I was flatlined at anesthesia room before going for surgery, surgery was cancelled , and send me home on the next day , I really thought they ( Beaumont hospital, Dublin ) will not take me back for second time but they told me they will call me again , five weeks later I was called back , they were aware of what happened with flatline on my heart , they gave me a different anesthesia method suitable for me , I was terrified for the second one , my family urged me not to go for second one but I was determined for the hearing , it was my dream to hear the music , surgery was a success , three hours of surgery, I was profoundly deaf since birth ( only 4% of hearing on left , nothing on the right ) , Went to school for the deaf , hearing nothing ( very little with hearing aids ) at all for 57 years ... Now , I can sing 4 full songs , I’m bursting with joy every morning with hearing , for the first time hearing my dog walking around ( clicking noise from his nails ) , heard various birds , the crows are awful singers , lol ... Amazing . My advice is to train your brain with listening training daily ( maybe 15 mins daily ) , will help your brain to understand the sound better and better . It is like a man getting a new leg after being amputated, he cannot expected to run on the first day , he has to train how to use his new leg , gradually get the hang of it daily .. Be aware , my flatline was the first ever in cochlear implant surgery since the hospital started giving the surgery , that’s very very rare . I’m happy that I went for the second chance and it was worth it.
Thank you for sharing your story, it's not an easy one to tell. How is your hearing now? Did you get two cochlear implants or only one? Would you say that you would do it all over again? I'm writing an essay and would like to know your view on this implant.
@@briellalyn9813 only one , I don’t think they will give me second one because if my age and the cost . But I’m happy to have one . Do. Wish to have second ? Maybe but at my age (60) better leave it to the younger ones & babies .
Thanks man.. i truly feel for you thank your for sharing.. ill send all my spiritual power your way to get a second chance... please keep sharing and acknowledging that the rewards of the risk are mind boggling.. thank you again for your bravery
THANK YOU for sharing -- it has been 2 years since you shared -- any updates you can make?? I lost 80% of my hearing in August 2022 (all of a sudden) - am 76 and diabetic - I will be seen by the surgeon at the end of November. Have been "hearing impaired" since I was in the US Navy in the middle 1960's. Lived with it until now --- no one in my family tree has ever had this problem. My wife of 55 years seems to be more "bothered" than I am. But we love each other so am practicing being patient and she will learn. So, IF you see this, might you give us an update?? Thank you
I’m grateful for the success of my experience-no dizziness, no headaches, no issues. It feels like a blessing to have the clarity to enjoy the beauty of sound, especially the laughter of my children, which fills my heart with joy. I'll get cochlear implant all over again. I understand everyone has their own story
My daughter in law has a newer cochlear implant. Her body began rejecting the implant and had an opening at the back of her ear where you see the actual implant. Surgery was done, and 3 months of antibiotics. It has been 5 months since her surgery and once again she has a hole in the back of her ear again. Surgery set for next week. Is there any reason for the rejection or have others had the same problems?
You don’t reject the implant the fact that the wound broke down is due to poor surgical technique or poor control of other comorbidities in the patient like diabetes or other issues
Thank you so much for sharing this video. I wish I had this before I was implanted. Believe me I am super grateful that over time I have learned how to hear music, talk on the phone, and work with my Cochlear implant… It was a journey though. The upgrade helped a lot to Nucleus 7. I currently am having NEW Roaring tinnitus noticed that is intermittent in my implanted left ear. If anyone reads this thread and has a similar issue please comment!.
I had the AB implant successfully implanted in my 40s 30 years ago and it was great but AB never kept promises to keep the equipment updated for new technology but later in my 70s my hearing understanding has gradually dropped reversed to pre-implant hearing aid days. Why? a doctor proposed I consider removing the Ci implanted coil and replacing with new one but there are risks with damaging nerve tissue etc. I am considering but will not do unless it is done through a high research medical center or credible University hospital and its doctors ….
I notice ppl say that everything sounds metal crunchy tinny hard to describe. I suppose itd be alot better than not hearing but also un natural and strange
@@PoBoyRascal But he is telling the truth . My implant is great and it went well .I was lucky .Robotic voices go back to normal apart from American Women.
