She isn’t marketing Christianity.. she’s disciplining and educating and allowing people to make a choice on their own and praying for them on her end. Christianity is something that cannot be Sold, she is a living testimony ❤❤ So proud of you Megan!
I LOOOVE THAT @immeganashley NEVER WAIVERS on where she stands! She aint swayed no matter how many ways or how many times she's asked... she is ALWAYS asking if its pleasing to God. Standing on BUSINESS!
Not gonna lie this was a hard interview to watch because of the lack of spiritual maturity. However, I understand because I’ve been there before and there was a time that I was him. I think it’s beautiful to watch Megan’s patience in this interview. She repeated and was unwavering in her answer to each question. IF IT DOESNT GLORIFY GOD SHES NOT DOING IT. I think conversations like this are important and we shouldn’t condemn him for asking more questions because we need new Christians or people with little faith to ask more questions because if they don’t we won’t be discipling people into the kingdom of God. Megan showed patience, compassion, and literally acted out the word of God in her responses.
Even though I am a looong time Christian being raised in the church- I found the host’s curiosity refreshing! There are so many people who act like they have it all together and little menial things are beneath them. There are so many things (other than the extensive asking her about her dating life) said in this talk that people want to know about or ask, but for the lack of a better word- “upity” Christians feel indignified in addressing (and I’m not addressing you as such) and then other Christians (regardless of their furtherance in Christ) don’t get the simple help that they need from a seasoned brother or sister in Christ. 😢 It’s our duty to help disciple others. 🙏🏽💗
This verse convicts me about clubbing: “When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21
Honestly, we had a perverted way of having fun when we were in the world. Believers, you don't have to go to the club, drink , and smoke to have fun. Some believers just want to be lukewarm. You can't have 1 foot in and 1 out. When u truly love God, you will hate what he hates and loves what he loves, period. Living Holy is not boring. it's actually Lit 🔥
I shouldn’t have even read these comments but I did. I want to say I actually enjoy watching this man ask Megan questions. I know Megan is more spiritually mature than him and just her patience and grace and firmness about her faith are exactly what he needed. She may be a guest but she is actually the one who created a space for him to ask questions a lot of new believers have!!! Everything he’s asking is so valid as you are learning on this walk with God. I pray God would continue to keep him curious for the things that please him and also that he would go to God himself in prayer for even better understanding and answers. I will say he seen too invested in her divorce. I’m hollering this man said “how would you say the streets are” 😂😂😂 the transition is crazy. Is he trynna holler ?! Or I’m looking too deep into it ?!
the club question. My response for those who consider themselves serious about the Lord yet still find themselves in the clubs, I’d really question if they have the spirit of God, then look at the level of maturity they are in. Along with discernment. There should be a grievance/conviction as to why that is still a dwelling place for you. A desire. An attraction. I’d only see someone who’s new to the faith, still a babe, still unlearned & carnal in their thinking. And if it be a male, I’d also question if he can lead me? Because why is this acceptable if we’re pursuing holiness . salvation requires sanctification. A salvation that doesn’t accompany sanctification & pruning from the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience not a commitment. We all have to mature at some point in our walk. If we’re still clubbing, attending certain secular events to mingle for attention, fornicating, gossiping, feeding carnal desires… there’s a call to grow in maturity. You will then learn to overcome easily besetting sins. You will not entangled again w the same sins. Examination is important as well in this walk.
This man do not understand why meg got all these praises in her mouth, he can’t understand why everything she’s say redirects back to God but when God has done His big one on you I can assure you all you wanna talk about is Him because He’s all things and all things are through HIM. This guy is not there yet but Megan is hungry and thirsty for righteousness and that’s what it looks and sounds like God bless both of them, I pray God continue to work in Meagan and I pray this young man the have best encounter he can with the Holy Spirit ❤
The number one issue concerning FUN is lack of proper marital settlement …. Also, I love God but this kind of reverence ain’t for me…. I couldn’t keep this charade up …. It’s like being married to a competitive body builder … no sugar, no carbs, only water and boiled eggs. It’s gives Old Testament. New testament understands how hard it is to keep laws and love because laws are based on fear. Which judaism, catholicism and Islam enforce. 😢…. Christianity is about building in relationship from a loving God that redeems the wrecked. I KNEW I was going to be a single mom long before I had my child. The law and bible would say “ she fornicated” … Yes, but it was part of my plan. The same way Tamar tricked her step father to impregnating her. They thought she was cursed and denied her access to the next son…. But son and father are two different things - life is spiritual. Which is why when the enemy spends you disaster, you need to have a deep enough relationship to understand that he’s going to use that thing for HIS Good, even if it doesn’t fit the Word. Paul, Jacob, Solomon, Moses, David, all of them walked Crocked. So trying to match up your life to the words in the Bible, and not the mysteries of the Bible will lead you into depression and cause you to stray away from God. If God did NOT cautioned me three years before my son came, he wouldn’t be here because I thought how could God use me and what an embarrassment until I remembered the prophecy…. So yea, God is God… His word is solid, but the plan, purpose and reason are mysterious. It is a MIND things, I think to my self, charity you’re 33 and still a mess lol but I’ve never put another God before my Father … I’ve never wanted anything more than to please Him…. I’ve passed through a lot of hurdles and I’m doing my best, I’ll get there. You’ll go crazy trying to be a perfect daughter or son …. And then there are Paul’s God bless those people.
Now this is the question!! There so much more to do than that. There doesn’t have to be alcohol involved to have fun or be in a club. It was honestly never fun if we really deep it
@@yasminjack lol exactly! Like doing life with people you’re on one accord with is fun like Meghan said, there’s different adventurous things you can go out to do, game nights, cooking together, movie nights, travels, picnics, girl just enjoying GOOD company.
Megan’s testimony will shake the world when she can finally be vulnerable about the public friendship that ended and what she’s learned through that journey of loss
I want to encourage all of the saints that are commenting on this young man's spiritual maturity to pray for him. We are called to judge one another and we should be building each other up. Interceding for one another is so kind and also ministering to our own hearts ❤
He needs to change his perspective on what “fun “ is. Even when I was fully submerged into the world, clubbing got old very fast. I think I stopped clubbing at 23 and I’m 27 now. Nobody really dances, music is trash (lyrically and spiritually), chaos breaking out, and it’s a room filled with hot, sweaty people. If we’re being honest, people really only go to clubs for two reasons: to be seen and/or get chosen. As you grow closer with The Lord, your spirit begins to feel very uncomfortable in those environments and The Holy Spirit opens your eyes to what’s actually occurring in the spirit. There’s plenty of other ways to have fun outside of the club as a Christian or as anybody really. You gotta seek out different things and be open to new experiences; I go to orchestras, game nights, boat days, social, tactful day parties/gatherings, art shows, etc. Get creative.
Fun to me 14 years deep in my relationship with Christ is going to gospel concerts and events where I meet like minded believers. Going to different restaurants and finding fun activities to do! Clubbing isn’t fun 😂 or the only thing that is available to do. As a born again believer my stance is that we have no business going where the lord saved us from. Unless you’re evangelising what is the need??? Nothing in the club glorifies the lord
Megan, your spirit was so patient and kind through this. This was the epitome of meeting someone where they're at without compromising truth. Just to be clear, Christianity is not to be "marketed" or "sold". God seeks for us to serve Him and encounter Him based on being told the truth, His truth. If someone doesn't think the gospel sounds desirable, then that's between them and God and we can disciple them through that. We're called to teach Christ and Christ crucified and to trust God to transform the hearts of those that He called.
