Ձայն Արարատի 13 - Ազգային գաղափարախոսություն / Armenology - National Ideology

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 23

  • @hiyanavaris6473
    @hiyanavaris6473 11 лет назад +6

    Շնորհակալություն Ձեզ և Արթուր Արմինին

  • @ՎասակՍյունի
    @ՎասակՍյունի 9 лет назад +5

    Աշոտ ջան ետե մինչև հիմա չեն հասկազել, հույս չունեմ վոր հետագայում կհասկանան վոր , հայ ազգ@ դարել ե հրեասեր և հրեապաշտ, զավոք սրտի

  • @AkopianJaneta
    @AkopianJaneta 11 лет назад +3


  • @MrFunnygirl9
    @MrFunnygirl9 10 лет назад +5

    erani te hayere bolore het gnain irench jisht u hin havatqin vor norich irench trver imastutyune vor unesel en mer naxninere. Qristoneutyunich heto hayere gnalov korchrecin ev tarachqner ev imastutyun vore shat chavaly e

  • @mikematevosyan6508
    @mikematevosyan6508 10 лет назад +1

    На́ция (от лат. natio - племя, народ) - социально-экономическая, культурно-политическая и духовная общность индустриальной эпохи[1]. Не путать с национальностью.
    Существует также и такое определение: "Нация - это исторически сложившаяся, устойчивая общность людей, возникшая на базе общности языка, территории, экономической жизни, а также на основе специфической только для данного этноса, добровольно и естественно принимаемой всеми национальной культуры и формируемого на ее основе национального интереса".[2].
    Существует два основных подхода к пониманию нации: как политической общности граждан определенного государства и как этнической общности (формой существования одного, либо нескольких совместно проживающих этносов) с единым языком и самосознанием.
    В международном праве является синонимом национального государства.

  • @mikematevosyan6508
    @mikematevosyan6508 10 лет назад

    Наро́д - 1) население определенной страны; 2) историческая общность людей[1].
    Слово «народ» употребляется в научной литературе в двух основных значениях - в политическом и в культурно-этническом. Взятый в первом значении термин является синонимом понятия «нация»[1].
    В «народной этнологии» слово «народ» является центральным понятием, трактуемым на основе оппозиции «свой-чужой»: в фольклорных легендах и верованиях со своим народом связывается представление о норме, в то время как «чужие» народы рассматриваются как аномальные в физическом, социальном или моральном отпошении. См. Инородец, Свой-Чужой, Сосед[2].