Where on earth was your Implant operation carried out? Couldn't find your cochlear? I was operated on at Melbourne's Eye and Ear Hospital and i had CT scans and MRI scan beforehand so they knew the condition and placement of my cochlear in advance.
I had bilateral surgery (both sides) + received 2 sound processors which were Osia 2. The 3 biggest Negatives for me would be 1- sound localization (spatial hearing ) where is the sound coming from? i have no idea. While it may sound like an insignificant feature, localizing sounds plays a more important role in our daily lives than you might think. 2- the telephone compatibility, as most of devices features comes through an app . If you use apple your pretty much all set for models + versions . Now for Android is sporadic depending on maker + version . The plus is i can quasi Hear again And 3rd negative is having to buy batteries each month as they arent recharge
Hi every body, I'm receiving soonly two CI. Now I have a question: My hearing-nerv should be able to edit frequencies from 20 Hrz up to 25'000 Hrz, but soundprozessors only work between 200Hrz and 8500Hrz, the vocal-range, so a wide range of frequencies are missing. How do you enjoy classical music? Isn't it sounding like the old coal microphone telephones? Thanks so much for your experience!
Music is fine in recordings and streaming . Nat King Cole to Leonid Kogan on violin.It`s all there just like it always was .Plug in the mic to a laptop and it transmits the sound with no wires in the way .
Thank you for making this video. It's a pleasure to hear about the good, as well as the bad. since I began looking at CI, I've been absolutely flooded with American content. I mean absolutely no offence to Americans, but it does rather feel like I'm being sold these implants in a weird business model where I should just get one, walk out the same day and hear again. That is not how the UK health care system works, nor I think should it. I'm sure that's not the intent but an implant is a very different experience from regular hearing and I rather think everyone has got caught up in the selling of the latest technology/drugs to people. It's something that needs real and careful consideration.
Even after an implant the contact outside of hospitals still has the slant to sell you expensive extras . But the implants do work . One important difference is hearing distance is less. Talking right across a room is harder. It`s a simple mathematical fact and not a disaster .
For some people CI is the only hearing help on offer, hearing aids have stopped working for me these days, I've had H aids since my early 40s, I knew, during the following decades, that this CI day could come for me, not happy, but tough tatties.
I used to play violin before . After implant if I play on the high strings the processor cuts off the notes after a split second. Short notes on high strings are OK Long notes are damped out very fast .It`s the processor program. I can hear tone quality and pitch easily .
I reckon I was so lucky. I have not experienced any of the mentioned negatives. It was hard to suit the device for my need at the start. First six months they spent searching for a program that works. The reason it took so long to get started is the way /frequency of adjustments per feedback. This was back in the US. Here in Israel they rely on immediate feedback. The setup is completed on the spot during one session. As far is cost, my insurance covered most costs in the US. Here, my insurance even pays for my batteries as well as replacement parts. I also get an upgrade every Five years. I am very happy with my implant. I wish had had it done much earlier before I quit my high paying job.
Has anyone had problems with dry mouth since surgery? I had a cochlear implant 10 months ago and ever since have had a dry mouth. My surgeon says this isn't possible but my GP has done tests and there's nothing wrong with me so it can only be the surgery. Some American sites do however list it as a risk. What is going on?
Thanks for your video. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my suitability for an implant and I´m very nervous about it. I had a failed stapedectomy when I was 29, leaving me with a dead right ear and tinnitus. I have worn progressively more powerful hearing aids on the left for 30 years but now they seem to have reached the limit of their capabilities. As a teacher of English this is not so good. I reckon I have maybe a year left before I can´t work any more. Now I´m looking at the only option left but I´m a bit worried about speech discrimination being good enough, and also if music will sound the same.
I know where your coming from, I have the same problem with my hearing. Coming to the end of my hearing aids. I'm debating on getting a cochlear implant behind both ears. I'm a bit nervous about doing this myself. Guess I'm a big baby when it comes to doing this operation. I wonder if the doctor will put you to sleep to do this procedure?
