Salvador Rodriguez yeah but its japanese exclusive. so u need to make a japanese psn acount, download it from the japanese psn store and then switch back to your main acount and select it in the settings.
The sound does make it sound a bit weird conpared but this is pretty much anime'esk also listen specifically to theblyrics it relates to how the game can involve u dying quickly at any time. Im also open minded to everything but thats just me.
The artists to the songs were pretyy much given some footage and a bit of time to play the game and then sing about it in their own sort of way i love this theme as its perfect in the waiting room waiting for weapons to finish crafting
Love the northern folk atmosphere.
While it seems kinda out of place in the game, I can't help but love this song.
Theres a good reason this song plays on the LiD Ps4 theme
Wait there's a Ps4 theme!?
Salvador Rodriguez yeah but its japanese exclusive. so u need to make a japanese psn acount, download it from the japanese psn store and then switch back to your main acount and select it in the settings.
Ryuko Matoi cant I just switch my psn account to Japanese then back to english
Dorkie Boye no. that just means u have an english acount but set on japanese language.
What is the reason?
This just oozes Crowley
Feels more like a Witcher III Theme
Sounds like your personal folk song to me lol
Good 👌🏻
Makes me feel like Im watching Lodos Wars
sounds like something from ar tonelico
I think this is the only soundtrack I didn't like from LiD, it just doesn't suit the game and sounds like a fantasy anime ending song...
Crimson Izanagi I'd you consider all the things in this game, there's plenty more that doesn't fit. So a calm song like this is no stranger.
The sound does make it sound a bit weird conpared but this is pretty much anime'esk also listen specifically to theblyrics it relates to how the game can involve u dying quickly at any time. Im also open minded to everything but thats just me.
The artists to the songs were pretyy much given some footage and a bit of time to play the game and then sing about it in their own sort of way i love this theme as its perfect in the waiting room waiting for weapons to finish crafting
This song is purposely fantasy themed because it mocks the medieval style, the dark souls theme park in floors 21-30