This interview was a little all over the place and not properly thought out. Asking her if she would go to the club numerous times when she already answered was frustrating to listen to. Now I dont know if the interviewer is new to the faith, but it seems like he was surprised or dont really believe that there are Believers who arent lukewarm and are taking their walk with Christ seriously. It’s almost as if he wanted to hear her budge and say she would go to the club and have “fun” . Im glad Megan is standing firm on her faith even if ppl think she’s being “too deep” or “too serious”. At least thats better than playing with fire
In other words, you are probably living fully by The Word as God told us to. It tends to make other people uncomfortable when they themselves are not fully aligned or understanding of Gods Word.
32:41 I felt everything about this soooooo much. I struggle to feel worthy because of the things me and Him know. I know He knows but I struggle to believe it fully. Idk but I do. Hearing that someone else has been here is so powerful. Like I’m tearing up listening to her.
I am totally with Megan on the NO club thing, I mean for what?! As children of God, we are to be set apart, and part of that transition, we HAVE TO change our environment and the company that we keep! In doing just those two things alone is HUGE, because it will definitely lower the chance of giving into temptation! It is very hard because of the flesh, however this is something that we have to do! Pray pray pray, continue to humble ourselves and seek Christ! The closer I get to the Lord, the less I find myself wanting to sin! My answer will always be Jesus Christ!
I felt everything she was saying in this interview. Totally understand where she is coming from and taking the Lord and my relationship with Him, seriously.
51:50 Marketing We're not here to market Christianity.... as in telling them what they want to hear. All fun, do your own thing. No cost. No trials. No enemy. No battles.
Amen! I was perplexed by that “You market Christianity well” statement. Small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve heard a Believer or Pastor say that. At first glance there is nothing appealing about the cross…but when you UNDERSTAND what Christ did and what He saved you from!!! My God!!!! You run to it every chance you get!
This is a response to several comments on this video: I just want to share that there are a myriad of clubs/events that play non-demonic music. There are dj's that play house music, gospel edits, old school music, jazz/hip-hop beats, reggae music, soul music, and sometimes just beats and sound ( no lyrics). All secular music isn't demonic. The Lord blesses so many incredible artists, musicians, singers, producers and dj's with incredible talent to create music that connects to so many. Just because the artist is not directly stating scripture or literally saying the words "praise God," doesn't mean that the spirit of the artist who made the music doesn't. In fact, one way artists glorify God is by sharing there God-given talents. They share there stories of love, joy, hardship and lessons. It may not be christian worship music, but these stories can connect us, they can teach us, they can be therapeutic, and make us not feel alone. The Lord is mighty and moves in mysterious ways.... We don't only encounter God just in Christian music, just as we dont only encounter God in the church. As a professional modern/contemporary dancer and Christian, I hope Christians are not depriving themselves of the joy and celebration of moving to great music, especially within community. Club culture is sometimes an outlet for movement expression and exploration, and often even a class where we learn from other dancers on the dance floor. However, yes, it is important to be mindful of what environment you are doing this in. Please just pray and use discernment when going out and when listening to music. Know what dj/dj's are playing....this will tell you alot. Know what area and vibe the club/event/party is at. Check the energy of the event flyer. Go with your trusted circle. Be mindful if you are going to drink. Do not get drunk. If things feel off and the Holy Spirit tells you to leave. Leave.
Man God’s wisdom just oozed out of her answers🙌🏾🙌🏾I can so relate to her testimony. When I came back to the Lord last month it was so different. So many times I said yes Lord but my heart was so far from Him. I acknowledged Him as Savior but not Lord of my life. He said not this time…He wanted all or nothing and that’s what I gave Him. My heart posture changed immediately! He literally gave me a new heart….a heart that desires to walk in obedience. It’s my pleasure to please the Father. I strive to consider Him in all my ways. And when I find myself veering off I quickly run to Him. Total dependence. I can do nothing apart from Him!
The last time I went into a club after taking my walk serious. I was so uncomfortable you see so much more spiritual and see and feel spirits working in that space. I’m good on going to clubs. It does not glorify God period!
I feel like those scenes are weird in general. I remember feeling strange in those environments and my thoughts lend to the fact that that’s why there is such a push to be inebriated and not of sound mind to even be able to enjoy being in those spaces.
@@siaomn that’s a great point too. Makes people feel like they can only have fun if they’re doing those activities. Which is why they don’t understand how we have fun without it
What's interesting to think about is that neither the words fun or entertainment are in scripture. I'm sure we're allowed to have fun. Yeah, but it should be at the bottom of the priority list. The dude asked her for over 10 minutes in a half dozen ways if you could have fun as a Christian (lighten up, "not overthink, not be rules etc). Modern American Christians live as if it's all about your dreams, your fun, your promotion and advancement, more leisure, more fun, more money, more leveling up. It's nonsense. It's what I see the Christian influencers promoting. Megan didn't give in and tell him to party. Lol
The interviewer seems like he's some what Lukewarm and hasn't fully surrendered to God. His desires will change and align with God once he's really surrender. Let's be honest. Believers shouldn't be in a club. It's not a sin, but you have to use wisdom. The club is definitely the devils playground.
Salvation is a journey to grieve and enjoy. Seeing how God takes you from the lowest low to the highest high to prosper every area of your life. You have to submit to have joy
🔥🔥🔥 I love Meghan so much!!! If I was doing an interview I would have said everything Meghan did. I relate to her soooo much!!!! I’ve heard her speak so many times and I love how she speaks so boldly and knows that there is no turning back!!! ❤❤❤
Even if I wasn’t fully committed to my relationship with God, I don’t think I would find myself desiring the club at this point in my life. I started clubbing at 17 and I’m in my mid 20’s now. I’m curious to know what do people in my age group/people in their 30’s find interesting about clubbing at this age?
The Narrow Way 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [a]Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14
the world's view of fun is satanic and that's why she looks joyless to some. i think she's at a place of peace knowing she truly loves God. Renew your mind so you can see TRUE joy, TRUE fun.. not temporary. You will always have to go back to the bottle or blunt to feel good, but the love of God is eternal.
We do not have to put ourselves in a position to be found.When GOD Decides that it is time for us to be found by who he ordains, then we will be and nothing will stop that.
I truly believe that🙌🏾🙌🏾i don’t feel the need to be out and about dangling😂 so I can be found. It really doesn’t go well when when we try to manufacture things on our own. We stop trusting God with that part of our life…we get impatient. God is so strategic and wise concerning his plans. And because he knows us so well….we are His creation. He knows best. He will place 2 people in the right place at the right time. I believe that! And that’s the way I desire it…I wanna know that I know that I know😂😂😂God’s hand is in it!
There’s the reality. God is not holding anyone at g*n point. Either you want to live for him and surrender your life to him or you don’t. When you want to, it doesn’t feel like “restraints” or you won’t have this feeling that you need to be “free”. If we feel that way we are just living by rules and not out of Love. Either way, pressing someone because they live different is wild. Limiting the black fun experience to clubs and alcohol is wild lol.theres so much more to life than that
I really dislike interviews like this. The current church culture and the way people talk about it is frustrating to me. It’s straightforward-just follow God’s law and resist life’s temptations. All this talk about knowing God’s calling for us and our identity in Christ feels like church jargon, and people use it to build large followings and make a lot of money off of us. I’ve grown to dislike the modern church. I used to follow people like this, and it ended up costing me a lot of money. I ended up pouring more into them than God. And most of them never even responded to the genuine messages I sent. They won’t do anything without getting paid and only appear on platforms that are big enough and beneficial to them. If they knew God’s will, I’m sure it wouldn’t look like the fashionable images on their pages and millions of followers.
❤Megan Ashley...I love 1 Timothy 6:17 as a Word from Lord Jesus about riches, obedience, fun & enjoying life along with not grieving the Holy Spirit👑🙏🏽✝️☮️❣️! Blessings!
