Why pretend your talking to God or why pretend you don't know your food comes from a farm and has nothing to do with God. Demand more from your God people die everyday of natural disasters and starvation and dehydration or is born with deformed bonds or bone cancer so God gave him cancer or at lease gave Satan the right to do so. So it's a pie in the sky type thing jesus teaches be kind and help the poor and stuff like equality to women I guess that's good stuff but it's because he couldn't fulfill prophecy so all the predictions became spiritual and not physical.he was supposed to be a actual king on the earth and was to bring Israel into safety from there enemy's but he was executed and then in the year 70 ad Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman's or whatever .you have to die or wait for his return to find out. Medicine and luxury and knowledgeable and wisdom saves.
At 1:35 the reason Paul was put there and not Jesus is because he said the most important non worshipped figure, and we worship Jesus so thats why. Also for Catholics we would say Peter and not Paul.
Well Peter was given the keys to the kingdom so to speak but Paul is the main writer of the New Testament it is mostly his letters so Paul would right we don’t really have peters writings well maybe 2 were 13 were definitely written by st.Paul
I think a lot of Christians don't use peace be with you outside the church context anymore, but certainly in many church services they would say it. Usually the service leader would say peace be with you, and the congregation replies and also with you in an Anglican service.
Oh wow, thanks Francesca for letting us know! Just pointed it out since I’ve never heard of the Christian greeting like Jews and Muslims people have. 😁 -Hamza
@@MuslimMindsUS A more common greeting would be God bless you. Escpecially if you sneeze you will often hear bless you. That practice originates from the era of the black plague where people attempted to ward of the plague through the calling of god and it stuck around to this day.
16:50 Although their are various views on this amongst Christians The one I think is the most right is that All sin equally separates you from god but that does not mean all sin is equal in its damage and that certain sins do more evil than others.
You guys tend to have a lot of misconceptions about Christianity, especially the gentleman on the left. Heres a few key points: Saint Paul in Christianity is equivalent to Muhammad in Islam. Christians believe Paul is the "Apostle/Messanger of God to the Gentiles", which is the same title Muslims attribute to Muhammad. Jesus prayed the same way Orthodox Christians pray. Orthodox Christians have been prostrating for centuries before Islam, and continue to do so to this day. Jesus would not typically refer to God as "Allah" just because He spoke Aramaic, as Jesus was typically reterring to God as His Father, in Aramaic sounds more like "Abba". This is what He taught Christians to do: refer to God as "Our Father", not just by title of God. "Sunni Islam" isn't a school of thought or its own denomination in Islam. It simply means you follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the prophet. Sunni Islam itself is broken down into denominations like Ashari, Athari, etc., so to say it is the largest denomination is incorrect. It would be equivalent to saying "Trinitarian Christianity" is a denomination.
Never heard of Ashari and Athari as a denomination of Islam. Even the term denomination doesn't fit Islam and therefore inappropriate because it is a Christian invention.
It is difficult to even establish Ishmael as a real historical figure from sources outside of scripture. From scripture it is understood Ishmael was the forefather of the Adnanites. From this understanding it is possible and reasonable that the prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a descendant of Ishmael because he is an Arab. Is there a way to definitively prove this? As of now, no, but it cannot be disproven at the moment either because one would have to provide an alternative genealogy showing that he is a Qahtani Arab. Further more the lineages of the prophet connecting him to Ishmael are problematic from adnan to Ishmael, but we know he is a descendant of adnan. According to tradition, Adnan is the father of a group of the Ishmaelite Arabs who inhabited West and Northern Arabia; he is a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. Adnan is believed by genealogists to be the father of many Ishmaelite tribes along the Western coast of Arabia, Northern Arabia and Iraq.
@@MuslimMindsUS Thanks for your honest opinion and information. Still to me it is important to find out for sure whether Mohammads claim is true. If it is false, then this would confirm that he isn't a true prophet or messenger. Not trying to be disrespectful, just important to find out the facts.
Christianity is not Abrahamic and I can prove it to you. 👉🏻 Trinity concept which is pagan greek concept has nothing to do with Abrahamic tradition of monotheism. 👉🏻 pagans festivals like Christmas and Easter has nothing to do with Abrahamic philosophy at all. I consider Christianity as roman greek pagan tradition which is taught by paul and I called it paulinity instead of Christianity bcz it has nothing to do with christ at all. U know jesus was used to bow like Muslims in prayers and he used to fast which is Abrahamic tradition
@@Daniel06798 No the trinity didn't come from pagan Greek lol 🤦♂️ The Jews actually believe in the Holy Spirit to. It's God Spirit. Only Mohammad had no idea what the Holy Spirit was because he is a pagan who doesn't know Allah. Did Jesus pray on His face every time He prayed to His Father? No lol! Read the scriptures. He never ordered people to pray with their faces to the ground but if you want to do that it is up to you. Yes Jesus is ACTUALLY from the Abrahamic line. It can be tracked. Can Mohammad be tracked to the Abrahamic line? NO. There is no proof he is from the line of Abraham in any way. He made the claim and no one bothered to confirm it 🤦♂️ Take Paul out of the situation, Jesus still claimed to be the Son of God, He was given the authority to forgive sins which only God can do, many people and even demons worshipped Him. Jesus also prophesied His death and resurrection a NUMBER OF TIMES and if it didn't come to pass He would be a false prophet which of course He is not. All I'll say is boom! If you'd like me to share errors in your Qur'an, all you have to do is ask
Peace be with you was a common thing at the Catholic Church I went to when I was little. We would shake each others hands towards the end of service, and would say that.
