*Check out other Travel Video too* *Amazing Places to visit in Japan:* ruclips.net/video/erGJkZZsTds/видео.html *Amazing Places to visit in Croatia:* ruclips.net/video/kBw7AkJJ5No/видео.html *Amazing Places to visit in Latvia:* ruclips.net/video/EKRvH7J2g2c/видео.html *Amazing Places to visit in Netherlands:* ruclips.net/video/hmfV1uuMM6E/видео.html *Amazing Places to visit in Malaysia:* ruclips.net/video/EVG-IH8cMYs/видео.html
I lived in Torun for nine months in 2020 and traveled to Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk, and many small beautiful towns in between that are not main tourists attractions. Poland is the most underrated country to visit and I cannot wait to go back!
I've visited Poland 4 years ago and I really loved it. Beautiful cities clean, safe, and the people respecting their history. I adored Poland and I would like to visit again. Love from Greece.
And we Poles love Greece. Holidays only in Greece. Greek history, culture and architecture are amazing. Wonderful islands and very good Mediterranean cuisine. Greece only.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
I was in Poland during lockdown. I felt amazing here, it was not like in my or in many European countries I have been to - a lot of stupid restrictions. Here I felt free and I'm very grateful and respect Polish people, their history, culture and I regret that our history was so tragic and difficult. Greetings from Germany.
It's beacuse of communism. We had stupid restriction all the time at some point you adjust and just pretend you obey it. I mean acceptance among common people for not obeying stupid restrictuon is quite high. Acceptance for injections was also low in whole Central- East Europe. Black market also existsed. Now, more and more documents are being published and suprise, suprise... Seems we were fooled by big pfarma.
I'm Belarusian, but I have been living in Poland for 2 years. I'm so happy that my life has brought me together with this wonderful country and it's people. I also admire the fact that despite the damage during World War II and the communist regime Poland managed to restore lots of historical architecture, that's incredible. My big respect to the people of Poland. Also my Motherland and Poland are connected by centuries of common history, so it's doubly pleasant for me to live here. My best period in life takes place here... ❤
Poland is amazing! I stumbled upon Poland "by mistake" on my way to Slovakia and fell in love. I've now been back many a time and driven through through Poland a few times too, from Gdansk to Krakow and Szczecin to Białystok etc. I'm even studying Polish at the moment :) Love from Finland!
Thank you for your comment. These are very nice words. :) I'm reading a book about Finland right now. I've never been there, but I'm very curious about this country. Best regards from Żyrardów. ♥
@LASER Od czasow powstania panstwa polskiego, te miasta nalezaly do Polski, pozniej przez wieki zostaly zagrabione przez niemcow, a po 2 wojnie odebrane i sa teraz u prawowitych wlascicieli.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
My best friend is Polish and she is an amazing person. This comes to show that Poland is indeed a godsend nation. All my love to this beautiful country
I am from India. I have lived in Szczecin for a year. It's a small town and very beautiful city. The polish people are super friendly. I wish I can go there one day again. Long live Polska
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us , to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
@@irena.el.o4198 Thanks for your answer. I think you know that, but Ćmielów and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski have an exstremely interesting history, reaching neolit period. Have you ever heard about the striped flint and jewerly made of flint ? Connectet to that region. Dinosaurs lived here as well Must visit. 🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕
@@kazimierzgaska5304 no I didn't know that. It sounds very interesting, I will ask my cousin about it. She often spends time in Sandomierz, which I believe is about half hour drive away, and tells me how beautiful and historical it is. If the world ever becomes normal again she promises to take me there next time. Australia is a long ways from Poland.
I was in Kraków with my father in September 2019 and we had a great time over there. Kraków is a wonderful city and it has lots of historic buildings and architectures. I'm sure Poland 🇵🇱 is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I'd love to visit Poland again someday! Good night from Ireland 🇮🇪
As a foreigner my experience says that Poland is beautiful and clean country and safe to live . This country clean this level even small towns , villages are well organized, decorated with flowers .I never seen bushes next to the roads . How I have seen mess in Paris, Amsterdam Germany
Miłość do ojczyzny w Polsce jest podyktowana warunkami historycznymi. W osiemnastym wieku utraciliśmy wolność i podzielono nas między zaborców - Rosję, Prusy i Austrię. Znikneliśmy z map na 123 lata. Kiedy odzyskaliśmy w 1918 roku wolność, byliśmy kolonialną, wyeksploatowną ruiną. W latach 1918 - 1939 odbudowaliśmy kraj. Ale w 1939 roku dostaliśmy się na pięć lat pod niemiecką okupację. To były straszliwe lata terroru - zginęło na 6 milionów ludzi. Kiedy Europa w maju 1945 roku świętowała koniec wojny, my Polacy wiedzieliśmy, że wolni nie będzięmy. Traktatem w Jałcie narzucono nam nacjonalizację, socjalizm, podległość ZSRR ( dziś Rosji). Z Polaków zrobiono niewolników - przez 60 lat pracowaliśmy za nędzne grosze ( 30 $ miesięcznie). Nie mogliśmy swobodnie podróżować po świecie. Zakładać prywatnych biznesów. Zmuszano nas do darmowej pracy pracy przy odgruzowaniu miast. Dziś kiedy jesteśmy wreszcie wolni, nasz kraj rozkwita pod rządami PiS. Unia Europejska robi sobie z nas klasowych chłopców do bicia. Ignoruje pozytywne procesy w Polsce. Ja wam życzę takiej władzy, jaką mamy obecnie. Po takiej historii, która doprowadziła Polskę do zacofania społecznego i gospodarczego, UE wstrzymuje nam fundusze unijne pod pretekstem niepraworządności.Ja wam na Zachodzie życzę podobnego rozwoju i przyzwoitości rządu. Widzą to emigranci z Ukrainy, Rosji i Białowrusi. Widzą to turyści. Ich spojrzenie na Polskę można zobaczyć na takich właśnie vogach. Nad Polską niestety znów zbierają się chmury - Rosja i Niemcy boją się silnej Polski.Boja się rosnącej spójności Słowian. Oni to pragną znów znisczyć. Jakiś internauta z podziwem napisał - Polska to kraj bohaterów i tytanów pracy. Odpowiadam - nie mieliśmy innego wyjścia. Śmieć i odradzanie się z popiołów to już tradycja.
