Teresa Howick I don’t think that’s a fair assumption to make at all. It’s normal to be proud of things like your job, your home, your family and children especially. Some people really enjoy sharing their lives with others. The vast majority of people who are active on social media are just that, connecting with others.
Hannah King it’s very fair. You can tell when it’s genuine vs show off. What you’re saying isn’t what I’m saying. You can show happy moments only, fun moments only. But it’s obvious when it’s contrived.
Wow Hannah was so brave. She tried to save her and her siblings life’s. Social services are awful. I remember reaching out for help as a child myself only for nothing to happen
... Hate how the smear campaign made me, the abused child into the "liar". ... & those who paid the most attention were doing so only to figure how to take advantage of the situation in one way or other.
YES! If what is happening or suspected isn't serious enough to warrant police, then maybe its a family matter. And if it's serious enough to warrant intervention, the police are, sadly, far more likely to actually do something about it, and more likely to treat those involved with a modicum of human respect.
yep just like that bitch who rehomed her kid. It was all about the image of DOING GOOD rather than actually doing good. It was part of their TV show, the kids were just bit parts in their narcissism.
They were mentally ill to commit a murder suicide. It shouldn't have been so easily to adopt that many kids especially with their low income. Theres a history of women committing murd/suicide with their children. They should've been taken back the moment abuse was acknowledged. Sadly DCFS continues to ignore these cases because there's not alot of room in the system 😢😢
Cindy Ashley Also, the fact that they had previously adopted a 15 yr old girl whom they later abandoned at a therapist’s office according to info in this video. Such a sad outcome for those beautiful children.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Really mystifying. Who approved all these adoptions? It appears these people used these children. Doesn’t this go beyond narcissism into primary psychopathy?
Mario Calabrese Primary psychopathy is characterized by callousness, manipulation, shallow affect and ability to charm. The manipulation and ability to charm were evidenced in Jenn’s avidly followed FB page with it’s glowing, Pollyanna-ish, lying descriptions of their life. The callousness is evidenced by watching 6 children starve while Jenn played video games all day like the addict she was. I am not sure about the shallow affect, but this shallow, entitled (according to her) woman took over 250K from the State of Texas, and a considerable amount from the Social Security Administration. I don’t know how she started out, but she ended up a con artist and a murderer. Watch the Podcast.
In another show that went over this case, the couple was undergoing expensive in vitro fertilization and the money that they received for the children went toward that procedure.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Why does the government find it ok to give this money to strangers to raise kids? If they had given even half what these bitches got to the moms earlier the kids may not have ever been taken away (welfare would be about $500 month TOTAL for 3 kids, has a 5 year limit & is often lost for non compliance if mom’s DONT attend fake, busy work programs). Or it could have been given to family members to raise them. many parents loose custody of their kids due to bad choices made as the result of financial issues? Leaving kids alone to work or moving into someone’s house where kids are physically or sexually abused as mom can’t afford a place of their own. Even substance abuse may start or escalate due to stress caused by not having enough money or worrying about money
I've seen this story multiple times on the news and other creators covering it, but a new element that struck me today was that they both studied early childhood education adds an extra level to these two knowing exactly how cruel and harmful they were to these children
They were "glory hunters", racist narcissists who wanted to look 'generous' for adopting 6 black 'drug babies'. They never had an ounce of love for those poor kids, whose birth mothers probably loved them but never had a chance because they weren't middle class. As the daughter of a mother who detests me merely because I physically favour her hated ex husband (my father), how much more is there the POTENTIAL for an adoptive mother not to love their children if that child is another race and has even less biological connection. I say potential because there are many who do love their kids of course. White "saviour" who only want to adopt other races should be viewed with suspicion.
Totally had the "white savior "complex...I know this is probably terrible, but after this case , I now look at white people that have adopted children outside their race with a side eye and pray that their intentions are nothing but good for the children.
@@jenniferlane9000 Totally agree on the "white savior" thing. It's sad, but I kind of look at such families the same way, too (though I'm sure most adoptive parents do love their children and would never hurt them this way).
I share your outrage and disgust of this devastating situation, but not all white folks who have only adopted black or brown kids are trying to be heroes or saviors. Not sure of the percentage but I can speak for myself at least. I’m a single white person who has had a dream of fostering to adopt once I put down roots and buy a home and my first choice/personal preference would be to exclusively adopt a black or brown child. The reason? In this country, a disproportionate number of black and brown children end up raised by the state and then they age out in the system. I think that’s abhorrent. This wouldn’t be the case if more qualified, loving people would be happy to adopt outside of their race. I also personally believe there may exist a certain level of selfishness and narcissism that may contribute to white folks who adopt, but are only interested in adopting white children. Why do some white parents prefer or only express interest in white babies/children? Why are some white couples willing to wait years and years for approval to adopt a white baby when there are black and brown babies who need loving homes? Is the preference for white babies because they couldn’t have their own biological white children? Is it so the child might pass as their biological child? Is it racism? I can’t say, but it’s strange to me. Who knows. Obviously I’m not going to say this is the case for all white people who adopt white children but I think it’s something to consider. As for me, the first time I heard about the statistics of black and brown children aging out of foster care and thought about how wrong that is and thought about all the white parents who adopt only white children or go to places like China, Africa or India for children to adopt but never consider the children of color here...it bothered me immensely. I thought about what it would feel like to be raised by the system and never have one person who chose you for you to love you forever. It’s about LOVE, and EMPATHY friend... and JUSTICE for kids this country has allowed the state to raise because of individual inaction and maybe indifference by those who have the means. Also, It’s about what’s RIGHT...it’s about the kids who are most vulnerable...and There ARE people out there like myself who aren’t interested in a gold medal or attention or praise for adopting a child of color...and who aren’t motivated by a need to feel good about ourselves. Side analogy...another group of children who are disproportionately raised by the state are children who have lifelong health issues or who are differently abled. There are people out there who adopt ONLY children who have special needs who I personally see as amazing individuals because some of the kids they adopt will require lifelong care...and that was their calling...or their preference. Does that mean those people all have some sort of “Savior” complex? No...absolutely not. The parents I’ve seen adore their adopted children and pour love into them. The idea that they get “credit” for who they chose to adopt would make them uncomfortable and for me...the whole notion makes me cringe with discomfort. I understand you’re skeptical but when we generalize people it doesn’t do the world any favors. Lol. I have to check myself too from time to time. Take care. 💚 P.S. So sorry about the mom BS you went through. That’s messed up. Stepping off soap 📦
Having a narcissist in your partners family is heart braking. Ours is about to have 2 girls and I am very concerned about their future life. The problem is that not only is she a narcissist without remorse she also is able to manipulate many people. Not everyone buys it but her parents and many men around her do. 😟
I agree; my heart breaks for her. She sounded like such a stable, positive person for the children, who rearranged her life to take care of them. I find it incredible that anyone thought the children were better off adopted than staying with their loving aunt.
That is what happens when Child 'Welfare' gets paid for taking kids and placing them with non relatives. CPS exists to perpetuate it's own existence and that or the whole economy that has grown to revolve around it. It's not about anyone's welfare or protection. It needs to be torn to the ground and a new solution found for the cases of actual abuse, not the cases CPS mostly opens, which penalize and tear apart families for struggling in various ways, as such as addiction, poverty, and mental health. Obviously they are not pro family or pro child. They got this situation backwards, taking the children from family that struggled with first addiction, and with the aunt, simply needing some help with child care. Rather than actually looking at the situation and offering help with childcare, perhaps. Or reevaluationg the mothers fitness to be around her kids in the context of caring for thrm while their aunt worked (I read their mother was actually at least several months sober when she was 'caught' caring for her kids so their aunt could work to provide for them). Rather than take an honest look at that situation, they reacted to being 'disobeyed' by this family, and snatched the kids away, same day. They wouldn't put any resources toward helping their actual families, but these monsters are handed thousands of dollars a month to not even feed them? They snatch these kids same day because their mother was helping thwir aunt out while she worked, but after NUMEROUS and much more serious reports on the people the kids were placed with, they still hadn't been removed? I can't think of a case that more clearly illustrates that child welfare systems are worse than ineffectual wastes of money-they are downright dangerous. They cause so much suffering and trauma that just isnt necessary, and there is no system in place for families to properly defend themselves or question their methods. Entire communities live in fear of these agencies. Obviously racism and classism are huge factors. The average person in this country has no idea what really goes on. We have to come together to bring down the system that stole and then sold these children to be props, servants, and finally the ultimate victims.