Now I don't know if the interviewer was being serious or maybe he was being truthful with his questions. But he seems to be a little baby in Christ with some of those questions that he was asking Megan some of those questions sounded like they came from a 12 year old child and it frustrated me so I know she had to be getting frustrated as well but she was mature enough to answer those question with calm and patience. I wonder was he playing with her intelegence of being a Christian or was he actually struggling to be a Christian. When Megan said that she is single and not dating anyone, it's as if he didn't want to accept the fact that she has peace being single and do not want to be in a relationship right now.... Just my opinion!!!
@@herfitnesslife agreed. I think he is new to the faith, which grace is needed. I believe questions he asked was really what he personally wanted to know for his own salvation & walk with Christ. Which is fine. I don’t think it was a playing with her intelligence, it was he’s still learning, wrestling & maturing in the faith.
No seriously! He kept asking the same simple questions. Agree Megan basically gave god glory after every answer and said obeys God in different ways… he gave no depth 😂
He definitely is and it’s plain to see…which I think is why it was so fitting that she answered one of his most baby in Christ like questions, with an example of how she feels for her kids.
The last time I went to a club was last year and I was extremelyyy uncomfortable, I had rededicated my life to the Lord 4 months prior. The energy was super dark and demonic, haven’t been since and won’t be going again.
Before I loved the Lord as much as I do now, I never wanted a man in the club . A man in the club doesn’t even want a woman in/from the club if it’s not a one night stand. They are there for a good time! College proved that 😭
@@jjj0026they’re not talking about jazz clubs lol. They’re talking about the typical club most young folks go to…which are not typically jazz clubs…the ones where they’re popping bottles and sexy red is booming
I was talking to a friend who would tell me the wildest stuff and then tell me that god told her that. she never questioned if it was her own thoughts or God. For example she told me God told her that God is not in the church. I told her she needs to read the Bible
And they don’t want to be. He hears rules, she is speaking of desire naturally…he can’t relate yet, but hopefully he keeps seeking God to understand one day.
His loving kindness leads to repentance. Romans 2:4 I enjoyed Megan speaking. The Holy Spirit has/is maturing her in the faith. I pray all that listen to her responses will press into God and reading the Bible to gain better understanding. As a side note: for a woman who is strong in her faith and not willing to "compromise" the word of God, there are few men who want and understand the gravity of this. (Im not saying theyre not out there). I know men who are interested; however, they want to be in the club and environments that Im not willing to pursue. The question is, "What does our fruit show God (and then the world)?" What words are we choosing to use? What shows/movies are we watching? Etc. There should be dissonancr within us if we truly love God but are doing things/involved in spaces that dont glorify God. Our lives are not our own. Romans 14:8 For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lor
Megan always going to bring her truth, standing on God and not stepping aside to how she feels. And of course she gonna give a lesson and drop jewls!!!!!!
Thankful this was not all about therapy, which is pretty much all I hear Christians talk about lately. He hasn't gotten to the end of Ecclesiastes 12:1 and 13-14 "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;" 13" The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.[a] 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with[b] every secret thing, whether good or evil."
@ciaragreene3377 Not my point. Mental health being the only topic and always addressed by therapy. Therapy has replaced God's work in our lives. Christians talk as if God is inept and incapable of healing or changing us.
Now I've decided to really walk with God I realize alot of things I did I never enjoyed without being intoxicated. Some people to me who I loved hanging out with while drunk I can't stand being around while sober. I used to drink to get primed for premarital sex, if I wasn't drinking I didn't want to be in a club if that makes sense. Yall try going to a club sober, it's not what it's cracked up to be.
Romans 14:23 If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. God gave us His Holy Spirit. We should represent holiness because He is holy.
I think we need to start evaluating does God call us to have fun. Like we’ve really just left the entire charge of the Bible to make Christianity our own thing. At the end of the day, if you have a true relationship with God and follow Christ there are types of fun that is no longer appealing. So if not hooking up, clubbing, drinking or smoking weed is the standard of fun, if sin is the standard of fun then we should want no parts of it. Period
If you have to ask the question whether something is right or wrong…I think that’s the Holy Spirit telling you to pause and then allow Him to minister to you. There are some things that are not clear cut in the word. So we should definitely seek God’s wisdom on that. Ask yourself is it beneficial? Will this produce the right kind of fruit in my walk? Many of us try to walk that thin line…how close can I get without falling over the edge. That can be a very dangerous game to play. But for a lot of us there are just some things we know we can’t partake of because of where it leads us. For myself, I know exactly what those things are and I move accordingly.
Hmmm I don’t blame the interviewers curiosity, but this was a little difficult to watch. Amazing that Meg had so much patience and grace with some of these questions.
it doesn’t have to be sin to be bad or wrong, it can be carnal/ worldly .. and as followers of Christ we are not suppose to love the world or the things in it. If it’s not glorifying God (the music, conversations, atmosphere and all) we shouldn’t be there. in my opinion. once we start to love the Lord we start to love and hate what he loves & hates. and want to do what honors him. Also the bible tells us don’t let your good be spoken bad of. So we shouldn’t even be around things that would taint our witness. we should be fully set apart from the world. fun in freedom in Christ will be different than the world’s definition of fun.
Promoting Jesus is all the marketing we need, the host was triggering. You can go skating, skiing, travel, movies, paint, art, hike, and non of this is fun or suitable for Christian’s but the club.
This interviewer is asking really excellent real questions. Well done👏🏽 I do think Megan is answering the questions but ....mehh...not really... and is kinda why folks do see us believers as not fun. The topic is about fun and Megan seems extremely joyless. I think we have to remember how Jesus broke the mold of the law. He was a young adult, late 20s to early 30s, he had a job, he was relatable without sinning but didnt make it stiff or rigid, which is what the Pharisees did. He showed with his method of sharing the gospel that being in the church building only is not the life he wants us to live. He went to dinner parties often, first miracle water to wine, constantly in the street with the community, with people in their homes, he was real. One of the reasons i left the US was because of how bored i was with my community options and believers never wanting to leave their homes or do anything to socialize nor enjoy life. Black folk only think the only way to have fun is a club. And why don’t we as believers create clubs that are fun and holy? We are seriously not creating options for believers to do wholesome things and yet only say we can’t do this or that. So all they can do is then go to the world. We are becoming a bit of a useless church in America. We as believers can do so much, go to the gym, hang out with friends, go to the theatre, go play golf or go to the park or travel, or dance ( and no dancing isnt evil, how you do can be and yes this generation has sexualized it tremendously). But man, we have to realize you can be so intimate with the lord that you can go into the world be in it and not of it or participate in perversion and still not be putting our nose up to everything. Christians overseas have a ton of fun and impact the community tremendously with evangelism, and I see wayyy more miracles and works of the Lord than I do in the US. It’s amazing that We have also now turned our nose up to marriage in the body of Christ and exalt singleness (which is not even close to Gods will). I don’t get it and watch the black community have zero legacy to pass on, making the enemy happy, but idolizing singleness which to her point I believe is super self centered, when we are single our only focus is us. When married you sacrifice for your spouse and children. Marriage or wanting marriage is by far the furthest thing from selfish, that’s makes no sense. Abraham was blessed generationally in marriage. And Megan is what a lot of us black women are doing, staying indoors, not social with men nor know, making no effort to just have a conversation with someone. Ruth literally went to the man’s home to position herself. It’s a bit sad that we think that the Lord will just drop a man off at our door and it’ll be our husband. Doesn’t work like that and quite frankly is a bit lazy. We have to understand the difference between being religious and religiousity. Also community being digital is a very shallow community and if she is saying we are to be different from the world, so many Christian’s doing primarily online community completely goes with the trend of the world. The world wants us not to have physical communities anymore. If you truly understand the agenda of the world esp the last 5 years you we see how this is their plan. We should be doing the opposite. We should be seeking physical in person spaces for believers to enjoy a social gathering while also demonstrating to the world that life in Christ is joyful. You can be serious about the lord without losing your joy. That is an ineffective believer imo. 1 Cor. 13 and remember we are in the world now. We are not in heaven yet, so while here on the earth the Lord made, be glad and enjoy it!! The pagan world should not be enjoying life on earth more than us. Otherwise why do we bother to get up each day? We can just go be with the Lord now and not waste time. But obviously He wants us here and He created the earth so don’t let the devil deceive you into being a bottled up stiff Christian
You feeling the need to move because you weren’t satisfied speaks volumes. In all you’ve said what stands out the most is that you’re not content and it’s important to sit back and ask who and where that comes from because there is no confusion with God and if you were actually getting your fulfillment in Him you wouldn’t feel the need to seek it in ppl, places or things. Where God is you will be content no matter where you are. Bless.
