Competitive Dead by Daylight Takes a Big L

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Tweet by Hens:
    / scottjund

Комментарии • 607

  • @kmel3588
    @kmel3588 22 дня назад +722

    The whole time in this video i was distracted by how one side of scotts beard connects but the other dosnt.

    • @foreverjosuee
      @foreverjosuee 22 дня назад +6

      lmao same ! I was thinking the same 😂

    • @vormorg3312
      @vormorg3312 22 дня назад +43

      Bros got worse facial hair than jessie pinkman

    • @Tilyaf
      @Tilyaf 22 дня назад +68

      Could this be the cost of his eternal youth?

    • @MushManny
      @MushManny 22 дня назад +1

      @@vormorg3312wait Jesse Pinkman had facial hair!?

    • @dains6623
      @dains6623 22 дня назад +26

      not trying to hate but he really should just shave and go full reset 😭

  • @staremind4
    @staremind4 22 дня назад +522

    Its funny how this game struggles to have a competitive scene when every public game feels like its competitive.

    • @pocketdust2450
      @pocketdust2450 22 дня назад +76

      Because it's a game in which 95% of the time one side dumps on the other with perks, items and add-ons, the rare 5% is when all the stars align and nobody is at a disadvantage due to pure luck of matchmaking, and maps.

    • @canadalynx
      @canadalynx 22 дня назад +1

      “When all the game is competitive, none of it will be”

    • @xIronwafflexx
      @xIronwafflexx 22 дня назад +20

      @@pocketdust2450 I agree, this game is terribly balanced, and to the point where it's almost no fun to anyone most of the time. You play 10 games, you'll have maybe once decent game and one good game, while the other 8 are completely one sided.

    • @hanswurst9120
      @hanswurst9120 22 дня назад

      How the fuck does random 4head Meg vs sweaty tunnel blight feel like comp? You good?

    • @NocSlays
      @NocSlays 22 дня назад +6

      @@xIronwafflexxI agree, I play solo q and I solo most of my matches and rarely win and have a good match anymore.

  • @DOOMslayer32020
    @DOOMslayer32020 22 дня назад +86

    Comp A-symmetric games will always be bound to fail

    • @devxro
      @devxro 22 дня назад +3

      kinda the fault of the players themselves, and the lack of "official" regulation.

    • @MrBlueWaooWaoo
      @MrBlueWaooWaoo 22 дня назад

      Why is that?

    • @DOOMslayer32020
      @DOOMslayer32020 22 дня назад

      @MrBlueWaooWaoo Well, not really just comp a symmetrical games more like any a symmetrical game predator hunting grounds is dead identity five nobody knows about Friday the 13 is dead and so is Texas chainsaw massacre

    • @MrBlueWaooWaoo
      @MrBlueWaooWaoo 22 дня назад +1

      @@DOOMslayer32020 Dead By Daylight has been fairly successful. Would you not say that this proves asymmetrical games aren't bound to fail inherently?

    • @DOOMslayer32020
      @DOOMslayer32020 22 дня назад

      @@MrBlueWaooWaoo not necessarily "to every rule there us an exception"-forgot who said that

  • @yutyeetskeetmcgeet3039
    @yutyeetskeetmcgeet3039 22 дня назад +643

    Competitive dead by daylight is an L itself

    • @Shiokishisan
      @Shiokishisan 22 дня назад +15

      surely never heard that creative comment of yours

    • @daktarizhn
      @daktarizhn 22 дня назад +42

      Where's the lie though

    • @yutyeetskeetmcgeet3039
      @yutyeetskeetmcgeet3039 22 дня назад +89

      @@Shiokishisan take your L comp dbd gamer

    • @jossamar
      @jossamar 22 дня назад +7

      Ain't that the truth.

    • @SweetLeavesXbox1
      @SweetLeavesXbox1 22 дня назад +34

      DBD has way to many issues to be considered a "competitive" game.

  • @VeilInfinity
    @VeilInfinity 22 дня назад +47

    Comp DBD deserves a lot of shit, but being a part of it for the time I was was very beneficial to me. Yeah, some people were absolutely nasty, and I ran into those people more often than I'd like, but they definitely weren't the majority.
    With comp, though, you get to see both sides at their best, which gives you a real gauge on the strength of each side. You learn what's actually fair or unfair about the game and you just gain a better perspective on things. If you just play solo queue all the time and have idiot teammates constantly, you don't really get an accurate feel for killer strengths and weakness and why some killers are actually pretty weak even when they're dominating your pub games.
    Also, it made me less selfish about the game. I needed comp in order to help me see survivor as a true team game. Before, I just took getting tunneled out and camped as a personal attack and was pissed at how my game was ruined. Playing comp helped me change my mindset about it, where getting tunneled is just your chance to help the team by hopefully wasting a ton of the killer's time. If you're getting camped then your team can get gens done.
    I get that some of those things are obvious to people from the start, but I personally needed to be on a team to learn some basic mental things like that. In the end, comp just helped my overall mentality about the game.

    • @Chaos_945
      @Chaos_945 22 дня назад +3

      Your so right there are so many people out there playing for themselv and crying about getting tuneled when you can take it as an chance of actually getting better and buying the Team time because the killer is going for the chase and doesnt leave after a vew seconds❤ hope you have a nice day man

    • @davidodonohoe1773
      @davidodonohoe1773 22 дня назад +1

      That was actually a well balanced, fair assessment of dbd. Who are you, you unicorn ?

    • @leesasuki
      @leesasuki 22 дня назад +1

      "you don't really get an accurate feel for killer strengths and weakness"
      Just lost a game against a legion that NEVER USE HIS SKILL, because my teammate decide doing gens are for weak, and can't run 5 meters without getting downed by the killer

  • @billcipher147
    @billcipher147 22 дня назад +20

    The worst part about the "you only play public matches" people is that they TREAT every public match they are in like a tournament.
    Which is so fundamentally stupid, because unless your opponent happens to do the same thing, it's bound to be a coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb situation.
    It doesn't reflect a real tournament in the slightest, so it doesn't even work as training, unless you're practicing communication, _which you can also do better in a custom match._
    And yet these people continue not only play that way, but also act like these win streaks are actually worth anything, when the only thing they're good for is stroking their inflated ego.
    It just gets under my skin so much.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +11

      My face when I watch 4 survivors 4 stack and map offering and 4 syringe a perkless Wraith doing his daily or a Blight main turbo tunnel Dwighty because it's his first game ever of dbd:

  • @TheGamingManiac
    @TheGamingManiac 22 дня назад +164

    Comp DBD makes no sense from a gameplay sense already, but ontop of that the playerbase can be so toxic and entitled and just kinda weird? Im sure theres nice people in there but I wouldn't call them the majority, weird space

    • @Archimedes.5000
      @Archimedes.5000 22 дня назад +14

      Wdym, toxic playerbase is *the* requirememt for having a comp mode

    • @nightblade1198
      @nightblade1198 22 дня назад +3

      They are very gatekeepy on so many playstyles and perks to random public matches

    • @devxro
      @devxro 22 дня назад +11

      i'm not really seeing how it doesn't make sense. the game has potential to be very competitive, especially as an asym game that is supposed to reward good teamwork and also reward being able to disrupt that teamwork.
      when it works, it works. it's just the majority of the comp "players" are comp fans that decided to play in one or two tourneys and think they're better than the rest of the playerbase even though they were first to be eliminated. they're a huge part of the reason why comp DBD is doomed to fail.

