Fat in the Liver: the foods that CAUSE it

  • Опубликовано: 24 ноя 2024
  • Fatty liver is now the most common chronic liver disease mainly due to the obesity epidemic, especially in recent years which is increasingly common in children. Almost 70 to 80% of obese children are likely to suffer from fatty liver. And this is scary, because fat in the liver can develop into significant liver disease, even cirrhosis and cancer.
    Sure, being overweight greatly increases the likelihood of a fatty liver, but there are some foods that are especially harmful, even when they don't weigh a lot of calories.
    To begin with, much of the problem comes from sugar. This has been confirmed in many studies that show that when we remove sugar from the diet of teenagers we see that their liver fat is significantly reduced in just 8 weeks. So it's clear that sugar is a major aggravating factor.
    Besides sugar, animal fat is also a very important factor. For example, we have compared 2 isocaloric diets, i.e. diets that have the same calories, differing only in fat. One diet is low in fat and the other is high in fat, mainly of animal origin. I emphasize that the diets provided the same calories, meaning the effect did not come from increasing calories. In this study it was shown that while the low fat diet led to a 20% decrease in liver fat, the high fat diet led to a 35% increase! This is very important for anyone trying to lose weight by cutting carbs to know. This often results in an increase in animal fat, which puts a significant burden on the fat in the liver. Of course, if the diet results in significant fat loss, then it is certain that liver fat will also decrease. But ideally this should be achieved by reducing animal fat, not increasing it. In any case, it is good when there is fat in the liver and increased weight to prefer to follow a diet under the supervision of an expert. In my practice, we help people with increased fat and fatty liver with great success. I will be very happy to help you.
    There is also a study that tried to show us which of these factors affects liver fat more aggravatingly, fat or sugar. The study divided the participants into three groups. All three groups would consume 1000 calories more than they needed. This would obviously lead to weight gain. But the scientists wanted to see how much liver fat would increase in each group compared to the other 2. In the first group, most calories would come from unsaturated fats, ie oil and nuts. In the other group the extra calories would be from sugar, i.e. soft drinks, and in the other group they would be from animal fat. Apparently in all three groups we saw an increase in liver fat over the course of the study, but even though calories were the same, the increase in fat in the 3 groups was not the same. As expected, the group that saw the least fat gain was the group that ate the most calories from oil and nuts. In this group the increase in liver fat was 15%. In the group whose extra calories came from sugar the increase in liver fat was 33%, more than double, but in the group whose most calories came from animal fat the increase in liver fat was 55%!
    We draw two main conclusions from this study. The first is that increased calorie consumption leads to an increase in liver fat. Even the healthiest diet when it leads to increased calorie consumption makes our liver fatter. However, consuming animal fat leads to the maximum possible increase in liver fat.
    If you have been found to have fatty liver, then you need to do two things. The first is to limit food consumption altogether, and the second is to limit more animal fat and sugar, which are the foods that have the worst effect on this condition.
    If you want to know more about fatty liver then you should definitely click on the video currently showing to my right where I explain everything you need to know about this condition. If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, then I am happy to help you deal with it with proper nutrition. If you are interested, you can call the phone you see in front of me.
    Finally, I remind you that by pressing the like button and sharing the video you help me a lot. Thank you.

Комментарии • 9

  • @elenibrousianou
    @elenibrousianou День назад +2


  • @Grigoris-M
    @Grigoris-M День назад +1

    Ευχαριστούμε γιατρέ ❤

  • @ierousalimathanasiou4915
    @ierousalimathanasiou4915 День назад +2

    Ψάχνω για την μητέρα τώρα, έχει βουλωμένη καρωτίδα.. είμαι σίγουρη πως θα βρω κάτι ανάλογο στα βίντεο, σωστά;
    Όπως και να έχει,σε ευχαριστούμε πολύ για όλες τις πολύτιμες πληροφορίες και συμβουλές αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων..!!
    Να είστε καλά γιατρέ μας!!!

  • @domesticosdomesticos4217
    @domesticosdomesticos4217 День назад +1

    Γιατρέ, ευχαριστούμε για τον κόπο και την ενημέρωση !
    Μια σύντομη ερώτηση : Ποια η γνώμη σας για τo Μέλι, το οποίο είναι φούλ σε υδατάνθρακες (σάκχαρα) ;

  • @annabilla
    @annabilla День назад


  • @ierousalimathanasiou4915
    @ierousalimathanasiou4915 День назад +1

    Πάρα πολύ καλό θέμα το συγκεκριμένο... γιατί δυστυχώς δεν... χρειάζεται απαραίτητα να είναι ο άλλος παχύσαρκος, αλλά ας έχει και λίγα παραπάνω κιλά..π.χ. 1,65 ύψος.. και...70 κιλά...κ όμως υπάρχει λίπος στο συκώτι..
    Μετά την εγκυμοσύνη μείναν τα κιλά που δυσκολεύονται να.. χαθούν.. και σχετικά η διατροφή είναι καλή..
    Κάνει κάτι το γαϊδουράγκαθο..;

  • @Κωνσταντίνος-ξ6ρ
    @Κωνσταντίνος-ξ6ρ День назад

    Γεια σας και χαρά σας! Like από τον φανατικό οπαδό σας.. Σήμερα θα σας ταλαιπωρήσω λιγάκι αλλά είμαι υπέρ της άποψης ότι όποιος αγαπάει παιδεύει😜
    1)Πιτουρο vs νιφάδες βρώμης? Το πίτουρο έχει περισσότερες φυτικές ίνες και πρωτεΐνη αλλά οι νιφάδες είναι ολόκληρος ο σπόρος.. Τι να προτιμήσω? Ποιο είναι πιο υγιεινό?
    2)Σας ρώτησα στο παρελθόν Εάν κάποιος έχει ορμονικό πρόβλημα και ενώ τρώει σε θερμιδικό έλλειμμα να μην μπορεί να αδυνατίσει?μου είπατε γίνεται.. αυτός ο άνθρωπος έχει σωτηρία ή ειναι καταδικασμένος να είναι μια ζωή παχύσαρκος??
    3) συνάδελφός σας υποστηρίζει ότι θα πρέπει να τρώμε κορεσμένα λιπαρά γιατί βοηθούν στην σύνθεση της τεστοστερόνη.. εσείς τι υποστηρίζεται πάνω σε αυτό? Γνωρίζω ότι τα κορεσμένα λιπαρά δεν τα θέλετε
    4) τι σημαίνει αυτός ο άνθρωπος κουβαλάει κακά γονίδιά ??
    Ευχαριστώ πολύ

  • @ChrFot
    @ChrFot День назад

    Σχόλιο για αλγόριθμο

  • @ΜαριάνναΚαραγιαννη

    Και οι στατινες παίζουν μεγο ρόλο..