Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all...
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
He rose? Is that an accurate account of what actually happened ? (Acts 3:15) (Romans 10:9) (Acts 5:30,31) -Did Yeshua die? -What happened next? (Mark 15:34) (John 20:17) -What is the sign of prophet Jonah ? that Yeshua reference in (Matthew 12:39) Sha'lom Aleichem in Christ Hallelujah-Praise Almighty Jah, you people.
The rapture is not Biblical. It was not taught till the 1800s. Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead. Heaven and Earth then will become one.
English is not my first language. Yet, Jesus showed me clearly that He loves me. He has healed me, delivered me, and forgiven me🛐 God's Word is not only for the English people.
@@KJBonly The nonsensical argument, is that we should ONLY follow KJV. It is NOT the original. Its not the best, its not the only. Its 1 decent translation, (excellent for 500 years old), but there are better options now. KJV only is a misled cult. Don't get me wrong, if you like KJV, then use KJV, just stop telling others its the only valid one.
God did not want one language on earth. Notice how English language is in nearly all parts of the world . God made man. Man is making God in their image. Jesus read in the synagogue. If he was God's son, he would not need to read it to those there. This world has more than three religions other than HEBREWS, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM. Man
This man is lying to you. Peter Ruckman was a heretic and this mans assertion that the KJV is perfect is a lie. It's far from perfect and you should really study the ancient texts yourself.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@robertjacob8765KJB at the end of the day was written by MEN and inspired by GOD so yes it can have a slight error because men.. but at the end of the day it’s the closest to the Greek version. Agree or disagree?
@@jmar6258 9:7 says the men with Paul HEARD a voice but did NOT see. 22:9 says they seen, but did NOT hear the voice. The original greek says their heard but did not see, in both verses. The translation to KJV got it wrong in 22:9....
God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in him I could be forgiven. I place my trust in you for salvation. Thank you for your wonderful grace and forgiveness --the gift of eternal life! Amen! Put you faith in Christ now!
I feel lukewarm and I have been doing things I know are wrong. I hope someone will see this and be moved to pray for me! I fear God and don't want to be rejected because my faith was in vain!
@@bobchambers1455 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from thier wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land 2 CHRONICLES 7;14
@@bobchambers1455 1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Read, and let Jesus fix you. We do not get to heaven by being "good". 1 Corinthians 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Lettuce harken to Saint Paul's words via Jesus. We cannot save ourselves. Jesus paid the price with HIS own blood. Thank you Jesus!
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
Actually king James Bible is the accurate of translation of God's word from Greek language and Hebrew language into English. Do apologize that you question God's . The truth of the good news of the Gospel Death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid for the sin of the world will have everlasting life if you believe in him thru faith alone not of works. John3: 16 ,Ephesians 2:8,9 God bless you Sir @robertjacob8765
@@robertjacob8765thanks for pointing that out interesting. Follow up question where would I go or what is best to buy to get the Greek version you are referring to. TIA
Well looking up Greek translation on BibleHub shows the same translations in both Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9 as KJV. So maybe a different Greek versions shows the two verses consistent?
1:27:22 that’s horrible to say. I’ve been ignorantly reading the NIV and I promise I’d never steal your wallet and am not a bad person. Some people just aren’t aware. You shouldn’t act like everyone reading the NIV is a nonbeliever. Most just do not know. I was a Muslim for 30 years. And am now a new Christian. Jesus is in my heart. He is my savior. I pray continuously because my faith, belief and love is strong. Jesus is the way and I now know this. I am definitely going to read the KJV going forward, but don’t “judge” and label NIV readers as evil. Some of them are just ignorant and don’t know.
Robert breaker is heavy Protestant don't trip on KJV only...ESV is really good along with NASB95 or a LSB or even a NKJV ..niv isn't the worst translation out there...I've been following robert breaker for years and I don't endorse all of his doctrine and teachings and he doesn't hold to his beliefs either ive watched him for over 8 years he doesnt want to understand more outside of the realm of what he thinks hes been shown is 100% correct. Trust me there are little debates here and there in every denomination but the majority of Christians taking things to far are KJV only people alot of the time attacking other believers ignorantly not understanding the body of Christ has many members and offices. Don't let Robert breaker be your authority 🙏🏽 Jesus is the way! God bless and go in peace!
Praise Jesus for getting you out of Islam!!! Robert breaker probably ain't took the time to be a good apologist so knows very little of the Islamic religion... He needs an apologetics boost. But I pray for him as I'll pray for you 🙏🏽
Don't be mad. We are supposed to judge certain things. 1 Corinthians 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? The reason he said that is because it is true. If you had never read or heard a King James Bible and claim to be born again then you are. Just of corruptible seed. You just haven't been born again by the Word of God. We are saved by grace through faith. Yor faith has to come from God's true Word. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. I'm happy that you see the errors. When you read and believe the True Jesus, it will certainly save you. The devil has children also. Acts 13:10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? These have another Jesus and another gospel and another spirit. This is what you are going to get from the false bibles. 2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. I truly pray God brings you out of Babylon. ❤🙏
@@James-pd5fh you must be a KJV only? I have a copy of the Tyndale which came almost 100 years before the KJV and not to mention all these translations are wrong if by your standard we can only have one translation because then it would be only the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that save. You must be new to the faith or a Protestant to go after other Christians when you haven't even studied church history I can tell by the way you talk you probably hold to sola scriptura from a 66 book cannon when in in the 3rd-4th century through many ecumenical councils we compiled the cannon which consisted of more than 10 books you read in a you can't claim sola scriptura when Protestantism has given birth to SO MANY the great schism of 1054 and understand the church that came from Antioch where they were first called Christians stands today as the Orthodox Church and we have an unbroken chain of bishops through apostolic succession going all the way back to Christ and the disciples where a protestant has no authority today to seek tradition cause according to protestants you can start a church whenever you want! But just my thoughts God bless
William Tyndale was a groundbreaking figure in biblical translation, and his work was pivotal in shaping later English translations of the Bible. Tyndale’s approach to translating the Bible was revolutionary in several ways, particularly because he worked directly from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts rather than relying solely on the Latin Vulgate, the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church at the time. Key Points about William Tyndale’s Work: 1. Access to Greek and Hebrew Texts: • Tyndale is best known for being the first to translate the New Testament from Greek into English, using the best manuscripts available to him. At the time, the Latin Vulgate (a 4th-century translation by St. Jerome) was the dominant version of the Bible in the Western Church. • Erasmus’s Greek New Testament (first published in 1516) was one of the critical resources Tyndale used. Erasmus’s text was part of the Textus Receptus tradition, which was an earlier attempt to return to the original Greek manuscripts instead of relying on the Latin. • Tyndale also worked on translating portions of the Old Testament directly from the Hebrew, something that was relatively rare for that era. 2. Tyndale’s Critique of the Latin Vulgate: • Tyndale identified flaws and inaccuracies in the Latin Vulgate, which had been the dominant Bible translation in Western Europe for over a thousand years. • One of his main critiques was that the Latin Vulgate, while widely used, mistranslated key theological terms and led to doctrinal misunderstandings in the Church. For instance: • “Repentance” vs. “Penance”: The Vulgate translated the Greek word metanoia (which means “repentance”) as poenitentia, which refers to “penance,” a sacramental practice in the Catholic Church. Tyndale saw this as a major error and rendered it as “repent” in his translation. • “Congregation” vs. “Church”: Tyndale famously translated the Greek word ekklesia (which means “assembly” or “congregation”) as “congregation” instead of “church,” aiming to reduce the institutional authority of the Church and emphasize the community of believers. 3. Tyndale’s Translational Philosophy: • Tyndale believed that the Bible should be accessible to everyone, especially the common people, not just the clergy or educated elite. This is encapsulated in his famous statement: • “I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the scripture than the pope.” • His translation aimed to bring the Word of God to ordinary people in plain English, something that was radically different from the Latin Bible, which was only accessible to scholars and clergy. • Tyndale used the original Greek and Hebrew texts as the foundation of his translation, bypassing the Latin entirely when possible. This was a significant departure from previous English translations like Wycliffe’s Bible, which was based on the Latin Vulgate. 4. Theological Repercussions: • Because of the theological accuracy and clarity Tyndale sought in his translation, his work clashed with the Catholic Church’s teachings, which relied heavily on the Latin Vulgate. His translation was seen as a threat to the established authority of the Church because it promoted sola scriptura (the idea that Scripture alone is the basis for Christian doctrine). • Tyndale’s translation emphasized justification by faith, direct access to God, and the importance of the Bible over Church tradition, which resonated with the Protestant Reformation that was sweeping Europe during his lifetime. 5. Impact on Later English Translations: • Tyndale’s work had a profound influence on subsequent English translations, including the King James Version (KJV). It is estimated that about 80% of Tyndale’s New Testament made its way into the KJV, and a significant portion of his Old Testament translation was also used. • His translation choices, like using the word “atonement” to describe the work of Christ, influenced theological language for generations. • Tyndale’s English Bible became the foundation for later translations that relied on the same philosophy: translating directly from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts to provide an accurate and clear Bible for the common people. 6. Persecution and Martyrdom: • Tyndale’s work was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church, and his efforts to make the Bible available in English led to his arrest and execution. In 1536, Tyndale was strangled and then burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English without the Church’s approval. • His last words were reportedly, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes,” a prayer that many believe was fulfilled when King Henry VIII authorized the production of the Great Bible in 1539, an English translation largely based on Tyndale’s work. Conclusion: William Tyndale was instrumental in identifying flaws in earlier translations, particularly the Latin Vulgate, and correcting them by using the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. His translations laid the groundwork for the English Reformation and significantly influenced later translations, including the KJV. By insisting on translating the Bible from the original languages, he helped ensure that subsequent English translations would be more faithful to the original texts, thereby making Scripture more accessible and understandable for ordinary people.
@@Fit_At_53 amen and amen. Praise God for your insight. I believe the pricipal driving Tyndale is the reason I want to read the bible in 'modern' English. The sad thing about this stance that people are taking about KJ only, is that they are acting like the Cathlics did towards Tyndale. His philosophy was about comminicating the message of Christ, which is what we must do also.
the moment you through out original greek and hebrew, youve lost. you need to look into what he was translating. he wasnt translating the pure perfect Bible.
This blew my Mind away!! I ask in prayer to show me which bible I should be reading. Here I am The next day in a wowed. Thank you LORD.. I will always be grateful for this grace I don’t deserve❤❤
@@Followerofthewayforever I sure would like to know which King Jamie’s Versions, they also have another one called “New King Jamie’s Version” idk want to pick HELP ANYONE
When you know the truth about the Holy Bible it will change your life. You will need an older dictionary to look up some words. Otherwise just read it and if there is anything you don't understand just read it again. Then just keep reading. God will show you what you need to know. God bless.
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals sept11 🕯️ cat 2 hurricane Francine wildfires earthquakes in USA and the whole world they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all....
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
Steve guti, you again. 😂😂 It's amazing how bold you have grown , bouncing from channel to channel asking undecerning believers to join U in prayer. 1st it was your daughter's, then you on your deathbed 4-5 years ago, then all the stray cats dogs and liquorice all sorts. No Stevie, I will not join your fakeness and it would be great if you could go back to Brenda's fake channel where you originally started.
Shalom family all I want to say is that whenever I was reading the KJB it felt super special while I was reading I felt the presence of the lord but whenever I was reading other versions it just felt like I was reading. It is very important to not read bibles that take a way or add onto the Bible. If it’s about explaining to someone that doesn’t have knowledge let God do the explaining he’ll give you the words to say he’ll always be with you agin study to show your self approved!
I grew up on the KJB. But as I traveled the world and worked with Bible translators, I quickly realized that any American that claims the KJB, or NIV, etc, is the only Bible, shouldn’t become a missionary. As a missionary. We need to translate God’s word into their culture. Many of the folks we reach have no education. They can’t read. “Behold I stand at the door and knock” has no meaning for people who don’t have doors and don’t know what a door is. Some locations in the Amazon for example. How do we translate? “Behold I stand at the entrance of your dwelling place.” Millions of people will come to know Jesus that will have never read the KJB. Praise God.
I've been kjv only for decades. I am so thankful for the Cloud Church method of teaching. I feel as the Lord has called me to preach and I want to learn from these videos so I can learn to preach like this!!!
“Study” is Elizabethan English, and it means “diligent.” Those who spoke with this type of English understood this. Therefore, the verse is translated in the other translations as “Be diligent to present yourselves…” Moreover, the word “study” is what is called a false friend, meaning the word has a different meaning today than it did when it was used in the KJV.
KJV is not my preference, it is my conviction. The Book, The Blood, The Blessed Hope. Even so, come Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus name. Amen & Maranatha!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 it's your because I'm right here. Rev 22:18,19 KJV to Romans 13:8. Remember who we are offline! KJV STRONG LMG - Truth is Christ the channel!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Oct 7, 2023 minus 50 years (Jubilee) what happened? Good luck facing judgement its that easy. First grade stuff YOU are part of the Jubilee War so remember how you feel EVERYDAY from this day forward. 🤝🌞👍🪖👈❤️🎚️📸
I appreciate this lesson. I left a large cult in SLC nine years ago and my journey has been wonderful. However, as soon as i left that religion my friend bought me a NKJV and it has been the Bible ive used and studied from before i understood the differences. I bought a new KJV and am studying along with you and other KJV preachers. I haven't stopped loving the word and all there is to learn each time I reread a chapter. The friends from the religion I left use the KJV but they are most likely not saved because they have been taught to put the bible into suppect. I keep asking them who would want you to do that...certainly not Jesus. 🤔 Anyway by the blood of Jesus I am saved and set free. 😊 I'm praying for all lost souls everywhere. 🙏 Thank you for your whiteboard lessons because I'm a visual learner. God bless you. 😊❤✝️☝️
I firmly believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church. We have the priesthood and all saving ordinances. That being said, I'm sure you also have a relationship with Jesus, and I would never try to tell you that you don't. I would hope you could say the same for me. I believe in Jesus, and I'm saved through Him. How can you tell me otherwise? I'm saved through Christ. Again, how could you tell me otherwise? No matter what you say, I have God in my corner.
