The Consequences of Tolerating Bad Behavior

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • In this video, I explore the troubling rise of crime and the decline in societal morale. Drawing parallels between a popular meme about workplace dynamics and the broader issues of crime and punishment, I discuss why tolerating bad behavior leads to a broken society. Watch to understand how unchecked crime affects us all and why it's crucial to address this issue.
    #CrimeAndPunishment #JusticeSystem #CriminalBehaviour #LawEnforcement #MentalHealth

Комментарии • 35

  • @botodeov57
    @botodeov57 15 дней назад +3

    Thanks Officer Randall...I have left many jobs because of exactly what you were speaking incentive to work if the person next to you or co-worker decides to be the sloth of the office....then add insane taxation that never ceases to end....employers paying less than fair value for skilled labour and the mere fact that we cannot support our own folks let alone millions of immigrants the gov't wants to bring in...Yes i agree, the society is broken.....I hear folks saying no one wants to work anymore....know we know why...also the theft is rampant,blatant and making society very dangerous....governments don't want to spend money on the problems will continue....your job is an admirable one Randall..but i could never do it not in today's kaotic's bad enough having to watch your back at work....let alone as a policeman. You have yourself a banner day Sir!! I am off now to troll Sean Shapiro at the traffic channel....retirees gotta have some fun!! cya in the next one))

  • @jonessmith2068
    @jonessmith2068 13 дней назад

    You nailed it! Now get the government to listen and tighten up the parole/justice system so that victims of crime are not forgotten.

  • @MHN212
    @MHN212 15 дней назад +1

    😮 when I was young, people would be arrested for shoplifting... not sure what has caused this change.

  • @donnathiessen927
    @donnathiessen927 14 дней назад +1

    There are more good people then bad. We hear about all the bad stuff. I these criminals not have a conscience? Even if they were never caught, how do they sleep at night? God Bless you and stay safe.

  • @feruzaferuza8337
    @feruzaferuza8337 15 дней назад +1

    Oh Mr. Randy, your topic brought back so many memories.
    I have always tried to live a quiet and upright life, avoiding trouble through my childhood, teenage years, and marriage. My siblings, in contrast, were often the troublemakers but seemed to lead charmed lives, always winning and getting what they wanted.
    My sister, even now, does things without her husband's knowledge and remains blissfully happy in her marriage, much like she was in her childhood. She seems to have everything she ever wished for.
    I don't want to delve into all the details, but this is just one example among many. Despite living a life of integrity, I still face continuous challenges while those around me who seem to take shortcuts find success and happiness.
    It's a harsh reality that life can be so unfair. However, I’ve learned that we must remain vigilant. During tough times, we need to stay strong, and when opportunities arise, we must seize them.
    Even though life can be cruel and unpredictable, maintaining our values and integrity is crucial. It’s about staying true to ourselves and continuing to strive forward, no matter how difficult the path may be.

  • @sherylmellow-gallagher8613
    @sherylmellow-gallagher8613 14 дней назад

    It’s upsetting that there is not any respect for basically anyone or anything now in our society. Where once you took pride in your work or respected property or possessions. Now it seems that in jobs it’s all about what do I get out of this or I’m only here for the money. I love the “it not my job” or maybe well they already have enough mentality. A friend of mine said that in the hospital in my town a Nurse was hired even though she said I don’t work weekends or holidays! 🤨 Who do they think does the rest! Or my husband said at his job they are all young guys or workers new to our country that appear late for their shifts. They don’t care that that shift has to be covered until they arrive! I am stunned at I guess the attitude of people now! But how do we change this? How do we make society and our country better? I have said and maybe it will upset some but I find we live in the me first society or generation. There is little to no compassion left. We were once labeled the friendliest country in the world. What happened to us?

  • @zaptor1514
    @zaptor1514 15 дней назад +1

    You are correct Randy as usual. The indoctrination during the formative years is the main reason. Who usually is the stay at home parent? Parenting / mentoring is crucial. Single parents of males has a low success rate as we clearly see. The family unit is much more successful. It’s great that you bring these topics up and encourage thoughtful discussion. I hope TPS supports you in your PR work. Cheers!

