V3A055 TM Robot - Encoder & PCBA Assembly

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2019
  • V3A055 TM Robot - Encoder & PCBA Assembly
    TM Robot can assemble three different types of encoder with PCBA. Triggered by a sensor, the PCBA is transferred from the previous station to our cobot. TM Robot then puts the encoder onto the PCBA as well as positioning fixture, next, it applies screws through automatic air blow screwing machine. Unload the positioning fixture, and the finished good is sent back to the previous station.
    TM Robot整合 磁性編碼器組合PCBA
    使用TM Robot組合分為三種不同規格的PCBA與磁性編碼器,由上一站入料於傳送平台,透過sensor感應到料號,傳到手臂端,放上磁性編碼器加上定位治具後,使用氣吹式自動螺絲機,將其鎖固於PCBA上,後取下定位治具,將完成品透過傳送平台送回。

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