All of these little tidbits, all the little details in everything... I never get bored with Him. He's so brilliant and beautiful. Praise His holy sweet name! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
I watch your videos. And sometimes i want to cry. As i am so grateful to see and learn all that you share. I am glad and blessed God is working through you Thank you. And God bless you more and your love ones. Amen.
First time I've seen Robert. My son (who sent me a link to this) knows me and what I believe. I have been trying to share things like this for many years. Glad to see God is showing others some of the same things. Having two witnesses to my son is most appreciated. I'm giving God all the praise and glory for everything.
There's no other book like it. You start reading and studying it you will learn greater things than what you heard here from Robert. If I could live an hundred years, twice told, I wouldn't be able to mine all the gold nuggets from this one Bible.
Wow! I just came across this on YT and have begun studying the Bible again and boy am I glad I found your channel. I'm a saved born again Pentecostal, because I believe in the Gifts that the Spirit has blessed us with. I continue to grow spiritually everyday. Thank you.
The apostolic gifts are no longer in practice. The most dangerous thing that many of the Pentacostals teach is you don't get the gift of tongues then you are not saved. That's one big lie. They teach you can lose salvation as well. It's a dangerous denomination. The apostolic gifts have ceased. Tongues when it was in practice was always a real language not babble or a prayer language. More lies. The apostolic gifts were in practice at Corinth early in Pauls ministry but faded away when the full canon of scripture was completed. The gifts were only in practice because Jews require a sign. God used apostolic gifts early in the transition period to prove that the teachings were from Christ. Then once the Bible was complete the gifts were no longer necessary. Paul even lost his ability to heal Hey left Trophius sick and told Luke to use wine for his stomach problems. The Bible says those signs would cease and they did. Don't fall for the traditions of men.
Unfortunately, many doctrines teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not available for us today. What a sin it is to try to rob believers of these magnificent gifts. People are wondering why the churches are drying up and falling off the vine of life. 😢
Breaker..... thankyou brother for your obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus and for loving the rest of us with Christ like love ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO OUR GOD JESUS CHRIST
Hello Brother Breaker! Praying for you and your wife and children! That you all grow in the love and grace of Jesus until we meet Him in the air! Thank you all so much for your work in the Lord. You’re a blessing to the body of Christ!
13:59 "a lot of them have sin in their life" Really? Who doesnt have sin in their life? Second, you are comparing translators who didnt have the same resources that we do today to further verify the documents being sourced. KJV has a lot of errors in translations. You can find many examples on RUclips. Not enough to discount is as a book to read from, but not any more or less than other translations. Modern translations can get more accurate translations because they have more resources to compare and reference to determine the ACTUAL meaning of a word. 16:47 it has been recognized by many that the TR has ADDED verses in an attempt to reach clarity by a scribe vs other translations getting the original documents in which those verses do not appear. But even so, the missing verses if not referenced in the footnotes have little implication to the underlining message of the Bible. As any important concept presented, is typically presented elsewhere in the Bible-- so IF YOU STUDY, you would still be getting the same lesson. 19:18, not sure what you mean by wrong time, but KJV was translated in 1611. modern translations have 400 MORE years of resources to pull from for better accuracy. Heck, as a non scholar, I can probably find more information in my LOGOS bible software today than they had back then. Of course with every author having their own biases. Point 6, wrong teaching --yeah they all say something different but are the messages that different? most literally translations ESV, NASB, NKJV, etc, will all teach the same message with perhaps a few differences in word choices. Thought for thought translations, are going more for the thoughts behind the words instead of each word for itself, but still preaching the same message. Even paraphrased versions, although not ideal for any serious study, are teaching the same message. The only ones that are not, are ones from particular people groups removing things to fit their missions. But the main stream translations all have the same goal. 20:47 Mark 1:2-3 both have the term prepare the way. which references IS 40:3 Mal 3:1 also uses the term prepare the way. Who gives a crap about an S. A prophet is going to be hearing from the same God. The fact that 2 prophets have similar messages is a good thing. Just cause the wording is a little different in one vs another doesnt mean its an inaccuracy. Luke 4:4- just cause new versions take out a part of the quote, doesnt make the quote false. Very rarely are all quotes from the old testament the full quote. The speaker in the NT could be paraphrasing himself, or only quoting the parts that matter in the context. How do you know a scribe didnt add the full quote later because he's like you and thinks that for it to be a quote it has to be 100%. Sorry, but it doesnt. And again, this does not alter the meaning of the scripture. This references deut 8:3, and in itself is not a full quote to that verse. Remember, there were no verses numbers back then, so just cause something doesnt match the full verse as we know it, doesnt mean it is a false quote. You people nitpick on things that dont matter. How bout focus on what the Bible teaches and apply it instead of debating about which version to use. Any mainstream version of the Bible can be used to hear Gods words. Few people are even going to notice that S, nor look up where it is coming from. Or deal with any of the other arguments you all have. The more time you spend debating which translation is best, the more you divide people, and the more the enemy wins. I dont care if you use KJV or ESV or any other translation. I want you to have a BIBLE. If someone misses the message of the Bible because they can't understand KJV, then the KJV is the wrong version. If they dont understand NIV or ESV, or any other translations, then those are the WRONG versions for them. Just as God uses tongues to speak to people in different languages, he can provide his word through whatever translation one reads. (some exceptions as mentioned before, but the versions you are debating dont meet these exceptions) With that said, I have spent enough time trying to fact check your video when there are many other people who already have, when i could be spending my time studying myself and actually learning what the Bible teaches instead of debating the merits of the medium in which he teaches.
@@eddieh6429 if you take 10 seconds to google or search youtube for translation errors in the KJV, you will find you are wrong. The Original KJV itself included a disclaimer saying their may be errors. But I bet i know why the KJV narrative is pushed so much. Cause KJV is public domain, so there is very likely a group of people making up these lies that people like you believe, so they buy more KJV Bibles and the publishers get to make more money. I dont care if you like KJV but I do care about those whom think it is the only version one can learn about God. Cause that is so far from the truth that you are borderline making it an idol. You are distracted by what version the book is instead of learning the truths within. But if you want to believe that nonsense without actually exploring the possibility that people like me are right, then you do you.
@EternalLifeWithJesusChrist Learn! I believe the bible, not KJV. You are approaching cult like behavior. If you want closer to God's word, learn Hebrew and Greek. Then you might see how parts have been translated wrong. But even the manuscripts we have are not 100% to the original. How bout focus on the Gospel and not which translation is used. I'm guessing you probably don't even have that part right
You can’t say it’s perfect, the guy is right, there are additions in K J like the scribe was trying to explain the verse, not always necessary correct, and not found in older Greek translations. Sure it’s good, the NKJV has footnotes telling you which words are not in older Greek translations, which is nice. Preach Christ and Him crucified for us! Amen.
So do you not look at the Greek or Hebrew text? If I’m not mistaken there is a verse in the KJV that uses the word “Easter”, BUT it should be “Passover”. Doesn’t that by itself show a problem in the KJV translation? I’m not saying that KJV isn’t a great translation, but rather it too has some issues. The copiest themselves said that they did their best, NOT that it was perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong
"Easter" is the correct translation, though the corrupted Bibles incorrectly render it as Passover. If you will note the context of this passage, it was already past the time of Passover, so it was clearly referring to pagan Easter.
the problem with kjvo is they make it the standard, when no other text read identical to it before. But they do make it the standard so they compare everything to it only, this is idolatry. They misuse the 7x verse completely ripped out of context to support their claim. The text says the words of Lord are silver tried in a furnace of the earth, purified 7x. "pure as silver" is a simile, a comparison. They beeline to this for their proof text. And you're correct, if they read the intro theyd see that the kjv translators said that any translation of scripture, as long as it's true intention is to convey the meaning of the original is liable to the name The Word of God. So when they say inerrant, they mean that only the kjv is inerrant and infallible, not the original. They are anti intellectual when it comes to hebrew and greek studies, bc to them it doesn't matter. They are also against missions bc they don't believe the Bible should be translated to other languages besides elizabethan english. I hope you've seen the absurdity at this point. They think it's superior to the original manuscripts. Personally, for me, what tops it off are the nasty things they say about other translations, which are the Word of God. Plus I'm looking at a handful of verses that have errors in them from it. All translations by men have errors because we are not perfect. They will deny the errors because they are ripped out of context, they don't translate literally, they are quite allegorical. This is why it's so important to study, and not consider the inerrant standard to be a translation by men, but rather the very original manuscripts. I want nothing to do with it, but I do so love my brothers and sisters and wish they would wake up, satan loves what they're doing. Lifting up a book rather than Christ Jesus. We cannot make our personal preference a requirement for someone elses salvation. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by HIM.
@@lauriemclean1131 that sounds good, but literally the word is 'pascha' which means Passover, not Easter. You're reasoning for using context is only based on a presuppostion that "they" would have understood it as Easter, or that since the time had passed it meant Easter, but the problem with both those assumptions is based on just that, assumptions. The word is" pascha". So your argument of context doesn't quite work for the simple fact that the word for Passover is used. We don't say Jesus is the " Easter" lamb, he is our paschal lamb. Thoughts?
That's funny! The KJV reads something like 85-90% with the English Bibles before it. So, it is so close to those. Yet, you look at the New Modern Versions, and they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! They change and add new words and terms, often street words and slang. They are not even CLOSE to the true old English bible words. How sad. No, new versions are NOT the word of God. They may contain SOME of the word of God, but men changed many of God's words, so they are mostly the words of MEN, and even in some places, the words of the DEVIL HIMSELF, as Satan has used modern TRANSlators to change words to attack the deity of Christ. And, yes the KJV is SUPERIOR to the originals! Can you read the originals? NOPE! Even if you could, you don't have them! There are no "originals" left anymore! Only copies of copies of copies. Finally, the KJV has the MATH to prove God's fingerprints in it. Other versions don't. PERIOD! That proves the "purified seven times!"
Easter is the correct translation and it *is* referring to the observance of Passover. Easter is not a pagan term, but has been hijacked by people using improper etymology of the word to claim that it is. Proper etymology of the term shows that it doesn’t come from “Ishtar” or “Eostre” which is so commonly claimed. It comes from the German word related to “dawn” referring to the resurrection and was always used in relation to “Pascha.” By the time of the KJV translation, the English term for Pascha was Easter and remained that way until recently when people mistakenly decided it was a pagan word.
❤️🙌💜2nd Timothy 1 Verse 7 We Declare For The Lord Has Not Given Us A Spirit Of Fear But Of Power Love And A Sound Mind Amen God Bless You And Your Family And Let His Power Love Peace And Grace + Shine Upon You And The Family Much Love💜🙌❤️
Christian family, let us focus, on believing and proclaiming, the gospel, unto our eternal salvation. We must believe, how, Christ died for our sins, he was buried and he rose again the third day, amen. 1 Corinthians 15 3:4 Maranatha.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Go say this to someone in real life please - how about offering thanks to Mr. Breaker for his time and help. Amen. 🙏 It’s not what you know it’s what you don’t know that might save you!
Yes. There is nothing wrong with talking to others about scripture in thier native tongue, but always use the text of th eKing James to translate, not the original Greek.
@@GodisGracious1031Ministries The original new testament was written in Greek. KJV is littered with mistranslated text....Simply start with the word "HELL" and you find out real quick.
I feel i am lukewarm, and I've been doing things i know are wrong. I pray someone will see this and be moved to pray for me. I dont want my faith to be in vain! Im afraid of God!
I feel,that way sometimes to😢 I put you on my prayer list. If you ever remember a time when you trusted in Jesus shed blood on the cross to save you, then you are saved. It’s the gift of God, not,of works, lest anyone should boast.
If you lukewarm and you are aware of it,it’s a good start , the reason why so many are that way it’s because it’s very hard to unlearn bad teachings , just have one advice for you , you know how to read so go open your king James and start at the beginning ,pretend it’s the first time you read , , your eyes will be opened if you keep in mind . That God does not change , that is my prayer for you forget watt you learn , and go drink from the living word
If for no other reason, I use the KJV because I don't have to struggle to understand God's Word. It's been around for over 400 years, and, it says the same thing now as it did then.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
The second verse seems to be from Saul's point of view. He might think they had some of the same experience. Also, maybe they heard a voice but couldn't make out the words, but Saul thought they heard the same thing. Just an idea.
@@skival I don't know how Paul heard God's voice, but I know he obeyed. I don't know what the others heard, or if they heard, or saw anything, but they knew something happened. And I know changing those passages will change how God intends us to understand. We can reach the right understanding if we aren't told the right thing the right way.
I'm listening to KJV and what I've noticed is it completely feels like a conversation. It doesn't feel like I'm being told or preached at, events happen and we are given a lesson that it embodies and then it moves along. It's like walking, talking with someone
Sorry, the King James is a "Translation to the English language" among many other very good translations. I worship Jesus only, but I do not worship KJV only. Don't be Pharisees people!
Most folks who are part of the KJV Onlyism sect, are quite arrogant & to be honest they turn rather un-christian quickly if you challenge them! They should spend their efforts learning what love actually is! In my opinion the Geneva is EASIER to read than the KJV. And there's a lot of differences in KJV, some in the wrong direction!