She seems content & at peace. Also why would we care if the world perceives us as “not fun”? The whole point is caring about what God says more than what ppl of the world think. All her answers point back to what God says which actually feeds the listener with truth.
Megan just went through a divorce, she has 3 children. She's got the sobriety of an adult described in 1 Co 13...when I became a man I put away childish things. Sobriety comes up repeatedly in the New Testament. Not meaning not drunk but serious, focused, on guard, sensible, solemn. She's not a party girl or a sorority girl. She's a mother and a woman of God. It's good if she's not the life of the party!
No, @@Essy_BHE told me to move, so that would be incorrect. He knew there was spiritual stagnation where i was and was calling to something else. My US city is just hookah, happy hour and strip clubs, and church sunday just for an hr then we have to finish service so people can go to brunch. Zero room for the Holy Spirit because US churches have their fixed prescribed programs. I didn't initially want to move. My grandmother and aunt both had just died but God said it was time and seeing more of God and his goodness than ever before and He is restoring years that were lost in multiple areas of my life. Im extremely content with just Christ, which is why I am able to move anywhere and be comfortable but also know the biblical says a man who isolates themselves is unable to recieve correction, why because its self centered living. We have a lot of self centered living in our generation in the US under the guise of "God is my husband" and "im just looking for my purpose ". No God said it not good for us to be alone, Jesus didn't just sit at home all day, he went out and spent time with people. We are to go out into the world and preach the gospel. And do it in love and with joy. We don't have to be miserable boring Christians who live in a digital bubble only. I used to be that. Its silly and zero effect for the Kingdom. You are a more effective witness of the gospel when you are joyful and interact with others and not uptight. Joyfulness and having fun does not mean you compromise Godly standards. But its how you "heap burning coals" on the enemies head and can be light to those around and open doors and opportunities to share the gospel with those outside Christ
There's Christian concerts! Brandon Lake concerts, Maverick City Music Concerts!! Brandon Lake is on tour right now! Tons of Christian rap artists! You can google the christian equivalent to just about any artist and you will find what you're looking for that is worshipping the Lord. Just look for the Christian Equivalent to what you enjoy now! Do you think God would let Christianity not be fun, and enjoyable?
There's nothing wrong with FUN. There's nothing wrong with dancing. There's nothing wrong with having a drink. I'm sure there are clubs with decent DJs and it's about personal conviction from the Holy Spirit. Also, Jesus ate with sinners. Paul rebuked Peter in Galatians 2:11 for refusing to eat with the Gentiles... i don't think we are better Christians for staying in our little "holy bubble".
@@laxi8305 your understanding is lacking. Jesus ate with sinners who desired to hear him & the gospel. Yet, he still did not partake in any deeds that were contrary to his doctrine & father’s will. Paul rebuked Peter because Peter was eating with the gentiles, but when the Jews came, he separated himself from the gentiles & stood with the Jews. This was a matter of hypocrisy & a fail to be a true example of a Jew, especially after persuading the gentiles. It’s not that’s it’s a holy bubble, it’s looking at yourself through the lens of biblical text & desiring the life that God intended. They’re many ways to have fun, but justifying it with clubbing is mad wild & wrong.
@BabeKay01 dancing + music + drink. This is what I identify as clubbing. Those 3 things in itself can be fun and holy given the proper boundaries. I'm sorry but the assumption that dancing + music + drinking in itself is sinful if wrong, those 3 things the bible speaks of and you cannot say otherwise. Now if you want to have a seperate conversation about lyrics and drunkeness we can, but as I said... personal conviction. Also, you talk about partaking.. wonderful! " Eating with sinners and not partaking." What is the modern day equivalent? Probably going to the club and not getting drunk or dancing on people etc... we're saying the same thing but you're too fixated on the optics and yes, it feels like you are describing a holy bubble.
She isn’t marketing Christianity.. she’s disciplining and educating and allowing people to make a choice on their own and praying for them on her end.
Christianity is something that cannot be Sold, she is a living testimony ❤❤ So proud of you Megan!
I LOOOVE THAT @immeganashley NEVER WAIVERS on where she stands! She aint swayed no matter how many ways or how many times she's asked... she is ALWAYS asking if its pleasing to God. Standing on BUSINESS!
Not gonna lie this was a hard interview to watch because of the lack of spiritual maturity. However, I understand because I’ve been there before and there was a time that I was him. I think it’s beautiful to watch Megan’s patience in this interview. She repeated and was unwavering in her answer to each question. IF IT DOESNT GLORIFY GOD SHES NOT DOING IT. I think conversations like this are important and we shouldn’t condemn him for asking more questions because we need new Christians or people with little faith to ask more questions because if they don’t we won’t be discipling people into the kingdom of God. Megan showed patience, compassion, and literally acted out the word of God in her responses.
Even though I am a looong time Christian being raised in the church- I found the host’s curiosity refreshing! There are so many people who act like they have it all together and little menial things are beneath them. There are so many things (other than the extensive asking her about her dating life) said in this talk that people want to know about or ask, but for the lack of a better word- “upity” Christians feel indignified in addressing (and I’m not addressing you as such) and then other Christians (regardless of their furtherance in Christ) don’t get the simple help that they need from a seasoned brother or sister in Christ. 😢 It’s our duty to help disciple others. 🙏🏽💗
@@traciesplaceI completely agree! We have to leave room got curiosity and meet some people where they are in their walk with the lord!
I agree I made it 10 minutes and was like I can’t do it. I’ll just stick to Megan‘s podcast on her page where she has mature guest
I felt pressed just watching this. As they say, the devil is a lie😮
This verse convicts me about clubbing: “When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
Galatians 5:19-21
I read "wild parties" as orgies.
“ Lack of community and discipleship leads to compromise” BINGOOOOOOO
Honestly, we had a perverted way of having fun when we were in the world. Believers, you don't have to go to the club, drink , and smoke to have fun. Some believers just want to be lukewarm. You can't have 1 foot in and 1 out. When u truly love God, you will hate what he hates and loves what he loves, period. Living Holy is not boring. it's actually Lit 🔥
Yesssssssssssss because what happened to the Holiness standard?
Great Comment
“Obedience is our job outcome is his job”
I shouldn’t have even read these comments but I did. I want to say I actually enjoy watching this man ask Megan questions. I know Megan is more spiritually mature than him and just her patience and grace and firmness about her faith are exactly what he needed. She may be a guest but she is actually the one who created a space for him to ask questions a lot of new believers have!!! Everything he’s asking is so valid as you are learning on this walk with God. I pray God would continue to keep him curious for the things that please him and also that he would go to God himself in prayer for even better understanding and answers.
I will say he seen too invested in her divorce. I’m hollering this man said “how would you say the streets are” 😂😂😂 the transition is crazy. Is he trynna holler ?! Or I’m looking too deep into it ?!
