Nice!! Looks clean. I think stopping the XJ was a bad move on Jeep's part. These things are timeless. I bet this exact jeep would still sell today. Look at the wrangler, it's been the same thing for 20 years and people still pay $50k for them.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar I don't like the new ones either, i'd never buy one. They're ugly, over priced, and not half as capable as a $1500 4x4 XJ. They sold the XJ until 2014 in other parts of the world so they still have the tech to build them, they just don't.
Looks Awesome! Mine has the 3' lift already but stock rims with the tallest stock tires. I am planning the same rims and tires size as you and seeing it look so good is a great help. Thank you so much for posting the specs.
I'm not sure I understood the question, but yes, the tires are 31x10.5x15 if you meant the size. There is more information about the lift kit and wheels in the video description.
Za mene je cherokee xj 4.0l vrh, sigurno ima boljih terenaca al za mene postoji samo chetokee xj, zelim vam svaku srecu mnogo mi je drago sto sam na yooutubu nasao jednog koji se meni dopada a jos sa HR tablicama
Ovi cheerokee-i ka se srede izgledaju ljepse od svih ostalih 4x4(toyota,mitsubishi,nissan,..) Odlicno su se gume uklopile na njega pogotovo posto je crn. Vuce li dobro taj 2.5 td te gume.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar da da primetio sam, jer već duže vrijeme pratim ali teško naci nešto sto je u dobrom stanju. Tvoj u svakom slučaju izgleda preljepo. I da odlične snimke imaš , samo nastavi
Hi and congratulations! 🙋🏻♂️ On the rear axle you need bigger brake lines. Maybe the factory ones would be ok, but there is a possibility to tear them on the flex. Do it and you don't have to worry. 😉
@@medail11 stvarno se ne sjećam, ali mislim da se sa svim davanjima i podupla za te neke veće i teže stvari. Kad bi imao nekog povratnika ili slično ko je uzeo kontejner za Hrvatsku pa da mu utrpaš to sve, to bi bilo super. 😁
Did you have to get a transfer case drop kit or sye kit? Wanting to do this to my jeep super bad but just a little concerned about that and messing up the drive lines or getting vibration
Hi! I didn't do anything and I don't have vibration at all. My friend have also 3 inch lift kit and no vibrations. You should be OK with 3 inch lift. 😉
Izgleda top!💪 Vlasnik sam isto jednog,ide u projekt uskoro. Pa me zanima par informacija vezano za lift,da li ste nabavili negdje kod nas ili narucivali preko web-a?
Hvala! Uzeo sam preko frenda koji se bavi između ostalog i uvoznom auto dijelova iz SAD-a. Imperialis Vitis mu se firma zove, auto-radiona i uvoz dijelova.
I would like to transform my Jeep cherokee estate sport 2,5TD 1999. Will everything from your list fit onto my car too? If yes can you provide a link to a supplier into England please?? Thank you very much
Hi! No problem! I bought this lift kit: I also bought black steel wheels also from Rusty's. Backspace for the wheels is 4.75. If you have more questions, just ask. 😉👍
Hey, Your xj is beautiful. I am restoring the same. Could you give me the brand or a link to buy the same wheels. I love then with the same tires but I can’t find on internet with the same specs. Sorry for my poor English, I’am French😉. Thank you.
Hey, thanks! I'm from Croatia so your English is great! 😉 This is the link for wheels Tires are 31x10.5x15 Cooper Discoverer STT PRO About the wheels, you have to pay attention to the backspace. You can choose between 4.75 and 3.75 Mine are 4.75, that's the one on the link. 3.75 will look like you have wheel spacers, they will stick out of the render flares.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Hello, I have a last question about the center caps. Rusty doesn’t answer me. Have you take them center caps ? Thank you very very very much for your help. I will made a video about my Cherokee’s restoration. Link of center caps :
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar excellent SUVs of the old model Grand Cherokee and Cherokee than the new model which are full of electronics and beauty and quality and safety do not even smell
Bruh. This is it. This is how I want my Cherokee to look. Can you link me which rusty lift kit you got? I see the specs of what you added but did that come all in one kit? Sorry, total Jeep rookie here.
Now after almost 3 years everything is just like the first day. I bought full 3 inch lift kit with shocks and springs. And it is great on the road too.
@@xmo552 thanks!! It’s not Hendrix and if it was RUclips would probably remove the music from the video or video due to copyrights. This is music from RUclips library (free for use). Music name is in description of the video.
Bok! Zapinjale bi, pogotovo na terenu. Čak i na 3 inča malo zapinje. Ja sam morao one plastike od zadnjeg branika malo izvući prema iza. Možda AT guma ne toliko, ali agresivnije gume su obično malo više i šire.
