Final Fantasy 7's BIGGEST Debate: Clerith or Cloti?

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 170

  • @NunnGaming
    @NunnGaming  7 месяцев назад +22

    One thing, please keep comments respectful. We all have different opinions about which couple is the best and canon which is fine, but if you start harassing and insulting others for there opinions then I'll delete your comment.

    • @NunnGaming
      @NunnGaming  7 месяцев назад +2

      I want to do a follow-up, if you posted a comment that insulted others' opinions it was removed.
      This video is for discussion not for you to insult others on their opinions.

  • @Step43099
    @Step43099 5 месяцев назад +34

    I’ll kick it like this; as someone who is relatively new to FF7 the obvious choice to me is Tifa logically speaking if you remove your bias, which character you like more, or shipping in general. Now I’m not new to these characters I’ve known about them through general culture osmosis and later through Kingdom Hearts but I’ve only recently REALLY gotten into FF7 as a collective whole and I’ve spent a lot of time the last month or 2 absorbing a lot of information about everything. Don’t get me wrong I love Aerith in every scene she’s in and she’s fantastic, but for obvious reasons that I think people try to ignore in order to push their ship into the spotlight she can’t be the one. Not because Cloud doesn’t have strong feelings Aerith as well but because Tifa is so integral and important to Clouds entire story she is literally the catalyst for a lot of Clouds decisions and actions. Also she dies… Duh. The biggest point in Tifa’s favor though is writers intent. You wouldn’t give characters established stated romantic feelings for each other and NOT do something with it you’d just be wasting your time and space in the story. And I don’t mean vague meanings of words or beating around the bush with “like” and “LIKE” as is what tends to happen. They’ve crushed on each other since they were kids so as a writer why establish and build onto that just to say “lol sorry that was a lie he loves this person actually”? That’s just my take on it though

  • @jinnimoo
    @jinnimoo 7 месяцев назад +79

    Aerith is the heroine of FF7 and savior of the planet. Tifa is the heroine of Cloud's story and his savior.

    • @GintaFP
      @GintaFP 7 месяцев назад +8

      The sanest opinion than others

    • @talmanes4589
      @talmanes4589 7 месяцев назад +4

      Pretty much this yea, Aerith has another role to play in the story.

  • @ZhangtheGreat
    @ZhangtheGreat 7 месяцев назад +66

    No doubt Cloud cares deeply for both, but in terms of _romantic_ affection, he definitely shows Tifa more than he shows Aerith.
    Let's take the optional scenes (the dates) out, since those are...well, optional. Notice how he opens up to Tifa more comfortably than he does to Aerith? With Aerith, she's basically doing all the talking and he's either asking questions about her behavior or simply responding. With Tifa, he actually tells her about his vulnerabilities.

    • @aravchopra5974
      @aravchopra5974 7 месяцев назад +25

      Don’t forget that Cloud and Tifa were going to kiss but Cait and Yuffie interrupted them in a non-optional scene

  • @jazzy_bella
    @jazzy_bella 3 месяца назад +16

    Cloud and Tifa are the reason FF7 exists at all but I won’t discount that Cloud had a special place for Aerith too. They shared a destiny to defeat Sephiroth and save the planet. In that sense, they are comrades/friends/family and ultimately losing her is heartbreaking. I wouldn’t put them as being ‘in love’ though. He was devastated that he failed to protect another person he cared about yet again and continued to hold onto that guilt into AC. With Aerith’s help, he was able to forgive himself eventually.

  • @MrJamiejam88
    @MrJamiejam88 5 месяцев назад +33

    Cloud and Aerith do have love for each other but it doesn’t always mean that they’re in love with one another. Though Aerith is my fave of the female characters, It’s tifa without a doubt who’s the real love interest. The biggest reason cloud joins SOLDIER was to impress her, he’s obviously had (still does) strong feelings for her for years, and it was tifa who took care of him when he was wheelchaired and helps put his true memories back together making him his true self as a result. And we all know the “under the highwind” scene and how it was originally suppose to go down lol

  • @phantomaigis2291
    @phantomaigis2291 7 месяцев назад +25

    Honestly, after playing through original ff7, its got to be cloud and tifa. Tifa is just a way more impactful character to cloud's humanity and character in the story, especially in disk 2. If you know you know. Plus, Zack still exists.

  • @fiprosha
    @fiprosha 29 дней назад +5

    I'll never understand how people can play OG, Remake and Rebirth and think Clerith isn't a thing.
    I couldn't care less that Cloud kisses Tifa in an optional scene in Rebirth and doesn't kiss Aerith. Cloud and Aerith have like the most wholesome relationship in Remake and Rebirth and what they have is so much better than the optional kiss.
    Cloud and Tifa aren't some magical childhood lovers that always had a deep love for each other. If you read ToTP, it's apparent that Tifa was the (only) popular girl in town and literally every boy had a crush on her, including Cloud. If that's your basis, you might as well ship her with Emilio, he was closer to her than Cloud. Then Tifa randomly makes Cloud give her that promise and suddenly realises she loves him. After that, Tifa actually really starts idealising Cloud in a way that is not true to Cloud's character at all. She thinks he enjoyed being alone and that it was his choice to not have friends. Which is a completely wrong reading of Cloud's character. But it appeals to Tifa because she always tried to please others and thought it was cool Cloud didn't give a fuck.
    People act like Cloud is only ever his true self with Tifa. But Cloud is so much more like this "cool and flirty soldier guy" with Tifa, it's crazy peopled don't see that. He gives her the flower right at the beginning of Remake, which is stated in the Ultimania to be a cocky gesture, more like one Zack would make. So much for being himself around her. And it continues all the way throughout Remake and Rebirth, as you can see in this video here too when he straightout flirts with Tifa. Maybe some people attribute that to him being in love with Tifa and being his "true self" and comfortable around here. But what's the difference between him flirting with her in Rebirth and him giving her the flower at the beginning of Remake which is stated to be more of his Zack-persona? Nothing. Cloud used to have a crush on Tifa. He wanted to become a cool soldier and impress her. And whenever he's with her, he falls back to that wish of his. Look at Cloud in CC. He's his real self there. Does he appear cocky and flirty? No.
    And then there is Aerith, who doesn't take his "cool soldier" shit contrary to Tifa who finds it endearing. She gets Cloud to highfive him which he clearly thought was not a cool thing to do. She gets him to talk to flowers for her. In Rebirth, they have the most wholesome relationship. He tells her that whatever she decides to do in the future, he's with her, while they both stand on the beach during sunset. The game calls their clocktower meeting a date. The game gives you a Costa sidequest that is them going on a date while bantering. They even decide to ride on a chocobo together next time. Whenever Cloud's with Aerith, he's not cocky and flirty, he's a genuinely caring guy who is insecure and reserved about the girl he likes (Aerith), which is so much more like the real Cloud. Yet people somehow take that as him not being interested in her while him being flirty and cocky with Tifa is suddenly the "real Cloud." It's so strange.
    If you look at the two optional Remake scenes, then Aerith straight up tells Cloud not to fall in love with her. I doubt Aerith was saying that out of nowhere. And Cloud doesn't answer: "Uh okay? Why should I?" He says "Do I get a say in all this?" while trying to reach for her hand. He then tells her that he is coming *for her.*
    Meanwhile in the Tifa scene, he hugs her, then you get the Ultimania dev comments saying that moreso than having feelings for Tifa, Cloud was just content that he could be the "cool Cloud" he always wanted to be. Or that his pleasure in that scene comes from him finally getting to experience that late night indiscretion that he never go to experience before. It's not about Tifa and his feelings towards her. It's about Cloud being cool. I don't get how this is romantic.
    In Rebirth, Aerith's and Cloud's relationship develops so naturally. They keep going on cute little dates, they spend so much time together, he constantly looks out for her, smiles so much with her and even jokes and banters with her and it actually feels so true to his character. I'm convinced it's actually Aerith who's constantly bringing out the "true Cloud," not Tifa. Then Zack's name comes up in Gongaga, Cloud's being insecure if Aerith still likes him, they have the GS date, she tells him she is interested in Cloud now, the temple of the ancients happens, Cloud snaps out of Sephs control because of her (which Tifa not once managed to do), they go on one last date were Cloud is so obviously into her, holds her hand, smiles at her and wants to take a couple-picture with her. And then the end of the game happens. It all flows perfectly.
    Meanwhile, if you go the Tifa route, Cloud thinks she's Jenova for half the game, then tries to kill her while under Sephs influence. In the Nibelheim sidequest pretty much at the end of the game, Tifa realises that her and Cloud actually don't really know each other at all, and suddenly they are kissing. Which never gets referenced again because it was optional and Cloud still goes on that dream date with Aerith, which I feel like just has to feel awkward af if you kissed Tifa right before. If Cloti was the obvious choice, why would the devs put their kissing scene in an optional scene that relied on Aerith not being Rosa? When Aerith is Rosa in 4/6 versions, when Rosa has a staff and she's shown as Rosa in the credits. Kinda feel like you'd put such an important moment for the "canon ship" somewhere slightly more accessible to the general crowd.
    We don't know yet what is going to happen in Part 3. But even if Aerith is dead, that doesn't mean that Tifa is the default romance. Look at FF10. Or FF15. Or so many other JRPG from that time. Love doesn't just end with death.