    • @owo3632
      @owo3632 22 дня назад +3

      they can barely balance the game how the fuck will it ever be competitive

    • @mylife1221
      @mylife1221 22 дня назад +2

      yes, the majority of comp players I've met have had a very weird attitude. a lot of them are very sore losers in pubs, and sometimes sore winners. and there's always some person in comp being called out for their trash behaviour, or worse.
      i remember there was a comp player back in 2019/2020 who turned out to be a groomer. she was super weird before that though; i had a few encounters with her personally, and she always came across very passive-aggressive and confrontational to people she played against. after she got exposed, I remember her comp team essentially had a meltdown and did the whole "official" announcement thing, like, "we're going away to better ourselves", blah blah blah. it was so pathetic to watch.
      I played against someone in 2019 when they were brand new to the game. they were cool. then, they put 4k hours into the game over the next 2 or so years and joined comp, and they shifted into this totally toxic person. i got into a random solo q lobby with them once, and after the match, they were calling the killer all sorts of stuff. i thought it was a joke, because they'd been so nice up to now. but they doubled down on it. I can only imagine their comp buddies corrupted their behaviour, or just the idea of comp in general

  • @Hatecrewdethrol
    @Hatecrewdethrol 22 дня назад +83

    I remember seeing one of the Hens videos on a tournament, and there was a ghost-face game where the 'no chase bug' affected one team but the refs decided it wasn't enough to warrant a re-do on that round
    said team, who was *one of the top teams in DbD comp scene*, proceeded to throw a tantrum and just deliberately throw the next round as survivor because they were butthurt over the decision

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +43

      perfect example of what scott was talking about with professionalism on the player side. x9, especially with a player like wispy, were way too immature and in a normal comp-based game would've been panned much harder.

    • @TheMissingPluto
      @TheMissingPluto 22 дня назад +10

      Then they proceeded to do it the next tournament when they didn't like a ruling too 😊

    • @Lethaldiran-EU
      @Lethaldiran-EU 22 дня назад +19

      No chase bug not warranting a redo on a round is straight bullshit the moment it happens the survivors and killer need alt+f4

    • @josephgaetano6751
      @josephgaetano6751 20 дней назад

      what an absurd ruling

    • @jackkrueger2671
      @jackkrueger2671 19 дней назад

      ​@@namjeff1419I mean, I don't know what kinda tantrum we are talking about here, but if they just, didn't try and gave up that is reasonable with how ridiculous the call is.

  • @Afrochilla
    @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +173

    I quit comp dbd years ago for 2 reasons. 1. The comp community is insufferable and will call you slurs the second things don't go their way. 2. DBD is basically Mario Party with how many wildcard factors there are in the game now (insane perk diversity, map spawns, all ~30 killer powers and their host of addons, etc.). Calling this game competitive is like calling Mario Party competitive. Skill can only get you so far when you roll a damn 1 every turn, or vice versa and you win due to external factors. Winning a match of DBD does not inherently make you the better player, so where is the competitive aspect of that? Comp DBD has become a joke and the people that play their public matches like it's a comp match every time are only embarrassing themselves, as randoms are often doing their dailies or throwing the game entirely.

    • @NocSlays
      @NocSlays 22 дня назад +4

      I like to play to win in my games that I play but even so you’re right. In solo W survivors don’t care about winning and that’s the reality but killers definitely love to sweat their balls off and win.

    • @natehertel9612
      @natehertel9612 22 дня назад +10

      I dont like comp dbd at all and i find it very boring to watch as someone who has 9k hours and should be interested in being competitive at a game i have 9k hours in. But your second point is kind of just wrong. Comp dbd obviously has their own rulesets that are generally pretty balanced all things considered. Sweating in public games? yeah your second point is very true. I cringe at people sweating so hard to win on either side in a public match. But I dont think comp dbd is generally the reason people sweat in public games. I know theres a few comp adjacent players who think theyre all this and that in public matches but the general player sweating for a 4k and securing hook stages probably doesnt even watch comp or know who v1rtual is or wispy.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +11

      it's pretty wild to compare dbd to rolling dice in mario party.
      you can play 5000 hours of mario party and 5000 hours of dbd. the difference in improvement cannot be understated.

    • @financialstablility7196
      @financialstablility7196 22 дня назад +5

      Another older Comp player that left for similar reasons. The biggest enemy to the scene is 1) the community itself, and 2) the development direction. It was fun to meet new and cool people that shared the spark, but after so many matches and tournaments the environment really bogs you down. I've had a small amount of experience managing some of the old Leagues very lightly, doing casting for matches as well. It can be a nice community, and there's a lot of people out there I respect a ton. It's just not worth the heartbreak if you let yourself get immersed as much as I did. Cheers to those who are making it work while being kind and honest.

    • @suspecm6316
      @suspecm6316 22 дня назад +8

      I'd say Dbd is closer to Mario Kart. Both games are in between a party game and a competitive game, both have niche competitive scenes while neither games make sense to have it.

  • @PotartOnYT
    @PotartOnYT 22 дня назад +272

    Comp DBD is something that literally never made sense to me.

    • @Chunicorn1337
      @Chunicorn1337 22 дня назад +4

      How so?

    • @pikachu896
      @pikachu896 22 дня назад +61

      ​@@Chunicorn1337Completely random maps alone destroys any semblance of comp being serious.

    • @Chunicorn1337
      @Chunicorn1337 22 дня назад +4

      @@pikachu896 What? As in tiles and fillers being random?

    • @purplejinxer3478
      @purplejinxer3478 22 дня назад +2

      ​@@Chunicorn1337As in you can't pick if you're going to a decent map for a certain killers, or if you're going to Bone Yard or Garden of Joy.

    • @highquality5140
      @highquality5140 22 дня назад +39

      @@purplejinxer3478 ...yes you can. comp dbd sets maps, killers, addons, items.

