Shows that fashion sense is not only about brands, but also about personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting bags of different designs *HOTDUPS* . The knockoffs give me more options. Do what you like with your money.
I love watching the video because it lets me see the difference between knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider whether I really want to buy it *HOTDUPS* or the real thing. I'd love to keep watching more videos like this if I have the time.
Also to be honest, if I could find a really well made dupe of some bags that are out of my price range I would go for it without hesitation. Brand names have done nothing to earn my exclusive loyalty and their business models, treatment of workers and current mark ups are grotesque.
What an interesting topic!! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a luxrul for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
You have a nice collection. I like your rogue bags ❤ btw I have a chalk tea rose rogue with snake skin handle too. Thanks for sharing ❤
Love your handbag collection!!
@@anabrown1111 Thank you!
Shows that fashion sense is not only about brands, but also about personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting bags of different designs *HOTDUPS* . The knockoffs give me more options. Do what you like with your money.
I love watching the video because it lets me see the difference between knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider whether I really want to buy it *HOTDUPS* or the real thing. I'd love to keep watching more videos like this if I have the time.
Also to be honest, if I could find a really well made dupe of some bags that are out of my price range I would go for it without hesitation. Brand names have done nothing to earn my exclusive loyalty and their business models, treatment of workers and current mark ups are grotesque.
You have gorgeous bags also you sound just like Ellen Degenere is I probably spelled that wrong.peace
I have the pink mini empriente version and love it. Perfect for traveling! Welcome to the mini fanny pack club, GF. Cheers to you! *HOTDUPS*
Really Nice bag collection 👌those Tee rose bags are amazing, I cant find it anywere, do yuo know if I can bye it anywere?🤗
Sorry, the store isn't selling them as you know and the only other way might be off of Ebay, Poshmark, or similar fashion sellers.
@@PracticalWhimsy54 thank you
What an interesting topic!! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a luxrul for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
Yep! Since most of them are made in the same sweat shops side by side (not all) why not pay closer to what they are worth?