  • @LuxDragon
    @LuxDragon 7 месяцев назад +41

    I'm all about Cloud and Tifa for too many reasons to list. But one reason that I can't get into Cloud/Aerith is that I just can't do my boy Zack dirty after the shit he did to keep Cloud alive. Zack had to carry Cloud all the way to Midgar, all to get Cloud some help (while promising not to abandon him) and to get back to Aerith.
    Just can't do it. Just can't.

    • @CaliforniaRaisens
      @CaliforniaRaisens 7 месяцев назад +7

      It doesn't matter, Zack is dead and so is Aerith, so makes sense for Cloud and Tifa to be a pair

    • @LuxDragon
      @LuxDragon 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@CaliforniaRaisens Eh... you're not wrong... but it's a bit too callous, IMO. Not just to Zack and Aerith, but Tifa too. Almost makes it sound like she's canon by default because everyone dies, not because she's awesome on her own.

  • @ZoninOut707
    @ZoninOut707 7 месяцев назад +85

    Cloud and Tifa, and it’s not even a debate nor is anything else canon. There’s a reason Zack is obviously still in the picture and everything involving the skywheel in Rebirth.

    • @Ace17nix
      @Ace17nix 7 месяцев назад +8

      Who saw "Advent Children" knows the answer

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +12

      I prefer Cloud x Tifa but the way you lie to yourself creating the ideal world for you is admirable.
      You gonna have a hard time in part 3, hell, you already have it playing Rebirth.

    • @ZoninOut707
      @ZoninOut707 7 месяцев назад +18

      @@LeocaprioDinardo lie to myself? You do realize at the highest camaraderie levels for Tifa he kisses her at the Skywheel right? When the most you get with Aerith is holding hands. And how am I going to have a hard time in part 3 when I’ve beaten the original twice and know that Cloud and Tifa went further under the Highwind? And even in Advent Children, the look Tifa gave Cloud at the end says it all….like I said, it’s not even a debate.

    • @IsThisThePrizeIveWaitedFor
      @IsThisThePrizeIveWaitedFor 7 месяцев назад +5

      You’re right, it’s not a debate. The game lets you choose who YOU want, but if you pay attention to story at all, you know who Cloud chooses.

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +5

      - No matter your choices the game will ALWAYS lead you to CxA.
      - No matter the actors in Loveless is ALWAYS CxA story even spoiling final boss.
      - Jess loveless part shes ALWAYS with the blonde guy.
      - The love song ALWAYS sound in their latest CxA date.
      These are not opinions but facts and, unfortunately for you, is you dont accept them you are using auto lie on yourself.

  • @MetaGrave
    @MetaGrave 5 месяцев назад +12

    My vote goes for Cloud & Tifa. Their shared history, Tifa being the basis for Cloud's motivation to try and become a better and stronger person, Cloud being a driving force in Tifa's own life, and both of them being the lone remaining constant in each other's lives... it's just a beautiful love story.
    Now, don't get me wrong. Although Tifa is my all-time favorite video game character, maybe fictional character entirely, I love Aerith too. She's an incredible character in her own right. But I feel that a lot of her gets overlooked because of the shipping wars and because of her tragic end, which is why I was glad for the novel when it came out, because it let the focus go into their character and history more than "watch them try and get together with Cloud." Viewing both women as just "Cloud's possible/eventual/lost girl" is a disservice to both characters and their rich backstories and personalities.

  • @AdamW-eo2yq
    @AdamW-eo2yq 7 месяцев назад +17

    I’m more neutral with it all.
    Across the whole ff7 story and beyond into the unknown of post dirge, I think that it will always end with Cloud and Tifa
    Now there is a couple reasons for this
    The big one is Aerith is dead and Cloud starts to move on from her death at the end of Advent Children.
    I think that Cloud truly did love Aerith but just because he loved Aerith does not mean that he felt nothing for Tifa, she had been in his heart from the beginning and stayed there the whole time, we can see it even in Remake and Rebirth.
    Also Aerith in the lifestream would want nothing more than for Cloud to move on and start a life with Tifa, after all she wants to see them both happy and not held back.
    After Aerith dies, Cloud and Tifa really connect with each other again at a much deeper level than ever before, Tifa helps piece his mind back together and there the heavy fact that Tifa and Aerith were the closest out of the whole party to each other. They both found comfort in each other and Cloud came to relearn what had infatuated him with her to begin with.
    From that point, he tried to start moving on from Aerith but the complete grief and guilt was overwhelming because not only did he feel very strongly towards her but he also felt as if he should had been able to save her.
    For anybody saying that Rebirth is Tifa’s they are wrong, the symbolism is for Aerith, however, the reason why it’s not Tifa’s game and there are moments that feel like they should lead further but don’t (and even the kiss) is because it’s all setup for the 3rd game.
    In the OG, the first act was always about establishing the enemy and endearing you to the party
    Act 2 is about finding out more about your party and meeting the rest. The end of this act was always about Aerith and Cloud. Act 3 was all about Tifa and Cloud.
    We have seen Barret, Red and Aerith’s character arcs play out and come to a close.
    Game 3 will finally tackle Cloud and Tifa’s arc, as they are completely intertwined, Cid’s arc, Yuffie’s arc, Cait Sith’s arc and Vincent’s arc
    Now I imagine Aerith won’t be gone but after the forgotten capital, Aerith appeared once in Flashback at the forgotten capital and her hand at the end of the game, which was also Tifa’s too in the OG so I don’t see her being around a lot in the 3rd game.
    All in all, the middle part of the game is always Aerith’s time to shine while Tifa is saved to burst into the spotlight near the end of the game. And the same is here in rebirth it just feels different because the games are bigger and split into 3