I would also add in most christian denominations the unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit. Mark 3:28-29 says, “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation.”
The video is kind of lacking in terms of Christianity and very protestant. A pastor is strictly protestant, our Orthodox brothers and us Catholics have priests that hold mass. We worship, as you rightfully said, the holy Triunity. Easter is the highest festival of Christianity, not Christmas (Christmas only got its significance as protestants by denying the saints were no longer able to celebrate Saint Nicholas day on the 6th of Dezember on which traditionally in Germany, where the protestant reformation started, kids (as he is the patron saint of kids) would get presents put into their shoes during the night, so they kept that tradition but moved it to Christmas). It is of course nevertheless still an important holiday. The devil in Christianity is also Satan, a fallen archangel (Lucifer the light bringer) that rebelled against God. As towards sin (at least from a Catholic perception): sin is turning deliberately away from God. Stealing is most of the time such a sin however under specific circumstances it can also be not a sin. After WW2 my own city Cologne was over 90% destroyed, most men were either dead, crippled or still held in captivity and we had one of the coldest winters in our history while the occupying victorious powers were taking all of our coal as war reparations and to aid their own struggling economy and populations, so people were left with very lacking shelter and no means to heat leading to many freezing to death. During that time the Archbishop of Cologne at the time called Frings declared that collecting some coal that fell from the trucks and perhaps even aiding a bit in the coal falling off in the first place to preserve ones own and ones beloved ones lifes would not be considered a sin, which termed a new word used in my area to this day to describe that type of stealing: to "fringsen" something
For the level of Sin comment: most sects/denominations believe that God views all sin as the same, but that the Holy Spirit’s influence allows us to understand the varying intensity of a sin’s… well, sinfulness I guess. Only certain groups like Catholics and many versions of Orthodox Christians view sins as different because of the belief of a purgatory or middle between Heaven and Hell where we stay for a varying amount of time depending on our unconfessed sins. (As a Protestant I don’t personally believe this and see it as non-Biblical but you know gotta give them credit and such).
6:09 I’m studyIng different religions and I had been convinced that Islam didn’t have multiple sects. If the Quran is the clear diving revelation to correct the corruptions of the Tanakh and the Bible, then, all due respect. can you explain why there are different sects?
Christ follower here! Respect around 2:25. By pointing how it could be unfair for Christian’s. Appreciate your intellectual honesty. Love watching yalls reactions.
In the name of God Jesus Christ The way of truth and life That taught me to pray for everyone, even my enemies Peace be upon all the people of the world
In Greece we use peace be among us(🥊⛽️📛📕📮) as an expression. Is is archaic and its not really used by most modern greeks, but it is still commonly used by older generations and the clergy
Btw why is Mary so highly respected in Islam? Their have been many prophets all have had mothers but if you only believe Jesus to be one of them then why is she elevated above the rest?
to understand it better from the Islamic perspective lets see the versus from the Quran that tell the story of Maryam or Mary in the Al imran chapter and Maryam chapter. ( the versus are to long for a comment so I mention their numbers lastly ) So what we learn from the Quran is Maryam was special : she was a righteous woman from her birth her mother prayed for her and pledged her to god when she was in the womb. she was raised by the prophet Zechariah her blood is back to the prophet mosses. she was faithful and obedient her whole life. God chose her and purified her above all the women of the worlds the known miracle of Mary was giving birth of Jesus while she is a virgin, also from the story we learn she had a provision from god but the how is not mentioned in details. as she mentioned ("It is from God. Indeed, God provides for whom He wills without account.") as an answer to Zechariah after he asked her "form where you got this" the angels spook to her in different versus and she saw one as the Maryam story mentioned. and she is the mother of prophet Jesus. god mention her as a good example for a faithful woman to the believers. I hope this helped on understanding why she is a holy figure in Islam. here is the versus : in al imran chapter go to versus 33 to 36 and 42 to 47 from another chapter named Maryam, started from verse 16 to 30 Another verse in chapter al Tahrem is 11-12
Most reapectful people its hard to find people like you on the internet today (also satan is the devil too. also you're right about how diffrent denominations have diffrent view points on sin)
Eastern orthdox Christianity has prostate prayer since the 1st century as the first of the chruch did this also. It is a oractice taught by the churhc which is led by the holy spirit yet had been forskaen by many in their ignorance. Islam is a counterfeit of eastern orthodox Christianity in every way from our perspective.
I’m a Christian and I think I saw some things wrong in the video you guys reacted to. Obviously Jesus is not the only person in the Holy Trinity we worship so the guy really should have put God The Trinity is worshipped in Christianity. In Christianity satan is the devil so that part made no sense. And finally most Christian denominations don’t see all sin as equal. Obviously murder is worse than lying. God Bless
We say all sins are the same because whether you stole 3 packs of M&Ms or killed someone (without repentance) you're still damned to hell. Now the punishment for the sins in Hell are where it's different. A rapist/muderer won't be punished the same as someone that is just an unbeliever who denied Christ.
