UPDATE: In December I had my repeat smear test as a test of cure to check the LLETZ procedure was successful. I recently received my results and my smear test was clear!! 🥹😭❤️ I feel very grateful to have this news as I know not all of you had a normal smear test following the LLETZ. I was told by my doctor at the time it might have to be repeated so I feel very lucky it worked and very grateful to our NHS and the amazing team who looked after me. It shows how important it is for us to go to these appointments and have the treatment we need even though it isn’t nice it at the time. To any of you who are going through the same thing I hope this gives you hope that you can get through it too! I wish you all the luck if this is you right now and my DMs are always open for support, a chat about it or any questions you want to ask ❤
I am so happy for you! I am currently going through this. I had my LLETZ done on Monday and I got my results back today with high grade abnormal cells which I assume is either CIN 2 or 3.. my dr told me not to worry and I will have my smear test in 6 months. I am hoping having done this procedure will result in a clear smear test. Any advice on what you did after your procedure up until you 6 month smear test? I still am nervous my smear test won’t be in the clear.
We need more of this honesty about these things and more information too, its scary and there is so much information at our fingertips, some good information some not so much. This video is super helpful and I hope your results are all clear, sending all the love and positive thoughts. Smears are a vital thing dont delay something that could save you're life, book the test. Loads of love to all and keep being amazing ❤
I got a letter today from the NHS that my cervical test showed I am positive for HPV and there are abnormal cells. I will need an appointment for a colposcopy.I am 62 and I've probably had HPV for a long time. I've faithfully had my pap smears and I wonder why it wasn't found before. Anyway, it's reassuring to watch these videos and to know that I'm not alone. ❤
Hey! I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this now. Isn’t it crazy how it can show up years later. My doctor told me it can be dormant for years and then appear suddenly, particularly if we are feeling run down etc. You’re definitely not alone! It’s a scary time but thank god for regular tests we can detect it and get treatment. Sending lots of love and healing! ❤️🩹
I have been working too hard and feeling tired. I got covid and then nasty flu. 3 times!. I normally don't get sick. That's something to think about. Thank you for your kindness. ❤
Thank you so much for sharing this. I just had my LEEP procedure done this morning. Feeling a lot of things. Your video really helped me. Thank you for having the courage to share it. We women need to talk more about this so it can become normalized.
cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be preventable, so glad you've been taking care of yourself.. this is soo important, thank you for sharing your experience ❤
Thank you for posting the video! I have my procedure (CIN3) in a week and watching all the experience videos is helping. No such thing as TMI when we are helping each other deal with this!
Exactly I agree and if it helps each other out then it is worth sharing our experiences. Good luck for your procedure! Are you having the loop/lletz? I hope it all goes well for you ❤️❤️❤️
Please Keep up posted on your 6 months. I have CIN 3, had my Leep 6 months ago, just had my 6 month check up and I was told there is still areas they want to Biopsy around the outter area of th removed section and still on my cevix. The Dr was honest that it wasnt what they wanted to see and may result in me needing another LEEP procedure. This is scary and devistating as you know how that experience is. I was hoping today was going to be a result of all good, and now I learn the journey is not over....
Oh no Sonya I’m so sorry you have to go through all of that again! 😔 did they tell you at the time of the first Leep it might have to be repeated? My doctor said they might not get all the bad cells and sometimes it has to be repeated but I think that’s rare. That is scary for you but the good thing is they are on top of it and acting on it. They’re not leaving the bad cells there. It’s awful to go through it again but it will be worth it when you get that normal smear! I had my check up a week ago so will update when I have the results 🤞🏼
She didn’t tell me anything about repeated , and I don’t know anyone personally that did need to. Praying 🤲 this goes the way it needs to do clear everything up. It’s so scary … my mom passed away with ovarian cancer so this hits me home , lots of anxiety.
I also have cin 2 and cin 3 I had the biopsy already and that was very painful they took 4 and one big one out of the center of my cervix they want me to do the leep procedure and also have endometriosis which can also cause cancer and is not curable, they also don’t talk about the fact it don’t only cause cervical cancer it also cause 6 other cancers as well im not feeling very about the care I’m receiving I feel like a lot of my other symptoms like short of breath and dizziness and coughing up blood memory lose sharp side pain and sharp chest pain and other things with my bowls and behind like lumps and such just a lot going on
That sounds so scary and frustrating to have all those symptoms and not feel safe/properly cared for by your medical team! I just had my second Leep procedure 2 days ago. The dr was hopeful she got everything this round…. So I wait 2 weeks for results and another 6 months for my check up Fingers crossed. I am taking many supplements and mushroom supplements and really using positive mindset for healing ❤️🩹
I'm so grateful you decided to make this video. This is the info I had been searching for. Big hugs and thanks so much for making me feel like I'm not alone and can get through this. I'm booked for Colposcopy on 9th of January. I had a ultrasound and a 6mm polyp was found. So getting biopsies and waiting for results. I swear the waiting and unknown and the over thinking "what iff ?" Is debilitating. But now I feel brave. I can get through. Thank you. Xx
I currently have BOTH of the two highest risk strains of hpv. Going into my colposcopy on January 10th. Taking my mom with me and I’m so so soo nervous. Wearing a dress is a really good idea. ♥️
Having your mum with you will be a great support! It is nerve wrecking but it will be worth it and it will be over before you know it. Remember the doctors/nurses can go at your pace, tell them you’re nervous and if you need them to stop at any time they can. All the best for the 10th! Will be thinking of you 💖
Girl! Videos like this are so important. We need to talk about that, we go through a lot to feel ashamed talking about hpv. I just found out through pep test I have high risk hpv with 14 types (16, 18 and so many others that I can’t even remember and I’m so frustrated. I had my colposcopy and didn’t hurt at all. A little bit uncomfortable but nothing bad. Although I had a cryotherapy, it didn’t work, so now I gotta have a leep procedure and I’m trying not to freak out cause it’d be GA and I hate needles and also very a very anxious person. I hope everything goes well.
I got my colposcopy results yesterday, and I have cin3. I've had my tubes tied but both of my ovaries had to be taken out when I was 25 and 26 because of cysts wrapping around my ovaries I have HPV and all they want to do is the Leep procedure. But I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow to talk about the procedure and I'm going to tell them that there is no point for me to keep anything in there I might as well get a total hysterectomy. I'm scared of these results coming back
I just had a Leep procedure done today for CINll and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! The biopsy was worse than this surgery so if it is recommended ladies just go get it done it is worth it.
You’re so brave to talk about this, there is such a stigma around it! People really do need to book their smear tests and check their bodies more regularly 💕💕💕
i was late for my PAP for awhile since covid and just life being busy. in march, i scheduled a pap smear and got a result of possible cervical issues. i didn't think much of it. they did a colposcopy and when i got the phone call of having CiN1 with the possibility of moving to CiN2. i cried, it was caught early but with my anxiety, i tend to overthink alot. the LEEP procedure has been scheduled and i'm just trying my best to be positive. PLEASE never miss your appointments and always get a check-up.
I also had a LLETZ done 5 years ago. I had 2 follow up smears done once a year after I had the procedure done and I’m clear now so I have returned back to 5 years on my smear tests.
When I had the biopsy done it was the most painful experience I screamed and cried I had a male dr who just kept telling me to calm down it shouldn’t hurt witch made it worse I had to have 3 biopsies done two on outer part of cervix and one in side deep I had cin 3 after two weeks I had the surgery and I am thankful I was put to sleep it’s been a year and the odd thing is that my paps never hurt before but since having all that done it’s painful. Thank you for sharing I wish more people would I never heard of hpv 16 cin 3 that I had till I went in to have my birth control removed so they did a pap then.
Omg that’s awful I’m so sorry that happened to you! Thank you for sharing your story here too. It’s a shame that doctor didn’t listen to you and stop the procedure and make you more comfortable. It’s hard to feel like we can say to medical professionals to stop if something hurts but it should be something we feel okay to do and that we are listened to when we say it. I’m glad they did the surgery under a general anaesthetic though. I’ve always found smear tests painful so sympathise there. I wonder if it’s more sensitive after having the operation and that’s why it hurts now?
I have to go get my colposcopy soon. I had one 24 years ago with a biopsy and cryo freezing of the abnormal cells. I had 4 student Dr's and two nurses plus the Dr. It was not fun and the Dr rested his arm on my naked knee like he was so relaxed. I was not. Thank you for sharing your story. It's so important. I'm trying to get my 22 year old daughter in law to get her pap but she is nervous and doesn't have insurance. But again, thank you!
Thanks for sharing the story of your journey. It is so encouraging to hear from people who are walking through similar situations. I believe we are meant to be open with each other so we can learn from each other. Thank you!!!
I had my LLETZ two weeks ago and the bleeding is so annoying and I can't believe I have 2 more weeks or so of these. The general anesthesia was okay for me, it was the first time and it was just like I had taken a deep nap. My experience was good, the only challenge was that they found me with low iron levels and needed an iron fusion. I did it and waiting for the effect to kick in as I feel tired easily. Thank you for this video, it is helpful knowing my experience is common
Hi!!! My abnormal pap (1st one ever) came back as highly abnormal and they wrote on the report *cannot rule out sarcoma*. It was terrifying!!! I had three colpos after that and they couldnt find anything nearly that scary - most of what they saw were low grade abnormalities. I had a cold knife cone biopsy under general anesthesia and turns out it was CINII (with clear margins). Just had my six month follow up and it came back as ACUS (lowest level of abnormal) and my HPV has cleared! They told me this was a “normal” pap and it seems like the surgery worked :) i go back in nov for another pap. you arent alone.
