Poltergeist Phenomena with Stephen E. Braude

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Stephen Braude, PhD, is an emeritus professor and former chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has also served as president of the Parapsychological Association. He is author of First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind, Crimes of Reason, The Gold Leaf Lady, Immortal Remains, The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science, and ESP and Psychokinesis. He is the recent recipient of the prestigious Myers Memorial Medal awarded by the Society for Psychical Research for outstanding contributions. He also serves as editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration.
    Here he points out that poltergeists are thought to represent the recurrent, spontaneous psychokinetic activity of particular individuals. This is an unconscious process not under the control of the individual. However, generally, the troubling phenomena tend to go away once psychological problems are resolved. Hauntings, on the other hand, represent similar phenomena - associated with a particular location rather than a particular person. Hundreds of such cases have been observed by researchers. The discussion covers many details and nuances found in the available research literature.
    New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
    (Recorded on March 12, 2016)

Комментарии • 87

  • @chrisiverzen
    @chrisiverzen 8 лет назад +14

    I love these interviews with professor Stephen Braude…the clarity and conceptual rigour of analytical philosophy trying to shine a light into the obscure and difficult phenomena we find in parapsychology and related areas is a good and necessary meeting. Nice to have academics like you two with balls enough to venture into this ridiculed and ignored area.
    In a very recent book titled “Illuminations - The UFO experience as a parapsychological event”, professor Eric Ouellet argues that the UFO - phenomenon is actually poltergeist - manifestations…and the poltergeist - phenomenon then interpreted as Macro - PK, as Stephen Braude is leaning towards……but it is very interesting reading this work in light of Braude’s hypothesis of Super - psi….and when Braude talks about how a spiritualist or survivalist interpretation (an intepretation then maybe linked to a denial of Super - psi, because of extreme fear of the implications of Super - psi) of the mediumistic phenomena (that they were caused by spirits or deceased souls) actually are conducive to the manifestation of macro - PK (the self - deception that the manifestations were caused by spirits is caused by a fear of our godlike ability to cause super - psi), it is very interesting to think about the UFO - phenomenon, and the standard interpretation of it as visits from extraterrestrials, as a like self - deception, and a deception that actually then allows a expression of Super - psi…in the form of UFO’s and aliens…
    And I here associate to the work of Ufologist Robert Hastings who has done work in relation to UFO - sightings and events which have happened on military nuclear rocket bases…and there has been instances where UFO’s actually have disabled nuclear launching pads, both in the USA and Russia, according to his data….and could this then be an expression of Super - psi and Macro - PK….and then maybe, to use Freudian terms, rather from some individual’s unconscious Super - Ego, and not his more primitive Id - part??...maybe from some military seargent who unconsciously fears the possibility of nuclear war and manifest this fear psychically with producing UFO’s?!?! ...as Stephen Braude writes in the end of his “Limits of influence” in the context of Super - psi: “At any rate, we needn’t focus only on the bleak or troublesome side of psi. Presumably, if psi can do harm or mischief, it can also do good.” These “warnings” from extraterrestrials about nuclear warfare, which is Hasting’s interpretation, might actually be a psychokinetic warning originating in some persons unconsious Super - ego activity…
    Ouellet's book: www.amazon.com/ILLUMINATIONS-UFO-Experience-Parapsychological-Event/dp/193839853X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460399856&sr=8-1&keywords=illuminations+eric
    Robert Hastings site: www.ufohastings.com/

    • @jazzphilosopher1
      @jazzphilosopher1 8 лет назад

      +Chris Iversen , my juevos and I thank you. :-)

    • @Reindeer911
      @Reindeer911 8 лет назад

      +Stephen Braude Oh excellent!
      If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions?
      1. In the case of a poltergeist, is it possible to see apparitions?
      2. Have you ever read the book "Conjuring up Phillip"? After following your interview about PK activity, I was recalling that story of a group that essentially invented an entity named Phillip and had it manifest via rapping on a table. As I recall, this group allegedly was able to get this table to "walk" by itself on some television show. Unfortunately it's been quite a number of years since I read the book so my memory is a little sketchy, but from what I do remember it seems to confirm much of what you are saying in this interview.
      Thank you, and thank you for this very interesting interview!