Lwandile M I’m sure the fact that black babies are 4x more likely to be aborted than white ones may have something to do with the relative shortage of them; this is irrespective of socioeconomic status of the mothers. There is a sociocultural tendency, since about the 1970s, to promulgate promiscuity, single parenthood, and the “freedom” to abort when you get carried away with that lifestyle and end up knocked-up without a father figure to be found. The black community only began degrading toward precariousness since the 1960s, and became worse as soon as certain politicians (i.e. Biden and Harris) began jailing black men in the 80s and 90s for decades for things like possessing marijuana; funny who the Biden-Harris supporters tend to be nowadays... But yeah, white privilege... I guess
This got me crying. I'm really not ok. The fact that this picture is still shared and upheld as the "right way to protest" with messages like "why can't we just love one another? " when we know the story behind it is literally infuriating. I'm disgusted with this every time I think about it.
When I first read the story I kept going back to the protest picture of Devonte. I had recognized that iconic photo and then had to reframe my understanding to this not being a local boy affected and scared, but a young, scared boy who was forced into a photo op by his abusive moms. The fact that he and one of his sisters kept asking the neighbor for food and that neighbor reported the family multiple times because of this and nothing being done to stop this horrific outcome seems beyond negligent.
@@laurahire7208 BEYOND NEGLIGENT! I can't even fathom the amount of privilege that it takes to be granted the benefit of the doubt so many times. The system ignored these babies.
Oh Nelle Yeah It did. The system completely failed these precious kids. Some of the kids had biological family that had wanted custody but they were deemed unfit for whatever reason and the kids were adopted out. Pretty sure we can guess what part of that reason was. It’s absolutely appalling. I cried so hard the first time I read about these kids. I feel so much sadness and rage for the way they were failed.
I was living in Portland during the final years in their lives. It was physically painful to watch all of this unfolding. The hardest for me has been that DeVante’s body has never been found.
Sunset He was seen with the family. There was no evidence proving otherwise. Their bodies, I don’t recall many being inside the car, were found washed up shore days and even weeks later. The last body was I’m thinking a couple months later. A sister. So it was the natural assumption that he was lost at sea. I know this will sound crazy but I like to imagine he flew up like an angel and was spared the drowning.
@@Lougallops Hannah's foot inside a sneaker was found on shore, After. 3 kids were found inside the car. Devante never found. I hope those women are burning in hell.
I appreciate the constant content but if you need a few day break take it we'll be here when you get back 💕 thank you for all your hard work hope you're having a great day ❣️
Honestly I think this is how Psychologists are spending their time nowadays because of the quarantine. I used to watch Dr. Grande and Dr. Honda back in 2014... They both made content, but now its more consistent because I dont think they can have people in their office with them. I think they have less clients now, hence the abundance of time. I dont know for sure, though. I still like their content either way
Having lived for 24 years with a diagnosed narcissist (not a murderous one, luckily), I know they would do absolutely everything to stage a heroic and loving persona. Adopting those children must have gained the couple lots of admiration, at least at the beginning), not to mention a ton of narcissistic supply and enough scapegoats to mistreat whenever something went wrong in the two women's lives. In my country, adopting children is nearly impossible, so handing out children like candies is baffling for me. The couple already rejected one (lucky her!) but they were still eligible for adoption? I also think that too often children are not taken seriously, or else authorities would have investigated deeply into what they said. One of the saddest cases I've ever heard of.
@@janedoe3648 for 2 reasons: 1st there are no Danish children to adopt; second, if you want to adopt from abroad they make it very complicated due to strict immigration policies...
Wow.. I actually didn't know of this case at all. Thank you for covering it. I'm just shocked at this case. I remember that picture of the young boy hugging the police officer but I had no idea who he was..
@Damian Can you stop with that ignorance.. Show me where conservatives talked about this case.. This has nothing to do with dealing politics so go away with that nonsense!!
I really like how doctor Grande sets up all the scene for his analysis - nothing to disturb you behind him, perfect preparation and intro, objective analysis, thoughts, well set up humour (not too obvious, he keeps you listen), not too many cuts, not too many pop-ups on the right (advice what to watch from the doctor), calm voice. Each of his analysis is a novel at itself: introduction - core - conclusion. I wish doctor would do some audio books - his voice always calmes me down. Thank you so much for your extraordinary work, dear doctor!
My best friend worked with the police officer in the photo with Devonte. When he heard the news, he was devastated. I think any of us familiar with that photo and the family were. Such a horrible, senseless crime.
That photograph looks so different now, that poor sweet boy was weeping to be helped, but didn't have the words or opportunity. (Let me be clear, NOT blaming the officer, I'm sure it is so heartbreaking for him to see that photo now too.)
What a sad , tragic life those children must have had. They probably thought they were going to be adopted into a safe, happy, stable environment. The children were used and abused by the Heart’s. I pray the children didn’t suffer too much at the end. Such a sickening situation....may the children Rest In Peace .
I know & even b4 Covid-19 his uploading seemed to hav ⬆ alot. I wndr if Dr. Grande has been doing just RUclips full time & why? He has Patreon now which kinda surprised me. I wud b glad to support his channel; it just seems unclear his mission? I always thought he did these videos as a supplement to his practice as a LCSW--kinda as a public service? I hope I wasn't wrong about his premise wen I 1st strtd watching him? He just seemed very much like a compassionate person sharing his content online. Lately tho his channel seems a bit more commercial? I wndr y the shift & I wish Dr. Grande was a little more forthcoming on it. I need to watch his 100k sub TY video to see if he talks bout any details?
@@isaaksteshman9879 yeah I always thought it benefited the channel monetarily to hav adds but I read a comment that said something about if adds r skipped mayb the creator doesn't profit?
You have started uploading at almost precisely the same time my alarm rings for me to get out of bed. Cases like this jolt me awake. Thanks, Dr Grande.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
It's honestly not bizarre. I couldn't find you a link now but 2015 saw 102 or 105 adopted children murdered by their adopters in the United States alone
Thank you, Doctor. This really helps me understand the possible thought processes they went through. I knew the Hart Family but only briefly. Jen would tell us stories of where the children came from and said the children had PSTD about where food was coming from that they would hoard food or beg neighbors for food. Jen said if she didn't correct the behavior then it would get worse. Since I just met her and the family, I figured she knew what she was talking about because I don't know jack about adopting. Sad because beyond all the possible/probable things they put the children through, one thing I remember most is those children laughed, smiled, played, loved, were artistically creative, etc. They really were awesome little kids. Just so sad what they might have been going through and what Jen and her wife did to them.... just sad.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
“Discriminated against?!” Give me a break! So tired of this being used as a defense. They weren’t discriminated, quite the opposite! They abandon their child and yet somehow are able to adopt 6 more. That should never have been allowed. Most likely only happened because the agencies were afraid of being accused of “discriminating” against them.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Please do not let this solitary case cause you to think that discrimination doesn't happen all the time. Jen and her wife simply weaponized it, because they're narcissists. I have been personally discriminated against because of my sexuality, so obviously, if they lied about discrimination - most people would believe them, as it's sadly very common.
It's heartbreaking. It seems enough people knew about the unfortunate children's predicament - it's infuriating that this kind of maltreatment can go unchecked for so long.
This isn't a bizarre case. These women were clearly mentally unstable and were allowed to adopt children. How do you abandon 1 adopted child, but are allowed to adopt 6 more afterwards🤔. Children are NOT FOR SHOW. If you can't take care of them, don't have or ADOT them😧
@@sergpie The reason for my response is (STAY WITH ME), I am a elementary school teacher and there was a child in my class who was adopted from an orphanage in Russia (along with his younger sister, an infant) at the age of 6. The people who adopted them was a married America couple. The mother is a pediatrician and the father is a lawyer. This boy had many many issues from an eating disorder to physical impairments and everything in between. As soon as he started school we got him the proper services, but it was a work in progress and he needed a lot of help. The mother, was contemplating sending just the boy back to the orphanage because she was overwhelmed (these were also the only children she had as she stated that her and her husband's career got in the way of family life. Also, all of this is true information that they told us first hand through multiple meetings we had with the parents). Instead, this women hired a Russian (live-in) NANNY to take this little boy off of her hands. After the nanny came into the picture, we hardly saw either of his parents at school. Meetings turned into phone conferences. This boy become extremely attached to the nanny as if she was his mother (which is what he needed). It was horrible that they adopted these kids to fill a void in their lives and wrote them off when things got tough. There's more (like the mother got a promotion at work, that required working longer hours, her reason for hiring a live-in nanny), but the bottom line is, just because you are white with money or just white in general, doesn't mean you are anyones fucking savoir. This family along with the said case, was clearly incapable of taking care of these children and adopted them anyway, for their own personal needs. Adopted children (and children in general) come with up & downs, highs & lows and if you can't deal with everything that comes with raising children, DON'T ADOPT OR HAVE THEM.
