As a teenager I had a game called fighters megamix. It was fighting vipers and Virtua fighter characters in the same game. They also added more characters like the Virtua cop girl and the Daytona USA car. The game was awesome! had around 40 fighters. I also had last Bronx and vf2! loved my Sega Saturn.. wish I still had it!
Hey I also had fighters megamix, that was my first introduction to fighting vipers. Last Bronx was awesome and flew under the radar, I always wanted sega to make a sequel to Last Bronx, and modern urban Soul Cali it would be great
Here's the challenge, kids: take a 12 oz bottle of beer, and pour the contents into a 6 oz glass without spilling or missing anything. That's the challenge of porting a state-of-the-art arcade videogame to much weaker home system. Given the difference b/t Model 2 & Saturn, it is miraculous that AM2 could achieve such an excellent translation. All the graphics are intact, although scaled down at times (the backgrounds are faked very, very well). All the characters and moves are intact. The game plays at 480i and 60 fps with minimal slowdown. And Saturn features extensive gouraud shading and light sourcing that amazes even today. Sega was still fighting to prove they could match, and surpass, the Sony Playstation. Add in several bonus characters, numerous gameplay modes (training mode is excellent), and some CG artwork that was the style of the time, and you have another masterwork of programming. And this game just kicks. It's lighting fast and smooth, and those wall-smashing moves are very satisfying. All in all, a fantastic arcade translation and another reason to own a Sega Saturn. But get the Japanese version so you can play Pepsiman, who's super easy to play.
I always thought the saturn was superior to the playstation, and I played both. Only games I thought the playstation did better was certain driving games, such as the Wipeout games.
I forgot Pepsiman! He was one of the neater characters in a Sega fighting game besides the "fishbowl head" version of Dural in Virtua Fighter Kids! Yeah, I imported a LOT of Sega Saturn games. I have doubles of MANY Sega and Capcom games on the Saturn. For the last year-and-a-half of the system's life, you WERE stuck importing games for it since Sega of America stupidly ended support in May 1998 after alienating every last third party company that cared to develop for the Saturn! It was a shame because some of THE BEST Saturn games came out towards the end and there were releasing a lot of good stuff through the summer of 1998 at least. I think THE LAST Saturn release in America might have been Magic Knight Rayearth, the RPG, by Working Designs. Vic Ireland, the head of that company, was no fan of Bernie Stolar, SEGA of America CEO at that time, for sure! I think the very last game I ever bought for the Saturn that was an import might have actually been Street Fighter Zero 3. That might have been 2000. Pretty sure I bought it through National Console Support. I bought ALL my import Capcom fighters through that company! People forget there was an arcade version of the Saturn called the Titan system. They did at least a half-dozen arcade games and ported those back to the Saturn with minimal changes. Those titles included VF Kids, Die Hard Arcade, and at least one Sonic title, Sonic Fighters(?). Sega rushed out Virtua Fighter Remix to show people what the Saturn was really capable of. They kind of had to considering how crude and rushed VF1 looked on the Saturn and technically the Saturn SHOULD have been capable of doing near-arcade perfect ports of the Model 1 games (Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter) but didn't, of course. Virtua Racing itself is still one of my favorite all-time arcade racing games but they never did an ultra-fantastic port of it on ANY Sega system and I think even the Sega Ages version of Virtua Racing is iffy in the translation. Me? I was impressed by the launch day games -- I bought Daytona USA and Panzer Dragoon. I actually preferred the original version of Daytona released for Saturn to the "cleaner" second edition because the first version actually played more like the arcade game! The closest to arcade-perfect of Daytona USA I've played is the PC port they translated over to the PS3 years ago. I've got that one and the ported PC-to-PS3 version of Fighting Vipers. The VF games themselves I never really cared much for. VF just leaves me feeling cold. Tekken's not much better even if the controls are arguably better than they are on ANY of Sega's poly fighters. I still would rather play a CPS-2 fighting game than any poly fighter past or present. The poly fighter I enjoyed playing the most was Dead or Alive 1 on the Saturn but I'm sure I haven't touched it in close to 20 years now.