  • @dankestsoul
    @dankestsoul 22 дня назад +12

    Hearing comp players say “oh you only play pubs” yeah where we have 0 regulations and can see the most busted shit on a daily basis lol

  • @JustXiox
    @JustXiox 22 дня назад +50

    The n0s situation is pretty bad, bad enough for an FBI report to be filed - which there was. This time it was beyond just people being little shits and was an egregious example of the level of unsafety that can be present within the scene. Especially with, as you said, most of them being in their teens.
    A lot of people shit on comp and I get it. But the reality is all of us are tired of this shit too. We just want to grow and get better at the game and every week it seems like somehow that's too much to ask. Player drama, teams fizzling out, someone doing some awful shit, it's always something. It's tiring, frustrating, depressing, and humiliating.
    95% of my peers are fantastic people who I have nothing but kind things to say about, but you'd never know that because of that other 5%.

    • @imamemestar
      @imamemestar 22 дня назад

      I have no idea about what happened so I'm just confused 🤣😭

    • @FriendlyAC130Online
      @FriendlyAC130Online 22 дня назад +4

      Yeah wtf happened to get an fbi report filed

    • @foon400
      @foon400 17 дней назад

      ​@@FriendlyAC130Online grooming allegations involving minors, with discord screenshots as proof in a compiled Google doc u can find online that also got forwarded to the fbi

  • @JJBeauregard1
    @JJBeauregard1 22 дня назад +7

    People trying to create a competitive scene for asymmetrical and/or party games will never not be funny to me. I feel like it was extra ridiculous in DbD as well because there are a bunch of really obnoxiously elitist players with massive egos in the competitive scene.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      there's "a bunch of really obnoxiously elitist players with massive egos" in every comp scene.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +4

      @@namjeff1419 yeah but we shouldn't platform/reward those players.

    • @lynxboi6157
      @lynxboi6157 20 дней назад

      @@Afrochilla But they always are lmao, even people like low tier king are MASSIVE

  • @conjim
    @conjim 22 дня назад +12

    yeah having followed the CS esports scene for a while now, I can confirm there is sometimes just random fuckin drama, instigated out of nowhere. Bear in mind, this is one of, if not *the* biggest esports out there, with actually impressive production values, so I really don't doubt something like DbD's esport scene is going to be a nightmare

  • @Xili84
    @Xili84 22 дня назад +8

    I read that title and instantly thought 'When was it ever not a big L?'

  • @Lasthero7889
    @Lasthero7889 22 дня назад +17

    Comp dbd is gen rushing on survivor side and tunneling, proxy camping and slugging on killer side, its overall horrible for the game and can die a quick death

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      so... the most effective strategies to win? I don't see the problem. "imagine wanting to win a game of dbd"

    • @Lasthero7889
      @Lasthero7889 22 дня назад +8

      @@namjeff1419 Winning/losing in a non competitive game is meaningless

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +8

      @@Lasthero7889 first you assume the game is objectively non-competitive.
      then you posit that winning and losing are meaningless.
      the second is subjective at worst. play casually if you want. play competitively if you want. you can't control how others play.
      but it's definitely your choice to put nothing behind winning or losing. most normal people experience satisfaction for winning, competitive or not.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +1

      @@namjeff1419 actually no. Most normal people learn from their mistakes by losing, and actively encourage others to best them so they can see how they can improve. This does not just apply to DBD.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      ​@@Afrochilla When I see people in the real world telling others to make more money than them instead of trying to make more money themselves, I'll believe you.

  • @Matt-ci1yl
    @Matt-ci1yl 22 дня назад +91

    Imagine still trying to make comp a thing. It's a circus game and we're the clowns.

    • @Chaos_945
      @Chaos_945 22 дня назад +1

      There is litteraly a discord server with 19k persons in it if you think its not a thing youre wrong

    • @Matt-ci1yl
      @Matt-ci1yl 22 дня назад +12

      @@Chaos_945 this might be a crazy thing to hear, but even 19,000 people can be wrong.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад +2

      ​@@Matt-ci1yl There's tourney prize money saying your wrong. You just need to go to the right outlets to see that its more than a party game.

    • @Chaos_945
      @Chaos_945 22 дня назад

      @@Matt-ci1yl how can they be wrong when they support something that already exists🤣

    • @phaserunner2413
      @phaserunner2413 14 дней назад

      ​​​@@derrian6969 That's not what constitutes an actual competitive scene; there is not a single player who is making a living from it or is being salaried by an organization. Current DbD "comp scene" is just as if some dude and their buds show up to their house and pitch in for a prize pool, just on a bigger scale.

  • @Zacharygoldberg123
    @Zacharygoldberg123 22 дня назад +69

    And nothing of value was lost.

  • @Sunbreaker7
    @Sunbreaker7 22 дня назад +13

    This is the most unbalanced game I have ever played. It will never see a competitive field as long as BHVR has identity crisis on whether to make it casual or competitive. There is no between.

    • @WutTheDeuceGaming
      @WutTheDeuceGaming 22 дня назад

      There are plenty of fighting games that are way more broken than DBD that have tournament scenes. Street Fighter games from the 90s, very broken, have had tournament scenes for decades. Even more recent games like Marvel vs Capcom 3, also pretty busted have a very loyal tournament scene.
      The reason why this game will never have a real comp scene is because it's an asymmetrical game.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      that's why comp dbd takes steps to balance it out.

    • @TonguelessDanny
      @TonguelessDanny 22 дня назад +3

      @@WutTheDeuceGaming It is no longer the 90's and respected fighting games were always designed to have MINIMAL amounts of RNG and unknown factors. A fighting game will always have a competitive tournament scene no matter how bad the game actually is because fighting games are competitive by nature/DNA, there even exists a term "kusoge" for games like that. Trying to force competitive play in a game like DBD is just a waste of everyones time, the game is inherently not designed that way. Same goes for souls PvP really. Just play an actual competitive game and you will have a better time trust me, trying to take a game like DBD seriously is a lost cause. Just have fun with it.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      Idk man, that VMP when BO3 first came out was kinda cracked.

    • @silverdeathgamer2907
      @silverdeathgamer2907 22 дня назад

      ​@@TonguelessDanny What about call of duty it is similar in DBD in that they play an altered rule set in a private match and it has worked for them? The style or being primarily designed for public matches is not the problem it is the lack of interest and the meta gameplay getting stale quickly for the viewer. Also as long as they aren't entitled and don't whine constantly in public matches and be toxic what they do in private matches doesn't matter IMO.

