E6: Big Tech antitrust aftermath, potential effects of an M&A clampdown on Silicon Valley & more

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024

Комментарии • 150

  • @HyperChangeTV
    @HyperChangeTV 4 года назад +105

    Wooo!!! Love every episode! 🔥

    • @michaelchae4742
      @michaelchae4742 4 года назад +3

      Love your channel

    • @allin
      @allin  4 года назад +25

      You the man!

    • @stoev7098
      @stoev7098 4 года назад +2

      my man gali showing us all what is good.

    • @jasoncalacanislive
      @jasoncalacanislive 4 года назад +2

      Thanks pal

    • @Lukas-uc2bu
      @Lukas-uc2bu 4 года назад +3

      Thanks for the recommendation Gali. Really enjoying these.

  • @rahuljayakrishnan6127
    @rahuljayakrishnan6127 4 года назад +44

    All-In Ep 10: My boy Chamath actually streaming from lower earth orbit, courtesy Virgin Galactic.

  • @mikelawrey8056
    @mikelawrey8056 4 года назад +19

    Friedberg was man handling Chamath in the "Should there be a regulation committee for Internet content & user data?" part of the podcast.
    Friedberg 1
    Chamath 0

  • @Mrkshahabi
    @Mrkshahabi 4 года назад +9

    I love the way Jay makes everyone to pick a side. absolutely LOVE IT !

  • @bulletbob
    @bulletbob 4 года назад +18

    These guys are too good. Thanks for posting. Thanks to HyperChange for turning me on to this pod of smart nutcases . . . 😎

  • @diegog1291
    @diegog1291 4 года назад +7

    I love Jason as the host. The man has no filter👏

    • @jasoncalacanislive
      @jasoncalacanislive 4 года назад +7

      Just trying to keep the conversation moving... not easy with three huge brains coming at you!!!

    • @diegog1291
      @diegog1291 4 года назад +2

      Jason Calacanis We little guys appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you!

    • @catejames6453
      @catejames6453 4 года назад +1

      Jason Calacanis point taken. But your brain too; you’re no slouch. Plus, your Brooklyn fast speak...
      So. Thanks man. This was refreshing on many levels. 🍻

  • @daopeter
    @daopeter 4 года назад +9

    Finally, the random releases make it even more worth while!

  • @erifra5606
    @erifra5606 4 года назад +32

    Gali brought me here, interesting/funny discussions made me stay

  • @kindnesslove5482
    @kindnesslove5482 3 года назад +1

    I love Chamath ease of speech. Ripping off the fig leaf such succinct beautiful language. I love Jasons enthusiasm, no filter, love of human rights. I love how he is so respectful of Sachs, Friedberg and Chamaths knowledge and achievements, but also just hammer them when he thinks they are wrong or derailing the discussion. What a podcast ! I am probably closest in the way my mind works to Jason and Sachs, but love hearing Chamaths and Davids thoughts on everything and learn so much from everyone. David has some really cool points and always thinks so independently from other angles.

  • @NijjarFamily
    @NijjarFamily 4 года назад +12

    Been looking forward to this all week!

  • @sointoyou8153
    @sointoyou8153 4 года назад +8

    Woohoo!!!!!!! Thank you so much for creating refreshing content. You guys are so insightful, intelligent and funny. Please keep these coming out regularly 🍻

  • @stri8ted
    @stri8ted 4 года назад +18

    Not a fan of Jason's take in this episode. Too reactive, and straw manning some of the arguments.

    • @vikrampinto
      @vikrampinto 4 года назад +5

      thats his role as host so the other guys can counter no?

    • @frankgaudioso5749
      @frankgaudioso5749 4 года назад +2

      I would be ok with a new host. The others are awesome.

    • @LarryGoldbergNC
      @LarryGoldbergNC 4 года назад

      Unwinding, supposed by the team as off the table, is exactly what the anti-trust act was used to do to the Oil, Steel & Rail Trusts.

    • @niccolo4884
      @niccolo4884 4 года назад

      Reduces the fun and objectivity when his anti-Zuck bias isn’t too obvious. He’s a great host regardless.

    • @niccolo4884
      @niccolo4884 4 года назад

      When you talk about requesting for social security and credit cards to open accounts you’re forgetting that these are global companies, not just US

  • @chavycash2518
    @chavycash2518 4 года назад +6

    Jason should've asked for a final VP prediction. I got Kamala.