Hey Emily, thank you so much for sharing your story. It can be so scary the language they use can’t it! I’m so glad yours turned out okay and amazing that the hpv has now cleared! I have everything crossed for you having a completely normal Pap test in Nov ❤️
Well done you for being brave enough to talk about a very stressful time in your life👏🏻 I'm a male Forest fan that only clicked on your channel to watch your 'Last game of the season' video (Palace v Forest) and found this after flicking through your other vlogs. My point is, I'm in my late 40's and have never heard of the HPV virus..so you have educated me. All the very best of health and happiness for the future. 👍🏻
I’m so sorry I haven’t replied sooner, I’ve only just seen this somehow but thank you so much for taking the time to watch it and to learn about it. It’s very appreciated by more than just me I’m sure. Glad to see some forest fans around! 👏🏼😃
Thank you so much for this video, Im not one to get worked about this sort of thing, as it only makes it worse. Im glad you turned out cancer free. Bless you
Hi! I went to my appointment and the colposcopy showed my cervix is atrophied. I have 3 things against me. I'm post menopausal, I had a cesarean instead of a natural birth and then I had a uterine ablation. Those 3 things prevented them getting a sample. I have been placed on hrt for a year and then they will start over. I'm a little bit concerned about having hrt and having to wait. I will be on pins and needles until I can get through this. Hopefully my body can get rid of the hpv while this is going on. Good luck with your colposcopy and let me know how it goes. ❤
Thanks so much for sharing. I'm having a lletz procedure next week and also feeling very anxious. You have really pointed out some very valuable tips. I'm from SA Cape Town have an amazing specialist but really scared. Thanks for sharing your journey and so sorry that communication failed you. Lots of love Michelle
Ur story is exactly like mine...ur very correct about healing themselves...no way...glad u made that choice...u explained this in a very articulated way...and should be very proud 😊
Your video just popped up on my feed and when I saw cervical dysplasia, I had to watch, although you really did not mention the cervical dysplasia. When I was pregnant with my first child I had my routine pap smear. I was 26 years old and it was actually my first pap smear. I was about 3 months pregnant and my smear came back positive for cervical dysplasia. They told me nothing could be done until I gave birth. 6 weeks after my son was born, they did something called cryosurgery and a biopsy at the same time. No pain or bleeding afterwards at all. Then they monitored me closely. This was 30 years ago and I have never had an abnormal smear since then. I don't know it this is a thing where you live, but here in the US, teenagers are all vaccinated against HPV. My daughter is a teenager and she had her a couple of years ago. It is a series of 3 shots, given a few months apart. I am glad they have that vaccination here now. It puts my mind at ease, as far as my daughter is concerned. I am glad they caught yours and treated you in a timely manner. Good luck with future smears.
Ma'am with all due respect you can still get hpv even if you're fully vaccinated. I'm fully vaccinated and currently have HPV 16/18/33 and CIN3. Please encourage your daughter to still have their yearly paps. I also didn't know until I was pregnant with my 3 Rd child and could do anything until after she was born. I will never not encourage my daughter to not be checked regularly. However passing out from a colpo is extreme the biopsy wasn't even too bad for me.
@@amberoberempt1440 in the US the HPV vaccine is 97% effective against 90% of strains of the disease. Those numbers are very good, but nothing is ever 100%, not even the birth control pill is 100% effective, but rarely do you become pregnant if it's taken religiously. Regardless of the effectiveness of the vaccine I would never tell my daughter to skip her routine pap smear or pelvic exam. There are many other things you can get besides HPV that can also kill you. So in no way is the vaccine a reason not to get a yearly pap smear. You must have misinterpreted what I said. All woman's health is extremely important, pap smear, breast exams, mammograms etc.
I have had CIN2 for about a year now. Fell pregnant and didn’t have biopsy during that time. Had one yesterday and it was excruciating. They want to keep an eye on it for 24 months (every 6 months) before offering treatment.. I’m so worried that it could rapidly progress to something sinister..
Thanks for sharing your story!! I’ve had 3 positive Pap smear results have an appointment booked in for a colonoscopy screening tomorrow. Not much is said regarding all the follow up appointments and the fear that comes with it. Thank you for being honest.
I just watched your video and went through all of the comments as i am due to have my 2nd colposcopy at the beginning of february (smear test came back again with high risk HPV and borderline cell changes). I know a lot of women went through this and had the surgery done as well, but i can't relax when i think about it. I got my letter from the hospital this morning and cried about 6 times today, i am so scared of the colposcopy/biopsy and especially if i will have to have the surgery... it's so unfair we have to go through this. Do you know if you can straight up ask for the general anesthesia? If i get to that point, i would definitely go for this as i am so so anxious just thinking about the whole thing now... Anyways, thank you for this super informative video and i really hope you had good news back from your checkup in december! 💜
So grateful for your candidness. I'm having the same under GA day after tomorrow . Scared. I was anticipating being back to work the day after but perhaps not
@@cw7911 I hope it went well! Remember every one’s recovery time is different so don’t take what I say as gospel. I hope you had a quicker recovery time but take all the time you need
Watching this has brought me comfort honestly, I’m waiting to see a gynaecologist for my smear test but I am overdue and thinking of just head in to my GP
I just had mine done for CIN3, I was awake. It took 10 minutes in total. I was scared before but then me and the nurse got to talking about Bridgerton and then I heard the surgeon say “Alright, done” and that was it. I did feel a slight pinch during the local anesthesia injection but it wasn’t bad at all. It didn’t feel like a poke. I haven’t had any bleeding at all except light bleeding the first 3 days. Other than that, it’s just this water discharge that I can feel coming out of me. I got to leave the hospital 15 minutes after I was done. I was shaking like a leaf after because of the adrenaline in the local anesthetic but my heart wasn’t racing like a lot of people said it would. But they kept an eye on me while I sat back in the waiting room with my coffee and food and then told me I was good to go after. The only reason I didn’t want GA was because I’ve just had a knee arthroscopy and I am really fed up with being in the hospital for all these appointments and examinations. They said I’d have to stay in longer if I took the GA. Being awake during it sounds terrifying but I promise, it’s SO quick and you don’t feel a single thing except the pressure of the speculum.
My period came down after my leep procedure i have cin1 ,then it went away then i put the medicine the doctor told me to use in my vergina, i went to work after work i started to bleed it got heavy blood clot came out, i went to the doctor right away and he stop the bleeding, its been one and half week yellow and black stuff came out , know its bleeding a little , i hope it doesn't get heavy i got to keep on eye on it ,i can't believe the hell woman have to go true, and the truth is after i have my son 2001 he came out so small , after that i stop have sex for twenty years so when the doctor told me i have hpv ask what are you talking about i haven't been with anyone for years.
Oh gosh it's awful isn't it! This is the terrible thing it can be dormant for years and we don't even know about it and then suddenly it appears. That's why regular smear tests are so important as you just never know. That's so stressful for you I'm sorry you've gone through that. We do go through hell as women!
You are amazing. This is not talked about enough, & too many people judge. I had a colposcopy last year as my smear came back adnormal with HPV, but was informed all ok just to have a smear in 12 months, I had this 4 weeks ago and now been informed I have CIN3 and HPV Positive, been informed I am been discussed in an MDT meeting and awaiting a treatment plan, your video has really helped me, as I am such a nervous person, so dreading the whole thing process of what will happen, but thank you ❤ means alot.. keeping my fingers crossed and hope your follow appointment goes well.
I’m so glad this could help a little. If there are any questions you have feel free to ask. Don’t forget if you’re nervous just ask what all of the options are so you can choose the one that best suits you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you too ❤️
@@jayellen Hi. Been informed today I have got to have a biopsy taken next week followed by a LEEP I am dreading it, so not good with things like this, they are saying it will be done under local, but I just don't know if I will cope well with it. Nervous wreck now.
@@tealbutterfly8516 oh gosh! I feel for you! The thought of it is so scary. You can always ask for the general anaesthetic if you can’t handle it and you can always ask the doctor to stop even during the procedure if it gets too much. It has to be done but should be done in a way to keep you comfortable ❤️ I will be thinking of you!
Hello Just found your channel. I am so sorry you had to go through this experience. Surgery is awful. I have been under 5 GA 's. You're correct it is weird. I have always thought I would fight it. Then, within seconds, you're out, lol.... there is nothing. No knowledge, no dreaming, no awareness. Then, like you say, you're coming round. I never recover well. I was so cold waking up. They put the tinfoil type blanket over me. My BP dropped so badly. I was sweating, felt dizzy, threw up.And then passed out when the surgeon did rounds later that day. They elevated my bed after I stopped being sick. But it's the best sleep you get, lol..... I had to stay overnight. I am Aquarius and also love my baths and water. Defo something in that. Thank you for sharing your experience. You are brave and kind. ❤
Its really good that your talking about this. I recently had my smear it is painful and uncomfortable. But only for a few seconds and it could save your life
@@jayellen.. I had abnormal smear test by GP ( high risk HPV AND mild dysplasia) and referred to colposcopy. I went for it and been told that no need biopsy and mild dysplasia CIN 1 and those will go away in year time and they will call me for another smear test in 12 months time. I know I have mild dysplasia but not is woods yet. They don’t treat CIN1 and wait for to get better or get worse. I don’t know how I going to wait for another one year with stress and worry. But your video is so helpful and give positivity. God bless you a lot.