  • @susanaustgen6441
    @susanaustgen6441 22 дня назад +6

    This is an asymmetrical party game. Why did it need to competitive in the first place?

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      it doesn't "need" to. let people play competitively if they want.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      It didn't "need" to, but it did because its PvP.

    • @lynxboi6157
      @lynxboi6157 20 дней назад

      Because people enjoying optimizing the game and playing to the best of their ability, just like comp in every game known to man.

  • @Scyclo
    @Scyclo 22 дня назад +5

    Comp dbd is a joke and the game will never be able to be a proper competitive game no matter how hard ppl try to make it one. Bhvr cant balance shit.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +4

      comp dbd has nothing to do with default balancing.

  • @shidenkaiosu
    @shidenkaiosu 22 дня назад +3

    This comment section is absolutely wild, why are people so hard pressed on what other people find enjoyment in. People playing in custom games have 0 effect on you. Be normal sensible human beings and have respect for others and don't shit on what people find enjoyment in. If you don't like something and have nothing good to say, rather say nothing and go on with your life. It's not the end of the world when people make rulesets for a game and play them in CUSTOM MATCHES. Do better.

  • @saudf5921
    @saudf5921 22 дня назад +14

    This game isn’t balanced enough for competitive play
    Literally half the maps are one sided most of the time

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      so what's the obvious choice if maps are imbalanced and you want to have a comp scene

    • @saudf5921
      @saudf5921 22 дня назад +1

      @@namjeff1419 they either rework certain maps or get rid of them entirely at least in the comp scene

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +3

      @@saudf5921 that's what they do. one specific killer is assigned a specific map. in fact, no indoor maps are played unless it's ghost face or myers.

    • @saudf5921
      @saudf5921 22 дня назад +1

      @@namjeff1419 it’s hard to balance the game and i think they didn’t wanted it to be a competitive game in the first place

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +1

      @@saudf5921 dbd like most games will never be 100% balanced. of course you can come close, but not 100%
      still, it's not enough of a reason to not try

  • @BasementDweller_
    @BasementDweller_ 22 дня назад +9

    Children play DBD competitive? I feel like it should be regulated to adults only.

  • @Peacht4n
    @Peacht4n 22 дня назад +61

    i never understood why ppl took comp dbd so serious the game plays like a party game and has always been playing like a party game..and this comes from someone who has been playing competitive fighting games and even FPS games. DBD could never be a comp game no matter how hard people try

    • @estebanm420
      @estebanm420 22 дня назад +2

      I know exactly what you mean too bro. I played Bo2, MW3 and Bo3 comp and Rainbow6 comp.
      Dbd comp is a joke and even when people get mad at this game , i just laugh. Just a fun game for me to play when im not playing comp fps

    • @raiva1963
      @raiva1963 22 дня назад +22

      DBD has never been a party game. Developers in the Discord deny it ever being a party game. Nothing about DBD screams party game, it has a skill-based matchmaking system and hundreds of perks, dozens of killers and dozens of mechanics and nuance.

    • @estebanm420
      @estebanm420 22 дня назад +11

      @@raiva1963 nah bro. Its a party game. Just for shits and giggles. I understand people want to play more serious.. but compared to actual esport games.. yea this game is just mario party lmao

    • @MebKet
      @MebKet 22 дня назад +7

      It's stuck between party game and comp game, it's currently the 2nd best asym for a competetive scene due to things like it's simplistic health states (compared to games like TCM)

    • @jackofalltrades5238
      @jackofalltrades5238 22 дня назад

      @@estebanm420 It's not a party game

  • @jacobcoates7987
    @jacobcoates7987 22 дня назад +8

    Comp dbd seems like such a small community. Any time I see Ohtofu casting scrims it's the same names every time.

    • @VeilInfinity
      @VeilInfinity 22 дня назад +8

      It's relatively small, but not as small as what you see in Tofu's scrims. That's not an actual comp scene. Many of those that play in Tofu's scrims are viewers of his that don't do much outside of Tofu's scrims and outside of the teams affiliated with Tofu.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +5

      the main comp dbd discord has over 130K users.
      smaller than official comp games, but not small in general.

    • @Chaos_945
      @Chaos_945 22 дня назад

      ​@@namjeff1419there is a bigger one than dbdl? Which one?

  • @chaosflash912
    @chaosflash912 22 дня назад +17

    Comp DbD always felt like 'DbD but with ground rules among the players', I just don't take it super seriously and watch it casually like it's some sports game on TV. Makes the genuinely good plays that more cool.

  • @trzten4248
    @trzten4248 22 дня назад +3

    The game isnt designed to be competitive and that's okay. Comp dbd is really a joke, and that's why no actual e-sports organizations form dbd teams. Its just random people forming teams and playing on them as well rather than managing them.

  • @shannonfelton7146
    @shannonfelton7146 22 дня назад +3

    Ah i see they've taken a course from the super smash scene.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +1

      Say Drake, I hear you like em young. You better not ever go to cell block one.

  • @windego999
    @windego999 22 дня назад +3

    I think it's fucked up that it is so common to hear someone getting accused of being a groomer/pedo now a day, it makes you feel numb to hear it. That being said, Hans is right to want to distance himself from that mess.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +1

      It's definitely a recency/negativity bias that makes us feel like there are more groomers than there actually are. 80% of people you talk to have nothing even close to that degree of issue in their life. What I DO see a lot of is exploitation and mental manipulation via social media, which I feel like has made society a little too cynical. With all that being said, I don't disagree with you. It does feel like someone's getting caught with their pants down diddling kids every other day now, but that's also partly because we can use the internet to look at stranger's lives in a way we couldn't before. I also totally get why Hens would want to peace out after everything that's happened.

  • @Giessepe
    @Giessepe 22 дня назад +12

    Never understood a competitive mode in a super unbalanced party game you’re supposed to play with your friends and laugh and get scared in. I’m part of a lot of communities but quite a strange one the dbd one is for sure 😂 hard truth

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      "party game" lol.

    • @Lethaldiran-EU
      @Lethaldiran-EU 22 дня назад +2

      People play to win in any game, and this one has skill expression both in game sense and mechanical way so it comes as no surprise people want to see the best ofthe best perform.

    • @Chaos_945
      @Chaos_945 22 дня назад

      Thats what i wanted to say hhahaha its a pvp(player vs player) game xD ​@@namjeff1419

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад +1

      People will sweat in any PvP game and saying you don't understand how people can play it competitively is so closed-minded. If comp players can see how you can play it as a party game, why can't you see the same for them? People have put comp games into Minecraft which is also a "party" game. They did the same with DbD. If they could get map seeds for DbD, then any argument against comp being legit would be thrown out the window.

