My wife and I checked out Away’s line of duffel/tote style bags in one of their stores. The Weekender was definitely the most interesting of them. The wide opening was the star feature. Reminded me of a mid-century travel handbag. My wife’s requirements were a tote style 20+ liter personal item bag with zippered top, laptop sleeve and luggage pass through. Away was on a very short list of possible options with these features. She wound up with the Away tote because the handles of the Weekender were not long enough for over the shoulder and she doesn’t like the long shoulder strap. The tote is also just a bit more unstructured so that it carries overstuffed items more flexibly. I have a good bit of experience with the popular modern travel brands. Away’s features and design are certainly well considered (that’s what closed the sale), but it unfortunately feels like a nylon bag with generic zippers from Ross. At the price Away is charging, it should exude premium.
I’ve been researching these bags as I’m considering getting a set for my wife (I have an old first gen carry on). What is very weird to me is the liner isn’t a consistent color across their bags and suitcases. The new carry ons its navy. The carry on flex its the old gray color with the original pocket designs. This bag has a gray interior. So strange and an oversight by Away in my opinion!
I have this bag, the next size up, and the tote for use in different situations. I have to be careful that the larger one doesn’t get too heavy, but I am enjoying all three.
It’s very heavy before you put anything in it. I carried it with my carryon in Europe this summer (loved the ease of the sleeve) but it’s hard to carry if you actually have to carry it. We transferred to trains up and down stairs so I decided I prefer a backpack.
I have the original version of this bag and really like it. So I decided to try this updated one out since it opens up wider. However, once it was packed with my usual items for a personal bag, I could not get it to easily slip over the handle of my Away Carry On. It was a struggle to try and slide it over the handle and really hard to get it back off the suitcase handle. Decided to return it.
I'm not a fan of this bag. The handles seem firm and unable to tuck away. I have a preference for suitcase style duffle, with multi-access points... like PAKT or Samantha Brown Essential Carry-All. To each their own.
We bought 2 of these bags - to complement our AER Travel Pack 3’s. We wanted something that could fit under an airplane seat. The size of this bag was fine; however, the handles are very UNCOMFORTABLE. When you are carrying this bag loaded, through any airport, your hands will hurt! As such, I do NOT recommend these bags.
My wife and I checked out Away’s line of duffel/tote style bags in one of their stores. The Weekender was definitely the most interesting of them. The wide opening was the star feature. Reminded me of a mid-century travel handbag.
My wife’s requirements were a tote style 20+ liter personal item bag with zippered top, laptop sleeve and luggage pass through. Away was on a very short list of possible options with these features. She wound up with the Away tote because the handles of the Weekender were not long enough for over the shoulder and she doesn’t like the long shoulder strap. The tote is also just a bit more unstructured so that it carries overstuffed items more flexibly.
I have a good bit of experience with the popular modern travel brands. Away’s features and design are certainly well considered (that’s what closed the sale), but it unfortunately feels like a nylon bag with generic zippers from Ross. At the price Away is charging, it should exude premium.
I feel like, for as much as Away charges, they could do more with the bottom of this- something sturdier with greater protection
I’ve been researching these bags as I’m considering getting a set for my wife (I have an old first gen carry on). What is very weird to me is the liner isn’t a consistent color across their bags and suitcases. The new carry ons its navy. The carry on flex its the old gray color with the original pocket designs. This bag has a gray interior. So strange and an oversight by Away in my opinion!
I have this bag, the next size up, and the tote for use in different situations. I have to be careful that the larger one doesn’t get too heavy, but I am enjoying all three.
Thanks for sharing your insights! 🤙
It’s very heavy before you put anything in it. I carried it with my carryon in Europe this summer (loved the ease of the sleeve) but it’s hard to carry if you actually have to carry it. We transferred to trains up and down stairs so I decided I prefer a backpack.
This is a great bag, I just wish Away would bring back the leather options.
Last I checked the transit leather bag is still available but currently out of stock. Should probably be back once the fall hits
Really liking the bag
The trim looks like vinyl not leather as you shared…?
Just looks like a big purse.😁
I have the original version of this bag and really like it. So I decided to try this updated one out since it opens up wider. However, once it was packed with my usual items for a personal bag, I could not get it to easily slip over the handle of my Away Carry On. It was a struggle to try and slide it over the handle and really hard to get it back off the suitcase handle. Decided to return it.
I'm not a fan of this bag. The handles seem firm and unable to tuck away. I have a preference for suitcase style duffle, with multi-access points... like PAKT or Samantha Brown Essential Carry-All.
To each their own.
bad design of that pocket !!
We bought 2 of these bags - to complement our AER Travel Pack 3’s. We wanted something that could fit under an airplane seat. The size of this bag was fine; however, the handles are very UNCOMFORTABLE. When you are carrying this bag loaded, through any airport, your hands will hurt! As such, I do NOT recommend these bags.