Thank you for shating this. You are very brave because i've had to have a LEEP done twice. I'vechad many colposcopies done but after bring able yo stick with a doctor for more than 2 years she though it was proper to do a LEEP. The 1st time i was awake and they didn't even give me an option of "well if you don't do well...", the 2nd done was by a ONCOL/GYN (a cancer doctor for our lady bits). I was so relieved when the 2nd doctor said she only did procecures like LEEPs in the theater. Now along with the CIN II & III there was dysplasia and I have HPV... Since my procedures i've moved and new GYN, had a new pap smear done, granted i was stupid and waited 5 years, but i have been practicing abstinence, I thought i would be good... but NOPE. My last smear last year came back abnormal. The doctor wanted to wait a year to take a repeat smear and then if it's still abnormal we'll take it from there. I'm praying so hard that it just went away. Over the 10+ year journey I've had with HPV, dysplasia and CIN II & III NEVER did any of my doctors EVER tell me to change my diet or use herbs and vitamins (like you had heard of ) to help myself out. Did you go for your follow up pap smear? I hope they got it all and all your worries are over.
It’s crazy to think it can still come back even when taking these precautions. It just shows how important regular smear tests are even after a LEEP. Luckily my recent smear (the follow up one) came back as clear but I will have them yearly from now on
@@jayellen oh thank goodness. I'm so happy for you that it came back clear. I hope all your future smears stay clear and you can close the cervical cancer chapter that you went through I the rear view.
Ive had hpv for 5 years and had my leep done under GA last year. Ive just had another colposcopy and my cin 3 that was cut away is starting to grow back but its only cin1 I use papilocare and taKe AHCC musgrooms and vitamins especially A, C, D and E
Thank you for sharing your story and educating viewers. Glad you are doing well. Have to say it really is scary to go from nothing to Cin 3 in one year. No point in dwelling on the past I suppose, but how likely is it that the first doctor missed abnormal cells during the colposcopy?
Thank you so so much for posting. I’ve not got many gal pals, so it’s been really hard to find others going through the same thing. (Even though I’m aware, there are many going through the same thing!) Just got my appointment letter through today to have LLETZ procedure, so fingers crossed all goes smoothly. Hope you’re feeling better now! 💕💕
You’re welcome! If there is anything you want to ask etc feel free to message, I hope it all goes well for you! Is it this month? Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏼💕
It’s on Feb 14th.. of all days! 🤦🏻♀️ I’m actually booked off that week which is lucky, but my boss has been super supportive anyway and had already said to take whatever time I needed. I still can’t get over how your work wouldn’t let you have the time off.. It almost makes me angry there isn’t a policy in place for it. It’s something, as women, we all get a letter to go do (screenings) so would it not make sense for there to be a rule of sorts in place if said appointments needed more attention? Urrgh. Frustrating..sorry rant over.. I just felt for you.. Have you had your results for test of cure yet? X
@@jayellenMy girlfriend will have a LEEP procedure in 2 weeks after being diagnosed with CIN3. How did it all go over time for you? Did the virus disappear from your body after LEEP? Can you still infect others? We are really scared about this
@@neatbyname oh god of all the days to have that on!! Well it is a form of self love taking care of yourself 🙈 I had my results back now and it came back all clear 🥹 the LLETZ worked so I am keeping everything crossed for the same for you ❤️
35 and had the first smear recently and they called me back for abdnormal cells CIN 3.... I cried my eyes, soon I'll have the colposcopy and I'm terified of the result....
I totally agree I went from perfectly healthy to stage 3. They did the Leep procedure. What is the name of surgery you received? My doctor said I would have to wait 3 mths to have any procedure she wanted to do a hysterectomy. I currently healing myself with diet, supplements, and life style change.
A hysterectomy!? Omg but that sounds so extreme! I really hope you don't have to have that. Have they given you any other options? I had a LETZ and cone biopsy done under GA. Obviously I'm not a gynaecologist so can't recommend but might be worth asking your doctor if this could be an option. Keeping everything crossed for your recovery
I can’t say this enough. Women are so strong. I had my leep procedure today. It was with a local and it was traumatic for me. The smell, the sounds, the burning sensation. However, I did make it through. I am having some deep cramping and pain in my left hip, I’m assuming the doctor probably went a little deeper since my spots were on my left. Considering, what the outcome could be without the procedure, I’m glad I did it. Now just waiting on pathology results. I was alone for this procedure. Thank you for making me feel less alone
You are so incredibly brave ❤️❤️❤️ and like you said, as awful as the treatment is, it is better than what would happen if it wasn’t done. Well done on getting through it, alone too, you are so strong!
Asking for any advice and guidance. My colposcopy results came back last week CIN3 and recommendation is for Cone (cold knife) procedure to remove a decent portion of my cervix. Once it’s sent to pathology they are hoping all the abnormal cells are in the middle of what was removed and nothing on the edges to indicate it’s spreading. Would go back in 6 months for a re-check. Right now, I’m scheduled for early January 2025 for the cone. I’m rethinking this and should I just get a hysterectomy? I’m 46, no more kids. Am going to talk with Dr further but was hoping for some advice on this post if possible. I’m anxious enough about the cone and feel what if they don’t get it all? Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I’m in the US. Thank you 🙏 for reading this 💕 and taking any time to reply back.
I applaud your bravery for telling your story. I do hope it will help someone to go get their pap smear test. I went through almost the exact same thing just weeks before my wedding (almost 33 years ago). I was terrified!! 'i thought i had cancer, I didn't know if I would be able to have children, and I was all alone. My finance lived 10 hours away so I was really all alone. I went for my colposcopy and they said they wanted to take a few biopsies. I asked for anesthetic and the dr said it would be more painful to get a shot there than the biopsy. They did 5 biopsies, I was crying and in so much pain and I was telling them I needed to take a break. He said he was busy and needed to get more samples. I ended up just sitting up and closing my legs because I coundn't take any more pain. I ended up having 8 biopsies with no anesthetic. I too bled so much it was horrible!! The good news is I have been fine ever since, still married to my wonderful husband who ended up going to medical school and is a doctor, and I had 2 healthy babies. If someone is afraid to go have a test go and talk to your doctor and tell them your fear so they can help you through it. Testing saves lives!! Thank you again for your bravery, I pray you have no more problems and good health from here on.
Wow that’s so awful you had to go through that and even when you asked them to stop they carried on. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Even after all these years the experience has clearly stayed with you. I bet your husband is a wonderful doctor. I’m so happy to hear you got married and had 2 lovely babies (that is a fear of mine now)! It’s good to hear the positives from people on the other side. Thank you so much for sharing your story ❤️
I just received my results today I guess I have HPV also CIN2 I’m so beyond scared of what comes next after this because I am a type 1 diabetic and my immune system is compromised 😢
@@jayellen yes i was offered to wait 3 to 6 months to just keep an eye on it for now or i can get leep procedure not sure if i should i wait or just get it done …. Very scared.
It’s really scary bc even though the docs may tell us that you’re body will fight it off there’s always possibility for your body not to and that’s what I’m very concerned about
Hi. Know how you felt for surgery. Right before uterus removal, started heavy bleeding. Was mortified. Turned out I had advanced endometriosis as well as large fibroids. Sometimes our bodies betray us but we must be understanding of our needs and seek the needed medical help. Hard to do, though
I had high risk hpv & high grade dyskaryosis had lletzs done took 5-10 minutes had no pain, didnt wear a gown or anything ,bit of bleeding for a few weeks after 6 months later had my smear all clear 👌 I didnt have biopsy done i just had LLETZ straight away. Im so surprised they didnt give it to you straight away.
Wow that’s amazing that they did it all in one go and you didn’t feel any pain. It’s always reassuring to hear these positive stories, thank you so much for sharing this ❤️ I think because I didn’t tolerate the colposcopy well and was v anxious they didn’t want to do it in the room and so offered me the GA. I was v glad as I would have passed out if they had done any more than the biopsy at my colposcopy 😅 so glad to hear your smear test is now clear that’s such fab news ❤️
I hope it all goes well for you 💕@@Hannah_Jasmine if there is anything extra you want to ask feel free to dm me on my instagram or something. Good luck tho! It will feel better knowing all the bad cells are gone, it's worth it ❤
I went from normal paps to CIN3 in 2 years in 2012. I’ve had multiple abnormalities since then, and am about to have my 3rd colpo at the end of the month. It feels defeating and I’m considering a partial hysterectomy.
I will probs post about it in a new video but have been having lots of bleeding in last few months. I’m seeing the drs soon so hopefully will find out why and can update. Have you been to see your doctor? It would probs be a good idea to see them
@@jayellen I go to the gynecologist twice a year. In these 6 years I have had various Pap tests,colposcopies and even two biopsies recently(because of a pap AGC-nos result in October)Everything seems fine now.My last pap was a month ago.Negative.And also the hpv test.The doctors says there is nothing wrong. That’s why I wanted to know if it happened to you too or to other girls who have suffered a LEEP(conization). Thanks for responding ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us❤ I've got hpv lsil..I hope i can reverse it.Tryng now to eat all healthy,take vitamins and use special vaginal gel😊I'm on my 2nd hpv vaccine to prevent other strains in the future.(currently hpv33).This hpv is so stressful, there is no day not thinking about it.
I am so confused My results have come back and says CIN3 - Cancer cells found. I have tried to get hold of the hospital, but no joy. Everywhere you read online it says CIN3 isn't cancer, so why have they put cancers cells were found in my biopsy??? And a CIN3? I have never been so confused, and can't get hold of anyone to ask questions Does anyone know at all?
