Taoism is a combination of religion, philosophy, and way of life. It’s a religion, but it doesn’t ask you to believe. It’s a way of life, but it doesn’t ask you to abide. It’s a philosophy, but it doesn’t incite a debate.
This kind of resorts in rural areas is part of poverty alleviation program made by the Chinese government. Assisting the development of these resorts provides employment for people living in these less developed areas.
This is the real modern day China In reality , taoism is a philosophy that has been around in China for centuries . To promote good health in terms of physically and mentally . Tai Chi is very popular all over the world . Come on , you know it's TRUE Can't wait to visit China again Definitely heading back to China for my retirement Cheers With AWESOME love from North America
Taoism is a home grown religion based on Laoist philosophy, now consolidated basically to 2 main sects; 正一 or 天师道 and 全真教, one mainly on incantation, the later is about way of life.
Interesting Kirk! "Taoism (also known as Daoism) is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu (c. 500 BCE) which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion."
Good question Gweilo. Some believe its a religion and some say its a philosophy but as l know its started on Confusion era and on my believe Taoism is Ying and Yang, black and white, good and bad, life and death and the list goes on. There is no grey
More precise translation of Taoism 無為 is "laissez faire", "let it be" and no intervention. Doing things in a natural and "non intervention" manner is closer to the essence of Taoism.
@Saint FluffySnow I'm well aware of your sources. Guess what? they're still wrong. now, abram is never mentioned alongside yeshua, it is yeshua who claims precedence before abram - but abram never shows any awareness of yeshua in earlier ha-torah. No, according to our Faith we descend from far older figures than even adam & chawwah - by orders of magnitude larger when you look at their lifespans. China's First Emperor is Sinitic, not semitic. Absolutely no mention of anything you claim at the time of our first Empire - the oldest bible is heavily fractured and incomplete and only dates to -250:+130. Our Oracle Scripture predates this by over a MILLENNIUM. ShangDi is never addressed as Father in our Earliest Scripture. The first Fatherly attribution I know of in our Scripture is Zhuangzi - and it's toward Heaven, not God - and moreover it is chastised, not recommended. I never said ShangDi is a mere "force of nature" - you are correct, ShangDi is Above Nature & Spirits like yahweh. If you can get that wrong you'll get so many other things wrong as well. you misunderstood the verse about Saint Kongzi. 『或問禘之說。子曰:「不知也。知其說者之於天下也,其如示諸斯乎!」指其掌。』 He is NOT referring to the mere sacrifice. Look at the etymology of 禘 instead of using fake modern western definitions - it is the Name of our Ancestral Faith in China. It means ⿰礻帝 = 礻(Worship) (of) 帝(God). What he was saying is that if one truly fathomed how to properly worship Di, one could rule as easily as looking at the palm of one's hand. I'd correct him on that and say it'd be even easier than that. He was NOT talking about the younger hebrew sacrifices which are flawed in practice. He was talking about the WHOLE True Faith. Daoism did not borrow XiWangMu. She herself is Daoist. XiWangMu is not "semiramis" or "wife of nimrod", for no such figures are ever mentioned in our Scripture. christians falsely added them later for missionary efforts. XiWangMu is one of our Immortals. She is God-Blessed, not rebellious at all. Did you even bother reading the verse Tàipíngguǎngjì 3.1.40 where she SPREADS Our Faith and chastises disbelievers? who in the World are you to tell us she is "rebellious"? leave with your false polytheism. Shang-Di Is Holy, you are RIGHT! No, it doesn't add anything to God when I say Di Is Purer. What it does is _subtract_ from yhwh who is plural polytheistic elohim. Not Singular & Unpluralizable like Di. Don't ever blaspheme again. yhwh is the name of the elohim spirit who along with the Hundreds of Spirits serve Shang Di. you bow to yah. yah and I bow to 🙏❤️𢂇❤️🙏