  • @lachoneu2
    @lachoneu2 4 года назад +3

    I want Chamath for president. Why can't we have intelligent people running for office.

  • @thands74
    @thands74 4 года назад +3

    How does one become that intellectually broad based- Chamath please gives us the secret sauce, that kind of information is what’s needed in education

  • @sirus312
    @sirus312 4 года назад +1

    good layout so we can see what subjects we like. No clickbait here just good content.

  • @thecrazyandthewild
    @thecrazyandthewild 4 года назад +1

    1.02.25: "if anything, social media has shown, that the way we used to venerate.... like the idea that you venerate somebody because they won an election... is so crazy, because they are basically like you and in many cases maybe dumber than you" That line from Chamath is gold!

  • @chrisarbourdale
    @chrisarbourdale 5 месяцев назад

    Wait this is where the uranus joke started??? Six episodes in and they kept it going until now? That‘s amazing, good work!

  • @ashshilkin807
    @ashshilkin807 4 года назад +1

    Companies going public earlier - excellent call. That's actually what happens in Australia. Public market also acts as the venture market.

  • @kindnesslove5482
    @kindnesslove5482 3 года назад

    Chamath has a strong ego. When got attacked on his idea he took no hit to his ego and just respected the feedback. I disagreed with his idea and found it fun. When questioned on his strong opinions on CNBC I thought his response was so on the money and he was patient in delivering it.

  • @ManikantaKondeti
    @ManikantaKondeti 4 года назад +1

    I can peacefully walk on the treadmill for an hour listening to this

  • @jameschou9659
    @jameschou9659 4 года назад +1

    Jason, please stop cutting David Sacks off

  • @miserablemoney
    @miserablemoney 4 года назад +5

    Chamath is right; youth is being completely destroyed w this toxic content.

  • @yj677
    @yj677 4 года назад +1

    refreshing to finally get a mostly objective bipartisan take on things going on. enjoyed that.

  • @poopieheadface
    @poopieheadface 4 года назад

    Great podcast! I'm so glad to have found commentary from people who are actually well informed and influential.

  • @blanket1309
    @blanket1309 4 года назад +1

    My favorite panel

  • @nalinnehra1469
    @nalinnehra1469 4 года назад +2

    Great show guys! 10/10 You should do this more often!

  • @diegog1291
    @diegog1291 4 года назад +3

    Thank you guys.🙏

  • @mcconlogue1898
    @mcconlogue1898 4 года назад +1

    Agree with Chamath about the regulation of internet content. Child safety controls are a joke. Kids are exposed to 100x more garbage than They were in my youth 50 years ago.

  • @kindnesslove5482
    @kindnesslove5482 3 года назад

    In terms of the antitrust issue, I am against breaking them up. I do believe in fixing tax loopholes and corporate America making too much money without adequate taxes. They benefit so much, and should be allowed to. I also believe in the state taking care of people who wants to grassroots innovate, and lower taxes for startups till reach certain size to even playing field.

  • @hadarraz33
    @hadarraz33 4 года назад +3

    Bring on another hand as a guest to the table,
    We like to hear from our Captain's,
    all of them….
    Woods, Musk, Buffett, Baron, Cuban…

  • @samhyh8950
    @samhyh8950 4 года назад +1

    I love it! Great discussions! Looking forward to the next meet up!

  • @datacourier2944
    @datacourier2944 4 года назад +1

    Regulation makes it harder for small companies to grow and keep the big companies big as only they can jump through so many hoops.
    Chamath, read the book "Economics in one lesson".

  • @sachinelearning
    @sachinelearning 3 года назад

    God! have been waiting for a podcast of this level for a long time. Objective, Well informed, Bi-partisan Commensense!

  • @lilUrso11
    @lilUrso11 4 года назад

    This is a breath of fresh air- civil intellectual discussions with moments of humor and levity. Thank you, this is much needed, gives me hope that some how our country get its sh*t together. KEEP GOING!

  • @alexNGMI
    @alexNGMI 4 года назад +2

    Sacksypoo lmao 37:14

  • @Bryanbkk
    @Bryanbkk 4 года назад +1

    Like this idea - big companies gets less M&A options.

  • @fredguth1315
    @fredguth1315 4 года назад

    On Free Speech: The problem is not what people are allowed to say, but the massive distribution of free speech in an amount and reason only known by the companies. The first step should be transparency on the incentives of the algorithms.