God bless Poland .In this Christmas time My polish friends is special close to me.. Pozdrowienia z Chorwacji i Dalmacji . Najpiekniejszie miejsce -Krakow dla mnie 🇵🇱🇭🇷
Hi Nick I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌹🌹
@LASER Polacy nic do gadanie nie mieli. Granice na Odrze i Nysie łużyckiej zostały przeforsowane przez Józefa Stalina. USA to nie interesowało, Anglia nic nie mogła zrobić. Tak samo było z granicami wschodnimi. I tyle w temacie - nie pisz bzdur.
@LASER Kto wygrywa wojnę, kształtuje granicę. Takie są bezduszne prawa wojny. Węgry po I wojnie zostały opiłowane z olbrzymich terenów. My z Ruskimi w 21 r. podpisaliśmy Traktat Ryski i podzieliliśmy Ukraińskie ziemie.
@LASER przesiedlenia były w wielu miejscach, dotyczyły Polski, Niemiec, Czech, Grecja-Turcja, jeszcze dawniej wyrzucanie Żydów z różnych krajów Europy, Palestyna itd....
@LASER w takim razie cofni sie jeszcze dalej tak możemy bez końca wazne jest kto to odbudowuje granice tworzą władcy tego świata a ludzie wszędzie są tacy sami czym sie różnią Niemcy Francuzi itd politycy żerują na ludziach tyle w temacie
Amazing places , amazing people , and even more amazing prices for hotels and food compared to Western Europe. When I am in Poland, I feel like I am in old, good, Christian Europe surrounded by people who look European. Unfortunately, I did not have this feeling when I went to Paris or London.
I agree since I am from Germany and people are also becoming more and more sceptical regarding all of these changes. I mean, even from a tourist perspective it's heartbreaking what's going on in Western Europe. As, if you visit places, you want to experience them in an authentic manner which means: native people + native architecture. However, today, if you go to Berlin, Paris or Londond you will be able only to enjoy the latter.
@@blinkblinkRNB yeeeah well... in all honesty, polish bigger cities ain't that free from mulitulturalism either, perhaps its not yet west level of it, but its there in rather large... quantities
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
@@alh6255 w końcu oba języki wywodzą się z prasłowiańskiego, szkoda tylko że nie wszyscy słowianie bazują na jednym alfabecie, jedni łacina, drudzy cyrylica.
@@tomaszcichoracki4894 Mnie to nie przeszkadza, że są 2 alfabety. Jest dzięki temu ciekawiej. Lubie zresztą polski zapis, bo oddaje nie tylko bardzo dobrze brzmienie języka, ale i jego fascynującą historię oraz logikę. Wszystko naraz, superinteligentnie, co nie zawsze się udaje (vide zapis angielski).
@@alh6255 mówię że szkoda dlatego że jest to jednak jakaś bariera, nie wiem do końca jak wygląda u cyrylickich słowian nauka angielskiego. Uczą się angielskich zwrotów w swoim alfabecie czy uczą się alfabetu angielskiego?
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
I fell in love with a Polish girl in 1988. We were both traveling and our paths crossed in Sweden. We got married in Iceland and have lived in many different places. We both enjoy traveling and wandering in nature. Too bad you mostly advertise big cities. We avoid them. Poland has very beautiful nature in Mazuria, Bieszczady and the Klodzko valley.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Or smaller cities and towns like Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, Bielsko-Biała, Zielona Góra. Or Nikiszowiec in Katowice. Or my hometown Ząbkowice Śląskie with its Leaning Tower. Or Srebrna Góra with the largest mountain fortress in Europe. Or Hel Peninsula. Or Książ Castle near Wałbrzych. Or Zamek Czocha. Or Moszna Castle near Opole. Or Dolina Baryczy. I could go on and on and on. Poland is beautiful 🇵🇱🤍❤️
Szkoda że Polacy zapomnieli co to szacunek, nawet dla samego siebie, co to życzliwość itd. Chociaż tak się dzieje nie tylko w Polsce. Jak myślisz, dlaczego tak jest?
Poland is really amazing and it takes time to explore this great country. It is destination number one for my summer vacation for few years already and still Poland surprises me with it’s beautifully each time ❤️
@@mateuszszpala2534 Angielskie "promotion" ma wiele tłumaczeń na język polski. Po pierwsze - AWANS. Po drugie - PROMOWANIE. Po trzecie dopiero - PROMOCJA. Autor filmu oczywiście PREZENTUJE Naszą Ojczyznę, ale robi to awansując ją i chwaląc ją (a to jest wyraz bliski promowaniu) - "bierzcie przykład", "macie wzór do naśladowania", "widzicie, że można". Nie wiedziałem, że słowo PROMOCJA jest obraźliwe. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Jestem Polką i kocham Polskę! Polska jest piękna i wartościowa. Polska ma ciekawą i trudną historię, posiada mnóstwo wspaniałych miejsc do zwiedzania. W Polsce można smacznie zjeść, można uczestniczyć w wielu ciekawych wydarzeniach kulturalnych oraz dobrze wypocząć. Bardzo doceniam moją Ojczyznę - Polskę !
"Jestem Polką i kocham Polskę! Polska jest piękna i wartościowa. Polska ma ciekawą i trudną historię, posiada mnóstwo wspaniałych miejsc do zwiedzania. W Polsce można smacznie zjeść, można uczestniczyć w wielu ciekawych wydarzeniach kulturalnych oraz dobrze wypocząć. Bardzo doceniam moją Ojczyznę - Polskę !" To mówiłem ja - Jarząbek Wacław, trener drógiej klasy. Niech żyje nam prezes sto lat! Łubu dubu łubu dubu, niech żyje nam prezes naszego klubu! Niech żyje nam!
@@86Corvus Nikt ciebie w Polsce na siłę nie trzyma. To krytykowanie Polski nic ci nie da bo ktoś kto kocha swoją Ojczyznę nie zmieni swojego nastaeienia, jedynie z politowaniem spojrzy na twoją złośliwość.
Es ist mein Geburtsland ,wo ich die wichtigsten Erfahrungen fürs Leben machen dürfte .Ich liebe dieses Land und die Menschen...Die Gastfreundschaft und die Kultur, .. Meine Erste Heimat auf die ich stolz bin...