I had my implant in one ear for 17 years now. I'm am almost 50. No real issues till the last 7 years my blood pressure has been going up and wearing the implant becomes stressful and unenjoyable. I have to limit the amount of time using it or it wares me out. Maybe I'm getting older and I have many years of being zapped by the device 8 to 12 hours a day. I do not see myself warring it as much by the time my kids move out of the house. Something to think about.
I am working on a film surrounding cochlear implants and would like to have a conversation to hear more about your experience. If you are open to speaking with me, please let me know and I will pass along my email address
Thankyou for the video . I`m interested to find out more regarding wearing a helmet with a cochlear processor or a hearing aid . I`ve lost my government supplied hearing aid I think when I removed my better quality motorcycle helmet ( tight fitting ) foam . Since I travel a fair bit and remove the helmet often when I stop and don`t feel or hear the device coming away . Open to any advice or suggestions. My audiologist has indicated my next stage is to get a CI .
After first failed attempt of cochlear surgery I flat lined for 30 seconds, came out of hospital 6 days later with a pacemaker, and NO proof that I had heart issues at all. 18 months later they attempted the implant again, this time it went without issues. It’s 2 weeks since the op, I’ve lost taste, completely, experience severe pain almost constantly from my inner ear and have the most disgusting discharge from my operated ear, been back to the hospital.....apparently it’s normal😖😔😔😔🤔🤔🤔😖😖😖 got a feeling my implant surgery was a waste of time.
I am working on a film surrounding cochlear implants and would like to have a conversation to hear more about your experience. If you are open to speaking with me, please let me know and I will pass along my email address
Unfortunately most CLINICS are there for business not for the patient , I have to cancel my surgery on time because my disease recurs a MRI brain at least once a year , they say it was no problem but I found out that will block the image .
Studies show that GA is not always required for CI surgery. Indeed, seniors who had the surgery without GA recovered much quicker & did better on all clinical outcomes. As a kidney disease sufferer, I hope to go GA free.n
My 16 year old son lost 100% hearing in right ear only a month ago. We are considering this CI. His balance is slightly off but improving with vestibular physical therapy, and expected to be 100% pre accident very soon. My concern is his ability to be active, as he is a high level athlete. He doesn't care much about the hearing as long as he can play. Can he wait 5-10 years and get CI then? If he has CI, but takes it off for sports, won't that confuse his brain and how it perceives his balance. I mean, his brain will figure out the balance without the CI. If he has CI on 95% of the time, then takes it off for sports, he brain will lose his "new normal with CI" signals. I think his brain will be confused without the CI signal. IF you have good hearing, go for a jog. Then halfway thru totally block one ear and see if it messes you up. I'm keeping it in perspective. I lifetime of hearing is no small thing. But he is happy with the hearing he has and is old enough to not have language and development issues. I'm leaning against and anticipating future technological gains in size, invasiveness, reliability and cost. I welcome sincere comments.
@@tenniskinsella7768 I don’t know if he does, but you would want one, yes. Your brain is meant to function with two ears. With one ear hearing is still very bad. Not to mention the inability to tell where noises are coming from.