Actually in Judaism we have 3 sins that define has not to be done under any circumstances, or in a simple translation from the Hebrew sentence: "Death is better than committing the sin". And they are, Idolatry, Incest and Murder.
Have u ever thought that we actually might believe the same thing but raised up with different beliefs and rules on our countries that we thought we are different its so sad because its not that different if you think about it as( an orthodox )
HI there! Some correction with the seven deadly sins. It's actually never specifically stated in the Bible that there are seven deadly sins, ironically. Those are just sins and behaviors that we have all culturally identified as being unholy and harmful to ourselves and those around us. However, there are stated "mortal sins" that are blasphemies against God that are considered immediately damnable: Murder (the act of killing someone for any reason other than self-defence or accident, which includes suicide since it is taking your own life that God intended for you to have), adultery, blasphemy (such as apostasy, defacing of holy relics or sites, or swearing allegiance to God's enemies i.e. Satan and other demons), and of course, idolatry.
Most Christians and i mean lile 90% view all sin as forgivable but not a identical...a murderer should be forgiven ina spiritual way but not theblaws of man
Theres a video series that i figured might interest you thats basically the family tree of Christiany and its denominations , its by the channel UsefulCharts. I believe they also have one for Islam and talked about eventully doing one for Judaism aswell. Back to the one for Christianity it covers from ancient Christianity to, last i watched anyways, the protestant reformation.
I'd love to see one comparing Islam and Mormonism given the significant similarities in the beginnings of the religions (Prophecy, new scripture, persecution) and similar lifestyle practices (abstinence from alcohol, modesty being emphasized). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made a pamphlet in correspondence with Muslim leaders discussing those types of similarities and differences called "Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyle."
For Judaism the corruption is self evident since they did not embrace the messiah and the oldest traceable text we have is the Dead Sea scrolls which is dated 1,500 years after Moses. As for the corruption of Christianity or the message of Jesus. This occurred through several differing beliefs about Jesus and his life including Docetism, Ebionism, discarded gospels and the New Testament which is unanimously understood to have no manuscripts from the first century. There is also no way to verify who wrote these scriptures aside from popular church tradition. It took 300 years to canonize the scripture and till this day there are major fragmentations in Christianity even down to the nature of God (the trinity) is still being debated in Christian circles. The idea of Trinity in its definition was also established 300 years after the time of Christ. Beyond this, we as Muslims believe in Islam as the final religion with the final revelation. We don’t necessarily believe that the New Testament has changed or the entire tanakh, rather we don’t see the original messages of the prophets being preserved and lost over time. Which is reasonable, considering how old and difficult it would be for Jews and the persecuted Christians to preserve their faith. -Rohaib
@@MuslimMindsUS But didn't Jesus confirm the Torah that came before him? Which would have been the same as the one in the Dead Sea scrolls? Which are identical to that which we have today proving no corruption of the Torah?
@@MuslimMindsUS But people of the book are Ahl al-kitab are instructed to judge by their books (Torah and Gospel) and that those who don't do so havens ground to stand on, if so, why would Allah instruct them to judge by corrupt books?
I would say Fatima is more highly regarded (and influential) as Khadija. The hand of Fatima is often considered as a secondary symbol of Islam after the crescent and star
@@MuslimMindsUS Multiple historical sources cite Fatima as having a key role in keeping the peace between the proto-Sunnis and Porto-Shia that slowly began to escalate after her death (6 months after Muhammad) that exploded after the death of Ali (her husband) in 658 CE.
I'm the type of christian who thinks all sins are of the same level or magnitude. I understand that some actions are worse than others but in terms of sin it's kind of different. I would say that sin isn't the individual acts of rebellion or wrong doing but rather an attitude or way of life. I would say we are not sinners because we commit individual sins, but because we do not submit to God. Living in rebellion against God is sin, the individual actions are consequences of that rebellion, although when we submit to God these actions don't all cease (I wish they did). It's a bit like a disease which causes a rash or fever, the rash and fever aren't the disease and two people with the same disease might have more or less of a rash or a higher or lower temeperature, but whatever level of fever having a fever shows you have the disease. I don't know if that helps, a lot of christians would disagree with me.
That information is a bit helpful but also a kind of confusing at the same time if im being honest... lol, is there any bible verse about the sin being just a sin and not different weights? Thanks for the comment Doug! -Hamza
@@MuslimMindsUS I don't like having one verse that proves a point, you can take any sentence and make it mean what you want if you try hard enough. But in the New Testament, the letter of James chapter 2 verse 10, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." (NIV translation) Through the whole Bible it is always The Law singular not The Laws, I think of it like a balloon if a sin is a pin that sticks into the balloon it doesn't matter how big the pin is, you can't burst a balloon just a little bit.
