Is it Possible to Overdose on Meth?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2021
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    The views and opinions expressed by individuals in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of Up-North Prevention or its affiliates. The intention of this information is to educate and bring awareness to a variety of different opinions and perspectives on the subject of substance-use disorders.

Комментарии • 345

  • @abstract.stardust
    @abstract.stardust 5 месяцев назад +41

    I am an ex meth addict. All started at a friend's house, and a 💡. I was 14.. lasted about 4-5 yrs.. I've gone into psychosis 3 times, almost gouged my fkn eye out bc of it. Stole a car, money from family, lied even though they knew damn well I was geeked TF out..
    Walked away from everything, because my kids called me crying, pleading for me to come home, that was it for me. I walked away from it all, & never looked back. 12 years sober.. my kids literally saved me, had I continued I wouldn't be here right now.

    • @JazzyGinger1
      @JazzyGinger1 2 месяца назад +2

      Hello, 🐦
      God the Father loves you so much that He sent Holy and Sinless Jesus Christ(His Holy Son) to earth to be born of a virgin.Then, He grew up and died on a cross for our sins. He was in the tomb for 3 days, then Father God raised Jesus Christ (Y'shua) to Life! He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must receive Jesus Christ sincerely to be God's child John 1:12. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE on HIS name." That is great news! Will you sincerely receive Holy, Lord Jesus into your life today?

    • @dougspivey8396
      @dougspivey8396 29 дней назад +1

      Wow mine is 17 years old to 58

  • @jodisancho3807
    @jodisancho3807 2 года назад +98

    I've battled meth for 12 years. It took me to some shady places. Prison twice and a failed marriage as well as a career in the operating room. Terrible drug.

    • @jodisancho3807
      @jodisancho3807 2 года назад +29

      @@lazy5373 I care fool. I help a lot of people as a peer support specialist at various rehab facilities. It takes an addict to help and understand another addict.

    • @darlenewells6058
      @darlenewells6058 2 года назад +7

      Yes it's like having a demon inside of you at times

    • @Odinsraven88
      @Odinsraven88 2 года назад +4

      well done 🙏

    • @jodisancho3807
      @jodisancho3807 2 года назад +4

      @@lazy5373 thank you I'm still battlkng

    • @darlenewells6058
      @darlenewells6058 2 года назад +4

      @@lazy5373 thank you for your words and clarification you are exactly right
      I have gained more by being clean
      I try not to think about what I have lost it doesn't even matter now!
      The main thing is I'm alive and I'm working on me.

  • @stephencaudill2422
    @stephencaudill2422 Год назад +18

    why do all these rehab counselors look like Megadeth roadies?

  • @drifterproductions8742
    @drifterproductions8742 2 года назад +106

    I'm an ex meth addict and also an ex fentanyl addict and I never saw anyone overdose on meth. Heart attacks are possible, but usually you get the heart pains when you're coming down off meth, not so much when you're high on it. For me anyway. I never came across any meth that I suspected was laced with fentanyl, it wouldn't make sense to lace meth or coke with fentanyl because people do both to amp up and if fentanyl is in it then it's going to slow it down and no one would buy from you anymore and you would have to raise your price on the meth because it's costing you more to put fentanyl in it. What always made me curious about meth is what is in it that causes people to survive when they should be dead. I would stay awake for over a week in the beginning without eating hardly anything and just drinking a little water every so often. If I wasn't on meth I would have died. What's it about meth that keeps people from starving to death? How can people still be functional after 3+ days awake, when a sober person would not be able to function from sleep deprivation? It's like it causes superhuman abilities. I would have superhuman vision and hearing sometimes when on meth. After 3 days or so I seemed to be aware of the spirit world around me. I worked 6 days a week and would stay up all 6 days and knock myself out with Xanax on the 7th day for my day off and then do it all again. I did that for a little over a year straight without losing my job. I learned after day 6 I would start to have trouble knowing what was real from what's not. I quit meth pretty easy but I relied heavily on opiates to get off meth. There's a lot of people in the meth world that you wouldn't even know were on it if you didn't see them do it. Then other people that are a dead giveaway as soon as they are high. I wouldn't do it again, I never had an interest too after quitting, but the opiates I can be off of for a year and still want to do some. Suboxone got me off fentanyl, and kratom and marijuana got me through Suboxone withdrawal to get clean eventually. The drug world is a wild ride, it's hard to go back to the mundane life of sobriety. A lot of people relapse purely out of boredom from being sober with the sober crowd, who mainly just go to work and go home and stare at a TV or computer screen and do it all again the next day until they're old and dead.
    Like I do nowadays.

    • @davefarr4596
      @davefarr4596 2 года назад +25

      Only an ex-user would give an answer this long.

    • @jamesutley1352
      @jamesutley1352 2 года назад +4

      @@davefarr4596 I was thinking they’re still tweaking

    • @shelbymccoy7917
      @shelbymccoy7917 2 года назад +6

      Why would they cut meth with fentanyl ? Fentanyl is more expensive then meth so that makes no sense plus meth is a upper and fentanyl is a downer. I wish people would check there facts before making accusations.

    • @tonyclark8273
      @tonyclark8273 2 года назад +1

      Makes sense what u saying

    • @oliviamartini9700
      @oliviamartini9700 2 года назад +4

      Driftwood productions, you pose a fascinating question about why it doesn't kill you - and how you worked throughout (and I bet had an immaculate home!) Congrats on giving it up, and remaining an excellent, informative and thought-provoking writer. Life is dull but would have become intolerable (and for everyone around you) if you'd kept going, which you know of course. The skin and teeth alone...ugh.

  • @rugrat1235
    @rugrat1235 2 года назад +50

    Meth has destroyed the lives of many ppl I know & love.
    It's a soul snatcher😓

    • @enderpoems2148
      @enderpoems2148 2 года назад

      Yeah your not wrong it snatched my soul I haven't been the same since my delusions overdose and eventual sobriety from it I hate it but at the same time I think about it all the time it's been 6 months

    • @cuteredpanda00
      @cuteredpanda00 Год назад

      @@enderpoems2148 use again

    • @abstract.stardust
      @abstract.stardust 5 месяцев назад

      I referred to it as "Iceberg" bc like the Titanic... Only place you're going is down.. the claws are in you and you're trapped

    • @philbuell6657
      @philbuell6657 4 месяца назад

      Certainly doesn't discriminate

  • @dewilew2137
    @dewilew2137 5 месяцев назад +6

    He said everything except the answer to the question.
    The answer is “yes”, it is absolutely possible to OD on meth, even if it’s not cut with an opioid. It doesn’t kill you in the same way that downers do, so it won’t slow your breathing to an eventual halt, but it can cause heart issues, which can be fatal in those with preexisting heart conditions. It’s rare to fatally OD on a recreational dose, but enough methamphetamine can absolutely kill you.

