Diary Of A Fatman : Day 10 - Bump In The Road, Finger Update, & Staying Positive

  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 146

  • @Chocolatepain
    @Chocolatepain 9 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video Jeff. You are one of the most realest people on RUclips. We're all behind you. You got this.

  • @srtok7776
    @srtok7776 9 лет назад

    You have obviously matured with your experiences in life, giving you better understanding of yourself. Not to be too long, but all military missions go through multiple levels of planning, given any and all intelligence found to successfully complete the mission. NO mission ever goes as planned. There are always "setbacks," leading to an effort to regroup, keep one foot in front of the other and CM, continue with mission! The mission is still on, and a "never quit" mindset is what completes it! Love your videos, the honesty, and humility you always share!

  • @bequinta1
    @bequinta1 9 лет назад +5

    "Just packed up a bowl and I'm smokin on some Moontrance." You know Jeff, sometimes I wonder if you think about your ol' pot smoking days when you smoke a pipe lol. Anyways, keep it up man you're doing great. And yeah, that beer is a killer....why does it have to taste so damn good!

  • @krazykyle0
    @krazykyle0 9 лет назад

    My biggest stress reliever = working out. My job stresses me out like crazy (Military), started taking advantage of having a gym right at work (Ship), and I'm not looking back. Getting stronger & reducing stress, a win-win in my book!

  • @MrTRUCID0
    @MrTRUCID0 9 лет назад +2

    A lot of times people make the mistake of looking at how much they want to weigh as the only goal. It is more helpful at least for me look at it as changing your daily lifestyle. I weighed about 250lbs when I graduated high school and I sat on the couch and played xbox while eating burger king. Now I weigh 180, and I run 5 miles 5 days a week. You have to take it one day at a time and that is it. Setting big goals is fine, but you will be more effective if you break it down into micro-goals.

  • @airthrow
    @airthrow 9 лет назад +2

    Hey Jeff, longtime viewer and only occasional commenter. Just want you to know, I'm following along on your progress-I'm a guy who has been married for a little over a year now. I was in great shape when I met my wife 8 years ago, but since then I have gained and gained. I have plenty of valid excuses, but it is time to get back in shape for my own health and so I can give my wife a better version of me (as you said). I'm gonna go back to the gym for the first time in a few months later tonight. I'm in the same boat and I know we can both do it! Good luck man and a step backwards is okay as long as you make 2 steps forward, you'll get there. Don't beat yourself up, just buckle down.

  • @leester321
    @leester321 9 лет назад

    Way to go Jeff. I saw your instagram post and am glad to see you got the weight don to under 320 like you wanted. I too am on a weight loss journey. Only been going for 3 days but I have already lost 4 pounds. You are a big motivation to me and it is awesome to see you reaching for your goals. Keep up the good work!!

  • @owenjosephking7396
    @owenjosephking7396 9 лет назад +1

    You are doing well my friend !
    I have lost a bunch of weight too ! I am now 343 lbs, Down from 378 lbs ! (AND STILL GOING)
    I am 6"4 SO I carry a bit of weight well BUT want to get in better shape !
    ATB your friend from Bonnie Scotland !

  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 9 лет назад

    Great recovery from the setback, big step to keep positive. Something to consider is if you do mess up on a meal, don't over do it an an attempt to compensate, just move on stay with the plan to the next meal and the next workout.

    • @cutlerylover
      @cutlerylover  9 лет назад

      good advice, steady is good, nothing extreme I know that wont last...

  • @cmonsterz
    @cmonsterz 9 лет назад

    Being positive is absolutely important, Jeff. I'm your dad's age...and let me tell you; get rid of the weight. When you get older, you pay for it more than you'd ever guess. Getting rid of the weight when you are older is REALLY, REALLY tough. Stay at it; I'm digging the Fatman Diary. Keep up the good work. A temporary slip isn't a big deal; to keep slipping is a big deal. Slow and steady will win the race.