I will pray for everyone who watches this show. Please pray for my unsaved family. Time is running out! A-acknowledge your a sinner B-believe Jesus shed his blood on the cross and rose on the third day C-confess Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior 1-Corinthians-Chapter-15 1-4 Romans-Chapter-3 23-25..
I praise God for Joseph who kissed the Bible, showing his Faith and admiration in God's preserved Book. I Don't know you personally but I'm so glad hearing this preaching and testimonies.
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Geneva bible was not authorized by a king it had a lot of mistakes but was crucial in preserving the word to get us to the King James. Psalms 12:6-7 KJV | Esther 8:8 KJV
Not true actually, look at hebrews 10:5-8 which is quoting psalm 40:6-8. Look in your KJV it's not the correct rendering, Hebrews is quoting from the septuagint not the massoretic there's over 50 differences and each time a writer in the new testament quotes from the old testament it's always from the septuagint that was translated from Hebrew to Greek in 400BC it's much older then the massoretic text. Go and see for yourself
Although I love the King James Version and prefer it for myself, it is only a translation of the original texts. The original texts were written in Hebrew for the Old Testament, and Koine Greek for the New Testament. The Bible was never originally written in any type of English.
@@mikemmarshall8201 Yes, some portions of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, were originally written in Aramaic. While Hebrew is the primary language of the Old Testament, certain sections, like parts of the books of Daniel and Ezra, were written in Aramaic.
Great informative video Brother! Thank you! I also read KJV but will have you all know.. I started with the NLT when I got saved. then years later moved onto the ESV and NKJV and then the KJV. I now I have all 4. I was saved during reading each one and still belonged to Jesus The Christ throughout reading each of those versions. My husband started with the NIV, now ESV and has access to my KJV. He is saved, born again by The Holy Spirit of our God and I love absolutely love watching his growth in our Lord. God will lead him to the KJV in His time but it does not mean my husband is not saved. I just wanted to share that even if you all disagree. We love our Lord Jesus always have and always will. God knows that…. May He keep us kept as He always has and will. Look up fellow branches our redemption draws nigh! Praise Jesus ❤
If I can I'll share something that is very deep. All Christians who are justified, saved were born again by the King James Bible, even if they were reading a different bible. 1 Peter 1:23 KJV [23] being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. There is only one incorruptible word of God which liveth and abideth forever. That is the King James Bible. All the rest of the modern bibles are corrupt. So all Christians throughout all time were born again by the King James Bible even before and after 1611. The word of God is eternal which means it comes from eternity and then God put it in time and grew it. Started as a seed of Hebrew, grew into Greek and Latin and it matured in English. It was purified 7 times. Thr 7th complete, printed English bible is the 1611 King James.
Thank you Robert. The KJV is the perfect word of God for the English speaking People. You mentioned the excellent book 777. There is also terrific book by G John Rov called “ Concealed from Christians for the Glory of God - The 1611 KJV. “ Thank you Robert. It is as you say. We are not seeing the Fruit because God’s words are not being used in most churches today?! God bless you and yours. for raising this most important issue. Bill. Uk 🙏
Hate to burst your bubble, but the KJV was altered by the translators, under the direction of King James himself, to not only include the clerical titles of deacon and bishop, but had strict orders not to change any of the Augustinian doctrines of the Church of England (the Catholic Church without the pope). Do your own research if you want to know the truth. Look up the Greek words. It’s a whole different book than what religions narratives teach.
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not so. I have done my research, and King James asked them to do a translation closest to the originals, without men's opinions. Many hated the Geneva, as it translated with bias. They just wanted an unbiased translation with the KJV, and we got it!
@@Robertbreaker3 The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was translated based on a number of directives, including: Reflect the Established Church The translation was intended to reflect the episcopal structure of the Established Church and traditional beliefs about ordained clergy. Use existing translations The translators were instructed to use previous translations, including the Bishop's Bible (1568) and translations by Tyndale and Coverdale. Use manuscripts The KJV uses the Textus Receptus series of Greek texts for the New Testament, the Masoretic Hebrew text for the Old Testament, and the Greek Septuagent text for the Apocrypha. Use vulgar forms of proper names The translators used vulgar forms of proper names, such as "Jonas" for "Jonah", to make the Scriptures more popular and familiar. Minimize controversial notes The translation was to contain a minimum of controversial notes and apparatus.
It was King James whom hated the Geneva translation. Not necessarily because of the biblical text, more so because of the notes. I'm speaking as a former hard-core KJV only independent Baptist. You are really reaching to try to link random numbers to form symbolism that may or may not exist. I would say that counts as an attempt to add to or take from the word. A couple years ago, I went on a journey to try and resolve this matter for myself. I went as far back as I could. Started with an interlinear Bible. Then a Tyndale. Then a Matthew's. 1599 and 1560 Geneva. And FINALLY, an authorized 1611 King James Bible. After 32 years of hearing how that was the only inspired word of God, I actually saw one for myself. I learned during this time that the kjv of today has been revised 5 times. Then I looked at more modern translations. I will agree that there are a few that should be avoided, but I do like the NASB. There's a few differences, yes. I have several copies with the verses you mentioned omitted, and I have one that includes those verses. If you Picture the Bible as 250 sheets of printed paper spread out on a table, it's less than half of one sheet of paper that's different. The conclusion I came to was that while I don't agree with thought for thought or paraphrased translations, there's a few literal word for word translations that are quite good. I'm at peace with it, and if you don't agree then that's okay too. I know you're not going to agree with that. My only rebuttal would be that if you believe that so strongly, you should be using the original 1611 text, because the current translation is in fact different. I still dearly love the KJV, and I use both. I do NOT agree that someone can't be convicted and saved just because they're not reading or being taught from a KJV. That is wrong.
Jeffpeff is correct... I mean you you're a modern dispensationalist who believes in the rapture which is man made from Darby, Scofield, and Plymouth Brethern and came about in the 1800's so it's clear you don't study history in a great level of detail. Jesus never taught a rapture, the Apostles never taught a rapture, and the church for the 1800 years never taught a rapture. Even historical premilleniaism doesn't teach a rapture.
@mrmidwestguy1496, they read what they have. We are accountable for what we know. The King James Bible is the correct Bible for English speaking people.
It’s a miracle I have always used a King James Bible simply for the sake of familiarity from childhood! And for using Strong’s Concordance for cross references and dictionaries. It has always SPOKEN to me. Praise the Lord for keeping me, Hallelujah!
❤❤❤🙏 incredible video! This was exactly what I was looking for. I pray God bless you with a long life and good life. This video saved me years of work. 🙌
@@bronzewing1965is good for you too just talk to her about what the Bible says that doesn't agree with what the Vatican teaches. Remember that she loves Jesus but doesn't read the Bible because of the traditions. Once she sees the truth about being saved in the Bible it will be easier to explain the KJV only view.
When the chinese say YESU,,they know they said Jesus,,God knows they said Jesus ,,they dont need old english lessons and hebrew lessons and greek lessons,,,no their language says Yesu,,ok thats Jesus !!!
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@robertjacob8765 you mean the Hebrew and Greek who critic the scriptures on any given day they* choose to* change the meaning of the words to fit story telling such as rooted up and others - to pluck out Satan is calling out the non believers for what they are. Repent! What’s the most common language spoken today, answer is English yet we wish all the best at this fight. Don’t let others fool you any longer - The channel is called Truth is Christ 34 a reason! 777 vs 666 stuff. If I bring a NKJV to a KJV study that makes me a heretic. Rev 22:18,19 proved the heathens try to confuse others when KJV stuff is first grade stuff yet teach a first grader the real truth by 5th grade they won’t be able to preyed upon or tricked.
@LMGphilanthropy So you're just going to skip the most important part of the comment. Acts 9:7 and 22:9 are a 100% contradiction in the KJV. But in the original Greek, where the KJV is translated from, both men heard the voice but did not see. Yet in the KJV, Acts 9:7 says they heard and did not see, yet 22:9 says they seen and did not hear. That's an error in the KJV. The inspired writer did not contradict himself, but the KJV was translated in this contradiction, PERIOD, and not only in this but a few other vital areas...
@@robertjacob8765 good try Satan go confuse your bloodlines as the question is are you a believer and what is the gospel according to you’re kind or MIND?
Amazing teacher brother, those who do not want to watch are the wicked who do not understand. Amen, praise to God for his word, thank you brother for declaring his truth
I looked up Roman’s 3:25 in several versions including niv and they all said “His blood”. So exactly which version are you talking about? I am KJV only but I’m getting tired of statements being made that do not appear to be accurate. Another thing I’m beginning to wonder is why KJV only pastors only seem to reference the niv when pointing out major differences? How bout you look at them all if they all are incorrect…
@@johnl.fortier4311 I’m k but let’s first address the comment about Romans 3:25! Let’s not ignore the point being made! Unbelievers always ignore the facts and move on without addressing the facts!
@@37south47 please come to our Bible study @11:00 am ET. I don't wanna debate, but yesss I will address Romans 3:25. Hope to see you.
I've been comparing these verses in my NIV Bjble and my KJV Bible as well as TLB and you are absolutely correct Bro Breaker! Wow! 🎉mind blown. I would use a NIV Bible for simple reading but to omit scriptures and change it, that's assinine!. I listened to the idiots who said that new versions still have the important verses and all that but even still, I heard enough with your sermon tonight to be uncomfortable with using NIV translation from now on. Thanks Bro. Breaker. Your ministry helped me get out of Joyce Meyer ministry and all of that. Your white board teachings drew me in when I became curious about studying a certain book of the Bible. Now I am going through verse by verse in the NT and then the OT. I am currently in 2 Timothy. It has taken me over a year and a half to get through this NT but I am studying and taking my time so the information sticks..
KJV isn't the most closely translated Bible. The New American Standard Translation is the most accurately translated from the original text. This argument about the KJV being the only legitimate English translation is the saddest most legalistic defenses in Christianity.
Thank you for speaking up. I can't help but see how similar the KJV only hang-up is similar to the Amish and their Yiddish German hang-up, making it impossible for the common Amish to read it, sound familiar? All these math calculations blow up when translated into other languages from the KJV or the original text (not in old English). Sad to be so narrow minded and limit God's ability to speak in plain English. I love my KJV but I also love my NASB and a few other literal translations.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
This was real good years ago I thought I knew a lot about numbers until I heard about Brandon Peterson‘s work. It’s just simply amazing. Even if we didn’t have all the other manuscript evidence, the God of numbers makes a perfectly clear. How can anybody refute it?
Love Brandon Peterson. That is where I was introduced to the facts about how mathematically the universe has been delivered to us in the form of the Word of the living God. Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I saw the thumbnail title and was intrigued. I appreciate him pointing out versus that are missing and words that have been changed. But after 30 minutes of watching, I had to stop. How can he say others arent saved because of the translation they use? You think God has limited the saved by people who only use KJV? You think others will completely miss the mark of the story and not have faith in Jesus? I've been studying the Bible for 10 years using the NKJV and to hear him state blatant lies (at 26:30) that no other translations speak of faith through His blood except KJV is not true. Also, KJV people dress is suits and others don't, I'm sorry but because you wear a suit this is not the fruit God was talking about. But thats between him and God. He's also claiming people who use other translations probably dont read or study the word, so you're raising yourself up above everyone else who is Christian? There are so many red flags from how this guy talks and how he presents himself. I'm all about others receiving the word and not using a perverse translations, but this guy is definitely going about it wrong.
All you need to know The ESV is a translation of the Bible into contemporary English. It was published in 2001 by Crossway. The ESV is based on the Greek text of the Greek New Testament and the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. The ESV is considered a literal translation that is faithful to the original languages. The ESV is considered to be one of the most popular English translations of the Bible.
For the people who don't seem to get it. No sane KJV only-ist will claim it's flawless in translation or free of typos or errors. You are missing the point. The point is none of the supernatural power found in the KJV exists on the same level in any of the other versions. While the KJV may contain grammatical errors here and there in no place does it remove the power or authority used to describe God or Jesus as the other versions do. In no place does it take the credit away from God or his miracles as most of the other versions do. If you can't understand why that matters to your soul then you either need to pray long and hard or drop the charade and admit you are of the devil intentionally trying to mislead those on a true search for God.
Extremely important message to all Christians. Pray for the Gospel!!!! I invoke Galatians 1:8 “Cursed is everything contrary to Gods Holy Triune Bible Gospel.” Amen
It's funny how King James had someone translate from Greek and Hebrew in oldeth englisheth and that is considered God's only true word. I read where God used a donkey to correct a profit. Yet the donkey spoke Hebrew, not old English. Now, let's talk about the actual truth. Jesus said, "Go, preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus didn't mention what ? King James version.... People!!! Preach Jesus, not a book. Jesus is the word! This video does not further the kingdom of heaven. It exalts a man.
@@jaymartinez879I don’t know about that, but I do know that as an Englishman…yes, I live in the UK, I do not speak in Elizabethan English. We do need truth, but we also need to communicate in the world we live in.
Although I don't think it was a coincidence that the book of Mark was dwindled down to 666 verses. What is meaning of Mark? It is a mark, as in the mark of the Beast.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
I am a huge fan of the ESV of the Bible. Just got through the book of Genesis , I’m going to continue through the entirety of the Bible until I have finished.
Could you check the difference between the KJV and ESV in Matthew 7:14? (Well, any modern version) Going to Heaven is a free gift! Romans 3:23-26 KJV [23] for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [24] being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: [25] whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; [26] to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Only one English Bible agrees with itself
@ ESV seems like a better translation to me. I see alot of ‘over fluffing’ in KJV which shows signs of modification & bias. Over fluffing as in adding unnecessary language additives. I’m sure not many of us even spoke original Hebrew so what are we to know they talketh liketh thy thisith . They spoke hebrew. English language is something to really look into, alot of human culture can sway a translation from the original messaging.