Saturn version of this is pretty brilliant. The display is run in 480i mode, but 3D graphics are line doubled, so it's rendering the game at half-height (and maybe half-width?), so it's not quite as nice as VF2 on Saturn, which renders at a full 480i. Still, it's a smooth port, models are pretty close, textures are decent. Lighting is gimped, although there's still stages with pretty impressive lighting effects on the Saturn (none are in the video). I'm so mad I have a US copy of the game, so no Pepsiman, would have bought a JP copy if I knew at the time.
Imagine if model 2 games were released on saturn for $100 and they came with an additional co processor cartridge that allowed them to port model 2 games to the system at 30 FPS at lower resolution.
i just noticed how ''blocky'' picky looks in the arcade version. awkward to see the saturn version even improve upon the arcade in a few ways. the saturn version has well rounded characters with proper shading, might even end up a tie. i normally would asume that the arcade destroys the saturn but these ports got so much love, they've been done in the best way possible and strange to see things in the saturn version that shouldn't be that way.
Saturn was able to shade 16 colours to each polygon where as the model 2 could only shade 1 colour that's why saturn model 2 conversions looked more rounded and smoother.
Sega did a good job with the port... they took the vf2 route with the 2D backgrounds.. they manage to keep it tight with lower polygon counts.. Arcade has 3-D backgrounds which allows for breakable stages background impact and destruction. Candy stage in Saturn version lost too much detail.. no graffiti or latter. Model of course has better shading and lighting effects.. still a GREAT HOME CONVERSION. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE VF3 comparision
It's always impressive to see how the Saturn can manage close adaptation from the far away more powerful Model 2 card. Not sure any other system of the 5th generation is able to .
@@youtubeadmin1588 the architecture of the Saturn is more inspired by Model 1 and System 32, however the VDP2 has been added to allow adaptations of Model 2 games
@@youtubeadmin1588 no these are the two processors of Hitachi and the VDP1 which manages the polygons which are part of the architectures of the console from the beginning. VDP 2 was added later. I know very well that it manages Backgrounds and certain effects like infinite planes. Nevertheless it was added by contribution to the model 2, there is an official press release from Sega on this subject
Loved the Saturn version when I was younger. Never got to play the arcade version at all. It's funny now that I realize the round announcer sounds weak on the Saturn compared to the Arcade.
o mais importante nesse jogo era manter a agilidade do arcade original, que é muito mais dinamico do que virtua fighter. isso eles conseguiram. e melhoraram depois em fighters megamix.
Interesting. Model 2 has higher res and texture filtering and very limited lightsourcing (the textures don't really help) Saturn has more complex lightsourcing and some gouraud shading but lower resolution and polygon count.
OldGraFX light sourcing is far better on model 2.. look no further than Grace stage floor lights.. Saturn was weak at shading... the lack of good light sourcing hide that giving the illusion of some form of shading..
SDS Overfiend It may be better on that stage but overall the Saturn version seems to have more light sources overall. Also, when talking about shading, I was talking mainly about gouraud shading (which when applied makes some surfaces look round, like Grace's and Honey's legs on the Saturn version), the Saturn hardware is capable of gouraud shading whereas Model 2 hardware isn't.
OldGraFX Really? Because the video I'm looking at... Model 2 Candy legs are V-Shaped and Sega saturn version the are rectangles and have no lighting.. pause at 3:52.. you making shit up Bruh.. stop it.
Do you even know what gouraud shading is? I don't even know why I'm responding, please read about these topics and inform yourself about these system before posting.
My memory was not accurate at all. The Saturn version hold up really well.I remember thinking was a bad port. While the arcade is better, looking at that video, the less detailed Saturn fighters look better in motion. So... a draw?