  • @nextlvldipper1
    @nextlvldipper1 9 лет назад +1

    here are some tips from a guy who goes to the gym daily.
    1.go to the gym at the least 3 times a week dont do cardio there just weights because muscle kills fat so you will be burning more fat while you sleep with more muscle you gain,cardio can be done out side at home walk in the morning for an hour
    2.diet is everything 50% of weight loss is diet cut bread,2% milk,simple sugars and simple carbs aka beer. salt should be cut back but not stopped. beer is a hard one but is really fattening
    3.biggest one is dont reward yourself, your reward is results not a big mac cause you worked out thats a big one with alot of people "i worked so i can eat this"
    4.foods that will help you cleanse your body and lose weight
    -beef (believe it or not)
    -green tea
    -low sugar coconut water
    -water about 1 gallon a day if you really want to shed
    5. 2000-2200 calories a day should move you along perfectly with the right food and exercise
    foot notes
    -urge to snack is usually your body craving hydration so drink water before you snack
    - simple sugars still need to be consumed but only small amounts a day
    if you think about giving up think about why you started no matter how slow you go its happening faster then anyone on the couch good luck and hopefully these tips were helpful

  • @strattubes
    @strattubes 9 лет назад

    You've got the right attitude, keep it up Jeff! Awesome to hear that you were less discouraged by the setback. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it? Cruising along just fine, then hit a speed bump, maybe a couple bumps, and pretty soon you're feeling bad about yourself and the spiral downward escalates rapidly... in very short time you've given up on the goal and now you feel worse about yourself than ever. So easy to get snagged by those pitfalls along the way. But you're doing great, and you're being honest with yourself. You're back up and at it, and you've already reversed the setback - AWESOME. Can't wait to congratulate you when you hit the goal. Best of luck!

  • @DaburaTheDemonKing
    @DaburaTheDemonKing 9 лет назад

    One thing that helped me lose weight is to have a treat meal/time where once a week say the evening meal on Sunday you eat something not diet related and you enjoy a lot and have a favourite dessert after too, then you have something to look forward to every week and its a reward for all your hard work you've put in, it really does help keep the boredom out of dieting. When your working out or eating rabbit food on a Thursday you can think about how good the pulled pork with sweet potato fries is going to be. Hope it helps Jeff :)

  • @uhnah5099
    @uhnah5099 9 лет назад

    You can do it Jeff. Stay positive, i'm cheering for you. It's mind over matter brother, it's all you!

  • @ArtisanTony
    @ArtisanTony 9 лет назад +2

    My weakness is lunch when I am traveling around and can't find a good place to eat. I usually have a veggie sandwich at Subway. The fast food is a killer and this job down in Georgia is going o be tough on the diet. I may have to start making my lunch.

    • @cutlerylover
      @cutlerylover  9 лет назад +3

      yeah especially in Georgia you have some fantastic food options there!

  • @skeys79
    @skeys79 9 лет назад

    About 10 years ago i was 260 pounds and i lost 60 and kept it off. The only real drastic thing i did was portion control. I stopped eating portions fit for 2-3 people. And only ate when i was actually hungry. I didnt deprive myself of food ethier. If i wanted a burger it was a burger not 2 burgers or a double meat burger but just one. It also helps if you have a taste for fresh fruit and veg and not hate them. Portion control is key, for myself anyway.

  • @FireShadowASMR
    @FireShadowASMR 9 лет назад +1

    In my life I've found no truer a maxim than the biblical verse "a double minded man is unstable in all his ways." I only mention that here, because I've found that the key to actually attaining most of the more noble goals that we struggle to reach in life (weight-loss and fitness is certainly one), is to shut-up that negative element in our own minds. That double-mindedness we all face at times. You seem to refer to that double-mindedness in these diaries often and I'm sure you're well aware of what I'm referring to. We want something, but somehow we keep doing the thing that yields the opposite of that thing. Instability is the result. Personally, it's been effective in my own life, to not only really-truly recognize that negative part of my psyche that seemingly wants me to fail at all my goals, but to actually shine the light on it a bit when it arises, and make it out to be the adversary that it is. It's not me...it's more the anti-me. I have never been so effective at reaching difficult goals in my life, as when I openly and unabashedly challenged that negative voice when it told me I should give up, or it won't make any difference, or I can start my goal another day. Don't play nice with it, it seeks your destruction and failure. Don't make excuses for it. Don't pretend it doesn't exist, or be ashamed of it. Challenge it immediately, whenever you feel/hear it. What's more, come to love over-powering it and silencing it. Delight in it. Soon, I've found, it's like another biblical maxim, "resist the devil and he will flee from you." Here that devil is the negative part of your own mind that constantly puts you down and never seems to want you to reach the healthy goals in your life. You've lost the weight before and you can do it again, whenever you want. Don't ever let that negativity tell you otherwise. I won't wish you luck because you don't need luck...just drown out the negativity inside, with a single-mindedness. That's the true challenge. It's not the food. Blessings!