@Saint FluffySnow Wrong again. It seems you don't even know the etymology of "jesus"'s name, so let me enlighten you: • EN jesus < mEN jhesus < LA iēsūs < GR ἰησοῦς < IB יֵשׁוּעַ < IB יְהוֹשֻׁעַ See? his name (yə)hōšúaʿ is based on yah and claims yah is "salvation", NOT the same thing as yah. that is a later interpretation. antiSinites like christians don't believe in the Purer Monotheism of Ancient Chinese Religion which is why they try to infect our Faith with false foreign polytheistic ideas. Fuxi is the first Created Man, not adam. Fuxi's name relates to Higher Air, not lower earth. Our Archancestor Tàihào reigned in Wènshàng some 478-593 years before your "adam" & "eve" were even "created". Our Patriarch Huángdì lived 711-896 years or so before your "abraham" was even "born". There's no such thing as manmade "gods" or "goddesses" because they're not even that to begin with. only false titles. you don't realize you blaspheme in even calling them that. Um, do you even know the etymologies of these random entities you falsely equate? • Xīwángmǔ < 西王母 < (卤)𠙻母 • Semī́ramis < Σεμῑ́ραμις < 𒈪𒊓𒄠𒈬𒊏𒈠𒀜 CHINESE etymology versus GRECO-ASSYRIAN etymology. DIFFERENT figures entirely. They do not predate Daoism - they predate Saint Laozi. Saint Laozi refers to even older Ancestral Daoism before his time. (of course, if you actually READ Scripture you'd know this) No. 神 translates to Spirit not "God". The name of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 you are referring to belongs to the SPIRITUAL caste of 神, NOT 上帝. Read True Scripture. 2849-2878 years ago we CLEARLY inscribed on our Holy Bronzes Verses: *《㝬鐘》曰「隹皇上帝百神保余小子」* _« It is Lord God Supreme and His Host of Hundreds Spirits who protect me, the little child »_ See? In China we NEVER said "百帝" or "百上帝" or "百皇上帝". That is BLASPHEMY. It is the 神 SHEN/SPIRITS which are numerous. yhwh is a plural elohim - hence a 神. NOT The One True God 上帝. God Is One. kjvb av1611 1769 edition is only 252-410 years old and is plagued with numerous mistranslations and misinterpretations. the oldest truest bible on Earth is 1481-2019 years OLDER (that is, 1891-2271 years old) and is written in original hebrew and aramaic. your "kjvb" can't even compete. Every Sinitic Source I've used is Genuine. The Scripture I cite is purer and truer than anything christians (true or fake) have cited or published. True Scripture needn't be sanctioned by "christian saints" because real christian saints are false-faithed polytheists so they couldn't sanction anything. the invalid does not sanction the Valid. you are correct in saying Blessed Holy Yellow Emperor is Sinite. you are sinful in lying by saying Sinite is related to false lineages. "canaan", "ham", "shem", "noah" are NOT Sinitic Figures, but semitic figures. It isn't good to lie. that is your major mistake. Yellow Emperor was from the EAST. KunLun Mountains are West WITHIN the Eastern Sinosphere. "kittim" does not equal cathay (which was a misnomer for China anyway) so no argument there. I absolutely agree that we need to keep REAL GOD (Tian Shang-Di) away from evil pluralistic spirits and their servants (i.e. jehovah, jesus). XiWangMu never claims to be "god" or "goddess" - that was a mislabelling from christians like you to begin with. READ Tàipíngguǎngjì before lying. Daoism is one of our Ancestral Denominations. the rogue belief is the foreign false polytheism of judeochrislam. TianShangDi Is ABOVE Heaven and ABOVE Father. Quit blaspheming. Don't mention Daojia and Rujia alongside buddhism. buddhism is NOT Chinese but indian. the plurality of elohim is direct sinful polytheism at its CORE. DI Above yhwh who is a false god. LOVE is possible in Solo and Plural and God Transcends and Owns Love & Hate. The arguments you are using in defending the plurality of yhwh ha-elohim are exactly the same the polytheists used in justifying their mass deification of ideals OWNED by One True God. the falsehood in your arguments is as false as the made up english+hebrew neologism you just coined. I never said God Is an "uncaring single pure force". God Is At Once Personal and Impersonal in ways you cannot even fathom. As for Saint Kongzi, you didn't even bother reading the verse I gave you so you're that much less qualified to comment on it. Do you want to know who made lots of _interpretationes hebraica_ in trying to hijack OUR Scripture, though? you. you bow to yah. yah and I bow to 🙏❤️𢂇❤️🙏
Hi Kirk, very interesting video! By the way, I saw your other video (NTV and N Lake) on Patreon and I think its great, no reason not to post it for the general audience. It was also very interesting and some of the scenes around that lake was spectacular.