I like how in some stages like the 2nd of the Saturn the shadows are small due to the 4 lights surrounding in the ring which is exactly 95% realistic and better than the arcade version 😎
Yes, and Candy's name in the Japanese version of the game is Honey. You can also see Honey the Cat in the opening intro at 0:43 in Sanman's collection of toys (as well as the Tails rocket ship from Sonic the Fighters).
@@Danthrax40 Whoa, that's a huge mind blown for a small ester egg that they showed. That explained why'd we can mod Candy (aka Honey) to Sonic The Fighters on the PC version. She was extremely fun and she was my main on Fighting Vipers and on Sonic The Fighters. Even though her fighting style was alot like Tails. But I couldn't complain. She was fun af.
Em relação ao que fora o lançamento do Saturn e sua conversão do Virtua Fighter, essa daqui tá bem de boas! Aprenderam a ultilizar a arquitetura do Saturn melhor! Tenho o Virtua, o Virtua 2, esse aqui e o Fighters Megamix e não me arrependo de nenhum! Ôh época boa! Povo hj tá muito mimizento.
Love these videos. Keep em coming. How about comparing the criminally underrated Robo-Pit on Sat and PS1? Fighting Vipers was great, but it wasn't the Tekken beater Saturn fans were hoping for.
arcade wins, but yet aggain they did a marvelous job getting it in there "saturn version". the sega saturn had absolutely amazing arcade ports and am2/3 made the system sweat to make it a fair port, for the lack of graphical horse power that the saturn has they always add a rocking guitar score over the midi cra... uhh stuff that the arcade versions of the same games have. sega sure know how to bring the arcades home and that's why many still hold sega high. i rarely consider a sega console not worth buying, heck even the 32x had 3 very good arcade ports but the 32x would be the weakest.
I kind of hate prerenderd cut scenes at this point and especially in this case what was wrong with simply duplicating the arcade cut scenes to truly give this an arcade feel, I mean this was post Virtua Fighter 2 and the Saturn was able to handle Model 2 very well, as well as PlayStation was able to handle Namco's system 22 no doubt
No console tá visualmente inferior, mas nada muito exagerado. A performance tá boa, isso é o que importa mais. Bem fluido mesmo. Ótima conversão, só não sei se o jogo é bom, nunca experimentei.
El saturn maneja buenas framas y se ve que este juego utiliza el procesdor de efectos especiales. El acade lo supera en texturas, se nota los 8 bits de texturas en el saturn.
igual en esa época fue un buen port, no creo que PlayStation pueda hacerlo mejor, se que saturn era criticada por defraudar un poco con algunos ports como daytona y virtua fighter 1, el tema es que la placa model 2 cima técnica de la época y playstation sacaba juegos de un arcade con hardware parecido
Ummm lol yes the Saturn port is great, how ever the PS3 port is straight up the sega model 2 arcade perfect port so just get that one if you want arcade perfect results
Lower resolution, no anti aliasing, no 3D environments but scaled backgrounds instead... Pretty much the exact same game as the arcade version just much worse looking. The same as the other fighting games on Sega Saturn. The pre rendered CGI intro looks bad... Seriously, it was unnecessary.
As I recall, the Saturn has no 3D fighting games that contain 3D backgrounds including the port of Battle Arena Toshinden: Battle Arena Toshinden Remix. It simply flattened the PSX version's 3D backgrounds. Most of the Playstation's 3D fighting games had them but it came at the cost of locking the framerate to 30, with a few exceptions (Tobal No. 1, Bloody Roar, Mortal Kombat 4). I remember being amazed at Lei Long's river stage staying fully intact in the PSX port of Soul Blade while disappointed with the gimped similar stage in the Virtual Fighter 2 Saturn port. On the flip, Tekken 3's PSX port received the Saturn conversion treatment in that the arcade's 3D backgrounds changed to a flat wallpaper.