  • @kenji6665
    @kenji6665 9 лет назад

    Two steps forward and one step back is still forward progress.

  • @DudeGuy1973
    @DudeGuy1973 9 лет назад

    Keep fighting Jeff. I went through a very similar path as you. I started back again last January and finally got myself healthy again by dumping 110 pounds. NEVER QUIT! I'll be following along!

  • @gunner4373
    @gunner4373 9 лет назад

    Much respect Jeff! Don't be put off when you gain a little weight during this trial. Your body is having a muscle/////fat battle and you will flux greatly in the beggining. I lost 15lbs and then gained 20 during Army BCT. In 10 weeks. People around you will usually notice changes before you do. Keep up the fight and thanks for keeping a poor fool like myself entertained!

  • @chrisholbrook661
    @chrisholbrook661 9 лет назад

    You have alotta courage putting urself out there like this I commend you and hope for nothing but good for u and ur family keep up good work man swallowing ur pride an admitting wrongs ... thats what a real mans supposed to do

  • @s1lvrinferno
    @s1lvrinferno 9 лет назад +1

    Found it a bit odd at the stress relievers and how you missed an obvious one, being the exercise you're doing. Keep going strong Jeff, looking forward to seeing your progress.

  • @ChrisLee-UK
    @ChrisLee-UK 9 лет назад +1

    You have a great frame of mind for this Jeff, determination and I love that you say it's a life style change and not a diet. All too often people get carried away with dieting, make themselves ill then 3 months down the line are back to their original weight. I am currently at 265lb, 6 foot 1. My target is to lose around 40lb. Will be following you on this, no one would want to see a video of me lol but will be checking in with you when you publish new videos.
    Love the idea of the beard too, never had one before but basically got challenged by my brother from another mother in Elko, Nevada to grow one. Not sure if you saw my Facebook profile image but managed to keep it going since October. Also quit smoking back then too, I use a vape but much better than tobacco right?
    Keep at it buddy, I am sure you have lots of support but now have you on Facebook, give me shout any time. Stay Safe brother.

  • @pjaholgersson
    @pjaholgersson 9 лет назад

    A tip is to keep lots of celery at home for when you feel snacky, it doesn't contain any calories and is great for taking away the worst of the hunger :)
    Best of luck from Sweden!

  • @Screamingtut
    @Screamingtut 9 лет назад

    Jeff I was 485# I lost 100# on my own but I had a gastric bypass I keep my loss of 220# I been 240-265# for than more 8 yrs. get a nutribullit it pulverizes the raw veggies or fruit and brakes the cell walls to get everything out of the food making it a superfood. My sister is doing it I am waiting for mine . I will let you know. If I get a second one I'll send it to you in exchange for something. We will loose together. I need to get healthier because of my heart. I had several attacks of angina for the past 12 weeks nitro 2-3 x a day. I was just in the hospital over New Years because of my heart. They tried to put a stent in my vessel to open it up (it was 95% closed) peace Jeff hugs and kisses 😍😍😍

  • @brkr7799
    @brkr7799 9 лет назад +1

    JEFF!!!! Don't weigh yourself every day! I am a fitness guy and worked my butt off to go from a skinny guy to a muscular build. I am 6' tall and started at 155lbs. I am now 201lbs steroid free and it was so hard to put this weight on! My weight varies daily from 197-202lbs. Don't freak out over a few lbs. Make a healthy lifestyle change and do it for the rest of your life! If you want to have a beer day or pig out day, do it. But not often. Eat healthy! Exercise 5 days a week! Weigh yourself once a month max!!! Let me know how you feel in 3 years. Remember healthy LIFESTYLE not DIET!!

  • @yamban
    @yamban 9 лет назад

    Good video. Here in Northern Ontario today its -31F with the windchill, just ridiculous.

  • @eneff92
    @eneff92 9 лет назад

    Cheat days like that are going to save you. When I started my weight loss I would push myself for 5 days and use the weekend as a time to just relax you can eat a little bit more not overboard. It's been close to a year and a half since I started and I have lost just about 50 lbs probably more with muscle gain and the biggest thing that helped me was having days that I knew would be laid back I could eat and not feel bad about it. Keep up the good work and keep inspiring others to do the same.