I'm sorry for you and your son. I lost significant hearing loss over a 10 year period. I can tell you it's very difficult to tell where sounds are coming from. I had a CI last month. It's a learning process. The brain has to adjust to 10 years. I wish you guys the best
@uppervee7419 speaking from experience,I personally have been dealing with symptoms of menieres since 2009. Not much was known about it then and was very difficult to deal with then. I've had mris, tests and more tests. I eventually had endolymphatic sac decompression and hoped for about 8 months of relief then back to square 1. I've been going to vestibular therapy for over 13 years. I'm 54 now. In 2016 I eventually woke up one morning and .y right side hearing was gone that's part of menieres symptoms in it's later stages.when I lost my hearing my balance was extremely and severely affected where I could not stand up. Tinnitus in right ear of affected ear was a common sound I heard in my ear to replace my sudden sensory hearing loss. I've been 7 years without cochlear implant and did struggle and still do especially in group settings, it's easy to deal with it at first but then as hearing deafens it becomes very frustrating to pretend you can hear peoples conversations when in fact you can't , the brain gets super overloaded from trying very hard to understand language structure, the vestibular migraines are the worst.those come and go. Now 7 years later I have come to decision to get a ci because my brain needs that stimulation, I can see how losing hearing can lead to dementia because your not using a part of your brain. Brain fog is very heavy and there are times when my brain just wants to shut down. I just made my ci consultation and I'm set for Nov 3 Loma Linda California. I can't wait. Waiting to get ci later will be fine,but since your son is young I think he would stand to benefit if he gets ci now to avoid brain atrophy. Taking it on and off wouldn't affect balances the body has so many other functions to pick up the slack from balance, especially when you're young. Im not young as I used to be but definitely not as as spry and surefooted as I use to be either.w One of the things that may get your son's hearing back is having an intratympanic injection in the ear. The injury is still new and there is a chance to bring back the hearing ,there have been cases of hearing coming back when injected with a steroid into the middle ear. I wish I would have my own that , I was about 1.5 months in when my ENT told me about that possibility. So look into that treatment, it helps alot on bad flare-ups. You just can't resort to it often because of the immune suppression.anyways wish you well.....there is a great website for vestibular patients like me vestibular.org/g
Awell fitted modern Bone Conductor does not require expensive surgery, and has operated at least as well - Cochlear implant is overkill, just for dollars. Hearing Technician - retired. Hyp!
Scuba is not out with the advanced bionics implant. They are good to I believe 50 meters. I’ve dove with mine already to 27 meters without issue. Obviously this is without the processor so you are deaf the entire time but scuba is at least for the AB not out of the question
I was supposed to have marvel by advanced bionics but had comications during the operation and they coulntbfitbitvsoni got nucleus 8.instead. its very neat the marvel one was much bigger
My daughter had cochlear implants on both sides and she was born with profound hearing loss in both ears. She has done wonderfully with it. They have been such a blessing in her life. She is now 17 years old she got them when she was two.
Don’t buy nucleus 8 Because has new 1 months ago so bad price more worth But don’t buy n8 so good better than Nucleus 7 sale is low But don’t like use nucleus 8
I have cochlear implant for 13 years. I have no problems. No side effects. Im happy😊
I was flatlined at anesthesia room before going for surgery, surgery was cancelled , and send me home on the next day , I really thought they ( Beaumont hospital, Dublin ) will not take me back for second time but they told me they will call me again , five weeks later I was called back , they were aware of what happened with flatline on my heart , they gave me a different anesthesia method suitable for me , I was terrified for the second one , my family urged me not to go for second one but I was determined for the hearing , it was my dream to hear the music , surgery was a success , three hours of surgery, I was profoundly deaf since birth ( only 4% of hearing on left , nothing on the right ) , Went to school for the deaf , hearing nothing ( very little with hearing aids ) at all for 57 years ... Now , I can sing 4 full songs , I’m bursting with joy every morning with hearing , for the first time hearing my dog walking around ( clicking noise from his nails ) , heard various birds , the crows are awful singers , lol ... Amazing . My advice is to train your brain with listening training daily ( maybe 15 mins daily ) , will help your brain to understand the sound better and better . It is like a man getting a new leg after being amputated, he cannot expected to run on the first day , he has to train how to use his new leg , gradually get the hang of it daily .. Be aware , my flatline was the first ever in cochlear implant surgery since the hospital started giving the surgery , that’s very very rare . I’m happy that I went for the second chance and it was worth it.
Thank you for sharing your story, it's not an easy one to tell. How is your hearing now? Did you get two cochlear implants or only one? Would you say that you would do it all over again? I'm writing an essay and would like to know your view on this implant.
@@briellalyn9813 only one , I don’t think they will give me second one because if my age and the cost . But I’m happy to have one . Do. Wish to have second ? Maybe but at my age (60) better leave it to the younger ones & babies .