  • @rissyxo224
    @rissyxo224 Год назад +9

    I know a few people that died during methamphetamine use. You can overdose on mostly any street drug especially these days. Don't do drugs. There is no future in drugs. Only sadness..madness..badness and being shunned from loved ones and the community. Don't try drugs. Your not missing out on anything. Not anything good anyway.

  • @hardcorehobbys381
    @hardcorehobbys381 2 года назад +68

    You absolutely can..3 years ago I got stopped while driving (and keep in mind I have a lengthy record plus being on parole) and thought for sure I would get searched so I swallowed almost 11 grms and I barely had time to twist up the bag..I didn't knot it got stuck in my throat...I could barely get a tiny bit of air when inhaling so slow..and that's all I could do to prevent suffocating..I could answer any of the basic questions the cops were asking me not answering the cops they started getting pretty upset..when I finally did try to answer them the only sound that came out of me was alittle if you were to pull a sandwich bag tight and try to blow threw the grace of God I finally got it to go down..and when all was said and done...they didn't even search me or the car and let me go..I was afraid to try to throw it up cuz I thought I would suffocate for sure..I then convinced myself that since I swallowed it it would just slowly enter my system and I'd be fine..I got home with in about 40 mins of swallowing wife wanted me to go to the hospital and I refused and convinced my wife that I'd be wife falls asleep soon as her head hits the pillow and I just laid there next to her..the next 4 days I can only remember bits and at first you do amp out and that's what happens most of the time and that's what happens to me...I passed out next to my wife..she woke up about 4 hours later and I had taken out all of our socks and underwear and her bras and had strung them all through out the house...except for one of her bras which I had wrapped around my head..I only remember the moment she woke up and said wtf are you doing babe..her voice brought me back from wherever I was's about 7am and it's been about 9 hours since I swallowed wife starts begging me to go to the hospital but I won' this point I can't even complete a sentence..and I keep thinking I'm walking through cob webs and I'm reaching in the air trying to pull the webs down and off wife calls my best friend to come over because she figures if anyone can get me to go to the hospital it would be about 45 mins later he shows up and he takes one look at me and says bro you need to go to the hospital you are not okay...I refuse and now I'm starting to I don't even know if I would call it was like I had got into the shower with me clothes on..I was sweating so bad I had puddles of sweat underneath my eyes on the top of my cheeks..and I keep asking my wife how I got so wet..I remember walking into my back porch and hearing my shoes slosh each time I took a step because they had that much sweat in them..I make it to my porch and sit down with my bro and we have a cigarette and I remember trying to talk to him and I can't put anything more then 2 maybe 3 words was like my brain was firing off so many signals and so fast that I felt like a robot short friend had distracted me long enough that my wife had time to call 911..and I live about 3 blocks from the fire department so next thing I know my house is full of firemen , EMTs and police..all I could think about was being on parole..I have no idea how I pulled myself together enough to get the police to leave and the EMTs and firemen to leave as long as I promised to let my wife take me to the hospital...which I wasn't going to do...I just wanted them out of my they were leaving the last EMT quietly said to me...if you don't get to the hospital now you are going to die..So I thought okay I will go to the ER just to prove to everyone that I'm okay..i climb into the back of my car and we start towards the's about a 5 min drive from my house..I had stripped out of my clothes my clothes and was trying to walk into the hospital with no clothes on..thank God my wife talked some sense into me and I put my shorts back on to go it's gotten to the point that I'm starting to have convulsions well more like shivering...after checking in I end up sitting waiting for someone to see me for over an hour..I start slipping in and out of conscience consciousness...the last thing I remember is falling out of the chair because I was shivering so bad..Im laying on the floor and I can here my wife yelling for someone to come help me and that's when everything went black...and I don't remember 1 single thing until I woke up in a dark room...strapped down to a bed with tubes down my throat and completely alone...that right there was the most scared I have ever been in my life...I didn't know where I was or how I had got there..I couldn't remember what had happened...and I didn't know at the time but 3 days had gone by..finally when a nurse came through on her hourly rounds sees that I am awake how she did I don't know cuz I couldn't make a sound and I was strapped down tight. Her first words to me is I can't believe you made it I thought for sure you were going to die and that she will let the Dr know that I'm after talking with 3 dr.s a handful of nurses and my wife this is exactly what happened..the hospital didn't know what to do and didn't have anything to give me to stop or reverse what was my body was going wife said that at one point the pharmacist from the ER pharmacy came over and asked her how many doses I had taken..the pharmacist wanted to know how many doses are in 11 grams..the hospital couldn't even wrap their heads around how much I had swallowed..all they could do was try to counter my symptoms..they pumped my stomach and forced charcoal down my throat so stop anymore from getting into my system but by this time it had been over 12 hours and the bag I swallowed wasn't even sealed so it had all pretty much entered my my kidneys shut down because they couldn't keep up with trying to filter all the toxins so my body started to do anything to try to fight what was going on so and wasn't strong enough to keep breathing so they had to put me on a respirator. And an additional tube was down my throat so they could get the charcoal into my the conclusion to this super long story and to the name of this video I 100% OD'ed and came very close to dying because of it..and meth is what I OD'ed on..worst experience of my life.. I hope this helps somebody

    • @unskilledlabor5229
      @unskilledlabor5229 2 года назад +8

      Damn dude, that's a hellish story. Those cops are the reason you had to swallow that much so I blame them. Happy you made it.

    • @isaiahlancer152
      @isaiahlancer152 2 года назад +4

      Damn that's crazy, glad you're okay now but 11 grams is an obvious way to die but still you didn't so ig meth is just harder to od on, that being said no one should even swallow 1 or 3 grams

    • @roscoep.coltraine6344
      @roscoep.coltraine6344 2 года назад +4

      Just curious, how old you happened to be when this took place? Been doing it since I was 14 and if the good lord is willing I'll turn 50 this Oct.🙏 Seen a few of the old boys that started raising hell a couple of years before I did and a couple of em that were my sidekicks since we were in diapers,one by one start to fall over these last 4-5 yrs. These are all guys that have been around the block more than a few times and went through life like they were crash dummies what we lacked in logic we made up for and then some in endurance.(or so it seemed) When I tell you we made a lifetime of partying to an extreme beyond even most rock stars, I'm not trying to brag and don't feel it's something to be proud of I'm just being honest. There was a time when I approached partying just as serious a runner would a marathon or a fighter his next bout. Mostly heart attacks and 2 strokes. I can feel my body has been pushed to its limit for just a little longer than it was designed to and I'm pretty much ready to retire but have sustained considerable damages and I can tell that the junkyard ain't too far off now! Your story reminded of the time our buddy butchy who we called captain caveman went on a run for everybody on his bike and wound up eating about 6 grams. We were all sitting out on front porch when he got back he jumped off while bike was still moving and it slammed into the back of a parked car he landed on his ass and popped back up like a super ball hopping around like a kangaroo and making hyena type noises while frantically trying to get his helmet off looked like rode through a car wash and then he started yelling help bees! His ears were buzzing from the sudden dangerous level of blood pressure! He thought some how bees got in his helmet.🤡 he actually lived in a cave for 3 years with his old lady!