This is one place I would Love to visit.. But there's no way I would be able to go up by car... My stomach would not be able to handle the trip. Beautiful pictures of Weifang...
Philosophy is inseparable from religion. Religion is a practice of certain philosophies. Western philosophy is binaristic, always black/white; however, Chinese philosophy is blurring such binaries, like Taichi, black merging into white and white into black, nothing is static.
you always can find so special secret paradise! so neat and peaceful place. I remember the kungfu panda movie mentioned" inner peace". this is the place you cc an release all stress and troubles and enjoy nature inner peace! so nice life!
The four main beliefs or philosophies in China are all atheistic. Confucianism: the relationship between people and society; Buddhism: the relationship between people and their hearts; Taoism: the relationship between people and nature; Marxism: solving contradictions in real society. Therefore, I am a believer in these four philosophies.
i was baptized when i was a kid, communion, confirmation and all that. i am a non practicing Catholic. the last time i was in church was in boot camp to get out of cleaning the berthing area. 😊😊
@gweilo60 I believe it's a breathing exercise to strengthen the lungs. You bring in as much air as possible, hold it for long time, then try to expel it very quickly as you can. I saw a western doctor recommending something very similar. Now I wonder if he had learned it through eastern medicine.
Thank you Gweilo for making a video on Daoism. China is very tolerant of religions (just look at the buddha statue you saw, for example) , but what many don't know is that it's SO tolerant in fact that these religions come to settle in China and then compete and distract those who genuinely want to learn about deeper original China. In fact, believe it or not, you answered your own question @7:07 ! It's more and more Religious the further and purer back you go. *Dàodéjīng 1* *「。。。無名天地之始。。。」* *(Dao) Is the Nameless Creator of Heaven and Earth* If that isn't religious, I don't know what is! It could only be demoted to mere philosophy by metaphorically secularizing away from this Original Religious Basis as Saint Laozi's revelation intended. Perhaps the main reason Daoism is treated as mere philosophy is due to its innocence. It only attracts, and does not invade or conquer or convert. So people take advantage to misportray... The problem occurs when outsiders popularize the secular philosophical aspect of it to the point of obscuring the Religious Roots. 再次感謝您! This is one of my FAVOURITE videos you've made! I pray the mountain air heals your lungs.
The one coming out next is showing a 300 year old temple and a 2000 year old prayer location on the mountain. An old lady lives there by herself. It is an amazing place. The first part is just a prelude.
Nice muzic at the end. Sounds a bit like mexican but I think not. Taoists are sort of like a way of life more than a religion I think. Some people do practice it here in our country. You'd have to be a very patient person to be able to follow through. In the end these people who acheive the highest level of mind and control are actually people who are very 'Enlightened' and takes things by stride very easily. Not many can reach that I suppose, but yes I have met some who have reached it, albiet they are not locals here though, they are Taiwanese living here.
There are religions based on the latin word "religare" what means to bind back to a god. There are religions based on the latin word "relegere" what means to think again and again new about something important. The western monotheistic religions are "religare" based, the eastern religions are "relegere" based.