    • @tina3448
      @tina3448 11 дней назад

      I don't think he mentions single parents vs "family unit" (whatever that means) as the reason for societal breakdowns...

    • @OfficerArsenault
      @OfficerArsenault  8 дней назад +1

      They did for the most part, back in the day 😂 thank you for the comment.

  • @jaisyjacob12345
    @jaisyjacob12345 15 дней назад

    This is so true and only when you raise your voice for such situations and by many, then there would be a change 🙌
    Justice needs to be for real and righteous people. Like you said, it affects peoples peace of mind for those who have always done the right thing. I love the phrase, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and for peace, we need justice!

  • @TinaMeale
    @TinaMeale 12 дней назад +1

    I might regret responding again. But I came back to read some comments out of interest in the question. This is def heavy stuff. But for whoever may be interested. I find the perspective of some comments about fear and parenting fascinating. Are we talking about corporeal punishment? I grew up in an Italian family. I was told (a few too many times) a family story of my teen male cousin being around a crowd of kids (in the 60s) who stole and he was the one who got caught. My father (his uncle) and his dad (my uncle) told the police something similar. They took him to the basement and punished him (the women told the story of how horrible it was) because they didn’t want him ending up dead or in prison. There punishment was from love yet it was severe.
    Now if a modern parent doesn’t want to choose that same type of parenting style (not to mention it in itself is not legal-“reasonable force”) parents lack integrity?
    Is fixing violence with violence truly the only way with kids who may be struggling?
    And I’m not only speaking as a mother or a single mother. I’m also speaking on behalf of fathers who may not want to parent that way.
    Do we mean setting firmer boundaries? Some kids just don’t have the fear of losing the comforts of home-their fears may be different. They fear what the streets will do to them a lot more than what parents can. They fear not having money and what society has promised them will make everything better.
    Can mental health challenges (post-COVID) really be handled with stricter parenting?
    I know my kid is my responsibility primarily. I will never deny that. But asking for the system to do a better job of helping kids who are struggling does not mean a lack of integrity.
    Asking for parenting strategies to help shouldn’t be so hard. And currently it is. Parents are told make firmer boundaries, create a more welcoming environment, give more, give less.
    I will never forget watching a documentary with a police chief who had lost his troubled son to suicide. I don’t know if it was me being naive at the time but it impacted me deeply because he was this powerful man and he sounded so full of guilt (if he had only done something different) and hopelessness. The last words to his son were harsh.
    I remember thinking, it can happen to anyone.
    These kids post-COVID and in a new world of social media (there’s never been anything like it) are not ok and no one wants to listen-certainly not politicians. And the usual response is that it sounds like parents don’t want to take responsibility. Or kids nowadays are spoiled. Etc.
    I wish someone would spell it out. What are parents supposed to do?
    I watched the Toronto police press conference the other day about recent crimes in Toronto involving minors. I don’t think there is a strategy in place to address youth and violence.
    Personally I think if the youth crisis was treated as an emergency and that means all vested parties worked together to strategize ways to help, wouldn’t there be improvements?
    I’ve said it before but I think TIMING is essential when we talk about intervening which is why I am seriously thinking about what we need in schools to improve things. I do think we need to “go after” those who EXPLOIT YOUTH for crime, a lot more than going after the parents. No one will understand the pain of losing a kid (to the justice system, to violence or death or to the street life) unless you’ve been there yourself. This is a societal problem that needs a societal solution. 🙏🏻

  • @driver28bear
    @driver28bear 12 дней назад

    When you and I grew up, there was so much more respect and doing the right thing. If we stole, our parents could be held responsible. And our parents wouldn't say to the police " Oh you're wrong, my Johnny would never do that". We were more affraid of what wrath our parents would have upon us than anything else. I remember being told "As long as you live under my roof, you follow my rules". Parents had more integrity back then I think. I remember an officer bringing an older friend over to a friends house. The officer knew the dad. He said "Bill, I found Dave here in a gang fight at the park. I could run him in, but I thought you should know". Bill, the dad said "If you don't mind, I will deal with him and you won't have anymore trouble from him" And low and behold, Dave was never involved in any other mischief or otherwise. My point is, is that Police don't just make shit up, they don't make an arrest if it isn't warranted. If your kid screws up, and you get the chance to "make it right" don't blow it. Theirs lives can be changed for the better.