  • @almollitor
    @almollitor 9 лет назад

    As the other guy said, exercise is a great stress-reliever. Better than a pipe, better than a beer, but probably not better than that other thing you mentioned.

  • @vallo220
    @vallo220 9 лет назад

    Personally I never weighed myself when I was cutting weight. Reason being is like Jeff said weighing yourself can be encouraging or discouraging. I just focused on diet, cardio, weights, and some supplements. I work out 6 days a week with weights and 3 of those days I also do cardio. The way I knew I was cutting weight was I notice the changes in my body, and in my clothes. Eventually I weighed myself, but really weight don't mean shit All the time you can still cut inches but stay at the same weight.

  • @graemegourley7616
    @graemegourley7616 9 лет назад

    A couple things....1) No such thing as overeating veggies. Seriously...ask any Nutritionist/trainer/athlete. Eat as much of that as you want and NEVER feel bad about it.
    2) Your weight will fluctuate from day to day. In fact it is recommended that you don't weigh yourself every day because it can get disheartening to watch your weight bounce around a lot. For anyone, it is possible to see up to 5lbs of change daily! Depending on about a million factors. But predominately...amount of water being held by the body, amount of poop in your body and how long ago you ate. If your lunch is sitting in your stomach still being digested, and you haven't taken more than 1 crap that day and you ate a high amount of salt and are retaining more water than usual...your weight is going to be higher than yesterday if those factors were different.
    3) Cheating ONCE a week is totally ok. In fact it is encouraged because it takes some of the pressure off. You stop thinking...oh god I wish I had a hamburger (or whatever). You fulfill that craving and can continue eating more strictly the next 7-14 days. Then have another cheat...enjoy it. Make it count. It isn't a bad thing.
    So keep up the good work Jeff.

  • @edge4006
    @edge4006 9 лет назад

    I weighed 317 last Christmas, I weigh 249 now, love my beer! Keep truckin!

  • @ColonelRichardHunter
    @ColonelRichardHunter 9 лет назад

    Great video Colonel! BTW I waited way to long to have kids and now it's just to late; so I absolutely understand what you're talking about...

  • @chevydad83
    @chevydad83 9 лет назад

    So your first video talking about your weight gain came about the same time I got on the scale and saw a number I had never in my life seen. I was pretty upset with myself too. Beer is my killer too. I love my beer. I work until midnight and my routine was to get home and have a few beer and eat some food before bed. I've had to stop all that. I have a single beer when I get home, or a glass of whiskey and thats it. No food after 7pm. Walking way more. I'm going to try some shakes for breakfast and lunch and see how that goes. Had some great success last time I found myself to fat. Good Luck man. Keep the Fatman vids coming. They are helping more then just you. PEACE!

  • @rds479
    @rds479 9 лет назад

    Jeff, thanks for sharing this journey with us, I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight as well. I have a major problem with sweets I'm just curious what do you do to curb your sweet tooth?

  • @wolfgang169
    @wolfgang169 9 лет назад

    I love these diary videos.

  • @shockwavecity
    @shockwavecity 9 лет назад

    I pay about 200 bucks a month for health and dental through MA state health insurance connector (which is basically already obamacare, that has been operating for years successfully, nothing changed). The health exchange isn't a bad option, seriously.

  • @darthid77
    @darthid77 9 лет назад

    You're allowed to have some fun.. i mean it was new years eve, it's not like you do it every weekend. As long as you don't ger depressed the next day and eat even more! It's fine!

  • @YiddishGamer
    @YiddishGamer 9 лет назад

    Yes grow the beard I'm currently in my fourth month of growth, never knew I could grow a beard before but mine is sick now and it feeds into another hobby with the oils and wax

  • @TheFilthyFew
    @TheFilthyFew 9 лет назад

    Hey man, good for you on sticking through it. weighing yourself everyday can become a negative real fast. People tend to want immediate satisfaction when it comes to results. I get the documentation need, i would space it out to monthly in combination with measurements. Weight is secondary in importance if you are weight training. But you will still get the satisfaction of "weight change" through the fluctuation in pant size or if you have body tape you can track your waist, arms, legs, neck, ect. keep it up buddy.

  • @supermariozzzzzzzzzz1403
    @supermariozzzzzzzzzz1403 9 лет назад

    God bless you Jeff.

