Daewoo 6 Cylinder Engine Repairing | how to restoration truck engine
- Опубликовано: 1 ноя 2024
- Auto Engine 55
Daewoo 6 Cylinder Engine Repairing | how to restoration Truck engine
engine repair truck workshop
Pakistani truck workshop
Six Cylinder engine repair
rebuild engine
Ring pinion setup
hino Daewoo engine repair
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how to Rebuild engine
amazing engine video
#engine #crankshaft #cylindersleeve
A very intelligent people they all use MM and feeling gauges there mind more that computer very practical , and very good people gifted mind.
الله يبارك ويزيد عمل روعة لكم كل الشكر والتقدير والاحترام من الجزائر 🇩🇿
MashAllah Good Work in Pakistan By Wow Mechanics1
no torque wrench were used ANYWHERE. They just tightened the bolts as tight as possible, not giving a thought for the damage it could potentially cause. thinking that would be sufficient, and not give a thought about the Head bolts, and valve fastening bolts fastening order and pattern not followed. And they try to wash the cylinder wall with some dirty liquid and rag, after the crankshaft and crankshaft bearings are installed. No professionals mechanic would ever do that.
Sir apne bourmepitistonringkagapnahichekekiya
Los pistones de ese motor al tener turbo cambian en algo a los del que viene sin turbo de ese tipo de motor
Можно мне запчасти на мотор Daewoo Novus D2366TI 1995 год?
얼마든지 구할수있습니다ᆢ 제가 엔진보링 도하고 부품도 판매합니다
ما شاء الله
شكرا لي صاحب الفيديو
سلام چه موتوری است
How is engin
두산126 엔진입니다
차량이니깐 두산12TI입니다
How name engin
두산 12Tl 316마력
Forever engine.
These guys are smart, they work inside the storage unit
کیا کوئی براہِ کرم مجھے بتا سکتا ہے کہ وہ کون ہیں جو ہر وقت پس منظر میں بیٹھے یا لیٹ کر مردوں کو کام کرتے دیکھتے ہیں؟ وہ تقریباً ہر پاکستانی ویڈیو میں ہیں، مجھے شک ہے کہ وہ دکان کے مالک ہیں۔
Không sử dụng siết lực cứ vặn tay sao đúng kỉ thuật. Kém quá