Thanks man.. i truly feel for you thank your for sharing.. ill send all my spiritual power your way to get a second chance... please keep sharing and acknowledging that the rewards of the risk are mind boggling.. thank you again for your bravery
THANK YOU for sharing -- it has been 2 years since you shared -- any updates you can make?? I lost 80% of my hearing in August 2022 (all of a sudden) - am 76 and diabetic - I will be seen by the surgeon at the end of November. Have been "hearing impaired" since I was in the US Navy in the middle 1960's. Lived with it until now --- no one in my family tree has ever had this problem. My wife of 55 years seems to be more "bothered" than I am. But we love each other so am practicing being patient and she will learn. So, IF you see this, might you give us an update?? Thank you
I’m grateful for the success of my experience-no dizziness, no headaches, no issues. It feels like a blessing to have the clarity to enjoy the beauty of sound, especially the laughter of my children, which fills my heart with joy. I'll get cochlear implant all over again. I understand everyone has their own story
These are some very good points for the person with hearing loss and their family to consider before making any decision.
My daughter in law has a newer cochlear implant. Her body began rejecting the implant and had an opening at the back of her ear where you see the actual implant. Surgery was done, and 3 months of antibiotics. It has been 5 months since her surgery and once again she has a hole in the back of her ear again. Surgery set for next week. Is there any reason for the rejection or have others had the same problems?
You don’t reject the implant the fact that the wound broke down is due to poor surgical technique or poor control of other comorbidities in the patient like diabetes or other issues
Thank you so much for sharing this video. I wish I had this before I was implanted. Believe me I am super grateful that over time I have learned how to hear music, talk on the phone, and work with my Cochlear implant… It was a journey though. The upgrade helped a lot to Nucleus 7. I currently am having NEW Roaring tinnitus noticed that is intermittent in my implanted left ear. If anyone reads this thread and has a similar issue please comment!.
Hey Trishm951, How are you doing?
Did the tinnitus go away with time? Can you share your current experience please?
I had the AB implant successfully implanted in my 40s 30 years ago and it was great but AB never kept promises to keep the equipment updated for new technology but later in my 70s my hearing understanding has gradually dropped reversed to pre-implant hearing aid days. Why? a doctor proposed I consider removing the Ci implanted coil and replacing with new one but there are risks with damaging nerve tissue etc. I am considering but will not do unless it is done through a high research medical center or credible University hospital and its doctors ….
Thanks for this input. RUclips is overloaded with positivity about this, but I figured there had to be some negatives.
I notice ppl say that everything sounds metal crunchy tinny hard to describe. I suppose itd be alot better than not hearing but also un natural and strange
Please go forth with the implant this guy is desperate for attention
@@Lightblue2222 they have a sensation of hearing more than not
I'd rather listen to proud deaf voices like his.
@@PoBoyRascal But he is telling the truth . My implant is great and it went well .I was lucky .Robotic voices go back to normal apart from American Women.
Where on earth was your Implant operation carried out? Couldn't find your cochlear? I was operated on at Melbourne's Eye and Ear Hospital and i had CT scans and MRI scan beforehand so they knew the condition and placement of my cochlear in advance.
I had bilateral surgery (both sides) + received 2 sound processors which were Osia 2.
The 3 biggest Negatives for me would be
1- sound localization
(spatial hearing ) where is the sound coming from? i have no idea. While it may sound like an insignificant feature, localizing sounds plays a more important role in our daily lives than you might think.
2- the telephone compatibility, as most of devices features comes through an app . If you use apple your pretty much all set for models + versions . Now for Android is sporadic depending on maker + version .
The plus is i can quasi Hear again
And 3rd negative is having to buy batteries each month as they arent recharge
Thank you this is a great video you answered all the questions I had and more 👍
Thank you so much for the honest tips! I really enjoyed the video!
Please pay attention that every point is way overly weighted by the benefits of an successful implant
Hi every body, I'm receiving soonly two CI. Now I have a question: My hearing-nerv should be able to edit frequencies from 20 Hrz up to 25'000 Hrz, but soundprozessors only work between 200Hrz and 8500Hrz, the vocal-range, so a wide range of frequencies are missing. How do you enjoy classical music? Isn't it sounding like the old coal microphone telephones? Thanks so much for your experience!