I had the cervical cone today. Once the cells grow outside the margin it’s cancer and could spread further that’s what my doctor said. I have Cin 3 also waiting to see if mine grew outside the margins. Cin I believe just means stage 0 which is still enough time for prevention.
I've only just seen this comment but that's so scary for you! I hope the doctors got in touch and managed to clear it up. My doctor explained CIN3 to me as pre cancerous, so they're not cancer cells but could turn into it within 5 years if left untreated. Hopefully they were able to explain your results and reassure you
@@jayellen I have sent two Amson three high-grade squamous epithelial lesion I have had my biopsy which they were not clear if it came back pre-cancerous or cancerous. She wants me to have the leap procedure because my doctor told me that it could turn into cancer at any time, and that they could not tell when it would, but also when I do the procedure, she will also send that to see if it is cancer
Ive had abnormal smear high risk hpv but low grade dyskariosis. Colposcopy is booked for end of the month but ive had a referral made to gynae oncology and on a waiting list.. anyone else had that? Ive not been told ive been referred so im a little confused but worried at the same time.
Hey, it said the same thing in my letter. I asked about it and they said it's so I got seen quicker as I was cin3 rather than cin1/2. Did they give you a cin grade?
Thank you for sharing this good and informativ video. As long as there is something to learn, there is nothing called TMI. One thing to mention, it is possible to get vaccinated against HPV. RUclips truly is facenating, I was going to watch someone spending their summer in Norway. And now, 1,5 hours later, I have learned that celleprøve is called smear test in English.
There is a vaccine, I had it when I was in school aged 15. Apparently though it isn’t effective after 10 years but they don’t offer a booster or anything 🤷🏼♀️ Thank you for taking the time to watch my videos 🥰
I’ve had my lletz procedure this morning after receiving my letter from hospital on Friday that I had CIN3 too,I’ve always had normal smears and was due my 3yearly smear in nov 23 but had been back and forth to drs as I was having bleeding after sex and spotting inbetween periods. Bleeding after the lletz this morning is very minimal at the moment,is this how yours was in the beginning?x
Bless you..... 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Hope everything will be ok. It should be an private option for us to be able to do it more often. Yearly... This is my conclusion. Lots of love!!!! ❤❤❤ Well done you have been brave to share and help other people.
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I need the same thing done, but i'm scared about thw sexual dysfunction it causes. Did it cause that for you? Like reducing/stopping ability to orgasm, sex drive, self lubrication, sensitivity/feeling, cervical orgasm and pain during sex etc?
Are they telling people with abnormal smears and HPV to go away and come back in a year because they expect it will clear on its own? Seems like that's a pretty big gamble.
Some HPV strands came orally, even babies get mouth HPV sores from putting things in their mouths. The HPV that comes from oral sex, go away on their own. But HPV that comes from sexual intercourse secretions might be cancerous. But the reason that the medical system doesn't differ from the 2 kinds of HPV is because if women know that, they will never go in claiming in their heads it must've come from oral sex when she damn well knows she must've had unprotected sex with a man. They'll stop going to the doctor if they see any symptoms thinking it will go away eventually. But that's not true, because most women don't just have oral sex. They go all the way unto unproducted sex.
I was told by my dr, HPV can be contracted even with having the vaccine as well as skin to skin contact, even with a condom. So yes, many people have it.
My smear test absolute night mare it time wasnt bad two days later bad period ever my body shocking letter was clear body hasnt been right ever since made hormones extremely worse too many periods all at once too close together on proper medication migraines genetics exhausting as anything
@@jayellen Thanks so much getting back too me really appreciate it unfortunately iv always suffered worse female issues due too nasty constant hormones my drs tryed everything bloods scans never picked up anything serious now taken strong homeopathic remedies try help me this cruel genetics makes me so shattered shocking body carry on this way me just cope best I can more hormonal medications thankyou reply sorry everything u been through hope drs helping u really thinking of u feel better soon take care
Aquarian? If you’re referring to your sun sign Aquarius ♒️ you, my dear, are an air …sign. But cheerios to long baths! Hope all is well, thanks for the information 🙏🏽
That is so funny I was talking about this with my sister the other day and we realised Aquarius is actually an air sign! 😂🙈 I had no idea! Maybe I should have been a different sign 😂 yes to the baths tho 👏🏼
my beautiful gf had colop, and leep and a cathater,, how many men had a good look at my beautiful gf ? hers wasn't sucsessful she has to go for both again , all those men looking at her makes me sick.
Your manager lacks empathy. Like how can she not swap your shift or try to cover it. Should you have fallen and died, she would have gotten someone to cover it. That’s Cole bruh
❤ Thank you for sharing the awareness, you have helped alot of women. Wishing you a healthy recovery and good health. I would recommend AHCC supplement, something to consider based of many research out there. You are not alone..
Has anyone had a natural birth after lletz procedure? I worry about my cervix not dialating naturally because of scarred tissue Wishing you all good health 🫶🏻
@@harabranding I’m a midwife and have seen lots of women have vaginal births after lletz 🙂 at the booking appointment/first appointment your medical history is taken and you will be referred to a consultant due to the history of the lletz. They will scan your cervix and check the length, they may also ask you how much you had taken off at the lletz. If your cervix is short or you had a certain amount taken off then they might keep a closer eye on your pregnancy, regularly scan your cervical length or sometimes put a suture in to try and prevent the cervix from shortening. But you can definitely still have a vaginal birth 🙂 hope this helps
@@harabranding sorry and to answer the other part.. The cervix can dilate even with scar tissue. We assess dilatation regularly during labour (with your consent) and if there are any delays or issues we discuss with the doctors etc and make a plan, this maybe using hormone drugs etc to help dilatation but it is still possible
I was hoping i could ask you another question 💕 Im only 4 weeks pregnant now, 5 years after i had my lletz procedure which was just after i gave birth to my first child and i know i have scarring on my cervix which i always thought was why its been difficult to fall pregnant. After intercourse yesterday there was some blood and the next day abit of brown/black/grey discharge which now has subsided. Is this normal? Maybe too early to get checked out? You are appreciated 🫶🏻
In December I had my repeat smear test as a test of cure to check the LLETZ procedure was successful.
I recently received my results and my smear test was clear!! 🥹😭❤️
I feel very grateful to have this news as I know not all of you had a normal smear test following the LLETZ. I was told by my doctor at the time it might have to be repeated so I feel very lucky it worked and very grateful to our NHS and the amazing team who looked after me.
It shows how important it is for us to go to these appointments and have the treatment we need even though it isn’t nice it at the time.
To any of you who are going through the same thing I hope this gives you hope that you can get through it too! I wish you all the luck if this is you right now and my DMs are always open for support, a chat about it or any questions you want to ask ❤
Got the call that I have cin2/3 and I'm so scared. Cried my eyes out all day
It's awful news to get but try not to be afraid as it can be treated! You are not alone ❤ sending lots of love @@NotyourCoco
I am so happy for you! I am currently going through this. I had my LLETZ done on Monday and I got my results back today with high grade abnormal cells which I assume is either CIN 2 or 3.. my dr told me not to worry and I will have my smear test in 6 months. I am hoping having done this procedure will result in a clear smear test. Any advice on what you did after your procedure up until you 6 month smear test? I still am nervous my smear test won’t be in the clear.
Thanks for sharing
Does the cervix go back to its original shape or does it become shorter? Does it affect your sex life and pregnancy?
We need more of this honesty about these things and more information too, its scary and there is so much information at our fingertips, some good information some not so much. This video is super helpful and I hope your results are all clear, sending all the love and positive thoughts. Smears are a vital thing dont delay something that could save you're life, book the test.
Loads of love to all and keep being amazing ❤
I got a letter today from the NHS that my cervical test showed I am positive for HPV and there are abnormal cells. I will need an appointment for a colposcopy.I am 62 and I've probably had HPV for a long time. I've faithfully had my pap smears and I wonder why it wasn't found before. Anyway, it's reassuring to watch these videos and to know that I'm not alone. ❤
Hey! I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this now. Isn’t it crazy how it can show up years later. My doctor told me it can be dormant for years and then appear suddenly, particularly if we are feeling run down etc. You’re definitely not alone! It’s a scary time but thank god for regular tests we can detect it and get treatment. Sending lots of love and healing! ❤️🩹
I have been working too hard and feeling tired. I got covid and then nasty flu. 3 times!. I normally don't get sick. That's something to think about. Thank you for your kindness. ❤
Turkey tail mushrooms and adhcc
@@dawnskeete1102hiya! Please, what is adhcc? ❤
@@dianacarter_artahcc is a mushroom extract. Try it! Can help clear hpv
Thank you so much for sharing this. I just had my LEEP procedure done this morning. Feeling a lot of things. Your video really helped me. Thank you for having the courage to share it. We women need to talk more about this so it can become normalized.
Well done for getting it done! You’re so brave ❤️ wishing you a speedy recovery
cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be preventable, so glad you've been taking care of yourself.. this is soo important, thank you for sharing your experience ❤
Thank you for posting the video! I have my procedure (CIN3) in a week and watching all the experience videos is helping. No such thing as TMI when we are helping each other deal with this!
Exactly I agree and if it helps each other out then it is worth sharing our experiences. Good luck for your procedure! Are you having the loop/lletz? I hope it all goes well for you ❤️❤️❤️
@@jayellen Thank you! Yes, loop/leep/lletz coming up on the 24th Nov.
