The militaries that deploy with this knife need to take a page out of your book, seriously. That's a simple, mean, vastly utilitarian trick you just shared. This dude approves!
It’s a shorter bayonet knife compared to the others because the magazine is moved behind the grip in order to accommodate a longer barrel in a shorter package without compromising the accuracy.
Oh wow. Been trying to figure out how to make a walking staff easily convertible to a spear for self defense, wild game, or a fishing pike. Problem solved by you. I can just take an ash replacement handle, with a metal collar for a rake head, and incorporate a bolt on the end. I can adapt a Glock knife. A fishing pronged head, or a suitable rubber end for just hiking. Just gotta McGyver some stuff. Awesome.
Fun fact, the early pre pistol era glock knives had a different logo, it was round shaped as opposed to the square shape logo we see on the company's guns today. It's an indicator of what knives were "1st generation", so to speak. Also glock makes the Austrian army's entrenching tool (shovel) to this day, which is an outstanding tool. Also the angled bit in the blade guard can be used to open bottle caps...
It's an Austrian knife, the bottle opener was absolutely intentional. ;-) Btw. I wonder how well it would work as a spear tip by "screwing" in a wooden shaft intended for a shovel or broom. Or maybe one could build a metal connector based on the screw? Or just stick it in with no thread? A bayonet is just a spear with extra steps too after all.
You should get the rest of the kit for the Glock survival system. When they issued the 81 to me, it came with the entrenchment tool, which is just as durable as the field knife. It's not expensive.. perhaps a little more than the knife, but you get way more for the money..
Great video thanks, I'll probably do this to one of mine. I picked up one of these back in the 80's while stationed in Germany. It was perfect for handle down carry on my webbing harness. Very easy to get at with either hand, rather than taking up space on my belt and only being able to get at it with one hand. I also have a couple that were made under contract to the Polish Military, with no Glock markings and the Polish abbreviation "WZ.81ZW" for "Model 81 Military Police."
You've inspired me, have the knife, and a tap set if needed. I also have a bunch of stainless metric bolts no longer needed for survey equpment, may have one that fits the existing threads. Or, did you show the threaded part after you had cut them? Anyhow, would be a good spot for the alternate backup ferro rod.
Yes, you will need to cut your own threads, so you'll need that tap set. I inserted a clip of me doing this I think towards the end of the vid. Thanks for watching and commenting! I think you will love the mod 👍
I keep several small pills in my knife. Anti allergenic, water purifier, pain killer and anti diarrhoea/emetic. They have come in handy on a few occasions. My 81 has a bloodlike red/brown coating on the blade.
Tapping is a great idea. I probably wouldn't tap as deep, and then use a shorter bolt so I'm not threading the "storage section" , as it'll probably just make it harder to clean as well as get things out of..
A long time Ago a Marine told me the Grand Bayonets were cut down as they used to even be larger then the one shown here. I was skeptical when he told me, I started enquiring further and started to hear this story again around mostly Marines. I think they said the Bayonets were 16 inches and then cut down to about the size in this video.
Absolutely brilliant! I have a friend who has a weed delivery business only deals with cash so he is at high risk for robbery and has a lot of close calls. he was asking me advice for a tactical knife to compliment his ccw. This gave me a Idea for his bday I will get him a Glock knife use your bolt mod with a o ring put a pre roll in it and build him a kydex sheath with bic lighter attachment he will get a kick out of it won’t break the bank and would be a very function novelty for him
Thanks for the video. I think I'll be doing this mod on mine.. In a similar video for this modification, the guy sanded down the bolt to remove the stamp, polished it up nicely, then added gun blueing. Looked pretty sharp..
You know, ATF agents get that cute frowny face of theirs when you attach things to the back end of your Glock, and then they show up at your house and shoot your dog.
My wife and I have about 30 of these knives, won all of them shooting GSSF matches. Gave a bunch away to friends too. I like to mod mine with custom stipppling on the grip. That is easy to do, just need a soldering iron and some patience. They make a good piece of gear to keep in the trunk of your car or as part of a bug out kit.