@@TheKaRenaLee I promise I thought the same thing lol
I agree! It was giving “I’m feeling you Megan…” 😅
the club question. My response for those who consider themselves serious about the Lord yet still find themselves in the clubs, I’d really question if they have the spirit of God, then look at the level of maturity they are in. Along with discernment. There should be a grievance/conviction as to why that is still a dwelling place for you. A desire. An attraction. I’d only see someone who’s new to the faith, still a babe, still unlearned & carnal in their thinking. And if it be a male, I’d also question if he can lead me? Because why is this acceptable if we’re pursuing holiness .
salvation requires sanctification. A salvation that doesn’t accompany sanctification & pruning from the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience not a commitment. We all have to mature at some point in our walk. If we’re still clubbing, attending certain secular events to mingle for attention, fornicating, gossiping, feeding carnal desires… there’s a call to grow in maturity. You will then learn to overcome easily besetting sins. You will not entangled again w the same sins. Examination is important as well in this walk.
this is so good, it's black and white. sometimes even God's people pervert the simplicity of the walk with Him.
@@richieyuukyouyes & that’s my frustration. Justification that leads to misrepresentation.
what an amazingly clear-cut response....thanks for sharing...
On point🙌🏾🙌🏾💯
This man do not understand why meg got all these praises in her mouth, he can’t understand why everything she’s say redirects back to God but when God has done His big one on you I can assure you all you wanna talk about is Him because He’s all things and all things are through HIM. This guy is not there yet but Megan is hungry and thirsty for righteousness and that’s what it looks and sounds like God bless both of them, I pray God continue to work in Meagan and I pray this young man the have best encounter he can with the Holy Spirit ❤
Why do we associate fun with drinking and partying. It’s crazy how you need substances to have fun these days
The number one issue concerning FUN is lack of proper marital settlement …. Also, I love God but this kind of reverence ain’t for me…. I couldn’t keep this charade up …. It’s like being married to a competitive body builder … no sugar, no carbs, only water and boiled eggs. It’s gives Old Testament. New testament understands how hard it is to keep laws and love because laws are based on fear. Which judaism, catholicism and Islam enforce. 😢…. Christianity is about building in relationship from a loving God that redeems the wrecked. I KNEW I was going to be a single mom long before I had my child. The law and bible would say “ she fornicated” … Yes, but it was part of my plan. The same way Tamar tricked her step father to impregnating her. They thought she was cursed and denied her access to the next son…. But son and father are two different things - life is spiritual. Which is why when the enemy spends you disaster, you need to have a deep enough relationship to understand that he’s going to use that thing for HIS Good, even if it doesn’t fit the Word. Paul, Jacob, Solomon, Moses, David, all of them walked Crocked. So trying to match up your life to the words in the Bible, and not the mysteries of the Bible will lead you into depression and cause you to stray away from God. If God did NOT cautioned me three years before my son came, he wouldn’t be here because I thought how could God use me and what an embarrassment until I remembered the prophecy…. So yea, God is God… His word is solid, but the plan, purpose and reason are mysterious. It is a MIND things, I think to my self, charity you’re 33 and still a mess lol but I’ve never put another God before my Father … I’ve never wanted anything more than to please Him…. I’ve passed through a lot of hurdles and I’m doing my best, I’ll get there. You’ll go crazy trying to be a perfect daughter or son …. And then there are Paul’s God bless those people.
Now this is the question!! There so much more to do than that. There doesn’t have to be alcohol involved to have fun or be in a club. It was honestly never fun if we really deep it
@@yasminjack lol exactly! Like doing life with people you’re on one accord with is fun like Meghan said, there’s different adventurous things you can go out to do, game nights, cooking together, movie nights, travels, picnics, girl just enjoying GOOD company.
Yup so many more fun and even healthier things to do.
Deception unfortunately makes itself look very real
Megan’s testimony will shake the world when she can finally be vulnerable about the public friendship that ended and what she’s learned through that journey of loss
What public friendship?
I’m not looking to have fun first! I’m looking to please the Lord first!!! 🔥❤️
@@oreoluwasofolahan9775Megan and B. Simone were best friends of 17 or 18 years and had a podcast before called Know For Sure.
She has. She’s also talked about her marriage ending. I don’t believe she needs to testify about that one situation any further to magnify God.
@@PlantsGodandHipHopshe doesn’t. People are just nosey lol
“I will offend anyone (else) before I offend the LORD.” YESSS Megan!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I want to encourage all of the saints that are commenting on this young man's spiritual maturity to pray for him. We are called to judge one another and we should be building each other up. Interceding for one another is so kind and also ministering to our own hearts ❤
He needs to change his perspective on what “fun “ is. Even when I was fully submerged into the world, clubbing got old very fast. I think I stopped clubbing at 23 and I’m 27 now. Nobody really dances, music is trash (lyrically and spiritually), chaos breaking out, and it’s a room filled with hot, sweaty people. If we’re being honest, people really only go to clubs for two reasons: to be seen and/or get chosen. As you grow closer with The Lord, your spirit begins to feel very uncomfortable in those environments and The Holy Spirit opens your eyes to what’s actually occurring in the spirit. There’s plenty of other ways to have fun outside of the club as a Christian or as anybody really. You gotta seek out different things and be open to new experiences; I go to orchestras, game nights, boat days, social, tactful day parties/gatherings, art shows, etc. Get creative.
@@goldengirl7625 🔥
Fun to me 14 years deep in my relationship with Christ is going to gospel concerts and events where I meet like minded believers. Going to different restaurants and finding fun activities to do! Clubbing isn’t fun 😂 or the only thing that is available to do. As a born again believer my stance is that we have no business going where the lord saved us from. Unless you’re evangelising what is the need??? Nothing in the club glorifies the lord
Megan, your spirit was so patient and kind through this. This was the epitome of meeting someone where they're at without compromising truth.
Just to be clear, Christianity is not to be "marketed" or "sold". God seeks for us to serve Him and encounter Him based on being told the truth, His truth. If someone doesn't think the gospel sounds desirable, then that's between them and God and we can disciple them through that. We're called to teach Christ and Christ crucified and to trust God to transform the hearts of those that He called.
Wowww ❤️❤️ love Megan ! I am one who struggles finding Christian Friends in this generation ! But I will keep praying for friends in Christ
I’m praying for that as well sis🙏🏾
Same! Where do y’all live? Do y’all have IG?
@@amberwilson8775 I’m in Michigan…I have no social media at this time
@@amberwilson8775 I’m in Michigan…I have no social media at this time
Same! I’m in NYC but there are so many young lukewarm Christian’s here I’d rather be alone.
“My heart is postured to do with his pleasing to the Lord and I enjoy pleasing him” 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
As a Christian man that is single sharing stories of dating + faith, glad this popped up on my feed!
This interview was a little all over the place and not properly thought out. Asking her if she would go to the club numerous times when she already answered was frustrating to listen to. Now I dont know if the interviewer is new to the faith, but it seems like he was surprised or dont really believe that there are Believers who arent lukewarm and are taking their walk with Christ seriously. It’s almost as if he wanted to hear her budge and say she would go to the club and have “fun” . Im glad Megan is standing firm on her faith even if ppl think she’s being “too deep” or “too serious”. At least thats better than playing with fire
My friend just told me that I am Christian extremist lol and Megan reminds me of myself. We both have no shame and are boldly following Christ. 😊
Keep it up we need you ❤
That just means you’re on the right path. Dont compromise your faith for anyone ! 🙏🏾
In other words, you are probably living fully by The Word as God told us to. It tends to make other people uncomfortable when they themselves are not fully aligned or understanding of Gods Word.