@@jardlongcr Even when it's just wrong? Mark 1:2-3 KJV [2] As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, Which shall prepare thy way before thee. [3] The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, Make his paths straight. Mark 1:2 ESV [2] As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, Malachi 3:1 KJV [1] Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. Isaiah 40:3 KJV [3] The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
@@jardlongcr Please compare Mark 1:2-3 in ESV and KJV. Compare the verses with Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. One book just flat out lies. You dare to call something with errors the words of God?
@ before we continue. You spoke to me as I did not compare the previous scripture & told me to once again compare another. I truly believe the proper translation of the original scripture is the ESV. To the original scripture into English. Please read onto my messages & this conversation as a whole as I did to you. KJV is personally not the translation of scripture I see to fit me. It seems corrupt in the way of wordage & that is my personal bias. ESV has been a great journey for me & I have loved learning more. Still long awaited journey ahead of me.
I love anybody that use the kjv bible I believe it is the perfect bible the best translation when you ask God to teach you as you read and when God wants you know something it stands out like he's talking to you your not reading anymore living word❤ so amazing
What do you think about the original KJV 1611 edition being published with the Apocrypha included in it? You can still find the original print from Oxford university (the university tasked with creating the KJV translation)
People get so offended if you say you’re KJV-Only & even go as far as to say we need to repent!.. it’s mind boggling how they would come to that position 🤨
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689The Geneva Bible served a purpose for its time. But the real reformation Bible was undoubtedly the KJB. And that continues on even til today. Enjoy reading your Geneva Bible though!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Also your reasons why you’re in favor of the former just reveals your ignorance on the entire issue as a whole, respectfully.
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Do you just look for people to argue with under KJV videos? That’s really odd behavior & you might wanna pray about why you feel the need to do that. Especially since your ‘preaching’ is in error. Good day.
because by saying KJV only you are basically saying every Christians who lived before 1611 were all reading non authentic incorrect version of Bible translation and somehow the translators of KJV has same authority as prophets and disciples. you are inventing unbiblical doctrines. furthermore you makes christianity sounds like a ethno-religion for British and American people only
The ESV Bible does not actually remove the phrase "study to show yourself approved" from 2 Timothy 2:15; it simply translates the Greek phrase more literally, rendering it as "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved" - essentially conveying the same meaning of diligent study and proper handling of Scripture to be seen as a trustworthy believer by God, without using the exact word "study.". Key points about this translation choice: Emphasis on character and presentation: The ESV translation focuses on the idea of presenting oneself as someone who has been tested and found worthy by God, rather than explicitly mentioning the act of studying. Accuracy to Greek: The Greek word translated as "study" in the King James Version (KJV) can also be interpreted as "to present oneself" or "to be diligent," which aligns more closely with the ESV rendering.
My heart trembles for what must be the fate of all who pervert & lie about God's Word. Whatever they have received for their deceptions cannot be worth the horrifying eternity they have sold themselves out for.
⛔️ Hold on Robert! I have a question - Do Independent Baptist color eggs and then tell their children the "easter bunny" brought them and has hidden them in the yard for the children to find? Why do I ask? Acts 12:4 in the KJV reads as follows: -"And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after 'Easter' to bring him forth to the people."
This Independent Baptist doesn't! And, many that I know don't. But, sadly, some do. Which I think is awful! That's not Christian. Now, as far as Easter vs Passover, the context of Acts 12:4 is speaking of HEROD, who is a pagan. He did NOT keep the Passover. He kept the feast of ISHTAR, from which the word EASTER comes. So, I see NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with Easter. For it's speaking of HEROD waiting till after Easter (his feast of Ishtar). Get it?
@@Robertbreaker3 Thank you for the response Robert. Its not that I don't "get" your response (that in Acts 12: 4 Herod Agrippa 1 was a "pagan" who worshipped and observed "the feast of Ishtar" thereby justifying the KJV translators use of the word "Easter" as opposed to the Jewish feast of 'Passover').. but rather that I don't BUY it! But here's Why - History doesn't buy it either! Herod Agrippa 1 was far from "pagan" fact quite the opposite. This is not to say he was some kind of "good guy".. far from it! He was just like the overwhelming majority of Jewish leaders of his day - spiritually lost. The difference was he had dual powers his elite Pharisee friends only dreamed of having. I will get to the heart of our debate regarding the KJV translators use of the word "Easter" but first the Bible (regardless of the translation) doesn't tell us what Herod Agrippa 1 religious beliefs were.. for that we have to rely on 1st century Historians. Fortunately the Lord gave us some excellent ones to source. Herod Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great and nephew of Herod Antipas, appears only in Acts 12 in the Bible. But this Herod is different from his royal relatives in that he is the religious king. The Jewish historian of that time, Josephus, describes him: “He loved to live continuously in Jerusalem, and was exactly careful in the observance of the (Jewish) laws of his country. He therefore kept himself entirely pure; nor did any day pass over his head without its appointed sacrifice”. Given the despicable Roman overlords and the gross immorality of the other Herods, this man was the MOST religious leader Jerusalem had known in generations. The divide between religious zeal and faith in God can be as different as day and night, to use an over worn phrase. The Jewish leadership in Jerusalem despised the Gentile Roman overlords as an evil affront to God, and they hated any Jews who “betrayed the faith” to follow the crucified Christ. But when your religious distinctives and financial security depend on the support of a foreign occupying force the obvious choice is to go along with the status quo, collaborate to protect what is yours, and wait for the right opportunity. So there was a convenient peace. Remember, the Jewish power brokers of Jerusalem worked it so the Roman thugs would kill the bothersome Jesus for them! Both sides benefited. Herod Agrippa I was descended from the Hasmonean line, the son and grandson of collaborating rulers. He grew up in Rome as a friend of the Roman emperors, Caligula and Claudius, and was appointed ruler over the Jewish territory formerly administrated by his uncle, Herod Philip. He proved himself loyal to the Romans, and, when Caligula deposed the inept Herod Antipas, was granted those territories (37 AD). Finally, in 41 AD, Agrippa was made ruler over the additional regions of Samaria, Judea and Idumea. Herod Agrippa I studied the Torah, KEPT the religious rules and feast days, and courted the priests and religious leaders. He saw all Christians as enemies of both Judaism and Rome. Like the other rulers of his lineage, he sought total political control, but he also saw himself as the zealous defender of his religion. Acts 12 tells us he arrested and executed James, the brother of John, which “pleased the Jews” (v. 3). He arrested Peter with the same intent of execution, but this fell at the feast of Passover, so he had to hold his prisoner for execution until after the feast day was past. Peter was treated as a threat to political stability, chained and guarded by sixteen Roman soldiers. What a picture! A ruthless and powerful king with the authority of both church and state behind him. Knowing that Herod Agrippa 1 was not "pagan" and did not worship Ishtar but rather was an observant Jew sheds light on why the KJV was in error on this Acts 12: 4 translation. Is that to say the KJV is not reliable or somehow inferior!? Absolutely not! However what it should do in the mind of any serious Bible student is reinforce why its wise to read from a few translations to reveal to the reader the best intent of the scripture. Studying in this way is prudent.. enjoyable.. interesting.. wise and it gives the reader the insights we so desire. Had my question been about anything else, other than the KJV use of the word "Easter" (which carries significant dark and pagan meaning in our world), I would not have contested and would be silent. No Robert.. there are other reliable sources such as Encyclopedia Judaica that tell a different story about who Herod Agrippa I actually was which totally destroys the use of the word "Easter" in this context .. concluding that the KJV translators should have used the correct word - Passover - in the Acts 12 passage. Why is this is so important? because aside from being clearly wrong it subliminally, by virtue of its presence in the KJV, gives an element of credence to "Easter" that it absolutely should not be given. In conclusion [Easter] has no justifiable context being used there. And I think you know it shouldn't have been used. Am I wrong? *edited for sp.
@rapturebound197 Thank you for this long and detailed post. It actually makes me want to study and learn more. If you have any other good source material I should seek for study, I would be grateful for you to post that as well. Thank you again, as the word Easter in there has never sat right with me, but I did not really know where to look into it.
@@rapturebound197Yes you are wrong. Why? Because only God is right. The KJV is perfect because God Authored it. The irrefutable undeniable evidence...видео.htmlsi=pNrq1xnF-LD8Fi9M
Although I'm not a fan the ESV is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew text . However Kent Hovind claimed that due to copyright laws any new version of the bible has to change at least 10 percent from the original to be able to sell their copy . This is why I don 't use them . i was saved at age 7 and have used the KJV only for 50 years and due the HOLY SPIRIT:s guidence can understand what I read . Look up my fellow Christians HE is coming back soon for HIS bride
Alexander, the great was truly remarkable. But what they didn't teach you in school is that along with his conquests he is famous for something else. When Alexander conquered to people, he gave them captive a choice, either join my army or die. Most picked the former as new recruits one of the things they had to learn his language. They had to know the grammar. The reason for this is great communication between troops and commanders. As he went around conquering the known world at that time, he did two things named many cities, Alexandria, and more important he spread his language that this genius created throughout the known world. It was called KOINE Greek or common Greek. The beauty of this language was that it only had one interpretation. The grammar was so precise that it became the greatest language for communication of thought in his day. By no accident, this language became the language of the New Testament, therefore, based on the grammar, there's only one interpretation. Learn the grammar and you are way ahead of everybody else.
Thank you Pastor Robert, I had been going back on forth on this topic for a little while now and this sermon solidified me in the Textus Receptus corner in this religious debate. You showed so many things especially with the number seven for it to be coincidental and one thing that really solidified it for me was Mark 1:2-3 that you looked into. Thank you so much
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all...
Amen ❤
His blood atonement 🎚🩸👈🏻 POWERFUL 🙌🏻🇦🇺
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@robertjacob8765look at this Robert character rehashkng old dead arguments. Try google you muppet.
He rose?
Is that an accurate account of what actually happened ?
(Acts 3:15)
(Romans 10:9)
(Acts 5:30,31)
-Did Yeshua die?
-What happened next?
(Mark 15:34) (John 20:17)
-What is the sign of prophet Jonah ?
that Yeshua reference in
(Matthew 12:39)
Sha'lom Aleichem in Christ
Hallelujah-Praise Almighty Jah, you people.
I’m always thankful for how patient the lord is.I’m ready when he is for the rapture but thank you Jesus for being patient with us humans.
Heb 9:28
The rapture is not Biblical. It was not taught till the 1800s. Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead. Heaven and Earth then will become one.
God will be merciful as long as He can, but there is coming a time when the most merciful thing He can do is judge, and His judgment will be just.
The British royal family believe they descend from king Richmond Hampton court there are the abrahamic tapestries xx
English is not my first language. Yet, Jesus showed me clearly that He loves me. He has healed me, delivered me, and forgiven me🛐
God's Word is not only for the English people.
Translations for other languages is one of the easiest logic arguments for other bibles
It’s cause American Christians only think of themselves. I say this as an American.
That such a nonsensical argument
Humans are humans
❤ jk
@@KJBonly The nonsensical argument, is that we should ONLY follow KJV. It is NOT the original. Its not the best, its not the only. Its 1 decent translation, (excellent for 500 years old), but there are better options now. KJV only is a misled cult. Don't get me wrong, if you like KJV, then use KJV, just stop telling others its the only valid one.
John chapter 1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God."
thats not talking about the bible.
Before Abraham I AM
God did not want one language on earth.
Notice how English language is in nearly all parts of the world .
God made man. Man is making God in their image. Jesus read in the synagogue. If he was God's son, he would not need to read it to those there.
This world has more than three religions other than HEBREWS, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM.
Praise King Jesus! So much truth, history and the finger of God all over His word, Amen! HalleluYAH!
Amen 🙏🏼
This man is lying to you. Peter Ruckman was a heretic and this mans assertion that the KJV is perfect is a lie. It's far from perfect and you should really study the ancient texts yourself.
YOU are So true..... ! Amen....
Stop being Afraid of what might go wrong and think of what could go right with God praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all....
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@robertjacob8765KJB at the end of the day was written by MEN and inspired by GOD so yes it can have a slight error because men.. but at the end of the day it’s the closest to the Greek version. Agree or disagree?
@@robertjacob8765after reading the kjb of those version and the context.. explain the contradiction?
@@jmar6258 9:7 says the men with Paul HEARD a voice but did NOT see. 22:9 says they seen, but did NOT hear the voice. The original greek says their heard but did not see, in both verses. The translation to KJV got it wrong in 22:9....
@@robertjacob8765 which verses? 9:7, and 22:9. Doesn't tell us anything. Which book, which verses?
God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment.
But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith
in him I could be forgiven. I place my trust in you for salvation. Thank
you for your wonderful grace and forgiveness --the gift of eternal life! Amen!
Put you faith in Christ now!
I feel lukewarm and I have been doing things I know are wrong. I hope someone will see this and be moved to pray for me! I fear God and don't want to be rejected because my faith was in vain!
@@bobchambers1455 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from thier wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land 2 CHRONICLES 7;14
@@bobchambers1455 1 John 3:9
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Read, and let Jesus fix you. We do not get to heaven by being "good".
1 Corinthians 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Lettuce harken to Saint Paul's words via Jesus.
We cannot save ourselves. Jesus paid the price with HIS own blood. Thank you Jesus!
Late night KJV lesson. 🙏
Good way to unwind. I love you my brothers and sisters in Christ. See you up there soon.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
Actually king James Bible is the accurate of translation of God's word from Greek language and Hebrew language into English. Do apologize that you question God's . The truth of the good news of the Gospel Death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid for the sin of the world will have everlasting life if you believe in him thru faith alone not of works. John3: 16 ,Ephesians 2:8,9 God bless you Sir @robertjacob8765
@@robertjacob8765thanks for pointing that out interesting. Follow up question where would I go or what is best to buy to get the Greek version you are referring to. TIA
You mean down here??? We’ll be here first. You should educate yourself in scripture.