@@elizathompson2341 I will be thinking of you on 24th 🤞🏼💜
Thank you ❤ I really appreciate it!
How was the procedure? How're you holding up?
Please Keep up posted on your 6 months. I have CIN 3, had my Leep 6 months ago, just had my 6 month check up and I was told there is still areas they want to Biopsy around the outter area of th removed section and still on my cevix. The Dr was honest that it wasnt what they wanted to see and may result in me needing another LEEP procedure. This is scary and devistating as you know how that experience is. I was hoping today was going to be a result of all good, and now I learn the journey is not over....
Oh no Sonya I’m so sorry you have to go through all of that again! 😔 did they tell you at the time of the first Leep it might have to be repeated? My doctor said they might not get all the bad cells and sometimes it has to be repeated but I think that’s rare. That is scary for you but the good thing is they are on top of it and acting on it. They’re not leaving the bad cells there. It’s awful to go through it again but it will be worth it when you get that normal smear! I had my check up a week ago so will update when I have the results 🤞🏼
She didn’t tell me anything about repeated , and I don’t know anyone personally that did need to. Praying 🤲 this goes the way it needs to do clear everything up. It’s so scary … my mom passed away with ovarian cancer so this hits me home , lots of anxiety.
I also have cin 2 and cin 3 I had the biopsy already and that was very painful they took 4 and one big one out of the center of my cervix they want me to do the leep procedure and also have endometriosis which can also cause cancer and is not curable, they also don’t talk about the fact it don’t only cause cervical cancer it also cause 6 other cancers as well im not feeling very about the care I’m receiving I feel like a lot of my other symptoms like short of breath and dizziness and coughing up blood memory lose sharp side pain and sharp chest pain and other things with my bowls and behind like lumps and such just a lot going on
That sounds so scary and frustrating to have all those symptoms and not feel safe/properly cared for by your medical team! I just had my second Leep procedure 2 days ago. The dr was hopeful she got everything this round…. So I wait 2 weeks for results and another 6 months for my check up Fingers crossed. I am taking many supplements and mushroom supplements and really using positive mindset for healing ❤️🩹
@@sonyapetrella6113 you will most definitely be in my prayers, I speak over you right now healing and good results in Jesus Christ mighty name ♥️
I'm so grateful you decided to make this video. This is the info I had been searching for. Big hugs and thanks so much for making me feel like I'm not alone and can get through this. I'm booked for Colposcopy on 9th of January. I had a ultrasound and a 6mm polyp was found. So getting biopsies and waiting for results. I swear the waiting and unknown and the over thinking "what iff ?" Is debilitating. But now I feel brave. I can get through. Thank you. Xx
I currently have BOTH of the two highest risk strains of hpv. Going into my colposcopy on January 10th. Taking my mom with me and I’m so so soo nervous.
Wearing a dress is a really good idea. ♥️
Having your mum with you will be a great support! It is nerve wrecking but it will be worth it and it will be over before you know it. Remember the doctors/nurses can go at your pace, tell them you’re nervous and if you need them to stop at any time they can. All the best for the 10th! Will be thinking of you 💖
How was it? I did mine this month also
Girl! Videos like this are so important. We need to talk about that, we go through a lot to feel ashamed talking about hpv. I just found out through pep test I have high risk hpv with 14 types (16, 18 and so many others that I can’t even remember and I’m so frustrated. I had my colposcopy and didn’t hurt at all. A little bit uncomfortable but nothing bad. Although I had a cryotherapy, it didn’t work, so now I gotta have a leep procedure and I’m trying not to freak out cause it’d be GA and I hate needles and also very a very anxious person. I hope everything goes well.
Are you ok now ??
I got my colposcopy results yesterday, and I have cin3. I've had my tubes tied but both of my ovaries had to be taken out when I was 25 and 26 because of cysts wrapping around my ovaries I have HPV and all they want to do is the Leep procedure. But I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow to talk about the procedure and I'm going to tell them that there is no point for me to keep anything in there I might as well get a total hysterectomy. I'm scared of these results coming back
I just had a Leep procedure done today for CINll and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! The biopsy was worse than this surgery so if it is recommended ladies just go get it done it is worth it.
Great advice, thanks so much for sharing. I am glad you got it done, it's so worth it
hallo after leep procedure any more procedure like kemo or radiation
Agreed the colposcopy was worse than the LEEP for sure
3 days post LEEP. Local anesthesia. Biopsy worse, but shot was horrible. Absolutely drained, no energy, lots of naps, extreme sadness.
So brave. How long did you have CIN2 until they performed treatment please?
You’re so brave to talk about this, there is such a stigma around it! People really do need to book their smear tests and check their bodies more regularly 💕💕💕
Thank you sissy, you are the brave one tho 💖💖💖
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
i was late for my PAP for awhile since covid and just life being busy. in march, i scheduled a pap smear and got a result of possible cervical issues. i didn't think much of it. they did a colposcopy and when i got the phone call of having CiN1 with the possibility of moving to CiN2. i cried, it was caught early but with my anxiety, i tend to overthink alot. the LEEP procedure has been scheduled and i'm just trying my best to be positive. PLEASE never miss your appointments and always get a check-up.
How was your leep procedure? I’m having on the 20th and freaking a little bit, cause I’m such an anxious person 🫠
I also had a LLETZ done 5 years ago. I had 2 follow up smears done once a year after I had the procedure done and I’m clear now so I have returned back to 5 years on my smear tests.
When I had the biopsy done it was the most painful experience I screamed and cried I had a male dr who just kept telling me to calm down it shouldn’t hurt witch made it worse I had to have 3 biopsies done two on outer part of cervix and one in side deep I had cin 3 after two weeks I had the surgery and I am thankful I was put to sleep it’s been a year and the odd thing is that my paps never hurt before but since having all that done it’s painful. Thank you for sharing I wish more people would I never heard of hpv 16 cin 3 that I had till I went in to have my birth control removed so they did a pap then.
Omg that’s awful I’m so sorry that happened to you! Thank you for sharing your story here too. It’s a shame that doctor didn’t listen to you and stop the procedure and make you more comfortable. It’s hard to feel like we can say to medical professionals to stop if something hurts but it should be something we feel okay to do and that we are listened to when we say it. I’m glad they did the surgery under a general anaesthetic though. I’ve always found smear tests painful so sympathise there. I wonder if it’s more sensitive after having the operation and that’s why it hurts now?
I have to go get my colposcopy soon. I had one 24 years ago with a biopsy and cryo freezing of the abnormal cells. I had 4 student Dr's and two nurses plus the Dr. It was not fun and the Dr rested his arm on my naked knee like he was so relaxed. I was not. Thank you for sharing your story. It's so important. I'm trying to get my 22 year old daughter in law to get her pap but she is nervous and doesn't have insurance. But again, thank you!
Thanks for sharing the story of your journey. It is so encouraging to hear from people who are walking through similar situations. I believe we are meant to be open with each other so we can learn from each other. Thank you!!!
Omg my legs were shaking too during my colposcopy. I was embarrassed about it. Glad to know I wasn't the only one
I had my LLETZ two weeks ago and the bleeding is so annoying and I can't believe I have 2 more weeks or so of these. The general anesthesia was okay for me, it was the first time and it was just like I had taken a deep nap.
My experience was good, the only challenge was that they found me with low iron levels and needed an iron fusion. I did it and waiting for the effect to kick in as I feel tired easily.
Thank you for this video, it is helpful knowing my experience is common
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It has really helped me. My journey is just beginning ❤
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
You were very brave Jane. It was a scary time for our family ❤❤❤
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
Good luck with your next test. All the best with your further healing. No one can imagine the stress of going through something like this.
Thank you, my check up will be in December! Feeling nervous now
@@jayellen how did it go?
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
Hi!!! My abnormal pap (1st one ever) came back as highly abnormal and they wrote on the report *cannot rule out sarcoma*. It was terrifying!!! I had three colpos after that and they couldnt find anything nearly that scary - most of what they saw were low grade abnormalities. I had a cold knife cone biopsy under general anesthesia and turns out it was CINII (with clear margins). Just had my six month follow up and it came back as ACUS (lowest level of abnormal) and my HPV has cleared! They told me this was a “normal” pap and it seems like the surgery worked :) i go back in nov for another pap. you arent alone.
Hey Emily, thank you so much for sharing your story. It can be so scary the language they use can’t it! I’m so glad yours turned out okay and amazing that the hpv has now cleared! I have everything crossed for you having a completely normal Pap test in Nov ❤️
Well done you for being brave enough to talk about a very stressful time in your life👏🏻
I'm a male Forest fan that only clicked on your channel to watch your 'Last game of the season' video (Palace v Forest) and found this after flicking through your other vlogs. My point is, I'm in my late 40's and have never heard of the HPV virus..so you have educated me. All the very best of health and happiness for the future. 👍🏻
I’m so sorry I haven’t replied sooner, I’ve only just seen this somehow but thank you so much for taking the time to watch it and to learn about it. It’s very appreciated by more than just me I’m sure. Glad to see some forest fans around! 👏🏼😃
The Forest fans are the best away fans I’ve seen!