  • @kyralath2351
    @kyralath2351 22 дня назад +4

    I still remember Scott playing ForHonor Comp... Good days ;-;

  • @marcusbourchier2245
    @marcusbourchier2245 22 дня назад +9

    As I've once seen a wise man comment: "The dbd comp scene is like professional homelessness: people sweating over spare change."
    Personally, I'd deny that a "comp scene" even exists. Hopping with some other dudes on discord and sweating in custom matches doesn't make it a scene. It doesn't help that every other 4-man fancies itself a comp team and trashtalks everyone they beat. "Comp" players breed hostility as much as anyone else, and as long as there's no standard and official backing, it's not a scene, it's just pretending and feeling superior in a stupid party game.

    • @morrt8579
      @morrt8579 22 дня назад

      There is hundreds of people watching matches live how are you gonna deny that it's a scene.

    • @lordeder9148
      @lordeder9148 21 день назад +2

      This should be pinned, facts have been spoken lmao. The egos of some guys on that comp community are just wild for a game that has such low skill expression, I have like 300 hours in the game and face P100 people all the time on both sides lmao

    • @foon400
      @foon400 17 дней назад

      ​@@lordeder9148 kindly, I hope you know that being p100 means nothing and that there actually is a noticable skill difference between the people u stumble across in pubs and people that take the self improvement part of dbd seriously

    • @lordeder9148
      @lordeder9148 17 дней назад

      @@foon400 P100 means nothing? It literally means you obtained at least 1 Bilion bloodpoints, therefore imagine the playtime you need to get it. I know what you are trying to say, P100 doesent equal skill and I agree with you, but the more playtime generally the better players are, and yes, before you ask I know I play in high Mmr because if I get a chase longer than a fucking minute there are 3 gens poping, matches as killer are very difficult, but my point is that the skill celling dbd has is literally nothing compared to games like rocket league, lol or csgo. I see killers playing in tournaments and there is barely no difference compared to what I do lol

  • @monsutahanta6576
    @monsutahanta6576 22 дня назад +8

    "DBD Comp Scene" ... stupid 8 years ago. Still stupid now.

  • @thatfrog4104
    @thatfrog4104 22 дня назад +3

    Seeing one of the *community managers of DBDLeague on twitter actively defending the groomer is disturbing.

    • @foon400
      @foon400 17 дней назад

      Who are you talking about? Everybody I've seen has been distancing themselves and disavowing n0s' actions

  • @ihavebraindamage4445
    @ihavebraindamage4445 22 дня назад +22

    Idk why the comments keep saying comp dbd is useless. Like their main point is that they wanna have fun and enjoy the game but can't accept the fact that other people have fun in other ways, such as playing competitively. It doesn't hurt anyone because 90% isn't in public lobbies and it makes for entertaining videos. The main problem is that the people behind it are assholes. Thats why I just watch DBDL and other comp leagues without looking into any of the teams or their twitters or youtubes.

  • @SirGlacius1
    @SirGlacius1 22 дня назад +5

    I think DbD comp scene is as respectable as a hot dog eating competition. I know it's there... but it's not my favorite way to eat hot dogs. I know it's more efficient to gobble them down with water (which is as gross as some of these comp players' egos)... but I prefer to taste and enjoy my food. And my games. My point is, being good at DbD is not something to be too proud about... because this game is too random to be taken seriously.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад +1

      You might be the most respectable comp disliker in the comments section, which I appreciate. That being said, I'm not surprised since its the comments section of a content creator, not a comp player and that creator doesn't like comp either. Comp players can play comp because they think its more fun than a hotdog eating contest and you can play public matches because you think its more fun than the hotdogs. And thats cool!

  • @Darkwing_Dork
    @Darkwing_Dork 22 дня назад +7

    I didn't even think about the fact that most dbd comp players are literal children and that explains SO much lol

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад +1

      Most games comp players are 18 or younger. Which should make sense to you since that age group has the most time to increase skill in said games.

    • @sooz6092
      @sooz6092 21 день назад

      Most of DBD players in general are children so it doesn't really surprise me.

  • @Maxandmike
    @Maxandmike 22 дня назад +11

    Competitive Plants vs Zombies is more serious than Comp DbD.

  • @1800mexicano
    @1800mexicano 22 дня назад +1

    "Or being 17 years old."
    Shout-out to whispy

  • @LinkinParkConnoisseur
    @LinkinParkConnoisseur 22 дня назад +2

    as long as Hens host tourneys, i am fine with it. I dont care much about the comp scene other than Hens; tournaments. it was quite entertaining and sometimes really funny. especially when he had Otz as a commentator, i watched the whole thing and remember laughing alot with their jokes! and tofu too was such a great team up with hens.

  • @dains6623
    @dains6623 22 дня назад +9

    first mistake was making a game without a competitive mode and wasnt designed for it competitive. It always make me laugh when someone says they're a competitive dbd player.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      idk, it's been pretty stable for years.

    • @ThePowerofCutleries
      @ThePowerofCutleries 22 дня назад +3

      Stable? No. People are just desperate to cling onto it. DbD is, by design, not competitive. It has far too much RNG, and is balanced primarily for fun, not for actual balance.
      People are more than welcome to keep up the competitive scene to the best of their ability, but that is a task fit only for Atlas himself, because DbD is designed so far away from the competitive scope that comp DbD automatically becomes a very funny joke.

    • @morrt8579
      @morrt8579 22 дня назад

      Some people just wanna have fun in their own way you know? I know it's pretty hard for a dbd player to grasp because everything is just about bashing others for playing a certain way.

  • @mousemallow8297
    @mousemallow8297 22 дня назад +7

    i played in ONE bigger tournament and i got backstabbed and badmouthed by one of the worst comp players I've ever seen so needless to say it was a pretty bad experience, but most the people there are very nice from what i experienced there are just a few bad apples that make a massive amount of noise and frustration imo

  • @janoliver7436
    @janoliver7436 22 дня назад +1

    I don’t get how people can think this game can have a competitive scene when it seriously lacks balance. The game is a shit show of meta defining perks, powers, items and add-ons while also having tons of borderline useless perks, powers, items and add-ons.

  • @livingdeadbro
    @livingdeadbro 22 дня назад +7

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't talk about comp dbd too long without starting to slip into a rant. XD They really do have an image issue with a decent chunk of their players being generally insufferable. Poor Hens.

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +3

      I feel bad for Hens bro just wanted to git gud and have a good time and he's gotta deal with the high school locker room of dbd players

  • @fixyoutube5381
    @fixyoutube5381 22 дня назад +25

    Theres clowns out there thinking going in circles is worthy of being an esport kekw

    • @Antarctide
      @Antarctide 22 дня назад +4

      Not any worse than card games. From Hearthstone to poker.