Well looking up Greek translation on BibleHub shows the same translations in both Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9 as KJV. So maybe a different Greek versions shows the two verses consistent?
1:27:22 that’s horrible to say. I’ve been ignorantly reading the NIV and I promise I’d never steal your wallet and am not a bad person. Some people just aren’t aware. You shouldn’t act like everyone reading the NIV is a nonbeliever. Most just do not know. I was a Muslim for 30 years. And am now a new Christian. Jesus is in my heart. He is my savior. I pray continuously because my faith, belief and love is strong. Jesus is the way and I now know this. I am definitely going to read the KJV going forward, but don’t “judge” and label NIV readers as evil. Some of them are just ignorant and don’t know.
Robert breaker is heavy Protestant don't trip on KJV only...ESV is really good along with NASB95 or a LSB or even a NKJV
..niv isn't the worst translation out there...I've been following robert breaker for years and I don't endorse all of his doctrine and teachings and he doesn't hold to his beliefs either ive watched him for over 8 years he doesnt want to understand more outside of the realm of what he thinks hes been shown is 100% correct. Trust me there are little debates here and there in every denomination but the majority of Christians taking things to far are KJV only people alot of the time attacking other believers ignorantly not understanding the body of Christ has many members and offices.
Don't let Robert breaker be your authority 🙏🏽 Jesus is the way! God bless and go in peace!
Praise Jesus for getting you out of Islam!!! Robert breaker probably ain't took the time to be a good apologist so knows very little of the Islamic religion... He needs an apologetics boost. But I pray for him as I'll pray for you 🙏🏽
Don't be mad. We are supposed to judge certain things.
1 Corinthians 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
The reason he said that is because it is true. If you had never read or heard a King James Bible and claim to be born again then you are. Just of corruptible seed.
You just haven't been born again by the Word of God.
We are saved by grace through faith. Yor faith has to come from God's true Word.
Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
I'm happy that you see the errors.
When you read and believe the True Jesus, it will certainly save you.
The devil has children also.
Acts 13:10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
These have another Jesus and another gospel and another spirit. This is what you are going to get from the false bibles.
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
I truly pray God brings you out of Babylon. ❤🙏
@@James-pd5fh what are you saying haha
@@James-pd5fh you must be a KJV only? I have a copy of the Tyndale which came almost 100 years before the KJV and not to mention all these translations are wrong if by your standard we can only have one translation because then it would be only the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that save. You must be new to the faith or a Protestant to go after other Christians when you haven't even studied church history I can tell by the way you talk you probably hold to sola scriptura from a 66 book cannon when in in the 3rd-4th century through many ecumenical councils we compiled the cannon which consisted of more than 10 books you read in a you can't claim sola scriptura when Protestantism has given birth to SO MANY the great schism of 1054 and understand the church that came from Antioch where they were first called Christians stands today as the Orthodox Church and we have an unbroken chain of bishops through apostolic succession going all the way back to Christ and the disciples where a protestant has no authority today to seek tradition cause according to protestants you can start a church whenever you want! But just my thoughts God bless
William Tyndale was a groundbreaking figure in biblical translation, and his work was pivotal in shaping later English translations of the Bible. Tyndale’s approach to translating the Bible was revolutionary in several ways, particularly because he worked directly from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts rather than relying solely on the Latin Vulgate, the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church at the time.
Key Points about William Tyndale’s Work:
1. Access to Greek and Hebrew Texts:
• Tyndale is best known for being the first to translate the New Testament from Greek into English, using the best manuscripts available to him. At the time, the Latin Vulgate (a 4th-century translation by St. Jerome) was the dominant version of the Bible in the Western Church.
• Erasmus’s Greek New Testament (first published in 1516) was one of the critical resources Tyndale used. Erasmus’s text was part of the Textus Receptus tradition, which was an earlier attempt to return to the original Greek manuscripts instead of relying on the Latin.
• Tyndale also worked on translating portions of the Old Testament directly from the Hebrew, something that was relatively rare for that era.
2. Tyndale’s Critique of the Latin Vulgate:
• Tyndale identified flaws and inaccuracies in the Latin Vulgate, which had been the dominant Bible translation in Western Europe for over a thousand years.
• One of his main critiques was that the Latin Vulgate, while widely used, mistranslated key theological terms and led to doctrinal misunderstandings in the Church. For instance:
• “Repentance” vs. “Penance”: The Vulgate translated the Greek word metanoia (which means “repentance”) as poenitentia, which refers to “penance,” a sacramental practice in the Catholic Church. Tyndale saw this as a major error and rendered it as “repent” in his translation.
• “Congregation” vs. “Church”: Tyndale famously translated the Greek word ekklesia (which means “assembly” or “congregation”) as “congregation” instead of “church,” aiming to reduce the institutional authority of the Church and emphasize the community of believers.
3. Tyndale’s Translational Philosophy:
• Tyndale believed that the Bible should be accessible to everyone, especially the common people, not just the clergy or educated elite. This is encapsulated in his famous statement:
• “I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the scripture than the pope.”
• His translation aimed to bring the Word of God to ordinary people in plain English, something that was radically different from the Latin Bible, which was only accessible to scholars and clergy.
• Tyndale used the original Greek and Hebrew texts as the foundation of his translation, bypassing the Latin entirely when possible. This was a significant departure from previous English translations like Wycliffe’s Bible, which was based on the Latin Vulgate.
4. Theological Repercussions:
• Because of the theological accuracy and clarity Tyndale sought in his translation, his work clashed with the Catholic Church’s teachings, which relied heavily on the Latin Vulgate. His translation was seen as a threat to the established authority of the Church because it promoted sola scriptura (the idea that Scripture alone is the basis for Christian doctrine).
• Tyndale’s translation emphasized justification by faith, direct access to God, and the importance of the Bible over Church tradition, which resonated with the Protestant Reformation that was sweeping Europe during his lifetime.
5. Impact on Later English Translations:
• Tyndale’s work had a profound influence on subsequent English translations, including the King James Version (KJV). It is estimated that about 80% of Tyndale’s New Testament made its way into the KJV, and a significant portion of his Old Testament translation was also used.
• His translation choices, like using the word “atonement” to describe the work of Christ, influenced theological language for generations.
• Tyndale’s English Bible became the foundation for later translations that relied on the same philosophy: translating directly from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts to provide an accurate and clear Bible for the common people.
6. Persecution and Martyrdom:
• Tyndale’s work was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church, and his efforts to make the Bible available in English led to his arrest and execution. In 1536, Tyndale was strangled and then burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English without the Church’s approval.
• His last words were reportedly, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes,” a prayer that many believe was fulfilled when King Henry VIII authorized the production of the Great Bible in 1539, an English translation largely based on Tyndale’s work.
William Tyndale was instrumental in identifying flaws in earlier translations, particularly the Latin Vulgate, and correcting them by using the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. His translations laid the groundwork for the English Reformation and significantly influenced later translations, including the KJV. By insisting on translating the Bible from the original languages, he helped ensure that subsequent English translations would be more faithful to the original texts, thereby making Scripture more accessible and understandable for ordinary people.
Yes, and he was murdered for translating the scriptures.
I'm not "kjv's only"
@@Fit_At_53 amen and amen. Praise God for your insight. I believe the pricipal driving Tyndale is the reason I want to read the bible in 'modern' English. The sad thing about this stance that people are taking about KJ only, is that they are acting like the Cathlics did towards Tyndale. His philosophy was about comminicating the message of Christ, which is what we must do also.
Wow! Obama is the Antichrist. We need someone like you to help spread the news…
Wow that was an incredible overview! Thanks for taking the time to tell this story, Awesome history!
the moment you through out original greek and hebrew, youve lost. you need to look into what he was translating. he wasnt translating the pure perfect Bible.
This blew my
Mind away!! I ask in prayer to show me which bible I should be reading. Here I am
The next day in a wowed. Thank you LORD.. I will always be grateful for this grace I don’t deserve❤❤
It’s so wonderful how God answered your prayer. When I came to belief my cousin gave me my first Bible and I thank God it was the KJB.
Some nice and wonderful to "GET IT" ????????
@@Followerofthewayforever I sure would like to know which King Jamie’s Versions, they also have another one called “New King Jamie’s Version” idk want to pick HELP ANYONE
When you know the truth about the Holy Bible it will change your life. You will need an older dictionary to look up some words. Otherwise just read it and if there is anything you don't understand just read it again. Then just keep reading. God will show you what you need to know. God bless.
@@richardvass1462 yes.....
Seek and ye shalt find
Thank you Robert Breaker i am a KJV Bible believing Christian 🙏🙌
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals sept11 🕯️ cat 2 hurricane Francine wildfires earthquakes in USA and the whole world they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all....
God bless you too and your beautiful heart ❤️
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
I pray that Good d well lol protect all people and all animals and that will be minimal damage.🙏🏻 AMEN
Steve guti, you again. 😂😂
It's amazing how bold you have grown , bouncing from channel to channel asking undecerning believers to join U in prayer. 1st it was your daughter's, then you on your deathbed 4-5 years ago, then all the stray cats dogs and liquorice all sorts.
No Stevie, I will not join your fakeness and it would be great if you could go back to Brenda's fake channel where you originally started.
Shalom family all I want to say is that whenever I was reading the KJB it felt super special while I was reading I felt the presence of the lord but whenever I was reading other versions it just felt like I was reading. It is very important to not read bibles that take a way or add onto the Bible. If it’s about explaining to someone that doesn’t have knowledge let God do the explaining he’ll give you the words to say he’ll always be with you agin study to show your self approved!
Ahh yes... Limit our Almighty God by assuming he can 'Only work through KJV'
I grew up on the KJB. But as I traveled the world and worked with Bible translators, I quickly realized that any American that claims the KJB, or NIV, etc, is the only Bible, shouldn’t become a missionary. As a missionary. We need to translate God’s word into their culture. Many of the folks we reach have no education. They can’t read. “Behold I stand at the door and knock” has no meaning for people who don’t have doors and don’t know what a door is. Some locations in the Amazon for example. How do we translate? “Behold I stand at the entrance of your dwelling place.” Millions of people will come to know Jesus that will have never read the KJB. Praise God.
Translate from the correct text into that language. Textus Receptus can be translated into any language.
That’s not true explain that it’s the door to your heart and show them what a literal door is
With that logic how would they understand knock. You don't knock on a tent
So you chane GODS WORD into a lie ,
I've been kjv only for decades. I am so thankful for the Cloud Church method of teaching. I feel as the Lord has called me to preach and I want to learn from these videos so I can learn to preach like this!!!
I always enjoyed listening to Alexander Scourby narrating the KJV.
“Study” is Elizabethan English, and it means “diligent.” Those who spoke with this type of English understood this. Therefore, the verse is translated in the other translations as “Be diligent to present yourselves…” Moreover, the word “study” is what is called a false friend, meaning the word has a different meaning today than it did when it was used in the KJV.
KJV is not my preference, it is my conviction. The Book, The Blood, The Blessed Hope. Even so, come Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus name. Amen & Maranatha!
Good luck at that denial. How sad’
I DO understand what you wrote, YES ! ! ! ! not a choice..... A CONVICTION !!!!!!! YOU GOT IT !!!!!!
@@johnl.fortier4311 Amen Brother!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 it's your because I'm right here. Rev 22:18,19 KJV to Romans 13:8. Remember who we are offline! KJV STRONG LMG - Truth is Christ the channel!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Oct 7, 2023 minus 50 years (Jubilee) what happened? Good luck facing judgement its that easy.
First grade stuff YOU are part of the Jubilee War so remember how you feel EVERYDAY from this day forward.
Amen! I love King James version bible... God bless everyone...❤
Thank you for your studies, it was very informative. I am reborn Christian since 2023. I'm so happy that I have KJV Bible.
I appreciate this lesson. I left a large cult in SLC nine years ago and my journey has been wonderful. However, as soon as i left that religion my friend bought me a NKJV and it has been the Bible ive used and studied from before i understood the differences. I bought a new KJV and am studying along with you and other KJV preachers. I haven't stopped loving the word and all there is to learn each time I reread a chapter. The friends from the religion I left use the KJV but they are most likely not saved because they have been taught to put the bible into suppect. I keep asking them who would want you to do that...certainly not Jesus. 🤔
Anyway by the blood of Jesus I am saved and set free. 😊 I'm praying for all lost souls everywhere. 🙏
Thank you for your whiteboard lessons because I'm a visual learner. God bless you. 😊❤✝️☝️
I firmly believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church. We have the priesthood and all saving ordinances.
That being said, I'm sure you also have a relationship with Jesus, and I would never try to tell you that you don't. I would hope you could say the same for me. I believe in Jesus, and I'm saved through Him. How can you tell me otherwise?
I'm saved through Christ. Again, how could you tell me otherwise? No matter what you say, I have God in my corner.
All of these little tidbits, all the little details in everything... I never get bored with Him. He's so brilliant and beautiful. Praise His holy sweet name! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
I watch your videos.
And sometimes i want to cry.
As i am so grateful to see and learn all that you share.
I am glad and blessed God is working through you
Thank you.
And God bless you more and your love ones.
Amen 🙏🏼
First time I've seen Robert. My son (who sent me a link to this) knows me and what I believe. I have been trying to share things like this for many years. Glad to see God is showing others some of the same things. Having two witnesses to my son is most appreciated. I'm giving God all the praise and glory for everything.
Pastor thank you so much for this teaching today! I am a raised Catholic but now a full grown Christian ❤❤❤. God has blessed me today 😊
Very convincing (and actually unsettling) sermon. I promptly ordered a KJV Bible.