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
I just had my second treatment for CIN 2 today. I can confirm am still depressed about it as I thought the first one would be a success. 😢
I'm going in on Monday, so scared
Thank you so much for this video, Im not one to get worked about this sort of thing, as it only makes it worse. Im glad you turned out cancer free. Bless you
Hi! I went to my appointment and the colposcopy showed my cervix is atrophied. I have 3 things against me. I'm post menopausal, I had a cesarean instead of a natural birth and then I had a uterine ablation. Those 3 things prevented them getting a sample. I have been placed on hrt for a year and then they will start over. I'm a little bit concerned about having hrt and having to wait. I will be on pins and needles until I can get through this. Hopefully my body can get rid of the hpv while this is going on. Good luck with your colposcopy and let me know how it goes. ❤
Thank you for sharing your story, I feel so much better about my upcoming procedure. ☺
So glad this could be of help and well done for getting checked and having the procedure ❤
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
Thank you ❤ i got my letter today cin 2 and cin 3. We do need to talk about this more.
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
Thanks so much for sharing. I'm having a lletz procedure next week and also feeling very anxious. You have really pointed out some very valuable tips. I'm from SA Cape Town have an amazing specialist but really scared. Thanks for sharing your journey and so sorry that communication failed you. Lots of love Michelle
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your RUclips channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv,, victory at last.❤❤❤…
Ur story is exactly like mine...ur very correct about healing themselves...no way...glad u made that choice...u explained this in a very articulated way...and should be very proud 😊
Thank you Sally ❤️
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
Your video just popped up on my feed and when I saw cervical dysplasia, I had to watch, although you really did not mention the cervical dysplasia. When I was pregnant with my first child I had my routine pap smear. I was 26 years old and it was actually my first pap smear. I was about 3 months pregnant and my smear came back positive for cervical dysplasia. They told me nothing could be done until I gave birth. 6 weeks after my son was born, they did something called cryosurgery and a biopsy at the same time. No pain or bleeding afterwards at all. Then they monitored me closely. This was 30 years ago and I have never had an abnormal smear since then. I don't know it this is a thing where you live, but here in the US, teenagers are all vaccinated against HPV. My daughter is a teenager and she had her a couple of years ago. It is a series of 3 shots, given a few months apart. I am glad they have that vaccination here now. It puts my mind at ease, as far as my daughter is concerned. I am glad they caught yours and treated you in a timely manner. Good luck with future smears.
Ma'am with all due respect you can still get hpv even if you're fully vaccinated. I'm fully vaccinated and currently have HPV 16/18/33 and CIN3. Please encourage your daughter to still have their yearly paps. I also didn't know until I was pregnant with my 3 Rd child and could do anything until after she was born. I will never not encourage my daughter to not be checked regularly. However passing out from a colpo is extreme the biopsy wasn't even too bad for me.
@@amberoberempt1440 in the US the HPV vaccine is 97% effective against 90% of strains of the disease. Those numbers are very good, but nothing is ever 100%, not even the birth control pill is 100% effective, but rarely do you become pregnant if it's taken religiously. Regardless of the effectiveness of the vaccine I would never tell my daughter to skip her routine pap smear or pelvic exam. There are many other things you can get besides HPV that can also kill you. So in no way is the vaccine a reason not to get a yearly pap smear. You must have misinterpreted what I said. All woman's health is extremely important, pap smear, breast exams, mammograms etc.
I have had CIN2 for about a year now. Fell pregnant and didn’t have biopsy during that time. Had one yesterday and it was excruciating. They want to keep an eye on it for 24 months (every 6 months) before offering treatment.. I’m so worried that it could rapidly progress to something sinister..
Thank you so much for posting this video and that so far all is good.🤞🏼🤞🏼💕💕
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your RUclips channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv,, victory at last.❤❤❤…
Thanks for sharing your story!! I’ve had 3 positive Pap smear results have an appointment booked in for a colonoscopy screening tomorrow. Not much is said regarding all the follow up appointments and the fear that comes with it. Thank you for being honest.
Thank you. You're so brave. This will help a lot of women.
I just watched your video and went through all of the comments as i am due to have my 2nd colposcopy at the beginning of february (smear test came back again with high risk HPV and borderline cell changes).
I know a lot of women went through this and had the surgery done as well, but i can't relax when i think about it. I got my letter from the hospital this morning and cried about 6 times today, i am so scared of the colposcopy/biopsy and especially if i will have to have the surgery... it's so unfair we have to go through this.
Do you know if you can straight up ask for the general anesthesia? If i get to that point, i would definitely go for this as i am so so anxious just thinking about the whole thing now...
Anyways, thank you for this super informative video and i really hope you had good news back from your checkup in december! 💜
Thank you @jayellen for this video. Very helpful x
So grateful for your candidness. I'm having the same under GA day after tomorrow . Scared. I was anticipating being back to work the day after but perhaps not
@@cw7911 I hope it went well! Remember every one’s recovery time is different so don’t take what I say as gospel. I hope you had a quicker recovery time but take all the time you need
Watching this has brought me comfort honestly, I’m waiting to see a gynaecologist for my smear test but I am overdue and thinking of just head in to my GP
I hope you get an appointment soon! Are you in America? We normally go to the GP or practice nurse in the UK
@@jayellen in Australia, I decided to get my Pap smear done by my gp I was a bit scared but I decided to do it, i get my results in 5 days
i am in the VERY same position. i was told it was urgent to come back for a colsopcopy and i'm so nervous
I just had mine done for CIN3, I was awake. It took 10 minutes in total. I was scared before but then me and the nurse got to talking about Bridgerton and then I heard the surgeon say “Alright, done” and that was it. I did feel a slight pinch during the local anesthesia injection but it wasn’t bad at all. It didn’t feel like a poke. I haven’t had any bleeding at all except light bleeding the first 3 days. Other than that, it’s just this water discharge that I can feel coming out of me. I got to leave the hospital 15 minutes after I was done. I was shaking like a leaf after because of the adrenaline in the local anesthetic but my heart wasn’t racing like a lot of people said it would. But they kept an eye on me while I sat back in the waiting room with my coffee and food and then told me I was good to go after. The only reason I didn’t want GA was because I’ve just had a knee arthroscopy and I am really fed up with being in the hospital for all these appointments and examinations. They said I’d have to stay in longer if I took the GA. Being awake during it sounds terrifying but I promise, it’s SO quick and you don’t feel a single thing except the pressure of the speculum.
Glad i saw this vid. Eased my anxiety
My period came down after my leep procedure i have cin1 ,then it went away then i put the medicine the doctor told me to use in my vergina, i went to work after work i started to bleed it got heavy blood clot came out, i went to the doctor right away and he stop the bleeding, its been one and half week yellow and black stuff came out , know its bleeding a little , i hope it doesn't get heavy i got to keep on eye on it ,i can't believe the hell woman have to go true, and the truth is after i have my son 2001 he came out so small , after that i stop have sex for twenty years so when the doctor told me i have hpv ask what are you talking about i haven't been with anyone for years.
Oh gosh it's awful isn't it! This is the terrible thing it can be dormant for years and we don't even know about it and then suddenly it appears. That's why regular smear tests are so important as you just never know. That's so stressful for you I'm sorry you've gone through that. We do go through hell as women!
You are amazing. This is not talked about enough, & too many people judge.
I had a colposcopy last year as my smear came back adnormal with HPV, but was informed all ok just to have a smear in 12 months, I had this 4 weeks ago and now been informed I have CIN3 and HPV Positive, been informed I am been discussed in an MDT meeting and awaiting a treatment plan, your video has really helped me, as I am such a nervous person, so dreading the whole thing process of what will happen, but thank you ❤ means alot.. keeping my fingers crossed and hope your follow appointment goes well.
I’m so glad this could help a little. If there are any questions you have feel free to ask. Don’t forget if you’re nervous just ask what all of the options are so you can choose the one that best suits you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you too ❤️
@@jayellen ❤
@@jayellen Hi. Been informed today I have got to have a biopsy taken next week followed by a LEEP
I am dreading it, so not good with things like this, they are saying it will be done under local, but I just don't know if I will cope well with it.
Nervous wreck now.
@@tealbutterfly8516 oh gosh! I feel for you! The thought of it is so scary. You can always ask for the general anaesthetic if you can’t handle it and you can always ask the doctor to stop even during the procedure if it gets too much. It has to be done but should be done in a way to keep you comfortable ❤️ I will be thinking of you!
@@tealbutterfly8516 ask them if you can have someone with you if you feel like this would help to take a family member or a friend
Just found your channel. I am so sorry you had to go through this experience. Surgery is awful. I have been under 5 GA 's. You're correct it is weird. I have always thought I would fight it. Then, within seconds, you're out, lol.... there is nothing. No knowledge, no dreaming, no awareness. Then, like you say, you're coming round. I never recover well. I was so cold waking up. They put the tinfoil type blanket over me. My BP dropped so badly. I was sweating, felt dizzy, threw up.And then passed out when the surgeon did rounds later that day. They elevated my bed after I stopped being sick. But it's the best sleep you get, lol..... I had to stay overnight. I am Aquarius and also love my baths and water. Defo something in that. Thank you for sharing your experience. You are brave and kind. ❤
Its really good that your talking about this. I recently had my smear it is painful and uncomfortable. But only for a few seconds and it could save your life
Exactly, it’s not nice but it’s v quick and so important. Well done on still going to have it done 💕
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
@@jayellen.. I had abnormal smear test by GP ( high risk HPV AND mild dysplasia) and referred to colposcopy. I went for it and been told that no need biopsy and mild dysplasia CIN 1 and those will go away in year time and they will call me for another smear test in 12 months time. I know I have mild dysplasia but not is woods yet. They don’t treat CIN1 and wait for to get better or get worse. I don’t know how I going to wait for another one year with stress and worry. But your video is so helpful and give positivity. God bless you a lot.