32:41 I felt everything about this soooooo much. I struggle to feel worthy because of the things me and Him know. I know He knows but I struggle to believe it fully. Idk but I do. Hearing that someone else has been here is so powerful. Like I’m tearing up listening to her.
I am totally with Megan on the NO club thing, I mean for what?! As children of God, we are to be set apart, and part of that transition, we HAVE TO change our environment and the company that we keep! In doing just those two things alone is HUGE, because it will definitely lower the chance of giving into temptation! It is very hard because of the flesh, however this is something that we have to do! Pray pray pray, continue to humble ourselves and seek Christ! The closer I get to the Lord, the less I find myself wanting to sin! My answer will always be Jesus Christ!
I felt everything she was saying in this interview. Totally understand where she is coming from and taking the Lord and my relationship with Him, seriously.
This man asking so many dating questions. Like brother you interested or nah? 😂 like dang he sounds pressed. 😂
We're not here to market Christianity.... as in telling them what they want to hear. All fun, do your own thing. No cost. No trials. No enemy. No battles.
Amen! I was perplexed by that “You market Christianity well” statement. Small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve heard a Believer or Pastor say that. At first glance there is nothing appealing about the cross…but when you UNDERSTAND what Christ did and what He saved you from!!! My God!!!! You run to it every chance you get!
This is a response to several comments on this video:
I just want to share that there are a myriad of clubs/events that play non-demonic music. There are dj's that play house music, gospel edits, old school music, jazz/hip-hop beats, reggae music, soul music, and sometimes just beats and sound ( no lyrics).
All secular music isn't demonic. The Lord blesses so many incredible artists, musicians, singers, producers and dj's with incredible talent to create music that connects to so many. Just because the artist is not directly stating scripture or literally saying the words "praise God," doesn't mean that the spirit of the artist who made the music doesn't. In fact, one way artists glorify God is by sharing there God-given talents. They share there stories of love, joy, hardship and lessons. It may not be christian worship music, but these stories can connect us, they can teach us, they can be therapeutic, and make us not feel alone. The Lord is mighty and moves in mysterious ways.... We don't only encounter God just in Christian music, just as we dont only encounter God in the church.
As a professional modern/contemporary dancer and Christian, I hope Christians are not depriving themselves of the joy and celebration of moving to great music, especially within community. Club culture is sometimes an outlet for movement expression and exploration, and often even a class where we learn from other dancers on the dance floor. However, yes, it is important to be mindful of what environment you are doing this in.
Please just pray and use discernment when going out and when listening to music. Know what dj/dj's are playing....this will tell you alot. Know what area and vibe the club/event/party is at. Check the energy of the event flyer. Go with your trusted circle. Be mindful if you are going to drink. Do not get drunk. If things feel off and the Holy Spirit tells you to leave. Leave.
Whenever I see Meg on a thumbnail I click and as always, she represents the so kingdom well 🔥🔥🔥🔥
This man asked all the right questions and follow up questions because people be needing concrete examples and detailed answers lol
Man God’s wisdom just oozed out of her answers🙌🏾🙌🏾I can so relate to her testimony. When I came back to the Lord last month it was so different. So many times I said yes Lord but my heart was so far from Him. I acknowledged Him as Savior but not Lord of my life. He said not this time…He wanted all or nothing and that’s what I gave Him. My heart posture changed immediately! He literally gave me a new heart….a heart that desires to walk in obedience. It’s my pleasure to please the Father. I strive to consider Him in all my ways. And when I find myself veering off I quickly run to Him. Total dependence. I can do nothing apart from Him!
The last time I went into a club after taking my walk serious. I was so uncomfortable you see so much more spiritual and see and feel spirits working in that space. I’m good on going to clubs. It does not glorify God period!
Same went to a party and felt out of place. Everyone was drinking and wilding. I was like yeah I don’t belong here anymore
I feel like those scenes are weird in general. I remember feeling strange in those environments and my thoughts lend to the fact that that’s why there is such a push to be inebriated and not of sound mind to even be able to enjoy being in those spaces.
@@siaomn that’s a great point too. Makes people feel like they can only have fun if they’re doing those activities. Which is why they don’t understand how we have fun without it
You’re soooo right Megan!
What's interesting to think about is that neither the words fun or entertainment are in scripture. I'm sure we're allowed to have fun. Yeah, but it should be at the bottom of the priority list.
The dude asked her for over 10 minutes in a half dozen ways if you could have fun as a Christian (lighten up, "not overthink, not be rules etc).
Modern American Christians live as if it's all about your dreams, your fun, your promotion and advancement, more leisure, more fun, more money, more leveling up. It's nonsense. It's what I see the Christian influencers promoting.
Megan didn't give in and tell him to party. Lol
The interviewer seems like he's some what Lukewarm and hasn't fully surrendered to God. His desires will change and align with God once he's really surrender. Let's be honest. Believers shouldn't be in a club. It's not a sin, but you have to use wisdom. The club is definitely the devils playground.
I really enjoy listening to Megan Ashley!!!
Salvation is a journey to grieve and enjoy. Seeing how God takes you from the lowest low to the highest high to prosper every area of your life. You have to submit to have joy
He seems like he has genuine questions and really looking for insight…
🔥🔥🔥 I love Meghan so much!!! If I was doing an interview I would have said everything Meghan did. I relate to her soooo much!!!! I’ve heard her speak so many times and I love how she speaks so boldly and knows that there is no turning back!!! ❤❤❤
One of the best interviews I've heard 🔥
If he say something abt a club one more time 😂😂 just go to the club brother 😭 but this was great love you guys
Even if I wasn’t fully committed to my relationship with God, I don’t think I would find myself desiring the club at this point in my life. I started clubbing at 17 and I’m in my mid 20’s now. I’m curious to know what do people in my age group/people in their 30’s find interesting about clubbing at this age?
The Narrow Way
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [a]Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
the world's view of fun is satanic and that's why she looks joyless to some. i think she's at a place of peace knowing she truly loves God. Renew your mind so you can see TRUE joy, TRUE fun.. not temporary. You will always have to go back to the bottle or blunt to feel good, but the love of God is eternal.
Christians do be looking sad yet they say they have the joy of the Lord as a camouflage
We do not have to put ourselves in a position to be found.When GOD Decides that it is time for us to be found by who he ordains, then we will be and nothing will stop that.
I truly believe that🙌🏾🙌🏾i don’t feel the need to be out and about dangling😂 so I can be found. It really doesn’t go well when when we try to manufacture things on our own. We stop trusting God with that part of our life…we get impatient. God is so strategic and wise concerning his plans. And because he knows us so well….we are His creation. He knows best. He will place 2 people in the right place at the right time. I believe that! And that’s the way I desire it…I wanna know that I know that I know😂😂😂God’s hand is in it!
ty for this episode 🫶🏾
Well done, Megan!
Our purpose is to glorify God in everything we do, and if we seek Him first all things will be added to us.
There’s the reality. God is not holding anyone at g*n point. Either you want to live for him and surrender your life to him or you don’t. When you want to, it doesn’t feel like “restraints” or you won’t have this feeling that you need to be “free”. If we feel that way we are just living by rules and not out of Love. Either way, pressing someone because they live different is wild. Limiting the black fun experience to clubs and alcohol is wild lol.theres so much more to life than that
I really dislike interviews like this. The current church culture and the way people talk about it is frustrating to me. It’s straightforward-just follow God’s law and resist life’s temptations. All this talk about knowing God’s calling for us and our identity in Christ feels like church jargon, and people use it to build large followings and make a lot of money off of us. I’ve grown to dislike the modern church. I used to follow people like this, and it ended up costing me a lot of money. I ended up pouring more into them than God. And most of them never even responded to the genuine messages I sent. They won’t do anything without getting paid and only appear on platforms that are big enough and beneficial to them. If they knew God’s will, I’m sure it wouldn’t look like the fashionable images on their pages and millions of followers.