  • @davidoneill2254
    @davidoneill2254 9 лет назад

    Hi Jeff nice video, btw could you please leave a little title or head to all your links in the description box so it's easier just to flick through and see what Amazon links I'm interested in, thanks

  • @blown4six
    @blown4six 9 лет назад

    Honestly, it's all the drinking. Cut out the drinking and the weight will fall off you. Well, combined with a little activity and not pigging out from drunk munchies is huge. I went from 215lbs a few months ago and cut out alcohol all together, today i'm down to about 176lbs. Just from cutting out alcohol, no gym activity. Gym will be next to bulk up and get some more definition.

  • @TheManWithNoName93
    @TheManWithNoName93 9 лет назад

    you tell your storys so well jeff, it felt like i was drinking with you guys, or maby its because i was looking through your windows that night

  • @AngryFrog594
    @AngryFrog594 9 лет назад

    Hey Jeff, I wrestled in middle school and high school and I had gotten really good at controlling my weight. I am 6' even and 165 and in high school I was usually dropping about 10 lbs and holding it there for the entire season. I'm not saying that my way was the best or would work for everyone but if you are interested, I would love to try and help. I wouldn't mind at all sharing with you some of my strategies for losing and keeping weight off.

  • @TabLeft
    @TabLeft 9 лет назад

    Good job man, I have to drop some weight too, i'm giving up the booze tomorrow as the first step. Hell i might even record my progress, thanks for sharing and for the inspiration.

  • @earljackson5294
    @earljackson5294 9 лет назад

    Good luck buddy... You can do it!

  • @dukesilver2308
    @dukesilver2308 9 лет назад

    your weight fluctuates based on many factors like water retention....if you've had a good poop lately....etc....don't weigh yourself daily....do it weekly

  • @DaftHero97
    @DaftHero97 9 лет назад

    When starting from a higher weight i dont think its too bad to weigh yourself everyday. I was losing about a pound a day for about 2 weeks and it was addicting seeing that weight drop. Everyone is different and i understand why you wouldnt weigh yourself everyday though. Those are my 2 cents and thanks for the uploads.

  • @thechefjohnny9183
    @thechefjohnny9183 9 лет назад +2

    Jeff - weight loss surgery ! You are a perfect candidate. yoyo dieting, addictive personality.... Look into it, and get healthy.

    • @cutlerylover
      @cutlerylover  9 лет назад +9

      number 1 I cant afford it, number 2 I had a family member do that and I wouldn't want to go through that myself, eating a syringe worth of food then feeling sick all day...no thanks, Ill do this the old fashion way

    • @robgoesnorth1
      @robgoesnorth1 9 лет назад +1

      The way you said this worries me.

    • @davidkrowa4153
      @davidkrowa4153 9 лет назад

      weight loss sergery? horrible idea

    • @thechefjohnny9183
      @thechefjohnny9183 9 лет назад

      Dupa Krowa don't you think it would be healthier for Jeff than yoyo dieting and weight gain. He has struggled up and down 150+ pounds in a year. There are some very, very safe methods now. Look at VS, vertical sleeve. Easy to say "horrible" idea. Why ? Wouldn't Jeff be healthier to lose the weigh under supervision and care, and keep it off.

    • @dirkdiggler4516
      @dirkdiggler4516 9 лет назад

      Terrible idea, way too many dangers involved in that...and many folks gain the weight back in the future. seen it first hand with people I know.
      Stay tough, get your local folks to crack the whip on accountability, and no excuses.
      If that's too hard for you, seriously, then the "Biggest Loser" would be a great possibility for you. You've got a 100 or more you wanna lose, so you'd fit the bill.

  • @Dafoodmaster
    @Dafoodmaster 9 лет назад

    cutlerylover YES, THE BEARD WILL PREVAIL!

  • @depravedone
    @depravedone 9 лет назад +1

    I feel your pain main, I'm dying for a snack right now. Just dying.

  • @TosTiloCosKreW
    @TosTiloCosKreW 9 лет назад

    I weigh 313 and I'm 5'11" I'm about to begin to try to loose weight. I love food so this will be a challenge.

  • @guns-yx7zt
    @guns-yx7zt 9 лет назад

    hey Jeff I was wondering if u could show us what some of the food u make for dinner. thank you. - Alex

  • @fiercebone825
    @fiercebone825 9 лет назад

    Keep it up Jeff. Stay positive and be patient. Eat lots of fish. Lots of lean meats.