    • @chrisiverzen
      @chrisiverzen 8 лет назад

      +Stephen Braude he, he:) well, thank you for the work you do..learned alot, and still do, from your books and articles...both about parapsychology...and philosophy:)...

    • @jazzphilosopher1
      @jazzphilosopher1 8 лет назад +2

      +Reindeer911 : I don't recall any poltergeist cases that have accompanying apparitions, but I could be having a senior moment.
      I know the Phillip case well, and your description is pretty accurate. There was a shabbily skeptical video made on the case several years ago (I'm in it, but it dwells on irrelevant criticisms from superficial skeptics like James Alcock). And there was a film made decades ago that's probably somewhere on RUclips.

    • @markdavis4234
      @markdavis4234 8 лет назад

      +Stephen Braude You were correct about the Enfield poltergeist being the previous owner of the house, Bill Wilkins.

  • @Sheltieshangrila
    @Sheltieshangrila 8 лет назад +9

    Fascinating discussion. I could listen to the two of you talk all day long!

    • @freeman4172
      @freeman4172 6 лет назад

      SheltieShangriLa I had the same experience with those guys who had experienced with throwing stones in their houses

  • @greenleaf365
    @greenleaf365 6 лет назад +10

    As someone who has experienced activity in my home (including seeing the reflection of someone other than myself reflected in a window; missing objects from six years prior showing up on top of my laptop; someone's sunglasses showing up on a shelf), I can assure you that there was something going on that was not due to me (even if you would like to say I'm in denial). Also, I had a two-year experience from a discarnate being who didn't stop until I wrote a note to her son per her request.

    • @MsTammi125
      @MsTammi125 3 года назад

      It's still you. Geez

    • @greenleaf365
      @greenleaf365 3 года назад +2

      @@MsTammi125 Sorry, not always.

    • @oldladybird8528
      @oldladybird8528 2 года назад +1

      My family and I also had ghostly an shadow people in our home for 9 an half years. When we moved it didn't stop for another 7 years. I now have a new husband an home and it's been 20 years an no activity.

    • @skavengerr
      @skavengerr 9 месяцев назад

      You should see a psychologist or ask a specialist to check for gas leaks. Certain gases cause hallucinations and lead to experiences that people call paranormal!

  • @jacknjill22
    @jacknjill22 3 года назад +3

    I have no education in philosophy or psychology but I always had the notion that most hauntings or poltergeist activity stems from a form psychokinesis that have roots in people who have suffered traumatic experiences and or have severe psychological issues that are unresolved. When I was 16 I had a fight with my mother whom I don't have a good relationship with, stormed into my room slammed my door and a glass jar that I use as a candle Holder went flying across the room and smashed against the wall by the door where I was standing I was so mad when it happened moments before the jar I was thinking how I just wanted to grab anything and throw it but I didn't try to use my mind I was imagining using my hands and throwing whatever I could grab, as that thought was going through my mind and as I entered my room and slammed the door is when the jar flew. I'm 35 now and still weird events like that still happens.