F Sucks for that kid, hope he has the help he needs. I agree that bad parenting is a bad thing, which is what I get from your comment. What I don’t understand is what being white has to do with this situation. I also agree, that if one cannot have children and support them, then they ought not have them; I also believe that if one cannot have children and support them, they ought not engage in behavior that would result in an unfavorable pregnancy. There are individual exceptional circumstances, but I feel like that’s the kind of common sense people have had for hundreds of years up until the 1970s.
@@sergpie because the Hart case screams, "LOOK at us, the white "do-gooders" who adopted 6 black children, abused them, didn't get caught and then killed them when things didn't go our way." My case screams "Look at us, the rich white "do-gooders" who adopted 2 orphaned Russian children, emotionally neglected them, and hired a nanny to take them off of our hands" and the same goes for the Myka and James Stauffer case. They gave that child back because he did not fit their "perfect" life style. These people are getting passes for doing these things and we know why.
Dr. Grande, what do you think of the controversy surrounding the movie “Cuties”? This one might be too divisive for your channel, but I think your opinion would be very valuable.
@@comfym3850 the movie Cuties did literal close up crotch shots of those little girls. I made the mistake of clicking on an article about it with clips from Twitter and wish I never had. Pageants are gross too, but they don't put camera's right up to the baby's private parts. At least there's that.
Thank you for the outstanding analysis, Dr Grande. For anyone that wants to learn more about Murder-Suicide, "The Perversion of Virtue: Understanding Murder-Suicide" from Dr Thomas Joiner is a solid piece of work.
This whole story gives me Jonestown vibes. White savior complex, all the children being black or biracial, the murder-suicide, it just eerily reminds me of Jim Jones.
It reminds me of white people hating what they are and doing everything to show off how much they hate their ancestors. This nowadays results in children from Africa being stolen from their mothers, so such people are able to adopt black children in the attempt to be seen as saviours and heros on social media.
Bex - I know you commented a year ago, but there is a FASCINATING interview on the Scientology: Fair Game podcast, by a survivor of Jonestown. And the woman became a force to be reconned with as an adult.
After listening to Dr. Grande, I tuned into the Podcast, Broken Harts. This case sounded so weird. Dr. Grande did a good job of synopsizing here, but the story is far worse. Time and again, these women were reported to the authorities, and Sarah was convicted of domestic abuse. What does it take to remove abused, bruised children, who were also noted as being too thin and asking for food rummaging through the garbage, from sick women who were literally torturing them and then murdered them? I still have a difficult time understanding this crime. Good analysis.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
They were disgusting opportunists that down played an evaded culpability. For example they had the audacity to excuse suspicion by saying the children were drug babies.
This case has always fascinated me... its one of those that I wish I could have been there to help, but its just a wish... Thank you so much for the clear information. I came from a home like the one they were raising... but I got out 🖤
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
I don’t understand how those two were able to just abandon their newly adopted daughter at a therapist’s office and never look back without any legal consequences - no criminal charges or disciplinary/punitive action? Idk if maybe doctors offices have some sort of ‘safe haven’ designation (like fire stations, hospitals, police precincts, etc) that would allow parents to surrender children and relinquish all parental rights free from threat of criminal liability/prosecution, but even so I would still think that displaying such careless disregard for a child would automatically disbar them from any future adoptions…. So how they were able to go on to adopt as many children as they did after abandoning their first is truly a mystery to me…
It's tempting to take an attitude of "what horrible evil people!". I have a suspicion, though, that if we had a fly on the wall perspective of their upbringing, we would then decide to push the responsibility a generation back, whether through willful abuse or just devastatingly incompetent parenting . . and so on backwards to the first lousy parent who couldn't keep their own anger and fear from spilling down to a child.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Thanks for this Dr. G. This case has haunted me and I am glad there are some paying attention to it. There is also a "theory" that Devante was killed before everyone else which is why his body has not been found. He had been the one to bring social services into the family. He may have been "disciplined" harshly, resulting in his death and then they booked it out of there. Or they killed him and disposed of his body somewhere along the long drive. I mean, where were they going otherwise? Anyway, only they know for sure. Very tragic. Very sad.
@@oliviatree agree !! cps and other community support services are really underfunded. I wonder in what ways increased funding would change the immense inaction of CPS though- is it a matter of a lack of training or is the system just shit from top to bottom
@@oliviatree I don't know about whether they show up every time a teacher reports a bruise or fracture but I think you misinterpreted what I said bc I never said CPS is all shit :-) I think the system itself overall is making it difficult for CPS to fulfill its duties sufficiently because of things like a lack of funding or other parts of the government's community support system that is lacking. There are cases such as Gabriel Hernandez in which CPS did a horrible job at protecting the child- that's not to say every person who has that job would have done the same, but just that such cases exist.
@@oliviatree I did a term paper about this in college - in some other countries, social workers are treated as a higher class career, like up there with lawyers and doctors and they get paid extremely well. I believe those are in more socialist countries, where the people pay high taxes but the government actually puts it to good use for the people.
And that's kind of the problem; people look at huge red flags of child abuse, and think "it's not my kid, so it's not my problem." I wish more people understood that protecting children in your community is a *shared* responsibility; if you see something, TELL SOMEONE.
the fact they dropped their first child off at a therapist and never returned should be reported to any potential adoption agencies and should go permenantly on their records. they literally just abandoned a child
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
The entire story, from beginning to end, was sad and preventable. I agree with you, Dr. Grande...The system failed these innocent children.who experienced fear, neglect and torture. My heart is 💔 heavy & broken 😢
I didn’t know about this case but I certainly knew that famous picture. Wow Dr. Grande, this was intense.Those ladies were monsters! Thank you for the analysis of this very complicated case, so well done!👌🏼❤️
When I saw Hart Family I thought it was about the Hart family here in Michigan where I live there was a family killed here near Traverse City. I hadn’t heard about this family though very tragic. Thank you for the great analysis. I admire your craft!!
Great video. PS Dr. Grande, today I was in small video training at work and they asked what we do in our spare time. I said I watch Dr. Grande videos on RUclips. Others in the group said they watch you as well! The moral of the story IS that Texas is watching! Cool.
Children tell and are not heard.. just like that sickening Turpin ''family'' situation, home schooled after school became suspicious ,and kids telling people, but then hidden away. People seen the children rarely and not well but didn't ''get involved''.
God, this case was really depressing! Thank you for this video! The other day you talked about Folie a Deux. Is it possible if you make a video about the baffling case of the Swedish twins Sabina and Ursula Eriksson? It happened in 2008 in the UK. Very disturbing case and nobody understands why they behaved like that. However, during the trial, they stated that one of the twins suffered from a case of Folie a Deux. I'm interested in your opinion about this case. Thank you!
She drove her family off a cliff. This is beyond disturbing imagine those final moments? She was seriously mentally disturbed imagine what those children really went through
The kids had been drugged and were likely very drowsy and unable to understand what was happening. Hopefully they'd fallen asleep and simply never woke up.
Always stick around here to listen and apply knowledge. Dr. Grande is a educated, trained caring professional. A teacher as well at YT. Thank you for analysis. 🙏👍
The system is seriously lacking. We had a situation in our community in which the mother had to call her therapist every night and promise she would not kill her children (I know this because my husband is a police officer). One night she called but refused to promise and told the therapist that if a police officer came to her house, she would kill the children. The therapist contacted the police. Obviously, they couldn't just leave the situation in such a tenuous way, so the officers went to the house (in hindsight they probably should have sent someone with mental health expertise, but whatever). She saw them outside and promptly killed the kids and then herself. Why. In. The. Hell. was she allowed to keep her kids with her under those circumstances?!? If someone has to promise they won't hurt their kids every night, perhaps that person should not have them with her in the first place?!? What the hell!
Sorry but that so called "home school" is a dangerous thing. Kids should be able to socialize. Also be seen by others to know if they are having problems at home.
Agree. There should be something that forces parents to get their kids out and socializing weekly. We plan to homeschool and started pre k this year but our son socializes multiple times weekly. It is important for many reasons.
This is definitely not the norm in homeschooling situations. I don’t in any way advocate for home schooling, but it’s not like home schooling should be a red flag for abuse.
@@oliviatree Thanks! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Is very dangerous. I get that schools can be dangerous, but is also a scape for abused children.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
As a homeschooling mother and a big fan of homeschooling, I have a major problem with anyone who has previously been investigated for child abuse or neglect being legally allowed to withdrawal their children for "homeschooling." At the very least, I think regular through checks without warning should be required.