@@eskee1 Win your own. Just enter a GSSF match. Oh, you will need a Glock and be skilled enough to use it. They also do random drawings for prizes. It took me only 5 entries to max out my winnings and be promoted to master. BTW, I hate Glocks, but as Quigley said, "Never had much use for one, never said I could not use one." I used to hold a master certification in defensive pistol and tactical rifle from a local firearms academy. I used a Springfield XD-9 service model for that. Also served in the USMC in the early 80s.
It looked as if the hole was threaded from the get go? Why would you not use the same thread gauge/pitch to prevent the chance of cross threading when tapping? Do you know what that thread was? Thanks. I will copy your idea, but probably use the one that fit the as is situation. Great idea, thank you
U can also keep a small nail inside under the cap and put a small pole inside and use the nail to push through small hole and through the pole for a spear. Great mod by the way.
Looks good man you should try and make a skull krusher with a point like a glass breaker but beefier that would look cool but I like the one u got handy for hammering things down but having a extra one would be handy to
Art. 23. In addition to the prohibitions provided by special Conventions, it is especially forbidden (e) To employ arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering. Serrated knives are not typically classified under this delineation and there are many knives issued to military and paramilitary units that feature serrations, or in the case of the Glock Field knives, roots saws for carrying out manual tasks like prepping rope, sawing through vegetation or wood prep for camp fires.
Nice detail informative review, if you own a Glock pistol you got to have this knife. Did anyone ever tell you are a dead ringer for a Mel Gibson look a like. Thank you for sharing this review and a wise man once told me you can never own to many knives.
I'm not sure where people are getting the info that this knife is made from 1095....? I suspect it's made from a variety for softer spring steels that roll vs than chip.
I have been in the Austrian Armed Forces for my mandatory service (6 months) It is never used as a bajonett, I wouldn't even know how to install it/ there is no mounting lug on the stg77 A1 (At least not on the ones we got) Edit.: Doesn't mean it wasn't intendet to! It is just not used as one by our armed forces (I know some Sargents) Edit2.: We use it, just not as Bajonett
I was just thinking the cap might be removed easier by using a small drill bit through the hole already in the side. All that’s needed is to drill through one side of the cap via that hole and use an air gun with a rubber tip utilizing 100 psi compressed air. I think 100# air should push it right out. Be sure to point in a safe direction as the cap will become a projectile.
Cut the bolt so it’s not so deep in the hole Then ya can add whatever ya want in the handle and still have some extra weight for a skull crusher FEAR THE BEARD
Im going to file the bolt head on mine to a point for the window breaking benefits and probably cut out a track under the bolt head for the rubber o ring to slightly recess down into and retain it
I tried this but it didn't really work for me... I used an M14 sized tap. It was okay up until I got to the two hole on the sides of the steel tubing, then the whole tube just started rotating with the tap... Not sure how to fix that.
No, there is no threading in the handle. There is just a lug on the rifle that fits in the opening and is kept locked in by the angled guard which locks into the muzzle device. I don't know if the lug is spring mounted or screws into the rifles lug bracket. Either way it's got to be able to move or slide for this type of attachment to work.
We have over a dozen of these that we use when serving up Tri-tip roasts for our guests on special occasions, like the upcoming 4th of July. When some have seen the large table set with nice China and the Glock knives 🔪 in place for each seat, the comments have been entertaining. Suitable attire for those events btw includes a nice BBQ gun, worn open in fine leather.
While I could carry the Glock knife on my hip when riding, I prefer higher riding carry systems due to their concealability. The Glock rides pretty low. I do like the Ka-Bar because it is such a historic and iconic knife. However, I am not a fan of it's rat tail tang. A better comparable knife would be the Ontario SP1. It is also American made, has thicker stock, and it's a full encapsulated tang at half the price of the k-bar.
@@BrewCityRider so depending on where you carry the knife on your bike, there’s a concealability issue? Sorry to bother but can you explain? Can we carry a ka-bar on our bike? Might be an idea for an upcoming vlog content. Like to learn more about how, can and where can carry our knife riding.
@@DeBa1226 There are no knife size or carry restrictions for law abiding citizens in Wisconsin. And, municipalities cannot enact stricter laws either. Concealability is just a personal preference for me.
It would be even better to put the bolt on the lathe and round the bolt head, then knurl it. The bolt works fine as is but it looks so much more finished.