Music is fine in recordings and streaming . Nat King Cole to Leonid Kogan on violin.It`s all there just like it always was .Plug in the mic to a laptop and it transmits the sound with no wires in the way .
Thank you for making this video. It's a pleasure to hear about the good, as well as the bad. since I began looking at CI, I've been absolutely flooded with American content. I mean absolutely no offence to Americans, but it does rather feel like I'm being sold these implants in a weird business model where I should just get one, walk out the same day and hear again. That is not how the UK health care system works, nor I think should it. I'm sure that's not the intent but an implant is a very different experience from regular hearing and I rather think everyone has got caught up in the selling of the latest technology/drugs to people. It's something that needs real and careful consideration.
That’s exactly how I feel
Even after an implant the contact outside of hospitals still has the slant to sell you expensive extras . But the implants do work . One important difference is hearing distance is less. Talking right across a room is harder. It`s a simple mathematical fact and not a disaster .
For some people CI is the only hearing help on offer, hearing aids have stopped working for me these days, I've had H aids since my early 40s, I knew, during the following decades, that this CI day could come for me, not happy, but tough tatties.
Thanks for the info
I used to play violin before . After implant if I play on the high strings the processor cuts off the notes after a split second. Short notes on high strings are OK Long notes are damped out very fast .It`s the processor program. I can hear tone quality and pitch easily .
Very informative. Thank you so much!
I reckon I was so lucky. I have not experienced any of the mentioned negatives. It was hard to suit the device for my need at the start. First six months they spent searching for a program that works. The reason it took so long to get started is the way /frequency of adjustments per feedback. This was back in the US. Here in Israel they rely on immediate feedback. The setup is completed on the spot during one session. As far is cost, my insurance covered most costs in the US. Here, my insurance even pays for my batteries as well as replacement parts. I also get an upgrade every Five years. I am very happy with my implant. I wish had had it done much earlier before I quit my high paying job.
Really informative video, thanks!
Has anyone had problems with dry mouth since surgery? I had a cochlear implant 10 months ago and ever since have had a dry mouth. My surgeon says this isn't possible but my GP has done tests and there's nothing wrong with me so it can only be the surgery. Some American sites do however list it as a risk. What is going on?
Thanks for your video. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my suitability for an implant and I´m very nervous about it. I had a failed stapedectomy when I was 29, leaving me with a dead right ear and tinnitus. I have worn progressively more powerful hearing aids on the left for 30 years but now they seem to have reached the limit of their capabilities. As a teacher of English this is not so good. I reckon I have maybe a year left before I can´t work any more. Now I´m looking at the only option left but I´m a bit worried about speech discrimination being good enough, and also if music will sound the same.
I know where your coming from, I have the same problem with my hearing. Coming to the end of my hearing aids. I'm debating on getting a cochlear implant behind both ears. I'm a bit nervous about doing this myself. Guess I'm a big baby when it comes to doing this operation. I wonder if the doctor will put you to sleep to do this procedure?
I had my implant in one ear for 17 years now. I'm am almost 50. No real issues till the last 7 years my blood pressure has been going up and wearing the implant becomes stressful and unenjoyable. I have to limit the amount of time using it or it wares me out. Maybe I'm getting older and I have many years of being zapped by the device 8 to 12 hours a day. I do not see myself warring it as much by the time my kids move out of the house. Something to think about.
I am working on a film surrounding cochlear implants and would like to have a conversation to hear more about your experience. If you are open to speaking with me, please let me know and I will pass along my email address
Thankyou for the video . I`m interested to find out more regarding wearing a helmet with a cochlear processor or a hearing aid . I`ve lost my government supplied hearing aid I think when I removed my better quality motorcycle helmet ( tight fitting ) foam . Since I travel a fair bit and remove the helmet often when I stop and don`t feel or hear the device coming away . Open to any advice or suggestions. My audiologist has indicated my next stage is to get a CI .
