Thanks Yuusuke-san and Sayuri-san for the great conversation! Yuusuke-san's channel was the first one I started watching when I decided to complement my Japanese language learning by watching native speakers' podcasts on RUclips a couple of years ago. I really like your straightforward approach and that often you talk about something that is a bit above the usual small talk or popular topics, when you speak about things and problems that make the listener think more than usual. I guess that's the power of a person who can speak from the perspective of their age and experience. I am, being from a different part of the world and having a different cultural mentality, very curious about these problems you often speak in your videos, looking at them from your perspective is an interesting experience for me. Thank you, Yuusuke-san for all the wonderful content you make!
(^3^)/Thank you too! I enjoy these times because I like to talk and exchange ideas with others, even if I don't agree with them. It is an important time for me as it may change my mind and help me to grow. And you can learn Japanese by watching them, that's great😁 Thanks again!
Indispensible content. ありがとうございました
こちらこそ コメントありがとうございます😊
Thanks Yuusuke-san and Sayuri-san for the great conversation! Yuusuke-san's channel was the first one I started watching when I decided to complement my Japanese language learning by watching native speakers' podcasts on RUclips a couple of years ago. I really like your straightforward approach and that often you talk about something that is a bit above the usual small talk or popular topics, when you speak about things and problems that make the listener think more than usual. I guess that's the power of a person who can speak from the perspective of their age and experience. I am, being from a different part of the world and having a different cultural mentality, very curious about these problems you often speak in your videos, looking at them from your perspective is an interesting experience for me. Thank you, Yuusuke-san for all the wonderful content you make!
(^3^)/Thank you too!
I enjoy these times because I like to talk and exchange ideas with others, even if I don't agree with them. It is an important time for me as it may change my mind and help me to grow.
And you can learn Japanese by watching them, that's great😁
Thanks again!
役に立って 良かった!
ゆうすけさんのビデオはめちゃめちゃ(learned from this video)役立ちます。本当にありがとうございます!
こちらこそ コメントありがとうございます😊
Yusuke and Sayuri, you are guys so nice and interesting. Always like watching the way you discuss different topics and share your opinions💫✨
ゆうすけさん新しい動画嬉しい!さやりさんと会話がいつも好きです。義務教育が創造的な人に対して辛い環境と思ってゆうすけと賛成し天才か生み出した大変だね。さゆりさんの言った事も面白い居場所がいない人がすごい作品を作るますね、僕も学生の時居場所いなくて溶け込めなも辛かったから良く友達が少なく一人で時間を過ごした、でもそのお陰で絵を描くかや外国語や日本の文化愛を見つけてその才能を育ています。ゆうすけさん野球の動画見ていてすごくかっこいよくて上手だと思う。今すぐゆうすけさんの最言った皆違いエンタテインメントすごく賛成ドキドキ友達を作る難しいと思うけど、同じ興味をある人を見つけたらすごく嬉しいになる。ゆうすけが天才みいたと思う毎回動画を見てテーマが深くて色な事を見直して例えば 例えば努力をすれば報われるが嘘本当ね、報われるまで努力を継続するですねという現実方がいいすごく賢いと思いいます。
そう、1人でいる時間も悪くない ってことですね😊
Thanks to your videos I managed to pass in JLPT N4❤
N4 おめでとう💕
😂😂😂smile . The first video that open my laughing 😆
( ´∀`)👍
こちらこそ ありがとうございます。
そう、インターネットは多くの知識とチャンスを与えますが 同時に良くないものも与えます。
物事は必ず裏と表 2つの面があることを理解する必要がありますね。
@@moshimoshi.yusuke いつも通り、インターネットとスマホを使いすぎるのは問題です。
日本の古いスポーツは上下関係が厳しいので、多くの親は 自分の子供にスポーツをやらせて日本のマナーを学ばせます。
でも 僕もフィデルさんと同じで 子供の頃は学校終わりに近所の友だちと遊ぶだけでした😁
@@moshimoshi.yusuke 😄😄
僕は子供の頃から 面倒くさいことを避けるために別の方法を探してるだけです。
僕から見たら N4レベルから10ヶ月でN2レベルになったジェニファーさんのほうが天才ですよ。しかも その後N1合格ですよ。それは天才です。
It's not appropriate to smile when Yusuke is describing violence happening at school
I'm telling my own story from 40 years ago and then laughing myself. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Sayuri smiling all the time, thats just the way she is from birth, she said it in the podcast herself so its ok :)
yuusuke sensei has wrinkles now 😭😭