Thanks! I don't have transfer case drop kit. When I was buying parts, an error occurred and I didn't get the transfer case drop kit. There was never any vibration so I didn’t put it on later either. There is some rubbing but on full flex, nothing major.
Actually I didn't drop transfer case, there was no need for it. There was some rubbing but I didn't have to cut anything. Everything like is in the description is done except transfer drop kit.
Hey! Great transformation. Are you sure these wheels are at 4.75 backspacing? I'm trying to buy them for myself, but by the looks of me, it's 3.75. I'm lost in those numbers.....
Hi! I like them a lot! Great in the mud and I had a chance to try them in the snow few days ago and I was pleasantly surprised. I would recommend these tires.
@@dynastycrew824 unfortunately no but when I put rim without center cap, looks like it does not fit (looks like the center hole on the rim is bigger than it should be). With center cap fits perfect.
I picked up a cheap Chinese version that I liked the look of. They turned out good. On this link below you can see how they light up compared to stock headlights.видео.html
@@trentgaddy8229 no. With 31s, you can feel it a little but you're ok. I recently put the 33s on and was surprised at how well it goes. But I ordered the 4:56 because it will be much nicer to drive.
About rubbing, it touches the plastic of the rear bumper at full flex, but that plastic can be moved a little behind. This is not noticeable and solves the problem without cutting.
Odlican!Zelim za sebe jednog 4x4 i cherokee mi je u uzem izboru samo je steta sta nema pouzdanog diesela kao kod nissana i mitsubishija.pozdrav sa Hvara😎
Hvala!! 🙂 Ja obozavam te kocke! Sto se diesela tice, ako se volis ganjati, onda je 4.0 zakon. Ako ti je na autocesti putna brzina 120 ok, onda nema problema. Kad ga ganjas i dugo drzis na punom gasu, onda hoce temperatura rasti pa ako se ne kontroliras, hoce puknuti glava. Zbog toga su na losem glasu. Ako to nije problem, uzmi ga. Ja ga redovito derem po terenu (bas cu i veceras stavito novi video 😁) i vozim ga za svaki dan i nema nikakvih problema. Ima ga i moj tata vec godinama i isto tako nikakvih problema. 🙋♂️
V8AmericanMuscleCar 4.0 bi mi sigurno trosio 20l a mi ovde nemamo plin zato sam razmisljao o dizelu nekom a i vidio sam da se ugradjuju u njega mercedesovi dizeli 3.0 iz w123.
@@Toni-lx9yf vidio sam da svasta ugraduju, ali ako ti nije do velikih brzina, bit ces zadovoljan sa tvornickim 2.5 motorom. A sta se toga tice ne trebas imati ni diesel na benzinskoj. 😉видео.html
V8AmericanMuscleCar znam vec ulivam godinama loz ulje🤭ima mi prijatelj tog 2.5 pa mu je dva puta glava pukla.onda tek kad je ugradio dodatnu vodenu pumpu i povise motora ugradio ventilator bilo je sve ok
Bok! Bas ovaj nigdje, ali Rough Country mozes u Zelini. MV Start, moze se dogovoriti ugradnja i sve sto treba oko toga. Ako bilo sta treba, samo pitaj. 😉
@@petar2599ooiytf a gle...kako kod koga naletis. Kod nas je ludnica, nekom prolaze 33 gume, nekoga za broj vece salju na podesavanje brzinomjera itd. Nebi bilo lose da imas nekoga na tehnickom. Neki rade atest, neki to samo upisu i to je to. "rvacka" ne?! 😥
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Ah I haven’t wheeled my jeep to serious but when i do i’m just gonna remove the bumper caps or trim them all the way down and remove the fenders
Kako ti se pokazao jeep od kako je podignut? Da li ima neke razlike u voznji. Imas li nekih zamerki da bi drugacije uradio. Ja sam skoro uzeo isto takav model samo bih da ga podignem A to mi se cini idealno :)
Super! Od prvog dana do sad, nikakve razlike. Na cesti je kao i prije, možda malo manje snage zbog većih kotača. Osim samog lift kita, jedino su zadnji lajtunzi za kočnice malo produženi i to je to. Na terenu, dan - noć razlika.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Hvala puno na informacijama. Ako mogu neki podaci sa spiskom delova koje si ugradio .. ako imas neki link za lift kit, felne ,gume :)... hvala ti puno jos jednom
@@draganroknic4072 ma nema problema. Lift kit: Felge: Gume su Cooper Discoverer STT PRO 31x10.5x15
Pozdrav, da li možeš podijeliti mišljenje o ovom liftu, te usporedba s rough country ili old man emu? Gdje si kupio ovaj lift? Te da li je dovoljno ići na lift od 2 incha ili bolje na 3? Gume bi uzeo 30 ili 31 (da li bi 31 stalo na lift od 2 incha bez rezanja).