  • @СмбатА
    @СмбатА Год назад


  • @pogoskazaryan7236
    @pogoskazaryan7236 Год назад


  • @mikematevosyan6508
    @mikematevosyan6508 10 лет назад

    The Goddess of Lust, Plague, and Infertility
    The Plague Queen - Aelyria
    Mistress of Desire - Syl'rosia
    Unisa - Kemite
    Mulin - Dwarven
    F'ilusssa - Saurid
    Lady Lust - Cether
    Plague Bringer - Cyraxian
    Mother of Darkness - Vysstichi
    Chaotic Evil
    Velys, The Plane of Lies
    As long as there has been beauty, there has been lust to mar it. As long as there has been health, there has been disease to plague it. As long as there have been newborn babes, there has been infertility. Throughout it all, there has been Haya, Goddess of Lust, Plague, and Infertility, an insatiable Goddess always on the hunt for new pleasures, new pains and new ways of both experiencing and administering all of it. Haya, despite what many may believe, is a vengeful, jealous, and conniving goddess. She uses her seductive powers to get what she wants and when that fails, she acts out maliciously. She demands those that worship her to be more than just sexual deviants, but also to offer up onto her sentient sacrifice.
    Her origins have been a mystery to many and proposals on how she came into being are numerous. One of the more widely accepted beliefs is that Haya is in fact the product of one of her husband Meephos' greatest acts of sin. What that act may have been is impossible to speculate, however, it would mean that Meephos and Haya are two divine beings engaged in immoral acts beyond understanding. Whatever her true origins may be, Haya is the wife and lover of Meephos, God of Greed and Passion, as well as his greatest competitor.
    Finding the chaotic and grotesque reality of Aeternia to be beneath her, Haya resides in a palatial fortress overlooking the city of Velys in the Plane of Lies with her husband. The relationship between Haya and Meephos is a complex one to be certain. They routinely engage in carnal acts of unspeakable depravity while at the same time plotting against each other for an upper hand. While Meephos is a wandering god, often spreading corruption throughout the realms, Haya spends much time in her palace, catered to by a harem of slaves; both male and female of all races from multiple planes of existence. It is said that when one of her slaves fails to please her in a manner she finds acceptable, she unleashes plague, drought and disease upon random locations across the multiverse. She is the mother of the first succubus and has spawned numerous offspring, Meephos not always being the other half of such creative sessions. She inspires lust in men and women while delighting in the destruction such inspirations cause.
    Haya is far beyond the goddess of simple prostitutes and has rightfully earned her position in Aeternia. While she inspires the lust behind all sexual deviances, Haya is much more sinister than that. Her other areas of influence are often overlooked. Not only doe she seek the sickest carnal delights, mixing pain and pleasure to such a degree to bring near insanity, she also plagues Telath with horrible diseases that mar, disfigure and kill. And she fights Carmelya by making the wombs of women shrivel and become barren. Followers of Haya often engage in sexual acts of such horrors that it concludes with the death of the victim, a sacrifice to their dark goddess.
    Common Appearance
    Haya is most well known to appear as a seductively beautiful, tall Vysstichi female dressed entirely in black; to gaze upon her inspires feelings of near uncontrollable lust. Some have even been said to fall victim to a horrific disease after gazing upon her nude visage for even the briefest of seconds. Though it is said that if one stares deeply into her lustful smile or seductive eyes, one will be lost in a sea of darkness of unknown horrors, seeing all the pains and plagues Telath has ever known. The Vysstichi however hold Haya in high regard and this is why she is most commonly seen in Vysstichi form, seeing her as the model of perfection. They hold their underground temples of lust and sin as sacred sites where all manner of carnal delight may be had.
    It is said that to dwarves she has appeared as a female dwarf marred with boils and drooling blisters whose touch alone sucks the health from the living. Even the saurids have the legend of F'ilusssa, the Black Queen, a saurid of unknown subspecies resembling a shorter, lithe, black Tyranoid of great beauty who spreads disease to those she meets and devours them following their death.
    Although a dark, lustful beauty is the most common form she has been known to take, the goddess also assumes an incorporeal form: a thick, black mist. This form has been said to do multiple things from inciting crowds into malicious, uncontrollable sexual activities to bringing about plagues and illnesses upon entire cities. Because of this, this form is also sometimes referred to as the Plaque Wind. In this form, Haya has also been known to sneak into the rooms of women during the darkening, pouring into their wombs and causing them to wither, taking away their fertility permanently.
    Organization of the Religion
    Many naïve people forget that Haya is the goddess of more than just lust and look at her beautiful physique in awe. They think that she is misplaced and has a brighter side to her than what the Church of the Faith portrays. They are incredibly far from the truth. While Haya is commonly worshipped in places of prostitution, she gives them more than what they asked for: along with inciting men’s lust, she plagues the establishments with diseases, using lust to spread them. Despite this, Haya is one of the most commonly worshipped of the Aeternian deities and her shrines and temples are found relatively commonly throughout the Kingdom. Her places of worship are attended to by priestesses and shrine maidens who tend to be beautiful, shining examples of their race who indulge in carnal pleasures in the name of their chosen goddess. The shrines themselves are more secretive than the locations they are found in, however, and ritualized living sacrifices are common. These rituals often involve great amounts of lust-filled indulgence and pain that end in death. Haya looks favorably on followers who destroy families through driving husbands, wives, and even sons and daughters into infidelity and incest.
    Although the shrine maidens are the most common of her more devoted followers, Haya's worship also takes the form of a much more sinister and grotesque manifestation that promotes the aspects of plague and disease. The ranks of this form of worship are filled by men and women alike although women still tend to dominate. Plaguebringers or Plaguemaidens, as they are known, are followers of Haya who work to spread plague, disease and infertility throughout Telath. They are often carriers of horrifically debilitating diseases though they do not always appear as such. In fact many are also shining examples of beauty and perfection or appear to be. Those who spread disease, famine and pestilence are also looked favorably upon by the Plague Queen. In fact, most of Haya’s worshippers are diseased and her more lustful followers are used to spread venereal illnesses.
    One of the lesser-known factions of Haya's worship is a more militaristic one. Made up entirely of women, they bring together all aspects of their goddess into one being. Identified by their full-body, form fitting, black leather armor and featureless black leather masks, these seductively beautiful women are highly skilled assassins known as Mar'lust or Daughters of Haya. Their favored weapon is a whip with barbs woven into it. These barbs are covered with dry, dusty residue that when brought into contact with blood, inflicts a horrifically debilitating disease known as "Haya's Passion". It starts off as a minor itch around the infected area and as it spreads, it intensifies in the groin and facial areas. As the itch grows in severity, the skin will redden and eventually split, releasing a black, foul smelling fluid that is highly contagious if touched. The disease resists most healing attempts both conventional and arcane and will end with the victim's face and genitals both grotesquely deformed and leaving the victim as infertile or barren. The Mar'lust are rare and must undergo harsh training in all areas of Haya's domain in order to be accepted. They often undergo extreme trials of painful bondage, torture as well as seduction, manipulation, the art of sinful lovemaking along with weapons training and the art of successful assassination.
    The Mar’lust are also highly trained in the arts of seduction and poisons, using both to lure and entrance their victims so that they can kill and sacrifice them in honor of the Goddess of Aeternia. Mar’lust attempt to emulate all aspects of their goddess and are, without exception, incredibly beautiful women who all are diseased with horrible and highly contagious illnesses. Haya spars them from suffering from these illnesses so that they can be vessels to spread them further. One of their chosen emblems is the Black Widow spider.
    To be chosen by Haya to serve as a member of her harem in the afterlife is a gift many followers seek yet few attain.
    Velys, The Plane of Lies