Your right I used to throw k Ives along time ago cant stick one to save my life now . Including specialized throwing knives. I threw this thing just for shits and giggles. And cant miss. Never had a handled knife that good for throwing. Wanted to try the srk but dont wanna mess it up as I say I suck
Howdy Toby. Had some personal stuff going on this spring that set me way back. Back in the swing of things now, so should be posting weekly again. Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
1 - Резьбу сорвёт от ударов 2 - Разбить стекло можно обухом, гардой и в том числе РУКОЯТЬЮ НОЖА! Потому что пластик Glock очень прочный и твёрдый 3 - Баланс ножа сделан в середине не просто так. Гайка сместит баланс ножа с середины на кончик рукояти 4 - Гайка даёт лишний вес. Великие умы учитывали каждый грамм, а тут один невеликий ум вставил гайку на целых 15 - 20 грамм 5 - Никому не надо дробить черепушки гайкой, когда у него в руках нож! Даже если хто понадобится, то разве что в садистких целях, ведь эффективность дробящего удара с такой площадью достаточно мала, чтобы сразу вырубить или kil нуть Итог: Балавство для подростков, а не модификация. Не портите нож, который разрабатывали подкованные в ножевой сфере люди
Уррр, мон шер ами. Отлично понимаю что метание ножей действенно только в цирке, но эта красава метается и втыкается прямо сама, в пол оборота, в один оборот, в полтора, просто взвесил, отвел, нацелил, попал. Там баланс богоподобный, не встречал такого продумана ни в одном ноже, кроме специально обученных метательных. Одно отличие - ему рельно покую что ты с ним сделаешь, даже самое остриё отломать - у меня получилось только в тисках, из интереса. Пила на обухе - имхо бесполезна за счет толщины ножа, пока пилишь образную ветку\стропу\чтонибудь десять раз успеешь перерубить\перерезать обычным лезвием, так что лучше, опять таки имхо стандартный вариант без пилы. Серрейтор бы сверху, но Австрийская армия, похоже, о другом. После пары недель в походе с периодическим вскрыванием консервов, рубки сучьев и прочими издевательствами резал бумагу. Забраться на дерево - воткнул, наступил, полез, ни мысли о том что погнется или сломается. В общем - крайне годный девайс за свою цену. Лежит в руке Намного приятнее раструбленного USMC и за четверть его цены. И, да, стекло отлично бьёться стандартным тыльником этого ножа, так что автор канала - ну зачем ты насилуешь то что и так работает?( И да, учи русский, скоро пригодится ;)
Болт не будет работат как стеклобой. Для этого нужна более твёрдая сталь. Можно рассверлить в головке болта отверстие и впресовать туда ширик от подшипника.
I would sure like to test this out. I would think this grade 5 bolt could punch out a tempered glass window when struck properly in a corner with the point of the bolt head edge though.
German Federal Police or GSG9 use Glock knives? I dont think so. Because they have Eickhorn Knives (like KM2000) which is better and a lot more expensive. But a Glock Fieldknive is a good thing at all. As a knive. As a bajonett it is not very practical because it is sharpend and a typical bajonett is not. An unsharpend bajonett break ripps much more easy, and a sharpend one sticks in and dont get out so easy because it it sticks in but it often dont break the bones. Thats why a lot of bajonetts are "sharpend" only on one side like a chisel. Like a AK bajonett just for example. But I love the Glock knives. The grey colour of yours looks very nice. I only knew the green, tan or black version. 😉
[deleted the first part] Let me throw you a bone... 1. Bayonets are stored and issued unsharpened for exercises and parades. Before combat action, however, they WILL be sharpened. You can read that in countless field manuals of forces around the world. 2. The GSG9 picks whatever the GSG9 damn well please. That is the reason, why they have had a huge bandwidth of gear, that are either not accessible for other police (special) forces like -and there are quite some more- SEK, SEK-M, MEK... And -you probably won't believe that either- the GSG9 uses the GLOCK 17 as the standard servide pistol )besides a lot more different ones according to situations. And the Glock FM78 is the official standard knife -amongst others as well. 3. The KM series is neither exclusive to Eickhorn (mass military contract), nor are they police-issued. So if you decide to pose as a know-it-all, you gotty bring more to the table. German out.