Zwiedziłem prawie wszystkie ciekawe miejsca w Polsce a znajomi, którzy latają co rusz do Włoch/UK/Hiszpanii i dalej dziwią mi się, że nie wylatuję za granice. Szkoda, że najpierw swojego kraju dobrze nie zobaczyli... :) A z faworytów dla mnie - Góry Stołowe i wydmy koło Łeby (szczególnie Czołpińska i dzikie plaże za nią). Pozdrowienia dla odkrywców naszego pięknego kraju!
Bo to jest tak właśnie...czyje chwalicie , swego nie znacie...Nawet nie wiecie co posiadacie. Być może Tacy są Twoi znajomi . . Lechistan czyli Polska to raj na ziemi. Zdrawiam serdecznie .
@@drneko1191 ależ teraz w tych czasach jest wstydem być księdzem, lekarzem, politykiem zwłaszcza . To najgorsze dziadostwo i barachło. NAJGORSZY SORT LUDZKI. Więc nie dziw się, że ktoś nawet nie chce dorabiać żydostwo tam za granicami. I tylko pucybut albo bot może powiedzieć na taki wpis "typowy kompleks dziada" Stanowisz świetny przykład bocie albo co tam
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
@@tulipan1078 przepraszam jeśli uraziłem, pisząc o górze miałem na myśli tych z rządu. A raczej nierządu. Nic do Ciebie personalnie. Przepraszam za nieścisłość:)
Visited Warsawa from Calgary .I fell in love with the beauty of Poland 🇮🇩.I will visit the whole poland in Future soon .Thanks for the beautiful vdo .Love from 🇨🇦
Warsaw is much nicer than Calgary, but your rocky mountains are beautiful, I was there a month ago. I love Albert. I invite you to Warsaw for good beer and food.
I visited all these places many times through a period of several years / summer and winter ( a loooong time ago ) - it was all veeeeery beautiful. Especially my polish girlfriend 😉😉😁😁. Her name was Joanna. In my dreams, I wish these times would come back ☺️🇵🇱🇩🇰
They believed that Germans were superior and that Polish people were subhuman, with no culture and intelligence and that they needed masters to tell them what to do. As a Polish girl, it makes me so sad... 🇵🇱😥
@@juliaj7939 The Germans had real sick mentality to think like this. Anyways today's Germany is just the opposite..there are more people there from the Middle east than actual Germans so all this talk about Aryan superiority in the 30's and 40's was just a waste of time !
@@akshayb9663 I agree with you but they "kind of" had to do it (to dehumanize their neighbours) because as Hitler himself described it in his own book (1924) Germany wanted to become a self-sustainable state. And in order to achieve it they needed "Lebensraum" (living-space) in the East + access to oil. Of course it would be hard to convince your population that you have to mass-murder people so they came up with a "racial theory" which would make it more "acceptable" among Germany's citizens.
WWI and WWIi were religious Wars brought by the Vatican and the Jesuits. Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and Hitler were jesuit's puppets. Nations were played against each other. Russian Orthodox and German Protestant were played againt each other the most. It's bad if you know the history from jesuit's schools.
You were selected to join the organization, because we see a wealthy person in you....you will be the one helping people in need, the homeless will enjoy from you, you will feed the poor with the help of Illuminati, we can make your business move, and we can give you any position you want in your working place or be creative in any thing you do...with the help of the Illuminati your unreviwed destiny will be show to the world that you are a great person..
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness? We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Nature in Poland is very lush and diverse. Poland also has the last primeval forest of Europe- Puszcza Białowieska, it is unique on a global scale. You can see European bison there, a very rare species that almost died out at the beginning of the 20th century.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realise? What do you think about it?
@@beata8118 thank you, love Poland 🇵🇱 ❤ the culture and their food. I wish to visit Poland soon. What places in Poland do you recommend for tourist to visit?
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
I spent a month a Prague several years ago then decided to visit Poland. It's surprisingly beautiful with old world architecture, and full of interesting sites.
Great part of northern country with amazing countless sandy beaches! I’ve gone to regions of Bialowierza with national Bison 🦬 park it was just superb. Warsaw, I simply love it, that city was a massive ruins 75 years ago, I stayed wordless. Road network are efficient and in a great condition. Simply, we went for 2 weeks and finally we stayed 3 if no more than that ! 🇫🇷
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Polska to piękny, czysty kraj.O interesującej historii. Świetna kuchnia , ludzie życzliwi i gościnni. Kocham moją Ojczyznę jestem dumna że jestem Polką. Zapraszam do Polski.
A ja polecam wizytę w Poznaniu! super miasto! Zabytki, parki, ale i nowoczesność. Park Cytadela, stadion, dobry klmat, sporo nowoczesnych firm w sumie, widziałam np. magazyny stokado samoobsługowe, podobne widziałam w Niemczech, świetne jedzenie (np. Kura warzyw). Naprawde swietny czas, pozdrówki dla poznaniaków i zapraszamy!!
You should come to Poland. Do not regret it! ❤ An amazing nature with the charming landscapes. The Tatra and Bieszczady mountains, Mazury lakes and baltic sea- very unique regions in Poland. If you are more interested about polish history, necessary you have to see it: Gdańsk, Warsaw, Kraków, Auschwitz Birkenau( very tragic place in our history) , Toruń, Gniezno( the first capital of Poland), Biskupin, Wrocław. Warmly welcome❤!
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realise? What do you think about it?
Szkodaś , że tylko „ziemia” bo jeśli chodzi o ludzi to już nie jest tak pięknie. Zgodzisz się ze mną, że szacunek, życzliwość, miłość bliźniego są w tym kraju rzadko spotykane? Jak myślisz, dlaczego tak się dzieje?
@@gabrielgajewski5225fr wiesz jak ciężko przejść obojętnie nad ludzkimi problemami? Ale masz rację, chyba ludzie kochają tak trudne życie. Więc po co mam na siłę ich uszczęśliwiać. Mimo wszystko, szkoda mi ich.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
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*Amazing Places to visit in Latvia:* ruclips.net/video/EKRvH7J2g2c/видео.html
*Amazing Places to visit in Netherlands:* ruclips.net/video/hmfV1uuMM6E/видео.html
*Amazing Places to visit in Malaysia:* ruclips.net/video/EVG-IH8cMYs/видео.html
Polsko je krásná země! Zdravím bratránky Poláky z České Republiky! 🇨🇿🤝🇵🇱
I'm Polish and I could read your message with understanding. Yes, let's keep together. One love ❤️ 😊
zdrówko przyjacielu!