    Although Velys, the Plane of Lies is ruled over by Meephos, Haya is almost his equal in influence. Within their dark palace, Haya commands an entire harem of men and women from all planes and all races. Reality within the palace is under constant change as Haya presents unfathomable scenarios where her slaves take part in every sin and every act of lust, pain and bondage one could imagine. The souls she has enslaved endure pleasures so great that they almost shatter beneath the onslaught. They are also exposed to pain and torture of such intensity that many simple fade into oblivion from the strain thus forcing Haya to regularly replace and expand her collection. When she is feeling bored of her slaves, she will sometimes wander Velys in search of other toys while also venturing into other realms for similar playthings. One of the more disturbing aspects of Haya's harem is the fact that many of her offspring also tend to her desires and some are known to inflict torment upon slaves that almost comes close to that of Haya, Herself.
    Haya's Sacred Symbols
    The Heart-Shaped Ruby - This symbol is one most used by Haya's followers who wish to focus solely upon the sexual, lustful side of their Goddess. It is often found in association with nude statues of a beautiful woman and although representing great beauty, the ruby is often found in shrines where living sacrifices are made.
    The Seductress - Perhaps the most well known symbol, the Seductress bares the visage of a woman of intense beauty with a lustful gaze and a slight edge to her posture. Often the seductress is nude but she is also seen with long black hair spiraling around her body, covering her breast and waist. Depictions of the same seductress dressed all in black are also common.
    The Plague Wind - A symbol found more in paintings and drawings, the Plague Wind is a brown, shapeless, slow moving fog that saps the health from all that it contacts and spreads disease and drought in its wake. Some Plaguebringers and Plaguemaidens take on this symbol by wearing flowing brown robes and featureless brown masks during ceremonies and various religious gatherings.
    The Plague Rat - This is symbol is an important symbol to Plaguebringers and is a symbol that invokes fear and revulsion among the unfaithful. Throughout history, rats have been associated with filth, plague and disease. This is a just connotation as Haya often uses the rat as the harbinger of plague and pestilence. Some of the more putrid of her followers surround themselves with rats and hold such vermin in the highest regard.
    The Featureless Mask - The mask is often used in various acts of bondage and also symbolizes mystery, an element of seduction. It is a symbol used by shrine maidens and plaguebringers alike. Appearing as a smooth, featureless mask with two eye-slits, the symbol is often found in use by those taking part in various rituals and rites.
    The Black Widow - This spider is seen by many as the ultimate symbol of Haya because it is both deceptively elegant and beautiful, just like their goddess. Also like their goddess, it is a powerful killer that kills its mate after mating. The Mar’lust use this as their emblem.
    Rites, Oaths, and Rituals
    Rites and rituals performed in the name of Haya are nearly countless. They take the form of sinful bondage and acts of lust, pain and torture. They also include practices of mutilation, defilement and devastation. Such are not for the faint of heart and those new to the following and potential inductees are often shocked at the severity of such practices to the point that many do not continue very far. It is important to note that such individuals are often enslaved anyway so either way they become influenced by the will of the goddess.
    The Offering - This ritual is a common yet no less sacred one used by all followers of Haya. It involves ritualized bondage, sinful acts of sex, torture, mutilation and any number of painful and pleasurable actions upon the one who is to be ultimately sacrificed to the goddess. The sacrifice itself can take many forms depending on the particular shrine or temple and may include piercing of the heart by a ceremonial dagger or even severe mutilation to the point of death just to name a couple. Most important ceremonies are ended with the Offering.
    Haya's Dance - One of the most used and enjoyable rites performed by Haya's followers is Haya's Dance. Although held as sacred, this rite is little more than an intense orgy of lust and sin between two or usually more people that last for many candlemarks and with the help of stimulants, much longer. Those engaging in the Dance are often left physically and mentally drained and scarred from the experience. What all takes place in the Dance varies with every occurrence yet it is always intense. The dance may also be used as tool for inducting and training new maidens and even important slaves. During the dance, pain and pleasure are mixed so seamlessly that it is nearly impossible to determine when one is experiencing on or the other.
    Rite of Infection - This rite is specific to those who worship the plague and infectious aspect of Haya, though many shrine maidens and priestesses will go through it as well. It is used to punish as well as induct others into the following. Those undergoing this rite are exposed to various diseases transmitted through a variety of means. They are left in isolation for anwhere from full brightenings to cycles and even months as the diseases spread and inflict horrible debilitation. If one is being punished in such a manner, they rarely survive. If one is being inducted into the following, they are brought to the point of death at which time they are visited by Haya in one of her varying diseased forms be it the rat, the wind, or plague victim. She then commends their devotion to her and their strength of will not to give in to the horrors she has wrought upon them. She then contains the effects of the plagues and grants the new plaguebearer beauty and outward perfection. Inside they remain infectious and diseased though they feel none of it.
    Birth of a Daughter - The creation of a Mar'lust is a special event and involves not only the Rite of Infection but also the special ritual called the Birth of a Daughter. This ritual is meant to rid the potential "Daughter" of all moral restraints to the point that their entire being is devoted to Haya such that if they were required to take their own lives in Her name, they would do so instantly and without question. This ritual involves a former or current friend or loved-one being captured. The would-be Daughter must then perform The Offering. If Haya is pleased with the lengths the would-be Daughter is willing to go in the Offering, She grants the person the status of Mar'lust.
    Desecration of the Womb - This act is a tribute to Haya, appealing to her by marring fertility. For this act, a woman has just recently given birth is kidnapped along with the infant. Before the mother’s eyes, the newborn baby is sacrificed to Haya mercilessly. The mother is then forced to experience Haya’s Dance and made infertile. The ultimate act of cruelty is that she is allowed to live after experiencing so many horrors or forced to be a slave to the Hayans until they kill her later.
    Holidays and Holy Sites
    Haya's holy sites are found in brothels and various Houses of Sin in many a city and town. Shrines of all sizes are found here and in some places, full-blown temples devoted to lust, bondage, sin and all aspects of sado-masochism exist. High-Priestesses of Haya most often operate in the large temples, most often found in Vysstichi cities and settlements of varying size. Temples and Shrines vary in structure although symbols of Haya can be found throughout even the smallest of locations. Massage parlors, bathhouses and less obvious locations often hide some of the more intense shrines. She also favors hospitals and clinics, plaguing them so that the diseases inside spread and multiply rather than become cured.
    Minions and Relatives
    Jorel - The God of Chaos resides within and rules Aeternia. Haya is fond of teasing and inciting Jorel's rage only to retreat back to Velys and under the protective hand of her husband, Meephos. Jorel and her have been said to have had various encounters yet this may only be rumor spread to cause strife between her and Meephos.
    Meephos - The God of Greed and Passion and Haya's lover and husband. Her and Meephos have a strange relationship mixed with passion and competition. They are lovers and competitors, constantly working together in schemes to corrupt and twist others while at the same time trying to destroy each other's well laid plans.
    Jalat - The God of Death has proven to be quite a challenge for Haya. He spurns her advances and shrugs off her seduction. Although one would think this would only serve to spur Haya into greater attempts at breaking him, it merely infuriates her. She sees him as a dried up, emotionless husk with no drive and no desire found in any bone of his body.
    Turtas - This bloated, unliving being was the stillborn, female offspring of Haya and Meephos. It was granted unlife by the twisted powers of Velys and thus became the first true Liche. Demi-Goddess of Lies, Turtus rules the city of Velys in her father's name, inflicting unnamed horrors upon the enslaved souls trapped in the realm. To Haya, Turtas is something of a disappointment and Haya leaves Turtas to whatever twisted desires she may have.