Actually Weifang and I eat beef soup at a local mosque kitchen at least once a week. The soup is amazing and the Mosque is considered a local land mark as it has been there for a very long time. It is stupid comments like this that lets everyone reading know and understand your ignorance.
@@sarahwillow1306 It's all just political rhetoric but nobody expects a person like you to understand the bigger picture. Live in your little bigoted world. Listen to your masters. They will tell you what to think.
China has probably more people practising more religions than anywhere else if you count each local deity as forming a distinct religion. But even without them, there are still more.
@@Gweilo60 We usually go to the Northeast entrance, where there's a hiking trail up the mountain and several restaurants along the way. A nice day hike, but it doesn't go to the same place you were at,
@@Gweilo60 Alas... yet it's China which is expected to coexist with indian buddhism, not vice-versa. My best advice if you wish to know true Daoism is to pursue it to the Origin!
Taoism is about drink without getting drunk.... intoxicated body with clear mind.... drunk yet sober.... a drinker that gets drunk is not the real drinker....
The question that you ask is a thin line of thought, may it be east or of the west ... unfortunately, if one hasn't been to both then, the answers maybe lopsided. No matter, it's a question all must face during one's life. Neither has much value without complementing each other... how is that? First both must start within yourself, inside you're own temple, to find meaningful answers. Those answers will grow through out one's lifespan as they experience things around themself. Religion and a way of lifestyle go hand and hand from childhood learning to being a senior looking for the answers of the heavens. It will change in appearance during your life but, may you find happiness and be able to share it with others. Be safe and have a great day!
In many Chinese myths, heaven has nine layers, each with different gods and beliefs! There is another world beyond the ninth floor. So you can see a mountain with Taoism and Buddhism, and other gods. They don't conflict. People can go to the places you believe in at will after they die! Taoism: believers believe that there are innumerable rules in nature, and they can transcend themselves by controlling the laws of nature. Taoism learns to control nature and integrate the laws of the world. Inspire potential! These innumerable rules are called "Tao" in China
Taoism or Daoism is both a philosophy and a religion. At its core it is about the Tao/Dao the path, the way. But that is putting it simply. Practically, it boils down to effortless effort the 为无为。Go with the flow, where it takes you. At the periphery, it can be said to be a system of beliefs and rituals - i.e religion? hehehe
Taoism is a combination of religion, philosophy, and way of life.
It’s a religion, but it doesn’t ask you to believe.
It’s a way of life, but it doesn’t ask you to abide.
It’s a philosophy, but it doesn’t incite a debate.
Only the most sincere will be attracted to believe, abide, and brainstorm/debate.
And a teaching show you how to cultivate your soul!
Religion is inner peace and calmness in whatever situation.
This kind of resorts in rural areas is part of poverty alleviation program made by the Chinese government. Assisting the development of these resorts provides employment for people living in these less developed areas.
It's beautiful, thank you for filming it. Taoism is everything you questioned, dear gueilo
This is the real modern day China
In reality , taoism is a philosophy that has been around in China for centuries .
To promote good health in terms of physically and mentally .
Tai Chi is very popular all over the world .
Come on , you know it's TRUE
Can't wait to visit China again
Definitely heading back to China for my retirement
With AWESOME love from North America
Taoism is a home grown religion based on Laoist philosophy, now consolidated basically to 2 main sects; 正一 or 天师道 and 全真教, one mainly on incantation, the later is about way of life.
Interesting Kirk!
"Taoism (also known as Daoism) is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu (c. 500 BCE) which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion."
Like the new format & background music Gweilo, thanks for another great video, keep up the good work & God bless! 👍🙏🌈
Good question Gweilo. Some believe its a religion and some say its a philosophy but as l know its started on Confusion era and on my believe Taoism is Ying and Yang, black and white, good and bad, life and death and the list goes on. There is no grey
More precise translation of Taoism 無為 is "laissez faire", "let it be" and no intervention. Doing things in a natural and "non intervention" manner is closer to the essence of Taoism.
it all depends on how that person defines religion. love from canada.