  • @wtheckJackie
    @wtheckJackie 6 месяцев назад +12

    I think so much of the Cloti argument hinges on things like childhood history and Zack and Aerith’s death, but when you take those things away, Cloud and Aerith are undeniably in love. It’s okay for them to love multiple people over the course of their lifetime and for different reason/in different ways. Those circumstances don’t mean that romantic love between Cloud and Aerith is precluded.
    If I were Tifa, I’d feel like second best tbh. It’s normal to grow out of your first love, and I’d want that for her character. That is precisely the same treatment they gave Cloud and Aerith-backstories that allude to character change and coming of age themes. Cloti hinges on keeping one or both of the characters in emotionally static positions from their youth, and those themes just don’t speak to me as an adult woman.

  • @t.mollov566
    @t.mollov566 7 месяцев назад +37

    9:05 i mean, that look from Tifa,
    idk but they both had crush on each other from the beginning so i am on the CLOTI side.

  • @LotusflowerLight
    @LotusflowerLight 2 месяца назад +4

    Cloti because it seems weird to go for a scenario where Zack and Tifa end up losing. I know it isn't cheating but Clerith to me feels like cheating. Clerith feels redundant to the story because I feel like Aerith could just stand as an individual character without being a romantic love interest for Cloud, while Tifa can only exist as a love interest. Not that she doesn't do heroic things; but mostly the heroic/savior status seems to go to Aerith. One is the story's heroine and the other is Cloud's heroine.

    • @mvkima
      @mvkima Месяц назад

      excuse me but how is it cheating???? cloud isn’t with tifa and aerith doesn’t belong to zack

    • @LotusflowerLight
      @LotusflowerLight Месяц назад

      @@mvkima you did not read what I wrote lol

    • @mvkima
      @mvkima Месяц назад

      @@LotusflowerLight you said '' feels like '', let me rephrase it if u want, how does it feel like cheating ?

    • @LotusflowerLight
      @LotusflowerLight Месяц назад +1

      @@mvkima I said "I know it isn't cheating; but to ME" it feels that way. It's about perception not about me saying that there is cheating going on. And I'm not trying to force anyone to share my perception, I'm only trying to express mine. That's why I have a preference for Cloti/Zerith over Clerith. It's all about personal preference and experience.😅 To each their own

    • @mvkima
      @mvkima Месяц назад

      @@LotusflowerLighti know it’s your opinion, im asking you why and how does it feel like cheating.. tifa deserves better because he ignored her a lot and don’t end up together even after all the things she did for him. For zack and aerith, she moved on and zack knows it.. it feels wrong for some reasons that people think zerith is still end game after she almost confessed to cloud.. people are allowed to move on, even in games.. (i don’t want to sound mean btw, i just want to understand why people think that lmao) i feel like a lot of people ship cloti and zerith bc they feel bad for zack and tifa

  • @cocoliko
    @cocoliko 5 месяцев назад +8

    I want to see these two groups visit each other irl and fight

  • @talmanes4589
    @talmanes4589 7 месяцев назад +20

    Spoiler warning, Aerith stopped being a legitimate choice the moment the writers decided her role would be to die and save the planet. That was always going to be her role in the story, just like Tifa's role was always going to be Cloud's long term love interest. Almost all choice in final fantasy is just an illusion, you actually have very little control over the story. At best you have maybe 2 choices. Cloud can be happy with Tifa, the woman he has loved almost literally his entire life, or Cloud can go on being sad and single forever by rejecting Tifa. There is no option for choosing to be with Aerith.
    Plus, just imo, Aerith's best ending would be existing either in the lifestream or a multidimension or w/e, but with Zack. That's her happy ending.
    Of the ship wars I've seen, this honestly might be the strangest, because one of the people being shipped is DEAD. She isn't around to be in a relationship lol.

    • @licn9548
      @licn9548 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah i agree with you with everything. The main issue here Imo would be aerith being with Zack because for her, he IS the second choice , once and again in rebirth nojima and his team fixed her lover Will be always cloud. I think is not fair for Zack.

    • @talmanes4589
      @talmanes4589 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@licn9548 I think it's pretty clear Aerith never loved Cloud and actually never even got a chance to know the real Cloud at all. He just reminds her of Zack and she's trying to use Cloud to replace Zack at first, then later realizes she might actually like Cloud if she got to know him, but alas, that simply isn't in the cards. I guess you could argue she loved his fake persona, but well, it's fake.
      To me Zack is her clear first choice and Cloud nothing more than a distraction for a short time. Advent Children makes this even more obvious, as Zack and Aerith are together in the afterlife while Cloud refers to Aerith as 'mother'. Which in fairness, Aerith really is a personification of mother earth/the planet.
      Also in Rebirth, Cloud very clearly chooses Tifa with the kiss. To me that is the end of any discussion there might have been before.

    • @licn9548
      @licn9548 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​​​​​@@talmanes4589yeah i dont doubt about cloud having feelings for tifa. What i doubt is aeris choosing Zack over cloud. Mostly because of rebirth Game such as ; no promises to keep for cloud, hitting on him all the time, wanting to spend time with cloud, even trying to confess her feelings again in the church ( and i would say this aerith , the one that gave cloud the White materia, is the aerith of the OG and past/future lol but just my op), referring about their "spot". Marlene saying cloud is her beloved . Hmmmm i dunno thats my op. In my mind i put Zack for aeris years ago after advent children. But Now i dont know what to think anymore .Who knows, lets see what happens in part 3.

    • @talmanes4589
      @talmanes4589 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@licn9548 That's not even correct about the song. It's officially about everyone Aerith loves or has loved per the writer. It's gonna be Zack and Aerith in the end, if for no other reason they have said they won't invalidate Advent Children. Plus they're both dead and it just makes sense.

  • @ndrcalrryx2094
    @ndrcalrryx2094 7 месяцев назад +27

    Clerith, of course. I dont doubt the chemistry between the ships, however, I believe its always been Aerith and Cloud. Aerith's song to Cloud by Nobuo and Loren, how Cloud smiled at Aerith in the end, and everything else. Cloud taking Aerith's hand and interlocking them was so beautiful. Cloud does take initiative too when around Aerith. The fireworks scene in Remake and how Cloud's eyes lit up and he parted his lips...the same thing happened when he saw Aerith singing.
    People forget that Cissnei existed and that makes me sad because she put in a lot of effort to make sure Zack's parents were taken care of. I hope they both get to reunite.
    I hope Nojima explains more about Cloud's facial expression before he hugged Tifa. Its always puzzling to me that Cloud looked hurt or something. Its not a normal facial expression.