  • @joycekoch5746
    @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +7

    My family went through extreme poltergeist activity back in the 70's
    when we were living at 1723 Downing Street in Greensboro North Carolina.
    Our family was Catholic and very strong believers
    and followers of Jesus. We often had praise and worship services in our
    home and prayer meetings.The house in question was built in 1965 and we
    were the first family there but indeed, it was built over what had been a
    lake and there were underground springs and creeks all around us with
    moving water. It is my understanding that this is commonly reported in
    many poltergeist cases. When I first moved in my kids were like 5 and 1
    years old and I did have a few odd experiences like smelling perfume in
    the house that was odd smelling that nobody wore. There were also
    feelings of having something rapidly coming up behind one and feeling
    not so much as evil but high weirdness of something very old and
    completely non-human. The feeling of feeling one was being watched was a
    common experience. Not far away behind our house was a graveyard but we
    dismissed the idea of ghosts as not much happened for several years
    till my daughter and son grew up. Before the real explosion of
    poltergeist activity the woods behind our house and leading to the
    graveyard was a place my son and many of the kids enjoyed playing at. At
    the time, it was not seen odd as none of us thought in anyway that a
    graveyard could be a concern. When my daughter was about 16 and my son
    was about 12 we had a the first big amounts l of poltergeist activity in
    our home for several months. It started first with my daughter who had a
    seance with her friends for her 16 birthday. Soon after that she had
    objects fly off her walls and she would find at times at night having
    weird experiences like waking to find her hand being held by a small
    withered hand or hearing a loud bang on the wall. The seance was
    something she and her friends did on their own as a joke - it was not
    something that was routine or approved of in our home but soon after
    this the weirdness was manifest. Strong gust of wind would sometimes
    come from nowhere and blow through the house.
    Though experiences could happen anytime of day, I would say 90% of the
    time the activity happened at night from between Midnight and 3am. If I
    were to venture a guess, the entry point or portal was located in a
    closet space shared by my son's and sisters room as the doors of the
    closet would sometimes open on their own during manifestations in our
    home. It got to the point that my son would tie a belt around his closet
    door handles before going to bed at night - of course this didn't stop
    the trouble but it made him feel better that the closet door remained
    closed at night.
    The sound of heavy objects falling and breaking glass occurred in other
    rooms but when observed nothing was to be seen.However, the focus
    shifted from her very quickly to completely focus on my 12 year old son.
    It is hard to describe all the evens from slamming doors, sheets being
    yanked off beds, shaking beds , flickering lights and all of us being
    awakened at night by having a hand shake one awake or messing with ones
    feet or bed coverings. Even stranger was the experience my son had was
    after being awakened by a shaking bed he sat up and flicked on the light
    and then felt something invisible, big and heavy bound into the bed next
    to him that knocked him over and then was just as quickly gone. That incident was the one my son
    reported as most freaking him out was that experience. He described it like being on the bed and imagining if a huge obese invisible man
    were to jump into bed with you and then vanish - all happening in about 3 seconds.
    We were not alone in all of this -The family dog was pretty freaked out when
    this would happen and he would bark and growl at unseen presences but
    usually acted very afraid and was eager to be outside the house than
    inside it. Most of the poltergeist activities it seemed to happen during
    my sons REM sleep when his bed would shake so we think his unconscious
    was letting lose. Of course, many, perhaps half of the activity was not
    the 1am to 3am variety but would happen in the middle of the day as
    well. When the bed shaking occurred my husband and I would get up and go
    into his bedroom and see him asleep with the bed go back and forth. At
    first my husband and I took it to be completely demonic opened up by the
    silly teenage seance my daughter had engaged in but the psychological
    aspects could not be missed as well. My son was hyperactive and on
    Ritalin.The Ritalin helped him focus like a stimulate but it had a side
    effect of stunted growth to the degree he was behind normal physical
    growth and development by a full year. We thought perhaps the Ritalin
    might had been affecting his CNS but it appeared it was the bed moving
    him - not the other way around. In short, there was probably something
    in that house from the time we moved in but our son was clearly the
    battery that caused things to go crazy when he became of age.
    We had a Catholic priest come bless the home, this did work
    but it only knocked off the activity for about 10 days before it started
    up again. The priest was very enlightened and told us that though demons do
    sometimes wreck homes what we had was likely a poltergeist which is basically a demon 3rd class
    on assignment for a short trial period and could steal energy from anything from a fight in a home
    or pent up libido. He advised us all to relax more, laugh more and pray more
    and make the 'the house light'.
    One funny bit of symbolism that I did not catch to many
    months later was the poltergeist at the first part of it's manifestation
    did so while we were eating dinner. We were all around the table and
    talking and laughing and my son had a tall glass of milk in front of him
    in a tall glass and it suddenly exploded. Nobody was hurt by the glass
    but the milk went straight up in a crazy manner all over the ceiling
    till it rained down on all of us. The symbolism of this pent up energy
    is kind of clear. It is fascinating that strong emotions and libido can
    provide such huge stores of energy for poltergeist to pull from and one
    one learns to unplug them from their source they cannot manifest without
    a power source to tap. The key to killing the poltergeist was creating a
    happy relaxed home. After about 6 months it was pretty much over with.
    It was the most amazing and terrifying 6 months of our lives and a eye -
    opening awakening to the world of the paranormal. After all the years
    of thinking of this I can only conclude we had every thing and multiple
    causes to create a perfect poltergeist environment. Though it was not
    fun to go through, it was very interesting and to a degree, deepened all
    of our faith as we did conclude we were not dealing with PK but with
    intelligent beings with a twisted sense of humor. This became clear when
    the poltergeist in our home seemed to take a great deal of dislike for a
    blessed crucifix we kept in the hall and a picture of Jesus. These were
    often turned upside down or found laying on the floor knocked off which
    suggest this being had a strong dislike for these items. I have since
    learned to get rid of these beings that burning white sage works well
    but the best thing of all to drive them out is a happy relaxed family.
    If you have teens or tweens in a home with this problem try to create a
    relaxed happy environment. If a child is being picked on, let them sleep
    with a sibling or a pet as poltergeist love to go after a isolated
    person in a room by themselves. They also hate cameras so setting up
    filming scenarios and other recording devices can discourage them.