Bok! Ja sam jako zadovoljan ovim liftom. Već je dvije godine gore, a na terenu je bar dva puta mjesečno i sve je kao i prvog dana. Za Rough Country svašta pričaju (ne znam iz osobnog iskustva) ali sa OME ne možeš fulati. Ja sam ga kupio preko, $495 ali do ovdje se to podupla nažalost. Moja preporuka ti je 3 inča, jer ne gubiš vozne sposobnosti na cesti, a ne trebaš nikakve druge preinake. Ja sam produžio samo zadnje lajtunge da budem siguran. Za 31 gume također trebaš 3 inča, čak i tu zna tu i tamo strugnuti malo, ali sve se to riješi bez rezanja i takvih zahvata. I sa 3 inča i 31 je na terenu stvarno odličan.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar E to me brinulo da li se gube vozne osobine s 3 incha. Možeš reći što je sve uključeno u rustys kit i da li si spuštao mjenjač, tj da li je u kit uključen i taj dio? I možeš reći što si čuo za rough country, još sam nov u tome pa ne znam priče.
Što se Rough Country lifta tiče, ima ih koji kažu da je super, ima i onih koji kažu da ne valja, znam samo da je dosta tvrd. Rusty's, ovisi koji kit uzmeš, imaš više verzija, ja sam uzeo full kit. Komplet lisnate, amortizeri, federi i te sitnice koje idu uz to. Mjenjač se ne spušta. Spušta se reduktor, ali za 3 inča nemaš brige. U mojem zadnjem videu su 3 XJa sa 3 inča lift kitom i nema greške. I možeš vidjeti kako idu sa dobrim gumama. 😉
Hey! Ma nije. Nekih $450 - $500 lift kit, $200 su bile felge. Samo poštarina ubije pa se to još dosta popelo. Ali u Zelini čovjek ugrađuje Rough Country i to sigurno ispadne jeftinije. Može se s njim dogovoriti i drugi brend...
@@SMR450 bok! Ma nisam ništa od toga radio. To kako di koga pitaš, kakve je volje itd. Neki i 33 atestiranju, neki ne mogu ni broj veću gumu. Ne znam šta bi ti pametno rekao. Složi i guštaj. 😁
Bok! Nisam nikad nešto točno mjerio ni prije ni sad, ali nekih litru do dvije više. Ali gorivo za njega je besplatno! 😉 Ide na sve vrste otpadnih ulja, biljnih i motornih. Imam dva videa i o tome....
Kad se dimenzija guma preračuna, to je 265/75/15 Što se felge tiče, ta guma ide i na tvorničku, ali bi malo strugalo sa unutarnje strane naprijed pa bi trebali distanceri. Ova felge je malo više izvučena van, 15 visina i širina je 20.3 cm.
Hvala! Nije brz nikako 😅 ali ja sam zadovoljan. Guta sva otpadna ulja kao gorivo, tako da me ne košta ništa. 😁 Taj sa dvoja vrata je rijedak i super izgleda!! 👍
You really didn't need to show every angle over again just because you put a lift on it. Then every angle again because different tires. Look I cleaned the windshield, here's the back of the jeep with a clean windshield and here's underneath with a clean windshield...lmfao.
Nice!! Looks clean. I think stopping the XJ was a bad move on Jeep's part. These things are timeless. I bet this exact jeep would still sell today. Look at the wrangler, it's been the same thing for 20 years and people still pay $50k for them.
Yes a lot of people say that and I agree. I could accept redesign, new engines but I can't say I like new Cherokee.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar I don't like the new ones either, i'd never buy one. They're ugly, over priced, and not half as capable as a $1500 4x4 XJ. They sold the XJ until 2014 in other parts of the world so they still have the tech to build them, they just don't.
Models after 2001 were Chinese XJs as I know. I think they were the same mechanically but they have ugly front end. I'm not sure about engines...
Jeep. A classic American vehicle!
Built the same for many years.
That's why I like old Jeeps. 🙂
That side view looks really slick. Wish they still made them like this
Thanks man, I appreciate it. If they still made them like this, I'd buy one for my wife right away. 🙂
I’m getting mine in shape as we speak. Sweet ride🍻
Thanks bro!
I'm sure you'll have a great time in your ride! 🙋♂️
NC km gn
Looks Awesome! Mine has the 3' lift already but stock rims with the tallest stock tires. I am planning the same rims and tires size as you and seeing it look so good is a great help. Thank you so much for posting the specs.