The militaries that deploy with this knife need to take a page out of your book, seriously. That's a simple, mean, vastly utilitarian trick you just shared. This dude approves!
That was a cool mod. Reminds me of the Ontario Air Force Survival Knife with the hex pommel.
He looks like if america was a word
America is a word but damn do you have a point
You mean if America was a person? It already is a word.
America is a word.
@arc3944 it's a country stupid 🙄
@@warweaponx6629 it's a country
Ha ha it looked at the end like your dog said "oh shit, he's drinking again!" And he got the hell outta there lol.
It’s a shorter bayonet knife compared to the others because the magazine is moved behind the grip in order to accommodate a longer barrel in a shorter package without compromising the accuracy.
Oh wow. Been trying to figure out how to make a walking staff easily convertible to a spear for self defense, wild game, or a fishing pike. Problem solved by you. I can just take an ash replacement handle, with a metal collar for a rake head, and incorporate a bolt on the end. I can adapt a Glock knife. A fishing pronged head, or a suitable rubber end for just hiking. Just gotta McGyver some stuff. Awesome.
Awesome mod, I'm using mine as a camp knife and this mod is perfect for hammering tent stakes.
Yes! 👍
Thank you very much for this great video!
You could drill a hole in the end and glue a ferro rod in it so you have a way to start a fire with you.
Fun fact, the early pre pistol era glock knives had a different logo, it was round shaped as opposed to the square shape logo we see on the company's guns today.
It's an indicator of what knives were "1st generation", so to speak.
Also glock makes the Austrian army's entrenching tool (shovel) to this day, which is an outstanding tool.
Also the angled bit in the blade guard can be used to open bottle caps...
Great comment 👍 Thanks for sharing.
I still have my 1st gen glock knife. It is reblued not painted black.
No, they don't make our entrenching tool, they make an entrenching tool but our forces use different ones.
It's an Austrian knife, the bottle opener was absolutely intentional. ;-)
Btw. I wonder how well it would work as a spear tip by "screwing" in a wooden shaft intended for a shovel or broom. Or maybe one could build a metal connector based on the screw? Or just stick it in with no thread? A bayonet is just a spear with extra steps too after all.
You should get the rest of the kit for the Glock survival system. When they issued the 81 to me, it came with the entrenchment tool, which is just as durable as the field knife.
It's not expensive.. perhaps a little more than the knife, but you get way more for the money..
I have my own 81 now, but I removed all the coating, and now it's a mirror polished version for signaling.
I did this, and I like it. I recommend using a drill with a 3/8 bit to remove the cap, mine came right out.
Yeah, good idea. It was a pain in the butt to pry it off😁
Man, thanks for the video! Love the mod! I’ll be doing that with a slightly shorter bolt so that I can store some jute twine.
Glad it was useful to you! Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
Great video thanks, I'll probably do this to one of mine. I picked up one of these back in the 80's while stationed in Germany. It was perfect for handle down carry on my webbing harness. Very easy to get at with either hand, rather than taking up space on my belt and only being able to get at it with one hand. I also have a couple that were made under contract to the Polish Military, with no Glock markings and the Polish abbreviation "WZ.81ZW" for "Model 81 Military Police."
Nice... thanks for sharing your experience! 👍
All I hear is the birds..and that awsome beard calling out to me!
You've inspired me, have the knife, and a tap set if needed. I also have a bunch of stainless metric bolts no longer needed for survey equpment, may have one that fits the existing threads. Or, did you show the threaded part after you had cut them?
Anyhow, would be a good spot for the alternate backup ferro rod.
Yes, you will need to cut your own threads, so you'll need that tap set. I inserted a clip of me doing this I think towards the end of the vid. Thanks for watching and commenting! I think you will love the mod 👍
I keep several small pills in my knife.
Anti allergenic, water purifier, pain killer and anti diarrhoea/emetic.
They have come in handy on a few occasions.
My 81 has a bloodlike red/brown coating on the blade.
Great idea! Thanks for watching and commenting. 👍
Tapping is a great idea.
I probably wouldn't tap as deep, and then use a shorter bolt so I'm not threading the "storage section" , as it'll probably just make it harder to clean as well as get things out of..