Taoism is not really a religion, but is a way of life. This means that it doesn't have the idolatry that the Abrahamic Religions have.
@Saint FluffySnow No, Shangdi is Truer and Purer than yahweh. avraham was worshiping an elohim.
@Saint FluffySnow
I'm well aware of your sources.
Guess what? they're still wrong.
now, abram is never mentioned alongside yeshua, it is yeshua who claims precedence before abram - but abram never shows any awareness of yeshua in earlier ha-torah.
No, according to our Faith we descend from far older figures than even adam & chawwah - by orders of magnitude larger when you look at their lifespans.
China's First Emperor is Sinitic, not semitic.
Absolutely no mention of anything you claim at the time of our first Empire - the oldest bible is heavily fractured and incomplete and only dates to -250:+130.
Our Oracle Scripture predates this by over a MILLENNIUM.
ShangDi is never addressed as Father in our Earliest Scripture. The first Fatherly attribution I know of in our Scripture is Zhuangzi - and it's toward Heaven, not God - and moreover it is chastised, not recommended.
I never said ShangDi is a mere "force of nature" - you are correct, ShangDi is Above Nature & Spirits like yahweh.
If you can get that wrong you'll get so many other things wrong as well.
you misunderstood the verse about Saint Kongzi.
He is NOT referring to the mere sacrifice.
Look at the etymology of 禘 instead of using fake modern western definitions - it is the Name of our Ancestral Faith in China.
It means ⿰礻帝 = 礻(Worship) (of) 帝(God).
What he was saying is that if one truly fathomed how to properly worship Di, one could rule as easily as looking at the palm of one's hand. I'd correct him on that and say it'd be even easier than that.
He was NOT talking about the younger hebrew sacrifices which are flawed in practice.
He was talking about the WHOLE True Faith.
Daoism did not borrow XiWangMu.
She herself is Daoist.
XiWangMu is not "semiramis" or "wife of nimrod", for no such figures are ever mentioned in our Scripture. christians falsely added them later for missionary efforts.
XiWangMu is one of our Immortals.
She is God-Blessed, not rebellious at all.
Did you even bother reading the verse Tàipíngguǎngjì 3.1.40 where she SPREADS Our Faith and chastises disbelievers?
who in the World are you to tell us she is "rebellious"? leave with your false polytheism.
Shang-Di Is Holy, you are RIGHT!
No, it doesn't add anything to God when I say Di Is Purer. What it does is _subtract_ from yhwh who is plural polytheistic elohim.
Not Singular & Unpluralizable like Di.
Don't ever blaspheme again.
yhwh is the name of the elohim spirit who along with the Hundreds of Spirits serve Shang Di.
you bow to yah.
yah and I bow to 🙏❤️𢂇❤️🙏
@Saint FluffySnow
Wrong again.
It seems you don't even know the etymology of "jesus"'s name, so let me enlighten you:
• EN jesus < mEN jhesus < LA iēsūs < GR ἰησοῦς < IB יֵשׁוּעַ < IB יְהוֹשֻׁעַ
See? his name (yə)hōšúaʿ is based on yah and claims yah is "salvation", NOT the same thing as yah.
that is a later interpretation.
antiSinites like christians don't believe in the Purer Monotheism of Ancient Chinese Religion which is why they try to infect our Faith with false foreign polytheistic ideas.
Fuxi is the first Created Man, not adam.
Fuxi's name relates to Higher Air, not lower earth.
Our Archancestor Tàihào reigned in Wènshàng some 478-593 years before your "adam" & "eve" were even "created".
Our Patriarch Huángdì lived 711-896 years or so before your "abraham" was even "born".