No problem and thanks! I'm glad you like it! 🙋🏻♂️
Thats the only right way to go! Lift and new tires!
I agree! 😉
Thanks for watching! 🙋🏻♂️
Congrats! Looks great - hopefully the test drive will be successful too
Thank you very much Gary! 😃
I ran that EXACT look except I had BFGs lol SWEEEEET XJ!
🙂 Thanks man!
great start!, go to a different wheel and tyre store and get the stick on weights that go on the inside of the rim. way slicker. oui allo from canada
Yeah that hurt my eyes! LOL
Greetings from Croatia!! 🙋🏻♂️
what size for 31/10.5/15 tires? and the reference of the suspensions / rear blades please, thanks .
I'm not sure I understood the question, but yes, the tires are 31x10.5x15 if you meant the size. There is more information about the lift kit and wheels in the video description.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar 👍
Svaka cast to je jedini jeep koji mi se dopada.imam takvog 4.0l.
Ja ih volim gotovo sve, ali XJ najviše!
4.0 je pravi stroj! ❤
Za mene je cherokee xj 4.0l vrh, sigurno ima boljih terenaca al za mene postoji samo chetokee xj, zelim vam svaku srecu mnogo mi je drago sto sam na yooutubu nasao jednog koji se meni dopada a jos sa HR tablicama
@@aliskoco6771 ja sam iz Jastrebarskog pa ako si ikad u prolazu i za teren kad ova ludnica oko virusa prođe, samo javi! 🙋♂️
Vazi brate zelim ti svako dobro nadam se da ce ovo zlo uskoro proci.
@@aliskoco6771 i ja. Sve najbolje želim! 🙋♂️
Great Xj buddy... 👍🙌💪☺
Thanks! 😃
I like how it turned out.
Ovi cheerokee-i ka se srede izgledaju ljepse od svih ostalih 4x4(toyota,mitsubishi,nissan,..)
Odlicno su se gume uklopile na njega pogotovo posto je crn.
Vuce li dobro taj 2.5 td te gume.
Sandator 24 thanks! 😁
Vuce iznenađujuce dobro. 😃
svaka cast, vrhunski izgleda. Ja bas trazim jodnog ovakvog.
Sretno sa kupnjom. Budi u toku stalno, jer kad se pojavi neki uredan, brzo se proda. I mene često znaju pitati jel bi ga prodao.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar da da primetio sam, jer već duže vrijeme pratim ali teško naci nešto sto je u dobrom stanju. Tvoj u svakom slučaju izgleda preljepo. I da odlične snimke imaš , samo nastavi
@@nihad_13_23 hvala. Sretno sa kupnjom! 🙋
Nice car!i bought an xj and I want to lifted 3 inch. I want to know if need it long brake hoses or I can run with the originals.😁
Hi and congratulations! 🙋🏻♂️
On the rear axle you need bigger brake lines. Maybe the factory ones would be ok, but there is a possibility to tear them on the flex.
Do it and you don't have to worry. 😉
Thank you for your opinion! 👍
You're welcome and good luck with the Jeep!
Bolestno si ga sredija 👍👍👍
Hvala! 😁
Super izgleda!gdje si narucijo lift?
Hvala! Iz Amerike preko frenda. Ne znam više koliko me došlo, jer sam naručio još neke stvari pa se ne sjećam cifre.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar imam i ja kolegu u ameriki pa me zanima samo kakva je cijena za shipping iz usa
@@medail11 stvarno se ne sjećam, ali mislim da se sa svim davanjima i podupla za te neke veće i teže stvari. Kad bi imao nekog povratnika ili slično ko je uzeo kontejner za Hrvatsku pa da mu utrpaš to sve, to bi bilo super. 😁
Did you have to get a transfer case drop kit or sye kit? Wanting to do this to my jeep super bad but just a little concerned about that and messing up the drive lines or getting vibration
I didn't do anything and I don't have vibration at all. My friend have also 3 inch lift kit and no vibrations. You should be OK with 3 inch lift. 😉
Izgleda top!💪
Vlasnik sam isto jednog,ide u projekt uskoro. Pa me zanima par informacija vezano za lift,da li ste nabavili negdje kod nas ili narucivali preko web-a?
Uzeo sam preko frenda koji se bavi između ostalog i uvoznom auto dijelova iz SAD-a. Imperialis Vitis mu se firma zove, auto-radiona i uvoz dijelova.
Hvala na informaciji,sretno sa čirom u daljnjim izazovima.😉
@@domagojprelcec8495 nema frke. Ako trebaš bilo što, samo pitaj.