  • @yeonvision
    @yeonvision 7 месяцев назад +23

    honestly cloud and aerith in my eyes were just two people who needed eachother at one time, cloud to figure out who he really was and have his emotions return to him, and aerith who was grieving zack and was without a purpose with her identity. I don't deny the twos chemistry, i just deny the ship because of the story. A part of that love cloud has for aerith is zack, and we all know that aerith immedietly saw zack in cloud when they first it feels hard to accept it as real true love rather than cloud and tifa who had been having something since children that only recently was revived, the two relearned about eachother and made up for lost time now that theyre adults and realized that the love they had since the beginning never faded, and whats stronger than that. In my opinion, clerith didnt have enough time in reality to make it real for eachother, though i dont deny that aerith definitely saved cloud in a number of ways..and one was making him love her.

    • @yeonvision
      @yeonvision 7 месяцев назад +3

      aerith along with that, was most likely reunited with zack in the lifestream as we see in advent children, they had their reality together stripped from them rather than having none at all like with cloud and aerith, aeriths care in the end once she knew her demise, was only to do as much as she could..and loving cloud was something she could do to keep going i think

    • @yeonvision
      @yeonvision 7 месяцев назад +2

      aerith certainly tried whilst she was alive, to find the real cloud, if you choose her, but alas there wasnt enough time

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +7

      I see lot of people now with the trends of his memories back, wrong here.
      In Advent Children he got his memories back and look at how he is for Aerith and shes adamant saying she likes Cloud for who he is.
      I prefer Cloud x Tifa and Zack x Aerith but the difference between you and me is I accept things as they are instead of making my ideal world inside my head.
      Rebirth is ALL about the atemporal tragic love between Cloud and Aerith and I acknowledged it despite my cons.

  • @Locustskies
    @Locustskies 2 месяца назад +8

    I’m Clerith since ‘97.
    The events that happen after FF7 shows that Cloud cannot move on.
    Tifa is loyal to him, but he always abandons her.
    Nojima’s OtWtaS pg. 51., proves this along with AC, WoFF, and Mobius FF- just to name a few.
    In Mobius, Cloud doesn’t like the present time. He wants to go to the past but is told he cannot.
    Wol’s fairy, who is instructing Cloud, is dressed like Aerith.
    Cloud makes a wish to the crystal and leaves to the future.
    In WoFF, Cloud can be found with Tifa in Nibelheim, but leaves on a hunt for Sephiroth and tells no one.
    Terra finds Cloud and says, “This isn’t anyway to honor (Aerith’s) memory. To take your LOVE for her and turn it into hate?” He doesn’t heed Terra’s advice and leaves anyhow.
    At the end of the game, you can find Cloud inside the Library of the Ancients.
    In Extended version of AC, Cloud tells Tifa that he’s not fit to help anyone.
    Denzel goes through Cloud’s phone and Tifa is listed as Seventh Heaven. The dates on Cloud’s phone indicate that he has avoided Tifa’s calls for months.
    Cloud sleeps in Aerith’s church, which Aerith cures him of Geostigma like the Hollow song implies.
    When Sephiroth asks Cloud what he cherishes the most, the first TWO images are of Aerith.
    In the end credits, Cloud is on his motorcycle, not with his “family” like he promised Tifa as Aerith watches over him in the distance.
    In Remake, the Hollow song plays in sector 5, Aerith’s sector. A different version plays in Rebirth when picking wildflowers with Aerith for Chloe’s wreath.
    Hollow is Cloud’s perspective.
    No Promises is from Aerith’s.
    According to Google lyrics, the songs are parallel- meaning that they correspond to one another.
    Loren Allred studied both Aerith and Cloud for her song.
    FF Ultimania Archive shows the original various artwork sketches of Cloud and Aerith.
    Tifa stands alone.
    Cloud means sky. Aerith means Earth. Zack Fair means fair weather. Tifa Lockhart- self explanatory.
    My first play-through of Rebirth, Cloud accidentally dated Barret.
    Aerith was princess Rosa by DEFAULT just as Aerith holds the most points in the dating mechanics in OG.
    Nojima says regarding the GS date resolution scenes, because people have high expectations of the event, he hopes that you can enjoy it as a fun part of the game that is slightly removed from the story. He says that what they created for the GS affinity dates kind of reminds him of a dating simulation game.
    Note: This answer was given after a comment had been made by the interviewer regarding the Tifa and Cloud kiss scene during the GS date. -FFR7 Ultimania
    For 27 years, it’s been obvious to me that part of FF7 is about a tragic love story. I was in my twenties when I played OG and old enough to understand the game in ‘97.
    Seeing how Cloud’s sword landed in two different positions and angles in Rebirth, leads me to believe that Aerith will survive in the finale.
    The arbiters of fate that change destiny would be pointless if she didn’t.
    Perhaps Nomura listened to the early fan base when they petitioned to bring Aerith back.

  • @tobytheshih-tzu6329
    @tobytheshih-tzu6329 7 месяцев назад +44

    Cloti and Zerith always!! 🥰💞 I just can't see Clerith together it feels so wrong! Cloud has always loved Tifa! She is his rock, she is like home for him! Cloud will always love Tifa and Aerith will always love Zack! The only reason she thinks she loves cloud is because she sees Zack in him! Aerith will always love Zack! I just can't see it any different! I love Clerith platonically but romantically it just feels forced and so wrong!

    • @solemijo7860
      @solemijo7860 7 месяцев назад +5

      You wrong. Aerith was interesting to cloud because of Zack at beginning in remake. But in date she say it was only at the beginning and she see he is different and she like him more. Cloud doesn’t love Tifa. He barely know her in childhood, she was attracted to him. In book she bully him. Of course he can love Tifa, but if we choose this romance. There is no canon. I like Cissnei with Zack. Cloud & Aerith have best chemistry and magic relation. He is different with her. This romance is okay. And nothing wrong in this. Zack is fine, but he is playboy, Cloud is better for Aerith.

    • @tobytheshih-tzu6329
      @tobytheshih-tzu6329 7 месяцев назад +7

      @@solemijo7860 cope harder Cloud does love Tifa and Aerith does care for Cloud but Zack is her love.

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +7

      As someone who prefers Tifa x Cloud and Zack x Aerith must tell you that you are doing the clown lying yourself instead of accepting things as they are.
      You really did not want to pay attention while playing Rebirth and created an ideal world just for you.
      The reality? The game is literally all about the love between Cloud and Aerith.
      I accepted it despite my cons, why you guys dont?

    • @justforfun7112
      @justforfun7112 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@solemijo7860if zack playboy then aerith is playgirl, no commitment at all.

    • @xylver8311
      @xylver8311 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@LeocaprioDinardo why are you lying to yourself that you want Cloud and Tifa

  • @josephwong5859
    @josephwong5859 7 месяцев назад +23

    I fully support Cloud and Aerith being truly in love with each other throughout the game plot excluding all the optional selection which is for fan services and just progress the story. That said they will never be together as that’s the plot. The story of two star crossed lovers that are never meant to be together. The song between them hurts because she sang how because of her knowing her fate she can’t fully be with him in a world safe for him.
    Then in the end Tifa came in finally being the awesome lady she is stick with Cloud save him mentally and be with him through his grievance of Aerith until Cloud finally move on and be with Tifa.
    I never like the notion of the idea of people can’t move on. While everyone move on from their life phase it’s not a year or two it’s 5 years.
    Like how I feel Aerith moved on slowly loving Cloud more and wanting to help him knowing her demise and not fully committing. It’s not a replacement it’s just moving forward and recovering and recognising that there’s people worth being for too that’s what the dead always want for the living to move forward.