    • @isaiahlancer152
      @isaiahlancer152 2 года назад +3

      @@roscoep.coltraine6344 when was the last time you used, and how much did you use to cause heart attack and stoke

    • @roscoep.coltraine6344
      @roscoep.coltraine6344 2 года назад +2

      @@isaiahlancer152 I have never had (thank god) a heart attack or stroke. Some of my friends that are my age and some others couple to a few years older than me that run in the same circles as I do that started partying around same time as I did have been poppin off at about 1 every 4-6 months now it seems for the last 4-5 years. Technically I would drink whatever,whenever I would have the opportunity to get my hands on something that'd get me and my buddies drunk from around 7-8 yrs old and I was completely addicted to cigarettes at 9 chewed tobacco only when we'd go fishin at 6 was smoking weed and hash and occasionally rush from 11 did PCP accidentally with my cousin same age as me when we were 11 or 12,tried mesculine 1rst time at 13, tried coke(powder) at 14 and it was instantly my drug of choice but didn't really have any connect or the money to do much of it until around 16 when I went nuts tried speed crank meth whatever you want to call it not long after doing blow (14) but getting it was even harder than trying to get blow at the time even though it was made by my best friends cousin and used hang out and drink beer in his garage sometimes while he was cooking but it was already going to guys he ran with before it was even done being made. They would chip in together to get what they needed to make a batch amongst themselves and kept it hush hush type thing. They were grown men 20's 30's 40's and most were part of a local mc from where we grew up. We weren't supposed to be aware of all those details and he wasn't cooking in same part of house as we would be hanging he didn't/wouldn't talk about that shit with us but he'd do it in our presence and his bros were steady stoppin by to "have a beer" and then split. We weren't stupid and shit left out unattended would be ours my buddy came up with the bright idea of telling him that if he wouldn't start hooking him and his friends up with it that maybe certain family members of theirs that weren't cool with that shit might get wind of it all it was one of their aunts who was in a nursing home house it all was happening in. I wasn't there but he said he gave him a bag and then beat his ass for talking like a rat. But I switched up from the blow to speed(late 20's)cuz I got outta hand with the rock and been that way since till recent I'll be 50 Oct but guys that I know that had heart problems and the strokes In my opinion I'm not a dr was mostly just from decades and decades of pushing your body to its limits without ever giving yourself a chance to rest is like a tire on your car may last a long time but eventually it's done I've known a few that like sticking needles in themselves and so they did 20,30,40 years banging 💩 od never took em out but all of sudden one day their bodies quit and organs shut down on em

  • @Dexduzdiz
    @Dexduzdiz 2 года назад +21

    You know thinking about it, not being able to Overdose might actually be slightly worse in terms of its addictiveness. Dragging one down a deeper and deeper hole for far longer.

    • @anna8328
      @anna8328 5 месяцев назад +1

      Absolutely this is why meth is so bad

  • @RR_DM
    @RR_DM 3 месяца назад +5

    I really respect how humble some people are about the length of their sobriety. Even if you have only a few days or even just hours of sobriety, I commend you because, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, good luck and best wishes🍻

    • @DrJ-hx7wv
      @DrJ-hx7wv 2 месяца назад

      Maybe the beer mugs aren't the best emoji here

  • @lexsullivan5054
    @lexsullivan5054 2 года назад +9

    my ex shot me up with too much on purpose, I almost pooped my pants and started to vomit while my temperature rose sky high

  • @seizod
    @seizod 2 года назад +14

    My brother shot up too big of load and died in April '20. Official cause of death was acute methamphetamine toxicity. It wasn't cut with fentanyl.

    • @holland9199
      @holland9199 2 года назад

      Owhh 😳 sorry to hear this 😦

    • @seizod
      @seizod 2 года назад

      @@holland9199 Thanks . He told his ex that when he got the $1400 covid check that he'd probably kill himself with it. That's exactly what he did.

    • @robertkitchens6341
      @robertkitchens6341 2 месяца назад

      Bad batch

    • @robertkitchens6341
      @robertkitchens6341 2 месяца назад

      Bad batch

  • @rogerironhide4220
    @rogerironhide4220 2 года назад +14

    Now a days one can OD on ANYTHING....
    That fentanyl has invaded every dope hole, crack house, etc ..

  • @F_L_U_X
    @F_L_U_X 2 года назад +53

    I OD'd a few times on different drugs, but one time on meth was particularly scary. This was probably 10 years ago or so. I've been clean for a while.
    Anyway, I shot up around 0.7g with no tolerance and it felt like I was coughing up fire. My throat felt like it was melting because it was so hot. I came in my pants and then I started throwing up. My scalp and ears got super goosebumps and lit on fire. My eyes started darting back and forth (left/right, very rapidly and uncontrollable). I had a heart rate monitor and it shot up to 210bpm...then I started to feel cold, and my lips and finger tips started to turn blue and I realized I wasn't breathing properly, so I focused all my attention on just deep breaths. I started to get a little confused and kept forgetting where I was and everything would get super quiet (started losing my hearing over and over) and then I'd remember my breathing was shallow and kept focusing and losing focus on my breathing. I looked down at the heart rate monitor and it was at 34bpm...
    I got my phone and started recording my goodbyes to loved-ones... Woke up on the floor about an hour later. I got super lucky. Haven't touched it since. It makes me literally feel sick to think about.

    • @TheLoyalSpirit
      @TheLoyalSpirit 2 года назад +2

      Holy Shit 700mg? I'm glad you're okay. Damn that's overdose territory

    • @tomlyon7605
      @tomlyon7605 Год назад +2

      i had a similar experience, and it pisses me off that so many people say you cant overdose on meth

    • @fuzywuzzy21
      @fuzywuzzy21 Год назад

      well dont blame the drug for this. 700mg in a shot with no tolerance...that sounds to me like you are trying to kill yourself. An adult dosage of Adderall is 30mg.