Awesome 🙏
There's no other book like it. You start reading and studying it you will learn greater things than what you heard here from Robert. If I could live an hundred years, twice told, I wouldn't be able to mine all the gold nuggets from this one Bible.
Amen!! Praise God! You will be rewarded for your faith
Wow! I just came across this on YT and have begun studying the Bible again and boy am I glad I found your channel. I'm a saved born again Pentecostal, because I believe in the Gifts that the Spirit has blessed us with.
I continue to grow spiritually everyday.
Thank you.
The apostolic gifts are no longer in practice. The most dangerous thing that many of the Pentacostals teach is you don't get the gift of tongues then you are not saved. That's one big lie. They teach you can lose salvation as well. It's a dangerous denomination. The apostolic gifts have ceased. Tongues when it was in practice was always a real language not babble or a prayer language. More lies. The apostolic gifts were in practice at Corinth early in Pauls ministry but faded away when the full canon of scripture was completed. The gifts were only in practice because Jews require a sign. God used apostolic gifts early in the transition period to prove that the teachings were from Christ. Then once the Bible was complete the gifts were no longer necessary. Paul even lost his ability to heal
Hey left Trophius sick and told Luke to use wine for his stomach problems. The Bible says those signs would cease and they did. Don't fall for the traditions of men.
Unfortunately, many doctrines teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not available for us today. What a sin it is to try to rob believers of these magnificent gifts. People are wondering why the churches are drying up and falling off the vine of life. 😢
Breaker..... thankyou brother for your obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus and for loving the rest of us with Christ like love ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO OUR GOD JESUS CHRIST
KJV all the way! Tyndale's footprints are all over it and I love it!
🙏🙏🙏Jesus Christ is the Lord to the Glory of GOD the Father 🙏🙏🙏
Hello Brother Breaker! Praying for you and your wife and children! That you all grow in the love and grace of Jesus until we meet Him in the air! Thank you all so much for your work in the Lord. You’re a blessing to the body of Christ!
13:59 "a lot of them have sin in their life" Really? Who doesnt have sin in their life?
Second, you are comparing translators who didnt have the same resources that we do today to further verify the documents being sourced. KJV has a lot of errors in translations. You can find many examples on RUclips. Not enough to discount is as a book to read from, but not any more or less than other translations. Modern translations can get more accurate translations because they have more resources to compare and reference to determine the ACTUAL meaning of a word.
16:47 it has been recognized by many that the TR has ADDED verses in an attempt to reach clarity by a scribe vs other translations getting the original documents in which those verses do not appear. But even so, the missing verses if not referenced in the footnotes have little implication to the underlining message of the Bible. As any important concept presented, is typically presented elsewhere in the Bible-- so IF YOU STUDY, you would still be getting the same lesson.
19:18, not sure what you mean by wrong time, but KJV was translated in 1611. modern translations have 400 MORE years of resources to pull from for better accuracy. Heck, as a non scholar, I can probably find more information in my LOGOS bible software today than they had back then. Of course with every author having their own biases.
Point 6, wrong teaching --yeah they all say something different but are the messages that different? most literally translations ESV, NASB, NKJV, etc, will all teach the same message with perhaps a few differences in word choices. Thought for thought translations, are going more for the thoughts behind the words instead of each word for itself, but still preaching the same message. Even paraphrased versions, although not ideal for any serious study, are teaching the same message. The only ones that are not, are ones from particular people groups removing things to fit their missions. But the main stream translations all have the same goal.
20:47 Mark 1:2-3 both have the term prepare the way. which references IS 40:3 Mal 3:1 also uses the term prepare the way. Who gives a crap about an S. A prophet is going to be hearing from the same God. The fact that 2 prophets have similar messages is a good thing. Just cause the wording is a little different in one vs another doesnt mean its an inaccuracy.
Luke 4:4- just cause new versions take out a part of the quote, doesnt make the quote false. Very rarely are all quotes from the old testament the full quote. The speaker in the NT could be paraphrasing himself, or only quoting the parts that matter in the context. How do you know a scribe didnt add the full quote later because he's like you and thinks that for it to be a quote it has to be 100%. Sorry, but it doesnt. And again, this does not alter the meaning of the scripture. This references deut 8:3, and in itself is not a full quote to that verse. Remember, there were no verses numbers back then, so just cause something doesnt match the full verse as we know it, doesnt mean it is a false quote.
You people nitpick on things that dont matter. How bout focus on what the Bible teaches and apply it instead of debating about which version to use.
Any mainstream version of the Bible can be used to hear Gods words. Few people are even going to notice that S, nor look up where it is coming from. Or deal with any of the other arguments you all have. The more time you spend debating which translation is best, the more you divide people, and the more the enemy wins. I dont care if you use KJV or ESV or any other translation. I want you to have a BIBLE. If someone misses the message of the Bible because they can't understand KJV, then the KJV is the wrong version. If they dont understand NIV or ESV, or any other translations, then those are the WRONG versions for them. Just as God uses tongues to speak to people in different languages, he can provide his word through whatever translation one reads. (some exceptions as mentioned before, but the versions you are debating dont meet these exceptions)
With that said, I have spent enough time trying to fact check your video when there are many other people who already have, when i could be spending my time studying myself and actually learning what the Bible teaches instead of debating the merits of the medium in which he teaches.
@@eddieh6429 if you take 10 seconds to google or search youtube for translation errors in the KJV, you will find you are wrong. The Original KJV itself included a disclaimer saying their may be errors.
But I bet i know why the KJV narrative is pushed so much. Cause KJV is public domain, so there is very likely a group of people making up these lies that people like you believe, so they buy more KJV Bibles and the publishers get to make more money.
I dont care if you like KJV but I do care about those whom think it is the only version one can learn about God. Cause that is so far from the truth that you are borderline making it an idol. You are distracted by what version the book is instead of learning the truths within. But if you want to believe that nonsense without actually exploring the possibility that people like me are right, then you do you.
@EternalLifeWithJesusChrist Learn!
I believe the bible, not KJV. You are approaching cult like behavior. If you want closer to God's word, learn Hebrew and Greek. Then you might see how parts have been translated wrong. But even the manuscripts we have are not 100% to the original.
How bout focus on the Gospel and not which translation is used.
I'm guessing you probably don't even have that part right
@@eddieh6429KJV has so many errors 😂 This is a KJV only cult thing
You can’t say it’s perfect, the guy is right, there are additions in K J like the scribe was trying to explain the verse, not always necessary correct, and not found in older Greek translations. Sure it’s good, the NKJV has footnotes telling you which words are not in older Greek translations, which is nice. Preach Christ and Him crucified for us! Amen.
So do you not look at the Greek or Hebrew text? If I’m not mistaken there is a verse in the KJV that uses the word “Easter”, BUT it should be “Passover”. Doesn’t that by itself show a problem in the KJV translation? I’m not saying that KJV isn’t a great translation, but rather it too has some issues. The copiest themselves said that they did their best, NOT that it was perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong
"Easter" is the correct translation, though the corrupted Bibles incorrectly render it as Passover. If you will note the context of this passage, it was already past the time of Passover, so it was clearly referring to pagan Easter.
the problem with kjvo is they make it the standard, when no other text read identical to it before. But they do make it the standard so they compare everything to it only, this is idolatry. They misuse the 7x verse completely ripped out of context to support their claim. The text says the words of Lord are silver tried in a furnace of the earth, purified 7x. "pure as silver" is a simile, a comparison. They beeline to this for their proof text. And you're correct, if they read the intro theyd see that the kjv translators said that any translation of scripture, as long as it's true intention is to convey the meaning of the original is liable to the name The Word of God. So when they say inerrant, they mean that only the kjv is inerrant and infallible, not the original. They are anti intellectual when it comes to hebrew and greek studies, bc to them it doesn't matter. They are also against missions bc they don't believe the Bible should be translated to other languages besides elizabethan english. I hope you've seen the absurdity at this point. They think it's superior to the original manuscripts. Personally, for me, what tops it off are the nasty things they say about other translations, which are the Word of God. Plus I'm looking at a handful of verses that have errors in them from it. All translations by men have errors because we are not perfect. They will deny the errors because they are ripped out of context, they don't translate literally, they are quite allegorical. This is why it's so important to study, and not consider the inerrant standard to be a translation by men, but rather the very original manuscripts. I want nothing to do with it, but I do so love my brothers and sisters and wish they would wake up, satan loves what they're doing. Lifting up a book rather than Christ Jesus. We cannot make our personal preference a requirement for someone elses salvation. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by HIM.
@@lauriemclean1131 that sounds good, but literally the word is 'pascha' which means Passover, not Easter. You're reasoning for using context is only based on a presuppostion that "they" would have understood it as Easter, or that since the time had passed it meant Easter, but the problem with both those assumptions is based on just that, assumptions. The word is" pascha". So your argument of context doesn't quite work for the simple fact that the word for Passover is used. We don't say Jesus is the " Easter" lamb, he is our paschal lamb. Thoughts?
That's funny! The KJV reads something like 85-90% with the English Bibles before it. So, it is so close to those. Yet, you look at the New Modern Versions, and they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! They change and add new words and terms, often street words and slang. They are not even CLOSE to the true old English bible words. How sad.
No, new versions are NOT the word of God. They may contain SOME of the word of God, but men changed many of God's words, so they are mostly the words of MEN, and even in some places, the words of the DEVIL HIMSELF, as Satan has used modern TRANSlators to change words to attack the deity of Christ.
And, yes the KJV is SUPERIOR to the originals! Can you read the originals? NOPE! Even if you could, you don't have them! There are no "originals" left anymore! Only copies of copies of copies.
Finally, the KJV has the MATH to prove God's fingerprints in it. Other versions don't. PERIOD! That proves the "purified seven times!"
Easter is the correct translation and it *is* referring to the observance of Passover.
Easter is not a pagan term, but has been hijacked by people using improper etymology of the word to claim that it is. Proper etymology of the term shows that it doesn’t come from “Ishtar” or “Eostre” which is so commonly claimed. It comes from the German word related to “dawn” referring to the resurrection and was always used in relation to “Pascha.” By the time of the KJV translation, the English term for Pascha was Easter and remained that way until recently when people mistakenly decided it was a pagan word.
❤️🙌💜2nd Timothy 1 Verse 7 We Declare For The Lord Has Not Given Us A Spirit Of Fear But Of Power Love And A Sound Mind Amen God Bless You And Your Family And Let His Power Love Peace And Grace + Shine Upon You And The Family Much Love💜🙌❤️
Christian family, let us focus, on believing and proclaiming, the gospel, unto our eternal salvation. We must believe, how, Christ died for our sins, he was buried and he rose again the third day, amen. 1 Corinthians 15 3:4 Maranatha.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Go say this to someone in real life please - how about offering thanks to Mr. Breaker for his time and help. Amen. 🙏
It’s not what you know it’s what you don’t know that might save you!
@LMGphilanthropy is *is both what you know and don't know,
Good things be to you ❤
If I speak and read Greek should I be a KJV only?
@@ForestForTheTrees3283 aka yo yo 👏👏👏👏👏
@@ForestForTheTrees3283 what does rooted up mean to the Greek please answer 🤣
Yes. There is nothing wrong with talking to others about scripture in thier native tongue, but always use the text of th eKing James to translate, not the original Greek.
@@GodisGracious1031Ministries The original new testament was written in Greek. KJV is littered with mistranslated text....Simply start with the word "HELL" and you find out real quick.
Amen; Amen, and praise our Gracious God.
I feel i am lukewarm, and I've been doing things i know are wrong.
I pray someone will see this and be moved to pray for me.
I dont want my faith to be in vain!
Im afraid of God!
I just prayed for you. I will put you on my prayer list🙏 I feel like that to.😢 I think you are saved, but if you aren’t sure, please read this: ❤️❤️❤️HOW TO BE SAVED BIBLICALLY:
I feel,that way sometimes to😢 I put you on my prayer list. If you ever remember a time when you trusted in Jesus shed blood on the cross to save you, then you are saved. It’s the gift of God, not,of works, lest anyone should boast.
If you lukewarm and you are aware of it,it’s a good start , the reason why so many are that way it’s because it’s very hard to unlearn bad teachings , just have one advice for you , you know how to read so go open your king James and start at the beginning ,pretend it’s the first time you read , , your eyes will be opened if you keep in mind . That God does not change , that is my prayer for you forget watt you learn , and go drink from the living word
Bob, you're in good hands. The fear of the LORD is one of the seven spirits of God in Isaiah 11:2.❤
I'm praying for you right now. God bless you.
@jg1709 I have come to feel that saving faith creates works, if you're fruitless, you should examine yourself
If for no other reason, I use the KJV because I don't have to struggle to understand God's Word. It's been around for over 400 years, and, it says the same thing now as it did then.
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@Yo-0o0o0o0o heathens 🏳️❤️🎚️👈🪖
The second verse seems to be from Saul's point of view. He might think they had some of the same experience. Also, maybe they heard a voice but couldn't make out the words, but Saul thought they heard the same thing. Just an idea.
@@skival I don't know how Paul heard God's voice, but I know he obeyed. I don't know what the others heard, or if they heard, or saw anything, but they knew something happened. And I know changing those passages will change how God intends us to understand. We can reach the right understanding if we aren't told the right thing the right way.
That was excellent teaching today, thank you for your faith and belief Pastor Breaker.
Andrew uk
I'm listening to KJV and what I've noticed is it completely feels like a conversation. It doesn't feel like I'm being told or preached at, events happen and we are given a lesson that it embodies and then it moves along. It's like walking, talking with someone
Sorry, the King James is a "Translation to the English language" among many other very good translations. I worship Jesus only, but I do not worship KJV only. Don't be Pharisees people!