    Alithea - Another product of a union between Haya and Meephos, Alithea is the first succubus and mother to all who came after. She exemplifies everything one would think of in a succubus, beauty, lust, corruption and danger. Demi-Goddess of Corruption, Alithea wanders the Material Realm as well as others, inspiring corruption and aiding her own offspring in spreading ruination among all whom they encounter. She is her mother's greatest joy and most favored child whom Haya showers with the closest thing she has to true affection. Haya often aids her daughter in corrupting ventures in varying planes.
    Penglios - Said to be the drippings of a pustule popped from one of Haya's diseased manifestations, Penglios appears as a four-foot tall, mange-covered, plague-infected, moderately-obese, humanoid rat. His voice is a wheezing, coughing sound that causes him to spit up puss with every word. He has the nasty habit of gnawing on his own tail which is perpetually scarred and bleeding. Penglios is always accompanied by a swarm of vermin, mostly rats, and wherever he goes, plague, pestilence, famine and drought follow. He is said to also be the progenitor of a unique form of wererat, who worship him as the Demi-God of Pestilence.
    Armeni and Ero - These twin sons are the product of Haya and Jorel and are the demi-gods of incest and are as intoxicatingly beautiful as their mother. Together, they engage in horrifying and sinful acts of pleasure and pain made all the more grotesque because of their relations. Armeni is said to be the Angel of Dark Pleasure and Ero is the Angel of Addicting Pain, both spend great deals of time on the Material Plane luring both male and female victims into their deathly embrace and spreading incest in their wake. Haya favors these sons greatly for the services they do for; it is rumored that Haya engages in sexual acts with Armeni and Ero, further damning their incestuous ways.
    Zyrgra - A young woman who got tortured and sacrificed in Haya's name. After her death she descended to Velys and served as the Demoness of Starvation and became Haya's minion. She brings pain and starvation wherever she goes and still does her mistress' work.
    Haya and Meephos; A Love to Hate Relationship
    The relationship between Haya and Meephos is a complex and twisted one. If legends are true, Haya is somehow the product of ultimate sin on the part of Meephos as well as his lover. Despite their unquenchable desire for another, fostered by a mutual love of sin and corruption, the two also engage in unfathomable levels of competition. Each strives to one-up the other and bring ruin to well-laid plans. If not for their odd wanting of one another, they would have long ago destroyed each other. Nevertheless, there has been proof throughout the ages of their mortal followers occasionally banding together to achieve mutual goals. Such cults, if possible, are even more depraved together than they are separate and are the source of pure corruption and tormented delights. It is inevitable though that these alliances are wrought with secretive backstabbing and deceit.
    Where Meephos thrives on the corruption and manipulation of others, Haya drowns herself in finding pleasure in the pain of others and, in contrast, the pain in their pleasures. It is a sensation that knows no end and there is little that can satisfy Haya's hunger for pleasure and pain. This hunger is evident in the mortal realm where lust and pestilence leaves pain in their wake yet never cease the hunt for more.
    Champions and Notables
    Floh’l - High Priestess of the Temple of Carnal Love in Har'oloth.
    Mistress Mina'Voril - Vysstichi Shrine Maiden who is famed among Haya's followers as the one who enacted the Offering on a vastly influential Sylrosian noble in ages past.
    Murgan Bloodblade - Kemite priestess operating somewhere in the vicinity of Zinn'Sunn. Skilled Necromancer.
    Illiv - First Mar'lust, Dark Elf and reigning High Priestess of the Order. She is said to have murdered thousands in her time and has assured her place as important figure in Haya's harem.
    Misson Vale - High Plaguebringer, one of the only male followers to hold such a title. Known to have brought many a pestilence to numerous regions.
    Saerynth Falloe'e - A High Priestess of Haya who was said to have killed thousands of infants, sterilized hundreds of men and women, and performed the Offering on all ten of her own children and husband.
    There are many maidens, priests, priestesses and bearers serving Haya across the land. Many even serve as public servants as well taking on the role of average citizens. Their private second lives are beyond what most people can comprehend. It is this secret, this mystery, and the hidden lives they live that leave a sweet taste in their mouths that is only topped by the actions they perform behind closed doors.
    Bases of Power
    Haya's following, by and large, is not a militaristic group nor is it a political or economic group. They are devoted to lust, pain, pleasure and related acts and of course plague and pestilence. Perhaps the greatest source of Haya worship would be found in the cities of the Vysstichi, Har'oloth, Herozzel, and Hon'elgg, where the dark elf culture is closely aligned with the tenets of the Mother of Darkness. In these cities, temples are erected in her honor while women hold much, if not all, of the power while men are retained for pleasure and servitude. Of course smaller followings are scattered about in nearly every city across the land though unlike the dark elf cities, the smaller shrines to Haya are kept secret or operate under a facade of innocence.
    Temple of Carnal Love - Har'oloth
    Temple of the Damned - Herozzal
    Important Artifacts
    Haya's Heart - Haya's Heart is a small, heart-shaped ruby just big enough to fit in the palm of one's hand while their fingers close over it. It is attached to a fine, black steel chain covered in tiny barbs. The barbs are not large enough to break the skin but do make wearing the item around the neck rather uncomfortable. The Heart has the ability to draw upon the touch of the Goddess and give the wearer the physical beauty and aura of one who is irresistible in appearance and presence. The change is real and constant as long as the Heart is worn and the chain and ruby make constant contact with the flesh. There is only a small handful of these items thought to exist with only three known for certain. Hearts function only for the most devout followers of Haya.
    Pain and Pleasure Glove - This unique item takes the form of a single glove of the finest, softest silk. A touch from someone wearing the glove is said to fill a person with such pleasure that they become immediately addicted to the sensation. There is another aspect to the glove however that is not so pleasant. If the wearer chooses, they may alter the feeling of the glove upon those whom they touch. This feeling is one of piercing pain of such intensity one feels as though their flesh is being flayed. The glove reacts to the desires of the wearer and functions only for one devoted to Haya. Only one is known to exist.
    Plague Mask - This brown, featureless mask is forged from lightweight steel with the only thing marring its smooth surface being two slits to see through. When the proper prayer is uttered, the edge of the mask releases a fine cloud of dust in a five foot radius around the wearer. This is in reality a cloud of pure disease, the actual kind varies and is unpredictable. Even diseases normally contracted through blood or other fluids are transmitted through simple contact with the cloud. These masks are more common than the faithless may wish as most ranking plaguebearers are granted the item upon noticed acts done in the name of the Goddess.
    Rod of Pestilence - This simple black rod of steel is topped with a bronze head of a rat with the other end sharpened to a point. They are used by plaguebearers as batteries of disease, plague, famine and pestilence. Often found sticking from the ground in remote areas, these rods act as focal points for the goddess' wrath. They can affect up to a 50 mile radius and their effects are devastating. When activated, the rod causes all plants in the area to dry up and die. Livestock and other animals immediately fall over dead and from the bodies erupt swarms of swarms of vermin that wash over the land like a plague. Sickness and disease run rampant among sentient beings with cures both traditional and arcanic having resisted effects. This will last as long as the rod is in contact with ground and the only way to eliminate the disaster is to find the rod and pull it free. Contact with the rod by anyone other than a servant of Haya will result in the offender suffering all of the effects of the rod upon themselves a hundred fold.
    Baby’s Breath Net - This is a cluster of diamonds interlocked using a fine, black steel chain. They are cut to look like the tiny flower known as Baby’s Breath. This net of diamonds, when placed over the face of an infant less than one era old will cause the baby to instantly die. Also, when placed upon the belly of a woman or the groin of a man, it will cause sterility and infertility. There are a handful of these around and it is said that the most dedicated priestesses know how to craft them.