This makes me feel angry & anxious. The same feeling i had when i was a child when my dad would beat my mom.. (I still don't know what those feelings are.) but thank you Dr Grande, for sharing your take on this case.
I think it would be quite interesting if you did a follow up to this, observing the reactions of their friends in the documentary 'Thread of Deceit'. The way the documentary seems to focus on the 'pain' that Jen and Sarah must have been in and seemingly undermining the pain they caused the children is nothing less than despicable. I would be interested in your observations of their friends and the mentality of ideologues. Blinded by the optimism of love and acceptance? In any case, it was a relief to watch your video and your analysis as I was brutally disappointed by the documentary.
Wow, did you say one of the children got in trouble over a penny found in a pocket? This whole case is truly heartbreaking. Why were they allowed to adopt again after dumping the first child. 😔
Yes. Like a penny being found is so unrealistic. They were criminal nut cases. Sholdn’t have been allowed to have driver’s licenses much less adopt kids.
I don't know if its related to the right people have to procreate (ie. have a child). Perhaps also to not have a child (like contraceptives, other kinds of family planning and even dropping them from your life like at a firestation).
Women who wanted to appear as heroes to the outside world couldn't allow themselves to admit that they were incapable of providing the emotional and physical care the children needed by giving the children back to social services. Make it look like an accident to continue to look like heroes afterwards. One of the worst stories ever.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
My heart feels wrenched. Those poor, helpless kids. The neighbors who must have felt so powerless to do anything. Mercy be upon every child in foster care or being adopted out of it--they so often see such horrendous things in their young lives.
I have pulled kids out of houses for far less than the initial allegations made in South Dakota, and those children should all have been removed at that time and returned only if investigation and remediation ensured that they would be safe. Additionally, we need a national data base to prevent people from escaping consequences by moving kids across state lines or adopting six kids after abandoning an adopted child. And finally, people adopting a large number of kids is generally NOT a good thing and should only be allowed with extra study/investigation and supervision going forward.
Another thoughtful analysis on a tragic case. A common underlying theme in many of these cases seems to be others who are aware of a child in distress but choose not to get involved. If one person had made the decision to alert the authorities perhaps this tragedy could have been averted. As you mentioned in a prior video, simply requesting a welfare check would be an option. As always, thank you for sharing expertise and thoughts with us!
Thank you so much!! I’ve been asking for this. You have made my day. Although I (of course) hate what happened here it’s great to hear your analysis of it.
These women were social media performers who used their children as props and treated them unimaginably cruelly. It’s so devastating to think about what the children must of endured 😔. They were failed repeatedly 💔. Thank you for bringing awareness to this case, maybe they won’t of died in vain if people push for changes in the system 🙏🏻
i would prohibit any child video or picture appearing on social media. there are many cases of abuses by the parents who want their child to perform for the camera
The story was pretty well hidden compared to the attention the media gives to much more minor stories. The murder of a bunch of children by thier two mom's??? Two guesses why it received so Little coverage.
I guess they did that 15 year old girl a "favor" by abandoning her. This story makes me so mad.
Yes exactly. So glad at least 1 person escaped these evil people.
What a grim, grim, grim reality. 😮😳😡😥😱
She probably confronted them often.
i'd like to know what happened to her. She's one of the lucky ones. Those poor kids.
@@Bot23 Yes, that was the biggest question that remained in my mind also!
How could anyone be allowed to adopt further children after they abandoned the first one they adopted?
Lying and/or using another agency.
Totally escapes me.
They fostered not adopted. Still should have caused red flags.
anitabelikov oh! Ok I missed that. Thx for the clarification. But yeah, should’ve been a red flag. To just dump a kid somewhere? Gross.
And anyway, how they get 5?? Oh, forget about it. I just remembered the Second Chance page on Facebook. What a sick sistem.
Great reminder that all the people showing off how perfect and virtuous they are online aren't really who they portray themselves to be.
I was thinking along those lines too. I wonder if that was the dynamic behind them adopting in the first place - essentially to virtue signal.
None are. Anyone who needs so badly to show perfection is far from it
Teresa Howick I don’t think that’s a fair assumption to make at all. It’s normal to be proud of things like your job, your home, your family and children especially. Some people really enjoy sharing their lives with others. The vast majority of people who are active on social media are just that, connecting with others.
Hannah King it’s very fair. You can tell when it’s genuine vs show off. What you’re saying isn’t what I’m saying. You can show happy moments only, fun moments only. But it’s obvious when it’s contrived.
you think they are?
Wow Hannah was so brave. She tried to save her and her siblings life’s. Social services are awful. I remember reaching out for help as a child myself only for nothing to happen
Same 💜
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that nobody helped u. I can relate to that. *hugs*
Jessica Smith yep it’s so unfortunate and then maddening when you confront your abuser only for them to play koi
@Jessica Smith I'm glad you made it through that storm.
... Hate how the smear campaign made me, the abused child into the "liar". ... & those who paid the most attention were doing so only to figure how to take advantage of the situation in one way or other.
EVERYONE failed these children! This is a tragedy on so many levels. Thank you for a steady stream of fascinating and thorough content Dr. Grande...
Child Protective Services fails children more often than it saves them. Whenever you are suspicious, call the police
America fails all of its children.
YES! If what is happening or suspected isn't serious enough to warrant police, then maybe its a family matter. And if it's serious enough to warrant intervention, the police are, sadly, far more likely to actually do something about it, and more likely to treat those involved with a modicum of human respect.
The neighbor's Dad who called 911 didn't....
You are Right about that !! So Sad !! How could Anyone send a child away without helping them ??
They used these poor children for money and to make themselves look “good “.
yep just like that bitch who rehomed her kid. It was all about the image of DOING GOOD rather than actually doing good. It was part of their TV show, the kids were just bit parts in their narcissism.
They were mentally ill to commit a murder suicide. It shouldn't have been so easily to adopt that many kids especially with their low income. Theres a history of women committing murd/suicide with their children. They should've been taken back the moment abuse was acknowledged. Sadly DCFS continues to ignore these cases because there's not alot of room in the system 😢😢
Yeah and they aren't the only ones. It's sickening.
Cindy Ashley Also, the fact that they had previously adopted a 15 yr old girl whom they later abandoned at a therapist’s office according to info in this video. Such a sad outcome for those beautiful children.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Really mystifying. Who approved all these adoptions? It appears these people used these children. Doesn’t this go beyond narcissism into primary psychopathy?
@Suspicious Ned that's false
They were much too neurotic to fit the label of primary psychopathy
@Laverne Blaszczyk hell they don't even make the news most of the time, not until after they're found dead
HillbillyHell They were legally adopted out of the State of Texas and moved to Minnesota. They were not foster children.
Mario Calabrese Primary psychopathy is characterized by callousness, manipulation, shallow affect and ability to charm. The manipulation and ability to charm were evidenced in Jenn’s avidly followed FB page with it’s glowing, Pollyanna-ish, lying descriptions of their life. The callousness is evidenced by watching 6 children starve while Jenn played video games all day like the addict she was. I am not sure about the shallow affect, but this shallow, entitled (according to her) woman took over 250K from the State of Texas, and a considerable amount from the Social Security Administration. I don’t know how she started out, but she ended up a con artist and a murderer. Watch the Podcast.
It is heartbreaking because the kids could have been saved, they told the neighbours, school...so sad.
Something sad about the neighbours that gave the kids food but never called authorities. The father of the neighbour lady did, bless his heart ❤️
They were collecting thousands of dollars every month to be used toward those children, but couldn't be bothered to feed them. 😢
So sad 😞 the kids were so hungry and couldn’t eat bc of these psychopaths
So infuriating 😡
In another show that went over this case, the couple was undergoing expensive in vitro fertilization and the money that they received for the children went toward that procedure.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Why does the government find it ok to give this money to strangers to raise kids? If they had given even half what these bitches got to the moms earlier the kids may not have ever been taken away (welfare would be about $500 month TOTAL for 3 kids, has a 5 year limit & is often lost for non compliance if mom’s DONT attend fake, busy work programs). Or it could have been given to family members to raise them.
many parents loose custody of their kids due to bad choices made as the result of financial issues? Leaving kids alone to work or moving into someone’s house where kids are physically or sexually abused as mom can’t afford a place of their own. Even substance abuse may start or escalate due to stress caused by not having enough money or worrying about money
They didn't care
I've seen this story multiple times on the news and other creators covering it, but a new element that struck me today was that they both studied early childhood education adds an extra level to these two knowing exactly how cruel and harmful they were to these children
They were "glory hunters", racist narcissists who wanted to look 'generous' for adopting 6 black 'drug babies'. They never had an ounce of love for those poor kids, whose birth mothers probably loved them but never had a chance because they weren't middle class. As the daughter of a mother who detests me merely because I physically favour her hated ex husband (my father), how much more is there the POTENTIAL for an adoptive mother not to love their children if that child is another race and has even less biological connection. I say potential because there are many who do love their kids of course. White "saviour" who only want to adopt other races should be viewed with suspicion.