@@thefroyukenfiles3641 Last Bronx, Virtual One have 3D backgrounds and even if the backgrounds of Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers or Dead or Alive, are in 2D, they are on several planes with depths and animations. The majority of the backgrounds of fighting games on PS1 are wallpapers, not only Tekken 3, the backgrounds of the first toshinden on PS1 are not in 3D either.
poor old Sega. The saturn really was such a steaming pile of turd for 3D compared to playstation, when you look at Tekken 2 Arcade v PS1 video there’s barely any difference but the Model 2 stuff just stinks up the place on Saturn with its blocky visuals. The PS1 was such an amazing machine, by the end of its life it was pushing more polygons even than N64 and looked close to Dreamcast. Sega panicked and shoved another processor in the Saturn which made it a nightmare system. They really fucked up their market share they had in 1992-94
Com os games de luta da década de 1990 acontecia exatamente a mesma coisa que os com os FPS de hoje . Muitos games de luta tentando beber um pouco da fonte do sucesso dos SFs e MKs da vida . Eu tinha lá meus 25/26 anos nessa época e me lembro muito bem da febre *Fighting* nos arcades , era uns 4 fighting games novos pelo menos à cada ano tentando beliscar as fichas de 25 centavos da molecada . Muitos games bons como *TKof F , Bloody Roar , Soul Calibur , Tekken* fizeram por merecer o sucesso que tiveram . Também tivemos lixos como *Fighters History , Shaq Fu , Masters of Teras Kasi , Star Gladiator , Way of the Warriors e esse Fighting Vipers* hoje se encontram abraçadas com o capiroto nas profundesas do inferno onde habitam os piores estercos eletrônicos da humanidade . MK e SF também falharam miseravelmente quando tentaram inovar . Mithologies , Special Forces , SF Movie e EX Plus Alpha não me deixam mentir . No começo da década passada se iniciou a guerra *Battlefield vs Call of Duty* semelhante ao *MK vs SF* dos anos anteriores . Também foram produzidos bons games que tentaram pegar carona no sucesso e tantos outros de qualidade duvidosa que não fazem falta pra ninguém . *_Será que nós estamos próximos de viver outra rivalidade poderosa nos games como nos velhos tempos ?_*
The Arcade version looks better of course, given the Model 2's superior power and graphics capabilities.
But the Saturn holds up surprisingly well!
But how did he get Sega model 2 games to run in MAME? They just freeze when I try.
We have a tie!
There was a PS2 version as well only released in Japan
But the sound is SO much better on Saturn.
„Look to the skies“ (Tokio stage) is miles ahead the arcade version.
As a teenager I had a game called fighters megamix. It was fighting vipers and Virtua fighter characters in the same game.
They also added more characters like the Virtua cop girl and the Daytona USA car. The game was awesome! had around 40 fighters.
I also had last Bronx and vf2!
loved my Sega Saturn.. wish I still had it!
I've still got my Fighters Megamix and saturn. ;*D
Hey I also had fighters megamix, that was my first introduction to fighting vipers. Last Bronx was awesome and flew under the radar, I always wanted sega to make a sequel to Last Bronx, and modern urban Soul Cali it would be great
Here's the challenge, kids: take a 12 oz bottle of beer, and pour the contents into a 6 oz glass without spilling or missing anything. That's the challenge of porting a state-of-the-art arcade videogame to much weaker home system. Given the difference b/t Model 2 & Saturn, it is miraculous that AM2 could achieve such an excellent translation. All the graphics are intact, although scaled down at times (the backgrounds are faked very, very well). All the characters and moves are intact. The game plays at 480i and 60 fps with minimal slowdown. And Saturn features extensive gouraud shading and light sourcing that amazes even today. Sega was still fighting to prove they could match, and surpass, the Sony Playstation. Add in several bonus characters, numerous gameplay modes (training mode is excellent), and some CG artwork that was the style of the time, and you have another masterwork of programming. And this game just kicks. It's lighting fast and smooth, and those wall-smashing moves are very satisfying. All in all, a fantastic arcade translation and another reason to own a Sega Saturn. But get the Japanese version so you can play Pepsiman, who's super easy to play.
I always thought the saturn was superior to the playstation, and I played both. Only games I thought the playstation did better was certain driving games, such as the Wipeout games.