  • @haruttovmas3955
    @haruttovmas3955 5 лет назад

    Применительно к какой либо этнической популяции понятие генотип является некорректным речь скорее должен идти не о генотипе а о генофонде какого либо этноса, что касается конкретно армян то генофонд армян состоит из 12 гаплогрупп из которых R1b и J2 самые крупные а J1 и G средние остальные же 8 гаплогрупп незначительные так что говорить о каком то якобы этническом армянском гене это абсурд, антинаучный миф для быдла...

  • @haruttovmas3955
    @haruttovmas3955 5 лет назад +1

    Эйа ( hайа) била не армянским а шумеро - акадским божеством мудрости и подземного мира, так что хватит одурачивать народ арменистскими небылицами

  • @spanoxsatkacnem4617
    @spanoxsatkacnem4617 Год назад


  • @mikematevosyan6508
    @mikematevosyan6508 10 лет назад

    The Goddess of Lust, Plague, and Infertility
    The Plague Queen - Aelyria
    Mistress of Desire - Syl'rosia
    Unisa - Kemite
    Mulin - Dwarven
    F'ilusssa - Saurid
    Lady Lust - Cether
    Plague Bringer - Cyraxian
    Mother of Darkness - Vysstichi
    Chaotic Evil
    Velys, The Plane of Lies
    As long as there has been beauty, there has been lust to mar it. As long as there has been health, there has been disease to plague it. As long as there have been newborn babes, there has been infertility. Throughout it all, there has been Haya, Goddess of Lust, Plague, and Infertility, an insatiable Goddess always on the hunt for new pleasures, new pains and new ways of both experiencing and administering all of it. Haya, despite what many may believe, is a vengeful, jealous, and conniving goddess. She uses her seductive powers to get what she wants and when that fails, she acts out maliciously. She demands those that worship her to be more than just sexual deviants, but also to offer up onto her sentient sacrifice.
    Her origins have been a mystery to many and proposals on how she came into being are numerous. One of the more widely accepted beliefs is that Haya is in fact the product of one of her husband Meephos' greatest acts of sin. What that act may have been is impossible to speculate, however, it would mean that Meephos and Haya are two divine beings engaged in immoral acts beyond understanding. Whatever her true origins may be, Haya is the wife and lover of Meephos, God of Greed and Passion, as well as his greatest competitor.
    Finding the chaotic and grotesque reality of Aeternia to be beneath her, Haya resides in a palatial fortress overlooking the city of Velys in the Plane of Lies with her husband. The relationship between Haya and Meephos is a complex one to be certain. They routinely engage in carnal acts of unspeakable depravity while at the same time plotting against each other for an upper hand. While Meephos is a wandering god, often spreading corruption throughout the realms, Haya spends much time in her palace, catered to by a harem of slaves; both male and female of all races from multiple planes of existence. It is said that when one of her slaves fails to please her in a manner she finds acceptable, she unleashes plague, drought and disease upon random locations across the multiverse. She is the mother of the first succubus and has spawned numerous offspring, Meephos not always being the other half of such creative sessions. She inspires lust in men and women while delighting in the destruction such inspirations cause.
    Haya is far beyond the goddess of simple prostitutes and has rightfully earned her position in Aeternia. While she inspires the lust behind all sexual deviances, Haya is much more sinister than that. Her other areas of influence are often overlooked. Not only doe she seek the sickest carnal delights, mixing pain and pleasure to such a degree to bring near insanity, she also plagues Telath with horrible diseases that mar, disfigure and kill. And she fights Carmelya by making the wombs of women shrivel and become barren. Followers of Haya often engage in sexual acts of such horrors that it concludes with the death of the victim, a sacrifice to their dark goddess.
    Common Appearance
    Haya is most well known to appear as a seductively beautiful, tall Vysstichi female dressed entirely in black; to gaze upon her inspires feelings of near uncontrollable lust. Some have even been said to fall victim to a horrific disease after gazing upon her nude visage for even the briefest of seconds. Though it is said that if one stares deeply into her lustful smile or seductive eyes, one will be lost in a sea of darkness of unknown horrors, seeing all the pains and plagues Telath has ever known. The Vysstichi however hold Haya in high regard and this is why she is most commonly seen in Vysstichi form, seeing her as the model of perfection. They hold their underground temples of lust and sin as sacred sites where all manner of carnal delight may be had.
    It is said that to dwarves she has appeared as a female dwarf marred with boils and drooling blisters whose touch alone sucks the health from the living. Even the saurids have the legend of F'ilusssa, the Black Queen, a saurid of unknown subspecies resembling a shorter, lithe, black Tyranoid of great beauty who spreads disease to those she meets and devours them following their death.
    Although a dark, lustful beauty is the most common form she has been known to take, the goddess also assumes an incorporeal form: a thick, black mist. This form has been said to do multiple things from inciting crowds into malicious, uncontrollable sexual activities to bringing about plagues and illnesses upon entire cities. Because of this, this form is also sometimes referred to as the Plaque Wind. In this form, Haya has also been known to sneak into the rooms of women during the darkening, pouring into their wombs and causing them to wither, taking away their fertility permanently.
    Organization of the Religion
    Many naïve people forget that Haya is the goddess of more than just lust and look at her beautiful physique in awe. They think that she is misplaced and has a brighter side to her than what the Church of the Faith portrays. They are incredibly far from the truth. While Haya is commonly worshipped in places of prostitution, she gives them more than what they asked for: along with inciting men’s lust, she plagues the establishments with diseases, using lust to spread them. Despite this, Haya is one of the most commonly worshipped of the Aeternian deities and her shrines and temples are found relatively commonly throughout the Kingdom. Her places of worship are attended to by priestesses and shrine maidens who tend to be beautiful, shining examples of their race who indulge in carnal pleasures in the name of their chosen goddess. The shrines themselves are more secretive than the locations they are found in, however, and ritualized living sacrifices are common. These rituals often involve great amounts of lust-filled indulgence and pain that end in death. Haya looks favorably on followers who destroy families through driving husbands, wives, and even sons and daughters into infidelity and incest.