    • @bladerj
      @bladerj 7 месяцев назад +2

      forget the past look into the future, is the motif they added to remake and continue to ham on rebirth through character dialogues, also the game plot is leading towards RE union.....and who was separated ? yeah. plus, one of cait sith divinations was their marriage.

    • @andrewli6606
      @andrewli6606 6 месяцев назад +1

      Honestly, anyone who can't accept that Cloud is romantically attracted to both Aerith and Tifa and that they both reciprocate is in fucking denial. And the tragedy of Tifa "winning" by default of not being dead is that Cloud never got to choose. That's not to say that in AC that Cloud moving on to Tifa most likely makes a potential romance less meaningful, but that's just the reality.

    • @bladerj
      @bladerj 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@andrewli6606 she didnt even win anything, by the end of AC and DC they still arent toguether and that is 7 years after FFVII lmao.

    • @twiyor
      @twiyor 4 месяца назад +2

      @@andrewli6606except there is no reason to believe he is ROMANTICALLY attracted to aerith, its all pure interpretation
      and the "optional" dates made it clear who cloud would have chosen if aerith was still in the picture, and its the one he kissed

  • @danielarif8318
    @danielarif8318 4 месяца назад +11

    well it's looks like cloti fans are the winner 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇

  • @elowei9919
    @elowei9919 7 месяцев назад +36

    Clerith is superior.
    Their love transcends death.
    The church is called their spot.
    Every spin off cloud is searching for Aerith (KH, tactics, WoFF, Bravus, Dissidia. AC) that’s not someone who’s just searching for a lost friend. Cloud loses many people on his journey and he’s not searching for any of them.
    Regardless of the date at the gondola you canonly date Aerith multiple times in the main story.
    Aerith is the Princess Rosa in 4/6 dates (aeriths, reds, Barret and the boys) Aerith is also the ONLY princess Rosa in the credits regardless of who you date.
    The theme song of rebirth is a love song from Aerith to cloud, Hollow was confirmed to be clouds feelings over losing Aerith.
    The ending when cloud loses Aerith he is shedding tears. He didn’t cry when he lost others, he didn’t even cry when he thought Tifa was dying during the events of their hometown, he didn’t cry when he thought he killed her during the gongaga reactor chapter in rebirth either.
    I’m not saying he doesn’t care for Tifa. He does. But his feelings for Aerith are far stronger.

    • @NunnGaming
      @NunnGaming  7 месяцев назад +9

      Fair points for sure, I won't get into debates in the comment section but I do respect your opinion, even if mine is different.

    • @solemijo7860
      @solemijo7860 7 месяцев назад +2

      You are right 😊

    • @Greyhoundz99999
      @Greyhoundz99999 7 месяцев назад +6

      I agree love transcends death that’s why Zack and Aerith will be forever together in the lifestream, after Cloud has finally let go of his guilt he finally moves on and also evidently saw his friends for the final time even in ghost form Aerith with Zack bidding farewell to him thus conclude Cloud’s arc before moving on with Vincent arc in DoC!

    • @elowei9919
      @elowei9919 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@Greyhoundz99999 he doesn’t move on, read the official SE guide for DoC and read the character descriptions. Firstly cloud and Tifa are still stated as childhood friends nothing more. Clouds character description literally states he still harbours guilt over Aerith death but deals with it better 🤷‍♀️ he’s still not over her and still doesn’t move onto Tifa. That’s now SE has it CANONLY.

    • @DutchDread
      @DutchDread 7 месяцев назад +13

      Is this sarcasm or have you actually deluded yourself into thinking this?

  • @simplycity592
    @simplycity592 7 месяцев назад +28

    WE ARE solid CLOTI ❤❤❤No one can beat them

  • @joshcook5434
    @joshcook5434 6 месяцев назад +4

    honestly, I've got nothing against either girl. I just care about everyones happiness. But I'd go with Tifa because Cloud feels more comfortable with her, himself, and their history. I always prefer aerith with zack primarily because of thier history in Crisis Core, zack was so in love with her practically from the first moment he looked at her. And for aerith, I just didn't see the spark with cloud as it is with tifa, seeing that they knew each other for like what, a few weeks, a month or two. she and zack knew each other for months, up to a year maybe. That being said, I fully supported her desire to move on from Zack, she's entitled to do such since it's been 5 years since his death, even zack would want her to be happy, cause that's the kind of guy he is. Tifa has always been by clouds side through thick and thin, even cloud would do the same for her.

  • @UnderworldGamingArena945
    @UnderworldGamingArena945 6 месяцев назад +18

    well i don't have to think everything Square Enix did everything for us, pay attention to the story guys just look how he is with Tifa and how he is with Aerith , let's start with Aerith, With Aerith Cloud spending most of the time listening to her and asking her questions and occasionily being pulled by his hand by Aerith, with Tifa they having a full conversaion of speaker and listener and he opens up to her in some of them(i forgot to mention that he never opens up to Aerith even in their final time together) now let's compare the dates.
    The date with Aerith:
    once again she does all the talking Cloud responded twice by my count which the respons are comparable to a sentence and a half, when Aerith finish speaking she hugs Cloud's arm and asking him to stay like that until the rides over but then Cloud breaks it into hands holding.
    The date with Tifa:
    once again full conversation one part was about Aerith and Zack but after that they started to talk about themselves Tifa then mention she don't recall a time they were this close then she looking away and(i think it's self doubt) saying "or am i getting ahead of myself again" Cloud didn't understood that and responded with again of his own after they finished the conversation Cloud give her a hand and saying "not one bit" at this point if i need to guess what Tifa thinking i say she think "so he love me as much as i love him?" while smiling she taking his hand and HE pulls her into a hug followed by a kiss. i don't count the almost kiss both girls almost had with Cloud at the play because it was a part of their role, but like it mentioned here the dates are optimal, ok so let's go back 3 chapters at gongaga a non optimal scene Cloud and Tifa almost kissed after another conversation about their past, now let's see Cloud almost kissed Aerith outside the optimal date for a total of zero times all they had was a hug that Aerith initiate.
    So to summerize:
    if i want my marriage to be successful i want it to be like Cloud and Tifa relationship, because if it will be like Cloud and Aerith's then i will be divorced in no time.
    all i wrote wasn't to call out any Clearith i have respect to everyone's opinion just stating my thoughts out of what i saw.

  • @lunad.05-10
    @lunad.05-10 7 месяцев назад +16

    When cloud was with tifa real true cloud show, while with aerith a zack/cloud soldier persuna show, and like when cloud hug tifa it's so tight looks like he didn't want her to let go while with aerith its just friendly hug.
    Cloti is a lovers and Clorith is a friendly pair. 😊

    • @astrea4020
      @astrea4020 6 месяцев назад +3

      You lack media literacy ❤

  • @animewaifu4046
    @animewaifu4046 7 месяцев назад +37

    Some Clerith fans are so extremely delusional and desperate that they cant cope up and do their own narrative just to push there so called ship. 🤦 Not respecting the storyline . All are in denial still. Zack xAerith and Cloud xTifa. Both are power couple in their own way💪

    • @solemijo7860
      @solemijo7860 7 месяцев назад +10

      You are delulu or what. There is no canon. If I want Cloud will love Aerith or Tifa. He likes both. Are u blind? Zack can be with cissnei, she is good for him. Because Aerith like Cloud more than him right now.