Totally had the "white savior "complex...I know this is probably terrible, but after this case , I now look at white people that have adopted children outside their race with a side eye and pray that their intentions are nothing but good for the children.
@@jenniferlane9000 Totally agree on the "white savior" thing. It's sad, but I kind of look at such families the same way, too (though I'm sure most adoptive parents do love their children and would never hurt them this way).
I share your outrage and disgust of this devastating situation, but not all white folks who have only adopted black or brown kids are trying to be heroes or saviors. Not sure of the percentage but I can speak for myself at least. I’m a single white person who has had a dream of fostering to adopt once I put down roots and buy a home and my first choice/personal preference would be to exclusively adopt a black or brown child. The reason? In this country, a disproportionate number of black and brown children end up raised by the state and then they age out in the system. I think that’s abhorrent. This wouldn’t be the case if more qualified, loving people would be happy to adopt outside of their race. I also personally believe there may exist a certain level of selfishness and narcissism that may contribute to white folks who adopt, but are only interested in adopting white children. Why do some white parents prefer or only express interest in white babies/children? Why are some white couples willing to wait years and years for approval to adopt a white baby when there are black and brown babies who need loving homes? Is the preference for white babies because they couldn’t have their own biological white children? Is it so the child might pass as their biological child? Is it racism? I can’t say, but it’s strange to me. Who knows. Obviously I’m not going to say this is the case for all white people who adopt white children but I think it’s something to consider. As for me, the first time I heard about the statistics of black and brown children aging out of foster care and thought about how wrong that is and thought about all the white parents who adopt only white children or go to places like China, Africa or India for children to adopt but never consider the children of color here...it bothered me immensely. I thought about what it would feel like to be raised by the system and never have one person who chose you for you to love you forever. It’s about LOVE, and EMPATHY friend... and JUSTICE for kids this country has allowed the state to raise because of individual inaction and maybe indifference by those who have the means. Also, It’s about what’s RIGHT...it’s about the kids who are most vulnerable...and There ARE people out there like myself who aren’t interested in a gold medal or attention or praise for adopting a child of color...and who aren’t motivated by a need to feel good about ourselves.
Side analogy...another group of children who are disproportionately raised by the state are children who have lifelong health issues or who are differently abled. There are people out there who adopt ONLY children who have special needs who I personally see as amazing individuals because some of the kids they adopt will require lifelong care...and that was their calling...or their preference. Does that mean those people all have some sort of “Savior” complex? No...absolutely not. The parents I’ve seen adore their adopted children and pour love into them. The idea that they get “credit” for who they chose to adopt would make them uncomfortable and for me...the whole notion makes me cringe with discomfort. I understand you’re skeptical but when we generalize people it doesn’t do the world any favors. Lol. I have to check myself too from time to time. Take care. 💚 P.S. So sorry about the mom BS you went through. That’s messed up.
Stepping off soap 📦
White people should have white children and black people should have black children
@@wnathanielw should lesbian couples only adopt lesbian kids too?
The aunt who tried to help them : she must have felt so sad and furious!
Having a narcissist in your partners family is heart braking. Ours is about to have 2 girls and I am very concerned about their future life. The problem is that not only is she a narcissist without remorse she also is able to manipulate many people. Not everyone buys it but her parents and many men around her do. 😟
I agree; my heart breaks for her. She sounded like such a stable, positive person for the children, who rearranged her life to take care of them. I find it incredible that anyone thought the children were better off adopted than staying with their loving aunt.
@@lornarettig3215 heartbreaking
Rachelle S. Yes, I got that. One can not imagine what she went through. The kids as well ofc ☹️.
That is what happens when Child 'Welfare' gets paid for taking kids and placing them with non relatives. CPS exists to perpetuate it's own existence and that or the whole economy that has grown to revolve around it. It's not about anyone's welfare or protection. It needs to be torn to the ground and a new solution found for the cases of actual abuse, not the cases CPS mostly opens, which penalize and tear apart families for struggling in various ways, as such as addiction, poverty, and mental health. Obviously they are not pro family or pro child. They got this situation backwards, taking the children from family that struggled with first addiction, and with the aunt, simply needing some help with child care. Rather than actually looking at the situation and offering help with childcare, perhaps. Or reevaluationg the mothers fitness to be around her kids in the context of caring for thrm while their aunt worked (I read their mother was actually at least several months sober when she was 'caught' caring for her kids so their aunt could work to provide for them). Rather than take an honest look at that situation, they reacted to being 'disobeyed' by this family, and snatched the kids away, same day. They wouldn't put any resources toward helping their actual families, but these monsters are handed thousands of dollars a month to not even feed them? They snatch these kids same day because their mother was helping thwir aunt out while she worked, but after NUMEROUS and much more serious reports on the people the kids were placed with, they still hadn't been removed? I can't think of a case that more clearly illustrates that child welfare systems are worse than ineffectual wastes of money-they are downright dangerous. They cause so much suffering and trauma that just isnt necessary, and there is no system in place for families to properly defend themselves or question their methods. Entire communities live in fear of these agencies. Obviously racism and classism are huge factors. The average person in this country has no idea what really goes on. We have to come together to bring down the system that stole and then sold these children to be props, servants, and finally the ultimate victims.
I don't think they should've been allowed to adopt any children after abandoning the first one.
Why were they ever allowed to adopt again. That's so wrong. Just drop a kid off like that.
That girl wound up being the only lucky one of them all. So sad.
Convenience in adopting all the related siblings together coupled with the fear of reprimands that’d result from negating parenthood to “LGBT” folks.
Lwandile M
I’m sure the fact that black babies are 4x more likely to be aborted than white ones may have something to do with the relative shortage of them; this is irrespective of socioeconomic status of the mothers. There is a sociocultural tendency, since about the 1970s, to promulgate promiscuity, single parenthood, and the “freedom” to abort when you get carried away with that lifestyle and end up knocked-up without a father figure to be found. The black community only began degrading toward precariousness since the 1960s, and became worse as soon as certain politicians (i.e. Biden and Harris) began jailing black men in the 80s and 90s for decades for things like possessing marijuana; funny who the Biden-Harris supporters tend to be nowadays... But yeah, white privilege... I guess
Ding ding ding we got a racist in the house! Bet you're so proud of the job your man's been doing in the White House.
This got me crying. I'm really not ok. The fact that this picture is still shared and upheld as the "right way to protest" with messages like "why can't we just love one another? " when we know the story behind it is literally infuriating. I'm disgusted with this every time I think about it.
When I first read the story I kept going back to the protest picture of Devonte. I had recognized that iconic photo and then had to reframe my understanding to this not being a local boy affected and scared, but a young, scared boy who was forced into a photo op by his abusive moms. The fact that he and one of his sisters kept asking the neighbor for food and that neighbor reported the family multiple times because of this and nothing being done to stop this horrific outcome seems beyond negligent.
@@laurahire7208 BEYOND NEGLIGENT! I can't even fathom the amount of privilege that it takes to be granted the benefit of the doubt so many times. The system ignored these babies.
Oh Nelle Yeah It did. The system completely failed these precious kids. Some of the kids had biological family that had wanted custody but they were deemed unfit for whatever reason and the kids were adopted out. Pretty sure we can guess what part of that reason was.
It’s absolutely appalling. I cried so hard the first time I read about these kids. I feel so much sadness and rage for the way they were failed.
This is one of the cases that has haunted me.
I never liked the pic because happy little boys don't look like that.
I was living in Portland during the final years in their lives. It was physically painful to watch all of this unfolding. The hardest for me has been that DeVante’s body has never been found.
Do you know why they signed his death certificate, anyway?
Sunset He was seen with the family. There was no evidence proving otherwise. Their bodies, I don’t recall many being inside the car, were found washed up shore days and even weeks later. The last body was I’m thinking a couple months later. A sister. So it was the natural assumption that he was lost at sea. I know this will sound crazy but I like to imagine he flew up like an angel and was spared the drowning.
Linda Klann so sad they adopted the children just to torture them 😰
Uchiba Uki horrible. Just unbelievably cruel. Imagine how that cop must feel.