Czechy ładniejsze
@@HerrSztedke-yy9js nie
I Moved to Poland from the Netherlands 12 years ago.. best decision inmy life. In love with Poland and especially Krakow.
What was the mind reason?
- ништа онда ти иди својој кући у своју државу
а овај
World Citizen
3 days ago
Ik ben juist geëmigreerd vanuit Polen naar Nederland
у своју
- women or farmer
Krakow is tremendous, studying/working here and the best decision in my life also!
especially cheap prostitutes!
I'm in love with Poland, love their culture. Love from north Portugal
When you come to Poland please contact with me.....')
Same here
And I am in love with Portugal. I have beautiful memories and the country is amazing! Greetings from Poland and thank you!
Wow, I didn't know we have such beautiful fans so far from Poland, thank you and best regards from Poland
I lived in Torun for nine months in 2020 and traveled to Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk, and many small beautiful towns in between that are not main tourists attractions. Poland is the most underrated country to visit and I cannot wait to go back!
You are very lucky. Those are some beautiful cities full of charm.
My family is from Torun! Loved it there. I am considering living in Wroclaw for 6 months, do you recommend it?
@@CollieDing Wrocław to piękne miasto!! Polecam!!
@LASER buhaha
@@adlervonschlesien4869 *was
I've visited Poland 4 years ago and I really loved it. Beautiful cities clean, safe, and the people respecting their history. I adored Poland and I would like to visit again. Love from Greece.
And we Poles love Greece. Holidays only in Greece. Greek history, culture and architecture are amazing. Wonderful islands and very good Mediterranean cuisine. Greece only.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
PANIA thank you 🙂🙂💙💙
@@imiejego444 for me hunza gilgit and Turkey, Oman alsow nice people
Polska! Jeden wsród najŁadnieszych krajów! Kocham Polskę!
Polak kocha Polskę xd
Widzisz mnie?
@@czyzyk6627 i Węgierki też :)
@LASER ale prymityw
I was in Poland during lockdown. I felt amazing here, it was not like in my or in many European countries I have been to - a lot of stupid restrictions. Here I felt free and I'm very grateful and respect Polish people, their history, culture and I regret that our history was so tragic and difficult. Greetings from Germany.
It's beacuse of communism. We had stupid restriction all the time at some point you adjust and just pretend you obey it. I mean acceptance among common people for not obeying stupid restrictuon is quite high. Acceptance for injections was also low in whole Central- East Europe. Black market also existsed. Now, more and more documents are being published and suprise, suprise... Seems we were fooled by big pfarma.
I'm Belarusian, but I have been living in Poland for 2 years. I'm so happy that my life has brought me together with this wonderful country and it's people. I also admire the fact that despite the damage during World War II and the communist regime Poland managed to restore lots of historical architecture, that's incredible. My big respect to the people of Poland. Also my Motherland and Poland are connected by centuries of common history, so it's doubly pleasant for me to live here. My best period in life takes place here... ❤
All the best brother! Glad you like it here!
ZłamasKutas też ładnie...
I believe Biełaruś is much more normal country than occupied by jews and nazi ukrainians Poland.
Poland is amazing! I stumbled upon Poland "by mistake" on my way to Slovakia and fell in love. I've now been back many a time and driven through through Poland a few times too, from Gdansk to Krakow and Szczecin to Białystok etc. I'm even studying Polish at the moment :) Love from Finland!
Thank you very much for lovely words 🙂 Loves from Poland 🇵🇱
Powodzenia w nauce języka polskiego :)
Thank you for your comment. These are very nice words. :) I'm reading a book about Finland right now. I've never been there, but I'm very curious about this country. Best regards from Żyrardów. ♥
Good luck with Polish language!
Dziękuję za miłe słowa o mojej kochanej Polsce 🇵🇱 ❤️ Powodzenia życzę 🍀🙋🏻♀️❤️
Beautiful country! I only know Warszawa and Krakow and i loved it! Wroclaw, Gdansk, Zakopane are in my list to visit! Greetings from Portugal 🇵🇹👍🏻🇵🇱
@LASER Od czasow powstania panstwa polskiego, te miasta nalezaly do Polski, pozniej przez wieki zostaly zagrabione przez niemcow, a po 2 wojnie odebrane i sa teraz u prawowitych wlascicieli.
@LASER Gimba i tak nie zrozumie.
Portugal on my list. Maybe next year :)
You must visit HEL - CYPEL HELSKI. This is the most beautiful place in Poland :)
@LASER fascynujące :)
Pozdravujem zo Slovenských Tatier.
Much nicer than our Polish Tatry. You have more of it
a hoj 😁😁😁
Pozdrawiam Serdecznie !
Pozdrowionka bracia
Słowackie Tatry najlepsze 😍😍😍😍
Such a beautiful country 🥺🥺🥺
Love from Bulgaria 🇧🇬❤️🇵🇱
I ve been in Bulgaria a few times (mostly seaside). I dream to see monasteries in Rhodopes. Love from Poland :)
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Oh do i comment you before?
Bułgaria is great ❤️
Pamporovo , great ski resort. Lovely people:)
My best friend is Polish and she is an amazing person. This comes to show that Poland is indeed a godsend nation. All my love to this beautiful country
Poland has captured my heart 💓. Just been to GDANSK. All I can say is WOW..going to Poznan in 2 weeks. Filipino from Finland
How did you like Poznań? 🤗
With love from Polska to Suomi.Great nation.
YOur country is very beautiful , and people , the nicest people I ever met.
Welcome to Poland. Have a great time. Enjoy your stay as much as you can.
I am from India. I have lived in Szczecin for a year. It's a small town and very beautiful city. The polish people are super friendly. I wish I can go there one day again. Long live Polska
@Li it was business trip
Samit, from a European perspective Szczecin is a medium size city - not a small town.
A small town?? Szczecin is located in the most extensive area of Poland.
@@manasloo753 Well, compared to cities in India it can be called small. Just a matter of perspective I guess :D
and we, Poles, have rebuilt the whole country with hard work :) We are realy proud
And now Jews want to take over our country
Kochana Polske❤❤ my father's birth place. I have visited 3 times and loved it more each time.
It is possible your ancestors lived in Owińska - the village with very interesting history, 10 km from Poznań.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us , to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
@@kazimierzgaska5304 no, my maiden name is Kotulski. My grandfather lived in Ćmielowie.
Thanks for your answer.
I think you know that, but Ćmielów and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski have an exstremely interesting history, reaching neolit period.