That’s awesome, I’m going to use a brass bolt and hollow the bolt out to hold a tube that will hold about (4) 9mm rounds in the handle.
These Glock field knives are awesome, both the 78 and 81 are excellent.
A long time Ago a Marine told me the Grand Bayonets were cut down as they used to even be larger then the one shown here. I was skeptical when he told me, I started enquiring further and started to hear this story again around mostly Marines. I think they said the Bayonets were 16 inches and then cut down to about the size in this video.
Correction Garand Bayonets.
Well, now... You learn something new every day. Great mod.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👍
Nah, the skull crucher was the best idea!!! loved it man, this was super usefull!!
Thanks man! Appreciate you watching and commenting 👍
Now I like that idea.
Glad to hear it!
Great to see you again. BCR. Great video I'll check that knife out.
Hope to see ya on the road when I'm in your area
Absolutely brilliant! I have a friend who has a weed delivery business only deals with cash so he is at high risk for robbery and has a lot of close calls. he was asking me advice for a tactical knife to compliment his ccw. This gave me a Idea for his bday I will get him a Glock knife use your bolt mod with a o ring put a pre roll in it and build him a kydex sheath with bic lighter attachment he will get a kick out of it won’t break the bank and would be a very function novelty for him
Sounds like a cool project!
Did he like it, op?
Thanks for the video. I think I'll be doing this mod on mine..
In a similar video for this modification, the guy sanded down the bolt to remove the stamp, polished it up nicely, then added gun blueing. Looked pretty sharp..
Thanks! Yeah, I bet that bolt looked good after all that.
You know, ATF agents get that cute frowny face of theirs when you attach things to the back end of your Glock, and then they show up at your house and shoot your dog.
Background birds chirping, is a nice sound. I've got an 81 on order and thanks to you have a nice mod for it when get it.
My wife and I have about 30 of these knives, won all of them shooting GSSF matches. Gave a bunch away to friends too. I like to mod mine with custom stipppling on the grip. That is easy to do, just need a soldering iron and some patience. They make a good piece of gear to keep in the trunk of your car or as part of a bug out kit.
Wow, that's a lot of knives you won! Yeah, these make great gifts. Thanks for sharing. 👍
May I have 1 please?
@@eskee1 Win your own. Just enter a GSSF match. Oh, you will need a Glock and be skilled enough to use it. They also do random drawings for prizes. It took me only 5 entries to max out my winnings and be promoted to master.
BTW, I hate Glocks, but as Quigley said, "Never had much use for one, never said I could not use one." I used to hold a master certification in defensive pistol and tactical rifle from a local firearms academy. I used a Springfield XD-9 service model for that. Also served in the USMC in the early 80s.
It looked as if the hole was threaded from the get go? Why would you not use the same thread gauge/pitch to prevent the chance of cross threading when tapping? Do you know what that thread was? Thanks. I will copy your idea, but probably use the one that fit the as is situation. Great idea, thank you
@@rottiejakeluke Nope, it isn't threaded in stock form. Just tap to fit whatever bolt you end up using. Thanks for watching 👍
U can also keep a small nail inside under the cap and put a small pole inside and use the nail to push through small hole and through the pole for a spear. Great mod by the way.
Glad to see you again, BCR. Thanks for the knife review, looks good.
No oneeeeee
Fights like Gaston
No one runs like Gaston
No one makes polymer handled knives and guns like Gaston
You need more upvotes
Good to see you again my friend, hope all is well.
Great mod! Thanks!
Absolutely... thanks for watching 👍
Why not use a metric bolt for the existing threads? It’s probably M12 1.75 pitch.
Lolwat. There are no existing threads
@@johnanon658 Correct.
BCR - great to see you. Excellent review. Thanks for posting.
That's one helluva way to finish off a video! 🍻
Looks good man you should try and make a skull krusher with a point like a glass breaker but beefier that would look cool but I like the one u got handy for hammering things down but having a extra one would be handy to
If I’m not mistaken, serrated knives are illegal in the Geneva convention
Art. 23. In addition to the prohibitions provided by special Conventions, it is especially forbidden
(e) To employ arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.