    • @OfficerArsenault
      @OfficerArsenault  8 дней назад

      You’re not wrong, and I appreciate you taking the time as always 🙏🏼

  • @AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables
    @AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables 15 дней назад

    I completely lost faith in humanity and all trust in "intelligence" and have never in my life felt so very unsafe among my "neighbors." They literally destroyed my life with their lying and conniving ways.

  • @shyland4534
    @shyland4534 15 дней назад

    The problem is that the justice department is concerned only concerned with profiting

  • @virtualtraction
    @virtualtraction 15 дней назад +1

    You're 100% correct. Everybody should know that they cannot get away with the crimes they commit without being punished. When we don't punish thieves on time, they become habitual criminals because they know they can easily get away with the crime without being punished. If I had contacted the police the first time I faced online fraud and lost $50 to a thief, or the second time I lost $500-$600 to a cyber thief, I probably wouldn't have had to face a loss of $5000+ and wouldn't have had to leave the platforms I was using for my business. Although this may seem like a small amount of money, lending someone $50,000 is easy, but losing $5,000 to a thief is neither easy nor pleasant!

  • @leighbuchan7186
    @leighbuchan7186 15 дней назад

    I've seen this is. It is so toxic for the office. Too much bad behaviour is tolerated especially with thefts. I have great morals - I always act responsibly and if I saw someone shoplifting, I would notify the closest store employee. I want to set a good example.

  • @TinaMeale
    @TinaMeale 15 дней назад

    I am compelled to respond to your videos so kudos to you for tapping into what I think we need more of. An opportunity to share perspectives. I don’t know you personally but I have a hard time believing you don’t follow a moral code regardless of those around you. As do I. Sometimes even in response to the worst behaviour from others we don’t falter because we believe there is a good way of living. So what is it that keeps us doing the right thing? Is it fear of punishment or do we value different things? I think what we perceive to be success has changed so drastically in the ultra modern age of social media that it has an influence. It’s almost as if those who can win at success no matter the cost are rewarded-which is what I think you’re saying. I’m not perfect and I am tempted to break unspoken moral codes but at the end of the day I have to live with myself and my choices. But having said that yes I do think that some people especially as you said the vulnerable groups of society and youth are more susceptible to environment and negative factors that influence them. Having taught for 20 years I see the wide variety of people that make up a society. As I’m sure you have too as a police officer. Not everyone lives by a moral code that elevates us all. And that overtime it impacts society and our lives even when we are very thoughtful and try hard not to have it so.
    That’s why I think it is vital to teach character and a different definition of success. We have lost that to popular culture. And yes to big corporations, politics and systems as you said that don’t value living by a code of honour. What does winning at life mean? I think most lost people aren’t truly happy but need to be shown a different way. And there do need to be consequences when their choices hurt others.
    I never know if I make sense at the end of a work day with children 😅But I was inspired by your share. Thanks!

    • @TinaMeale
      @TinaMeale 15 дней назад

      Omg that was a long response! Sorry 😅

  • @terencenagra7081
    @terencenagra7081 15 дней назад

    Yes Officer. It's as if society gives certain kinds of behavior their tacit approval. Evil is what happens when good people let it happen. Need way stiffer penalties. Look at Saudia Arabia, Dubai, Singapore. Crime is virtually non existent. We need a cultural change to encourage better behavior. There is no such thing as private morality. It's not one set of rules for me and another set of rules for anyone else.

  • @sysop123
    @sysop123 15 дней назад

    Try telling tps you think bollards and planters need to be placed on Yonge Street because you think a van attack could take place. People don’t think it matters. Even at the local hospital. They even diagnosed me. The van attack happened. Filled the emergency room with trauma patients. They still say I have problems. How about being told Dad works for the attorney general, Stay out of trouble they said.