Sretno s projektom.
Just bought one at 15 for my first vehicle
Congratulations! I wish you a lot of happy miles! 😊
I would like to transform my Jeep cherokee estate sport 2,5TD 1999. Will everything from your list fit onto my car too? If yes can you provide a link to a supplier into England please?? Thank you very much
No problem!
I bought this lift kit:
I also bought black steel wheels also from Rusty's. Backspace for the wheels is 4.75.
If you have more questions, just ask. 😉👍
And yes, everything fits on any XJ from 84-01.
hellobiafra thank you very much!
Really nice mate
Thank you very much! I appreciate it.
What r the rim size and tire size luv the look
Rims are 15x8, 4.75 BS, and 31x10.5x15 tires.
3 inch lift kit.
Your xj is beautiful. I am restoring the same. Could you give me the brand or a link to buy the same wheels. I love then with the same tires but I can’t find on internet with the same specs.
Sorry for my poor English, I’am French😉.
Thank you.
Hey, thanks!
I'm from Croatia so your English is great! 😉
This is the link for wheels
Tires are 31x10.5x15 Cooper Discoverer STT PRO
About the wheels, you have to pay attention to the backspace. You can choose between 4.75 and 3.75
Mine are 4.75, that's the one on the link.
3.75 will look like you have wheel spacers, they will stick out of the render flares.
One more thing. Center caps are sold separately. Best to send them an inquiry, they were very kind and they explained everything.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar thank you for your answers. Yes I’will send an inquiry for the center caps.
You're welcome. I wish you lots of fun time with Jeep! 🙋🏻♂️
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Hello, I have a last question about the center caps. Rusty doesn’t answer me. Have you take them center caps ? Thank you very very very much for your help. I will made a video about my Cherokee’s restoration.
Link of center caps :
super SUV and I have in Spin Tires and I also like to cut off road and I have a lot of videos with jeeps like this
Thanks man!! :-)
Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I found this comment in the spam.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar excellent SUVs of the old model Grand Cherokee and Cherokee than the new model which are full of electronics and beauty and quality and safety do not even smell
Does look great , most of these are rusted out here unfortunately
Thanks! It took me 11 months to find a good one and this one was not for sale. When I saw it, I found the guy and within two days we make a deal. 😁
Bruh. This is it. This is how I want my Cherokee to look. Can you link me which rusty lift kit you got? I see the specs of what you added but did that come all in one kit? Sorry, total Jeep rookie here.
Hey, no problem!
And these wheels:
How was the rust? Did you use rustys components for the shocks or the original? I'm about to start my build tomorrow night.
Now after almost 3 years everything is just like the first day. I bought full 3 inch lift kit with shocks and springs. And it is great on the road too.
That looks amazing...that is the perfect height. I don't like the xj jeep lifted any higher. What replacing tge back shocks did the bolts break?
Thanks! I'm not a fan of big lifts and big tires either. I wanted something like that too. 🙋🏻♂️
About lift kit, it was done at the shop so I don't know but as I know there was no problem about it.
That's a nice XJ. The music sounds like Hendrix. Is that who it is?
@@xmo552 thanks!!
It’s not Hendrix and if it was RUclips would probably remove the music from the video or video due to copyrights. This is music from RUclips library (free for use). Music name is in description of the video.
Looks legit.
Thanks man! 🙋🏻♂️
Really great Jeep
Witch motor alternativ is the best in Theese cars If i want to buy one
Thanks! 😀
In my Jeep is factory 2.5 turbo diesel engine but you can't go wrong with 4.0
Don't know if your still looking, but the straight 6 4.0L is the legendary bulletproof engine
Jako jako dobro izgleda, sad da vidimo samo dal i u vožnji dobro ide
Mačak 17 thanks!
U pripremi je video...sad sta je snimljeno ni sam jos ne znam jer sam bas gustao... 😁
Ali ide odlicno!! 😃
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar e to cemo vidjet u videu 😎
Mačak 17 hahaha bude, ne brini! 😁
How much lift and what size new tire?
Napalony Łysy hi!
3 inch lift and 31x10.5x15
Oye discupa cuanto la levantaste y que le tubiste que mejorar
Can you please ask in English? I didn't understand very well.
Looks Great!
I appreciate it.
Bi li gume 31,10.5/15 zapinjale u blatobrane na 2 inch lift kit?
Ili najmanje mora bit 3 inch dignut?
Zapinjale bi, pogotovo na terenu. Čak i na 3 inča malo zapinje. Ja sam morao one plastike od zadnjeg branika malo izvući prema iza. Možda AT guma ne toliko, ali agresivnije gume su obično malo više i šire.