    • @upside-umod9941
      @upside-umod9941 Год назад

      I just got done doing 1.3g in 80cc of water in the bicep area and I'm still here. Granted my tolerance for all substances (aside from fety) is disgustingly high never od'd from meth and my "partying of choice" is ice and coke mixed together usually .8-1.2g of meth mixed with .3-.6 of Caine its a rush like u never felt but doesn't completely disappear after 10-20min like just injecting cocaine does. Deff. Not glorifying my practices. But my experience I've never seen anyone "od" from meth.. deff seen some psychosis which js just as scary as od.. but I HAVE seen a few od off cocaine mixed with fety unknowingly... and let's just say on both hands and 1 foot I maybe able to count all the dead people I know from the h/fety (be honest there's no h anymore its just fety ever since we left the middle east) good luck guys

    • @F_L_U_X
      @F_L_U_X Год назад +1

      @@upside-umod9941 Stay safe, brother. BTW the ice I did was biker dope. It was still wet. I never found any like it again. I'm the opposite. I like downers but did ice whenever it was around. I don't like coke. I wanted to blow my brains out crashing from one batch and I was in full psychosis, talking to people in my closet and shit...I was fully aware when I shot that Meth (til I woke up on the floor) it was nuts...I gotta go right now. Stay SAFE

  • @robbiekeith3528
    @robbiekeith3528 2 года назад +11

    Nothing safe about meth

  • @heidicropper9888
    @heidicropper9888 2 года назад +8

    My daughter died April 7th 2020 of a combination of methamphetamine in Fentanyl

    • @SunshineSkully
      @SunshineSkully 2 года назад +2

      Sending you a big virtual hug. I hope your days get better and I'm so sorry for your loss.

    • @heidicropper9888
      @heidicropper9888 2 года назад +2

      It's funny how people respond to me I trying to say that you can't die of methamphetamine in fentanyl mixture will I have my dog as medical examiner's report I have the complete detailed report + toxicology and pathology she had an autopsy and that's what she died from so don't tell me that people can't die from that

  • @biorythmicshifter
    @biorythmicshifter Год назад +9

    Remember, even after one quits doing this drug some of these chemicals stay locked up in body tissues. A intense detox and dietary regimen will help but be aware there’s more to it than just simply stopping, you have to help repair and heal what damage has been done. It can be done…

    • @Teresa-ih4sn
      @Teresa-ih4sn 5 месяцев назад

      After 3 yes clean my skin is still broke out with sores. Maybe someday it will clear up. Many other things more important for now.

    • @johnmausteller
      @johnmausteller 5 месяцев назад


    • @5GTrevor
      @5GTrevor 4 месяца назад

      try fasting. just intermittent fasting helps. its easy. @@Teresa-ih4sn

  • @zacharywatson5531
    @zacharywatson5531 5 месяцев назад +2

    That German soldier in WW2 downed whole platoons worth of military meth tripped hard.. skied flat out non stop for like three weeks

  • @philbuell6657
    @philbuell6657 4 месяца назад +2

    Back when you could actually find pure, uncut crystal, I can remember never overdosing but smoking and snorting myself sober more than once. It was when they started cutting it with shit that would make you nod off (heroin) instead of make you grill hard, people started overdosing on it. I learned that the cleanest dope always came from a cook that uses his own shit. I found that usually biker dope was the best.

  • @averat84
    @averat84 2 года назад +10

    “It tends to replace calcium,” which should be followed with a suggestion to supplement with magnesium, calcium,and and vitamin D3. Lets face the truth here, and that this as more to do with tweakers spending a lot more time indoors rather than in the sun, not eating healthy, not sleeping regularly, et cetera. Methamphetamine does not cause physical deformities as a direct result of it pharmacological effects, but from lifestyle.
    Vitamin D is needed for your body to absorb calcium. Magnesium is needed for your body to create Vitamin D. Calcium is needed to regulate and balance Magnesium levels and vice versa. As you can see, Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin D all play important roles in regulating the health of our body.
    I am not a doctor, and this does not constitute medical advice. Always seek medical advice form qualified professionals, not from RUclips comments made by some Internet rando like myself.

    • @fuzywuzzy21
      @fuzywuzzy21 Год назад

      tweakers spending more time many homeless meth users...

    • @shannonmckay173
      @shannonmckay173 Год назад +1

      Who told you meth users spend all their time indoors? Ummm....homelessness.. yeah there is alot more to the vitamin deficiency and unhealthyness than not getting enough sun. You don't eat. You don't sleep. You barley drink. Those would be more contributing factors than not getting enough sun although I'm sure that is true in some cases.

  • @michaelfarar4232
    @michaelfarar4232 5 месяцев назад +1

    As a former sober living mgr ive had 2 clients who had meth induced schizophrenia.

  • @sarahannupdyke223
    @sarahannupdyke223 Месяц назад +2

    Oh and just one more thing I've been doing it for 17 years straight everyday for 17 years and I still have good skin I don't look a day over the day I started doing it I've never gotten in trouble the only problem I have is not being able to get a job because everybody drug tests besides that everything that you mentioned in your video that happens to people doesn't happen to everybody so that's only certain people so don't be too quick to judge people that you think that are exactly like you try to quote because that's not all true in any way shape or form

  • @ArthurMorgan-_-
    @ArthurMorgan-_- Год назад

    Most of the time drugs aren’t “laced” per say as in someone put fenny or whatever other dangerous substance in it on purpose. Neglectful storage and plugs improperly cleaning scales is generally how it happens.
    (Edit) and just to add, lacing and cutting are two different things. You don’t usually cut drugs with other drugs, not to say it doesn’t happen with fake drugs and all but cutting usually means using say drywall with coke to have “more coke”.

    • @ArthurMorgan-_-
      @ArthurMorgan-_- Год назад

      It doesn’t really make sense for a dealer or producer to lace drugs on purpose, they make their money from people who buy and do the drugs, why would they want to kill of their customers?

    @THEEINFEKTED 2 года назад +7

    Of course you can overdose on meth. You can overdose on WATER,cmon now. Will the overdose kill you? Not normally on meth,but it has happened in the past. I personally know someone who died from a meth overdose (my ex's father). Common sense man.

      @THEEINFEKTED 2 года назадвидео.html

  • @richardshirley2786
    @richardshirley2786 Месяц назад

    Will your heart keep time when it’s blown out of your chest?