Thank you for shating this. You are very brave because i've had to have a LEEP done twice. I'vechad many colposcopies done but after bring able yo stick with a doctor for more than 2 years she though it was proper to do a LEEP. The 1st time i was awake and they didn't even give me an option of "well if you don't do well...", the 2nd done was by a ONCOL/GYN (a cancer doctor for our lady bits). I was so relieved when the 2nd doctor said she only did procecures like LEEPs in the theater. Now along with the CIN II & III there was dysplasia and I have HPV...
Since my procedures i've moved and new GYN, had a new pap smear done, granted i was stupid and waited 5 years, but i have been practicing abstinence, I thought i would be good... but NOPE. My last smear last year came back abnormal. The doctor wanted to wait a year to take a repeat smear and then if it's still abnormal we'll take it from there. I'm praying so hard that it just went away.
Over the 10+ year journey I've had with HPV, dysplasia and CIN II & III NEVER did any of my doctors EVER tell me to change my diet or use herbs and vitamins (like you had heard of ) to help myself out.
Did you go for your follow up pap smear? I hope they got it all and all your worries are over.
It’s crazy to think it can still come back even when taking these precautions. It just shows how important regular smear tests are even after a LEEP. Luckily my recent smear (the follow up one) came back as clear but I will have them yearly from now on
@@jayellen oh thank goodness. I'm so happy for you that it came back clear. I hope all your future smears stay clear and you can close the cervical cancer chapter that you went through I the rear view.
Ive had hpv for 5 years and had my leep done under GA last year. Ive just had another colposcopy and my cin 3 that was cut away is starting to grow back but its only cin1
I use papilocare and taKe AHCC musgrooms and vitamins especially A, C, D and E
Thank you for sharing your story and educating viewers. Glad you are doing well.
Have to say it really is scary to go from nothing to Cin 3 in one year. No point in dwelling on the past I suppose, but how likely is it that the first doctor missed abnormal cells during the colposcopy?
Thank you so so much for posting. I’ve not got many gal pals, so it’s been really hard to find others going through the same thing. (Even though I’m aware, there are many going through the same thing!)
Just got my appointment letter through today to have LLETZ procedure, so fingers crossed all goes smoothly.
Hope you’re feeling better now! 💕💕
You’re welcome! If there is anything you want to ask etc feel free to message, I hope it all goes well for you! Is it this month? Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏼💕
It’s on Feb 14th.. of all days! 🤦🏻♀️
I’m actually booked off that week which is lucky, but my boss has been super supportive anyway and had already said to take whatever time I needed.
I still can’t get over how your work wouldn’t let you have the time off.. It almost makes me angry there isn’t a policy in place for it. It’s something, as women, we all get a letter to go do (screenings) so would it not make sense for there to be a rule of sorts in place if said appointments needed more attention? Urrgh. Frustrating..sorry rant over.. I just felt for you..
Have you had your results for test of cure yet? X
@@jayellenMy girlfriend will have a LEEP procedure in 2 weeks after being diagnosed with CIN3. How did it all go over time for you? Did the virus disappear from your body after LEEP? Can you still infect others? We are really scared about this
@@neatbyname oh god of all the days to have that on!! Well it is a form of self love taking care of yourself 🙈 I had my results back now and it came back all clear 🥹 the LLETZ worked so I am keeping everything crossed for the same for you ❤️
Hi there. I'm having the same procedure done in 2weeks, care to share your experience? I hope everything went well for you. ❤️
35 and had the first smear recently and they called me back for abdnormal cells CIN 3.... I cried my eyes, soon I'll have the colposcopy and I'm terified of the result....
I totally agree I went from perfectly healthy to stage 3. They did the Leep procedure. What is the name of surgery you received? My doctor said I would have to wait 3 mths to have any procedure she wanted to do a hysterectomy. I currently healing myself with diet, supplements, and life style change.
A hysterectomy!? Omg but that sounds so extreme! I really hope you don't have to have that. Have they given you any other options? I had a LETZ and cone biopsy done under GA. Obviously I'm not a gynaecologist so can't recommend but might be worth asking your doctor if this could be an option. Keeping everything crossed for your recovery
I can’t say this enough. Women are so strong. I had my leep procedure today. It was with a local and it was traumatic for me. The smell, the sounds, the burning sensation. However, I did make it through. I am having some deep cramping and pain in my left hip, I’m assuming the doctor probably went a little deeper since my spots were on my left. Considering, what the outcome could be without the procedure, I’m glad I did it. Now just waiting on pathology results. I was alone for this procedure. Thank you for making me feel less alone
You are so incredibly brave ❤️❤️❤️ and like you said, as awful as the treatment is, it is better than what would happen if it wasn’t done. Well done on getting through it, alone too, you are so strong!
I like that we are building a community here of us supporting each other ❤️ never fully alone!
Asking for any advice and guidance. My colposcopy results came back last week CIN3 and recommendation is for Cone (cold knife) procedure to remove a decent portion of my cervix. Once it’s sent to pathology they are hoping all the abnormal cells are in the middle of what was removed and nothing on the edges to indicate it’s spreading. Would go back in 6 months for a re-check. Right now, I’m scheduled for early January 2025 for the cone. I’m rethinking this and should I just get a hysterectomy? I’m 46, no more kids. Am going to talk with Dr further but was hoping for some advice on this post if possible. I’m anxious enough about the cone and feel what if they don’t get it all? Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I’m in the US. Thank you 🙏 for reading this 💕 and taking any time to reply back.
I applaud your bravery for telling your story. I do hope it will help someone to go get their pap smear test. I went through almost the exact same thing just weeks before my wedding (almost 33 years ago). I was terrified!! 'i thought i had cancer, I didn't know if I would be able to have children, and I was all alone. My finance lived 10 hours away so I was really all alone. I went for my colposcopy and they said they wanted to take a few biopsies. I asked for anesthetic and the dr said it would be more painful to get a shot there than the biopsy. They did 5 biopsies, I was crying and in so much pain and I was telling them I needed to take a break. He said he was busy and needed to get more samples. I ended up just sitting up and closing my legs because I coundn't take any more pain. I ended up having 8 biopsies with no anesthetic. I too bled so much it was horrible!! The good news is I have been fine ever since, still married to my wonderful husband who ended up going to medical school and is a doctor, and I had 2 healthy babies. If someone is afraid to go have a test go and talk to your doctor and tell them your fear so they can help you through it. Testing saves lives!! Thank you again for your bravery, I pray you have no more problems and good health from here on.
Wow that’s so awful you had to go through that and even when you asked them to stop they carried on. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Even after all these years the experience has clearly stayed with you. I bet your husband is a wonderful doctor. I’m so happy to hear you got married and had 2 lovely babies (that is a fear of mine now)! It’s good to hear the positives from people on the other side. Thank you so much for sharing your story ❤️
I just received my results today I guess I have HPV also CIN2 I’m so beyond scared of what comes next after this because I am a type 1 diabetic and my immune system is compromised 😢
Have you been offered any further treatment? I know how scary it is but it is treatable even with other medical conditions like diabetes ❤
@@jayellen yes i was offered to wait 3 to 6 months to just keep an eye on it for now or i can get leep procedure not sure if i should i wait or just get it done …. Very scared.
Had my colposcopy done in March, post the procedure was in some uncomfortable pain. Just waiting on my biopsy results.
It’s really scary bc even though the docs may tell us that you’re body will fight it off there’s always possibility for your body not to and that’s what I’m very concerned about
I have been put to sleep 7 times in my life this coming up surgery will be 8 and my hysterectomy will be 9 and I’m only 30
Gosh that is a lot! I'm sorry you've gone through all of this. Sending you lots of love through this 💕
@@jayellen thank you so much ♥️ sending right back at ya 😁
Hi. Know how you felt for surgery. Right before uterus removal, started heavy bleeding. Was mortified. Turned out I had advanced endometriosis as well as large fibroids. Sometimes our bodies betray us but we must be understanding of our needs and seek the needed medical help. Hard to do, though
I had high risk hpv & high grade dyskaryosis had lletzs done took 5-10 minutes had no pain, didnt wear a gown or anything ,bit of bleeding for a few weeks after 6 months later had my smear all clear 👌
I didnt have biopsy done i just had LLETZ straight away.
Im so surprised they didnt give it to you straight away.
Wow that’s amazing that they did it all in one go and you didn’t feel any pain. It’s always reassuring to hear these positive stories, thank you so much for sharing this ❤️ I think because I didn’t tolerate the colposcopy well and was v anxious they didn’t want to do it in the room and so offered me the GA. I was v glad as I would have passed out if they had done any more than the biopsy at my colposcopy 😅 so glad to hear your smear test is now clear that’s such fab news ❤️
This has made me feel so much better. I have the same results and my procedure is next week. Hoping recovery won't be too bad.
I hope it all goes well for you 💕@@Hannah_Jasmine if there is anything extra you want to ask feel free to dm me on my instagram or something. Good luck tho! It will feel better knowing all the bad cells are gone, it's worth it ❤
That's amazing! Did it cause any sexual dysfunction for you? Ability to orgasm? Low sex drive? Self Lubrication issues? Loss of sexual sensitivity?
I went from normal paps to CIN3 in 2 years in 2012. I’ve had multiple abnormalities since then, and am about to have my 3rd colpo at the end of the month. It feels defeating and I’m considering a partial hysterectomy.
Be sure to ask if CIII can return after hysterecomy
After the operation(I had cin3) and it’s been 6 years by now…I occasionally bleed after sex. Had this ever happened to any of you?