I agree completely.
99% of these podcasts are drawing ppl unto themselves.
Kinda have to agree. Christian podcasting is a big money maker now
This is an amazing episode!!❤️❤️❤️
Megan you ate down with this.
❤Megan Ashley...I love 1 Timothy 6:17 as a Word from Lord Jesus about riches, obedience, fun & enjoying life along with not grieving the Holy Spirit👑🙏🏽✝️☮️❣️! Blessings!
I love this woman ❤ I can relate so much to what she says
Great interview. Christ is really working in Ashley.
Trying to plead a case for a place/environment filled with DEMONS is crazy.
❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥 this was for me and a on time word so much love to Megan and the host
Now I don't know if the interviewer was being serious or maybe he was being truthful with his questions. But he seems to be a little baby in Christ with some of those questions that he was asking Megan some of those questions sounded like they came from a 12 year old child and it frustrated me so I know she had to be getting frustrated as well but she was mature enough to answer those question with calm and patience. I wonder was he playing with her intelegence of being a Christian or was he actually struggling to be a Christian. When Megan said that she is single and not dating anyone, it's as if he didn't want to accept the fact that she has peace being single and do not want to be in a relationship right now.... Just my opinion!!!
@@herfitnesslife agreed. I think he is new to the faith, which grace is needed. I believe questions he asked was really what he personally wanted to know for his own salvation & walk with Christ. Which is fine. I don’t think it was a playing with her intelligence, it was he’s still learning, wrestling & maturing in the faith.
No seriously! He kept asking the same simple questions. Agree Megan basically gave god glory after every answer and said obeys God in different ways… he gave no depth 😂
He definitely is and it’s plain to see…which I think is why it was so fitting that she answered one of his most baby in Christ like questions, with an example of how she feels for her kids.
He definitely seems to be a newer believer but your comments are so harsh. This is why people step away from the church and don't like Christians.
The last time I went to a club was last year and I was extremelyyy uncomfortable, I had rededicated my life to the Lord 4 months prior. The energy was super dark and demonic, haven’t been since and won’t be going again.
Before I loved the Lord as much as I do now, I never wanted a man in the club . A man in the club doesn’t even want a woman in/from the club if it’s not a one night stand. They are there for a good time! College proved that 😭
Why do y’all trying to normalize club and secular music. It’s a sin period. Stop sugar coating. We need to be strong on our beliefs
No, not a sin. However, it’s not spiritually wise to engage in therefore, should be abstained from all together.
Stop with the legalism. I love the Lord and still go to jazz clubs every other weekend.
@@jjj0026they’re not talking about jazz clubs lol. They’re talking about the typical club most young folks go to…which are not typically jazz clubs…the ones where they’re popping bottles and sexy red is booming
I was talking to a friend who would tell me the wildest stuff and then tell me that god told her that. she never questioned if it was her own thoughts or God. For example she told me God told her that God is not in the church. I told her she needs to read the Bible
Christians who really love the lord should not be at a club . Period .
And they don’t want to be. He hears rules, she is speaking of desire naturally…he can’t relate yet, but hopefully he keeps seeking God to understand one day.
Great episode!
His loving kindness leads to repentance. Romans 2:4
I enjoyed Megan speaking. The Holy Spirit has/is maturing her in the faith. I pray all that listen to her responses will press into God and reading the Bible to gain better understanding.
As a side note: for a woman who is strong in her faith and not willing to "compromise" the word of God, there are few men who want and understand the gravity of this. (Im not saying theyre not out there). I know men who are interested; however, they want to be in the club and environments that Im not willing to pursue. The question is, "What does our fruit show God (and then the world)?" What words are we choosing to use? What shows/movies are we watching? Etc.
There should be dissonancr within us if we truly love God but are doing things/involved in spaces that dont glorify God.
Our lives are not our own.
Romans 14:8 For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lor
@@saunily3071 agreed.
Amazing episode 🙌🏾🔥👏
Megan always going to bring her truth, standing on God and not stepping aside to how she feels. And of course she gonna give a lesson and drop jewls!!!!!!
Thankful this was not all about therapy, which is pretty much all I hear Christians talk about lately.
He hasn't gotten to the end of Ecclesiastes 12:1 and 13-14
"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;"
13" The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.[a] 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with[b] every secret thing, whether good or evil."
So mental health is a problem now? I thought we were past this 😭
@ciaragreene3377 Not my point. Mental health being the only topic and always addressed by therapy. Therapy has replaced God's work in our lives. Christians talk as if God is inept and incapable of healing or changing us.
Now I've decided to really walk with God I realize alot of things I did I never enjoyed without being intoxicated. Some people to me who I loved hanging out with while drunk I can't stand being around while sober. I used to drink to get primed for premarital sex, if I wasn't drinking I didn't want to be in a club if that makes sense. Yall try going to a club sober, it's not what it's cracked up to be.
Megan Ashley❤❤❤
So this is the interview that had Jackie Hill Perry spiraling and acting jealous lol wow
Romans 14:23 If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. God gave us His Holy Spirit. We should represent holiness because He is holy.
Jesus never went to a club and he wasn't really here to make jokes. In the bible it says that he was "about his Father's business."
Jesus just got wedding parties lit with wine 🍷 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷. Sounds good to me
This man seems like he wants to live in the world and he's confused by Megan's Christianity.
Believes have a new heart. Your heart is good.
Believing and following Jesus can be separate things... Followers live life according to his word
I think we need to start evaluating does God call us to have fun. Like we’ve really just left the entire charge of the Bible to make Christianity our own thing. At the end of the day, if you have a true relationship with God and follow Christ there are types of fun that is no longer appealing. So if not hooking up, clubbing, drinking or smoking weed is the standard of fun, if sin is the standard of fun then we should want no parts of it. Period
If you have to ask the question whether something is right or wrong…I think that’s the Holy Spirit telling you to pause and then allow Him to minister to you. There are some things that are not clear cut in the word. So we should definitely seek God’s wisdom on that. Ask yourself is it beneficial? Will this produce the right kind of fruit in my walk? Many of us try to walk that thin line…how close can I get without falling over the edge. That can be a very dangerous game to play. But for a lot of us there are just some things we know we can’t partake of because of where it leads us. For myself, I know exactly what those things are and I move accordingly.
Romans 14:23
@@kaybailey6442 Amen! Thank you for that!
Yes Meg, let the Holy Spirit use you. ❤
1 John 4:5-6
Hmmm I don’t blame the interviewers curiosity, but this was a little difficult to watch. Amazing that Meg had so much patience and grace with some of these questions.
it doesn’t have to be sin to be bad or wrong, it can be carnal/ worldly .. and as followers of Christ we are not suppose to love the world or the things in it. If it’s not glorifying God (the music, conversations, atmosphere and all) we shouldn’t be there. in my opinion. once we start to love the Lord we start to love and hate what he loves & hates. and want to do what honors him. Also the bible tells us don’t let your good be spoken bad of. So we shouldn’t even be around things that would taint our witness. we should be fully set apart from the world. fun in freedom in Christ will be different than the world’s definition of fun.
Chileeee 😅 I’m sorry, but I couldn’t make it passed the first 5 minutes of this 🤦🏽♀️
I love a nice cigar lounge.. rnb vibes … I want to see Raheem devaughn had a ball
If you have the spirit of God you won’t be comfortable in a club
It seems like he asked her the same questions over and over but in different ways.
Megan ❤
Promoting Jesus is all the marketing we need, the host was triggering. You can go skating, skiing, travel, movies, paint, art, hike, and non of this is fun or suitable for Christian’s but the club.