I forgot Pepsiman!
He was one of the neater characters in a Sega fighting game besides the "fishbowl head" version of Dural in Virtua Fighter Kids!
Yeah, I imported a LOT of Sega Saturn games. I have doubles of MANY Sega and Capcom games on the Saturn. For the last year-and-a-half of the system's life, you WERE stuck importing games for it since Sega of America stupidly ended support in May 1998 after alienating every last third party company that cared to develop for the Saturn! It was a shame because some of THE BEST Saturn games came out towards the end and there were releasing a lot of good stuff through the summer of 1998 at least. I think THE LAST Saturn release in America might have been Magic Knight Rayearth, the RPG, by Working Designs. Vic Ireland, the head of that company, was no fan of Bernie Stolar, SEGA of America CEO at that time, for sure!
I think the very last game I ever bought for the Saturn that was an import might have actually been Street Fighter Zero 3. That might have been 2000. Pretty sure I bought it through National Console Support. I bought ALL my import Capcom fighters through that company!
People forget there was an arcade version of the Saturn called the Titan system. They did at least a half-dozen arcade games and ported those back to the Saturn with minimal changes. Those titles included VF Kids, Die Hard Arcade, and at least one Sonic title, Sonic Fighters(?).
Sega rushed out Virtua Fighter Remix to show people what the Saturn was really capable of.
They kind of had to considering how crude and rushed VF1 looked on the Saturn and technically the Saturn SHOULD have been capable of doing near-arcade perfect ports of the Model 1 games (Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter) but didn't, of course.
Virtua Racing itself is still one of my favorite all-time arcade racing games but they never did an ultra-fantastic port of it on ANY Sega system and I think even the Sega Ages version of Virtua Racing is iffy in the translation.
Me? I was impressed by the launch day games -- I bought Daytona USA and Panzer Dragoon. I actually preferred the original version of Daytona released for Saturn to the "cleaner" second edition because the first version actually played more like the arcade game! The closest to arcade-perfect of Daytona USA I've played is the PC port they translated over to the PS3 years ago. I've got that one and the ported PC-to-PS3 version of Fighting Vipers.
The VF games themselves I never really cared much for. VF just leaves me feeling cold. Tekken's not much better even if the controls are arguably better than they are on ANY of Sega's poly fighters.
I still would rather play a CPS-2 fighting game than any poly fighter past or present. The poly fighter I enjoyed playing the most was Dead or Alive 1 on the Saturn but I'm sure I haven't touched it in close to 20 years now.
Saturn version of this is pretty brilliant.
The display is run in 480i mode, but 3D graphics are line doubled, so it's rendering the game at half-height (and maybe half-width?), so it's not quite as nice as VF2 on Saturn, which renders at a full 480i.
Still, it's a smooth port, models are pretty close, textures are decent. Lighting is gimped, although there's still stages with pretty impressive lighting effects on the Saturn (none are in the video).
I'm so mad I have a US copy of the game, so no Pepsiman, would have bought a JP copy if I knew at the time.
Interesting technical commentary. Props to you.
I'll take lower res with gouraud shading and light sourcing over high res blocky and flat looking graphics anyday
fighters megamix, now that was an awesome game!
the gaming toy boy Omg yes
The original SEGA Superstars
Now imagine a Model 2 or 3 Up-port of mega mix🤤
Imagine if model 2 games were released on saturn for $100 and they came with an additional co processor cartridge that allowed them to port model 2 games to the system at 30 FPS at lower resolution.
To get pepsiman
1. Get the Japanese version of fighting vipers
Wait, Jenny. Is that tip legit? o_o
SEGA makes the best arcade games!
i just noticed how ''blocky'' picky looks in the arcade version. awkward to see the saturn version even improve upon the arcade in a few ways. the saturn version has well rounded characters with proper shading, might even end up a tie. i normally would asume that the arcade destroys the saturn but these ports got so much love, they've been done in the best way possible and strange to see things in the saturn version that shouldn't be that way.