    • @cthuwu1839
      @cthuwu1839 22 дня назад +14

      Well when you describe things that simply, they tend to not sound impressive

    • @leerex9959
      @leerex9959 22 дня назад +11

      How to describe dbd as worse as possible

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад

      if that's how simple your looping is it's no wonder you're shit at the game.

    • @TonguelessDanny
      @TonguelessDanny 22 дня назад +1

      its just running in circles or doing the gen minigame and thats it lmao, bros need to play an actual game designed for competitive play but they dont know any better I guess

  • @Verddukt
    @Verddukt 22 дня назад +8

    I competed in the 2018 Esports tournament for Xbox on DBD. Ya know the perkless tournament. Let’s just say it was a joke. You can’t make a game truly competitive when there’s RNG in maps and the massive imbalance of killers (Trapper vs Nurse.) The tournament was fun to play in but these cringey bastards that stroke their egos because they say they’re in comp is so unbelievably corny.

    • @Chunicorn1337
      @Chunicorn1337 22 дня назад +2

      @@Verddukt Do you have any idea how comp works now? The experience you mentioned seems like it was more set up for fun than anything, and current day it works completely different

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      literally what are you talking about "trapper vs nurse" in regards to comp? are you high?

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +1

      I actually think I remember this exact tournament. TydeTyme covered it I believe (back in the day he was sorta like the Otz before Otz). Please correct me if I'm wrong OP.

    • @Verddukt
      @Verddukt 21 день назад +1

      @@Afrochilla yeah the thing is Tyde time would just whine about everything. Yeah DBD was a lot more broken in 2017 and the early age but still. I don’t even he even uploads DBD content anymore

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 21 день назад +1

      @@VerdduktI'm pretty sure he left dbd yeah. I stopped watching him a long time ago I agree he's a bit of a whiner.

  • @mythos951
    @mythos951 21 день назад

    I don’t play the game anymore, but I was in comp(or at least training for comp) for a very brief period of time and the thing that really prevented me from fully going into it was the people. Many in the comp scene just looked down on everyone else, thought they were the greatest player in the world, and anytime they lost, it was the games fault and not theirs. It was insufferable. And on top of that, many of them were just shit people in their personal lives. One of the team captains I met up with once early on later got arrested for CP and banned from tournaments. There were also good people I met, but there was just so much constant pressure to win in that environment that it sucked what little fun I was still having with the game at that point out of it. So I wouldn’t recommend it.

  • @Upsetkiller456
    @Upsetkiller456 22 дня назад +2

    Comp DBD, the never ending joke.

  • @loopyshot3326
    @loopyshot3326 22 дня назад +25

    DbD is a party game, the balance has just gotten somewhat better.
    Also DbD fried a esports scene and it failed miserably, some of the players were caught cheating and apparently they didn't even get disqualified.

    • @ryannem1216
      @ryannem1216 22 дня назад +6

      Its not a party game, the devs have stated many times its a competitive game.

    • @bonehed1
      @bonehed1 22 дня назад +4

      @@ryannem1216 what the devs say it is and what it actually plays like are 2 wildly different things. the devs can try to frame the game any way they want but DBD has proven time and time again that it's not a game worth taking seriously if you're gonna play it

    • @raiva1963
      @raiva1963 22 дня назад +3

      Party game with a skill-based matchmaking system. Surely.

    • @ryannem1216
      @ryannem1216 22 дня назад +2

      @bonehed1 what party game has skill-based match making?
      Also party games like Mario kart, Mario party and super smash bros can be played offline at parties. How can ddbd do that??

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +2

      @@bonehed1 that's your opinion. let people take the game seriously.
      it's not a party game unless you want it to be.

  • @guymanguy
    @guymanguy 20 дней назад +1

    The entire gaming community laughs at dbd comp. And rightfully so

  • @mrdoomman97
    @mrdoomman97 22 дня назад +8

    What's with older women in the dbd community and grooming lmao

  • @AirRunnersViper
    @AirRunnersViper 22 дня назад +2

    DbD is a for fun game and should not have a competitive scene

  • @FancyDakota
    @FancyDakota 22 дня назад +1

    There's nothing wrong with competitive DBD, but I think people should be aware of how much people just don't care. We've seen a hostile response from people about it, but when looking at the more reasonable responses, it just isn't something that would receive much attention. People want it in a game where an actual competitive scene would suffer massively due to how the game is structured, balanced, and whatnot.

  • @Bryan_S
    @Bryan_S 22 дня назад

    Because competitive DBD was getting too over-the-top for its own good, when it places to be a small on the side, unknown thing that was quite chill up until 2021. It got taken too seriously, for its own good and can never stand a chance to actual real competitive games. Reason why I left last year. It was fun for the first 3 years doing it, but once I saw the major change, I knew it just wasn’t for me anymore.

  • @funnybunny19
    @funnybunny19 21 день назад

    Comp teams band together to send out hate trains on singular players they hate. They have a list and when they see one of these people playing, all of them start playing in hopes to get them in a match. What ensues next is just a four man slug on the ground at 5 gens, all because they bring personal issues into a video game.

  • @Andrromash
    @Andrromash 22 дня назад +14

    People saying "Oh, Dbd is not a comp game, never was..." And so on. Guys, almost no game is a "competitive" game then. Because tournaments starts as a small communities and yeah, tournaments taking places even in tetris, animal crossing, genshin impact and millions of other games that never supposed to be comp. So full of this take, to be honest. If you don't wanna play like that, don't play but why you want others play like you want

    • @WutTheDeuceGaming
      @WutTheDeuceGaming 22 дня назад +3

      This is an asym game where all skill components are pretty much gone.
      You really cannot compare this game to any competitive esport. All of them take actual skill and involve way more gameplay aspects than dropping pallets, vaulting, and running in circles.
      Tired of this take? Too fucking bad, the truth hurts.

    • @lRockyI
      @lRockyI 22 дня назад +2

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@WutTheDeuceGamingthere’s a comp scene for Pokémon go in literally the majority of the time ur playing pvp in that game your just tapping your screen to attack, like the guy said there’s pvp in almost every game so try to stop being such a weirdo lol certain people like to play comp dbd get over it 😂

    • @leerex9959
      @leerex9959 22 дня назад +2

      ​@WutTheDeuceGaming so explain hearthstone esports to me and why it's less rng/luck based than dbd. Or any card game I.e yugioh or some shit where you draw a card by random and hoping it's a card that can create a combo or defend an attack or whatever

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +1

      @@WutTheDeuceGaming must be pretty sad to blame everything on the asym part. if it was that unbalanced a little timmy with 20 hours could still win against an 1000 hour player.