@@Lougallops Hannah's foot inside a sneaker was found on shore,
3 kids were found inside the car.
Devante never found.
I hope those women are burning in hell.
I appreciate the constant content but if you need a few day break take it we'll be here when you get back 💕 thank you for all your hard work hope you're having a great day ❣️
Honestly I think this is how Psychologists are spending their time nowadays because of the quarantine. I used to watch Dr. Grande and Dr. Honda back in 2014...
They both made content, but now its more consistent because I dont think they can have people in their office with them. I think they have less clients now, hence the abundance of time.
I dont know for sure, though.
I still like their content either way
Haha you’re a nice person...I’m like KEEP EM COMING DOC!
Eureka I still see my therapist. Maybe he doesn’t care but neither of us wear masks. Maybe he has children to feed.
@@Crayolapup I never thought about it that way. Maybe he does have more time on his hands so why not. 💕
M Gal I also still see mine. We have to wear a mask in the common area. Sanitize our hands. But in office we’re far enough apart.
Having lived for 24 years with a diagnosed narcissist (not a murderous one, luckily), I know they would do absolutely everything to stage a heroic and loving persona. Adopting those children must have gained the couple lots of admiration, at least at the beginning), not to mention a ton of narcissistic supply and enough scapegoats to mistreat whenever something went wrong in the two women's lives. In my country, adopting children is nearly impossible, so handing out children like candies is baffling for me. The couple already rejected one (lucky her!) but they were still eligible for adoption? I also think that too often children are not taken seriously, or else authorities would have investigated deeply into what they said. One of the saddest cases I've ever heard of.
What country are you in?
@@janedoe3648 don't know where she lives but I am in Denmark and here is difficult/nearly impossible to adopt
@@elsafralves That's weird, why do you think that is?
@@janedoe3648 for 2 reasons: 1st there are no Danish children to adopt; second, if you want to adopt from abroad they make it very complicated due to strict immigration policies...
@@elsafralves is there no foster care system?
I'm just glad that Dr. Grande is nearing half a million subs :D
I am too. I know he will reach a million subscribers easily. I love this channel!!
Wow.. I actually didn't know of this case at all. Thank you for covering it. I'm just shocked at this case. I remember that picture of the young boy hugging the police officer but I had no idea who he was..
There’s a podcast, Broken Harts, if you want to learn more. But god is it difficult to listen to at times.
ღSwnsasyღ _ Listen to the podcast. Fascinating.
@Damian Can you stop with that ignorance.. Show me where conservatives talked about this case.. This has nothing to do with dealing politics so go away with that nonsense!!
Social Media ruins people. This idea of trying to be "perfect", or just to get "likes". Pitiful
Thats why they call it fake book just another addiction
It should be illegal to put any kids on social media but especially foster & adopted kids- they aren’t really yours to expose.
I really like how doctor Grande sets up all the scene for his analysis - nothing to disturb you behind him, perfect preparation and intro, objective analysis, thoughts, well set up humour (not too obvious, he keeps you listen), not too many cuts, not too many pop-ups on the right (advice what to watch from the doctor), calm voice. Each of his analysis is a novel at itself: introduction - core - conclusion. I wish doctor would do some audio books - his voice always calmes me down. Thank you so much for your extraordinary work, dear doctor!
My best friend worked with the police officer in the photo with Devonte. When he heard the news, he was devastated. I think any of us familiar with that photo and the family were. Such a horrible, senseless crime.
That photograph looks so different now, that poor sweet boy was weeping to be helped, but didn't have the words or opportunity. (Let me be clear, NOT blaming the officer, I'm sure it is so heartbreaking for him to see that photo now too.)
What a sad , tragic life those children must have had. They probably thought they were going to be adopted into a safe, happy, stable environment. The children were used and abused by the Heart’s. I pray the children didn’t suffer too much at the end. Such a sickening situation....may the children Rest In Peace .
You're putting out a tremendous amount of content.
He may have more "COVID" time on his hands. He does put out great content, though!
More of such content, Dr G! More! Thank you in advance!
I know & even b4 Covid-19 his uploading seemed to hav ⬆ alot.
I wndr if Dr. Grande has been doing just RUclips full time & why? He has Patreon now which kinda surprised me. I wud b glad to support his channel; it just seems unclear his mission?
I always thought he did these videos as a supplement to his practice as a LCSW--kinda as a public service?
I hope I wasn't wrong about his premise wen I 1st strtd watching him?
He just seemed very much like a compassionate person sharing his content online. Lately tho his channel seems a bit more commercial? I wndr y the shift & I wish Dr. Grande was a little more forthcoming on it.
I need to watch his 100k sub TY video to see if he talks bout any details?
Yep, and youtube puts tremendous amount of commercials on Dr Grande’s videos which Dr. Grande cannot but like.
@@isaaksteshman9879 yeah I always thought it benefited the channel monetarily to hav adds but I read a comment that said something about if adds r skipped mayb the creator doesn't profit?
You have started uploading at almost precisely the same time my alarm rings for me to get out of bed. Cases like this jolt me awake. Thanks, Dr Grande.
What a bizarre story. This one takes the cake for me for being just generally...bizarre. And that's saying something on this channel.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
It's honestly not bizarre. I couldn't find you a link now but 2015 saw 102 or 105 adopted children murdered by their adopters in the United States alone
Thank you, Doctor. This really helps me understand the possible thought processes they went through. I knew the Hart Family but only briefly. Jen would tell us stories of where the children came from and said the children had PSTD about where food was coming from that they would hoard food or beg neighbors for food. Jen said if she didn't correct the behavior then it would get worse. Since I just met her and the family, I figured she knew what she was talking about because I don't know jack about adopting. Sad because beyond all the possible/probable things they put the children through, one thing I remember most is those children laughed, smiled, played, loved, were artistically creative, etc. They really were awesome little kids. Just so sad what they might have been going through and what Jen and her wife did to them.... just sad.
the investigators said that their house , especially the children's rooms, was empty, that it looked like NO kids lived there. frigging horror story
"Female Family Annihilators" sounds like an 80s B-movie name.
Or the “L” in LGBT.
Or metal
This is one that’s ripe for a psychological analysis. Lotta really dark things were going on there for sure
Brendan James good point I thought of several senerios the Dr didn't address
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
"she was playing the food card"....wow the depravity of those two.
just by looking at the kids you could see they are too short and too skinny for their age
“Discriminated against?!” Give me a break! So tired of this being used as a defense. They weren’t discriminated, quite the opposite! They abandon their child and yet somehow are able to adopt 6 more. That should never have been allowed. Most likely only happened because the agencies were afraid of being accused of “discriminating” against them.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Please do not let this solitary case cause you to think that discrimination doesn't happen all the time. Jen and her wife simply weaponized it, because they're narcissists. I have been personally discriminated against because of my sexuality, so obviously, if they lied about discrimination - most people would believe them, as it's sadly very common.
They used the lesbian cars
It's heartbreaking. It seems enough people knew about the unfortunate children's predicament - it's infuriating that this kind of maltreatment can go unchecked for so long.
This isn't a bizarre case. These women were clearly mentally unstable and were allowed to adopt children. How do you abandon 1 adopted child, but are allowed to adopt 6 more afterwards🤔. Children are NOT FOR SHOW. If you can't take care of them, don't have or ADOT them😧
F maybe they just want to have people to be abused and controlled, I don’t think they were heros 🤦🏻♀️
@@crochunter35 This is NOT a bizarre case. This is just a case of White Privilege.
@@sergpie The reason for my response is (STAY WITH ME), I am a elementary school teacher and there was a child in my class who was adopted from an orphanage in Russia (along with his younger sister, an infant) at the age of 6. The people who adopted them was a married America couple. The mother is a pediatrician and the father is a lawyer. This boy had many many issues from an eating disorder to physical impairments and everything in between. As soon as he started school we got him the proper services, but it was a work in progress and he needed a lot of help. The mother, was contemplating sending just the boy back to the orphanage because she was overwhelmed (these were also the only children she had as she stated that her and her husband's career got in the way of family life. Also, all of this is true information that they told us first hand through multiple meetings we had with the parents). Instead, this women hired a Russian (live-in) NANNY to take this little boy off of her hands. After the nanny came into the picture, we hardly saw either of his parents at school. Meetings turned into phone conferences. This boy become extremely attached to the nanny as if she was his mother (which is what he needed). It was horrible that they adopted these kids to fill a void in their lives and wrote them off when things got tough.