Saturn was able to shade 16 colours to each polygon where as the model 2 could only shade 1 colour that's why saturn model 2 conversions looked more rounded and smoother.
@@Megalocade Saturn,when used right. Was quite the looker. Vf2 is another example. Vf2 still looks good on saturn.
1:58 the portraits at the bottom are different. Especially Sanman's. I wonder if that was his beta design.
Sega did a good job with the port... they took the vf2 route with the 2D backgrounds.. they manage to keep it tight with lower polygon counts.. Arcade has 3-D backgrounds which allows for breakable stages background impact and destruction. Candy stage in Saturn version lost too much detail.. no graffiti or latter. Model of course has better shading and lighting effects.. still a GREAT HOME CONVERSION. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE VF3 comparision
It's always impressive to see how the Saturn can manage close adaptation from the far away more powerful Model 2 card. Not sure any other system of the 5th generation is able to .
Saturn is basically low end Model 2 hardware.
Sega United no, it’s completely different hardware from the ground up.
@@youtubeadmin1588 the architecture of the Saturn is more inspired by Model 1 and System 32, however the VDP2 has been added to allow adaptations of Model 2 games
ciredec Gellar no VDP2 is for backgrounds. The design was always dual video chip, one background one foreground. VDP1 handles sprites and polygons.
@@youtubeadmin1588 no these are the two processors of Hitachi and the VDP1 which manages the polygons which are part of the architectures of the console from the beginning. VDP 2 was added later. I know very well that it manages Backgrounds and certain effects like infinite planes. Nevertheless it was added by contribution to the model 2, there is an official press release from Sega on this subject
Candy aged 16, they would never dare to do that today.
Loved the Saturn version when I was younger. Never got to play the arcade version at all. It's funny now that I realize the round announcer sounds weak on the Saturn compared to the Arcade.
I always loved the rendered videos cds gave us.
Anyone remember the commercial for the game? It was pretty bad ass
o mais importante nesse jogo era manter a agilidade do arcade original, que é muito mais dinamico do que virtua fighter. isso eles conseguiram. e melhoraram depois em fighters megamix.
Model 2 has higher res and texture filtering and very limited lightsourcing (the textures don't really help)
Saturn has more complex lightsourcing and some gouraud shading but lower resolution and polygon count.
Wow, someone actually brought useful commentary to the comparison other than "herpderp acadez bettur"! Most impressive.
OldGraFX light sourcing is far better on model 2.. look no further than Grace stage floor lights.. Saturn was weak at shading... the lack of good light sourcing hide that giving the illusion of some form of shading..
SDS Overfiend
It may be better on that stage but overall the Saturn version seems to have more light sources overall.
Also, when talking about shading, I was talking mainly about gouraud shading (which when applied makes some surfaces look round, like Grace's and Honey's legs on the Saturn version), the Saturn hardware is capable of gouraud shading whereas Model 2 hardware isn't.
OldGraFX Really? Because the video I'm looking at... Model 2 Candy legs are V-Shaped and Sega saturn version the are rectangles and have no lighting.. pause at 3:52.. you making shit up Bruh.. stop it.
Do you even know what gouraud shading is? I don't even know why I'm responding, please read about these topics and inform yourself about these system before posting.
My memory was not accurate at all. The Saturn version hold up really well.I remember thinking was a bad port. While the arcade is better, looking at that video, the less detailed Saturn fighters look better in motion. So... a draw?
I like how in some stages like the 2nd of the Saturn the shadows are small due to the 4 lights surrounding in the ring which is exactly 95% realistic and better than the arcade version 😎
So this is where Honey The Cat cosplaying as?! she's cosplaying as Candy?
Yes, and Candy's name in the Japanese version of the game is Honey. You can also see Honey the Cat in the opening intro at 0:43 in Sanman's collection of toys (as well as the Tails rocket ship from Sonic the Fighters).