    Although the shrine maidens are the most common of her more devoted followers, Haya's worship also takes the form of a much more sinister and grotesque manifestation that promotes the aspects of plague and disease. The ranks of this form of worship are filled by men and women alike although women still tend to dominate. Plaguebringers or Plaguemaidens, as they are known, are followers of Haya who work to spread plague, disease and infertility throughout Telath. They are often carriers of horrifically debilitating diseases though they do not always appear as such. In fact many are also shining examples of beauty and perfection or appear to be. Those who spread disease, famine and pestilence are also looked favorably upon by the Plague Queen. In fact, most of Haya’s worshippers are diseased and her more lustful followers are used to spread venereal illnesses.
    One of the lesser-known factions of Haya's worship is a more militaristic one. Made up entirely of women, they bring together all aspects of their goddess into one being. Identified by their full-body, form fitting, black leather armor and featureless black leather masks, these seductively beautiful women are highly skilled assassins known as Mar'lust or Daughters of Haya. Their favored weapon is a whip with barbs woven into it. These barbs are covered with dry, dusty residue that when brought into contact with blood, inflicts a horrifically debilitating disease known as "Haya's Passion". It starts off as a minor itch around the infected area and as it spreads, it intensifies in the groin and facial areas. As the itch grows in severity, the skin will redden and eventually split, releasing a black, foul smelling fluid that is highly contagious if touched. The disease resists most healing attempts both conventional and arcane and will end with the victim's face and genitals both grotesquely deformed and leaving the victim as infertile or barren. The Mar'lust are rare and must undergo harsh training in all areas of Haya's domain in order to be accepted. They often undergo extreme trials of painful bondage, torture as well as seduction, manipulation, the art of sinful lovemaking along with weapons training and the art of successful assassination.
    The Mar’lust are also highly trained in the arts of seduction and poisons, using both to lure and entrance their victims so that they can kill and sacrifice them in honor of the Goddess of Aeternia. Mar’lust attempt to emulate all aspects of their goddess and are, without exception, incredibly beautiful women who all are diseased with horrible and highly contagious illnesses. Haya spars them from suffering from these illnesses so that they can be vessels to spread them further. One of their chosen emblems is the Black Widow spider.
    To be chosen by Haya to serve as a member of her harem in the afterlife is a gift many followers seek yet few attain.
    Velys, The Plane of Lies
    Although Velys, the Plane of Lies is ruled over by Meephos, Haya is almost his equal in influence. Within their dark palace, Haya commands an entire harem of men and women from all planes and all races. Reality within the palace is under constant change as Haya presents unfathomable scenarios where her slaves take part in every sin and every act of lust, pain and bondage one could imagine. The souls she has enslaved endure pleasures so great that they almost shatter beneath the onslaught. They are also exposed to pain and torture of such intensity that many simple fade into oblivion from the strain thus forcing Haya to regularly replace and expand her collection. When she is feeling bored of her slaves, she will sometimes wander Velys in search of other toys while also venturing into other realms for similar playthings. One of the more disturbing aspects of Haya's harem is the fact that many of her offspring also tend to her desires and some are known to inflict torment upon slaves that almost comes close to that of Haya, Herself.
    Haya's Sacred Symbols
    The Heart-Shaped Ruby - This symbol is one most used by Haya's followers who wish to focus solely upon the sexual, lustful side of their Goddess. It is often found in association with nude statues of a beautiful woman and although representing great beauty, the ruby is often found in shrines where living sacrifices are made.
    The Seductress - Perhaps the most well known symbol, the Seductress bares the visage of a woman of intense beauty with a lustful gaze and a slight edge to her posture. Often the seductress is nude but she is also seen with long black hair spiraling around her body, covering her breast and waist. Depictions of the same seductress dressed all in black are also common.
    The Plague Wind - A symbol found more in paintings and drawings, the Plague Wind is a brown, shapeless, slow moving fog that saps the health from all that it contacts and spreads disease and drought in its wake. Some Plaguebringers and Plaguemaidens take on this symbol by wearing flowing brown robes and featureless brown masks during ceremonies and various religious gatherings.
    The Plague Rat - This is symbol is an important symbol to Plaguebringers and is a symbol that invokes fear and revulsion among the unfaithful. Throughout history, rats have been associated with filth, plague and disease. This is a just connotation as Haya often uses the rat as the harbinger of plague and pestilence. Some of the more putrid of her followers surround themselves with rats and hold such vermin in the highest regard.
    The Featureless Mask - The mask is often used in various acts of bondage and also symbolizes mystery, an element of seduction. It is a symbol used by shrine maidens and plaguebringers alike. Appearing as a smooth, featureless mask with two eye-slits, the symbol is often found in use by those taking part in various rituals and rites.
    The Black Widow - This spider is seen by many as the ultimate symbol of Haya because it is both deceptively elegant and beautiful, just like their goddess. Also like their goddess, it is a powerful killer that kills its mate after mating. The Mar’lust use this as their emblem.
    Rites, Oaths, and Rituals
    Rites and rituals performed in the name of Haya are nearly countless. They take the form of sinful bondage and acts of lust, pain and torture. They also include practices of mutilation, defilement and devastation. Such are not for the faint of heart and those new to the following and potential inductees are often shocked at the severity of such practices to the point that many do not continue very far. It is important to note that such individuals are often enslaved anyway so either way they become influenced by the will of the goddess.
    The Offering - This ritual is a common yet no less sacred one used by all followers of Haya. It involves ritualized bondage, sinful acts of sex, torture, mutilation and any number of painful and pleasurable actions upon the one who is to be ultimately sacrificed to the goddess. The sacrifice itself can take many forms depending on the particular shrine or temple and may include piercing of the heart by a ceremonial dagger or even severe mutilation to the point of death just to name a couple. Most important ceremonies are ended with the Offering.