Time for the ZJ Rear Disc Brake swap to help stop those bigger tires.
That wouldn’t be bad at all because I’ve noticed it stops slower.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Good Videoвидео.html on it
@@Jeffs40K thanks, I saw it. I'm subscribed to that channel. 😉
What size lift and size tires?
Rusty's 3 inch lift kit and 31x10.5x15 Cooper STT PRO tires.
Nice! What brand transfer case drop kit did you get? Also, do you get rubbing on your front tires?
I don't have transfer case drop kit. When I was buying parts, an error occurred and I didn't get the transfer case drop kit. There was never any vibration so I didn’t put it on later either.
There is some rubbing but on full flex, nothing major.
THIS is a walk around!
Thanks for watching. 🙋♂️
Is there anything you needed to do the lift that you didn't mention in the description?
Actually I didn't drop transfer case, there was no need for it. There was some rubbing but I didn't have to cut anything. Everything like is in the description is done except transfer drop kit.
kako je ugradjen bočni stit? možeš poslikat? Hvala
Super avto 👍👍
Hvala! 🙂
Poslikao sam...jel ti mogu na messenger poslati?
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar seveda lahko 👍 hvala
@@stricipuc jos mi samo reci, na cover photo ti je zeleni Cherokee? Da ne posaljem krivo. 😁
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar da 😁
Hey! Great transformation. Are you sure these wheels are at 4.75 backspacing? I'm trying to buy them for myself, but by the looks of me, it's 3.75. I'm lost in those numbers.....
Yes, these are 4.75 Rusty's black steel wheels.
3.75 would be out off the fenders.
How you liking the STT? I love mine. Rip through the mud
Hi! I like them a lot! Great in the mud and I had a chance to try them in the snow few days ago and I was pleasantly surprised.
I would recommend these tires.
Want center caps did you use I just put 31 inch tires on my xj with 17 inch wheels. Does it matter what size center caps as long as it's for my xj
I'm not sure, but you can contact Rusty's Off Road. I bought lift kit and rims with center caps from them and they were very kind.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar ok I will do that and also you don't know if it matters what size rim
@@dynastycrew824 unfortunately no but when I put rim without center cap, looks like it does not fit (looks like the center hole on the rim is bigger than it should be). With center cap fits perfect.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar one more question is your lug pattern a 4.5 inch
@@dynastycrew824 yes. I think all XJs are the same.
Fantazija 😊
Hvala Medo! 😉👍
What brand of headlights are you using??
I picked up a cheap Chinese version that I liked the look of. They turned out good. On this link below you can see how they light up compared to stock headlights.видео.html
Awesome 😎
Thanks! I appreciate it.
Great Music WHO is IT
First tune is Keep Dreaming by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena.
Second DC Love Go Go by Silent Partner.
You can find it on RUclips audio library. 😉
Did you have to regear for the 31s?
@@trentgaddy8229 no. With 31s, you can feel it a little but you're ok. I recently put the 33s on and was surprised at how well it goes. But I ordered the 4:56 because it will be much nicer to drive.
What kind of tires size and wheel size?
Any rubbing ?
Tire size is 31x10.5x15 and wheels are 15x8 and 4.75 backspace. All info is in the description of the video.
About rubbing, it touches the plastic of the rear bumper at full flex, but that plastic can be moved a little behind. This is not noticeable and solves the problem without cutting.
Tires do not block from the wheel arch when turning?
Just a little at a full flex.
Odlican!Zelim za sebe jednog 4x4 i cherokee mi je u uzem izboru samo je steta sta nema pouzdanog diesela kao kod nissana i mitsubishija.pozdrav sa Hvara😎
Hvala!! 🙂
Ja obozavam te kocke!
Sto se diesela tice, ako se volis ganjati, onda je 4.0 zakon. Ako ti je na autocesti putna brzina 120 ok, onda nema problema. Kad ga ganjas i dugo drzis na punom gasu, onda hoce temperatura rasti pa ako se ne kontroliras, hoce puknuti glava. Zbog toga su na losem glasu. Ako to nije problem, uzmi ga. Ja ga redovito derem po terenu (bas cu i veceras stavito novi video 😁) i vozim ga za svaki dan i nema nikakvih problema. Ima ga i moj tata vec godinama i isto tako nikakvih problema. 🙋♂️
V8AmericanMuscleCar 4.0 bi mi sigurno trosio 20l a mi ovde nemamo plin zato sam razmisljao o dizelu nekom a i vidio sam da se ugradjuju u njega mercedesovi dizeli 3.0 iz w123.