This was so awkward... did he really ask her, "Shouldn't you be in the club?" in order to find a Christian man. Lawd hammercy.
There are a lot of "buts" in the follow up questions. Brother, I learned the hard way...either you bout it or you not for Yahweh. Period. Don't play.
This interviewer is asking really excellent real questions. Well done👏🏽 I do think Megan is answering the questions but ....mehh...not really... and is kinda why folks do see us believers as not fun. The topic is about fun and Megan seems extremely joyless.
I think we have to remember how Jesus broke the mold of the law. He was a young adult, late 20s to early 30s, he had a job, he was relatable without sinning but didnt make it stiff or rigid, which is what the Pharisees did. He showed with his method of sharing the gospel that being in the church building only is not the life he wants us to live. He went to dinner parties often, first miracle water to wine, constantly in the street with the community, with people in their homes, he was real.
One of the reasons i left the US was because of how bored i was with my community options and believers never wanting to leave their homes or do anything to socialize nor enjoy life. Black folk only think the only way to have fun is a club. And why don’t we as believers create clubs that are fun and holy? We are seriously not creating options for believers to do wholesome things and yet only say we can’t do this or that. So all they can do is then go to the world. We are becoming a bit of a useless church in America. We as believers can do so much, go to the gym, hang out with friends, go to the theatre, go play golf or go to the park or travel, or dance ( and no dancing isnt evil, how you do can be and yes this generation has sexualized it tremendously). But man, we have to realize you can be so intimate with the lord that you can go into the world be in it and not of it or participate in perversion and still not be putting our nose up to everything. Christians overseas have a ton of fun and impact the community tremendously with evangelism, and I see wayyy more miracles and works of the Lord than I do in the US.
It’s amazing that We have also now turned our nose up to marriage in the body of Christ and exalt singleness (which is not even close to Gods will). I don’t get it and watch the black community have zero legacy to pass on, making the enemy happy, but idolizing singleness which to her point I believe is super self centered, when we are single our only focus is us. When married you sacrifice for your spouse and children. Marriage or wanting marriage is by far the furthest thing from selfish, that’s makes no sense. Abraham was blessed generationally in marriage. And Megan is what a lot of us black women are doing, staying indoors, not social with men nor know, making no effort to just have a conversation with someone. Ruth literally went to the man’s home to position herself. It’s a bit sad that we think that the Lord will just drop a man off at our door and it’ll be our husband. Doesn’t work like that and quite frankly is a bit lazy.
We have to understand the difference between being religious and religiousity. Also community being digital is a very shallow community and if she is saying we are to be different from the world, so many Christian’s doing primarily online community completely goes with the trend of the world. The world wants us not to have physical communities anymore. If you truly understand the agenda of the world esp the last 5 years you we see how this is their plan. We should be doing the opposite. We should be seeking physical in person spaces for believers to enjoy a social gathering while also demonstrating to the world that life in Christ is joyful. You can be serious about the lord without losing your joy. That is an ineffective believer imo. 1 Cor. 13 and remember we are in the world now. We are not in heaven yet, so while here on the earth the Lord made, be glad and enjoy it!! The pagan world should not be enjoying life on earth more than us. Otherwise why do we bother to get up each day? We can just go be with the Lord now and not waste time. But obviously He wants us here and He created the earth so don’t let the devil deceive you into being a bottled up stiff Christian
You feeling the need to move because you weren’t satisfied speaks volumes. In all you’ve said what stands out the most is that you’re not content and it’s important to sit back and ask who and where that comes from because there is no confusion with God and if you were actually getting your fulfillment in Him you wouldn’t feel the need to seek it in ppl, places or things. Where God is you will be content no matter where you are. Bless.
She seems content & at peace. Also why would we care if the world perceives us as “not fun”? The whole point is caring about what God says more than what ppl of the world think. All her answers point back to what God says which actually feeds the listener with truth.
Megan just went through a divorce, she has 3 children. She's got the sobriety of an adult described in 1 Co 13...when I became a man I put away childish things. Sobriety comes up repeatedly in the New Testament. Not meaning not drunk but serious, focused, on guard, sensible, solemn.
She's not a party girl or a sorority girl. She's a mother and a woman of God. It's good if she's not the life of the party!
No, @@Essy_BHE told me to move, so that would be incorrect. He knew there was spiritual stagnation where i was and was calling to something else. My US city is just hookah, happy hour and strip clubs, and church sunday just for an hr then we have to finish service so people can go to brunch. Zero room for the Holy Spirit because US churches have their fixed prescribed programs. I didn't initially want to move. My grandmother and aunt both had just died but God said it was time and seeing more of God and his goodness than ever before and He is restoring years that were lost in multiple areas of my life. Im extremely content with just Christ, which is why I am able to move anywhere and be comfortable but also know the biblical says a man who isolates themselves is unable to recieve correction, why because its self centered living. We have a lot of self centered living in our generation in the US under the guise of "God is my husband" and "im just looking for my purpose ". No God said it not good for us to be alone, Jesus didn't just sit at home all day, he went out and spent time with people. We are to go out into the world and preach the gospel. And do it in love and with joy. We don't have to be miserable boring Christians who live in a digital bubble only. I used to be that. Its silly and zero effect for the Kingdom. You are a more effective witness of the gospel when you are joyful and interact with others and not uptight. Joyfulness and having fun does not mean you compromise Godly standards. But its how you "heap burning coals" on the enemies head and can be light to those around and open doors and opportunities to share the gospel with those outside Christ
Megan don’t say nobody is trying to date you instead be bold and say the Lord will know when I am ready to date that is not my priority right now.
There's Christian concerts! Brandon Lake concerts, Maverick City Music Concerts!! Brandon Lake is on tour right now! Tons of Christian rap artists! You can google the christian equivalent to just about any artist and you will find what you're looking for that is worshipping the Lord. Just look for the Christian Equivalent to what you enjoy now! Do you think God would let Christianity not be fun, and enjoyable?
He should read the Awe of God
Enjoy you boo
There's nothing wrong with FUN. There's nothing wrong with dancing. There's nothing wrong with having a drink. I'm sure there are clubs with decent DJs and it's about personal conviction from the Holy Spirit.
Also, Jesus ate with sinners. Paul rebuked Peter in Galatians 2:11 for refusing to eat with the Gentiles... i don't think we are better Christians for staying in our little "holy bubble".
@@laxi8305 your understanding is lacking. Jesus ate with sinners who desired to hear him & the gospel. Yet, he still did not partake in any deeds that were contrary to his doctrine & father’s will.
Paul rebuked Peter because Peter was eating with the gentiles, but when the Jews came, he separated himself from the gentiles & stood with the Jews. This was a matter of hypocrisy & a fail to be a true example of a Jew, especially after persuading the gentiles.
It’s not that’s it’s a holy bubble, it’s looking at yourself through the lens of biblical text & desiring the life that God intended. They’re many ways to have fun, but justifying it with clubbing is mad wild & wrong.
@@BabeKay01 Thank you for this!!!!!
@BabeKay01 dancing + music + drink. This is what I identify as clubbing. Those 3 things in itself can be fun and holy given the proper boundaries. I'm sorry but the assumption that dancing + music + drinking in itself is sinful if wrong, those 3 things the bible speaks of and you cannot say otherwise. Now if you want to have a seperate conversation about lyrics and drunkeness we can, but as I said... personal conviction.
Also, you talk about partaking.. wonderful! " Eating with sinners and not partaking." What is the modern day equivalent? Probably going to the club and not getting drunk or dancing on people etc... we're saying the same thing but you're too fixated on the optics and yes, it feels like you are describing a holy bubble.
The interviewer needs to decide who his God is it sounds like he doesn’t know the word and has to make a decision about his identity in Christ