Soy de Chile podrian colocar un traductor o ir escribiendo español para saber lo que hablan. Aún así los veo ya que que tengo un nieto implantado y me emociona cada vez que alguien puede oir con estos implantes
Hi there, thanks for your question. On our blog you'll find many articles around this topic - from user experiences to listening training tips: We'd also recommend to read this article, an interview with a music educator, to get a better idea about music enjoyment with a CI:
As I contemplate getting an implant, it has been great to follow Vera’s journey. An amazing woman and an amazing story!
Love amazing work love interesting work love you who love giving love family inspiration a different kind way respect love congratulations amen
Soy de Chile podrian colocar un traductor o ir escribiendo español para saber lo que hablan. Aún así los veo ya que que tengo un nieto implantado y me emociona cada vez que alguien puede oir con estos implantes
Hi Gloria, we're working on more languages for the subtitles, thank you for your comment!
How does music sound with the implant?
Hi there, thanks for your question. On our blog you'll find many articles around this topic - from user experiences to listening training tips: We'd also recommend to read this article, an interview with a music educator, to get a better idea about music enjoyment with a CI: