Kuru Podcast : Start Living!
Kuru Podcast : Start Living!
  • Видео 100
  • Просмотров 535 786
Yuk Belajar Tentang Perasaan! - Kuru Podcast EP. 100
Pernah ga kamu merasakan berbagai macam perasaaan dalam satu waktu yang sama? Seperti merasa sedih dan senang secara bersamaan. Bagaimana sebenarnya perasaan ini mengambil peran dalam tindakan kita? Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini
Enjoy the conversation!
00:00 Intro
08:15 Mengidentifikasikan perasaan terlebih dahulu
15:00 Pentingnya "Logic" dalam mengidentifikasikan perasaan
20:42 Perasaan kamu tidak mendefinisikan karakter kamu
26:53 Perasaan negatif itu penting untuk dirasakan
32:45 Membuat perasaan bekerja sama secara sinergis
Просмотров: 31 965


Niat Ingin Bermanfaat Berujung Dimanfaatkan! - Kuru Podcast EP. 99
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.2 месяца назад
Manusia itu menemukan makna dari kehidupan ketika mereka bisa mempunya arti bagi orang lain. Dalam perjalanan menemukan maknanya, manusia seringkali dimanfaatkan. Bagaimana cara membedakannya? Batasannya dimana? Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 04:00 Perasaan dimanfaatkan ketika membantu orang 13:00 Batasan antara bermanfaat dan dimanfaatkan 18:00 ...
Memaafkan Dan Meminta Maaf Itu Sulit! - Kuru Podcast EP. 98
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 месяца назад
Sejak kecil kita selalu diajarkan untuk berprestasi, mengejar mimpi dan mencapai sesuatu yang gemilang. Tapi ada satu hal yang paling jarang diajakan oleh orang tua kepada anak-anaknya, yaitu "Minta Maaf" dan "Memaafkan". Tidak heran kalau kelak saat dewasa, kita juga sulit untuk minta maaf dan memaafkan. Bagaimana caranya supaya kita bisa memaafkan dan meminta maaf dengan baik? Cari tau lebih ...
Take That Risk! - Kuru Podcast EP. 97
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
Kita pasti pernah berada di fase dimana kita bingung dan takut untuk mengambil sebuah pilihan. Karena di setiap pilihan kita harus bisa bertanggung jawab dengan resiko apapun yang bisa saja terjadi. Tapi, tau ga apa yang menunggu kita setelah mengambil resiko itu? Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation!
Menggantungkan Kebahagiaan Pada Pasangan Itu Melelahkan - Kuru Podcast EP. 96
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 месяца назад
Wajar kalau dalam hubungan kita ingin selalu merasa dekat dan terhubung satu sama lain. Tapi menggantungkan seluruh kebahagiaan kita hanya pada pasangan kita itu tidak sehat. Bagaimana cara keluar dari lingkaran itu, simak lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 03:30 "Codependency" - Ketergantungan yang berlebihan dengan pasangan 06:30 Penyebab "Codependency" 16:...
Pacaran Dengan Extrovert atau Introvert? - Kuru Podcast EP. 95
Просмотров 5 тыс.3 месяца назад
Kata orang pacaran dengan introvert itu susah. Komunikasi yang susah, sering kali membuat orang introvert terbuka dengan isi pikirannya. Tapi apakah komunikasi yang susah itu hanya karena orang itu introvert? Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 02:30 Perbedaan Extrovert, Introvert dan Pemalu 07:30 Perbedaan gaya pacaran Extrovert dan Introvert 16:00 P...
Kamu Tidak Akan Bisa Merubah Sifat Seseorang?! Atau Sebenarnya Bisa?! - Kuru Podcast EP. 94
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 месяца назад
Banyak orang yang bilang kalau kita tidak akan bisa memaksakan perubahan pada orang lain, sehingga kalau misalnya ada orang yang tidak bisa diajak bertumbuh, lebih baik kita tinggalkan. Akan tetapi, bagaimana kalau orang itu adalah orang yang berharga buat kita? Keluarga? Teman? Atau pacar terbaik? Apakah ada sesuatu yang bisa kita lakukan? Simak lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the con...
Untuk Kamu Yang Susah Move On! - Kuru Podcast EP. 93
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 месяца назад
Putus dan Move On adalah hal yang tidak pernah dibenak orang yang baru saja menjalin sebuah hubungan. Akan tetapi, putus adalah pilihan yang harus diambil jika kita berada di hubungan yang memang sudah tidak bisa dilanjutkan lagi. Dan bagian tersulitnya adalah "Move On". Episode ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana proses move on yang mungkin bisa membantu temen-temen yang sedang mengalaminya . ...
Belajar Mengenal Diri Sendiri! - Kuru Podcast EP. 92
Просмотров 9 тыс.4 месяца назад
Feeling lost in life adalah pengalaman yang mungkin akan dirasakan kebanyakan orang ketika kita kurang mengenal diri sendiri. Ditambah lagi dengan distraksi diluar sana yang menjauhkan kita dari mengenal siapa diri ktia sendiri. Episode ini akan bercerita tentang proses bagaimana menemukan jati diri berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 01:30 Stage 1 : Frustrasi 09...
Why We Dream? - Kuru Podcast EP. 91
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.4 месяца назад
Pernahkah kalian berpikir dari mana mimpi itu berasal dan kenapa ada mimpi yang bisa kita ingat dan ada yang tidak akan pernah kita ingat sekeras apapun kita berusaha? Episode ini akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai mimpi dari sudut pandang ilmu pengetahuan. Penasaran tentang isinya? Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 01:15 Kenapa kita bisa bermimpi?...
Street Smart vs Book Smart - Kuru Podcast EP. 90
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.4 месяца назад
Banyak orang yang memperdebatkan kalau salah satu itu lebih baik dari lainnya. Tapi, sedikit yang tau kalau keduanya itu adalah skill yang saling mendukung satu sama lain. Cari tau lebih lanjut tentang Street Smart dan Book Smart di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 01:30 Perbedaan Street Smart dan Book Smart 06:30 Mitos Street Smart dan Book Smart 15:15 Transcendent Thinki...
Kamu Boleh Punya Teman Lawan Jenis, ASALKAN..... - Kuru Podcast EP. 89
Просмотров 7 тыс.4 месяца назад
Pertemanan lawan jenis memang tidak untuk semua. Banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dan batasan yang perlu dijaga agar tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman terutama buat kalian yang sudah mempunyai pasangan. Episode ini akan memperlihatkan apakah kamu atau pasangan kamu siap untuk mempunya teman lawan jenis dan batasan apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 00:53 ...
Untuk Kamu Yang Takut Kehilangan! - Kuru Podcast EP. 88
Просмотров 13 тыс.4 месяца назад
Episode ini dibuat karena perasaan takut untuk kehilangan orang yang kita sayang. Kenapa kita begitu takut kehilangan sampai kita tidak pernah memberanikan diri untuk mencintai. Cari tau lebih lanjut di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 01:30 Takut untuk kehilangan orang tersayang 08:35 Kebiasaan menutup perasaan karena takut kehilangan 15:15 Takut kehilangan membuat orang ...
Berpikir Kritis Tanpa Menjadi Menyebalkan?!?! Ini Caranya! - Kuru Podcast EP. 87
Просмотров 7 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Banyak orang berpikrian bahwa berpikir kritis itu sebuah aksi untuk melawan pendapat orang lain. Sebenarnya berpikir kritis itu penting sekali untuk menciptakan inovasi dan perubahan. Tapi banyak orang yang menganggap orang yang berpikir kritis itu menyebalkan karena dianggap melawan sesuatu. Bagaimana caranya untuk tetap bisa berpikir kritis tanpa menjadi orang yang menyebalkan? Cari tau lebih...
Pilih Yang Mana, Orang Yang Kamu MAU atau Yang Kamu BUTUH?!?! - Kuru Podcast EP. 86
Просмотров 39 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Salah satu pertanyaan yang paling sering muncul ketika kita mencari pasangan adalah, "Aku ketemu cowo yang ganteng banget, tipe aku banget, tapi kayaknya dia ngerokok, aku harus gimana ya?" Dilemma antara orang yang kamu mau dan orang yang kamu butuh sering kali terjadi. Jadi, mana yang harus kita pilih? Temukan jawabannya di episode kali ini . Enjoy the conversation! 00:00 Intro 05:06 Perbedaa...
Episode Ini Untuk Kamu Yang Susah Jujur Dengan Pasangan! - Kuru Podcast EP. 85
Просмотров 13 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Episode Ini Untuk Kamu Yang Susah Jujur Dengan Pasangan! - Kuru Podcast EP. 85
Ketika Tujuan Hidupmu Tidak Direstui - Kuru Podcast EP. 84
Просмотров 6 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Ketika Tujuan Hidupmu Tidak Direstui - Kuru Podcast EP. 84
Dilema Antara Berteman dan Berpacaran - Kuru Podcast EP. 83
Просмотров 7 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Dilema Antara Berteman dan Berpacaran - Kuru Podcast EP. 83
Orang Sungkan VS Orang Egois - Kuru Podcast EP. 82
Просмотров 5 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Orang Sungkan VS Orang Egois - Kuru Podcast EP. 82
"Impostor Syndrome" Membuat Kamu Kehilangan Arah dan Kesepian - Kuru Podcast EP. 81
Просмотров 7 тыс.6 месяцев назад
"Impostor Syndrome" Membuat Kamu Kehilangan Arah dan Kesepian - Kuru Podcast EP. 81
It's Okay To Fail! - Kuru Podcast EP. 80
Просмотров 10 тыс.7 месяцев назад
It's Okay To Fail! - Kuru Podcast EP. 80
Kenapa Kamu Takut Jatuh Cinta? - Kuru Podcast EP. 79
Просмотров 10 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Kenapa Kamu Takut Jatuh Cinta? - Kuru Podcast EP. 79
Inilah Sumber Masalah Dalam Setiap Hubungan - Kuru Podcast EP. 78
Просмотров 6 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Inilah Sumber Masalah Dalam Setiap Hubungan - Kuru Podcast EP. 78
You Can Survive Long Distance Relationship (LDR). This Is How! - Kuru Podcast EP. 77
Просмотров 5 тыс.7 месяцев назад
You Can Survive Long Distance Relationship (LDR). This Is How! - Kuru Podcast EP. 77
Ekspektasi Dalam Memilih Jurusan dan Mencari Pekerjaan - Kuru Podcast EP. 76
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Ekspektasi Dalam Memilih Jurusan dan Mencari Pekerjaan - Kuru Podcast EP. 76
Melanjutkan Kehidupan Setelah Kematian. Selamat Jalan 🙏 - Kuru Podcast EP. 75
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Melanjutkan Kehidupan Setelah Kematian. Selamat Jalan 🙏 - Kuru Podcast EP. 75
Why Do Nice People Choose The Wrong People To Date? - Kuru Podcast EP. 74
Просмотров 35 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Why Do Nice People Choose The Wrong People To Date? - Kuru Podcast EP. 74
Merindukan Orang Yang Tidak Berada Di Dekat Kita - Kuru Podcast EP. 73
Просмотров 6 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Merindukan Orang Yang Tidak Berada Di Dekat Kita - Kuru Podcast EP. 73
When You Help People, You Help Yourself - Kuru Podcast EP. 72
Просмотров 5 тыс.8 месяцев назад
When You Help People, You Help Yourself - Kuru Podcast EP. 72
Apakah Kamu Sudah Dewasa? - Kuru Podcast EP. 71
Просмотров 8 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Apakah Kamu Sudah Dewasa? - Kuru Podcast EP. 71


  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 18 минут назад

    Jangan terlalu dengarkan nasihat orang tua, bahkan orang bodoh pun juga bisa menua 😂😂

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 16 часов назад

    The impostor Syndrom that i used for is just for a fun game. I just want to read everybody's mind, i like to play with the mind, as long as i remember, i got them, i just realize that im dealing with an ignorant people, in other words perhaps, idiot people, sorry for being rude but the fact is the stupid people are being arrogant. They thought that they were the fisherman to catch me, but the truth is im the fish who has more neurons rather than them, so becarefull what you 'Fish' for

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 20 часов назад

    Do you know what make this year so meaningful for me? Its because, i've met this podcast guys, i've meet you, ci, thats make our Soul get ignites again, many people kill my soul but not you, Ci, you are lighting me, i have a quote from religion, Ci, "You are The light of the World"

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 День назад

    Have you ever watched a Ghost Story, ci? Its true Ci, that we are already dead, we just playing the record inside our Creator's projections, dont you believe it, ci? What happened now, is already happened, and had already played, ci. And if you give me a question about dead, i would already tell you, we are already dead and therefore, actually we are immortal, ci. So, a biggest question, what is God looking for then? I know the answer, ci. Ci, have you figuring out, yet? Whats God looking for? You, me, already passed away, we are just the possible outcome from our layers of emotions, the total events which we are not counting yet, ci. There are some memories that we are forgotten, the most important memory that make us the happiest person in this world. Ci, you know that the realm of imaginations make us believe that there are infinite possibilities about our life ci? The simulations about another life, right? Those kind of reality called Omega, what if we are already dead and somehow, you are back-played again with another choice? Different from your past life, this is called Quantum of Immortality, you are not just through one door of dimension but many doors that you would go enter. Time is not linear, its infinite and not just going forward, its simultaneously forward and backward and somehow time is fragmented

  • @ekazuliana831
    @ekazuliana831 День назад

    Aku ya suka LDR, bisa bebas melakukan kegiatan sendiri, me time buat diri sendiri, meluangkan waktu buat diri sendiri. 😊

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 День назад

    This is where the world of Benjamin Button lies, the world of embodying unique alternate ending realities. We measure the reality by the linear forward timelines. Gravity is repelling events in this reality, but in the dream, none of gravity so we attract everything, instead of making new branches of reality, we make inverted world, so the river stream of timeline is not only just one but we have events which going backward, the first stream going forward but the other alternative is our imaginary world that going backward. In this backward of dream, we could turn curses into miracle or miracle into a curse. Do you believe in Miracle, Ci? Have you seen it, yet? Its pretty strange, isn it? When everybody assumes that Benjamin got a curse when he was a baby, but he could turn backward to make it Miracle, Miracle which was happen from the curse. In the world of darkness, we could see a little light which is you

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 2 дня назад

    Illusion project sebenernya berasal dari 2 ci, kalo yg merasa merasa itu dari bawah sadar artinya dari hati, itu kembaran dirinya cici, kalo illusion project dari pikiran itu dari gambaran idealnya cici, pasti tipenya ci Fifi pengennya kayak LeeMin ho atau lee Jan Cuk ato Kwon Ahn Jing ato Baek Kwon Tol

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 3 дня назад

    Ci Fifi, i've told you that in every Realm.of imaginations or the Realm of The Heart must be manifested by The Realm of Thought or must be unlocked bybthe one whos holding 'The Key'. Men is The Matrix Blueprints from its Creator and the only one who could break the code is the only woman whom they loved, so that the blueprints could be happened.

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 3 дня назад

    I told u Ci, you could turn Nectar into poison or viceversa. Everything that you love, one day it must be turn into poison or not loving anymore, Ci. It must, ci. You could ask, why is that so? Because you must swallow both nectar and poison, and only by that you could say, Nectar is sweeter than poison

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 3 дня назад

    Ci fifi, my dream is Rubic, every dream could shape another rooms for every moments, but somehow whats the strange is, i always want to escape from the room, because the moment inside the room has the 'Watcher' to catch me while im running, when the rooms is moving away and change the room, it would create a portal to enter another moments, one at a time, when i would entry that room, my body got shrinked, and i went back to my child. Ci fifi, dont you want to know, who is 'My Apparation'?

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 5 дней назад

    I know who I am, do you know that all the writes which had been written by all The Writer are the story that they,ve got from the Future, ci !!! Dont u believe it?! And I Am, Danny, I Am the Doctor Sleep from The Shining. I am The Extractor of subconscious, ci. I could tell you which one the Monsters whos behind every Human, ci!!! And im seeing You have a kind Heart 😊

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 5 дней назад

    Ci Fifi told that, everything happens for a reason, the part of myself says, its true, but not on the half apart that belongs to the Fear or the uncertainty, ita true that everything that you want is already happened, even if you want to be dead, its already happened, God has already make all your prayers come true indirectly. The question is in which part of the Heart that you really really want it from your conscience, your desires or your fears. Everything is already happened, ci, everything is already existing, and those kind of wishes are waiting inside the Realm of Dream in which are waiting for your Realm of Thought to be manifested

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 6 дней назад

    You said that when you really want something, The Universe is conspiring to help you achive it, what do you think, is it coming from the Heart, or your desires? Does your mind knock the door or your heart want desires?

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 6 дней назад

    Suatu saat gw bakal menulis buku yg akan mengguncang dunia dan psikologi manusia, Anjay

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 6 дней назад

    Awas aja kalo gw nemuin mesin waktu, gw bakal nemuin ci Fifi lebih awal

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 6 дней назад

    Ci Fifi alumni SMA paling beken teernyata 😅

  • @andrebedjoe
    @andrebedjoe 6 дней назад

    Bismillah alhamdulilah terimakasih mas arian, saya barusaja mengalami mas ternyata memang benar rejeki itu datang dari pikiran kita sendiri, bahkan amit2 penyakit juga datang dari pikiran kita sendiri.. bismillah pujituhan aku bersyukur menonton video ini.. dan bismillah aku memaafkan dan tidak membenci mereka2 yg membenciku bismillah aku harus bisa merubah mindset ini demi kesehatan mental dan fisik diriku sendiri 🤲🏻🙏🏼

  • @miss_a1182
    @miss_a1182 7 дней назад

    Berasa Healing 😌,ditunggu episode² selanjutnyaa ✨

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 7 дней назад

    I know the Transendences thought, it was coming from The Matrix, in religion, called Faith, Faith is not about believing into something, or Someone, Faith is The Matrix, hard to explain yet its described as "The Webs" which is warping all the Entire Universe, Faith is 'The Strings' that moves The Spirit of the Soul. "THE SPIRIT OF FIRE" fire inside your Heart. When you want to say, "I want to believe", you must confirm that inside your deepest Heart as well as your Mind's saying its true, then your Heart would be resonating, moving all the strings in this entire Universe. But the first thing is you must say the Mantra first, 'I want to believe'. Yet its not enough, to move the Strings always together with your Heart, you must unlocked your biggest Fear. The Scientist says, you are The Atoms, and One single of atom has 3 compounds to make the energy. I guess, what is called Faith, is the One inside the Atom, "The Nucleus". What you called faith is the 'Compass', what you are believing in is where the Compass is pointing at to the North, now its your job to make the Compass work and staying to the North, am i fucking right?, Now, the question is what do you believe in? Thats why in the Bible said, when you have faith you could lift up the mountain, when you have faith, you move the Strings to 'Sing' together, thats why God says, "im already knew what you want before your Mind spoke. Its because what you want is already happened and what you have to do is just to move 'The Strings'. So, what do you called Faith, does it believing without see or seeing is believing? Actually everything is happening without your believing, what you need to do is just to 'See' it through, thats the Transendences thought. When your heart want to say, 'I want to lift up the Mountain, yes, ITS ALREADY HAPPENED !!! But only in the Matrix of Quantum. Because the dice is only circling and staying in the air

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 7 дней назад

    Where's your gravity which lying inside the dream? The answer: Nothing. None of gravity inside the dream, thats why the moment are stopped and recreating again, thats why the time is slower and the Internal world would be constructing and the mind is collapsing, because the Space is collapsing, the time would get slower, dont you realize it ci? What the "The Game" is this all about? Every each of us who have been living in the Realm of Imagination Ci, we have been playing The Game of World inside Human's Heart (Realm of Manifestations), and Feelings is the Controller, your Brain is the Tools and feelings is the controller. I was dreamt about Someone who gave me The Serpent to guide me while im living !!! He told me that The Serpent would protect me. And now i understand whats the meaning. Hey, i could split my conscious every time when i've got fever and seizure, i split into 2 kind Spaces of realities, one inside the body and the other is in somewhere a far distance

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 7 дней назад

    Kriteria cowo kek mana yg bisa jadi 'The One' nya ci Fifi? Maksudnya jawabnnya jangan seiman dong, udah klise njay, api gw mulai menyala nih 😂😂 its feels like when im listening to you, im not scared anymore and i want to embraces the world, thank you for make us feels alive again, your Light ignites our Fire, you are the candle inside the darkness

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 8 дней назад

    An idiot person always feels 'menyebalkan' kepada orang pintar, and viceversa, a brilliant person also feels 'menyebalkan' if they would see an idiot person. It just a matter of perspectives, one has always question and the other side, always has the answers for every questions

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 8 дней назад

    I think back then human wsnt questioning about why did man cant fly, instead long time ago, the man was watching the birds were flying and he said, how did the birds can fly? It wasnt a dumb question, Ci. Its a nessesary question. For each of every questions leads to another questions leads to many equations. One simple questions isnt just a question that must be answered, it is a puzzle questions which need a riddle answers

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 8 дней назад

    Ci Fifi benang merahnya bakal keiket ama siapee? Does you threads would be entangled and being entangled into someone?

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 8 дней назад

    Mandarin song for Ci Fifi before marriage, oh please, not old Chinesse song again, not Tian mimi again

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 8 дней назад

    Jawabannya kalo udah kebentuk muscle memori di habitnya yg buruk, jawabnnya gak akan pernah bisa berubah. Bisa tapi lewat operasi bedah otak, bagian korteksnya diambil, nah uda, besoknya pasti berubah, BERUBAH IDIOT

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 9 дней назад

    Ilussions of projects from your heart, do you know where the hell thats coming from ci? Is it true thats coming from the projections of God? Or thats coming from the film that have been watched, Ci? Then i have a message for all The womans, stop fucking watch Korean Drama, shit !!! Leave your illusions, just learn and live in this reality the hells wrong with u woman !!! Just kidding, live the hell as yourself

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 9 дней назад

    Ci Fifi, which one do you choose more likely that suit to you? First impression, fluctuative, riddle box, light beeps, longrun ways or after taste? First impression is like firework of course, BOOM than poof, fluctuative is just like a roller coster, riddle box is you are marrying with the detective Conan, light beeps is like a freezer damn hot cold, longrun ways is like sticky glue and aftertaste is dont know the fuck whose together with you but he would be with you when you would already an old Grandma

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 10 дней назад

    It fucking rare if we could find a woman with a positif thought like you, its like finding needle, one from 1000

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 10 дней назад

    But the most active brain and the highest brain's wave is when we are in the deep sleep state, only that you could rewire your brain

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 10 дней назад

    Space ci, Space is holding the crucial dominant power for recharging our battery, it depends on the Space, no matter how high level of your intelligences if you are not matching with the Space, you cannot expelle your 'Wand' your highest potential because ,"these" introvert need a specific Space. Either the Space is the architecture or people. In physics said that our brain's wave doesnt match up with a lower brain's wave, they coulnt make a synchronize. The mind has always repulsing the Energy, and the higher intelligences need the same level as theirs. Dont you see that the Extrovert is just like a donkey idiot person? Its like a monkeys

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 10 дней назад

    No, Oxford is better than MIT, just for my opinion 😊

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 11 дней назад

    Gw kalo ci Fifi ngomong apapun pasti akan gw iyain tanpa terpaksa

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 11 дней назад

    You didnt realize it but so many people were happy to see both of you guys, despite your only discuss like "curcol" but honestly, ci Fifi is one from a thousand womans 😂😂

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 11 дней назад

    Gw liat ci Fifi mirip actress kecengannya Jackie Chan di film dulu, si Mei mei

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 11 дней назад

    Do you see red flag? Have you already seen from its back? Just in case it just red flag from the front flag

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 12 дней назад

    Do u know that Stephen King once writes a story that, every child that have been borned, its not actually the childs from their parents, when they are growing up, the childs becomes another person, like literally, different for each every individual person. So when you would give the birth for the child, we could assume that the child could come from the Devil's womb or not 😂 Stephen King told that not every human has its ghost but the most shocking is every Monster or ghost has its own human !!! So, the biggest question is what kind of Monster are U?? When we want to deal with people, instead of saying what kind of personality they have, ask them, what kind of monster are they?

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 12 дней назад

    3 things that i seek is peaceful, peaceful, peaceful so i could get my Freedoms😂😂

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 12 дней назад

    High quality intelligences means low of judgments to another people

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 12 дней назад

    You are the most positive woman, that i've known, its a fucking rare in this world 😅😅, so happy to see you

  • @fadhilahfracilia1995
    @fadhilahfracilia1995 12 дней назад

    kangenn juga ya ❤

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 12 дней назад

    What make us special is we could change poisons into nectar and nectar into poisons

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 13 дней назад

    Ci Fifi is one of kind 👍👍

  • @diahamalyaputri224
    @diahamalyaputri224 13 дней назад

    Cii, kapann podcast lagi?

  • @riskanurfadhilah3186
    @riskanurfadhilah3186 14 дней назад

    Tapi ada juga tau kak tipe orang yang gamau basa basi kayak dia mau to the point aja mau kita apa ke dia

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 14 дней назад

    It was happened when Doctor Wayne Dyer told a story when there was a man who almost die and he was regret of living the life, because he just want to folllow his life by society's expectations. Society is not made to pull off our life yet they just want to push us, jumping until we would fall down unto the rock bottom

  • @nblrizq
    @nblrizq 14 дней назад


  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 14 дней назад

    Who is your imagination? "I rest not from my task. To open The Eternal Worlds, to open The Immortal Eyes. Of Man inwards into The World of Thoughts: into Eternity. Ever expanding in the Bosom of God, the Human Imagination"

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 15 дней назад

    Nggak ci sebenernya, nggak ada hubungan yg bisa bertahan dalam LDR, you need 'Human Touch' secara harfiah atau nggak. Karena, karena karena, ya gak bisa lah pokoknya, karena, pokoknya gak bisalah

  • @LLLLlll__0000
    @LLLLlll__0000 15 дней назад

    Experiences is the timeline and the Space is your Domain, right? But if you would change the Space or The Field, would you think would it be the same 'Weapon' if you would use it for.another Field or Space? You cannot build an Atom bomb by only using Street Smart !!!