There's no such thing as manmade "gods" or "goddesses" because they're not even that to begin with. only false titles. you don't realize you blaspheme in even calling them that.
Um, do you even know the etymologies of these random entities you falsely equate?
• Xīwángmǔ < 西王母 < (卤)𠙻母
• Semī́ramis < Σεμῑ́ραμις < 𒈪𒊓𒄠𒈬𒊏𒈠𒀜
CHINESE etymology versus GRECO-ASSYRIAN etymology.
DIFFERENT figures entirely.
They do not predate Daoism - they predate Saint Laozi.
Saint Laozi refers to even older Ancestral Daoism before his time.
(of course, if you actually READ Scripture you'd know this)
神 translates to Spirit not "God".
The name of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 you are referring to belongs to the SPIRITUAL caste of 神, NOT 上帝.
Read True Scripture.
2849-2878 years ago we CLEARLY inscribed on our Holy Bronzes Verses:
_« It is Lord God Supreme and His Host of Hundreds Spirits who protect me, the little child »_
In China we NEVER said "百帝" or "百上帝" or "百皇上帝".
It is the 神 SHEN/SPIRITS which are numerous.
yhwh is a plural elohim - hence a 神.
NOT The One True God 上帝.
God Is One.
kjvb av1611 1769 edition is only 252-410 years old and is plagued with numerous mistranslations and misinterpretations.
the oldest truest bible on Earth is 1481-2019 years OLDER (that is, 1891-2271 years old) and is written in original hebrew and aramaic.
your "kjvb" can't even compete.
Every Sinitic Source I've used is Genuine.
The Scripture I cite is purer and truer than anything christians (true or fake) have cited or published.
True Scripture needn't be sanctioned by "christian saints" because real christian saints are false-faithed polytheists so they couldn't sanction anything. the invalid does not sanction the Valid.
you are correct in saying Blessed Holy Yellow Emperor is Sinite.
you are sinful in lying by saying Sinite is related to false lineages.
"canaan", "ham", "shem", "noah" are NOT Sinitic Figures, but semitic figures.
It isn't good to lie.
that is your major mistake.
Yellow Emperor was from the EAST.
KunLun Mountains are West WITHIN the Eastern Sinosphere.
"kittim" does not equal cathay (which was a misnomer for China anyway)
so no argument there.
I absolutely agree that we need to keep REAL GOD (Tian Shang-Di) away from evil pluralistic spirits and their servants (i.e. jehovah, jesus).
XiWangMu never claims to be "god" or "goddess" - that was a mislabelling from christians like you to begin with.
READ Tàipíngguǎngjì before lying.
Daoism is one of our Ancestral Denominations.
the rogue belief is the foreign false polytheism of judeochrislam.
TianShangDi Is ABOVE Heaven and ABOVE Father.
Quit blaspheming.
Don't mention Daojia and Rujia alongside buddhism.
buddhism is NOT Chinese but indian.
the plurality of elohim is direct sinful polytheism at its CORE.
DI Above yhwh who is a false god.
LOVE is possible in Solo and Plural and God Transcends and Owns Love & Hate.
The arguments you are using in defending the plurality of yhwh ha-elohim are exactly the same the polytheists used in justifying their mass deification of ideals OWNED by One True God.
the falsehood in your arguments is as false as the made up english+hebrew neologism you just coined.
I never said God Is an "uncaring single pure force".
God Is At Once Personal and Impersonal in ways you cannot even fathom.
As for Saint Kongzi, you didn't even bother reading the verse I gave you so you're that much less qualified to comment on it.