    Haya's Dance - One of the most used and enjoyable rites performed by Haya's followers is Haya's Dance. Although held as sacred, this rite is little more than an intense orgy of lust and sin between two or usually more people that last for many candlemarks and with the help of stimulants, much longer. Those engaging in the Dance are often left physically and mentally drained and scarred from the experience. What all takes place in the Dance varies with every occurrence yet it is always intense. The dance may also be used as tool for inducting and training new maidens and even important slaves. During the dance, pain and pleasure are mixed so seamlessly that it is nearly impossible to determine when one is experiencing on or the other.
    Rite of Infection - This rite is specific to those who worship the plague and infectious aspect of Haya, though many shrine maidens and priestesses will go through it as well. It is used to punish as well as induct others into the following. Those undergoing this rite are exposed to various diseases transmitted through a variety of means. They are left in isolation for anwhere from full brightenings to cycles and even months as the diseases spread and inflict horrible debilitation. If one is being punished in such a manner, they rarely survive. If one is being inducted into the following, they are brought to the point of death at which time they are visited by Haya in one of her varying diseased forms be it the rat, the wind, or plague victim. She then commends their devotion to her and their strength of will not to give in to the horrors she has wrought upon them. She then contains the effects of the plagues and grants the new plaguebearer beauty and outward perfection. Inside they remain infectious and diseased though they feel none of it.
    Birth of a Daughter - The creation of a Mar'lust is a special event and involves not only the Rite of Infection but also the special ritual called the Birth of a Daughter. This ritual is meant to rid the potential "Daughter" of all moral restraints to the point that their entire being is devoted to Haya such that if they were required to take their own lives in Her name, they would do so instantly and without question. This ritual involves a former or current friend or loved-one being captured. The would-be Daughter must then perform The Offering. If Haya is pleased with the lengths the would-be Daughter is willing to go in the Offering, She grants the person the status of Mar'lust.
    Desecration of the Womb - This act is a tribute to Haya, appealing to her by marring fertility. For this act, a woman has just recently given birth is kidnapped along with the infant. Before the mother’s eyes, the newborn baby is sacrificed to Haya mercilessly. The mother is then forced to experience Haya’s Dance and made infertile. The ultimate act of cruelty is that she is allowed to live after experiencing so many horrors or forced to be a slave to the Hayans until they kill her later.
    Holidays and Holy Sites
    Haya's holy sites are found in brothels and various Houses of Sin in many a city and town. Shrines of all sizes are found here and in some places, full-blown temples devoted to lust, bondage, sin and all aspects of sado-masochism exist. High-Priestesses of Haya most often operate in the large temples, most often found in Vysstichi cities and settlements of varying size. Temples and Shrines vary in structure although symbols of Haya can be found throughout even the smallest of locations. Massage parlors, bathhouses and less obvious locations often hide some of the more intense shrines. She also favors hospitals and clinics, plaguing them so that the diseases inside spread and multiply rather than become cured.
    Minions and Relatives
    Jorel - The God of Chaos resides within and rules Aeternia. Haya is fond of teasing and inciting Jorel's rage only to retreat back to Velys and under the protective hand of her husband, Meephos. Jorel and her have been said to have had various encounters yet this may only be rumor spread to cause strife between her and Meephos.
    Meephos - The God of Greed and Passion and Haya's lover and husband. Her and Meephos have a strange relationship mixed with passion and competition. They are lovers and competitors, constantly working together in schemes to corrupt and twist others while at the same time trying to destroy each other's well laid plans.
    Jalat - The God of Death has proven to be quite a challenge for Haya. He spurns her advances and shrugs off her seduction. Although one would think this would only serve to spur Haya into greater attempts at breaking him, it merely infuriates her. She sees him as a dried up, emotionless husk with no drive and no desire found in any bone of his body.
    Turtas - This bloated, unliving being was the stillborn, female offspring of Haya and Meephos. It was granted unlife by the twisted powers of Velys and thus became the first true Liche. Demi-Goddess of Lies, Turtus rules the city of Velys in her father's name, inflicting unnamed horrors upon the enslaved souls trapped in the realm. To Haya, Turtas is something of a disappointment and Haya leaves Turtas to whatever twisted desires she may have.
    Alithea - Another product of a union between Haya and Meephos, Alithea is the first succubus and mother to all who came after. She exemplifies everything one would think of in a succubus, beauty, lust, corruption and danger. Demi-Goddess of Corruption, Alithea wanders the Material Realm as well as others, inspiring corruption and aiding her own offspring in spreading ruination among all whom they encounter. She is her mother's greatest joy and most favored child whom Haya showers with the closest thing she has to true affection. Haya often aids her daughter in corrupting ventures in varying planes.
    Penglios - Said to be the drippings of a pustule popped from one of Haya's diseased manifestations, Penglios appears as a four-foot tall, mange-covered, plague-infected, moderately-obese, humanoid rat. His voice is a wheezing, coughing sound that causes him to spit up puss with every word. He has the nasty habit of gnawing on his own tail which is perpetually scarred and bleeding. Penglios is always accompanied by a swarm of vermin, mostly rats, and wherever he goes, plague, pestilence, famine and drought follow. He is said to also be the progenitor of a unique form of wererat, who worship him as the Demi-God of Pestilence.
    Armeni and Ero - These twin sons are the product of Haya and Jorel and are the demi-gods of incest and are as intoxicatingly beautiful as their mother. Together, they engage in horrifying and sinful acts of pleasure and pain made all the more grotesque because of their relations. Armeni is said to be the Angel of Dark Pleasure and Ero is the Angel of Addicting Pain, both spend great deals of time on the Material Plane luring both male and female victims into their deathly embrace and spreading incest in their wake. Haya favors these sons greatly for the services they do for; it is rumored that Haya engages in sexual acts with Armeni and Ero, further damning their incestuous ways.
    Zyrgra - A young woman who got tortured and sacrificed in Haya's name. After her death she descended to Velys and served as the Demoness of Starvation and became Haya's minion. She brings pain and starvation wherever she goes and still does her mistress' work.