    • @bladerj
      @bladerj 7 месяцев назад +9

      im OG fan, so tell me, WICH storyline ? cos the original game if you didnt go for tifa, there was no romantic development for her besides the triangle teasing of aerith. the highwind everyone loves to fill their mouths, nothing happens they just talk.
      advent children ? they are a family not a couple, BIG DIFFERENCE. 7th heaven is basically a foster home and cloud is one of the broken children. dont believe me ? in AC Reunion nomura says the relationship with tifa is MATERNAL, because she looks after marlene, the adoped child of cloud (who though aerith sent him), and cloud himself because he is like a big kid. writers words, not mine.
      in AC they sleep in different rooms, when rude and rufus put them in the kids bedroom they are obviously awkward, and when tifa ask if cloud prefer them or a memory, cloud doenst reply and go chase the memory. guy is a merc but is working as a florist delivery man, always late because he takes the longest route, and the only reason is because it pass over a flower field.
      credits in the game are canon, and there is not a single relationship moment of cloud and tifa, meanwhile beside aerith as rosa wich you could say,well that doesnt prove its the romantic option it could be the other 3 options, sure, but they deliberaly picked aerith romantic optional dialogue in costa del sol. they could had picked the bar drink conversation with tifa, but didnt.
      plus they included in the trailer the high aproval romance footage of cloud holding the petal AND they released the trailer a day before clerith day, that honestly i didnt even knew was a thing. marketing is done with research and calculation, so they did it on purpose.

    • @moonmoon2479
      @moonmoon2479 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@bladerjlmao, the anger, the rage.
      They also made Cloud and Tifa kiss deliberately. And call Aerith friend. You can’t get away from that and they are not going to make those non canon, because just like with the rest of the optional stuff in Remake, they didn’t. They assumed it was all canon.

    • @elowei9919
      @elowei9919 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@moonmoon2479 he only calls Aerith friend if you dated Tifa.
      If you dated ANYONE ELSE. Aerith, the guys, Yuffie he doesn’t call Aerith friend. Sorry your statement is false.
      The legend himself Nobou stated in his recent interview stated that no promises to keep is a love song between Aerith and cloud, and the singer Loren stated how she had to learn about cloud and Aerith and how they are one of the most tragic romances in gaming history. 🤷‍♀️
      I’d like to mention as well the voice actor of cloud himself stated, cloud is a complex character with complex emotions and can have feelings for more than 1 person.
      If I’m interlocking my fingers with another guy infront of my man, MULTIPLE TIMES I might add. that’s not a friend lol. Get a grip.

    • @bladerj
      @bladerj 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@moonmoon2479in the not optional embrace in the church, the japanese dialogue aerith gives is thank you, but the diference is context. in japanese culture, when lovers say thank you to one another its a deeper meaning than a mere i love you, that is cloud reacted the way he did.
      so anger, rage ? nah mate. there will be only one world at part 3,we will see if they will acomodate both, otherwise aerith is the only narrative the game pushes.
      and you are wrong, the credits is canon, and they defenitely dont assume tifa optional stuff, in fact rebirth went as far as using the costa del sol romantic conversation with aerith. if they wanted to be dubious they could had excluded this or used tifa drink bar conversation, but they didnt. aerith romance is canon or rather, main narrative plot, since they made sure all is canon with the multiple timelines, but at the end of the day they need one narrative for other mediums

  • @solemijo7860
    @solemijo7860 7 месяцев назад +14

    I prefer Aerith for personality and their chemistry. And if u choose Tifa, there is date with Aerith and they hold hands, hug each other. This is canon, and canon are love songs “hollow” and “no promises to keep” But love with Tifa is okay to. This Romance is good. Cloud like both girls and it depends on us which one he will love. Aerith like cloud more than Zack. For Zack is cissnei for me. She will be alive this time. So peace

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +5

      I think precisely what Rebirth does clearly here is making canon Cloud x Aerith.
      As you say, when your official song is about Aeriths feelings for Cloud theres nothing more to talk about.

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@LeocaprioDinardo Except you again miss the big theme of FF7 Og which is loss. Sometimes in life you fall in love with a girl who dies or your life separates with her. Life moves on, you find others. To think Aerith song means they are destined to be together is missing the point of it. Heck even Loveless goes over this.

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@torchlight1785 the last sentence of the song is "I know you someday come and find me".
      I prefer Tifa relationship but deny what they clearly tell you in Rebirth is being blind.

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@LeocaprioDinardo There is no denying going on. It’s how the story is setting up especially for part 3. Tifa and Cloud have more to their relationship that has still yet to happen.

  • @act110mort048
    @act110mort048 Месяц назад +1

    I like either Clerith or Cloti, but I'll try to be as objective as possible.
    Everyone who's played the OG knows what's going to happen in part 3. I would say, in terms of the game itself, it's more of Clerith. If you notice during the whole OG FF7, Cloud doesn't seem to recall all the memories he had with Tifa, especially after leaving Nibelheim and at his attempts to join SOLDIER. Sure, he's had lots of childhood memories with Tifa, but because of the Jenova cells messing up his mind for 2/3 of the game, I doubt that he had real romantic feelings for Tifa. When Cloud is first formally introduced to Aerith at the church in the slums, it really shows that there was something going on between the both of them. If we fast forward to the gondola ride in the Gold Saucer, Aerith explains that Zack isn't Cloud, and that's okay, and she wants to be with Cloud *at this very moment*. This proves that, although Aerith used to date Zack, she is interested in Cloud, not Zack, at that very moment in the gondola right. Also, it's not only later on when Cloud learns the truth about Nibelheim that he realizes how important Tifa is to him. So, I would say that, for the most part of the game, Cloud clearly has feelings for Aerith, but it's not only later on when Tifa tries to fix his memories that, I guess, Cloud has feelings for Tifa.
    I know that this love triangle has been going on every since OG FF7, but that's what I really think what's going on between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Then what complicates it more is having Zack in the picture. To be honest, Zack, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa and Sephiroth all sort of had a shared history because of the Nibelheim incident. It's because of the Jenova cells in Cloud that creates a false persona in him that he was first-class SOLDIER (i.e. he's Zack), when he actually wasn't. Of course, in the OG FF7, we wouldn't really know who Zack truly was if you didn't go through the additional cutscenes at Nibelheim, but for someone who's never played the OG and went straight to Rebirth, I would say both Tifa and Aerith had feelings for Cloud if we scrap Zack out of the picture. I guess it makes Cloud the more conflicted who his love interest is.
    Anyway, I'd be really excited what happens in part 3.

  • @andrecaldwell4891
    @andrecaldwell4891 7 месяцев назад +5

    I feel like this. For those familiar with Harry Potter. JK was adamant about paring Hermione and Ron. Despite, Harry and Hermione had the better chemistry and simply worked. I feel it’s the same for FF7. Cloud and Tifa are likely cannon. However, it is very clear that he and Aerith are special, more than he and Tifa. I am a Cloud/Tifa fan. Though I am being honest.

