Acts 17 In Him we live and move and have our being

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we saw that Paul had a divine appointment with a jailer. Through this appointment, the jailer and his whole household were saved. God knows how to get us where we need to be, so we can minister to people who need to hear the good news of Jesus. May we be willing to go where the Spirit leads us, just like Paul, with worship and praise in our hearts.
    This week Paul’s second missionary trip will take him to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. Let’s see what Paul tells his audience.
    Questions from Acts 17
    1. Paul came to Thessalonica and reasoned in the synagogue that the Messiah had to suffer, die, and rise from the dead. Why was it important to make this point about the Messiah, and who was Paul able to persuade? Vs 1-4
    2. Jason welcomed Paul and Silas into his home. What happen to him when the Jews incited a mob to start a riot in the city? Vs 5-9
    3. Like Jason, has it ever cost you to do the work God has called you to do?
    4. Paul and Silas made a quick getaway during the night and went to Berea. What was the Bereans reaction to the gospel message? Vs 10-12
    5. How could studying the scriptures, and asking for the Holy Spirits’ discernment, keep you from believing false doctrines?
    6. The troublemakers continued following Paul, Silas, and Timothy. Berean men escorted Paul to Athens and the others would follow later. What distressed Paul in Athens? Vs 13-16
    7. Paul spoke with Epicureans and Stoic philosophers and was invited to a meeting of the Areopagus (hill of Ares - Ares was the Greek god of thunder and war). They spent their time talking about the latest ideas. How did Paul tactfully address them and draw them in? Vs 17-23
    8. Paul always met people right where they were. People are less resistant this way, but it requires truly listening and understanding their thinking. How could you use this when witnessing to people?
    9. The next section is a beautiful discourse about God and how He is so much more than an idol. List each description and ponder its truth. Vs 24-26
    10. God created us so that we could find him; we are his offspring. How does being God's offspring shed light on who God is, and how would this differ from a god who is an idol, or a graven image? Vs 27-29
    11. Why do you think it is important for us to repent before the man appointed to judge the world, judges it? Vs 30-31 See Romans 2:5-11
    12. Once again there was dissension when Paul mentioned the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Even with this dissension, do you think this was a successful meeting? Why or why not? Vs 32-34
    Paul spent time talking to, and really listening to people. He was passionate about sharing the good news that Jesus had risen, and that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah), according to the scripture. May we too be purposeful in our conversations and share the good news of Jesus.

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