Sorry for going on a bit, I'll stop after this. I've done a bit of reading (on wikipedia so could be way off). The misunderstanding might be from a different view of judgement rather than of sin. Both Islam and Christianity understand judgement and salvation to depend wholly on the mercy of God, but (according to wikipedia) Islam involves some aspect of the believer's conduct in their life, my understanding of Christianity is that it depends just on mercy. It's the question of good works again. I would say that good works are expected to show that my faith is true, living, and genuine. Again the letter of James discusses this. So because there's no comparison of good and bad conduct in life at judgement, just whether you have faith, with works showing the faith is there without adding to it, what matters is whether you've turned toward God and away from sin and not the individual sins themselves, so there is no weighting of the sins just that you've repented of all sin. I'll stop now.
Christians say "Gods peace" as a greeting...Christian sect do not differ in scripture or the bible😢 only how we organize ourselves it sad you bring up heresy...
A dios in Spain and Good Bye in English And other similar expressions in the Christian countries can be translated as be with God or May God be with you.
OK just a few things to correct your Islamic teachings, you make it sound like Jesus always prayed on the ground but most of the time you will see Him looking to the sky and pray (something forbidden by Islam as I understand), at times Christians also pray on the ground so not only you doing it... Kaaba built by Abraham? Do you really think it is 4000 years old? There is no proof that Abraham even went there... "Islam the final continuation..." Then please explain why it doesn't continue on the story of the Bible starting with creation, the fall of Adam, the Saviour, the promised new covenant etc? Why does it hide exactly that? Why did allah then forget about his eternal name that he supposedly gave to Moses, the name used almost 7000 times in the Bible, the same name that Jesus manifested with (Yehoshua meaning Yehovah saves)? When you consider that an Abrahamic religion should follow the same God of Abraham and share the same promises made to Abraham then both modern day Judaism and Islam is excluded. Lastly you mentioned different sins, not really what it is about. Sin is living in satan's nature as opposed to the laws that reflect God's nature. All of Adam's descendants are born in Adam's fallen state, born in bondage, satan having a claim on all, all born to live in his nature. Since we are all separated from God, He gave His laws to Israel his holy nation as guidance. Since it is impossible to live in God's nature without God, He promised the new covenant, to save us from bondage, His Spirit living in and through us, now able to live in God's nature, no desire to sin anymore. Now you know why Yehovah manifested as man, to fulfill His promise to Abraham....
I don’t think there is anything with looking at the sky and praying… if you are praying to the sky itself or the sun/moon then it’s a problem… Muslims can make dua/supplication to Gos and look at the sky. If im wrong please provide a reference. The Quran does have the story of creation and story of Adam… so I don’t know what you are trying to say? -Hamza
It is commonly thought that Luke the Evangelist was a Gentile (Greek). Here is a hint from the Scriptures in Colossians, that distinguishes between the Jews who are helping Paul while he was in prison in Rome, and Luke and Demas also present with him. 10My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. 11Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me. [...] 14Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings. - Colossians 4:10-11, 14[25]
No their not.. their is no 3 Abrahamic religions because Allah Sayed in the Quran Abraham was not a jew neither Christian but a muslim hanifan who submit he's will to Aalmighty Allah the one and only... so he wasn't a polyheist Allah Sayes We Send only one religion... worshiping only the Creator not "three in one" or "we are the shosen ones" all those things would not help those christians & jewsh !!
Source for 06:05: www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/04/05/the-changing-global-religious-landscape/
Why pretend your talking to God or why pretend you don't know your food comes from a farm and has nothing to do with God. Demand more from your God people die everyday of natural disasters and starvation and dehydration or is born with deformed bonds or bone cancer so God gave him cancer or at lease gave Satan the right to do so. So it's a pie in the sky type thing jesus teaches be kind and help the poor and stuff like equality to women I guess that's good stuff but it's because he couldn't fulfill prophecy so all the predictions became spiritual and not physical.he was supposed to be a actual king on the earth and was to bring Israel into safety from there enemy's but he was executed and then in the year 70 ad Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman's or whatever .you have to die or wait for his return to find out. Medicine and luxury and knowledgeable and wisdom saves.
Ex Christian but still mess with his teachings
Im sorry im late but can you guys watch about orthodox we pray with bowing our head down too. Example Ethiopian Orthodox churches and stuff😊
We will look into it, thanks for the comment!!
We Catholics say "Peace Be With You" a lot especially in Mass.
At 1:35 the reason Paul was put there and not Jesus is because he said the most important non worshipped figure, and we worship Jesus so thats why. Also for Catholics we would say Peter and not Paul.
Well Peter was given the keys to the kingdom so to speak but Paul is the main writer of the New Testament it is mostly his letters so Paul would right we don’t really have peters writings well maybe 2 were 13 were definitely written by st.Paul
I'm a Christian and we generally have a part of our services where we all greet each other saying "peace be with you"
Catholic here. I love your videos. I love hearing your views on the world and on other religions. Peace be with you.
I think a lot of Christians don't use peace be with you outside the church context anymore, but certainly in many church services they would say it. Usually the service leader would say peace be with you, and the congregation replies and also with you in an Anglican service.