Have you ever heard about the striped flint and jewerly made of flint ?
Connectet to that region. Dinosaurs lived here as well
Must visit.
@@kazimierzgaska5304 no I didn't know that. It sounds very interesting, I will ask my cousin about it. She often spends time in Sandomierz, which I believe is about half hour drive away, and tells me how beautiful and historical it is. If the world ever becomes normal again she promises to take me there next time. Australia is a long ways from Poland.
I was in Kraków with my father in September 2019 and we had a great time over there. Kraków is a wonderful city and it has lots of historic buildings and architectures. I'm sure Poland 🇵🇱 is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
I'd love to visit Poland again someday!
Good night from Ireland 🇮🇪
As a foreigner my experience says that Poland is beautiful and clean country and safe to live . This country clean this level even small towns , villages are well organized, decorated with flowers .I never seen bushes next to the roads . How I have seen mess in Paris, Amsterdam Germany
Miłość do ojczyzny w Polsce jest podyktowana warunkami historycznymi. W osiemnastym wieku utraciliśmy wolność i podzielono nas między zaborców - Rosję, Prusy i Austrię. Znikneliśmy z map na 123 lata. Kiedy odzyskaliśmy w 1918 roku wolność, byliśmy kolonialną, wyeksploatowną ruiną. W latach 1918 - 1939 odbudowaliśmy kraj. Ale w 1939 roku dostaliśmy się na pięć lat pod niemiecką okupację. To były straszliwe lata terroru - zginęło na 6 milionów ludzi. Kiedy Europa w maju 1945 roku świętowała koniec wojny, my Polacy wiedzieliśmy, że wolni nie będzięmy. Traktatem w Jałcie narzucono nam nacjonalizację, socjalizm, podległość ZSRR ( dziś Rosji). Z Polaków zrobiono niewolników - przez 60 lat pracowaliśmy za nędzne grosze ( 30 $ miesięcznie). Nie mogliśmy swobodnie podróżować po świecie. Zakładać prywatnych biznesów. Zmuszano nas do darmowej pracy pracy przy odgruzowaniu miast. Dziś kiedy jesteśmy wreszcie wolni, nasz kraj rozkwita pod rządami PiS. Unia Europejska robi sobie z nas klasowych chłopców do bicia. Ignoruje pozytywne procesy w Polsce. Ja wam życzę takiej władzy, jaką mamy obecnie. Po takiej historii, która doprowadziła Polskę do zacofania społecznego i gospodarczego, UE wstrzymuje nam fundusze unijne pod pretekstem niepraworządności.Ja wam na Zachodzie życzę podobnego rozwoju i przyzwoitości rządu. Widzą to emigranci z Ukrainy, Rosji i Białowrusi. Widzą to turyści. Ich spojrzenie na Polskę można zobaczyć na takich właśnie vogach. Nad Polską niestety znów zbierają się chmury - Rosja i Niemcy boją się silnej Polski.Boja się rosnącej spójności Słowian. Oni to pragną znów znisczyć. Jakiś internauta z podziwem napisał - Polska to kraj bohaterów i tytanów pracy. Odpowiadam - nie mieliśmy innego wyjścia. Śmieć i odradzanie się z popiołów to już tradycja.
Polska jest zaebisty kraj kocham. Mieszkam już 3 lata w Gdansk. 🇬🇪+🇵🇱=👨👩👧👦❤️
Greetings for Sakartvelo
but nw too much lazy ukrainien
@@magdarosson6579 maybe better to have lazy muslims live in poland ?
God bless Poland .In this Christmas time
My polish friends is special close to me..
Pozdrowienia z Chorwacji i Dalmacji .
Najpiekniejszie miejsce -Krakow dla mnie 🇵🇱🇭🇷
Gaude Mater Polonia! God bless Poland - Heart of Europe.
I really want to travel in Poland 🇵🇱! I think that it's an amazing country with the best natural beauty :) Much love from Greece 🇬🇷!
I also adore Switzerland, Lithuania and France for their amazing natural beauty!
Greetings from the Royal Palace🤴👸❤❤❤ hope you'll also visit dubai for a tour madam, you'll love ❤ it..have a good day 🧡🧡🧡
Hi Nick I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌹🌹
I am from poland, and i want to visit greece so much.
Greece is pretty amazing too.
Polska po 2 wojnie światowej odrodziła się jak Feniks z popiołów,jest piękna.
@LASER Polacy nic do gadanie nie mieli. Granice na Odrze i Nysie łużyckiej zostały przeforsowane przez Józefa Stalina. USA to nie interesowało, Anglia nic nie mogła zrobić. Tak samo było z granicami wschodnimi. I tyle w temacie - nie pisz bzdur.
@LASER Stalin się nie mylił w kwestii granic. Wiedział co robi.
@LASER Kto wygrywa wojnę, kształtuje granicę. Takie są bezduszne prawa wojny. Węgry po I wojnie zostały opiłowane z olbrzymich terenów. My z Ruskimi w 21 r. podpisaliśmy Traktat Ryski i podzieliliśmy Ukraińskie ziemie.
@LASER przesiedlenia były w wielu miejscach, dotyczyły Polski, Niemiec, Czech, Grecja-Turcja, jeszcze dawniej wyrzucanie Żydów z różnych krajów Europy, Palestyna itd....
@LASER w takim razie cofni sie jeszcze dalej tak możemy bez końca wazne jest kto to odbudowuje granice tworzą władcy tego świata a ludzie wszędzie są tacy sami czym sie różnią Niemcy Francuzi itd politycy żerują na ludziach tyle w temacie
Amazing places , amazing people , and even more amazing prices for hotels and food compared to Western Europe. When I am in Poland, I feel like I am in old, good, Christian Europe surrounded by people who look European. Unfortunately, I did not have this feeling when I went to Paris or London.
I agree since I am from Germany and people are also becoming more and more sceptical regarding all of these changes. I mean, even from a tourist perspective it's heartbreaking what's going on in Western Europe. As, if you visit places, you want to experience them in an authentic manner which means: native people + native architecture. However, today, if you go to Berlin, Paris or Londond you will be able only to enjoy the latter.
maybe its becouse they no more christian.....
@@blinkblinkRNB yeeeah well... in all honesty, polish bigger cities ain't that free from mulitulturalism either, perhaps its not yet west level of it, but its there in rather large... quantities
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
@@wiesiawojtkowska For me personally, "happy life" is a very vague and overused term. What I strive for in my life, is a "meaningful life"
Pozdravy bratov polskych👍💝 my se podoba,kak doma na SK.