@@Toni-lx9yf vidio sam da svasta ugraduju, ali ako ti nije do velikih brzina, bit ces zadovoljan sa tvornickim 2.5 motorom. A sta se toga tice ne trebas imati ni diesel na benzinskoj. 😉видео.html
V8AmericanMuscleCar znam vec ulivam godinama loz ulje🤭ima mi prijatelj tog 2.5 pa mu je dva puta glava pukla.onda tek kad je ugradio dodatnu vodenu pumpu i povise motora ugradio ventilator bilo je sve ok
Nije mi do brzine naravno,cak ni svoje auto nevozim preko 90-100km/h
I don't know if you still reply to these or not but did you buy your tires online or go to a tire shop
Neither. 😁 My friend have a friend who sells tires so I got a good deal.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar I'm guessing the best thing to do would just get them at a store but I seem to only find them online
@@dynastycrew824 if I didn't have this option I would probably buy them online.
Izgleda bolesno😮😮
Meni izgleda zdravije nego ikad! 😁
Zapravo tako zdrav je trebao drito iz tvornice! 😁
What size are those wheels?
sgrant502 hi!
These are Rusty’s 15x8 wheels with 4.75 backspacing.
Pozdrav, jel mi mozes reci gdje mogu kupiti ovaj Lift Kit u Hrvatskoj? Hvala
Bas ovaj nigdje, ali Rough Country mozes u Zelini. MV Start, moze se dogovoriti ugradnja i sve sto treba oko toga. Ako bilo sta treba, samo pitaj. 😉
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Hvala. Jos jedno pitanje, da li je problem za registraciju poslje ugradnje lift kit-a od 3"?
@@petar2599ooiytf a gle...kako kod koga naletis. Kod nas je ludnica, nekom prolaze 33 gume, nekoga za broj vece salju na podesavanje brzinomjera itd. Nebi bilo lose da imas nekoga na tehnickom. Neki rade atest, neki to samo upisu i to je to. "rvacka" ne?! 😥
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Hvala ;-)
@@petar2599ooiytf ma nista! Ako sta treba, samo javi! 🙋🏻♂️
Looks way better with other rims trust
Thanks but I'm not sure on what wheels do you mean? 😁 Black steelies??
running the same setup but my KO2s run my front bumper
I had this problem too. I moved the front bumper forward a bit and it's ok now.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Ah I haven’t wheeled my jeep to serious but when i do i’m just gonna remove the bumper caps or trim them all the way down and remove the fenders
@@cablenowadays6586 if you have 31s moving the front bumper or bumper caps (I don't remember LOL) will permanently solve your problem.
Any rubbing when flexing??
There was little but I didn't have to cut anything. I moved the front bumper forward and the rear a little behind and that was enough.
what wheels exactly and where did you order from?
Here is the link:
Kako ti se pokazao jeep od kako je podignut? Da li ima neke razlike u voznji. Imas li nekih zamerki da bi drugacije uradio. Ja sam skoro uzeo isto takav model samo bih da ga podignem A to mi se cini idealno :)
Super! Od prvog dana do sad, nikakve razlike. Na cesti je kao i prije, možda malo manje snage zbog većih kotača. Osim samog lift kita, jedino su zadnji lajtunzi za kočnice malo produženi i to je to. Na terenu, dan - noć razlika.
Hvala puno na informacijama. Ako mogu neki podaci sa spiskom delova koje si ugradio .. ako imas neki link za lift kit, felne ,gume :)... hvala ti puno jos jednom
@@draganroknic4072 ma nema problema.
Lift kit:
Gume su Cooper Discoverer STT PRO 31x10.5x15
Thanks! 🙋🏻♂️
what was your stock tire size?
bigfri5 stock tire size is 235/75/15 but I bought this XJ with even smaller tires 235/70/15 (in this video before new tires).
Are left kit os 3 inch ? And tire?
Yes it's Rusty's 3 inch lift kit with Rusty's black steel wheels and 31x10.5x15 Cooper STT PRO tires.
What rock sliders are those and where can I get them?
Unfortunately I don't know. It was on the Jeep when I bought it.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar when you decide to get rid of it. Let me know. I’ll buy them off you. Or now if you want to sell them.
@@gersonruiz1714 I'll keep it for now. I like this Jeep.
Did it have any spacers or is it stock?
No but the rims have 4.75 BS.
Pozdrav, da li možeš podijeliti mišljenje o ovom liftu, te usporedba s rough country ili old man emu? Gdje si kupio ovaj lift? Te da li je dovoljno ići na lift od 2 incha ili bolje na 3? Gume bi uzeo 30 ili 31 (da li bi 31 stalo na lift od 2 incha bez rezanja).