He isn’t worshipping the KJV, he is just saying the KJV is the only Bible we should be using, because the others are perversions
I could take you a lot more seriously as a teacher if you weren’t so insulting. Just teach and drop the arrogance and insults.
Most folks who are part of the KJV Onlyism sect, are quite arrogant & to be honest they turn rather un-christian quickly if you challenge them!
They should spend their efforts learning what love actually is!
In my opinion the Geneva is EASIER to read than the KJV. And there's a lot of differences in KJV, some in the wrong direction!
I will pray for everyone who watches this show.
Please pray for my unsaved family.
Time is running out!
A-acknowledge your a sinner
B-believe Jesus shed his blood on the cross and rose on the third day
C-confess Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
1-Corinthians-Chapter-15 1-4
Romans-Chapter-3 23-25..
Loved this. Always believed in the KJV. And I loved the young man and his testimony ❤️❤️
I praise God for Joseph who kissed the Bible, showing his Faith and admiration in God's preserved Book. I Don't know you personally but I'm so glad hearing this preaching and testimonies.
Pastor Breaker.....
One more time,your boldness is impressive....
Amen Sir
Perfect preserved word of God KJV only!!!Thank you Lord Jesus!
@@Go_Jesus_Go which King James Version? They have a Bible called “The new King Jamie’s version “
@@kathybuckley4874 Not the new King James there is words taken out of it. Stick with KJV AV
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Geneva bible was not authorized by a king it had a lot of mistakes but was crucial in preserving the word to get us to the King James. Psalms 12:6-7 KJV | Esther 8:8 KJV
Not true actually, look at hebrews 10:5-8 which is quoting psalm 40:6-8. Look in your KJV it's not the correct rendering, Hebrews is quoting from the septuagint not the massoretic there's over 50 differences and each time a writer in the new testament quotes from the old testament it's always from the septuagint that was translated from Hebrew to Greek in 400BC it's much older then the massoretic text. Go and see for yourself
So what do my Spanish speaking friends read? They don’t read English, at least not very well.
Although I love the King James Version and prefer it for myself, it is only a translation of the original texts. The original texts were written in Hebrew for the Old Testament, and Koine Greek for the New Testament. The Bible was never originally written in any type of English.
Sir, that's what he explains in 5:12
It was also written in Aramaic
@@mikemmarshall8201 Yes, some portions of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, were originally written in Aramaic. While Hebrew is the primary language of the Old Testament, certain sections, like parts of the books of Daniel and Ezra, were written in Aramaic.
That's the point. You probably didn't watch the study. You should watch it.
@@ryanjohnson7317 There is no point.
Great informative video Brother! Thank you! I also read KJV but will have you all know.. I started with the NLT when I got saved. then years later moved onto the ESV and NKJV and then the KJV. I now I have all 4. I was saved during reading each one and still belonged to Jesus The Christ throughout reading each of those versions. My husband started with the NIV, now ESV and has access to my KJV. He is saved, born again by The Holy Spirit of our God and I love absolutely love watching his growth in our Lord. God will lead him to the KJV in His time but it does not mean my husband is not saved. I just wanted to share that even if you all disagree. We love our Lord Jesus always have and always will. God knows that…. May He keep us kept as He always has and will. Look up fellow branches our redemption draws nigh! Praise Jesus ❤
Yes, God can save anyone with any translation.
If I can I'll share something that is very deep. All Christians who are justified, saved were born again by the King James Bible, even if they were reading a different bible.
1 Peter 1:23 KJV
[23] being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
There is only one incorruptible word of God which liveth and abideth forever. That is the King James Bible. All the rest of the modern bibles are corrupt. So all Christians throughout all time were born again by the King James Bible even before and after 1611. The word of God is eternal which means it comes from eternity and then God put it in time and grew it. Started as a seed of Hebrew, grew into Greek and Latin and it matured in English. It was purified 7 times. Thr 7th complete, printed English bible is the 1611 King James.
@@KJBTruth1611 The "for ever" part is gone in modern verisons, and yes people were saved before the King James. They still had the gospel.
@@KJBTruth1611 That's pure superstition.
Thank you Robert. The KJV is the perfect word of God for the English speaking People. You mentioned the excellent book 777. There is also terrific book by G John Rov called “ Concealed from Christians for the Glory of God - The 1611 KJV. “ Thank you Robert. It is as you say. We are not seeing the Fruit because God’s words are not being used in most churches today?! God bless you and yours. for raising this most important issue. Bill. Uk 🙏
Hate to burst your bubble, but the KJV was altered by the translators, under the direction of King James himself, to not only include the clerical titles of deacon and bishop, but had strict orders not to change any of the Augustinian doctrines of the Church of England (the Catholic Church without the pope). Do your own research if you want to know the truth. Look up the Greek words. It’s a whole different book than what religions narratives teach.
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not so. I have done my research, and King James asked them to do a translation closest to the originals, without men's opinions. Many hated the Geneva, as it translated with bias. They just wanted an unbiased translation with the KJV, and we got it!
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was translated based on a number of directives, including:
Reflect the Established Church
The translation was intended to reflect the episcopal structure of the Established Church and traditional beliefs about ordained clergy.
Use existing translations
The translators were instructed to use previous translations, including the Bishop's Bible (1568) and translations by Tyndale and Coverdale.
Use manuscripts
The KJV uses the Textus Receptus series of Greek texts for the New Testament, the Masoretic Hebrew text for the Old Testament, and the Greek Septuagent text for the Apocrypha.
Use vulgar forms of proper names
The translators used vulgar forms of proper names, such as "Jonas" for "Jonah", to make the Scriptures more popular and familiar.
Minimize controversial notes
The translation was to contain a minimum of controversial notes and apparatus.
It was King James whom hated the Geneva translation. Not necessarily because of the biblical text, more so because of the notes.
I'm speaking as a former hard-core KJV only independent Baptist. You are really reaching to try to link random numbers to form symbolism that may or may not exist. I would say that counts as an attempt to add to or take from the word.
A couple years ago, I went on a journey to try and resolve this matter for myself. I went as far back as I could. Started with an interlinear Bible.
Then a Tyndale. Then a Matthew's. 1599 and 1560 Geneva. And FINALLY, an authorized 1611 King James Bible. After 32 years of hearing how that was the only inspired word of God, I actually saw one for myself.
I learned during this time that the kjv of today has been revised 5 times.
Then I looked at more modern translations. I will agree that there are a few that should be avoided, but I do like the NASB. There's a few differences, yes. I have several copies with the verses you mentioned omitted, and I have one that includes those verses.
If you Picture the Bible as 250 sheets of printed paper spread out on a table, it's less than half of one sheet of paper that's different.
The conclusion I came to was that while I don't agree with thought for thought or paraphrased translations, there's a few literal word for word translations that are quite good. I'm at peace with it, and if you don't agree then that's okay too.
I know you're not going to agree with that. My only rebuttal would be that if you believe that so strongly, you should be using the original 1611 text, because the current translation is in fact different.
I still dearly love the KJV, and I use both.
I do NOT agree that someone can't be convicted and saved just because they're not reading or being taught from a KJV. That is wrong.
Jeffpeff is correct... I mean you you're a modern dispensationalist who believes in the rapture which is man made from Darby, Scofield, and Plymouth Brethern and came about in the 1800's so it's clear you don't study history in a great level of detail. Jesus never taught a rapture, the Apostles never taught a rapture, and the church for the 1800 years never taught a rapture. Even historical premilleniaism doesn't teach a rapture.
Critics of the divine AV are NOT led by the Holy Ghost.
The KJV bible is our sword! (spirit)s-word of God
I'm KJV only, study, rightly divide, not ashamed of the gospel. 1 Cor 15:1-4 Faith in the Blood.
Yes sir brother! Amen
So what do all my old Spanish friends read??? They don’t know English
@mrmidwestguy1496, they read what they have. We are accountable for what we know. The King James Bible is the correct Bible for English speaking people.
@@JackCrawford-k2p you’re not making the same argument
It’s a miracle I have always used a King James Bible simply for the sake of familiarity from childhood! And for using Strong’s Concordance for cross references and dictionaries. It has always SPOKEN to me. Praise the Lord for keeping me, Hallelujah!
❤❤❤🙏 incredible video! This was exactly what I was looking for. I pray God bless you with a long life and good life. This video saved me years of work. 🙌
My friend Clara is CATHOLIC Filipino! She has an alter to Mary 😢 I pray for her.
Kumusta ka ❤
@@bronzewing1965is good for you too just talk to her about what the Bible says that doesn't agree with what the Vatican teaches. Remember that she loves Jesus but doesn't read the Bible because of the traditions. Once she sees the truth about being saved in the Bible it will be easier to explain the KJV only view.
@@richardvass1462 Amen Richard ❤️
When the chinese say YESU,,they know they said Jesus,,God knows they said Jesus ,,they dont need old english lessons and hebrew lessons and greek lessons,,,no their language says Yesu,,ok thats Jesus !!!
Truth is Christ! The channel 🔥
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
@@robertjacob8765 you mean the Hebrew and Greek who critic the scriptures on any given day they* choose to* change the meaning of the words to fit story telling such as rooted up and others - to pluck out Satan is calling out the non believers for what they are. Repent! What’s the most common language spoken today, answer is English yet we wish all the best at this fight. Don’t let others fool you any longer - The channel is called Truth is Christ 34 a reason!
777 vs 666 stuff. If I bring a NKJV to a KJV study that makes me a heretic. Rev 22:18,19 proved the heathens try to confuse others when KJV stuff is first grade stuff yet teach a first grader the real truth by 5th grade they won’t be able to preyed upon or tricked.
@LMGphilanthropy So you're just going to skip the most important part of the comment. Acts 9:7 and 22:9 are a 100% contradiction in the KJV. But in the original Greek, where the KJV is translated from, both men heard the voice but did not see. Yet in the KJV, Acts 9:7 says they heard and did not see, yet 22:9 says they seen and did not hear. That's an error in the KJV. The inspired writer did not contradict himself, but the KJV was translated in this contradiction, PERIOD, and not only in this but a few other vital areas...
@@robertjacob8765 Truth is Christ the channel Psalm 119 🤫
@@robertjacob8765 good try Satan go confuse your bloodlines as the question is are you a believer and what is the gospel according to you’re kind or MIND?
Amazing teacher brother, those who do not want to watch are the wicked who do not understand. Amen, praise to God for his word, thank you brother for declaring his truth
I looked up Roman’s 3:25 in several versions including niv and they all said “His blood”. So exactly which version are you talking about? I am KJV only but I’m getting tired of statements being made that do not appear to be accurate. Another thing I’m beginning to wonder is why KJV only pastors only seem to reference the niv when pointing out major differences? How bout you look at them all if they all are incorrect…
What does your Bible say on 2 Timothy 2:15 ???
STUDY... should be there, nothing else....period.
@@johnl.fortier4311 I’m k but let’s first address the comment about Romans 3:25! Let’s not ignore the point being made! Unbelievers always ignore the facts and move on without addressing the facts!
@@37south47 you seem to be very knowledgeable,... i wish we could have a chat not a debate....
I would reallllly like to hear you more......
That would be fine but you still haven’t addressed Roman’s 3:25
@@37south47 please come to our Bible study @11:00 am ET.
I don't wanna debate, but yesss I will address Romans 3:25.
Hope to see you.
Gods finger prints are all over the KJV
Amen 🙏🏼
Just bought myself KJV Bible. I had no clue my NIV was like this.
Whether you read King Jimmy, or another version, it is imperative to be reading and studying words in the original texts.
Yes to the one and only kJB.!!❤
I've been comparing these verses in my NIV Bjble and my KJV Bible as well as TLB and you are absolutely correct Bro Breaker! Wow! 🎉mind blown. I would use a NIV Bible for simple reading but to omit scriptures and change it, that's assinine!. I listened to the idiots who said that new versions still have the important verses and all that but even still, I heard enough with your sermon tonight to be uncomfortable with using NIV translation from now on. Thanks Bro. Breaker. Your ministry helped me get out of Joyce Meyer ministry and all of that. Your white board teachings drew me in when I became curious about studying a certain book of the Bible. Now I am going through verse by verse in the NT and then the OT. I am currently in 2 Timothy. It has taken me over a year and a half to get through this NT but I am studying and taking my time so the information sticks..
KJV isn't the most closely translated Bible. The New American Standard Translation is the most accurately translated from the original text. This argument about the KJV being the only legitimate English translation is the saddest most legalistic defenses in Christianity.
Thank you for speaking up. I can't help but see how similar the KJV only hang-up is similar to the Amish and their Yiddish German hang-up, making it impossible for the common Amish to read it, sound familiar? All these math calculations blow up when translated into other languages from the KJV or the original text (not in old English). Sad to be so narrow minded and limit God's ability to speak in plain English. I love my KJV but I also love my NASB and a few other literal translations.
Amen KJV Only!!!!!!
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
Only King James. Since I've been Born Agin
Praise His Matchless Name infinitely
Thank you for defining the "Our Father" - KJV
This was real good years ago I thought I knew a lot about numbers until I heard about Brandon Peterson‘s work. It’s just simply amazing. Even if we didn’t have all the other manuscript evidence, the God of numbers makes a perfectly clear. How can anybody refute it?