  • @user-op2xf3md3m
    @user-op2xf3md3m 5 месяцев назад

    When people come in to the scene they didn't know the consequences of this insidious drug meth

  • @dougspivey8396
    @dougspivey8396 29 дней назад

    Damn that sound at the end is a real trigger

  • @jacobishii6121
    @jacobishii6121 2 месяца назад

    What the hell kind of question is that?I've seen people die from overdoses of meth and from over exposure to chemicals used to make it back in the day

  • @robertboyd765
    @robertboyd765 2 месяца назад

    I wouldn't say it's possible to overdose,your heart just finally gives out.

  • @nikicarrie4071
    @nikicarrie4071 2 года назад +11

    Yes - heart attack????!!!!

  • @enderpoems2148
    @enderpoems2148 2 года назад +4

    It's possible trust me I did it the worst part is there is no treatment for an overdose on meth you have to fight through it without dieing of a heart attack or a seizure

    • @yungpakosz2193
      @yungpakosz2193 Год назад


    • @Ukw975
      @Ukw975 3 месяца назад

      You need to constantly drink alcohol hard liquor or the strongest beer til you calm down or fall asleep.might take couple hours or couple days but the first drink of beer will start working cus alcohol enters the bloodstream immediately and will slow your meth high down and reverse the effect!!! 😇😊

    • @blixkyjr.254
      @blixkyjr.254 13 дней назад

      @@Ukw975 absolutely not, lol

  • @davefarr4596
    @davefarr4596 2 года назад +8

    I would say yes you could. I’ve heard of people slamming a gram and surviving. But if you swallowed a lot of bundles and one burst you could have a cardiac arrest easily and expire.

    • @agarion101
      @agarion101 2 года назад +1

      my manager from wendys ended up getting sober after she snorted 2 eight balls then waking up 4 days later with no memory in the middle of a field of no where miles and miles from her house

    • @roscoep.coltraine6344
      @roscoep.coltraine6344 2 года назад +2

      @@agarion101 Here's a bit of free advice my pop's gave me when I was just a dumb kid who knew it all. Don't believe nothin you hear an only half of what you see!

    • @agarion101
      @agarion101 2 года назад +2

      @@roscoep.coltraine6344 not sure if thats related to what i posted to say not to believe itl, but to be honest thats some damn good advice, i believe alot in what i see and trust me when i say it gets you with people you know you shouldnt be around however almost feel like you need to be around for some reason, have learned alot in the past 3 years by doing the opposite of that one statement.

    • @roscoep.coltraine6344
      @roscoep.coltraine6344 2 года назад +2

      @@agarion101 Believe it or not, that simple saying(or life rule is what I have used it as) has been THE only thing between myself and some serious hurt and/or worse, too many times to count! It's good sound advice that applies anywhere and like garlic cannot be overused. All I can say is, it's kept this once young,dumb know it all punk kid around long enough to have seen some "stuff"' and long enough now that this old head really does know "things"! God Bless!

    • @agarion101
      @agarion101 2 года назад +1

      @@roscoep.coltraine6344 god bless to you too friend! Good chat

  • @Mcgarryson
    @Mcgarryson 2 года назад +7

    I quit once I got hella psychotic ended up in jail with a life sentence,later life in a mental hospital,gunshot wounds by police because of meth rage and now I have 5 years clean 🙂

    • @themountainking3378
      @themountainking3378 2 года назад

      A you in the mental hospital right now?

    • @joshuajudkins7167
      @joshuajudkins7167 2 года назад +1

      With a life sentence huh ? How did you get outta that

    • @joshuajudkins7167
      @joshuajudkins7167 2 года назад

      @Logan Behlmann bwahahahahah!!!! You got that right good behavior

    • @Mcgarryson
      @Mcgarryson 2 года назад

      @Logan Behlmann yessir before I was in psychosis I always had good behavior.Im cool now though all smiles 🤗🤗

  • @jakeanglin7155
    @jakeanglin7155 2 года назад +1

    Especially if people shooting up some feel like ur boiling

  • @nikangel5362
    @nikangel5362 2 года назад +6

    Yeah its a horrible drug. I lost some of my teeth, and I'm recovering 2 yrs now.

  • @chrism4008
    @chrism4008 17 дней назад

    That line about medicine and poison is a heavy cope. Theres no dose of meth thats medicine. Period.

  • @sbeaulieu80
    @sbeaulieu80 Месяц назад

    He didn't even mentioned if we can OD on pure meth? Thanks to the comment, the answer is yess

  • @JesusSaves2011
    @JesusSaves2011 3 месяца назад

    I overdosed from eating it once and from back to back 40 cc blasts. I'm thankful to be alive❤

  • @WaylonSnowbird
    @WaylonSnowbird Месяц назад

    I knew a few people that just literally shut down and collapsed after days and nights staying up,yup, that can be a killer.

  • @tenfold7493
    @tenfold7493 28 дней назад

    Definitely possible, I used a small amount after being clean for 3 months and sat at my back door in sky high temperatures pouring sweat and vomiting.

  • @nathanbattilana5125
    @nathanbattilana5125 21 день назад

    I've used meth for over 25 years never seen a overdose ever I got away from herion because of the overdose factor

  • @patrickalloyssius9138
    @patrickalloyssius9138 3 месяца назад +2

    People who don't use drugs don't know what they're talking about drug dealer would cut methamphetamine with fentanyl- customers buying meth would think it's low purity or bunk dope , methamphetamine gives you extra energy and alertness, fentanyl does the opposite

    • @specialK312
      @specialK312 2 месяца назад

      thank you sir. that is exactly what i have been saying this whole time. this whole thing of *insert whatever drug* laced with fentanyl is a myth. nobody on this planet would lace a substance with fentanyl and sell it. fentanyl sells more than any other drug on its own and fentanyl costs significantly more than any drug on its own. adding fentanyl to another drug thats not an opiate or benzo is not going to make that drug better nor will it create new addicts. what it will do however is ruin the drug that they are purchasing in the first place because an individual with little to no opiod tolerance will either not feel the drug that they intended to buy and instead they will be puking their guts out or they just simply would die from an overdose.....either way it would only result in the dealer losing the customer either to death via fentanyl overdose or via them not receiving the high from the drug that they had expected because fentanyl would completely hijack any other drug's effect and also the dealer automatically would lose money if they were to mix fentanyl into any other drug because fentanyl costs more than any other non opiod drug per gram. there is just absolutely nothing to gain by "lacing" fentanyl with other drugs and there is literally everything to lose.

    • @candacesturtevant7139
      @candacesturtevant7139 2 месяца назад

      The Cartel will. They do not give a funk. Test your meth.