  • @NP-Channel
    @NP-Channel 7 месяцев назад +15

    I'll wait for part 3, I want all of the hope for Clerith will be totally destroyed once and for all by SE. I don't care about shipping, it's irrelevant, I care about what is the endgame. Tifa is the endgame of Cloud.

    • @neoexodeath
      @neoexodeath 7 месяцев назад +7

      You say you don't care about shipping, but yet you are a shipper. It's like calling other people racist and while using racist terminology yourself. Your statement is a contradiction in itself.

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@neoexodeathThey are following the OG story but just making it more epic so yes the Tifa Cloud relationship will be expanded. Aerith will most likely just be in dream sequences.

    • @astrea4020
      @astrea4020 6 месяцев назад +2

      You don’t care about shipping but want a ship to “be destroyed once and for all by SE”? Lie more please

  • @elcraneo3d
    @elcraneo3d 6 месяцев назад +2

    I think Tifa clean the floor this time with Aerith and I can explain with a lot of reasons and facts no opinion.
    But I sincerely respect clerith route. I think that if devs allow you to decide it’s cause our decision matters. And yes I too consider the clerith date as the Default date, since we see Zack takes different routes and have different experiences like alternative universes or something like that, I would say that this time maybe all dates happens in different “universes”, simply the one we pick is the route that happens.
    I too believe that this part 2 have a little extra Aerith since it’s her highest point of relationship with Cloud… so anyone picking clerith in this part 2 it’s all right.
    The reason I say Tifa clean the floor it’s exactly the same, the most intimate moment it’s her, you can say that probably happens in an alternate reality since the default could be Aerith date as we say. But regardless of that Cloud act’s different in each date, so it’s what will happen. And sorry Cloud looking for a kiss with Tifa is hundreds of times more intense than handholding with the finger intertwined (I know about this lovers tie handholding, and sure it’s romantic but if we compare to a kiss lip to lip… it’s like Mike Tyson in his peak vs a 5 years old child playing to be a boxer).
    And a small point I want to point out to the author of the video, first good video, but you show only low affection parts with Aerith, in the date of dream world there’s a better answer for Cloud that Aerith likes more, where he show a lot more interest in another date (or hangout since to be honest I never feel that aside GS Cloud feel like a date any of the times Aerith call their hangout as dates, sorry it’s my impression). The other is that in high affection in GS Cloud takes Aerith hand and intertwined his fingers with her and creates a more romantic tone than this one.

  • @darak612
    @darak612 4 месяца назад +3

    We have the winner in the thumbnail of the video

    • @twiyor
      @twiyor 4 месяца назад

      i don’t see tifa

    • @jimi6414
      @jimi6414 14 дней назад

      ​@@twiyorExactly lol

  • @XYGeek119
    @XYGeek119 4 месяца назад +4

    My boy needs therapy first before he can decide on dating

    • @peppergirlrocks
      @peppergirlrocks 3 месяца назад +1

      😂agreed. The lifestram will give him one.

  • @beam087
    @beam087 7 месяцев назад +6

    The fans need to adhere more to the canon story. It's true that Cloud loved Tifa at the beginning, but as the story progressed, he felt more drawn to Aerith. Tifa also noticed this and had to accept it. After Aerith's death, Tifa, even though she knew Cloud didn't love her, brought him back to his senses because she didn't want to lose him as a friend. In Advent Children, Cloud then processes Aerith's death and realizes that his place is not with Aerith, but with Tifa.

    • @twiyor
      @twiyor 4 месяца назад +2

      @danysweetdanyno since she is the one who get kissed, even when aerith is alive, by what logic do y’all even think

  • @Pinxie14
    @Pinxie14 7 месяцев назад +10

    Cloti. period

  • @nickisthemost
    @nickisthemost 7 месяцев назад +13

    Despite being canon the relationship between Cloud and Aerith seems forced. Especially Aerith dragging Cloud everywhere they go. Tifa rarely does that she prefer cloud to lead. That’s why people love her. Cloud and Tifa seem more natural.

    • @twiyor
      @twiyor 4 месяца назад

      im sorry but when were they ever canon ??

  • @simplycity592
    @simplycity592 7 месяцев назад +16


  • @DutchDread
    @DutchDread 7 месяцев назад +15

    For one to be superior there would need to be 2. Cloud x Tifa is superior by default since Cloud x Aerith is imaginary.
    And had it been a thing, it would have been the worst romance in FF history. As I've said before, the version of Aerith and Clouds bond argued for by cleriths is the worst version of Cloud and Aeriths bond, and the version of Cloud and Aerith argued for by Cleriths are the worst versions of Cloud and Aerith.
    Hell, even just the existence of the ship AS a ship has done significant damage to the quality of FFVII as a story.
    Show me a Clerith, and I'll show you someone with the story comprehension capacity of a two year old.
    Clerith, finally a love story that would be worse than twilight.

    • @starseekernate7244
      @starseekernate7244 7 месяцев назад +6

      I think rebirth put a real wedge in this thought process. Why would rebirth put so much focus on Aerith's feelings for Cloud in rebirth if the ship itself has done "significant damage to the quality of FFVII as a story?" The game itself's theme song is a love song as stated by it's creator Uematsu, and Aerith makes references to her meeting with Cloud in it, not Zack. The two also consistently hold hands during the game, and Zack himself chooses to rescue Cloud with one of the main reasons being Aerith's feelings for him.
      If Cloud had absolutely zero romantic attraction towards Aerith, why would he be upset when they didn't win the cutest couple picture contest? Why would he want to go on another date with her? Why would he say "next time?" I already know you're going to probably take part in the Zacloud fallacy argument, so let me tell you the truth. Cloud does not have Zack's memories, personality, or mannerisms. He simply created a false persona with the help of Jenova's cells and the stories Zack told him while they were on the run from Shinra. If you truly believe in the ZaCloud fallacy, that means all of the connections he created during the entirety of OG 7, remake, and rebirth were fake and inconsequential because he was "Not himself, but somebody else." The true Cloud was always there, but hidden under a false Solider persona he crafted with the help of Jenova cells, in order to cope with the fact that he didn't make it into solider.
      "If Cloud and Aerith did have feelings for eachother, then it wasn't real because it was during his time as ZaCloud." If you believe this, then his feelings for Barret, Jessie, Cait Sith, Cid, and the rest of the cast are fake because for 85% of the OG's runtime he's "ZaCloud" according to you.
      I do not understand how "Clerith's have someone with the story comprehension capacity of a two year old" when the game is practically shoving down your throat that she has feelings for Cloud, and is eager to meet the true him.
      I'm not going to sit here and say Cloud x Tifa isn't possibly canon, but I also believe Cloud x Aerith is also possibly canon at this point.

    • @astrea4020
      @astrea4020 6 месяцев назад +5

      Comments like this are why Cloti fans are some of the most hated peoples in fandom space.