Love Brandon Peterson. That is where I was introduced to the facts about how mathematically the universe has been delivered to us in the form of the Word of the living God. Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I saw the thumbnail title and was intrigued. I appreciate him pointing out versus that are missing and words that have been changed. But after 30 minutes of watching, I had to stop. How can he say others arent saved because of the translation they use? You think God has limited the saved by people who only use KJV? You think others will completely miss the mark of the story and not have faith in Jesus? I've been studying the Bible for 10 years using the NKJV and to hear him state blatant lies (at 26:30) that no other translations speak of faith through His blood except KJV is not true. Also, KJV people dress is suits and others don't, I'm sorry but because you wear a suit this is not the fruit God was talking about. But thats between him and God. He's also claiming people who use other translations probably dont read or study the word, so you're raising yourself up above everyone else who is Christian? There are so many red flags from how this guy talks and how he presents himself. I'm all about others receiving the word and not using a perverse translations, but this guy is definitely going about it wrong.
26:14 Romans 3:25 NIV “God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of His blood.”
All you need to know
The ESV is a translation of the Bible into contemporary English.
It was published in 2001 by Crossway.
The ESV is based on the Greek text of the Greek New Testament and the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible.
The ESV is considered a literal translation that is faithful to the original languages.
The ESV is considered to be one of the most popular English translations of the Bible.
For the people who don't seem to get it. No sane KJV only-ist will claim it's flawless in translation or free of typos or errors. You are missing the point. The point is none of the supernatural power found in the KJV exists on the same level in any of the other versions. While the KJV may contain grammatical errors here and there in no place does it remove the power or authority used to describe God or Jesus as the other versions do. In no place does it take the credit away from God or his miracles as most of the other versions do. If you can't understand why that matters to your soul then you either need to pray long and hard or drop the charade and admit you are of the devil intentionally trying to mislead those on a true search for God.
Why is it the KJV only crowd is the one that’s always calling people names?
Extremely important message to all Christians. Pray for the Gospel!!!! I invoke Galatians 1:8 “Cursed is everything contrary to Gods Holy Triune Bible Gospel.” Amen
The rapture can happen any second now. Be ready! 🙏
There is power in the King James Version, I can say from experience having grown up with NIV which I will never use again. I am now KJV only.
It's funny how King James had someone translate from Greek and Hebrew in oldeth englisheth and that is considered God's only true word. I read where God used a donkey to correct a profit. Yet the donkey spoke Hebrew, not old English.
Now, let's talk about the actual truth.
Jesus said, "Go, preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus didn't mention what ? King James version....
People!!! Preach Jesus, not a book. Jesus is the word!
This video does not further the kingdom of heaven. It exalts a man.
If they would only dew their homework they'd know that kj was a freemason and authored the book of demonology
@@jaymartinez879I don’t know about that, but I do know that as an Englishman…yes, I live in the UK, I do not speak in Elizabethan English. We do need truth, but we also need to communicate in the world we live in.
@@leedawson8210 amen brother!
The only complete bible is the Ethiopian bible
Personally I prefer the Geneva Bible!
Although I don't think it was a coincidence that the book of Mark was dwindled down to 666 verses. What is meaning of Mark? It is a mark, as in the mark of the Beast.
@FYI2020 HE most certainly is! God always one step ahead of them. He is so clever! 👑
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 proves that KJV isn't flawless, with a clear contradiction, but I still use this version and translate from original Hebrew and Greek, which has no contradiction...
AMEN Brother Robert!!! Thank you for this amazing teaching. Blessings come at the hard times and can lift a soul up in the clouds of glory!
I am a huge fan of the ESV of the Bible. Just got through the book of Genesis , I’m going to continue through the entirety of the Bible until I have finished.
Could you check the difference between the KJV and ESV in Matthew 7:14? (Well, any modern version)
Going to Heaven is a free gift!
Romans 3:23-26 KJV
[23] for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [24] being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: [25] whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; [26] to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Only one English Bible agrees with itself
@ ESV seems like a better translation to me. I see alot of ‘over fluffing’ in KJV which shows signs of modification & bias. Over fluffing as in adding unnecessary language additives. I’m sure not many of us even spoke original Hebrew so what are we to know they talketh liketh thy thisith . They spoke hebrew. English language is something to really look into, alot of human culture can sway a translation from the original messaging.
@@jardlongcr Even when it's just wrong?
Mark 1:2-3 KJV
[2] As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, Which shall prepare thy way before thee. [3] The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, Make his paths straight.
Mark 1:2 ESV
[2] As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way,
Malachi 3:1 KJV
[1] Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah 40:3 KJV
[3] The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
@@jardlongcr Please compare Mark 1:2-3 in ESV and KJV. Compare the verses with Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. One book just flat out lies.
You dare to call something with errors the words of God?
@ before we continue. You spoke to me as I did not compare the previous scripture & told me to once again compare another. I truly believe the proper translation of the original scripture is the ESV. To the original scripture into English. Please read onto my messages & this conversation as a whole as I did to you. KJV is personally not the translation of scripture I see to fit me. It seems corrupt in the way of wordage & that is my personal bias. ESV has been a great journey for me & I have loved learning more. Still long awaited journey ahead of me.
I love anybody that use the kjv bible I believe it is the perfect bible the best translation when you ask God to teach you as you read and when God wants you know something it stands out like he's talking to you your not reading anymore living word❤ so amazing
KJV is the best
What do you think about the original KJV 1611 edition being published with the Apocrypha included in it? You can still find the original print from Oxford university (the university tasked with creating the KJV translation)
People get so offended if you say you’re KJV-Only & even go as far as to say we need to repent!.. it’s mind boggling how they would come to that position 🤨
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689The Geneva Bible served a purpose for its time. But the real reformation Bible was undoubtedly the KJB. And that continues on even til today. Enjoy reading your Geneva Bible though!
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Also your reasons why you’re in favor of the former just reveals your ignorance on the entire issue as a whole, respectfully.
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Well, that’s wrong - but okay 👍 Not gonna go back & forth with you. Enjoy
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 Do you just look for people to argue with under KJV videos? That’s really odd behavior & you might wanna pray about why you feel the need to do that. Especially since your ‘preaching’ is in error.
Good day.
because by saying KJV only you are basically saying every Christians who lived before 1611 were all reading non authentic incorrect version of Bible translation and somehow the translators of KJV has same authority as prophets and disciples. you are inventing unbiblical doctrines. furthermore you makes christianity sounds like a ethno-religion for British and American people only
Thank you brother Breaker
The ESV Bible does not actually remove the phrase "study to show yourself approved" from 2 Timothy 2:15; it simply translates the Greek phrase more literally, rendering it as "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved" - essentially conveying the same meaning of diligent study and proper handling of Scripture to be seen as a trustworthy believer by God, without using the exact word "study.".
Key points about this translation choice:
Emphasis on character and presentation:
The ESV translation focuses on the idea of presenting oneself as someone who has been tested and found worthy by God, rather than explicitly mentioning the act of studying.
Accuracy to Greek:
The Greek word translated as "study" in the King James Version (KJV) can also be interpreted as "to present oneself" or "to be diligent," which aligns more closely with the ESV rendering.
My heart trembles for what must be the fate of all who pervert & lie about God's Word. Whatever they have received for their deceptions cannot be worth the horrifying eternity they have sold themselves out for.
⛔️ Hold on Robert!
I have a question - Do Independent Baptist color eggs and then tell their children the "easter bunny" brought them and has hidden them in the yard for the children to find?
Why do I ask?
Acts 12:4 in the KJV reads as follows: -"And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after 'Easter' to bring him forth to the people."
This Independent Baptist doesn't! And, many that I know don't. But, sadly, some do. Which I think is awful! That's not Christian.
Now, as far as Easter vs Passover, the context of Acts 12:4 is speaking of HEROD, who is a pagan. He did NOT keep the Passover. He kept the feast of ISHTAR, from which the word EASTER comes. So, I see NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with Easter. For it's speaking of HEROD waiting till after Easter (his feast of Ishtar). Get it?
@@Robertbreaker3 Thank you for the response Robert. Its not that I don't "get" your response (that in Acts 12: 4 Herod Agrippa 1 was a "pagan" who worshipped and observed "the feast of Ishtar" thereby justifying the KJV translators use of the word "Easter" as opposed to the Jewish feast of 'Passover').. but rather that I don't BUY it!
But here's Why - History doesn't buy it either!
Herod Agrippa 1 was far from "pagan" fact quite the opposite. This is not to say he was some kind of "good guy".. far from it! He was just like the overwhelming majority of Jewish leaders of his day - spiritually lost. The difference was he had dual powers his elite Pharisee friends only dreamed of having.
I will get to the heart of our debate regarding the KJV translators use of the word "Easter" but first the Bible (regardless of the translation) doesn't tell us what Herod Agrippa 1 religious beliefs were.. for that we have to rely on 1st century Historians. Fortunately the Lord gave us some excellent ones to source.
Herod Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great and nephew of Herod Antipas, appears only in Acts 12 in the Bible. But this Herod is different from his royal relatives in that he is the religious king. The Jewish historian of that time, Josephus, describes him: “He loved to live continuously in Jerusalem, and was exactly careful in the observance of the (Jewish) laws of his country. He therefore kept himself entirely pure; nor did any day pass over his head without its appointed sacrifice”. Given the despicable Roman overlords and the gross immorality of the other Herods, this man was the MOST religious leader Jerusalem had known in generations.
The divide between religious zeal and faith in God can be as different as day and night, to use an over worn phrase. The Jewish leadership in Jerusalem despised the Gentile Roman overlords as an evil affront to God, and they hated any Jews who “betrayed the faith” to follow the crucified Christ. But when your religious distinctives and financial security depend on the support of a foreign occupying force the obvious choice is to go along with the status quo, collaborate to protect what is yours, and wait for the right opportunity. So there was a convenient peace. Remember, the Jewish power brokers of Jerusalem worked it so the Roman thugs would kill the bothersome Jesus for them!
Both sides benefited. Herod Agrippa I was descended from the Hasmonean line, the son and grandson of collaborating rulers. He grew up in Rome as a friend of the Roman emperors, Caligula and Claudius, and was appointed ruler over the Jewish territory formerly administrated by his uncle, Herod Philip. He proved himself loyal to the Romans, and, when Caligula deposed the inept Herod Antipas, was granted those territories (37 AD). Finally, in 41 AD, Agrippa was made ruler over the additional regions of Samaria, Judea and Idumea.
Herod Agrippa I studied the Torah, KEPT the religious rules and feast days, and courted the priests and religious leaders. He saw all Christians as enemies of both Judaism and Rome. Like the other rulers of his lineage, he sought total political control, but he also saw himself as the zealous defender of his religion. Acts 12 tells us he arrested and executed James, the brother of John, which “pleased the Jews” (v. 3). He arrested Peter with the same intent of execution, but this fell at the feast of Passover, so he had to hold his prisoner for execution until after the feast day was past. Peter was treated as a threat to political stability, chained and guarded by sixteen Roman soldiers.
What a picture! A ruthless and powerful king with the authority of both church and state behind him.
Knowing that Herod Agrippa 1 was not "pagan" and did not worship Ishtar but rather was an observant Jew sheds light on why the KJV was in error on this Acts 12: 4 translation. Is that to say the KJV is not reliable or somehow inferior!? Absolutely not! However what it should do in the mind of any serious Bible student is reinforce why its wise to read from a few translations to reveal to the reader the best intent of the scripture. Studying in this way is prudent.. enjoyable.. interesting.. wise and it gives the reader the insights we so desire.
Had my question been about anything else, other than the KJV use of the word "Easter" (which carries significant dark and pagan meaning in our world), I would not have contested and would be silent.
No Robert.. there are other reliable sources such as Encyclopedia Judaica that tell a different story about who Herod Agrippa I actually was which totally destroys the use of the word "Easter" in this context .. concluding that the KJV translators should have used the correct word - Passover - in the Acts 12 passage.
Why is this is so important? because aside from being clearly wrong it subliminally, by virtue of its presence in the KJV, gives an element of credence to "Easter" that it absolutely should not be given.
In conclusion [Easter] has no justifiable context being used there. And I think you know it shouldn't have been used.
Am I wrong?
*edited for sp.
@rapturebound197 Thank you for this long and detailed post. It actually makes me want to study and learn more. If you have any other good source material I should seek for study, I would be grateful for you to post that as well.
Thank you again, as the word Easter in there has never sat right with me, but I did not really know where to look into it.
@@rapturebound197Yes you are wrong. Why? Because only God is right. The KJV is perfect because God Authored it. The irrefutable undeniable evidence...видео.htmlsi=pNrq1xnF-LD8Fi9M
Although I'm not a fan the ESV is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew text . However Kent Hovind claimed that due to copyright laws any new version of the bible has to change at least 10 percent from the original to be able to sell their copy . This is why I don 't use them . i was saved at age 7 and have used the KJV only for 50 years and due the HOLY SPIRIT:s guidence can understand what I read . Look up my fellow Christians HE is coming back soon for HIS bride
No copy right laws with Gods word!
It will never be changed.
Translate away.
KJV is boss
Alexander, the great was truly remarkable. But what they didn't teach you in school is that along with his conquests he is famous for something else. When Alexander conquered to people, he gave them captive a choice, either join my army or die. Most picked the former as new recruits one of the things they had to learn his language. They had to know the grammar. The reason for this is great communication between troops and commanders. As he went around conquering the known world at that time, he did two things named many cities, Alexandria, and more important he spread his language that this genius created throughout the known world. It was called KOINE Greek or common Greek. The beauty of this language was that it only had one interpretation. The grammar was so precise that it became the greatest language for communication of thought in his day. By no accident, this language became the language of the New Testament, therefore, based on the grammar, there's only one interpretation. Learn the grammar and you are way ahead of everybody else.
Thank you Pastor Robert, I had been going back on forth on this topic for a little while now and this sermon solidified me in the Textus Receptus corner in this religious debate. You showed so many things especially with the number seven for it to be coincidental and one thing that really solidified it for me was Mark 1:2-3 that you looked into. Thank you so much
What about the Geneva Bible??