  • @kirstenbuckhalt5280
    @kirstenbuckhalt5280 Год назад

    Seizures are a big on especially if you have a brain injury 😢

  • @needhelp..
    @needhelp.. 2 месяца назад

    speaking of meth you look a lot like combo from breaking bad

  • @user-op2xf3md3m
    @user-op2xf3md3m 5 месяцев назад

    17 years everyday teeth all cut out negative people and personalities made me quit

  • @zacharywatson5531
    @zacharywatson5531 5 месяцев назад

    Didn't answer straight up. anything is possible there's always one

  • @skyisthelimit9897
    @skyisthelimit9897 7 месяцев назад +2

    I’m 43 years old I’ve been doing meth for about 25 plus years I Quit 9 years ago cause I notice the meth was getting cut and changing! It wasn’t giving meth no more it was giving Fetenyl and making me sleep all the time.

    • @specialK312
      @specialK312 4 месяца назад +2

      there was no fentanyl in your meth, you just developed a tolerance to meth and wasnt getting the same effects anymore and also because the quality of meth has drastically decreased from the 90s. but fentanyl being in meth, thats the dumbest myth in the drug world

    • @itztwuan_8351
      @itztwuan_8351 2 месяца назад

      @@specialK312 just stick to your special K bub, you obviously live in your own little bubble

  • @kr-pm1xg
    @kr-pm1xg 5 месяцев назад

    The difference between medicine & poison is "dose"......?
    Well...a saw a guy overdose..and he did have the dose..
    So...explain that.

  • @markperkins9445
    @markperkins9445 2 года назад +11

    Does anyone really think you cant?

    • @wilder211
      @wilder211 2 года назад +2

      You can’t

    • @foreverbrokerecords3184
      @foreverbrokerecords3184 2 года назад +4

      @@lazy5373 I overdosed and went through psychosis twice just bc u don't die from a meth overdose don't mean u can't take to much

    • @oliviamartini9700
      @oliviamartini9700 2 года назад

      Apparently this guy does. Jesus wept

    • @foreverbrokerecords3184
      @foreverbrokerecords3184 2 года назад

      @@oliviamartini9700 wat I hope ur not being mean about JESUS

    • @oliviamartini9700
      @oliviamartini9700 2 года назад

      @@foreverbrokerecords3184 John 11:35 and a very common expression for exasperating situations, particularly among Catholics.

  • @lesleyclark3850
    @lesleyclark3850 2 года назад +2

    I a cannabis guy i not go near sum people like that .

  • @ulisesmontes4393
    @ulisesmontes4393 2 года назад +7

    I overdosed once, i was very rigid and a lot of problems breathing, its the problem when you snort it or inject, you can use too much in an instant.

    • @F_L_U_X
      @F_L_U_X 2 года назад

      Did you forget to breathe and everything kept slowly getting super quiet?

    • @F_L_U_X
      @F_L_U_X 2 года назад +3

      I OD'd a few times on different drugs, but one time on meth was particularly scary. This was probably 10 years ago or so. I've been clean for a while.
      Anyway, I shot up around 0.7g with no tolerance and it felt like I was coughing up fire. My throat felt like it was melting because it was so hot. I came in my pants and then I started throwing up. My scalp and ears got super goosebumps and lit on fire. My eyes started darting back and forth (left/right, very rapidly and uncontrollable). I had a heart rate monitor and it shot up to 210bpm...then I started to feel cold, and my lips and finger tips started to turn blue and I realized I wasn't breathing properly, so I focused all my attention on just deep breaths. I started to get a little confused and kept forgetting where I was and everything would get super quiet (started losing my hearing over and over) and then I'd remember my breathing was shallow and kept focusing and losing focus on my breathing. I looked down at the heart rate monitor and it was at 34bpm...
      I got my phone and started recording my goodbyes to loved-ones... Woke up on the floor about an hour later. I got super lucky. Haven't touched it since. It makes me literally feel sick to think about.

    • @ulisesmontes4393
      @ulisesmontes4393 2 года назад

      @@F_L_U_X oh god that was horrible, my overdose was light and after 2 hours i was normal again, I think that its dangerous coughin on meth because the high blood presure, i once coughed hard and did something to my head, it was in pain for several days, specially when couging or sneezing. I overdosed that time cause my tolerance was low, after that i only snorted all the times and was good, its a waste of stuff when smoking it, althouguh it kicks quick.

    • @NYCTheBronx
      @NYCTheBronx Год назад +1

      Yeah I used to have a hard time breathing when I would snort a lot of meth. And I would smoke all my supply away in a day cuz its hard for me to stop hitting the meth pipe. I'm 1 year sober from meth now.

    • @RealJewels
      @RealJewels Год назад +2

      Hi Repent Jesus Christ Loves You All John 3:16

  • @ricktherrien8235
    @ricktherrien8235 2 года назад +1

    So if it’s laced your not over dosing on Meth your over dosing on an opioid.

    • @Kendallbi
      @Kendallbi 2 года назад


    • @Kendallbi
      @Kendallbi 2 года назад +2

      My son did cocaine that was laced with Fentanyl. He died almost instantly. His autopsy says from a combination of Cocaine, Alcohol, and MDMA (ecstasy), but it was he didn't die because he did too much cocaine or because he took a lethal cocktail of drugs. He died because his Coke was laced with Fentanyl.

    • @ricktherrien8235
      @ricktherrien8235 2 года назад +3

      @@Kendallbi I am so sorry to hear about your son it pains me to think another person has had to face losing people they love dear because of this drug.
      My city is plagued with fentanyl and I’ve had to watch three people over dose one being a good friend and had to call the paramedics to Narcan him then I had to Narcan someone myself.
      We are in sad times, I suffer poly addiction and I got off opioid pills and meth and alcohol and got on methadone.
      Drugs are taking life’s and addiction is crippling people and few get out.
      Your story is a testament to the fact that we no longer live in a innocent times and that people are suffering.
      I can only pray for you and I send you all my regards and may you receive blessings from above.
      May you heal from this and find light in your life.
      Peace be with you and all those who suffer the effects of addiction.