Oh wow, thanks Francesca for letting us know! Just pointed it out since I’ve never heard of the Christian greeting like Jews and Muslims people have. 😁
@@MuslimMindsUS Yeah for sure, it makes sense that you wouldn't come across it, for some reason we don't use it outside church
@@MuslimMindsUS A more common greeting would be God bless you. Escpecially if you sneeze you will often hear bless you. That practice originates from the era of the black plague where people attempted to ward of the plague through the calling of god and it stuck around to this day.
Although their are various views on this amongst Christians The one I think is the most right is that All sin equally separates you from god but that does not mean all sin is equal in its damage and that certain sins do more evil than others.
You guys tend to have a lot of misconceptions about Christianity, especially the gentleman on the left. Heres a few key points:
Saint Paul in Christianity is equivalent to Muhammad in Islam. Christians believe Paul is the "Apostle/Messanger of God to the Gentiles", which is the same title Muslims attribute to Muhammad.
Jesus prayed the same way Orthodox Christians pray. Orthodox Christians have been prostrating for centuries before Islam, and continue to do so to this day.
Jesus would not typically refer to God as "Allah" just because He spoke Aramaic, as Jesus was typically reterring to God as His Father, in Aramaic sounds more like "Abba". This is what He taught Christians to do: refer to God as "Our Father", not just by title of God.
"Sunni Islam" isn't a school of thought or its own denomination in Islam. It simply means you follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the prophet. Sunni Islam itself is broken down into denominations like Ashari, Athari, etc., so to say it is the largest denomination is incorrect. It would be equivalent to saying "Trinitarian Christianity" is a denomination.
I agree with you! 🤍
Never heard of Ashari and Athari as a denomination of Islam.
Even the term denomination doesn't fit Islam and therefore inappropriate because it is a Christian invention.
Islam technically is not an Abrahamic religion since no one has ever proven that Mohammad is from the line of Ishmael. He most likely is not
It is difficult to even establish Ishmael as a real historical figure from sources outside of scripture. From scripture it is understood Ishmael was the forefather of the Adnanites. From this understanding it is possible and reasonable that the prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a descendant of Ishmael because he is an Arab. Is there a way to definitively prove this? As of now, no, but it cannot be disproven at the moment either because one would have to provide an alternative genealogy showing that he is a Qahtani Arab. Further more the lineages of the prophet connecting him to Ishmael are problematic from adnan to Ishmael, but we know he is a descendant of adnan. According to tradition, Adnan is the father of a group of the Ishmaelite Arabs who inhabited West and Northern Arabia; he is a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. Adnan is believed by genealogists to be the father of many Ishmaelite tribes along the Western coast of Arabia, Northern Arabia and Iraq.
@@MuslimMindsUS Thanks for your honest opinion and information. Still to me it is important to find out for sure whether Mohammads claim is true. If it is false, then this would confirm that he isn't a true prophet or messenger. Not trying to be disrespectful, just important to find out the facts.
Agreed, thanks for remaining respectful and I appreciate you establishing these things in evidence.
Christianity is not Abrahamic and I can prove it to you. 👉🏻 Trinity concept which is pagan greek concept has nothing to do with Abrahamic tradition of monotheism. 👉🏻 pagans festivals like Christmas and Easter has nothing to do with Abrahamic philosophy at all. I consider Christianity as roman greek pagan tradition which is taught by paul and I called it paulinity instead of Christianity bcz it has nothing to do with christ at all. U know jesus was used to bow like Muslims in prayers and he used to fast which is Abrahamic tradition
@@Daniel06798 No the trinity didn't come from pagan Greek lol 🤦♂️ The Jews actually believe in the Holy Spirit to. It's God Spirit. Only Mohammad had no idea what the Holy Spirit was because he is a pagan who doesn't know Allah.
Did Jesus pray on His face every time He prayed to His Father? No lol! Read the scriptures. He never ordered people to pray with their faces to the ground but if you want to do that it is up to you.
Yes Jesus is ACTUALLY from the Abrahamic line. It can be tracked.
Can Mohammad be tracked to the Abrahamic line? NO. There is no proof he is from the line of Abraham in any way. He made the claim and no one bothered to confirm it 🤦♂️
Take Paul out of the situation, Jesus still claimed to be the Son of God, He was given the authority to forgive sins which only God can do, many people and even demons worshipped Him. Jesus also prophesied His death and resurrection a NUMBER OF TIMES and if it didn't come to pass He would be a false prophet which of course He is not.
All I'll say is boom! If you'd like me to share errors in your Qur'an, all you have to do is ask
Good comment. I agree that they should've put the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as central to Christianity.
Hey Matt, yeah I thought it was strange Paul was picked instead of Jesus, glad you agree!! 😁
Paul was the most influential apostle but yes, he was just one of several apostles who help writing the Bible
Peace be with you was a common thing at the Catholic Church I went to when I was little. We would shake each others hands towards the end of service, and would say that.
I would also add in most christian denominations the unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit.
Mark 3:28-29 says, “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation.”
Hey Boaz, thanks for sharing. This makes sense as opposed to the notion that all sin is treated the same.
12:44 when jesus forgives every sin that u committed will lose its weight so it doesn't matter what u did bc at the end of the day jesus forgives
I actually say: ,, Gods peace" when saying goodbye sometimes
The video is kind of lacking in terms of Christianity and very protestant.