  • @collinbourke4211
    @collinbourke4211 4 года назад

    This has quickly become my favorite podcast. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.

  • @fredguth1315
    @fredguth1315 4 года назад

    On Apple: Apple did have an axe to grind, App Store. But it is a more nuanced question, much more difficult to address and the congress still doesn't get it.

  • @ChrisPrudhomme
    @ChrisPrudhomme 4 года назад +1

    Best thing all week. Keep it coming

  • @donnyjames71
    @donnyjames71 4 года назад +1

    Excellent Episode! Thank you!

  • @onirdutta666
    @onirdutta666 4 года назад +7

    Dang...That Uranus joke..;)

  • @fcordobaot
    @fcordobaot 4 года назад

    One thing big companies should do is to change the way they analyze how biased are their algorithms. The way to do it is to have a diversity of opinions and people do the algorithms don't favor an specific idea

  • @AI_futurist_
    @AI_futurist_ 4 года назад +1

    Another episode with great insights from across the spectrum. perhaps a model for future government!

  • @richhobo72
    @richhobo72 4 года назад +3

    Gali brought me here too.

  • @moondune
    @moondune 4 года назад +1

    Ironically, and just like the congressional hearing, the panel discussion drifted away from antitrust issues (supposedly the subject of the episode) and into misinformation on social media. I was especially surprised by Chamath's superficial approach to fixing social media and I wish David was given more time to speak up his mind given his Yammer experience.

  • @SingularityAGI
    @SingularityAGI 4 года назад +6

    That fake background looks so stupid. LoL

  • @HellaRandomVideos
    @HellaRandomVideos 4 года назад

    Always an incredible conversation. Thank you guys!

  • @rajatbansal512
    @rajatbansal512 4 года назад +3

    Finally we get to hear about real tech leaders discussing about tech , not arts graduate ( aka tech journalists )talk about tech just from a place of hate , even though tech is how they earn money and how the modern society functions .

  • @ashshilkin807
    @ashshilkin807 4 года назад +2

    Chamath please forge your birth certificate and run for President. Seriously..!

  • @Telluwide
    @Telluwide 4 года назад

    Here for Chamath.

  • @teatowel11
    @teatowel11 4 года назад

    It's pretty simple, don't censor. If you do, you are a publisher and should be held responsible for what is on your platform.
    If people are using the platform for illegal activity, act when you get a court order.

  • @giansolomon
    @giansolomon 4 года назад

    why not have an episode that focuses on the impact of climate change on the near future ?

  • @ibgib
    @ibgib 4 года назад

    Only 8 out of 129 comments in this video even have replies. Video/Resource/Other Silo with Comments section has been a great stepping stone, but I persevere to hope for a more vivid open data exchange, which will come through fundamental architectural improvements that will make these discussions moot! Thanks for the video!

  • @thecrazyandthewild
    @thecrazyandthewild 4 года назад

    Thank you, guys!

  • @bigalghe2627
    @bigalghe2627 4 года назад +1

    Thanks @hyperchange Gali did a great service to me & hopefully a much wider audience.

  • @steaklover948
    @steaklover948 4 года назад +3

    Hyperchange brought me here.

  • @vikrampinto
    @vikrampinto 4 года назад

    I was going to join the yacht club, but then I discovered this podcast

  • @kindnesslove5482
    @kindnesslove5482 3 года назад

    I believe in free speech. Everyone should be able to identify themselves like on a gambling site easily on twitter and Facebook etc. And get verified. And to get certain algo virality benefits you need to be verified. Bigger problem in America is general education level and how big business education has gotten. Money in politics. No term limits. Fix that and many other issues, don't remove free speech or Chamaths 500 k people idea.

  •  4 года назад +4

    OH YES!

  • @pdadey
    @pdadey 4 года назад +1

    Besides the strategies mentioned censorship can be controlled by simply
    Taxing The Click.
    Companies would then modifiy their algorithms to de-prioritise inflammatory content - instead of promoting it.

  • @6lack5ushi
    @6lack5ushi 4 года назад

    I have found my people!🙏🏾

  • @gselvara
    @gselvara 4 года назад

    Sacks is wrong about face book feed. It blasts you with stuff you don't subscribe too.