    • @tonec3369
      @tonec3369 4 года назад +2

      Fascinating to read! - thank you for taking the time to share that

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +3

      @@tonec3369 Thanks for your interest. I think it raises a real question to the whole PK theory. I knew William Roll and it was interesting that in the last 3 years of his life he changed his view on Poltergeist activity from being a PK event toward being an event carried out by an outside intelligence. He joked that he wouldn't say more than that as his private ideas were "Now so damn Medieval he would be tossed out of the academic and scientific community if his new views were known". With a glint in his eyes and a half smile he wouldn't say more than that.

    • @tonec3369
      @tonec3369 4 года назад +2

      @@joycekoch5746 That's interesting re William Roll. I was an absolute believer in it all being and entirely psychological phenomenon. Then I personally had a number of experiences that changed my view point considerably. I now believe that although human consciousness plays a significant role.... it is definately not the whole picture....

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +1

      @@tonec3369 Oh yes, it is very complex and involved which is why the more it is studied the more
      one ends up going round and round over the years in what one thinks as each new case and story
      often suggest something very new. There are common themes that pop up but it is indeed a rather
      complex analysis to figure out what creates a breakthrough point of visible activity and little to
      no activity. I think many tweens and teens have experienced poltergeist activity and didn't even know it as it was
      of such a low level it went unnoticed or could be explained away as something else.

    • @tonec3369
      @tonec3369 4 года назад

      @@joycekoch5746 Sometimes I think the common themes are the most fascinating aspects. For example how people of different ages and generations, different religions, cultures, countries and social backgrounds can all seperately experience the same activity in the same location. These are people with very different psychological perspectives/beliefs ... but they all report similar experiences. I witnessed this myself when I worked in an old hotel many years ago. Guests from all over the world would encounter our resident "ghost", and all describe the same entity. Giving similar descriptions of physical appearance and behaviour. Fascinating stuff.

  • @joycekoch5746
    @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +3

    The problem with the PK theory is pretty straight forward. If we look for explaining the poltergeist as psychological tension
    and possibly repression of both a mental and physical nature one would logically find a great deal of poltergeist activity
    in juvenile detention facilities in the thousands of locations around the world. However, we find nearly no such cases in such
    locations being reported over the last 50 years. Why this simple fact is passed over and is ignored is in my odd rather odd.

    • @pgcroonerva3256
      @pgcroonerva3256 3 года назад

      That’s a very good point. One possible explanation that I also have heard is that a lot of poltergeist agents suffering from RSPK also are epileptic. Most agents that are confirmed epileptic who take medication for it find that the phenomena wanes to the point of inactivity.
      Another theory is the strength of the electro magnetic field of the area of the phenomenon.
      There is just so much we don’t understand about the phenomenon, be it spiritual, mental, or even natural.

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 3 года назад

      @@pgcroonerva3256 After going through Poltergeist activity in our home I am convinced it is not a force generated by the victim but is imposed without by an intelligent entity with a disposition towards diabolical acts.

  • @AineEithne
    @AineEithne 4 года назад +1

    Iron is the best thing for PK issues.
    Give bracelets or anulets that have iron in them. Make sure the iron touches the body.
    It helps with the mechanical and electrical interference and it's like kryptonite to the paranormal - just sucks the energy away. Great stuff. 😁

  • @markdavis4234
    @markdavis4234 8 лет назад +3

    Dr. Braude was correct about the Enfield case. The poltergeist and source of the voice was the previous owner of the house, Bill Wilkins. This was the most remarkable aspect of the incident. He described how he died and was very angry about it. His still living son verified the manner of death.

    • @Murrangurk2
      @Murrangurk2 6 лет назад

      I'm the Enfield poltergeist, and so is my wife.