A pastor is strictly protestant, our Orthodox brothers and us Catholics have priests that hold mass.
We worship, as you rightfully said, the holy Triunity.
Easter is the highest festival of Christianity, not Christmas (Christmas only got its significance as protestants by denying the saints were no longer able to celebrate Saint Nicholas day on the 6th of Dezember on which traditionally in Germany, where the protestant reformation started, kids (as he is the patron saint of kids) would get presents put into their shoes during the night, so they kept that tradition but moved it to Christmas). It is of course nevertheless still an important holiday.
The devil in Christianity is also Satan, a fallen archangel (Lucifer the light bringer) that rebelled against God.
As towards sin (at least from a Catholic perception): sin is turning deliberately away from God. Stealing is most of the time such a sin however under specific circumstances it can also be not a sin. After WW2 my own city Cologne was over 90% destroyed, most men were either dead, crippled or still held in captivity and we had one of the coldest winters in our history while the occupying victorious powers were taking all of our coal as war reparations and to aid their own struggling economy and populations, so people were left with very lacking shelter and no means to heat leading to many freezing to death. During that time the Archbishop of Cologne at the time called Frings declared that collecting some coal that fell from the trucks and perhaps even aiding a bit in the coal falling off in the first place to preserve ones own and ones beloved ones lifes would not be considered a sin, which termed a new word used in my area to this day to describe that type of stealing: to "fringsen" something
No Christian believes differently the only difference is how they organize
@@jaredhomola3066not true unfortunately
I guess christians usually say "God bless you" more often
For the level of Sin comment: most sects/denominations believe that God views all sin as the same, but that the Holy Spirit’s influence allows us to understand the varying intensity of a sin’s… well, sinfulness I guess. Only certain groups like Catholics and many versions of Orthodox Christians view sins as different because of the belief of a purgatory or middle between Heaven and Hell where we stay for a varying amount of time depending on our unconfessed sins. (As a Protestant I don’t personally believe this and see it as non-Biblical but you know gotta give them credit and such).
6:09 I’m studyIng different religions and I had been convinced that Islam didn’t have multiple sects. If the Quran is the clear diving revelation to correct the corruptions of the Tanakh and the Bible, then, all due respect. can you explain why there are different sects?
There’s lots of kneeling and standing up in Christian church. That’s what the little thing under each pew is for, kneeling.
Christ follower here! Respect around 2:25. By pointing how it could be unfair for Christian’s. Appreciate your intellectual honesty. Love watching yalls reactions.
In the name of God Jesus Christ
The way of truth and life
That taught me to pray for everyone, even my enemies
Peace be upon all the people of the world
Peace be upon you Brothers!
Peace upon you too Elaine!! 😁
Peace be upon you!
In Greece we use peace be among us(🥊⛽️📛📕📮) as an expression. Is is archaic and its not really used by most modern greeks, but it is still commonly used by older generations and the clergy
Btw why is Mary so highly respected in Islam? Their have been many prophets all have had mothers but if you only believe Jesus to be one of them then why is she elevated above the rest?
to understand it better from the Islamic perspective lets see the versus from the Quran that tell the story of Maryam or Mary in the Al imran chapter and Maryam chapter.
( the versus are to long for a comment so I mention their numbers lastly )
So what we learn from the Quran is Maryam was special :
she was a righteous woman from her birth
her mother prayed for her and pledged her to god when she was in the womb.
she was raised by the prophet Zechariah
her blood is back to the prophet mosses.
she was faithful and obedient her whole life.
God chose her and purified her above all the women of the worlds
the known miracle of Mary was giving birth of Jesus while she is a virgin, also from the story we learn she had a provision from god but the how is not mentioned in details. as she mentioned ("It is from God. Indeed, God provides for whom He wills without account.") as an answer to Zechariah after he asked her "form where you got this"
the angels spook to her in different versus and she saw one as the Maryam story mentioned.
and she is the mother of prophet Jesus.
god mention her as a good example for a faithful woman to the believers.
I hope this helped on understanding why she is a holy figure in Islam.
here is the versus : in al imran chapter go to versus 33 to 36 and 42 to 47
from another chapter named Maryam, started from verse 16 to 30
Another verse in chapter al Tahrem is 11-12
@@ijah4x Thank you and may god bless you
Most reapectful people its hard to find people like you on the internet today (also satan is the devil too. also you're right about how diffrent denominations have diffrent view points on sin)
Eastern orthdox Christianity has prostate prayer since the 1st century as the first of the chruch did this also. It is a oractice taught by the churhc which is led by the holy spirit yet had been forskaen by many in their ignorance.
Islam is a counterfeit of eastern orthodox Christianity in every way from our perspective.
Yeah of course Jesus is the most important figure in Christianity since He is God in flesh
Hey Matt, thanks for agreeing with me, I found it strange that Paul was put there, I can see why though...
The video presented did a very poor job of representing Christianity. A lot of errant information in it.
In Catholicism there is a Venial Sin and a Mortal Sin...Mortal sin being the worst and it includes the 7 deadly sins.
The similarities between those three religions The Holy Bible, the Holy Quran.
It's a great work of science fiction.