Do you want to know who made lots of _interpretationes hebraica_ in trying to hijack OUR Scripture, though?
you bow to yah.
yah and I bow to 🙏❤️𢂇❤️🙏
No wonder you asked me to buy you a beer, Gweilo 60, because it is a no alcohol no meat day. YOU'RE TRAPPED! :)(:
Acupuncture, qigong , Yinyang, traditional chinese medicine can find it's root from taoism... Most people don't know that. Kudos to you
Chinese Arts, Astrology, music, Fengshui, Kong fu
Those acts are qigong and 吐納,a way of improving your inner body circulation
Hi Kirk, very interesting video! By the way, I saw your other video (NTV and N Lake) on Patreon and I think its great, no reason not to post it for the general audience. It was also very interesting and some of the scenes around that lake was spectacular.
This is one place I would Love to visit.. But there's no way I would be able to go up by car... My stomach would not be able to handle the trip.
Beautiful pictures of Weifang...
oh gweilo adding music. Nice.
Philosophy is inseparable from religion. Religion is a practice of certain philosophies. Western philosophy is binaristic, always black/white; however, Chinese philosophy is blurring such binaries, like Taichi, black merging into white and white into black, nothing is static.
you always can find so special secret paradise! so neat and peaceful place. I remember the kungfu panda movie mentioned" inner peace". this is the place you cc an release all stress and troubles and enjoy nature inner peace! so nice life!
Great video Gweilo
The four main beliefs or philosophies in China are all atheistic.
Confucianism: the relationship between people and society; Buddhism: the relationship between people and their hearts; Taoism: the relationship between people and nature; Marxism: solving contradictions in real society. Therefore, I am a believer in these four philosophies.
i was baptized when i was a kid, communion, confirmation and all that. i am a non practicing Catholic. the last time i was in church was in boot camp to get out of cleaning the berthing area. 😊😊
@gweilo60 I believe it's a breathing exercise to strengthen the lungs. You bring in as much air as possible, hold it for long time, then try to expel it very quickly as you can. I saw a western doctor recommending something very similar. Now I wonder if he had learned it through eastern medicine.
Thanks Kirk great video beautiful place,1st foreigner there wow
oh, I heard the beautiful birds singing!
Thank you Gweilo for making a video on Daoism.
China is very tolerant of religions (just look at the buddha statue you saw, for example) , but what many don't know is that it's SO tolerant in fact that these religions come to settle in China and then compete and distract those who genuinely want to learn about deeper original China.
In fact, believe it or not, you answered your own question @7:07 !
It's more and more Religious the further and purer back you go.
*Dàodéjīng 1*
*(Dao) Is the Nameless Creator of Heaven and Earth*
If that isn't religious, I don't know what is!
It could only be demoted to mere philosophy by metaphorically secularizing away from this Original Religious Basis as Saint Laozi's revelation intended.
Perhaps the main reason Daoism is treated as mere philosophy is due to its innocence.
It only attracts, and does not invade or conquer or convert.
So people take advantage to misportray...
The problem occurs when outsiders popularize the secular philosophical aspect of it to the point of obscuring the Religious Roots.
This is one of my FAVOURITE videos you've made!
I pray the mountain air heals your lungs.
The one coming out next is showing a 300 year old temple and a 2000 year old prayer location on the mountain. An old lady lives there by herself. It is an amazing place. The first part is just a prelude.
Great video :)
Please show us more attractions in guangxi or even in other provinces. I am addicted to China attractions :).
Support, period.
Very interesting and peaceful.
No quads or dirt bikes ripping-up the trails
Nice muzic at the end. Sounds a bit like mexican but I think not.
Taoists are sort of like a way of life more than a religion I think. Some people do practice it here in our country.
You'd have to be a very patient person to be able to follow through.
In the end these people who acheive the highest level of mind and control are actually people who are very 'Enlightened' and takes things by stride very easily. Not many can reach that I suppose, but yes I have met some who have reached it, albiet they are not locals here though, they are Taiwanese living here.
Nice and peaceful.
very interesting!
Good heart brings Good Deeds..
What a cool place!
This is like Dambulla rock temple Sri Lanka.
It's not ritual, it's some sorts of exercise just like yoga.
Soo beautiful 👍💓
There are religions based on the latin word "religare" what means to bind back to a god.