Thank you so much for the information.
Will the Cochlear implant improve existing tinnitus and balance problems
No on the balance problem.
There are therepies, talk to a well-educated doctor and this.
After first failed attempt of cochlear surgery I flat lined for 30 seconds, came out of hospital 6 days later with a pacemaker, and NO proof that I had heart issues at all. 18 months later they attempted the implant again, this time it went without issues. It’s 2 weeks since the op, I’ve lost taste, completely, experience severe pain almost constantly from my inner ear and have the most disgusting discharge from my operated ear, been back to the hospital.....apparently it’s normal😖😔😔😔🤔🤔🤔😖😖😖 got a feeling my implant surgery was a waste of time.
Thank you for sharing that. I hope it begins clearing up for you and that you start benefiting from the implant. 🙏
I am working on a film surrounding cochlear implants and would like to have a conversation to hear more about your experience. If you are open to speaking with me, please let me know and I will pass along my email address
Thank you.
Can I have an implant in my right ear and still wear a hearing aid on the left?
This is exactly what I asked my audiologist for my 72yo dad, and he said YES, you have to use your hearing aid for the other ear
Yes. I have implant on my left and regular hearing aid on the right.
Unfortunately most CLINICS are there for business not for the patient , I have to cancel my surgery on time because my disease recurs a MRI brain at least once a year , they say it was no problem but I found out that will block the image .
Can you not do this in bsl as well?
Thank you for sharing!
This is click bait please do not belive its better to not have the implant
Spread of fear is not worthy of thanks
Studies show that GA is not always required for CI surgery. Indeed, seniors who had the surgery without GA recovered much quicker & did better on all clinical outcomes. As a kidney disease sufferer, I hope to go GA free.n
Great advice, thanks!
No its not
If it's removed from the brain the magnet of the implant cochlear, what will happen? I need Help Please
The magnet is not placed in the brain. It goes on the skull, implanted under the skin, behind the ear.
Thank you
I am hearing but I view the implant as a Choice someone with hearing loss makes to get no one should make that decision for them
Thank you.. blessings ❤
Of course .
My 16 year old son lost 100% hearing in right ear only a month ago. We are considering this CI. His balance is slightly off but improving with vestibular physical therapy, and expected to be 100% pre accident very soon. My concern is his ability to be active, as he is a high level athlete. He doesn't care much about the hearing as long as he can play. Can he wait 5-10 years and get CI then? If he has CI, but takes it off for sports, won't that confuse his brain and how it perceives his balance. I mean, his brain will figure out the balance without the CI. If he has CI on 95% of the time, then takes it off for sports, he brain will lose his "new normal with CI" signals. I think his brain will be confused without the CI signal. IF you have good hearing, go for a jog. Then halfway thru totally block one ear and see if it messes you up. I'm keeping it in perspective. I lifetime of hearing is no small thing. But he is happy with the hearing he has and is old enough to not have language and development issues. I'm leaning against and anticipating future technological gains in size, invasiveness, reliability and cost. I welcome sincere comments.
Does he really need a cochlear implant if he has full hearing I his other esr
@@tenniskinsella7768 I don’t know if he does, but you would want one, yes. Your brain is meant to function with two ears. With one ear hearing is still very bad. Not to mention the inability to tell where noises are coming from.
Upper vee if he's other ear is 100 per cent normal ibdont think he needs an implant
I'm sorry for you and your son.
I lost significant hearing loss over a 10 year period.
I can tell you it's very difficult to tell where sounds are coming from.
I had a CI last month.
It's a learning process.
The brain has to adjust to 10 years.