I’m a Christian and I think I saw some things wrong in the video you guys reacted to. Obviously Jesus is not the only person in the Holy Trinity we worship so the guy really should have put God The Trinity is worshipped in Christianity. In Christianity satan is the devil so that part made no sense. And finally most Christian denominations don’t see all sin as equal. Obviously murder is worse than lying. God Bless
We say all sins are the same because whether you stole 3 packs of M&Ms or killed someone (without repentance) you're still damned to hell. Now the punishment for the sins in Hell are where it's different. A rapist/muderer won't be punished the same as someone that is just an unbeliever who denied Christ.
Actually in Judaism we have 3 sins that define has not to be done under any circumstances, or in a simple translation from the Hebrew sentence: "Death is better than committing the sin".
And they are, Idolatry, Incest and Murder.
I think that the video lacks Zoroastrianism, which should stand before Judaism.
Have u ever thought that we actually might believe the same thing but raised up with different beliefs and rules on our countries that we thought we are different its so sad because its not that different if you think about it as( an orthodox )
HI there! Some correction with the seven deadly sins. It's actually never specifically stated in the Bible that there are seven deadly sins, ironically. Those are just sins and behaviors that we have all culturally identified as being unholy and harmful to ourselves and those around us. However, there are stated "mortal sins" that are blasphemies against God that are considered immediately damnable: Murder (the act of killing someone for any reason other than self-defence or accident, which includes suicide since it is taking your own life that God intended for you to have), adultery, blasphemy (such as apostasy, defacing of holy relics or sites, or swearing allegiance to God's enemies i.e. Satan and other demons), and of course, idolatry.
Most Christians and i mean lile 90% view all sin as forgivable but not a identical...a murderer should be forgiven ina spiritual way but not theblaws of man
Theres a video series that i figured might interest you thats basically the family tree of Christiany and its denominations , its by the channel UsefulCharts. I believe they also have one for Islam and talked about eventully doing one for Judaism aswell. Back to the one for Christianity it covers from ancient Christianity to, last i watched anyways, the protestant reformation.
Hey knights of blackfyre!
Interesting, maybe we will react to those videos, thank you for the recommendation!!
I'd love to see one comparing Islam and Mormonism given the significant similarities in the beginnings of the religions (Prophecy, new scripture, persecution) and similar lifestyle practices (abstinence from alcohol, modesty being emphasized).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made a pamphlet in correspondence with Muslim leaders discussing those types of similarities and differences called "Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyle."
Hey ijn22, thank you for your recommendation, we will look into it
Mormons also have beliefs that are so different not only from Islam but from most Christians
Hey Moise, thanks for watching our video! Be sure to subscribe, will really help us out!
Source for the corruption of Judaism/Christianity?
For Judaism the corruption is self evident since they did not embrace the messiah and the oldest traceable text we have is the Dead Sea scrolls which is dated 1,500 years after Moses.
As for the corruption of Christianity or the message of Jesus. This occurred through several differing beliefs about Jesus and his life including Docetism, Ebionism, discarded gospels and the New Testament which is unanimously understood to have no manuscripts from the first century. There is also no way to verify who wrote these scriptures aside from popular church tradition. It took 300 years to canonize the scripture and till this day there are major fragmentations in Christianity even down to the nature of God (the trinity) is still being debated in Christian circles. The idea of Trinity in its definition was also established 300 years after the time of Christ.
Beyond this, we as Muslims believe in Islam as the final religion with the final revelation. We don’t necessarily believe that the New Testament has changed or the entire tanakh, rather we don’t see the original messages of the prophets being preserved and lost over time. Which is reasonable, considering how old and difficult it would be for Jews and the persecuted Christians to preserve their faith.
@@MuslimMindsUS But didn't Jesus confirm the Torah that came before him? Which would have been the same as the one in the Dead Sea scrolls? Which are identical to that which we have today proving no corruption of the Torah?
Came to confirm what was revealed by God therein. So from Islamic point of view coming to confirm it’s original and true unaltered message.
@@MuslimMindsUS But people of the book are Ahl al-kitab are instructed to judge by their books (Torah and Gospel) and that those who don't do so havens ground to stand on, if so, why would Allah instruct them to judge by corrupt books?
I would say Fatima is more highly regarded (and influential) as Khadija. The hand of Fatima is often considered as a secondary symbol of Islam after the crescent and star
Wow didn’t know that, any references for that info?
@@MuslimMindsUS Multiple historical sources cite Fatima as having a key role in keeping the peace between the proto-Sunnis and Porto-Shia that slowly began to escalate after her death (6 months after Muhammad) that exploded after the death of Ali (her husband) in 658 CE.
Allah is not YHWH.
sunni islam isnt a sect. its islam.
not deity guys
Eow shebabs ur voice are too low. The video u r watching are okay Volume 👍
I'm the type of christian who thinks all sins are of the same level or magnitude. I understand that some actions are worse than others but in terms of sin it's kind of different. I would say that sin isn't the individual acts of rebellion or wrong doing but rather an attitude or way of life. I would say we are not sinners because we commit individual sins, but because we do not submit to God. Living in rebellion against God is sin, the individual actions are consequences of that rebellion, although when we submit to God these actions don't all cease (I wish they did).