There are religions based on the latin word "relegere" what means to think again and again new about something important.
The western monotheistic religions are "religare" based, the eastern religions are "relegere" based.
All religion teaches love, peace and sharing.
Actually Weifang and I eat beef soup at a local mosque kitchen at least once a week. The soup is amazing and the Mosque is considered a local land mark as it has been there for a very long time. It is stupid comments like this that lets everyone reading know and understand your ignorance.
@@sarahwillow1306 It's all just political rhetoric but nobody expects a person like you to understand the bigger picture. Live in your little bigoted world. Listen to your masters. They will tell you what to think.
The tree is beauty.. ty
no beer day l? it is a stress for you. haha
China has probably more people practising more religions than anywhere else if you count each local deity as forming a distinct religion. But even without them, there are still more.
happy st patrick's day...
Its the 1st and 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar, not the Gregorian calendar.
I like Taoism kongfu martial. it's quite different from any other Chinese kongfu.
Is this Duqiaoshan near Rongxian? The map isn't clear
It looks like you're closer to Beiliu
@@Gweilo60 We usually go to the Northeast entrance, where there's a hiking trail up the mountain and several restaurants along the way. A nice day hike, but it doesn't go to the same place you were at,
@@randyw3553 There are many mountains in the area that have a similar history.
@@Gweilo60 Yes - it's a fairly large scenic area
Okay - found it through the Autonavi map - they even have a picture of the same gateway.
Maybe this link works - ditu.amap.com/place/B0FFIUHYG5
What's Buddha doing inside a Tao temple ?
They co exist on the same mountain
@@Gweilo60 Alas... yet it's China which is expected to coexist with indian buddhism, not vice-versa. My best advice if you wish to know true Daoism is to pursue it to the Origin!
@@Gweilo60 OK thank you
05:40 我还以为是刘青云
(道 == the law of nature )
If 道 can be told, it’s not the eternal 道,
If something can be named, it won’t be its eternal name
It’s pronounced as Daoist not Taoist. Those guys are practicing qigong. It is a philosophy that was ritualized into a religion.
It's still a faith, a belief, but not a religion
Taoism is about drink without getting drunk.... intoxicated body with clear mind.... drunk yet sober.... a drinker that gets drunk is not the real drinker....
The question that you ask is a thin line of thought, may it be east or of the west ... unfortunately, if one hasn't been to both then, the answers maybe lopsided.
No matter, it's a question all must face during one's life.
Neither has much value without complementing each other... how is that?
First both must start within yourself, inside you're own temple, to find meaningful answers. Those answers will grow through out one's lifespan as they experience things around themself.
Religion and a way of lifestyle go hand and hand from childhood learning to being a senior looking for the answers of the heavens.
It will change in appearance during your life but, may you find happiness and be able to share it with others.
Be safe and have a great day!
In many Chinese myths, heaven has nine layers, each with different gods and beliefs! There is another world beyond the ninth floor. So you can see a mountain with Taoism and Buddhism, and other gods. They don't conflict. People can go to the places you believe in at will after they die!
Taoism: believers believe that there are innumerable rules in nature, and they can transcend themselves by controlling the laws of nature. Taoism learns to control nature and integrate the laws of the world. Inspire potential! These innumerable rules are called "Tao" in China
Religion or philosophy who cares when you wake up in such a beautiful place.
I think that is the idea of it
Taoism or Daoism is both a philosophy and a religion. At its core it is about the Tao/Dao the path, the way. But that is putting it simply. Practically, it boils down to effortless effort the 为无为。Go with the flow, where it takes you. At the periphery, it can be said to be a system of beliefs and rituals - i.e religion? hehehe
No alcohoal?!? Noooooooo Kirk can't drink 😱🍺
Some religion and political ideals are just a trap for control.
Was that a braided middle aged man? Weird😜
Americans are not religious either