There's more (like the mother got a promotion at work, that required working longer hours, her reason for hiring a live-in nanny), but the bottom line is, just because you are white with money or just white in general, doesn't mean you are anyones fucking savoir. This family along with the said case, was clearly incapable of taking care of these children and adopted them anyway, for their own personal needs. Adopted children (and children in general) come with up & downs, highs & lows and if you can't deal with everything that comes with raising children, DON'T ADOPT OR HAVE THEM.
Sucks for that kid, hope he has the help he needs. I agree that bad parenting is a bad thing, which is what I get from your comment. What I don’t understand is what being white has to do with this situation. I also agree, that if one cannot have children and support them, then they ought not have them; I also believe that if one cannot have children and support them, they ought not engage in behavior that would result in an unfavorable pregnancy. There are individual exceptional circumstances, but I feel like that’s the kind of common sense people have had for hundreds of years up until the 1970s.
@@sergpie because the Hart case screams, "LOOK at us, the white "do-gooders" who adopted 6 black children, abused them, didn't get caught and then killed them when things didn't go our way." My case screams "Look at us, the rich white "do-gooders" who adopted 2 orphaned Russian children, emotionally neglected them, and hired a nanny to take them off of our hands" and the same goes for the Myka and James Stauffer case. They gave that child back because he did not fit their "perfect" life style. These people are getting passes for doing these things and we know why.
This is so sad bless those children may they Rest In Peace
Those poor babies tried their hardest to get some help. It's heartbreaking that these monsters were just able to abuse them with impunity.
Dr. Grande, what do you think of the controversy surrounding the movie “Cuties”? This one might be too divisive for your channel, but I think your opinion would be very valuable.
I'd so love to hear his opinion on that!
Yes, this!
what's the difference between Cuties and any American chikd beauty pageant...
d.e. mimo Nothing. It all involves the sick sexualization of children.
@@comfym3850 the movie Cuties did literal close up crotch shots of those little girls. I made the mistake of clicking on an article about it with clips from Twitter and wish I never had. Pageants are gross too, but they don't put camera's right up to the baby's private parts. At least there's that.
Thank you for the outstanding analysis, Dr Grande.
For anyone that wants to learn more about Murder-Suicide, "The Perversion of Virtue: Understanding Murder-Suicide" from Dr Thomas Joiner is a solid piece of work.
This whole story gives me Jonestown vibes.
White savior complex, all the children being black or biracial, the murder-suicide, it just eerily reminds me of Jim Jones.
It reminds me of white people hating what they are and doing everything to show off how much they hate their ancestors. This nowadays results in children from Africa being stolen from their mothers, so such people are able to adopt black children in the attempt to be seen as saviours and heros on social media.
Bex - I know you commented a year ago, but there is a FASCINATING interview on the Scientology: Fair Game podcast, by a survivor of Jonestown. And the woman became a force to be reconned with as an adult.
I really have to respect the Doctor being able to keep his composure while analyzing stories like this one.
How incredibly awful. I’ve never heard of this case, I’m in tears 😢
I heard of it but I had no idea the deep issues going on. My god!
@@julian-gen ooof
Seeing the crash sight at the bottom of the cliff is horrifying - I remember this when it happened. Truly bizarre.
When he started talking about the child begging for food, that crushed me.
Julian Gen , no worry, I wasn’t wearing it. I did have my Biden 2020 t-shirt on and it didn’t get stained. Oh one last thing.. 🖕
After listening to Dr. Grande, I tuned into the Podcast, Broken Harts. This case sounded so weird. Dr. Grande did a good job of synopsizing here, but the story is far worse. Time and again, these women were reported to the authorities, and Sarah was convicted of domestic abuse. What does it take to remove abused, bruised children, who were also noted as being too thin and asking for food rummaging through the garbage, from sick women who were literally torturing them and then murdered them? I still have a difficult time understanding this crime. Good analysis.
It was a weird mix of white privilege and fear of being called homophobic.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
they were white, that's why
They were disgusting opportunists that down played an evaded culpability. For example they had the audacity to excuse suspicion by saying the children were drug babies.
This case has always fascinated me... its one of those that I wish I could have been there to help, but its just a wish...
Thank you so much for the clear information. I came from a home like the one they were raising... but I got out 🖤
They made those poor children perform at the events they attended. They pretended to be the complete opposite of what they actually were.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
The children were definitely conditioned.
I don’t understand how those two were able to just abandon their newly adopted daughter at a therapist’s office and never look back without any legal consequences - no criminal charges or disciplinary/punitive action? Idk if maybe doctors offices have some sort of ‘safe haven’ designation (like fire stations, hospitals, police precincts, etc) that would allow parents to surrender children and relinquish all parental rights free from threat of criminal liability/prosecution, but even so I would still think that displaying such careless disregard for a child would automatically disbar them from any future adoptions…. So how they were able to go on to adopt as many children as they did after abandoning their first is truly a mystery to me…
Thanks again for sharing Todd. Your works appreciated, great to have you on RUclips.
Love the channel Doctor:
Would love to see a video on:
Chris Benoit
Tony Soprano
Budd Dwyer
Milo Yiannopoulos
And Eugenia Cooney
And Shanna "Liz" Golyar! She is a mastermind
Lou Bloom from the movie Nightcrawler
It's tempting to take an attitude of "what horrible evil people!". I have a suspicion, though, that if we had a fly on the wall perspective of their upbringing, we would then decide to push the responsibility a generation back, whether through willful abuse or just devastatingly incompetent parenting . . and so on backwards to the first lousy parent who couldn't keep their own anger and fear from spilling down to a child.
Andre Goran Very true.
Excited to see this one as it was one of my requests! After a 7 day media detox, I've been most looking forward to catching up with Dr. Grande.
I hadn't heard of this case...... Such a heartbreaking tragedy! I can only feel sadness for those poor children. 🙁
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Thank you Dr Grande , your videos are the best thing in this quarantine ❤️
Thanks for this Dr. G. This case has haunted me and I am glad there are some paying attention to it. There is also a "theory" that Devante was killed before everyone else which is why his body has not been found. He had been the one to bring social services into the family. He may have been "disciplined" harshly, resulting in his death and then they booked it out of there. Or they killed him and disposed of his body somewhere along the long drive. I mean, where were they going otherwise? Anyway, only they know for sure. Very tragic. Very sad.
4 minutes in and wondering what is up with these neighbours. I've never been in that position but I would hope (!) I would do something!
They did do something....
CPS is extremely unreliable and so are the cops. parents will do their best to hide the abuse and they are often successful in evading authorities
@@oliviatree agree !! cps and other community support services are really underfunded. I wonder in what ways increased funding would change the immense inaction of CPS though- is it a matter of a lack of training or is the system just shit from top to bottom
@@oliviatree I don't know about whether they show up every time a teacher reports a bruise or fracture but I think you misinterpreted what I said bc I never said CPS is all shit :-) I think the system itself overall is making it difficult for CPS to fulfill its duties sufficiently because of things like a lack of funding or other parts of the government's community support system that is lacking. There are cases such as Gabriel Hernandez in which CPS did a horrible job at protecting the child- that's not to say every person who has that job would have done the same, but just that such cases exist.
@@oliviatree I did a term paper about this in college - in some other countries, social workers are treated as a higher class career, like up there with lawyers and doctors and they get paid extremely well. I believe those are in more socialist countries, where the people pay high taxes but the government actually puts it to good use for the people.
"I do not want to get involved". In other words, "child abuse does not concern me"
And that's kind of the problem; people look at huge red flags of child abuse, and think "it's not my kid, so it's not my problem." I wish more people understood that protecting children in your community is a *shared* responsibility; if you see something, TELL SOMEONE.
HATE that kind of people‼️🤬‼️
thanks for the consistent uploading dr. grande! it really helps me decompress after a long day! we appreciate you!!!💕💕
the fact they dropped their first child off at a therapist and never returned should be reported to any potential adoption agencies and should go permenantly on their records. they literally just abandoned a child
Thank you for taking on my suggestion Dr. G. That was a fantastic analysis. You're a rockstar!!
Tragic story. Thank you for the sensitive and straightforward approach.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
Thank you for doing this video. I have followed this case since it happened wanting answers. My heart is broken over these children.
The entire story, from beginning to end, was sad and preventable. I agree with you, Dr. Grande...The system failed these innocent children.who experienced fear, neglect and torture. My heart is 💔 heavy & broken 😢
Dr. Grande, i wish somebody with even half of your expertise could diagnose me correctly once and for all so i can get to recovery. Love what you do.
I didn’t know about this case but I certainly knew that famous picture.
Wow Dr. Grande, this was intense.Those ladies were monsters!
Thank you for the analysis of this very complicated case, so well done!👌🏼❤️
How does someone go to jail for putting a small childs head under water and even get sentenced for it but get to keep the kid?