    • @Murrangurk2
      @Murrangurk2 4 года назад

      @Myth Tree Why are you replying to my comment?

  • @91dgross
    @91dgross Год назад +1

    thank you for this. this very deep and personal discussion to me

  • @OdjoAdja
    @OdjoAdja 2 года назад

    most living being have 'subtle body' and the most popular in metaphysical/meta conscious terminology are 'astral body' which related with conscious/memory and 'etheric body' which related with five senses and kinetics..
    as to my understanding the source of 'poltergeist' or 'pk' can came from this 'etheric body' and also visual appearances of full body in untangibled form such as bi-location, ascension etc..
    this phenomena can be triggered by mental force just like pk, the haunted location just like poltergeist, deep tetha state of brain just like doppelganger, or deep spiritual practice just like bi-location..
    great discussion although already passed several years but seem still up to date, thank you very much..🙏

  • @thewheatfields8852
    @thewheatfields8852 5 лет назад +3

    I've had water raining on to my kitchen floor for the 6th day running now. It's coming from what fields like an energy field about a couple of inches above the floor. It makes a hissing sound when the parts raining the water are covered. It's been a good bucket full every day. I was getting very loud banging sounds on the walls when I fell asleep from in there too. I'm going through a lot of stress at the moment, so, I'm thinking that it is a thought form and nothing demonic. I've tried to contact a priest a couple of times when I wasn't so sure what it is, but I think they think I'm not genuine or making it up. It's frustrating. I've had objects levitate in front of me as well, but that was a couple of years ago.

  • @liamsilveira4757
    @liamsilveira4757 6 лет назад +2

    This all reminds me of the Pauli effect. If I remember correctly, the phenomena started when his marriage fell apart - or maybe his mother committed suicide. I can't remember. In any event, I know he was undergoing a great deal of stress.

  • @jamontoast5303
    @jamontoast5303 5 лет назад +2

    check out the cardiff poltergiest on youtube, was one of my fave ones growing up

  • @erumkhan6296
    @erumkhan6296 Год назад

    Very well articulated.

  • @planetx9277
    @planetx9277 5 лет назад +1

    pls dont judge if you have not seen .

  • @junglejuice4052
    @junglejuice4052 5 лет назад

    So interesting his suggestion that people could also be causing car crashes and heart attacks in a paranormal way but that these events fly under the radar because they are so ordinary in their appearance

  • @TheShinobidog
    @TheShinobidog 8 лет назад +11

    cool pants

    • @Unsubscribedd
      @Unsubscribedd 6 лет назад

      TheShinobidog I was checking those out too. Super rad!

    • @thebestusername5852
      @thebestusername5852 6 лет назад +1

      I was checking them out too. They're actually quite "hip" and I can't help but wonder if he knows that or not, lol.

  • @infamousfanclub
    @infamousfanclub 8 лет назад +1

    Another great show with Jeffery Mishlove.

  • @planetx9277
    @planetx9277 5 лет назад +1

    I myself witnessed a poltergeist phenomenon in my neighbor house when a teen girl was seeing the stones were throwing at her out of nowhere and we saw that untill the priests came and threaten the teen not to do this !!!! while they didnt know the source,,,,,

  • @IAm-ur9cq
    @IAm-ur9cq 5 лет назад +1

    24:54 "the universe is just crapping on you",
    we do meet people/hear of people like this, nothing ever seems to go well for that person

  • @roginoapacible1
    @roginoapacible1 3 года назад +1

    I was here because it just happened in our apartment. I dont wanna believe it. but I just wanna understand the phenomenon. Its really weird when it happened. lights flickering, mobile device stop reaponding. some thing went warm. and the person im living with also felt it and were scared the shit hell of it. I dont know the term until just now.

  • @lc2c177
    @lc2c177 2 года назад +1

    Are there no studies that have video recorded such cases?

  • @moldvox
    @moldvox 2 года назад

    Some people here in the comments want to argue outside agents over PK. I would like to try to broaden everyone's scope on the whole inner vs outer reality subject. Lets all try to imagine that non-local consciousness is also ourselves. It doesn't have to behave like our "higher" self all the time. Every person has the potential of full enlightenment. That being said, there are still instances that prove impossible to pinpoint.