I will probs post about it in a new video but have been having lots of bleeding in last few months. I’m seeing the drs soon so hopefully will find out why and can update. Have you been to see your doctor? It would probs be a good idea to see them
@@jayellen I go to the gynecologist twice a year. In these 6 years I have had various Pap tests,colposcopies and even two biopsies recently(because of a pap AGC-nos result in October)Everything seems fine now.My last pap was a month ago.Negative.And also the hpv test.The doctors says there is nothing wrong. That’s why I wanted to know if it happened to you too or to other girls who have suffered a LEEP(conization). Thanks for responding ❤️
That kind of HPV came from unprotected sex.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us❤ I've got hpv lsil..I hope i can reverse it.Tryng now to eat all healthy,take vitamins and use special vaginal gel😊I'm on my 2nd hpv vaccine to prevent other strains in the future.(currently hpv33).This hpv is so stressful, there is no day not thinking about it.
I am so confused
My results have come back and says CIN3 - Cancer cells found. I have tried to get hold of the hospital, but no joy.
Everywhere you read online it says CIN3 isn't cancer, so why have they put cancers cells were found in my biopsy??? And a CIN3?
I have never been so confused, and can't get hold of anyone to ask questions
Does anyone know at all?
I had the cervical cone today. Once the cells grow outside the margin it’s cancer and could spread further that’s what my doctor said. I have Cin 3 also waiting to see if mine grew outside the margins. Cin I believe just means stage 0 which is still enough time for prevention.
I've only just seen this comment but that's so scary for you! I hope the doctors got in touch and managed to clear it up. My doctor explained CIN3 to me as pre cancerous, so they're not cancer cells but could turn into it within 5 years if left untreated. Hopefully they were able to explain your results and reassure you
@@jayellen I have sent two Amson three high-grade squamous epithelial lesion I have had my biopsy which they were not clear if it came back pre-cancerous or cancerous. She wants me to have the leap procedure because my doctor told me that it could turn into cancer at any time, and that they could not tell when it would, but also when I do the procedure, she will also send that to see if it is cancer
Hey thanks so much for sharing your story, you’re incredibly brave! Could I ask how your results have been since the LEEP? x
Thank you so much! I had my repeat in December so just waiting on the results... Any day now I guess 🤞🏼
Hi good night thank you for sharing
Ive had abnormal smear high risk hpv but low grade dyskariosis. Colposcopy is booked for end of the month but ive had a referral made to gynae oncology and on a waiting list.. anyone else had that? Ive not been told ive been referred so im a little confused but worried at the same time.
Hey, it said the same thing in my letter. I asked about it and they said it's so I got seen quicker as I was cin3 rather than cin1/2. Did they give you a cin grade?
@@jayellen hey, thanks for replying. My colposcopy is tomorrow morning so i assume ill find out my cin grade? X
Thank you for sharing this good and informativ video. As long as there is something to learn, there is nothing called TMI.
One thing to mention, it is possible to get vaccinated against HPV.
RUclips truly is facenating, I was going to watch someone spending their summer in Norway. And now, 1,5 hours later, I have learned that celleprøve is called smear test in English.
There is a vaccine, I had it when I was in school aged 15. Apparently though it isn’t effective after 10 years but they don’t offer a booster or anything 🤷🏼♀️
Thank you for taking the time to watch my videos 🥰
And I have also learnt it is called celleprøve in Norwegian 😃
I’ve had my lletz procedure this morning after receiving my letter from hospital on Friday that I had CIN3 too,I’ve always had normal smears and was due my 3yearly smear in nov 23 but had been back and forth to drs as I was having bleeding after sex and spotting inbetween periods.
Bleeding after the lletz this morning is very minimal at the moment,is this how yours was in the beginning?x
Bless you..... 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Hope everything will be ok. It should be an private option for us to be able to do it more often. Yearly... This is my conclusion.
Lots of love!!!! ❤❤❤ Well done you have been brave to share and help other people.
I've only just seen your comment but I agree it should be an option to have it yearly 💕
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
I might need to get LLETZ next week. Does this affect fertility? Or my sex experience?
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I need the same thing done, but i'm scared about thw sexual dysfunction it causes. Did it cause that for you? Like reducing/stopping ability to orgasm, sex drive, self lubrication, sensitivity/feeling, cervical orgasm and pain during sex etc?
Thank you. Your video is really helpful. I hope by commenting it will help your video reach more people. ❤
Are they telling people with abnormal smears and HPV to go away and come back in a year because they expect it will clear on its own? Seems like that's a pretty big gamble.
Some HPV strands came orally, even babies get mouth HPV sores from putting things in their mouths. The HPV that comes from oral sex, go away on their own. But HPV that comes from sexual intercourse secretions might be cancerous. But the reason that the medical system doesn't differ from the 2 kinds of HPV is because if women know that, they will never go in claiming in their heads it must've come from oral sex when she damn well knows she must've had unprotected sex with a man. They'll stop going to the doctor if they see any symptoms thinking it will go away eventually. But that's not true, because most women don't just have oral sex. They go all the way unto unproducted sex.
And this particular woman caught her HPV from unprotected sex you can tell by the pictures.
Got one coming up but not without sedation.
If you’re nervous about it you can always ask for the sedation. I will keep everything crossed that you will be fine 💕
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
I was told by my dr, HPV can be contracted even with having the vaccine as well as skin to skin contact, even with a condom. So yes, many people have it.
Yes exactly! Even with the vaccine and such a high % of the population have it now it's very very common
Thank you.
hey! any updates?
Hey, I have my follow up smear test in December so will have an update then 🙂
Thanks so much *#DROBALAR* on RUclips for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.❤…
my doctor says there’s a 90 percent chance cin3 could return
are you serious??? 😢 so Cin3 is a death centence ???
If you cant be kind be quiet,Thank you
Hiii are you okay now??????
Hey, thank you for asking. I have a follow up smear test in Dec to check there are no more abnormal cells but I feel completely well in myself 😊
Did you wear white socks at colposcopy leep exam
No they didn’t give me any compression socks as I didn’t need them and I didn’t wear any normal socks into the theatre
@@jayellen just asking for any tickle action
My smear test absolute night mare it time wasnt bad two days later bad period ever my body shocking letter was clear body hasnt been right ever since made hormones extremely worse too many periods all at once too close together on proper medication migraines genetics exhausting as anything
@@donnaveale6783 that’s awful to hear! Make sure you go back to your doctor and get some answers and this sorted ❤️
@@jayellen Thanks so much getting back too me really appreciate it unfortunately iv always suffered worse female issues due too nasty constant hormones my drs tryed everything bloods scans never picked up anything serious now taken strong homeopathic remedies try help me this cruel genetics makes me so shattered shocking body carry on this way me just cope best I can more hormonal medications thankyou reply sorry everything u been through hope drs helping u really thinking of u feel better soon take care
Aquarian? If you’re referring to your sun sign Aquarius ♒️ you, my dear, are an air …sign. But cheerios to long baths! Hope all is well, thanks for the information 🙏🏽
That is so funny I was talking about this with my sister the other day and we realised Aquarius is actually an air sign! 😂🙈 I had no idea! Maybe I should have been a different sign 😂 yes to the baths tho 👏🏼
my beautiful gf had colop, and leep and a cathater,, how many men had a good look at my beautiful gf ? hers wasn't sucsessful she has to go for both again , all those men looking at her makes me sick.
😢😢😢😢 please 🙏 trying your full storytelling and your full email address please
Your manager lacks empathy. Like how can she not swap your shift or try to cover it. Should you have fallen and died, she would have gotten someone to cover it. That’s Cole bruh
Are you married or not? Can it happen with unmarried girl...
❤ Thank you for sharing the awareness, you have helped alot of women. Wishing you a healthy recovery and good health. I would recommend AHCC supplement, something to consider based of many research out there. You are not alone..
Thankyou for the recommendation, I will have a look into these supplements :)
Liable for lawsuit covering their asses
Has anyone had a natural birth after lletz procedure? I worry about my cervix not dialating naturally because of scarred tissue
Wishing you all good health 🫶🏻
@@harabranding I’m a midwife and have seen lots of women have vaginal births after lletz 🙂 at the booking appointment/first appointment your medical history is taken and you will be referred to a consultant due to the history of the lletz. They will scan your cervix and check the length, they may also ask you how much you had taken off at the lletz. If your cervix is short or you had a certain amount taken off then they might keep a closer eye on your pregnancy, regularly scan your cervical length or sometimes put a suture in to try and prevent the cervix from shortening. But you can definitely still have a vaginal birth 🙂 hope this helps
@@harabranding sorry and to answer the other part.. The cervix can dilate even with scar tissue. We assess dilatation regularly during labour (with your consent) and if there are any delays or issues we discuss with the doctors etc and make a plan, this maybe using hormone drugs etc to help dilatation but it is still possible
@@jayellen thank you soo much for responding! This has really helped ❤️
I was hoping i could ask you another question 💕
Im only 4 weeks pregnant now, 5 years after i had my lletz procedure which was just after i gave birth to my first child and i know i have scarring on my cervix which i always thought was why its been difficult to fall pregnant. After intercourse yesterday there was some blood and the next day abit of brown/black/grey discharge which now has subsided. Is this normal? Maybe too early to get checked out?
You are appreciated 🫶🏻
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your RUclips channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv,, victory at last.❤❤❤…
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your RUclips channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv,, victory at last.❤❤❤…