When I saw Hart Family I thought it was about the Hart family here in Michigan where I live there was a family killed here near Traverse City. I hadn’t heard about this family though very tragic. Thank you for the great analysis. I admire your craft!!
Great video. PS Dr. Grande, today I was in small video training at work and they asked what we do in our spare time. I said I watch Dr. Grande videos on RUclips. Others in the group said they watch you as well! The moral of the story IS that Texas is watching! Cool.
That's really cool. 🙂
You have really been pushing out content lately- but the quality is still there! I love your videos 😌
Dr. Grande's at his usual best with his discerning and laser sharp analysis. I can't wait for your next video:-))
Thank you Dr. Grande for this picture of a very disturbed couple and the tragic consequences for the innocent children.
Children tell and are not heard.. just like that sickening Turpin ''family'' situation, home schooled after school became suspicious ,and kids telling people, but then hidden away. People seen the children rarely and not well but didn't ''get involved''.
God, this case was really depressing! Thank you for this video! The other day you talked about Folie a Deux. Is it possible if you make a video about the baffling case of the Swedish twins Sabina and Ursula Eriksson? It happened in 2008 in the UK. Very disturbing case and nobody understands why they behaved like that. However, during the trial, they stated that one of the twins suffered from a case of Folie a Deux. I'm interested in your opinion about this case. Thank you!
Yes yes yes please I would love a video on the Erikkson twins good idea!!
They forced him to take that picture
She drove her family off a cliff. This is beyond disturbing imagine those final moments? She was seriously mentally disturbed imagine what those children really went through
The kids had been drugged and were likely very drowsy and unable to understand what was happening. Hopefully they'd fallen asleep and simply never woke up.
Always stick around here to listen and apply knowledge.
Dr. Grande is a educated, trained caring professional. A teacher as well at YT. Thank you for analysis.
The system is seriously lacking. We had a situation in our community in which the mother had to call her therapist every night and promise she would not kill her children (I know this because my husband is a police officer). One night she called but refused to promise and told the therapist that if a police officer came to her house, she would kill the children. The therapist contacted the police. Obviously, they couldn't just leave the situation in such a tenuous way, so the officers went to the house (in hindsight they probably should have sent someone with mental health expertise, but whatever). She saw them outside and promptly killed the kids and then herself. Why. In. The. Hell. was she allowed to keep her kids with her under those circumstances?!? If someone has to promise they won't hurt their kids every night, perhaps that person should not have them with her in the first place?!? What the hell!
Sorry but that so called "home school" is a dangerous thing. Kids should be able to socialize. Also be seen by others to know if they are having problems at home.
@Sleepy3810 Yeah, no thanks. Is not the first time that I found home schooling + assassin parents case.
Agree. There should be something that forces parents to get their kids out and socializing weekly. We plan to homeschool and started pre k this year but our son socializes multiple times weekly. It is important for many reasons.
This is definitely not the norm in homeschooling situations. I don’t in any way advocate for home schooling, but it’s not like home schooling should be a red flag for abuse.
@@oliviatree Thanks! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Is very dangerous. I get that schools can be dangerous, but is also a scape for abused children.
They couldn’t afford being wrong so they had to lie a right life.
Exactly! That's what narcissistics are masters at.
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
I hit like before I even heard it! Thanks for all your great videos Dr. Grande!🙂👍🏻
As a homeschooling mother and a big fan of homeschooling, I have a major problem with anyone who has previously been investigated for child abuse or neglect being legally allowed to withdrawal their children for "homeschooling." At the very least, I think regular through checks without warning should be required.
Unannounced checks ought to be done on all children that are homeschooled.
This makes me feel angry & anxious. The same feeling i had when i was a child when my dad would beat my mom.. (I still don't know what those feelings are.) but thank you Dr Grande, for sharing your take on this case.
I think it would be quite interesting if you did a follow up to this, observing the reactions of their friends in the documentary 'Thread of Deceit'. The way the documentary seems to focus on the 'pain' that Jen and Sarah must have been in and seemingly undermining the pain they caused the children is nothing less than despicable. I would be interested in your observations of their friends and the mentality of ideologues. Blinded by the optimism of love and acceptance? In any case, it was a relief to watch your video and your analysis as I was brutally disappointed by the documentary.
It is crazy how social services can never seem to do their job shocking
Wow, did you say one of the children got in trouble over a penny found in a pocket? This whole case is truly heartbreaking. Why were they allowed to adopt again after dumping the first child. 😔
Yes. Like a penny being found is so unrealistic. They were criminal nut cases. Sholdn’t have been allowed to have driver’s licenses much less adopt kids.
I don't know if its related to the right people have to procreate (ie. have a child). Perhaps also to not have a child (like contraceptives, other kinds of family planning and even dropping them from your life like at a firestation).
Women who wanted to appear as heroes to the outside world couldn't allow themselves to admit that they were incapable of providing the emotional and physical care the children needed by giving the children back to social services. Make it look like an accident to continue to look like heroes afterwards. One of the worst stories ever.
How were they allowed to adopt after the abandonment of the 15 year old ??
The adoption industry is a multibillion dollar, loosely regulated, uncredentialed industry responsible for harming tens of thousands of children and putting hundreds and hundreds of children with adopters who murdered them. They have done nothing about the high adoptee suicide rate, especially among lgbt adoptees and adoptees of color. They have done nothing about unsealing adoption records because they were sealed to hide dangerous criminals. I had, earlier this year, an adoption attorney from Chicago tell me, in writing on facebook, that is an adopted children is murdered by their adopters it is often their fault. Then she got offended I called her a bitch. There is a gigantic amount of discrimination and corruption in the adoption industry by multiple organizations such as Holt International, Bethany Christian Services, and well basically all of them. Over 90% of out of family adoptions never needed to take place, and in fact all should be legal guardianship or kinship care until the adoption industry has a major overhaul. They don't want to fix themselves because they, being the lobbyists and CEOs, would lose $12 to $16 billion dollars a year
My heart feels wrenched. Those poor, helpless kids. The neighbors who must have felt so powerless to do anything. Mercy be upon every child in foster care or being adopted out of it--they so often see such horrendous things in their young lives.
I have pulled kids out of houses for far less than the initial allegations made in South Dakota, and those children should all have been removed at that time and returned only if investigation and remediation ensured that they would be safe.
Additionally, we need a national data base to prevent people from escaping consequences by moving kids across state lines or adopting six kids after abandoning an adopted child.
And finally, people adopting a large number of kids is generally NOT a good thing and should only be allowed with extra study/investigation and supervision going forward.
As a public health nurse, my belief is to always believe the child until you know otherwise 😔
Another thoughtful analysis on a tragic case. A common underlying theme in many of these cases seems to be others who are aware of a child in distress but choose not to get involved. If one person had made the decision to alert the authorities perhaps this tragedy could have been averted. As you mentioned in a prior video, simply requesting a welfare check would be an option. As always, thank you for sharing expertise and thoughts with us!
Those poor loving kids. They’d already had a stressful childhood in the first place and then ended up with those monsters. It’s sickeningly tragic.
Is there a difference between the psychodynamics of family annihilators with biological children as contrasted with those with adopted children?
Happy Thursday Doc!
This is the first I've heard about this story. Definitely will research and learn more about this. Sad.
Can you do a video on the Beale's (Big Edie and Little Edie) from Grey Gardens?
Thank you so much!! I’ve been asking for this. You have made my day. Although I (of course) hate what happened here it’s great to hear your analysis of it.
These women were social media performers who used their children as props and treated them unimaginably cruelly. It’s so devastating to think about what the children must of endured 😔. They were failed repeatedly 💔. Thank you for bringing awareness to this case, maybe they won’t of died in vain if people push for changes in the system 🙏🏻
i would prohibit any child video or picture appearing on social media. there are many cases of abuses by the parents who want their child to perform for the camera
Thank you Dr. Grande. It certainly was an interesting and sad episode. Those poor children.
Yet more narcissism in action! This story makes me sick. Narcs always want to look like angels in public.
I just found out about this story via Tik Tok.
This deserved so much more media attention.
I'd recommend the Broken Harts podcast, too.
this story is just so painful and tragic. i was remembering it recently and hadn’t seen anyone really discussing it anymore
The story was pretty well hidden compared to the attention the media gives to much more minor stories. The murder of a bunch of children by thier two mom's??? Two guesses why it received so Little coverage.
That amount of benedryl is more than enough to induce psychosis, I believe, thoes poor children must have been absolutely terrified
They seemed so happy, so tragic, thank you for sharing