    • @DutchDread
      @DutchDread 5 месяцев назад +2

      @astrea4020 why? Because we're right? Stop believing stupid things and you'll stop being called stupid

    • @starseekernate7244
      @starseekernate7244 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@DutchDread No, because you believe yourself to be correct and instead of engaging in debate with Clerith’s, you instead insult every single Clerith’s intelligence and shit on what they like in the same comment.
      You’re just an asshole who’s too deep in his own head, thinks he’s so right, to even consider or think about another group’s thoughts on the matter. Not to mention this doesn’t stop at just RUclips, I’ve seen you be a massive dickhead on twitter too. Rebirth isn’t doing you any favors man, stop making an idiot out of yourself.

  • @StakeMammon
    @StakeMammon 7 месяцев назад +13

    This debate is as dead as best girl. I love Aerith. I love her with Cloud. I think they are perfect for each other and for this very short space in time, I think the two of them were very much in love. But before this? She liked Zack and he liked Tifa. Afterwards, he'll probably end up with Tifa again, and that's fine. Aerith is gone. Do people just expect him to die alone? It's okay to move on. We should want him to heal from his grief and be with someone who can make him happy.

    • @andrewli6606
      @andrewli6606 6 месяцев назад

      Someone with common sense, finally. I like Clerith more as well. If Aerith somehow survives or comes back to life in Part 3, I would 100% choose her roleplaying as Cloud. If she doesn't, I wouldn't expect nor would Aerith want Cloud to be miserable for the rest of his life. If the person that fulfills him is Tifa, so be it.

  • @yaomay
    @yaomay 5 месяцев назад +4

    Thus is so awesome. Thanks for putting this side by side it helps others understand it better how Cloud relationships with the two are truly like. Cloud and Aerith seems to have more of a bestfriend kind of relationship Aerith is more into Cloud,and Cloud and Tifa has more of a deeper connection as a couple a ride and die for you feel. Cloud is more into Tifa and seems to be more in love with Tifa on a different level. Tifa treated Cloud more like a friend until she felt they've gotten closer and fall harder for him after that.

    • @NunnGaming
      @NunnGaming  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the video and thanks for the comments

  • @17jacoyne
    @17jacoyne 3 месяца назад +5

    i personally prefer clerith, mainly becasue it makes for a more interesting story than cloti! the idea of cloud and tifa being in a romantic relationship just seems bland and cliche to me especially in RPG standards!

  • @realdomdom
    @realdomdom 7 месяцев назад +10

    The obvious answer is Cluffie.

  • @LeocaprioDinardo
    @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +9

    I would prefer Cloud x Tifa and thats cool having your preferences.
    Now, after beating Rebirth, those who say Cloud x Tifa is the canon date are fooling theirselves in a way thats dangerous.
    Beyond our preferences or choices theres the story devs wanted to tell us and the story here is ALL about the real romance between Aerith and Cloud.

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 7 месяцев назад +4

      How is it dangerous?
      *spoilers for Rebirth*
      She’s dead. The devs said death in the series would stay permanent. Meaning Cloud and Tifa still is canon until it’s proven that she can return to life. So no it’s not “dangerous” it’s just the way the game is setting up to be.

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@torchlight1785 that you are in a F denial is dangerous if that denial reach the point for you to create your own reality. I mean dangerous for your mental sanity.
      Shes not dead, you understood nothing man you are a F fanatic the moment you said about CxT being canon.
      Theres nothing to talk here then, me prefer like you CxT but unlike you I accept things as they are even if I dont like them.
      You gonna have a real hard time when Part 3 comes if you already didnt playing Rebirth, all the pieces already fallen in their places.

    • @xylver8311
      @xylver8311 7 месяцев назад +3

      why are you lying to yourself that you want Cloud and Tifa

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LeocaprioDinardo Bro didn’t play Rebirth apparently…because the whole party was in tears but Cloud. Because he’s mindf**ked.

    • @LeocaprioDinardo
      @LeocaprioDinardo 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@torchlight1785 ... Live happy in your own world where everything is ideal for you.

  • @GintaFP
    @GintaFP 7 месяцев назад +6

    That's why i prefer the relationship between Tidus and Yuna, they're purely love each other. But for FF7, it should have been Tifa for Cloud and Aerith for Zack. No, i mean Tifa for Cloud and Cissnei for Zack. Aerith? You go to lifestream 😜

  • @yuyumayahaywardjhonson5356
    @yuyumayahaywardjhonson5356 7 месяцев назад +11

    Clerith ..dramatic,tragic romance💔💔

  • @wmen48
    @wmen48 4 месяца назад +1

    Clearly Aerith and Cloud are a 1997 parallel to Jack and Rose from Titanic. Later in the film Rose is seen elderly with a granddaughter so she did go on even if she remembered Jack.
    For me always Clerith because we see them beggining to the end in game. And they fit more like lovers, while Tifa is friend/occasional mother.

  • @SuperHaoken
    @SuperHaoken Месяц назад +1

    I am a clerith but we have to admit Cloud deeply cares for both girls. He couldn’t move for Aerith’s death until her soul told him to do so. Tifa is his heroine in FF7 but Aerith was his heroine in Adventure Children.😊

  • @peppergirlrocks
    @peppergirlrocks 3 месяца назад +3

    CLOTI for the win 😍.

  • @EvelynL.1112
    @EvelynL.1112 6 месяцев назад +2

    I prefer Clerith over Cloti. I used to be a Clerith shipper who enjoyed Clerith content but the toxic Cleriths ruined the ship for me. As a Clerith who also loves Tifa and Zack and can't stand to see them painted as "evil, nasty, horrible, useless side characters", I can confidently say that I am NEVER going back to Clerith. Both Cloti and Clerith can go burn for all I care. I hate both shippers, if only there was a way to make them stop existing.

  • @PamelaKarla-sp3mn
    @PamelaKarla-sp3mn 16 дней назад

    Sou Cloti, também gosto de Clerith, ambos shipper são super fofos.❤

  • @TheLordJesusChrist86
    @TheLordJesusChrist86 4 месяца назад

    Sorry to drop this bomb but Squall and Aerith equals SQUARE

  • @Matagu1
    @Matagu1 6 месяцев назад +11

    Obvious Clerith. They are a tragic love story.

  • @aleksandarhopping7792
    @aleksandarhopping7792 4 месяца назад +1

    its clearly barret, duh

  • @kurearisu
    @kurearisu 3 месяца назад +1

    Rebirth is Clerith coded.

  • @akirazzz2
    @akirazzz2 7 месяцев назад +5

    Cloroth of course

    • @ZhangtheGreat
      @ZhangtheGreat 7 месяцев назад +6

      Trying to disinfect something?😝

  • @Cherry-jd2xj
    @Cherry-jd2xj 6 месяцев назад +4

    aerith is dead and tifa is still the second choice. girl needs to respect herself more its embarrassing

  • @thewhitewolf6715
    @thewhitewolf6715 5 месяцев назад +3

    Cloud and Aerith do have a special bond. But ultimately they are not each other’s true love. Aerith never stopped loving and missing Zack. And Cloud and Tifa… they have an extremely powerful bond and you can see how much they deeply love each other. And Tifa is the only one left who knows the real Cloud and who can bring him out of his false persona that he subconsciously created. Cloud and Tifa are the big love story of FF7 but Aerith is someone special to both of them and has an important role in the story too