Ja sam jako zadovoljan ovim liftom. Već je dvije godine gore, a na terenu je bar dva puta mjesečno i sve je kao i prvog dana.
Za Rough Country svašta pričaju (ne znam iz osobnog iskustva) ali sa OME ne možeš fulati.
Ja sam ga kupio preko, $495 ali do ovdje se to podupla nažalost.
Moja preporuka ti je 3 inča, jer ne gubiš vozne sposobnosti na cesti, a ne trebaš nikakve druge preinake. Ja sam produžio samo zadnje lajtunge da budem siguran.
Za 31 gume također trebaš 3 inča, čak i tu zna tu i tamo strugnuti malo, ali sve se to riješi bez rezanja i takvih zahvata.
I sa 3 inča i 31 je na terenu stvarno odličan.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar E to me brinulo da li se gube vozne osobine s 3 incha. Možeš reći što je sve uključeno u rustys kit i da li si spuštao mjenjač, tj da li je u kit uključen i taj dio? I možeš reći što si čuo za rough country, još sam nov u tome pa ne znam priče.
Što se Rough Country lifta tiče, ima ih koji kažu da je super, ima i onih koji kažu da ne valja, znam samo da je dosta tvrd.
Rusty's, ovisi koji kit uzmeš, imaš više verzija, ja sam uzeo full kit. Komplet lisnate, amortizeri, federi i te sitnice koje idu uz to. Mjenjač se ne spušta. Spušta se reduktor, ali za 3 inča nemaš brige.
U mojem zadnjem videu su 3 XJa sa 3 inča lift kitom i nema greške. I možeš vidjeti kako idu sa dobrim gumama. 😉
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Ok. Puno hvala 🙂
@@ivankruselj4121 nema frke! Sretno sa liftanjem! 😉
Koliko si platio lift kit ako nije tajna?
Ma nije. Nekih $450 - $500 lift kit, $200 su bile felge. Samo poštarina ubije pa se to još dosta popelo. Ali u Zelini čovjek ugrađuje Rough Country i to sigurno ispadne jeftinije. Može se s njim dogovoriti i drugi brend...
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Kako ide procedura sa atestom lift kitova iz Amerike, i tih guma i felgi ako si radio?
@@SMR450 bok!
Ma nisam ništa od toga radio. To kako di koga pitaš, kakve je volje itd. Neki i 33 atestiranju, neki ne mogu ni broj veću gumu. Ne znam šta bi ti pametno rekao. Složi i guštaj. 😁
Koliko troši vise nego pre toga svega ?
Bok! Nisam nikad nešto točno mjerio ni prije ni sad, ali nekih litru do dvije više. Ali gorivo za njega je besplatno! 😉 Ide na sve vrste otpadnih ulja, biljnih i motornih. Imam dva videa i o tome....
Hvala na odgovoru 😆
@@hiiiii442 nema frke! Ako te još šta zanima, samo pucaj! 😉
Kad se dimenzija guma preračuna, to je 265/75/15
Što se felge tiče, ta guma ide i na tvorničku, ali bi malo strugalo sa unutarnje strane naprijed pa bi trebali distanceri. Ova felge je malo više izvučena van, 15 visina i širina je 20.3 cm.
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar Ali kad stavis te vece gume onda ti ne pokazuje tacno brzinu koliko vozis nego manje jel sam upravu ? Pozdrav
Any rubbing?
A little but I adjusted it without cutting.
What offset do these wheels have. ?
4.75 BS
Thanks Daniele! 😃
Chingona tu xj
Thanks for the comment.
Unfortunately I don't understand. 😁
Exstra jeep cherokee imam istog takvog al 2 vrata sve super samo motor nevalja nista 2.5 tdi dosta spor u tog dzipa treba motor od bw 3.0d
Nije brz nikako 😅 ali ja sam zadovoljan.
Guta sva otpadna ulja kao gorivo, tako da me ne košta ništa. 😁
Taj sa dvoja vrata je rijedak i super izgleda!! 👍
Yes it is. LOL
You've been in Croatia?
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar mom is born and raised, from texas though
@@stephenbarry6535 I would like to visit States... 🙂
Nista takve snimke, hocemo blato, kamen, teren... 😋
Bude, bude, ne brini! 😁
why all the wheel weights? why dont they make it balanced from the factory lmaooo
I wish it was possible. 🙂
You really didn't need to show every angle over again just because you put a lift on it. Then every angle again because different tires. Look I cleaned the windshield, here's the back of the jeep with a clean windshield and here's underneath with a clean windshield...lmfao.
Thanks for taking a look . It is impossible to please everyone. 😁
@@V8AmericanMuscleCar just joking around with you
@@Mattmazz77 😁
What et does the rims have?