@@Danthrax40 Whoa, that's a huge mind blown for a small ester egg that they showed. That explained why'd we can mod Candy (aka Honey) to Sonic The Fighters on the PC version. She was extremely fun and she was my main on Fighting Vipers and on Sonic The Fighters. Even though her fighting style was alot like Tails. But I couldn't complain. She was fun af.
Em relação ao que fora o lançamento do Saturn e sua conversão do Virtua Fighter, essa daqui tá bem de boas!
Aprenderam a ultilizar a arquitetura do Saturn melhor!
Tenho o Virtua, o Virtua 2, esse aqui e o Fighters Megamix e não me arrependo de nenhum!
Ôh época boa!
Povo hj tá muito mimizento.
Se até a própria Sega teve que aprender a usar o hardware do Saturn para portar seus arcades, imagine as outras empresas...
Saturn faz um trabalho muito digno nesse port. Um dos melhores jogos, sem dúvida.
What's with the washed out colors in the Saturn version? Why did they do that?
Love these videos. Keep em coming. How about comparing the criminally underrated Robo-Pit on Sat and PS1?
Fighting Vipers was great, but it wasn't the Tekken beater Saturn fans were hoping for.
stufaman no that was virtua fighter.
arcade wins, but yet aggain they did a marvelous job getting it in there "saturn version". the sega saturn had absolutely amazing arcade ports and am2/3 made the system sweat to make it a fair port, for the lack of graphical horse power that the saturn has they always add a rocking guitar score over the midi cra... uhh stuff that the arcade versions of the same games have. sega sure know how to bring the arcades home and that's why many still hold sega high. i rarely consider a sega console not worth buying, heck even the 32x had 3 very good arcade ports but the 32x would be the weakest.
another good port made by AM2 for the saturn! great port! but this time wins arcade
I kind of hate prerenderd cut scenes at this point and especially in this case what was wrong with simply duplicating the arcade cut scenes to truly give this an arcade feel, I mean this was post Virtua Fighter 2 and the Saturn was able to handle Model 2 very well, as well as PlayStation was able to handle Namco's system 22 no doubt
Uma sugestão do mace the dark age do arcade e N64 ou tbm outra sugestão seria do svc Chaos entre neo geo e o PS2 ou Xbox 😍 adoro teus vídeos!
Bahn = Jotaro Kujo x)
Arcade it has sonic on hack and other from sonic the fighter rumor this game was originally from sonic the fighter
The Saturn had the superior opening set to a Heavy Metal soundtrack.
@Bobby Sharpe Always annoyed the Arcade Version lacks it as thats the re-released version.
fica a dica para um do Last Bronx.
Awesome port for a bad game! but still, the work that was done on Saturn is very respectable, the great Saturn, the big Sega girl.
This game has a sequel on the Dreamcast.
Antonio Crosthwaite What's the sequal called?
Joe maze fighting vipers 2
Arcade Wins Saturn very good ports unbelievable
No console tá visualmente inferior, mas nada muito exagerado. A performance tá boa, isso é o que importa mais. Bem fluido mesmo. Ótima conversão, só não sei se o jogo é bom, nunca experimentei.
Podría haber sido muchísimo mejor el port de Saturn. comparándolo con el VF se que lo podrían haber hecho mejor. me quedo con el Arcade
El saturn maneja buenas framas y se ve que este juego utiliza el procesdor de efectos especiales. El acade lo supera en texturas, se nota los 8 bits de texturas en el saturn.
igual en esa época fue un buen port, no creo que PlayStation pueda hacerlo mejor, se que saturn era criticada por defraudar un poco con algunos ports como daytona y virtua fighter 1, el tema es que la placa model 2 cima técnica de la época y playstation sacaba juegos de un arcade con hardware parecido
I dont understand this left side right side sound...
Me neither! :-/
I thought there was something to the faux buttons, I guess one would have to just adjust the stereo out through the CP on your desktop.
use headphones
Canal Vc Decide No
Maybe it's sound comparison.
Great port
no saturn fico inferior como de costume ,mas muito bem adaptado !!
Download PC ?
