perfect, it took me ages to find someone else with the reed motor, all stock so I could use it for reference, mine came with a bunch of mods on it and it got rolled the wrong way last summer so I tore the engine down dumped the water out lubed everything made sure bearings were okay this summer, and she fires up and howls, its very loud however the idle may be set a little high.
Looks like a very clean ski! The reed engined 550SX’s are almost impossible to find anymore in this good of condition. I got lucky and found a ‘92 earlier this year in much worse condition for $800. Nice ones like yours seems to sell for $5000!
perfect, it took me ages to find someone else with the reed motor, all stock so I could use it for reference, mine came with a bunch of mods on it and it got rolled the wrong way last summer so I tore the engine down dumped the water out lubed everything made sure bearings were okay this summer, and she fires up and howls, its very loud however the idle may be set a little high.
Looks like a very clean ski! The reed engined 550SX’s are almost impossible to find anymore in this good of condition. I got lucky and found a ‘92 earlier this year in much worse condition for $800. Nice ones like yours seems to sell for $5000!
Come to cali there's a few for sale
Is it for sale?
Sorry, no..
Start with fresh fuel, new plugs, clean or rebuild carb and go from there ..
You live on a lake and haven’t ridden it in 6 years🤦♂️