  • @alanhold2468
    @alanhold2468 7 лет назад

    Fascinating. As always

  • @TerriKnoll
    @TerriKnoll 8 лет назад

    What a great interview. subscribed :)

  • @FallGuy-68
    @FallGuy-68 2 года назад +1

    I'm very open minded, but where is the video evidence?

  • @joycekoch5746
    @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +1

    After experiencing poltergeist activity in our home in the 1970's I cannot agree with the conclusions drawn.
    Listening to this chat sounds like somebody who hasen't studied the activity in the past 25 years. Even William Roll
    who back in the 90's was a PK advocate came around before he died to think the poltergeist activity was the work of
    an outside agent that was intelligent that was not a projection of the agents mind. The psychological explanations are
    little more than attempts to take the idea of the reality of evil spirits away.

  • @laurarocks1142
    @laurarocks1142 3 года назад

    I was a student of Dr. Braude's at UMBC in the late 90s. I transcribed this video and tried to send it to where it was suggested on the website, but the email was returned undeliverable. I'd like to get it to New Thinking Allowed or to Jeff somehow.

  • @ericralls7594
    @ericralls7594 3 года назад +2

    I am sorry, but that old, tired theory on poltergeist is just wrong… The demon feeds off the energy of the troubled person/teen, it’s not a manifestation of their energy.

  • @Happyland_Motel_Gamer_Cat
    @Happyland_Motel_Gamer_Cat 3 года назад +1

    Why don’t we understand this energy. Personally I cannot see how a object can be physically moved.

  • @mariannasarracino
    @mariannasarracino 4 года назад

    If my anger turned into Poltergeist in my teens, I’d be in jail right now

  • @lisanoone7402
    @lisanoone7402 5 лет назад

    schmiel schmozzle
    What a synchronicity - Penny Marshall of Laverne and Shirley Fame just died ...

  • @ahs998
    @ahs998 3 года назад

    Hi Mr #JeffreyMishlove, could you ask Mr Stephen E. Braude about This Channel #memoriasobrenatural
    and do a react about or explain the activities? Thanks!

  • @Paddyllfixit
    @Paddyllfixit 8 лет назад

    I'm not in the habit of promoting others' channels, but speaking of Australian poltergeist cases, for those who are interested, NQGHOSTHUNTER videos may very well be of an authentic case. And @15:26,...ehh Stephen, how can the audio signature of the "unexplained rap" be attributable to human activity also when its graph-pattern is so evenly distributed and seems to suggest fluid continuous energy within the object rather than a "stop-start" pattern which we observe in the bottom graph which we know is human-made?

    • @intuitivemode5249
      @intuitivemode5249 6 лет назад

      And I'm not in the habit of debunking, but RUclips is packed with other videos showing apparent evidence of editing. ruclips.net/user/results?search_query=NQGHOSTHUNTER+ The channel that seems the most believable to me is Michael Magee's Channel. He has the playlist "The Haunting of Michael Magee" ruclips.net/video/uoflUb1CCcU/видео.html He has loads of other videos on his channel too. I'm not sure what kind of haunting this criteria would fall into, but it's very convincing.

  • @MrTurboCat21
    @MrTurboCat21 4 года назад

    How do you explain poltergeist activity on surveillance camera with the individual present inside then? I've also seen footage of abandoned buildings with poltergeist activity, eg. with chairs moving, objects thrown etc. That suggests to me, that there are probably other forces at play. Which in some cases can follow certain individuals. But I don't think we can make any absolute conclusion 'to anything'. Because there's usually always an exception to the laws, and what we assume is true. There is no proof that humans are able to consciously make things move lol. Eg. Ask yourself, why is it usually chairs and doors moving, and not something more imaginative? It just doesn't add up. Eg. There's just too many poltergeist cases where the patterns are similar. What's the odds that so many ppl would make the same kind of objects move? I'm just not buying that theory. Because it is a theory, and to date, not a proven fact. But more Idiocracy thinking, to make us believe something so unproven and ridiculous.

  • @dan020350
    @dan020350 4 года назад

    👺👌 Ghostbuster : i have a high PK reading.....

  • @welcometoreality3450
    @welcometoreality3450 6 лет назад

    seems like we have it happening here ;(

  • @markuchiha7737
    @markuchiha7737 5 лет назад

    you don't have proof.

  • @markuchiha7737
    @markuchiha7737 5 лет назад