  • @recipehat
    @recipehat 4 года назад

    Over time, the macro that will always natural evolve is singularity. This is true of all business and culture. I just hope it will happen peacefully. Thanks

  • @jessejones5191
    @jessejones5191 4 года назад


  • @kingzion3032
    @kingzion3032 4 года назад +6

    This podcast would be so much better if Jason didn’t speak.

    • @thands74
      @thands74 4 года назад +2

      Clearly you are new to this platform, he started it and quite frankly he lays out the direction of dialogue. By proxy he knows how to bring the best out of everyone

    • @jasoncalacanislive
      @jasoncalacanislive 4 года назад +2

      T Hands it’s not an easy task to wrangle three big brains like this... if you have suggestions, I’m all ears! Remember, we don’t do post production on any of this... if we did we could make it smoother --and we are all remote, which makes it really hard

    • @kingzion3032
      @kingzion3032 4 года назад +2

      Jason Calacanis if this is really you, It was just a tongue and cheek comment. You are fantastic and what you do. I would kill for a circle of friends like you guys have. In terms of improvements, you guys need to really focus on the economy more and what you expect will occur over the next decade. Jason you do seem a little erratic at times when you talk and you sometimes don’t push other especially David enough to comment. I would like to see more in-depth discussion especially in relation to businesses on the stock market.

    • @MiniSimmonsBand
      @MiniSimmonsBand 4 года назад +1

      @@jasoncalacanislive You play your part well J Cal. Props too for fronting up in the comments section and asking for feedback. Love the tenacity and desire to improve. No doubt a tough task to keep up with these brainiacs but you do a good job. If you want to check out some dylan/straights/stones/TP mixture of music from COVID free NZ, click through to our channel ;) when you are next over in Sydney for a conference - swing past Auckland and I'll shout you a burger.

  • @LarryGoldbergNC
    @LarryGoldbergNC 4 года назад +1

    Hey guys - don't put the damn mic in front of your face! Drop the mics about 6".

  • @vb9366
    @vb9366 4 года назад +1

    Yeahh, new episode. Thanks

  • @draco_2727
    @draco_2727 Год назад

    Wow 2 years later and Elon started to implement all of these 😳

  • @larryteslaspacexboringlawr739
    @larryteslaspacexboringlawr739 4 года назад

    they should have talked about testing half the country population ever week, mass testing is the only way to know who should stay in lock down

  • @lachoneu2
    @lachoneu2 4 года назад

    There is actually an easy way to break up Facebook and Instagram. Give them one year to do it, them fine them 1-2 billion a month until they do. I gaurentee if the fine is large enough they will break up right away.

  • @davidbetancourt428
    @davidbetancourt428 4 года назад +1

    lol Chamath realy doesn't want the "market cap to break..." wonder why xD

  • @andrewburger8808
    @andrewburger8808 4 года назад

    One recommendation is for everyone on the panel to divulge what their equity stakes are in these companies so the bias is transparent.

  • @bitcoinryan915
    @bitcoinryan915 4 года назад

    I do not understand why the smart people with money continue to listen to DC. Sooner or later you are going to have to let them go.

  • @lalitspam5036
    @lalitspam5036 4 года назад

    Yo, don't mute chamath in between!!!

  • @Finlaymacnab
    @Finlaymacnab 4 года назад

    Hey Chamath, I just read on Wikipedia that you went to Lisgar for high school. Were you in any particular academic stream there? I had a few friends in the "gifted" program at that school a couple of years before you and I really want to be able to tease them about what failures they are today :)

  • @Mazdemy
    @Mazdemy 4 года назад

    Chamath's my guru haha

  • @lifeofomid186
    @lifeofomid186 4 года назад +1

    My guys

  • @Wishmegoodluck
    @Wishmegoodluck 4 года назад

    yes go all in all of you

  • @catejames6453
    @catejames6453 4 года назад

    Super good question about anti-trust/amazon basics.

  • @shotnick81
    @shotnick81 4 года назад

    Guys you rock!

  • @bazoozoo1186
    @bazoozoo1186 4 года назад

    there is a possibility that big company provides large positive benefit ... yet until it becomes a monopoly. There is no way that monopoly is beneficial to society in a long term.