  • @tonechaser7174
    @tonechaser7174 9 лет назад

    Your awesome dog probably helps release stress to , I see how much you love him as I do with my dogs and it's freakin sweet!
    Also your right how everywhere has their thing cause yes canada has health care but you pay out of your ass for taxes and we're one of the highest countries for getting ripped on cell phones bills and cable blah blah blah lol. But thanks for staying positive it helps me as well , and glad you don't feel that bad about new years man cause you should live and be happy first. Soon our dad's will be gone with no more new years to celebrate ... that's worth 2 pounds imo bro.
    Take care buddy and you got this !

  • @Poynor87
    @Poynor87 9 лет назад

    You should make a playlist for these videos.

  • @cankuskal5006
    @cankuskal5006 9 лет назад

    great video again
    Best wishes from the netherlands

  • @tarzanizcool
    @tarzanizcool 9 лет назад

    Dude great job. Those two pounds you gained? Water weight from the extra carbs. Don't even worry about it. Like you said, just do a bit better the next day. Proud of you man! Keep it up!

  • @zacharyhernandez8381
    @zacharyhernandez8381 9 лет назад

    If you want to loose wait quick try juicing. Just replace one meal a day with juice

  • @grimreefer213
    @grimreefer213 8 лет назад

    Jeff! You should look into intermittent fasting! It's the easiest way to a healthier you. It's like exercise without having to push yourself so hard. No it isn't unhealthy either unless you fast for like 3 days straight. It's actually extremely healthy. Do yourself a favor and read into it!

  • @zhaneranger
    @zhaneranger 9 лет назад

    Control yourself on the beers, but allow yourself freely eat as much fruits and veggies as you want.

  • @bbell70707070
    @bbell70707070 9 лет назад

    I'm with ya bro. Same weight same goals same beard. Let's do this.

  • @camronwilliams6056
    @camronwilliams6056 9 лет назад

    Killing it Jeff!

  • @rolandaujero9879
    @rolandaujero9879 9 лет назад

    Bro. I have 3 suggestions for you. I don't have a weight issue, but I used to have a I think I'm too skinny and weak problem. All that changed. I use 3 things. (1) MyFitnessPal. (2) COUNT YOUR MACROSj. There is plenty of information out there. online, but Macronutrient tracking is the best way to CUT or BULK. Purists, actually believe actual calories consumed daily don't even matter, but highly accurate macro consumption is highly important. I recommend Scooby's Calculator to determine your daily caloric and macronutrient needs. Just google it. Find out your numbers. Count your macros in the beginning with PINPOINT accuracy using MyFitnessPal. "cheat meals" all this shit will come into play later after you've been cutting for 6 months or so (3) some form of strength training like Wendler 5-3-1- (probably the best for raw compound lift strength) and some form of enjoyable cardio. Don't just do Cardio when you're cutting (trying to lower your body fat). Also do some form of strength training. Again. I recommend Wendler 5-3-1. Follow the most basic program: Boring but big.

    • @rolandaujero9879
      @rolandaujero9879 9 лет назад

      one other thing. DON'T EVER follow someone else's template daily diet. Every person has different macronutrient requirements dependent on their occupation, height and weight. If you work on a computer all day, you have different caloric needs than someone who throws potato sacks all day long for example. Also, with macronutrient ratios you can structure your daily meals any way you want as long as you hit your macro number for the day. So it could be 2am and you need 20 grams of protein (fat already reached, Carb you need 10 grams) so you could broil a quick chicken breast and nuke some broccoli. No need to follow pre-designed meal plans. Diversify your carbs so you can adequately attain basic daily micronutrient requirements (vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, fiber) Get a food scale too. It'll be your best friend. After a year or so, counting macros becomes intuitive and you'll estimate more and more.

  • @johnreyes8178
    @johnreyes8178 9 лет назад

    You can do it Jeff. I myself want to get in better shape, tried herbalife and it worked but honestly it can get costly. What i found worked for me was literally being happy with me. Positive vibes create positive results. You have a great support system with your wife and your workout buddy. Take it a day at a time and keep that perseverance. Remember an obstacle is only as powerful as your mind perceives it to be. Take care man

  • @Lucasbatanian
    @Lucasbatanian 9 лет назад

    "Get laid, smoke a pipe. -That's all I got."
    Classic Jeff. =)
    Congrats on your weight loss, keep the videos coming!