    • @Ben_of_Milam_Music
      @Ben_of_Milam_Music 22 дня назад +3

      @@WutTheDeuceGaming if you think there is no skill component in DbD, you are actively delusional

  • @morganjacob1195
    @morganjacob1195 22 дня назад +1

    I like watching comp matches and enjoy watching how good some of these killers are.

  • @itzchungus6073
    @itzchungus6073 22 дня назад

    From a player whose been in the competitive scene for quite awhile alot of us like to be put to the test of harder rules challenging ourselves to become top players. If a killer were to camp tunnel or slug i like to educate players on how to beat the situation rather than complain about it or show survivors with the right plays or mindset you should be able to out any game its also something that usually improves a players skill to help them become a better player usually alot of us get a bad wrap though because the sour players that put a nasty look on the scene as awhole

  • @purple_1884
    @purple_1884 22 дня назад +20

    > Competitive DbD to begin with kekw

  • @Doncroft1
    @Doncroft1 22 дня назад +4

    In my humble opinion, DBD was never meant to be a competitive Esports style game anyway. It's inherently unfair. Most matches favor either killer or survivor based on a myriad of factors, and while I respect those who try to turn it into a balanced, competitive game, that side of things isn't for me. I dipped my toes in it, so I know. Sorry if this whole thing has made some people, including Hens, sad or disappointed.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      Most comp scenes have a bunch of brats since most comp players are under 18. The other comp scenes aren't as bad because they have legitimate organizations that are backed by the game devs so they can give out actual punishments for bad behavior. DbD comp is so disorganized with multiple orgs competing for views and they have little power individually. Hell, the Wispy situation in DbDL should be a perfect example. Wispy and Tremor f****** DbDL by forfeiting improperly, messing up the schedule and belittling everyone elses time and only got banned for the season. Should've been perma ban to show others they won't tolerate the same isht.

  • @tibcsikid5775
    @tibcsikid5775 22 дня назад +1

    From my experience, any game that has a comp scene, gets ruined bcs devs focus comp players to balance.
    Dbd having no comp scene is a good thing imo.

  • @ToanIV
    @ToanIV 22 дня назад +2

    Games are for fun.
    Why do people forget that? 😢

    • @Afrochilla
      @Afrochilla 22 дня назад +1

      NO FUN ALLOWED!!!! 😂

    • @ToanIV
      @ToanIV 22 дня назад

      @@Afrochilla nah fr, coming home from work to have fun and mess around and I get peeps screaming in my ear for using a strat obviously not the best 😭😭

  • @drayz9655
    @drayz9655 22 дня назад +2

    the game is fun man but for u to say "ur comp at dbd" is almost kinda cringe ngl, no matter how good u are the game. it doesnt require much to be good and its just a survival game

  • @aidendavies4648
    @aidendavies4648 21 день назад

    The comp way to playing is not a good way to player over all. Numbers also just make it more confusing. We need a actual Dbd comp where it’s every add on and perk just like the normal game

    • @foon400
      @foon400 17 дней назад

      I don't know what you mean by numbers, but the fun part about dbd comp is that there is not one accepted way of dbd comp, since it's in customs you can invent any type of ruleset like allowing every perk and addon e.g. and find people to play with it, while there are the bigger tournament organizers, most dbd comp matches have different rules and different balancing or sometimes abandon normal gameplay completely, there have actually been tournaments in the past with everything allowed

  • @TheEthanGamer
    @TheEthanGamer 22 дня назад +3

    Essentially when 2v8 Dead by Daylight ended, I was like: "Alright, fun's over. Time to go back and play better games like Yakuza series until 2v8 get's updated again with new killers so I don't run into comp DBD players."

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      So you're acknowledging that SBMM is why the fun is over? Cause the only difference is less SBMM in 2v8 queues leading to more chaos. 99% of DbD players don't even know there is a comp scene and 90% of DbD players don't even look for DbD on YT. So comp couldn't be the variable in 2v8 vs 1v4 since most players don't even know comp exists.

  • @ssspike1696
    @ssspike1696 22 дня назад

    I have no knowledge of the dbd comp scene but maybe a requirement is to have an active twitch channel so you can see how they play and how they talk to people, and if they are decent people.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +1

      many things problematic with that.
      first, you're suggesting restricting entry to comp dbd to people that are nice in public. pretty weird but in an ideal world sure whatever.
      but then you need to trust a group of people enough to make the decision if said person is nice enough to be in comp, which is just too controversial to give people that power.

  • @Dyeoxy
    @Dyeoxy 22 дня назад

    DeadlyNaya posted something this past weekend that went into one of the orgs of dbdca, that led to this if you get bored and want to look at it
    I know it's not true, but it feels like only Hens & a few others really cared to want to try to put on something truly good. Wish hens the best

  • @tmoney1487
    @tmoney1487 20 дней назад

    You can ban someone for being 17 in a tournament? Tournaments should be a show of skill, and age shouldnt be a factor in competitions that dont risk the health of someone so young.

  • @AsterDXZ
    @AsterDXZ 22 дня назад +18

    Competitive DBD was never a W

  • @mitchsz
    @mitchsz 22 дня назад

    I would do the same tbh, he's just leaving before the shit hit the fan really bad and I respect the safe move.

  • @coffeebreak7978
    @coffeebreak7978 22 дня назад +1

    Kids should be banned from comp in every game , the is no reason to have a child playing a game to earn money practicing 12hr + a day thats a job and child labor is illegal, i get in huge trouble with the government if i made some 16year olds work 15 hrs a day at a office job same should apply to comp games

  • @KodamaoftheWeastTree
    @KodamaoftheWeastTree 19 дней назад +1

    Hens opinion on anything is completely irrelevant

  • @Dumah36
    @Dumah36 22 дня назад +1

    smh til it spins off my shoulders.
    it's like competitive Smash brothers.
    Only considered valid if you turn off half the games mechanics and use final destination! lol

  • @drewthompson5036
    @drewthompson5036 17 дней назад

    Comp for a game thats based off ping is so funny to me for some reason

  • @ohnod
    @ohnod 22 дня назад

    I don't see comp dbd ever being a thing because most comp players aren't mentally mature to have an environment with good sportsmanship. Hens along with a few other content creators was basically DBD's only hope of bringing positive attention to comp dbd. I also see a lot of people say they want to be better at DBD by playing comp but I mean outside of some game sense what are you getting better at? Normal DBD and Comp DBD are essentially two different games. Comp DBD is barely accessible to most normal players as well so no one will know what the fuck a comp player is even on about outside of them playing in their tiny little bubble.
    It would be cool to see DBD have an officially supported tournament mode and see competitive thrive but the ruleset for comp never seems consistent with every other tournament I've seen. Why invest in a competitive setting if things aren't even consistent.