  • @miguelo.
    @miguelo. 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for letting us hear billion dollar minds roar...
    Now back to writing a Socal Cap paper to solve climate :)

  • @frunkytowntesla
    @frunkytowntesla 4 года назад

    Great, I finally find the perfect poker group who can debate/bs about any and everything and still be great friends, and I have zero chance of playing. :-(

  • @driftwoodComedy
    @driftwoodComedy 4 года назад +2

    Let’s goooo

  • @FailTrainS
    @FailTrainS 4 года назад

    1:12:34 - An alternate that I think needs to be looked into is public investment in technology. Our companies in AI and ML and DNN are falling behind china because even our trillion dollar companies don't have enough money to invest into the required compute to stay ahead. It makes sense to have a publicly available state of the art system that is secure and can be accessed by public companies in the US so that we could have aggregate advantage and simultaneously supply access to small startups.

  • @killerjason101
    @killerjason101 4 года назад +2


  • @dhowto3005
    @dhowto3005 4 года назад


  • @thenon-gaapbillionaire3306
    @thenon-gaapbillionaire3306 4 года назад +4

    Not first but first to say first

  • @kelvynbettridge
    @kelvynbettridge 4 года назад

    Thank you

  • @ZinkPR
    @ZinkPR 4 года назад

    Just absorbing knowledge

  • @christianmolina8372
    @christianmolina8372 4 года назад +2


  • @SachinDolta
    @SachinDolta 4 года назад

    When is next podcast ep. coming guys?

  • @EightSixx
    @EightSixx 4 года назад +1

    look at @DHH on twitter about Apple.

  • @Thomas-re9ky
    @Thomas-re9ky 4 года назад +2

    Can you guys argue about bitcoin?

    • @supermotog2156
      @supermotog2156 4 года назад

      Nothing to argue about... important, but doesn’t need to be debated.

  • @miserablemoney
    @miserablemoney 4 года назад

    You guys are missing the point; social media NEEDs a better method of regulating content... it's all propaganda now.

  • @dankuo8561
    @dankuo8561 4 года назад

    6:00 Monopolizing speech and banning conservative thought is absolutely having to to with antitrust.

    • @MrEtronic
      @MrEtronic 4 года назад

      "Monopolizing speech" how does that even work.

    • @dankuo8561
      @dankuo8561 4 года назад

      @@MrEtronic It is well documented that these social media platforms have algorithms to ban conservative opinions. It is the issue of not being a neutral platform needing legislation to peel back their protection from libel in passing fake news that damage that can be proven in court. (Nicholas Sandman v. CNN, WP etc.)

    • @MrEtronic
      @MrEtronic 4 года назад

      @@dankuo8561 proven in court and possible in reality is quite different . as an engineer i find it hard to believe that these multi billion dollar companies have ML system which would run at scale to classify and then proceed to mute any particular post , all for a few clicks in ad revenue , its simply not worth time or effort required ... i admit they do spend billions in hiring staff which manually go through posts , this is done mostly to be in compliance with child safety regulations and keeping things PG-13 And besides discussion here is about anti-trust not libel ... even if you did make the anti-trust argument there is this problem with treating opinions as a market and assuming that there are only two market participants "conservatives and liberal" , this does not square with reality.

    • @dankuo8561
      @dankuo8561 4 года назад

      @@MrEtronic I agree with you that our courts have been politicized to the point where the predetermined outcome justifies any method to achieve that outcome. We are losing faith of our courts to adjudicate fairly. I'm afraid if we lose faith in our courts and the election process, this will lead to worse outcome for all of us. Just look at ongoing case of Gen. Flynn who was entrapped by the Obama administration on a false pretense (unconstitutional Logan Act) and is being persecuted for political reason. I fear the bad actors in government that can destroy any one of us for political reasons. Look no further than totalitarian governments of Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and N. Korea as examples of where this will lead to. The mainstream media today is advocating a narrative in this path of authoritarian government to solve our problems. The MSM is suppressing conservative thoughts by using fact checkers that are without a question biased toward the authoritarian narrative of bigger and bigger government to control all aspect of our lives. More rules and regulation to be used against americans of a different persuasion. More taxes resulting in less incentive to strive for a better future. We all agree on child safety compliance; however, MSM is being used politically as a tool to suppress speech with biased fact checkers.

  • @noun1986
    @noun1986 4 года назад

    I am not a Trump supporter and I am not a conservative in anyway that I can think of but I’m pretty close to positive that Trump is going to win. Unfortunately

  • @jeoboden
    @jeoboden 4 года назад

    i wonder how much of chamath follower explosion is from let them fail or from fintwit blowing up? could prob measure proportionally