  • @justinpell3760
    @justinpell3760 Месяц назад

    its called a heart attack

  • @Inkiettoo777
    @Inkiettoo777 17 дней назад

    I don’t want meth no more

    @SOUTHEASTALLDAY 7 месяцев назад

    I live in Australia and been clean since December 28th 2022, I took 4 weeks off using and injected 0.1G which is one "hit" literally vomited straight away and was sweating felt real light headed and confused it was like I was in a different dimension, It totally turned me off using ever again, I think i really needed that close call experience, I think i was almost overdosing but idk I did taike a xanax2mg that morning aswell

  • @johnhanaly2943
    @johnhanaly2943 5 месяцев назад

    I experienced meth OD and saw people suffer them many times because we had a madman who was serially administering doses without consent in our college dorm. He would put it in cigarettes or food, drinks, tampons. No fun. Furthermore, to hear that fentanyl is used to 'cut' with is such an absurd method that it reflects very negatively on the illegal drug scene meaning it's such a stupid idea that the notion of buying or acquiring this crap truly deserves summary rejection and an encompassing spurning.

    • @anna8328
      @anna8328 5 месяцев назад

      please tell me he is in prison or murdered and that you reported him

  • @sarahannupdyke223
    @sarahannupdyke223 Месяц назад +1

    What is the part that you said the people that inject it what they don't get high until they throw up what the heck is that supposed to mean because that's got to be the stupidest got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard I've never once done that I love how people want to judge people that don't even know what the hell they're talking about thank you

    • @ChristinaStoball
      @ChristinaStoball 25 дней назад

      I think thats actually a refferal to mushrooms

  • @leeross38
    @leeross38 Год назад

    I guess anyone can od on anything if you take too much. Highly unlikely with meth

  • @Rodd10deep
    @Rodd10deep Год назад +2

    How can I stop

    • @user-lj4xs4gn8u
      @user-lj4xs4gn8u 4 месяца назад +2

      God bless you for asking , I pray you find your answer and blessings to you. Holy Spirit, be with this child of God in Jesus Holy name amen.

    • @user-cu3tg5dt8x
      @user-cu3tg5dt8x 28 дней назад

      Jesus will guide you.

  • @angelnazareth9958
    @angelnazareth9958 2 месяца назад

    Is 30 grams of meth a lot for IV cuz I didn't die but I did get weird symptoms after

    • @iminyourcity4001
      @iminyourcity4001 2 месяца назад

      that sounds beyond lethal

    • @EthanAndrews-dk6ff
      @EthanAndrews-dk6ff 2 месяца назад

      You didn't take 30 grams let alone IV, maybe you mean 0.3 or something, either way you don't know what you're talking about stick with what you know.

  • @luannwilson4581
    @luannwilson4581 5 месяцев назад

    My Uncle was a biker and was a friend/associate to the Hells Angels back in the day. He pissed off some other bikers from a rival gang and him and I guess a friend stoled motorcycle parts. Well those bikers took revenge. They cooked him up a lethal batch of meth just for my Uncle. They have the lethal dope to the house ho with instructions to get my Uncle high but told her not to touch any herself. He had a brain hemorrhage and died in 1984.

  • @doobiehowzer6068
    @doobiehowzer6068 4 месяца назад

    They cut meth, coke and sometimes even weed with feddy because instead of a weekly user you will be buying every day it makes perfect sense

    • @zyon3717
      @zyon3717 4 месяца назад

      Meth an other psychs are easily accessible from this dude i cop from. Super reliable ship's discreetly worldwide...

    • @zyon3717
      @zyon3717 4 месяца назад

      They're on TeleGram and Instagram as.....

    • @zyon3717
      @zyon3717 4 месяца назад


  • @user-mb1zv8dl8l
    @user-mb1zv8dl8l Месяц назад

    Only job can cure. People who read knows the path... If his heart right he will give what the man needs

  • @jeanaiorio2461
    @jeanaiorio2461 Год назад +1

    My girlfriend name is Melanie brown she went through drug use I need her back in my life

  • @faizamughal9466
    @faizamughal9466 Месяц назад

    Can i use meth with energy drink?

  • @user-zc8ye7pn4q
    @user-zc8ye7pn4q 5 месяцев назад

    .My. wife. Died of. Meth OD. I didn't. Know. She. Was. Even using. She. Died just 4 months. Ago she had .63 in. Here. Blood. Enough to kil several times. Over before all this happened. I couldn't. Figure. Out what. Was wrong. With her. I miss her more than words. Can even expressi

  • @Earo16
    @Earo16 4 месяца назад

    absolutely not

  • @holland9199
    @holland9199 2 года назад

    I say Yes🧐

  • @kyleklukas4808
    @kyleklukas4808 3 месяца назад


  • @jefferyyounce5372
    @jefferyyounce5372 3 месяца назад

    Why would anyone subject themselves to any drugs these days. The synthetics are killing people.

  • @averat84
    @averat84 2 года назад

    “Pure,” he laughs. He is of course referring to illicitly manufactured methamphetamine, that has been stepped on at every stop along in the distribution chain.

  • @user-mb1zv8dl8l
    @user-mb1zv8dl8l Месяц назад

    I'm a specimen also I failed God. Call to endurance

  • @shannonmckay173
    @shannonmckay173 Год назад +1

    Meth effects the brain mostly. You die from being too hot like a very high fever. So unlike opiates that slow your respirations and heart rate and you basically just stop breathing with meth you're likely to get a brain aneurysm however I do think something has changed with meth over the past few years. I never heard about meth ODs until recently. My best friend died from a meth over dose just a little over a year ago. But I've seen ppl slam massive amounts of meth and do they freak out and over Amp yes but die no. Something has changed in the past few years. Maybe it is fent in all the drugs idk but something tells me its more than that. I think the powers that be want to control the population and what better place to start than drug addicts. I dont think it's an accident that during the pandemic fent has almost completely replaced herion. Im sure you'd be hard pressed to find herion pretty much anywhere in the US. We need to wake up and open our eyes. Things are not as they appear.

  • @e.williams13
    @e.williams13 Год назад

    Dang just answer the question!! Jeez

  • @tranceman8692
    @tranceman8692 Год назад +1


    • @specialK312
      @specialK312 4 месяца назад

      this is what i keep telling people. fentanyl being in coke or meth or any other substance for that matter is the dumbest myth in the drug world. it would never work. it would completely ruin the coke or whatever drug you put it in. Economically it just does not make sense for any drug dealer to mix fentanyl with any other drug because fentanyl is too expensive and it sells on its own as is.

    • @itztwuan_8351
      @itztwuan_8351 2 месяца назад

      @@specialK312here we go again Karen

    • @specialK312
      @specialK312 2 месяца назад

      @itztwuan_8351 here we go again karen? 🙄 lol okay

  • @AndrewJohnson-wj9er
    @AndrewJohnson-wj9er 2 года назад +1

    L.D. 50 rate for methamphetamine is 5 grams for a 180lb person

    • @PaleVillian
      @PaleVillian 2 года назад

      What does “L.D. 50 rate” mean? Just curious.