Pozdrawiam rowniez!
Pozdrawiam także brata z pięknej Słowacji, wszystko po słowacku zrozumiałem:)
@@alh6255 w końcu oba języki wywodzą się z prasłowiańskiego, szkoda tylko że nie wszyscy słowianie bazują na jednym alfabecie, jedni łacina, drudzy cyrylica.
@@tomaszcichoracki4894 Mnie to nie przeszkadza, że są 2 alfabety. Jest dzięki temu ciekawiej. Lubie zresztą polski zapis, bo oddaje nie tylko bardzo dobrze brzmienie języka, ale i jego fascynującą historię oraz logikę. Wszystko naraz, superinteligentnie, co nie zawsze się udaje (vide zapis angielski).
@@alh6255 mówię że szkoda dlatego że jest to jednak jakaś bariera, nie wiem do końca jak wygląda u cyrylickich słowian nauka angielskiego. Uczą się angielskich zwrotów w swoim alfabecie czy uczą się alfabetu angielskiego?
Fajnie wymienia Polskie nazwy szacun👍
A kto to nakręcił, pomyśl.
aż mi na sercu lepiej, słysząc o Polsce.
@@anulem3794 I Turoń. A najbardziej mnie rozwaliło "malarek museum"
Congratulations for your national holiday on 11th November Poland from your friends in Germany
Cheers :D!
Greetings from Taiwan
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
I'm in love with Poland and been learning polish never been there but it looks as beautiful and diverse like Canada 🇨🇦 my country.
Have you seen the Canadian video from our channel?
One of the most beautiful places in the world...... I wish I could have a vacation to Poland. Thanks Joyous Travel for sharing this great video.
Kocham mój kraj ♥️
W marcu / 2023 jestem!! brazylijsko-polski 🇧🇷 🇵🇱
I've just come back from Poland, absolutely loved it!! If you don't go then you're missing out! I'm from the UK btw!
I fell in love with a Polish girl in 1988. We were both traveling and our paths crossed in Sweden. We got married in Iceland and have lived in many different places. We both enjoy traveling and wandering in nature. Too bad you mostly advertise big cities. We avoid them. Poland has very beautiful nature in Mazuria, Bieszczady and the Klodzko valley.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Me and my polish wife love nature and cities
I mean what you like dude cpun
Or smaller cities and towns like Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, Bielsko-Biała, Zielona Góra. Or Nikiszowiec in Katowice. Or my hometown Ząbkowice Śląskie with its Leaning Tower. Or Srebrna Góra with the largest mountain fortress in Europe. Or Hel Peninsula. Or Książ Castle near Wałbrzych. Or Zamek Czocha. Or Moszna Castle near Opole. Or Dolina Baryczy.
I could go on and on and on. Poland is beautiful 🇵🇱🤍❤️
And many, many more.
i live in poland for 13 years..such a fantastic country and people.
beautiful country I love you Poland
Ich bin jedes Jahr mindestens ein mal in Polen. Immer wieder klasse! 👍
Wir auch ^^ .
im 39. Mit dem Zug.
Sehr freundlich
Benzin billig tanken deutscher oder wieder beim ,,Besuch'' alles zörsteren ?
I love to hear that lot of people says something nice about my country✨
Love from 🇵🇱
I to jest prawdziwa reklama naszego pięknego kraju
Szkoda że Polacy zapomnieli co to szacunek, nawet dla samego siebie, co to życzliwość itd. Chociaż tak się dzieje nie tylko w Polsce. Jak myślisz, dlaczego tak jest?
Poland is a beautiful and friendly country. I visited many places presented in this video and hope to come back.
I looove Poland. It’s such an affordable country with beaches, mountains and so much more. The nature is beautiful in Poland too!
Poland is really amazing and it takes time to explore this great country. It is destination number one for my summer vacation for few years already and still Poland surprises me with it’s beautifully each time ❤️
I'm from Poland and I want to say that Poland is beautiful 🇵🇱❤
I moved to Poland from Germany 6 years ago with only 1000€ and 22 years of age.
Best decision of my entire life.
Love Poland been twice love culture food everything ❤ .... I'm planning on December a third trip for 15 days doing a whole tour
Greetings from Greece
Прекрасная,замечательная,неповторимая и любимая Польша! 😍
Dziękuję 🙂🙂💙💙
Pozdrawiam serdecznie ciebie i twoich bliskich 🤗👏
@@szeryf7983 велике дьякую,бардзо дженькую,большое спасибо🙂
Немецкие достижения.
Pięknie wymawiane nazwy miast. Nasz kraj jest piękny ❤
Dokładnie! Jest dużo pięknych miejsc w naszym kraju😄 Niektóre z nich sam staram się rozpromować ♥️ szczególnie polecam Beskid Żywiecki 😶
Nasz kraj jest przepiękny,jak to mówią cudze chwalicie swojego nie znacieNa szczęście to się zmienia!
@LASER = cieć
@Mary masz rację.
tobie "laser" -ktos musial mozg laserem wypalic , tak mozna sadzic po slownictwie jakiego uzywasz 🤕🤕🤕
@LASER pisze sie cieczka
Thanks for the promotion of Poland!
I'd like to say you must protect your beautiful country from overtourism. I'm from Greece and I hate it.
Jak napisałaś promocja to jest to dla Polaków obraźliwe lepsze słowo to zaprezentowanie
@@mateuszszpala2534 Angielskie "promotion" ma wiele tłumaczeń na język polski.
Po pierwsze - AWANS.
Po drugie - PROMOWANIE.
Po trzecie dopiero - PROMOCJA.
Autor filmu oczywiście PREZENTUJE Naszą Ojczyznę, ale robi to awansując ją i chwaląc ją (a to jest wyraz bliski promowaniu) - "bierzcie przykład", "macie wzór do naśladowania", "widzicie, że można".
Nie wiedziałem, że słowo PROMOCJA jest obraźliwe.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Thank you for showing us these interesting places in Poland.
Very beautiful and fascinating country!
Big Like 👍👍
Greetings from Switzerland 🇨🇭
Beautiful country I will always come back here.I love Poland and recommend it
Poland is a beautiful land! I love it.