Serrated knives are not typically classified under this delineation and there are many knives issued to military and paramilitary units that feature serrations, or in the case of the Glock Field knives, roots saws for carrying out manual tasks like prepping rope, sawing through vegetation or wood prep for camp fires.
I think that is the Hague convention, not the Geneva convention. Geneva dealt mostly with POWs.
someone been watching old All Quiet on the Eastern Front ^^
Legal on knife but not on a bayonet.
Nice detail informative review, if you own a Glock pistol you got to have this knife. Did anyone ever tell you are a dead ringer for a Mel Gibson look a like. Thank you for sharing this review and a wise man once told me you can never own to many knives.
Haha, I love it! I agree with that wise man too. Never got the Mel Gibson before, but a lot of Kenny Rogers (pre-surgery.)
@@BrewCityRider Thank you for replying back and stay safe in these troubling times that's going on overseas and in the white house.
Now that I know here is a handy dandy hollow handle, I will be getting two.
Why not just a metric bolt?
I'm not sure where people are getting the info that this knife is made from 1095....? I suspect it's made from a variety for softer spring steels that roll vs than chip.
I have been in the Austrian Armed Forces for my mandatory service (6 months) It is never used as a bajonett, I wouldn't even know how to install it/ there is no mounting lug on the stg77 A1 (At least not on the ones we got)
Edit.: Doesn't mean it wasn't intendet to! It is just not used as one by our armed forces (I know some Sargents)
Edit2.: We use it, just not as Bajonett
Interesting. Thanks for sharing this information. 👍
I was just thinking the cap might be removed easier by using a small drill bit through the hole already in the side. All that’s needed is to drill through one side of the cap via that hole and use an air gun with a rubber tip utilizing 100 psi compressed air. I think 100# air should push it right out. Be sure to point in a safe direction as the cap will become a projectile.
Great idea! They are a real pain to get out. Thanks!
I was wodering if the holes in end of handle went through the end cap or not. Problem w drilling thru, of course, is that it would not be water tight.
Awesome video, It convinced me. I just bought a black one off eBay for $42 and I will tap it for bolt plug and use it often opening beer bottles.
The glock 78 is very hard to find in ebay and if find one the price is hight.
What size metric tap?
Life is god when is your back in. Major Glock guy here so doesn’t surprise me of a good quality. Hope your well and #BloodtypeG
Cut the bolt so it’s not so deep in the hole
Then ya can add whatever ya want in the handle and still have some extra weight for a skull crusher
Im going to file the bolt head on mine to a point for the window breaking benefits and probably cut out a track under the bolt head for the rubber o ring to slightly recess down into and retain it
@@johngibson7307 Those would be some nice touches👍
I tried this but it didn't really work for me... I used an M14 sized tap. It was okay up until I got to the two hole on the sides of the steel tubing, then the whole tube just started rotating with the tap... Not sure how to fix that.
Hmmm. So the little holes go through the steel tube?
Awesome information. I have been wanting to learn more about my 81. Cool mod. And, I absolutely luv your WWII Bayonet. :-) Peace, Stiletto :-)
Glad to have you back 👍
I gotta do this now. I wish I hadn’t seen this video but now I have so I have no choice.
Haha. Thanks man. Good vid.
@@armedmariner Thanks! You'll like the mod 👍
Is the handle originally threaded, or are those just concentric rigs? How does it stay on a rifle?
No, there is no threading in the handle. There is just a lug on the rifle that fits in the opening and is kept locked in by the angled guard which locks into the muzzle device. I don't know if the lug is spring mounted or screws into the rifles lug bracket. Either way it's got to be able to move or slide for this type of attachment to work.
missed why you had to retap, could you not get a bolt to thread into the existing threads?? thanks
There are no threads, it is just a plain metal tube. Have to tap it to add the threads. Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
thanks for info ordered the 81 today@@BrewCityRider
Is there an easy way to take the cap off?
I read a comment that a man used a drill and it came right out.@@galmor1007
Very cool! I just picked up the Glock field knife yesterday. 👍
cool project , prob easier to get a sheath with a pouch on it, nice hammer end though i would probably try a washer on there to protect the polymer
Thanks for the great advice and video.
