месяцев назад


  • @LamfadalImlahi
    @LamfadalImlahi 10 месяцев назад

    If you wish to strengthen your faith I suggest you watch sheikh Hamza Yussef lectures , he’s an American from California he is a scholar in Islamic theology he lived & mastered Arabic in Morocco , to me he is the beacon of the authentic Islamic knowledge

  • @L3arbiOujdaa
    @L3arbiOujdaa 10 месяцев назад

    Bjr achat macha3 lah