It's a bit like a disease which causes a rash or fever, the rash and fever aren't the disease and two people with the same disease might have more or less of a rash or a higher or lower temeperature, but whatever level of fever having a fever shows you have the disease.
I don't know if that helps, a lot of christians would disagree with me.
That information is a bit helpful but also a kind of confusing at the same time if im being honest... lol, is there any bible verse about the sin being just a sin and not different weights?
Thanks for the comment Doug!
@@MuslimMindsUS I don't like having one verse that proves a point, you can take any sentence and make it mean what you want if you try hard enough. But in the New Testament, the letter of James chapter 2 verse 10, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." (NIV translation)
Through the whole Bible it is always The Law singular not The Laws, I think of it like a balloon if a sin is a pin that sticks into the balloon it doesn't matter how big the pin is, you can't burst a balloon just a little bit.
Sorry for going on a bit, I'll stop after this. I've done a bit of reading (on wikipedia so could be way off). The misunderstanding might be from a different view of judgement rather than of sin. Both Islam and Christianity understand judgement and salvation to depend wholly on the mercy of God, but (according to wikipedia) Islam involves some aspect of the believer's conduct in their life, my understanding of Christianity is that it depends just on mercy. It's the question of good works again.
I would say that good works are expected to show that my faith is true, living, and genuine. Again the letter of James discusses this. So because there's no comparison of good and bad conduct in life at judgement, just whether you have faith, with works showing the faith is there without adding to it, what matters is whether you've turned toward God and away from sin and not the individual sins themselves, so there is no weighting of the sins just that you've repented of all sin.
I'll stop now.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal
@@MuslimMindsUS James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
Christians say "Gods peace" as a greeting...Christian sect do not differ in scripture or the bible😢 only how we organize ourselves it sad you bring up heresy...
Well, Jesus called God "Father." Is it fine with you guys to call God father?
A dios in Spain and Good Bye in English And other similar expressions in the Christian countries can be translated as be with God or May God be with you.
OK just a few things to correct your Islamic teachings, you make it sound like Jesus always prayed on the ground but most of the time you will see Him looking to the sky and pray (something forbidden by Islam as I understand), at times Christians also pray on the ground so not only you doing it...
Kaaba built by Abraham? Do you really think it is 4000 years old?
There is no proof that Abraham even went there...
"Islam the final continuation..."
Then please explain why it doesn't continue on the story of the Bible starting with creation, the fall of Adam, the Saviour, the promised new covenant etc? Why does it hide exactly that? Why did allah then forget about his eternal name that he supposedly gave to Moses, the name used almost 7000 times in the Bible, the same name that Jesus manifested with (Yehoshua meaning Yehovah saves)?
When you consider that an Abrahamic religion should follow the same God of Abraham and share the same promises made to Abraham then both modern day Judaism and Islam is excluded.
Lastly you mentioned different sins, not really what it is about. Sin is living in satan's nature as opposed to the laws that reflect God's nature. All of Adam's descendants are born in Adam's fallen state, born in bondage, satan having a claim on all, all born to live in his nature.
Since we are all separated from God, He gave His laws to Israel his holy nation as guidance. Since it is impossible to live in God's nature without God, He promised the new covenant, to save us from bondage, His Spirit living in and through us, now able to live in God's nature, no desire to sin anymore.
Now you know why Yehovah manifested as man, to fulfill His promise to Abraham....
I don’t think there is anything with looking at the sky and praying… if you are praying to the sky itself or the sun/moon then it’s a problem… Muslims can make dua/supplication to Gos and look at the sky. If im wrong please provide a reference.
The Quran does have the story of creation and story of Adam… so I don’t know what you are trying to say?
The prophets and the apostles are all Jews/lsralite for salvation is from the Jews.
Muslims should squeeze themselves there in Saudi Arabia and leave Jerusalem to christians and Jews.
Keep dreaming
@@MuslimMindsUS it's not a dream, it's a reality.muslims go to mekka for Hajj but the Jews and the christians go to Jerusalem for pilgrims.
So keep it up in mekka while we Jews and christians keep it up in Jerusalem.
It is commonly thought that Luke the Evangelist was a Gentile (Greek). Here is a hint from the Scriptures in Colossians, that distinguishes between the Jews who are helping Paul while he was in prison in Rome, and Luke and Demas also present with him. 10My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. 11Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me. [...] 14Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings.
- Colossians 4:10-11, 14[25]
The Sound is very low in this video
Hello Thomas Edison, we got a new mic for our new videos, hopefully won’t be a problem anymore
@@MuslimMindsUS Nice but I am not Thomas Edison
Great video
Spicy video 😂
Interesting wording from Rohaib for sure… 🤣
Islam Jihadid to indonesia get it right
No their not.. their is no 3 Abrahamic religions because Allah Sayed in the Quran Abraham was not a jew neither Christian but a muslim hanifan who submit he's will to Aalmighty Allah the one and only... so he wasn't a polyheist Allah Sayes We Send only one religion... worshiping only the Creator not "three in one" or "we are the shosen ones" all those things would not help those christians & jewsh !!