module top(); function xyz( input int a,b, output y); y=a&b; return y; endfunction initial begin bit x,y; x=xyz(1,1,y); $display("x=%0d",x); end endmodule Mam u said that don't pass output as an argument then it shows an error but in above code no error is occurred and I shows the correct output
In question 14, #1.24 *10 = 12.4 but it should be approx 12..
for q14, statements are non blocking , still you are adding delays?
hello ma'am what is the answer for 5th question force and release ?
module top();
function xyz( input int a,b, output y);
return y;
initial begin
bit x,y;
Mam u said that don't pass output as an argument then it shows an error but in above code no error is occurred and I shows the correct output
For function mama
for 15th question option--b is correct 10567