We have over a dozen of these that we use when serving up Tri-tip roasts for our guests on special occasions, like the upcoming 4th of July. When some have seen the large table set with nice China and the Glock knives 🔪 in place for each seat, the comments have been entertaining. Suitable attire for those events btw includes a nice BBQ gun, worn open in fine leather.
After watching this I’m going to buy myself a new knife. 🍻
I like the idea of this not sure if I’ll ever do it but it’s still pretty cool
Beautiful piece BCR! Can you carry that on your bike, on your side, when you travel? Do you also like the KA-Bar as well?
While I could carry the Glock knife on my hip when riding, I prefer higher riding carry systems due to their concealability. The Glock rides pretty low.
I do like the Ka-Bar because it is such a historic and iconic knife. However, I am not a fan of it's rat tail tang. A better comparable knife would be the Ontario SP1. It is also American made, has thicker stock, and it's a full encapsulated tang at half the price of the k-bar.
@@BrewCityRider so depending on where you carry the knife on your bike, there’s a concealability issue? Sorry to bother but can you explain? Can we carry a ka-bar on our bike? Might be an idea for an upcoming vlog content. Like to learn more about how, can and where can carry our knife riding.
@@DeBa1226 There are no knife size or carry restrictions for law abiding citizens in Wisconsin. And, municipalities cannot enact stricter laws either. Concealability is just a personal preference for me.
@@BrewCityRider thanks
How do you wear yours higher for concealability? Can you safely wear your KA-Bar higher under your jacket on trips?
What a beauty that bayonet, thanks for the video
Thanks, yeah she's a keeper!
Badass wizard beard...
🤣 Thanks man!
Your dog doesn't like you drinking beer...
Cheers and thanks for sharing
The dog is saying: "I'm gonna keep barking until I get some!!" / I know hamsters like beer!
Great to see you again and great video keep up the great work and see ya around in rallies in wi
Interesting. Really like your furry black and white assistant.
Lol, thanks😁
definitely the best knife for under forty bucks
I used a section of corrugated tubing and heat sheink to attach a ferro rod to my sheath.
It would be even better to put the bolt on the lathe and round the bolt head, then knurl it.
The bolt works fine as is but it looks so much more finished.
Nice video. Great idea
Can you give me the sight where I can buy one please.
Most everywhere online that sells outdoor stuff/military gear would have them. Google is your friend. Search for "Glock knife".
Good review and history. Hope all is well 👍👊
I've tried that beer, it's exceptional.
@@dongkhamet1351 🍻
Just thread it for a Harley drain plug…
I like it... great idea! 👍
The knife is balanced for throwing. With the bolt that is ruined
True !
Your right I used to throw k Ives along time ago cant stick one to save my life now . Including specialized throwing knives. I threw this thing just for shits and giggles. And cant miss. Never had a handled knife that good for throwing. Wanted to try the srk but dont wanna mess it up as I say I suck
What kind of dumbass throws his weapon.
@@quietlife9974 bien sûr que c est un très bon couteau de lancé et précis
Take notes.... It's a very elaborate bottle opener 😂 Trust the Austrian army to prioritise beer!
Thanks for the info.
You bet! Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
How long to grow that beard 🤔?
Haha, I don't know man, I've trimmed it so many times I really don't remember. I've got some other vids where it was really long😁
@@BrewCityRider thanks for the reply, I'm 6 months now ,trying to do a year
It's just a great knife for the price. I think they made shovels first.
I dig it, cool idea 💡
It looks like it had threads to begin with. Why re tap it?
Never mind, I think you shot the video after you tapped the knife.
@@theWZZA Yep, you got it. Thanks for watching.
Great mod. 2 thumbs up
Great video on a great knife!
Beautifully Bayonet there also
Bel video, per sapere i prezzi. Grazie
It's been a while! Missed you BCR!
Howdy Toby. Had some personal stuff going on this spring that set me way back. Back in the swing of things now, so should be posting weekly again. Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
I used the bottle opener today, but I never new about the secret chamber, lol.
Lol, yeah, nice little surprise storage area!