  • @medbck4425
    @medbck4425 22 дня назад

    Overwatch League had a team that had like 3 groomers/pedos and another team where about 70% of the players said slurs regularly. Unfortunately the ego that comes from pro scenes allows bad people to have a spotlight and its like that in literally every game. I wouldn't want my name attached to any comp scene in any game.

  • @deftonescp
    @deftonescp 22 дня назад

    Never even knew there was a comp team to begin with.

  • @LuisGarcia-up4jm
    @LuisGarcia-up4jm 22 дня назад +1

    The comp scene drama comment like that’s not dbd overall 😂

  • @Adachifan54
    @Adachifan54 22 дня назад +1

    I regreting sorting comments by new

  • @pvdg3515
    @pvdg3515 19 дней назад +1

    GOOD! this "comp alliance" was cringe as fk.

  • @MrArkAngelz
    @MrArkAngelz 18 дней назад

    DBD is a party game with an exclusively ranked queue

  • @Gabe-fq3zd
    @Gabe-fq3zd 22 дня назад

    Scott is my Dead By Daylight News

  • @kartibice6799
    @kartibice6799 21 день назад

    Otz's shadow..

  • @somepotato8826
    @somepotato8826 4 дня назад

    Unregulated with underage kids should not be allowed or either you are at least 18 or someone is taking care of your actions to be in this spotlight.
    Either way Comp scene is a joke itself

  • @scooptywoop744
    @scooptywoop744 21 день назад

    dbd comp situation is INSANE

  • @8wayfunz
    @8wayfunz 22 дня назад

    I was bouta comment about for honor but then you added that it was the closest of them all lmao
    I used to do 2v2 for honor tournaments and made invitationals😂
    To be fair ubisoft actually wanted it to be competitive. A comp scene still exists for it but to My knowledge it's mainly for 4v4 now

  • @Bthakilla4rilla
    @Bthakilla4rilla 22 дня назад +4

    I had no idea this even existed.
    I'm in favor of DBD just being a "fuck about, have fun" game. I don't think we need a competitive corner period.

    • @namjeff1419
      @namjeff1419 22 дня назад +3

      why do you assume we "need" it? why can't people just have it if they enjoy it? that's pretty dictatorial.

    • @manic694
      @manic694 22 дня назад +1

      But people play competitively for fun. Just because it's not your idea of fun doesn't mean others don't think it's fun. Besides, why do you care about the "competitive corner" enough to think it shouldn't be a thing?

    • @morrt8579
      @morrt8579 22 дня назад

      So something which you didn't even know existed that other people do for fun needs to be shut down because you don't like the concept even though it doesn't impact you at all? You seem like an awesome person.

    • @cutmeloosebruce1955
      @cutmeloosebruce1955 22 дня назад

      The idea of DBD being that type of game sailed so long ago. When a game has as much nuance as DBD does, its not really possible for it to be that type of game.
      There are almost 800 killer addons, probably like a hundred survivor addons, like 250+ perks, 40 maps with near infinite number of variations of each of those maps, nearly 40 killers, all with unique powers.
      A game with that much to learn, and that much variation, is not a party game the way people keep describing it - even though the concept itself is a party game type of idea, it isn't, and hasn't been, for a long time.

  • @NotRealAkira
    @NotRealAkira 19 дней назад

    DbDMaps dying was very sad for me

  • @brelandgt
    @brelandgt 21 день назад

    i dont actually follow the dbd comp scene but honestly most of the drama and BS ive seen if from grown ass ADULTS.

  • @shadnickxdx9211
    @shadnickxdx9211 22 дня назад +2

    Competitive DBD is the sole reason DBD has stopped being as fun as it was 5 years ago.

    • @morrt8579
      @morrt8579 22 дня назад

      How? You can just play pubs no one is forcing you to play comp if it's not fun.

    • @mylife1221
      @mylife1221 22 дня назад +3

      ​@morrt8579 because comp players still play pubs and bring their boring ass playstyles AND their egos with them, and it's not uncommon to see comp players nowadays. I see at least one every two or three matches.

    • @derrian6969
      @derrian6969 22 дня назад

      SBMM is the sole reason DBD has stopped being as fun as it was a couple years ago.

    • @tbirdflocka898
      @tbirdflocka898 21 день назад

      @@mylife1221 Sounds like you are just getting beat by better players than you and crying wolf "Muh comp players!!!"

    • @sooz6092
      @sooz6092 21 день назад

      @@derrian6969 Nah, SBMM changed nothing because the way it is implemented is so shit that it's essentially the same shit as back when we had Red ranks and shit.

  • @Tilyaf
    @Tilyaf 22 дня назад

    That little shit's name? Baobao. Duel got (partially, IIRC) reset for whatever reason, ended up putting him in a slightly worse position than before. Honestly the way the reset was handled was just as shit as his reaction if I'm not mistaken. Good times.

  • @SubxZeroGamer
    @SubxZeroGamer 22 дня назад

    Why does Scott look identical to the director of Whiplash

  • @AlsoMeowskivich
    @AlsoMeowskivich 22 дня назад

    bhvr creating the comp mode and casual mode split everyone wants challenge (level: impossible)

  • @Minronis
    @Minronis 22 дня назад +1

    Kind of want to hear the rants on obnoxious DBDComp players now, they sound full of them selves.

  • @peppapigsaw9181
    @peppapigsaw9181 22 дня назад +1

    Scott ALL comp DbD is a big L. Taking dbd that seriously is wild.

    • @foon400
      @foon400 17 дней назад

      It doesn't hurt you or affect you in any way tho, why send hate unnecessarily, like let the (mostly) children be cringe, it's just confusing to me

    • @peppapigsaw9181
      @peppapigsaw9181 17 дней назад

      @@foon400 I wasn't talking to a comp player.

  • @Sangral101
    @Sangral101 15 дней назад

    The faster Competitive DBD dies the better. It just doesn't go together and is stupid, and at worst, affects the balancing for everyone when the Devs takes these games as a baseline.

  • @Joeysworldtour315
    @Joeysworldtour315 22 дня назад +6

    "comp" scene in DBD is a joke

  • @CreditGobling
    @CreditGobling 22 дня назад

    Why is it always kids, like come on. Its like someone is after kids like every week

  • @SpineChylz
    @SpineChylz 19 дней назад

    I swear a majority of comp players have like an e-girl dbd gf. The whole name styling of: [user]