  • @colingomez8949
    @colingomez8949 9 лет назад +1

    Keep it up jeff.

  • @jimbobmedog
    @jimbobmedog 9 лет назад

    I love the national health service

  • @fakinpwned
    @fakinpwned 9 лет назад

    Your future child is very lucky to have a father like you. Take it from someone who doesn't have a father figure.

  • @tedbishop8115
    @tedbishop8115 9 лет назад

    Spirits are a good alternative to the beers, i think a litre of Vodka has around 1020 calories or something stupid like that, could be wrong though. A 70cl bottle of Jack Daniels has around 1500. Just a thought!

    • @cutlerylover
      @cutlerylover  9 лет назад

      I have also had a glass of whiskey instead of a few beers when I started, also a good alternative every so often, but all liquor has calories...

    • @tedbishop8115
      @tedbishop8115 9 лет назад

      Of course it does:-) But i feel you're think much too short term, in the long run, a glass or three of whiskey a week will make no significant difference over the course of say a month or a fortnight, think of how many calories you will consume in that amount of time compared to how much is actually in that glass! Also don't beat yourself up about messing up a day or two a week, if you start to break it down in to weekly intervals including weekly weigh ins then you can correct yourself so if you mess up on a tuesday you still have a few days to maybe eat a little less or exercise a little more, it's not a day by day battle it's a long term one! Besides you're doing great! Don't fret over small fluctuations especially when you know what the cause was. It should only concern you when you consistently gain weight and don't know why.
      Sorry about the length!

  • @MrCrazyCub
    @MrCrazyCub 9 лет назад

    Hey Jeff... greetings from TN! Just watched your vid... hadn't watched any of your vids in a couple of weeks. Ironically, I'm doing very similar to what you're doing. My vices are McDonald's and sugary drinks. Mainly sweet tea. I am, after all a southern boy. So far since the day after Christmas, I have had no fast food at all and mainly water and coffee. I'm struggling with black coffee, it sucks. So far I've lost 7.5 pounds. I was 320 lbs. Very similar to you... So, like you, I am also trying to make lifestyle changes and not calling it a diet. Good luck boyo. I know we'll get there. Love your vids and wish I could meet you in person, you seem like a cool guy. Take care and keep on keepin' on.

  • @mipr4440
    @mipr4440 9 лет назад +12

    If you wanna lose weight just replace your meals with cigarettes...

    • @TheHazza118
      @TheHazza118 9 лет назад +11

      Cancer or weight loss. Hmmmm....

    • @ten4leader173
      @ten4leader173 9 лет назад +18

      You'd be surprised how much you loose going through chemo

    • @mipr4440
      @mipr4440 9 лет назад +1

      harry watkinson Exactly Lmao!

    • @EDKG
      @EDKG 9 лет назад +3

      Ten4Leader I actually only lost a couple pounds, but I was lucky and not too nauseous so could keep eating - everything just tasted like crap lol

    • @alexanderho225
      @alexanderho225 9 лет назад


    @GTAV4LYFE 9 лет назад

    Over feeding is over feeding.. Calories are king Jeff.. Find what your basil metabolic rate(bmr) which is the amount of calories you burn in a day with out doing anything. Find a start point and cut your calories by 300-500 daily and you will lose weight.. A professor did a study where 2/3 of his diet came from Oreos and cakes and snacks. He remained in a caloric deficit and he lost weight. My point is as long as you know how many calories you need to eat to stay in a deficit you can lose weight.. Check out muscle myths and bigger leaner stronger by Michael Mathews on amazons audible app..!! These 2 books will change your life.. I promise you Jeff.. The very best of luck buddy!! Do muscle myths first.. It's shorter and has great nutritional info in it..

  • @mathurm100
    @mathurm100 9 лет назад

    Don't weigh yourself every day. Maybe once a week. Food and water weight can make you go up and down a few pounds daily. Easy to get discouraged

  • @zipptardnim
    @zipptardnim 9 лет назад

    I suggest trying hookah. It's all up to you on your opinion but it helps me with stress and relaxes me.

  • @CiDev26
    @CiDev26 9 лет назад

    now, I'm not gona judge about you're battle, but if you want to speed up you're weight loss I can give you a real good tip.
    1: when you're on a diet once a month give you're body a shock (a junk day) eat what you want,j but not over do it ofcource.
    this will prevent you're body to get used to the diet.
    2: try suplements that will increase you're body temp (normal 37°celsius try to get up to 38°celsius, you're body use the most energy to keep it's temp) stable. this is best to do in 2days on, 2days off cicle.
    just few tips.
    keep it up bro.