The Japanese version was better. Had Pepsi on Picky's skateboard.
as duas versoes sao boas
Ummm lol yes the Saturn port is great, how ever the PS3 port is straight up the sega model 2 arcade perfect port so just get that one if you want arcade perfect results
Same with the 360 Port as well, arcade perfect.
TheThingKing why yes my good friend ❤️ this is true as well
@@SuperKillerdreams I'm downloading/buying it now as we speak on 360. :D
Arcade wins again!
Saturn version is very slick. i would say this is a tie
Arcade takes this one.
Lower resolution, no anti aliasing, no 3D environments but scaled backgrounds instead... Pretty much the exact same game as the arcade version just much worse looking. The same as the other fighting games on Sega Saturn. The pre rendered CGI intro looks bad... Seriously, it was unnecessary.
+Marcel Weber
Agreed. I particularly liked the way they handled that in Dead or Alive. I love that game.
As I recall, the Saturn has no 3D fighting games that contain 3D backgrounds including the port of Battle Arena Toshinden: Battle Arena Toshinden Remix. It simply flattened the PSX version's 3D backgrounds.
Most of the Playstation's 3D fighting games had them but it came at the cost of locking the framerate to 30, with a few exceptions (Tobal No. 1, Bloody Roar, Mortal Kombat 4). I remember being amazed at Lei Long's river stage staying fully intact in the PSX port of Soul Blade while disappointed with the gimped similar stage in the Virtual Fighter 2 Saturn port. On the flip, Tekken 3's PSX port received the Saturn conversion treatment in that the arcade's 3D backgrounds changed to a flat wallpaper.
+The Froyuken Files
I really liked Tobal2...
@@thefroyukenfiles3641 Last Bronx, Virtual One have 3D backgrounds and even if the backgrounds of Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers or Dead or Alive, are in 2D, they are on several planes with depths and animations. The majority of the backgrounds of fighting games on PS1 are wallpapers, not only Tekken 3, the backgrounds of the first toshinden on PS1 are not in 3D either.
poor old Sega. The saturn really was such a steaming pile of turd for 3D compared to playstation, when you look at Tekken 2 Arcade v PS1 video there’s barely any difference but the Model 2 stuff just stinks up the place on Saturn with its blocky visuals. The PS1 was such an amazing machine, by the end of its life it was pushing more polygons even than N64 and looked close to Dreamcast. Sega panicked and shoved another processor in the Saturn which made it a nightmare system. They really fucked up their market share they had in 1992-94
Tekken 1,2 and Soul Edge ran on the Namco System 11 which is directly based on the PS1 that's why there's barely any difference.
Com os games de luta da década de 1990 acontecia exatamente a mesma coisa que os com os FPS de hoje .
Muitos games de luta tentando beber um pouco da fonte do sucesso dos SFs e MKs da vida . Eu tinha lá meus 25/26 anos nessa época e me lembro muito bem da febre *Fighting* nos arcades , era uns 4 fighting games novos pelo menos à cada ano tentando beliscar as fichas de 25 centavos da molecada .
Muitos games bons como *TKof F , Bloody Roar , Soul Calibur , Tekken* fizeram por merecer o sucesso que tiveram . Também tivemos lixos como *Fighters History , Shaq Fu , Masters of Teras Kasi , Star Gladiator , Way of the Warriors e esse Fighting Vipers* hoje se encontram abraçadas com o capiroto nas profundesas do inferno onde habitam os piores estercos eletrônicos da humanidade .
MK e SF também falharam miseravelmente quando tentaram inovar . Mithologies , Special Forces , SF Movie e EX Plus Alpha não me deixam mentir .
No começo da década passada se iniciou a guerra *Battlefield vs Call of Duty* semelhante ao *MK vs SF* dos anos anteriores . Também foram produzidos bons games que tentaram pegar carona no sucesso e tantos outros de qualidade duvidosa que não fazem falta pra ninguém .
*_Será que nós estamos próximos de viver outra rivalidade poderosa nos games como nos velhos tempos ?_*