Jestem Polką i kocham Polskę! Polska jest piękna i wartościowa. Polska ma ciekawą i trudną historię, posiada mnóstwo wspaniałych miejsc do zwiedzania. W Polsce można smacznie zjeść, można uczestniczyć w wielu ciekawych wydarzeniach kulturalnych oraz dobrze wypocząć. Bardzo doceniam moją Ojczyznę - Polskę !
Pozdrawiam serdecznie 🤗
"Jestem Polką i kocham Polskę! Polska jest piękna i wartościowa. Polska ma ciekawą i trudną historię, posiada mnóstwo wspaniałych miejsc do zwiedzania. W Polsce można smacznie zjeść, można uczestniczyć w wielu ciekawych wydarzeniach kulturalnych oraz dobrze wypocząć. Bardzo doceniam moją Ojczyznę - Polskę !"
To mówiłem ja - Jarząbek Wacław, trener drógiej klasy.
Niech żyje nam prezes sto lat! Łubu dubu łubu dubu, niech żyje nam prezes naszego klubu! Niech żyje nam!
@@86Corvus Nikt ciebie w Polsce na siłę nie trzyma. To krytykowanie Polski nic ci nie da bo ktoś kto kocha swoją Ojczyznę nie zmieni swojego nastaeienia, jedynie z politowaniem spojrzy na twoją złośliwość.
Es ist mein Geburtsland ,wo ich die wichtigsten Erfahrungen fürs Leben machen dürfte .Ich liebe dieses Land und die Menschen...Die Gastfreundschaft und die Kultur, .. Meine Erste Heimat auf die ich stolz bin...
Zwiedziłem prawie wszystkie ciekawe miejsca w Polsce a znajomi, którzy latają co rusz do Włoch/UK/Hiszpanii i dalej dziwią mi się, że nie wylatuję za granice. Szkoda, że najpierw swojego kraju dobrze nie zobaczyli... :) A z faworytów dla mnie - Góry Stołowe i wydmy koło Łeby (szczególnie Czołpińska i dzikie plaże za nią). Pozdrowienia dla odkrywców naszego pięknego kraju!
Bardzo mądrze, jestem takiego samego zdania.
Bo to jest tak właśnie...czyje chwalicie , swego nie znacie...Nawet nie wiecie co posiadacie. Być może Tacy są Twoi znajomi . . Lechistan czyli Polska to raj na ziemi. Zdrawiam serdecznie .
popieram 😀
Typowy kompleks dziada.
@@drneko1191 ależ teraz w tych czasach jest wstydem być księdzem, lekarzem, politykiem zwłaszcza . To najgorsze dziadostwo i barachło. NAJGORSZY SORT LUDZKI. Więc nie dziw się, że ktoś nawet nie chce dorabiać żydostwo tam za granicami. I tylko pucybut albo bot może powiedzieć na taki wpis "typowy kompleks dziada" Stanowisz świetny przykład bocie albo co tam
God bless Poland and it's lovely people
Poľsko je veľmi krásne
Thank you for your great upload. Poland is a very beautiful country. Have a great day and stay safe. Watching from Germany.
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Szczególnie w takich filmach reklamowych!
@@paulajo1459 sugerujesz, że to "potiomkinowskie wioski" czy po prostu masz kompleksy?
Kraj piękny ale ludzie tacy sobie. Zbyt dużo cwaniaków, poczynając od samej góry.
@@latarnickboston Ludzie, tacy jak
na całym świecie.a jego.naprawianie
tr,zęba zacząć od samego siebie. Kto
sam jest bez winy niech rzuci kamieniem.
@@tulipan1078 przepraszam jeśli uraziłem, pisząc o górze miałem na myśli tych z rządu. A raczej nierządu. Nic do Ciebie personalnie. Przepraszam za nieścisłość:)
Visited Warsawa from Calgary .I fell in love with the beauty of Poland 🇮🇩.I will visit the whole poland in Future soon .Thanks for the beautiful vdo .Love from 🇨🇦
🇵🇱 is our flag
@@szczepan2010Thank you sir 🇵🇱
Warsaw is much nicer than Calgary, but your rocky mountains are beautiful, I was there a month ago. I love Albert. I invite you to Warsaw for good beer and food.
I do appreciate your efforts with Polish:) It's really heart warming when stranger tries to pronounce our city names etc. correctly:)
Poland is a beautiful and safe country 🙂
I visited all these places many times through a period of several years / summer and winter ( a loooong time ago ) - it was all veeeeery beautiful. Especially my polish girlfriend 😉😉😁😁. Her name was Joanna.
In my dreams, I wish these times would come back ☺️🇵🇱🇩🇰
Such a beautiful country. How could the Germans even think of destroying such a beautiful place and it's people.
They believed that Germans were superior and that Polish people were subhuman, with no culture and intelligence and that they needed masters to tell them what to do. As a Polish girl, it makes me so sad... 🇵🇱😥
@@juliaj7939 The Germans had real sick mentality to think like this. Anyways today's Germany is just the opposite..there are more people there from the Middle east than actual Germans so all this talk about Aryan superiority in the 30's and 40's was just a waste of time !
@@akshayb9663 I agree with you but they "kind of" had to do it (to dehumanize their neighbours) because as Hitler himself described it in his own book (1924) Germany wanted to become a self-sustainable state. And in order to achieve it they needed "Lebensraum" (living-space) in the East + access to oil. Of course it would be hard to convince your population that you have to mass-murder people so they came up with a "racial theory" which would make it more "acceptable" among Germany's citizens.
WWI and WWIi were religious Wars brought by the Vatican and the Jesuits. Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and Hitler were jesuit's puppets. Nations were played against each other. Russian Orthodox and German Protestant were played againt each other the most. It's bad if you know the history from jesuit's schools.
I have visited Poland many times since I fell in love with Sopot and Gdansk many years ago. I look forward to returning.
You were selected to join the organization, because we see a wealthy person in you....you will be the one helping people in need, the homeless will enjoy from you, you will feed the poor with the help of Illuminati, we can make your business move, and we can give you any position you want in your working place or be creative in any thing you do...with the help of the Illuminati your unreviwed destiny will be show to the world that you are a great person..
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness? We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Nature in Poland is very lush and diverse. Poland also has the last primeval forest of Europe- Puszcza Białowieska, it is unique on a global scale. You can see European bison there, a very rare species that almost died out at the beginning of the 20th century.
No prosze , bardzo miło z twojej strony że pokazujesz mój piekny kraj !!!