    Haya and Meephos; A Love to Hate Relationship
    The relationship between Haya and Meephos is a complex and twisted one. If legends are true, Haya is somehow the product of ultimate sin on the part of Meephos as well as his lover. Despite their unquenchable desire for another, fostered by a mutual love of sin and corruption, the two also engage in unfathomable levels of competition. Each strives to one-up the other and bring ruin to well-laid plans. If not for their odd wanting of one another, they would have long ago destroyed each other. Nevertheless, there has been proof throughout the ages of their mortal followers occasionally banding together to achieve mutual goals. Such cults, if possible, are even more depraved together than they are separate and are the source of pure corruption and tormented delights. It is inevitable though that these alliances are wrought with secretive backstabbing and deceit.
    Where Meephos thrives on the corruption and manipulation of others, Haya drowns herself in finding pleasure in the pain of others and, in contrast, the pain in their pleasures. It is a sensation that knows no end and there is little that can satisfy Haya's hunger for pleasure and pain. This hunger is evident in the mortal realm where lust and pestilence leaves pain in their wake yet never cease the hunt for more.
    Champions and Notables
    Floh’l - High Priestess of the Temple of Carnal Love in Har'oloth.
    Mistress Mina'Voril - Vysstichi Shrine Maiden who is famed among Haya's followers as the one who enacted the Offering on a vastly influential Sylrosian noble in ages past.
    Murgan Bloodblade - Kemite priestess operating somewhere in the vicinity of Zinn'Sunn. Skilled Necromancer.
    Illiv - First Mar'lust, Dark Elf and reigning High Priestess of the Order. She is said to have murdered thousands in her time and has assured her place as important figure in Haya's harem.
    Misson Vale - High Plaguebringer, one of the only male followers to hold such a title. Known to have brought many a pestilence to numerous regions.
    Saerynth Falloe'e - A High Priestess of Haya who was said to have killed thousands of infants, sterilized hundreds of men and women, and performed the Offering on all ten of her own children and husband.
    There are many maidens, priests, priestesses and bearers serving Haya across the land. Many even serve as public servants as well taking on the role of average citizens. Their private second lives are beyond what most people can comprehend. It is this secret, this mystery, and the hidden lives they live that leave a sweet taste in their mouths that is only topped by the actions they perform behind closed doors.
    Bases of Power
    Haya's following, by and large, is not a militaristic group nor is it a political or economic group. They are devoted to lust, pain, pleasure and related acts and of course plague and pestilence. Perhaps the greatest source of Haya worship would be found in the cities of the Vysstichi, Har'oloth, Herozzel, and Hon'elgg, where the dark elf culture is closely aligned with the tenets of the Mother of Darkness. In these cities, temples are erected in her honor while women hold much, if not all, of the power while men are retained for pleasure and servitude. Of course smaller followings are scattered about in nearly every city across the land though unlike the dark elf cities, the smaller shrines to Haya are kept secret or operate under a facade of innocence.
    Temple of Carnal Love - Har'oloth
    Temple of the Damned - Herozzal
    Important Artifacts
    Haya's Heart - Haya's Heart is a small, heart-shaped ruby just big enough to fit in the palm of one's hand while their fingers close over it. It is attached to a fine, black steel chain covered in tiny barbs. The barbs are not large enough to break the skin but do make wearing the item around the neck rather uncomfortable. The Heart has the ability to draw upon the touch of the Goddess and give the wearer the physical beauty and aura of one who is irresistible in appearance and presence. The change is real and constant as long as the Heart is worn and the chain and ruby make constant contact with the flesh. There is only a small handful of these items thought to exist with only three known for certain. Hearts function only for the most devout followers of Haya.
    Pain and Pleasure Glove - This unique item takes the form of a single glove of the finest, softest silk. A touch from someone wearing the glove is said to fill a person with such pleasure that they become immediately addicted to the sensation. There is another aspect to the glove however that is not so pleasant. If the wearer chooses, they may alter the feeling of the glove upon those whom they touch. This feeling is one of piercing pain of such intensity one feels as though their flesh is being flayed. The glove reacts to the desires of the wearer and functions only for one devoted to Haya. Only one is known to exist.
    Plague Mask - This brown, featureless mask is forged from lightweight steel with the only thing marring its smooth surface being two slits to see through. When the proper prayer is uttered, the edge of the mask releases a fine cloud of dust in a five foot radius around the wearer. This is in reality a cloud of pure disease, the actual kind varies and is unpredictable. Even diseases normally contracted through blood or other fluids are transmitted through simple contact with the cloud. These masks are more common than the faithless may wish as most ranking plaguebearers are granted the item upon noticed acts done in the name of the Goddess.
    Rod of Pestilence - This simple black rod of steel is topped with a bronze head of a rat with the other end sharpened to a point. They are used by plaguebearers as batteries of disease, plague, famine and pestilence. Often found sticking from the ground in remote areas, these rods act as focal points for the goddess' wrath. They can affect up to a 50 mile radius and their effects are devastating. When activated, the rod causes all plants in the area to dry up and die. Livestock and other animals immediately fall over dead and from the bodies erupt swarms of swarms of vermin that wash over the land like a plague. Sickness and disease run rampant among sentient beings with cures both traditional and arcanic having resisted effects. This will last as long as the rod is in contact with ground and the only way to eliminate the disaster is to find the rod and pull it free. Contact with the rod by anyone other than a servant of Haya will result in the offender suffering all of the effects of the rod upon themselves a hundred fold.
    Baby’s Breath Net - This is a cluster of diamonds interlocked using a fine, black steel chain. They are cut to look like the tiny flower known as Baby’s Breath. This net of diamonds, when placed over the face of an infant less than one era old will cause the baby to instantly die. Also, when placed upon the belly of a woman or the groin of a man, it will cause sterility and infertility. There are a handful of these around and it is said that the most dedicated priestesses know how to craft them.