    • @beardeddragon9255
      @beardeddragon9255 Год назад +1

      @@PaleVillian It means that there is a 50% chance of death.

  • @tourdestade2138
    @tourdestade2138 2 года назад +1

    No shit it is..

  • @larickywalker7568
    @larickywalker7568 Год назад +1

    I hate it

  • @stevencuenca1980
    @stevencuenca1980 4 месяца назад

    Lost all my teeth but also lost the babit thank fuck

  • @thebeliever7897
    @thebeliever7897 2 года назад

    Weed is best

  • @xokizza
    @xokizza Год назад +3

    It’s a drug! Of course! I just lost my brother to meth overdose in nov 2021 … 😭😭😭

  • @5150lefont
    @5150lefont 2 года назад +1

    It's like COVID in the way that is much more harmful/dangerous to those with co morbidities. Bad heart would come to mind.

    @RXMBVVL Год назад

    Me : Overdose Symptoms
    Me : Snorts a *Bump

  • @504stan6
    @504stan6 2 года назад +3

    I must say, what a great number of chemical reactions 😁 don't let your heart grow cold, just roll you a bowl...

  • @andrewhammons2094
    @andrewhammons2094 2 года назад +1

    But u can't overdose

    • @foreverbrokerecords3184
      @foreverbrokerecords3184 2 года назад +5

      Yes u can when u overdose on meth u go through psychosis I went through it twice

    • @themountainking3378
      @themountainking3378 2 года назад +5

      There was literally a woman who was slipped way too much meth by a man, and she had never done meth before, she had seizures, cardiac arrest, and DIED.

    • @Runningblocker
      @Runningblocker Год назад

      @@foreverbrokerecords3184 nah man that just comes with it if it's good stuff we'll it's all bad stuff fr

  • @RealJewels
    @RealJewels Год назад +3

    Hi Repent Jesus Christ Loves You All John 3:16

    • @AlFredo-ci9yo
      @AlFredo-ci9yo 6 месяцев назад

      Jesus is dead he ain't loving nobody 😂😂😂

  • @ishtlutz1261
    @ishtlutz1261 Год назад +1

    *NOTHING* that was covered *in this video* in any way *confirms* whether or not it’s possible to overdose on meth. I’ll remind you all of the Title to this video (because it appears that everyone in this string of comments as well as the people that MADE the video FORGOT) & it is: *”IS IT POSSIBLE TO OVERDOSE ON METH?”*
    Not a word of the content discussed in this video confirms that it’s possible to overdose on meth.
    The closest it got to even suggesting that meth has any potential of causing death was when the man in this video mentioned that *When mixed with FENTANYL, meth CAN become deadly* …which (I don’t know if any of you caught that) only concludes that fentanyl can be deadly - but in no way concludes nor does it even state that Meth itself can cause death by overdose.
    They confirmed that Fentanyl can cause overdose by itself & that fentanyl can also cause overdose when it is combined with meth.
    But it was not confirmed that methamphetamine can cause overdose by itself.
    NOTHING in this video confirms that meth can cause overdose.
    Brutal on the body.
    He starts out by saying that The bottom line is: Dosage.
    He talks about the process to make it.. then, he jumps to FENTANYL. Which completely gets off the subject for starters.
    But at no point does
    this video cover DEATH from “meth.”
    0:50 He mentions it’s one of the drugs
    2:15 The safety profile of meth… goes down with the potential of being CUT WITH FENTANYL.
    Again, this is completely off subject & in no does serves as a conclusion to whether or not meth can actually cause death by overdose. any of the content answering the question that is also the title of the video. none of this content has
    They said it can cause rapid heart rate. They said meth can cause Osophageal disintegration, bad teeth
    Replaces calcium brittle teeth, bad skin. Heart attack stroke seizures irregular heartbeat - it’s a stimulant. Extreme weight loss eating disorders…
    2:35 OVER-USE. (The girl mentions this) Saying “So overuse of it can cause death from heart attack stroke seizures.
    ….. so can overuse of Tylenol. NyQuil. Aspirin…
    2:55 People that inject it don’t really get high until they THROW UP (??)
    (… WHAT in the HELL is he talking about? WHAT butt did he pull that out of?) Wow.
    The man concludes the video by saying that meth is not a safe drug by any means & that it is a Chemical concoction dreamt up in a lab.
    I really have to wonder WHY the title was made what it was being that the question in the title really had nothing to do with the content discussed.
    It seems a little misleading to me.

  • @mitchelldixon465
    @mitchelldixon465 Год назад +2

    I think it's a great drug it makes you have more sex than you would normally have.

    • @shithead
      @shithead Год назад

      more sex with who? tweaker bitches?

  • @robertmclean9737
    @robertmclean9737 2 года назад

    What a Dumb Question!!!

  • @andrewcanale7603
    @andrewcanale7603 2 года назад +1

    Chicken' jk

  • @DP-ce1sd
    @DP-ce1sd 23 дня назад

    Yes lol

  • @bryanbradley6871
    @bryanbradley6871 3 месяца назад

    yes 😂

  • @jimmyhulk420faccini3
    @jimmyhulk420faccini3 4 месяца назад +1

    I slammed a gram n half after being clean about a year .. woke up 6 hours later and covered in sweat ..
    Close call i think 🤔
    2years clean ❤

    • @blackwidowfarms
      @blackwidowfarms 4 месяца назад +1

      congratulations on 2 years :) I've been clean a long time, it ruined my life

    • @jimmyhulk420faccini3
      @jimmyhulk420faccini3 4 месяца назад +1

      @@blackwidowfarms I didn't ruin ... it got to where you needed to be ..
      This life is a journey

    • @blackwidowfarms
      @blackwidowfarms 4 месяца назад

      @@jimmyhulk420faccini3 true!

    • @robertkitchens6341
      @robertkitchens6341 2 месяца назад


    • @blackwidowfarms
      @blackwidowfarms 2 месяца назад

      @@robertkitchens6341 are you saying meth is a good thing? wtf is wrong with you?

  • @Attalla2023
    @Attalla2023 2 месяца назад

    No way, do all the drugs you want. There's no dangers

  • @MatthewMoody-iw2se
    @MatthewMoody-iw2se 12 дней назад

    Its a direct portal to hell and demons

  • @dlzoso74
    @dlzoso74 Месяц назад

    I hope so

  • @konradblack765
    @konradblack765 5 месяцев назад

    If i see picking sores and track marks i see money i use to stay awake for long periods of time but i aint no addict i make people addicts and sell the shit im a hustler not some pointless ass Junkie