I wish you guys the best
@uppervee7419 speaking from experience,I personally have been dealing with symptoms of menieres since 2009. Not much was known about it then and was very difficult to deal with then. I've had mris, tests and more tests. I eventually had endolymphatic sac decompression and hoped for about 8 months of relief then back to square 1. I've been going to vestibular therapy for over 13 years. I'm 54 now. In 2016 I eventually woke up one morning and .y right side hearing was gone that's part of menieres symptoms in it's later stages.when I lost my hearing my balance was extremely and severely affected where I could not stand up. Tinnitus in right ear of affected ear was a common sound I heard in my ear to replace my sudden sensory hearing loss. I've been 7 years without cochlear implant and did struggle and still do especially in group settings, it's easy to deal with it at first but then as hearing deafens it becomes very frustrating to pretend you can hear peoples conversations when in fact you can't , the brain gets super overloaded from trying very hard to understand language structure, the vestibular migraines are the worst.those come and go. Now 7 years later I have come to decision to get a ci because my brain needs that stimulation, I can see how losing hearing can lead to dementia because your not using a part of your brain. Brain fog is very heavy and there are times when my brain just wants to shut down. I just made my ci consultation and I'm set for Nov 3 Loma Linda California. I can't wait. Waiting to get ci later will be fine,but since your son is young I think he would stand to benefit if he gets ci now to avoid brain atrophy. Taking it on and off wouldn't affect balances the body has so many other functions to pick up the slack from balance, especially when you're young. Im not young as I used to be but definitely not as as spry and surefooted as I use to be either.w
One of the things that may get your son's hearing back is having an intratympanic injection in the ear. The injury is still new and there is a chance to bring back the hearing ,there have been cases of hearing coming back when injected with a steroid into the middle ear. I wish I would have my own that , I was about 1.5 months in when my ENT told me about that possibility. So look into that treatment, it helps alot on bad flare-ups. You just can't resort to it often because of the immune suppression.anyways wish you well.....there is a great website for vestibular patients like me
How long were you out of work
would yo go through it all if yo had 1 perfect good ear?
Yes. It helps immensely with SSD.
How does music sound?
Not bad but not great.
shithouse and thats from a current user
Awell fitted modern Bone Conductor does not require expensive surgery, and has operated at least as well - Cochlear implant is overkill, just for dollars. Hearing Technician - retired. Hyp!
No .. please get the implant for a loved one or yourself
@@PoBoyRascal I am! Scheduled for the end of October! :)
Does it work for single-sided deafness?
Yes.. your brain fight will be tremendous as it learns to work together with the implant
However its apparently worth the task if you will please do more result.. this video should be banned for fear mongering!!
Scuba is not out with the advanced bionics implant. They are good to I believe 50 meters. I’ve dove with mine already to 27 meters without issue. Obviously this is without the processor so you are deaf the entire time but scuba is at least for the AB not out of the question
Thanks for clarifying that. I just snorkel so do not go particularly deep.
Does your advanced bionics vs cochlear work?
I was supposed to have marvel by advanced bionics but had comications during the operation and they coulntbfitbitvsoni got nucleus 8.instead. its very neat the marvel one was much bigger
No cons but I'm having trouble getting used to the technology
Can someone answer the music question? It seems like no one really addresses this.
its shithouse from a current user
Do cochlear implants work on profound hearing loss in both ears
@Nels Angelin Hopefully they can improve on CI’s to increase the frequencies and make sound close to actual hearing.
Yes the techonlogy has come so far in my lifetime .. its the greatest achievement of man in the past century.. fuck this dudes video!
My daughter had cochlear implants on both sides and she was born with profound hearing loss in both ears. She has done wonderfully with it. They have been such a blessing in her life. She is now 17 years old she got them when she was two.
Yes I have no hearing in my left ear and about 3 percent in my right ear
@@gracewithfive9024 great pleased for your daughter
Don’t buy nucleus 8
Because has new 1 months ago so bad price more worth
But don’t buy n8
so good better than
Nucleus 7 sale is low
But don’t like use nucleus 8
I have nucleus 8 it's more technical than nucleus 7 and I'm struggling with that. Didn't cost me anything being British nhs
what is 40,000 pounds in dollars
I think it'd be around $52,800 (USD) that's too expensive for people who doesn't have insurance.
Please seek refuge there are ways of having it done at no cost
I get free being British
Lost of taste? Wow
Could happen if you burn your taste buds... please do bot let this differ you from helping someone you love have the implant
No cons