1 - Резьбу сорвёт от ударов
2 - Разбить стекло можно обухом, гардой и в том числе РУКОЯТЬЮ НОЖА! Потому что пластик Glock очень прочный и твёрдый
3 - Баланс ножа сделан в середине не просто так. Гайка сместит баланс ножа с середины на кончик рукояти
4 - Гайка даёт лишний вес. Великие умы учитывали каждый грамм, а тут один невеликий ум вставил гайку на целых 15 - 20 грамм
5 - Никому не надо дробить черепушки гайкой, когда у него в руках нож! Даже если хто понадобится, то разве что в садистких целях, ведь эффективность дробящего удара с такой площадью достаточно мала, чтобы сразу вырубить или kil нуть
Итог: Балавство для подростков, а не модификация. Не портите нож, который разрабатывали подкованные в ножевой сфере люди
Уррр, мон шер ами. Отлично понимаю что метание ножей действенно только в цирке, но эта красава метается и втыкается прямо сама, в пол оборота, в один оборот, в полтора, просто взвесил, отвел, нацелил, попал. Там баланс богоподобный, не встречал такого продумана ни в одном ноже, кроме специально обученных метательных. Одно отличие - ему рельно покую что ты с ним сделаешь, даже самое остриё отломать - у меня получилось только в тисках, из интереса. Пила на обухе - имхо бесполезна за счет толщины ножа, пока пилишь образную ветку\стропу\чтонибудь десять раз успеешь перерубить\перерезать обычным лезвием, так что лучше, опять таки имхо стандартный вариант без пилы. Серрейтор бы сверху, но Австрийская армия, похоже, о другом.
После пары недель в походе с периодическим вскрыванием консервов, рубки сучьев и прочими издевательствами резал бумагу. Забраться на дерево - воткнул, наступил, полез, ни мысли о том что погнется или сломается. В общем - крайне годный девайс за свою цену. Лежит в руке Намного приятнее раструбленного USMC и за четверть его цены. И, да, стекло отлично бьёться стандартным тыльником этого ножа, так что автор канала - ну зачем ты насилуешь то что и так работает?( И да, учи русский, скоро пригодится ;)
Very Cool. Having a skull crusher is always good! God Bless Brother!
@@ra8640 I agree😁 Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
Болт не будет работат как стеклобой. Для этого нужна более твёрдая сталь. Можно рассверлить в головке болта отверстие и впресовать туда ширик от подшипника.
I would sure like to test this out. I would think this grade 5 bolt could punch out a tempered glass window when struck properly in a corner with the point of the bolt head edge though.
@@BrewCityRider но шарик закалённой стали сделает это увереннее. Особенно это касается автомобильных стекол.
that bayonet is so awesome
the bottle opener is the worst thing of this knife
Stay sober 😅
Perfekt 😜👍🔥🔥🔥🍀🍀🍀
I made my handle into a self contained smoke pipe.
Interesting...not sure exactly what that is though 😁
@@BrewCityRider indian hatchet style.
German Federal Police or GSG9 use Glock knives?
I dont think so. Because they have Eickhorn Knives (like KM2000) which is better and a lot more expensive.
But a Glock Fieldknive is a good thing at all.
As a knive. As a bajonett it is not very practical because it is sharpend and a typical bajonett is not. An unsharpend bajonett break ripps much more easy, and a sharpend one sticks in and dont get out so easy because it it sticks in but it often dont break the bones. Thats why a lot of bajonetts are "sharpend" only on one side like a chisel.
Like a AK bajonett just for example.
But I love the Glock knives.
The grey colour of yours looks very nice.
I only knew the green, tan or black version.
Interesting stuff. Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
[deleted the first part] Let me throw you a bone...
1. Bayonets are stored and issued unsharpened for exercises and parades. Before combat action, however, they WILL be sharpened. You can read that in countless field manuals of forces around the world.
2. The GSG9 picks whatever the GSG9 damn well please. That is the reason, why they have had a huge bandwidth of gear, that are either not accessible for other police (special) forces like -and there are quite some more- SEK, SEK-M, MEK... And -you probably won't believe that either- the GSG9 uses the GLOCK 17 as the standard servide pistol )besides a lot more different ones according to situations. And the Glock FM78 is the official standard knife -amongst others as well.
3. The KM series is neither exclusive to Eickhorn (mass military contract), nor are they police-issued.
So if you decide to pose as a know-it-all, you gotty bring more to the table.
German out.