Kubuś , ale do kogo to piszesz , pytam z ciekawości , bo n.i.e bardzo rozumiem co kogo się zwracasz ...... ???????
spoko maliniaku
@@e.u.r.o.m.e.n...3099 wtf o co ci chodzi z tymi kropkami
Thank you for beautiful video showing beautiful Poland !
I love Poland, great country, great people, with awesome history
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realise? What do you think about it?
Love Poland ❤❤ greetings from Pilsen Chicago
Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱❤
@@beata8118 thank you, love Poland 🇵🇱 ❤ the culture and their food. I wish to visit Poland soon. What places in Poland do you recommend for tourist to visit?
@@ssn7836 Wieliczka salt mine😊
@@tomek6193 thank you so much, I appreciate it:::::just watched the salt mine on RUclips and this place looks so beautiful .
@@ssn7836 also AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, Kraków old town and Wawel,
Malbork the largest brick castle in the world😀
Last year I have been in Poland , so cool 👍
Cannot wait to be back. Kocham Cie Polsko.
too much ukrainien...
Ja jestem z Polski i znam te przepiekne miejsca,cudo!!!
Im living in Poland and now i understand how beautiful my country is. Thanks
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Happy new year 🎊
Check out my latest vlog
From Zakopane- Poland 🇵🇱
Poland is an amazing place to travel.I am half Greek half Polak.I love Polska so much:)
Niepołomickie Blonia,Church in Niepołomice, Zamość, Kazimierz Dolny is beautiful too ❤❤❤
Thank you very much! I’m living here and yes...my country is really beautiful! I love Poland!
Awesome Poland. Beautiful place for visit. Thank u my new friend
Very beautiful country Poland
I’m in love with this country I have some friends there beautiful country
beautyful country poland.
Krásný to máte bratři 🇨🇿👏🇵🇱
What a beautiful country. Great cultural heritage!!!👍
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Such a beautiful country
Love from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
I spent a month a Prague several years ago then decided to visit Poland. It's surprisingly beautiful with old world architecture, and full of interesting sites.
Great part of northern country with amazing countless sandy beaches! I’ve gone to regions of Bialowierza with national Bison 🦬 park it was just superb. Warsaw, I simply love it, that city was a massive ruins 75 years ago, I stayed wordless. Road network are efficient and in a great condition. Simply, we went for 2 weeks and finally we stayed 3 if no more than that ! 🇫🇷
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?
Polska to piękny, czysty kraj.O interesującej historii.
Świetna kuchnia , ludzie życzliwi i gościnni.
Kocham moją Ojczyznę jestem dumna że jestem Polką.
Zapraszam do Polski.
A ja polecam wizytę w Poznaniu! super miasto! Zabytki, parki, ale i nowoczesność. Park Cytadela, stadion, dobry klmat, sporo nowoczesnych firm w sumie, widziałam np. magazyny stokado samoobsługowe, podobne widziałam w Niemczech, świetne jedzenie (np. Kura warzyw). Naprawde swietny czas, pozdrówki dla poznaniaków i zapraszamy!!
I'm proud to be Polish❤🇵🇱
This video makes me want to travel to Poland. I just recently tried out snacks from Poland lol. The crooked building and trees were amazing to see.
You should come to Poland. Do not regret it! ❤ An amazing nature with the charming landscapes. The Tatra and Bieszczady mountains, Mazury lakes and baltic sea- very unique regions in Poland.
If you are more interested about polish history, necessary you have to see it: Gdańsk, Warsaw, Kraków, Auschwitz Birkenau( very tragic place in our history) , Toruń, Gniezno( the first capital of Poland), Biskupin, Wrocław. Warmly welcome❤!
The thinnest building in a world is located In Warszawa - check out on google street view żelazna 74 - tag Dom Kereta. :)
Zapraszamy 😊
@@urszula7994 Thanks for the invite 😊
I love u for this video! I'm a Pole and you showed the beauty of this amazing country just like I would show it.
We are very happy to know it. Thank you.
Who are you ?
Wunderschönes Land...🥰
Dzięki 🇵🇱❤️
Zörstert viel mal von euch deutscher.
@@holobolo9445 Lebst du immer noch in der Vergangenheit ? Man sollte nach vorne in die Zukunft schauen nicht zurück.
@@larswietfeld6776 Erst Lars zahlman Reparation für zweite Weltkrieg dann Zukunft.
@@holobolo9445 das ist deutsch.
Poland is very special,
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones , travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realise? What do you think about it?
Piękna nasza Polska cała od Bałtyku po gór szczyty, jest wspaniała!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Szkodaś , że tylko „ziemia” bo jeśli chodzi o ludzi to już nie jest tak pięknie. Zgodzisz się ze mną, że szacunek, życzliwość, miłość bliźniego są w tym kraju rzadko spotykane? Jak myślisz, dlaczego tak się dzieje?
@@wiesiawojtkowska Musisz to wszędzie pisać?
@@gabrielgajewski5225fr jakże mogłabym to zostawić tylko dla siebie?
@@wiesiawojtkowska nie pisząc tego
@@gabrielgajewski5225fr wiesz jak ciężko przejść obojętnie nad ludzkimi problemami? Ale masz rację, chyba ludzie kochają tak trudne życie. Więc po co mam na siłę ich uszczęśliwiać.
Mimo wszystko, szkoda mi ich.
Polska ojczyzno moja, Ty jesteś jak zdrowie ile Cię trzeba cenić ten tylko się dowie kto Cię stracił...
welcome to UPAland in Poland
@@magdarosson6579 Żeś się popisała...
@@magdarosson6579 A co powiesz o milionie polaczków w UK? Great Poliand?
I am so proud, when I watched this video❤
One of the best advertisments, if i ever seen about Poland. Thank u so much! ❤
Warmly welcome!
dobry filmik. Więc musisz przyjechać w lecie. aby zjeść dobre jedzenie i pospacerować po pięknych ulicach.
Pozdrowienia z Moskwy
Fantastic !!!!! Cosmos !!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Davajte w ekskursju do Polszu
@@krzysiek7094 Dobrze !!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Beautiful country to visit🥰❤️
Mhh maybe
Yes! It definitely is 🇵🇱❤
Hi! Who of us does not want to enjoy a long and happy life? Just think how wonderful it would be if we could live forever in health and happiness! We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Is such a desire unnatural? Is that desire impossible to realize? What do you think about it?