  • @Hissatsu5
    @Hissatsu5 9 лет назад +2

    I got 100s of matchbooks for free every time I go to a to a place that gives them away for advertising resins I grab a handful

    • @Racecar367
      @Racecar367 9 лет назад +1

      I can never find those free matchboxs. I want free matches also!!!! Lol

    • @mrblisterfist
      @mrblisterfist 9 лет назад

      andy pilman
      Me too, dammit! I want some free matches!!! (ten years ago I had pocketfuls) ~good luck

  • @dudelivestrong
    @dudelivestrong 9 лет назад +4

    Change the title to: Diary of a Great man.

  • @jakobpowerflexer
    @jakobpowerflexer 9 лет назад

    only in the usa can you get fat of a salad i gess over there its sugar coated
    for gaining 1 pound of fat by eating tomatoes you haft to eat more than 1000 :D they are made of mostly water (over 90%)

  • @Trevlee74
    @Trevlee74 9 лет назад

    I would worry more about how you feel, and how your clothes fit. Focusing on numbers is not ideal, and can lead to many disappointments. I would recommend weighing yourself twice a month at most.

  • @fatbob1950
    @fatbob1950 9 лет назад

    Good luck. I lost 29lbs in the last six months. Finally reached 205 going for 190. Smoke a pipe myself.

  • @TheManWithNoName93
    @TheManWithNoName93 9 лет назад

    is pipe smoking better for you than cigars?

  • @Maedelrosen
    @Maedelrosen 9 лет назад

    nice meerschaum, keep on Jeff.

    • @Maedelrosen
      @Maedelrosen 9 лет назад

      And also, don't forget to get yourself some Dagner beard oil

  • @drivingmuffin
    @drivingmuffin 9 лет назад

    I didn't know you got married, congrats! :-)

  • @martins.8345
    @martins.8345 9 лет назад

    Hey cutlerylover im a big fan and i'm just wondering if you are still into balisongs?

  • @rossalexander894
    @rossalexander894 9 лет назад

    Love you videos jeff

  • @Ginsugi
    @Ginsugi 9 лет назад

    -18 up here in Ontario...... CANADA WHYYYY

  • @elihawk7859
    @elihawk7859 9 лет назад

    I'm sad that the only thing I got outa this vid was "you can take a 1 or 2 pound dump"

  • @Drunkis1337
    @Drunkis1337 9 лет назад

    I get the drunk munchies too.

  • @m1ghtysauc3E
    @m1ghtysauc3E 9 лет назад

    Yes! Workout beard.

  • @tacticalelvis9813
    @tacticalelvis9813 9 лет назад

    youre doing great cutlerylover

  • @Russofr
    @Russofr 9 лет назад

    Damn bro I would trade with you, I can't gain weight for the life of me, need at least 6 meals a day and 3000-4000 calories a day. Don't pay attention to those numbers just pay attention to how you look, also if you work out muscle does way more than fat so numbers may possibly not change to much. Great job, Also gotta eat a lot of clean food, plain basic foods, salads are great but make sure you watch what dressings you put on it.

  • @cjsop00_26
    @cjsop00_26 9 лет назад

    Your battery seems to die a lot!!! LOL 😃😅

  • @mrdimosssssss
    @mrdimosssssss 9 лет назад

    2:10 "but shit it was 99 cents"

  • @rickyboyz100
    @rickyboyz100 9 лет назад +2

    320lbs...but how tall are you?

    • @cutlerylover
      @cutlerylover  9 лет назад

      6' even

    • @rickyboyz100
      @rickyboyz100 9 лет назад +1

      Ya I'm the same. It took 18 months to get down to 190lbs. The biggest factor was no solid food after 6pm. Keep up regiment man!

    • @rickyboyz100
      @rickyboyz100 9 лет назад +1

      From 260

  • @ric0000
    @ric0000 9 лет назад


  • @BadKittus
    @BadKittus 9 лет назад

    Future Jedi fat beard! You can do it Jeff!

  • @CiDev26
    @CiDev26 9 лет назад

    sorry for type errors.

  • @gunsNmoses
    @gunsNmoses 9 лет назад

    grow that beard and wear it proudly!