+gilliland426 That was my thought at the time but will connect the halo's to the other LED lights when I get around to it. I-like how it looks with both on.
that was in case I wanted the LED lights and halo lights on together or seperatly. S by wiring them up sepereratly I am just thinking ahead in case I want to change the set up.
Halo only, I like subtlety.....
thanks for video Rik
Thanks for the feedback and support Craig.
Regards Rik
Halo for 24/7 driving. Switch to tailight for dusk driving. Then headlights for night lol
great job,... run just the halos in my opinion!
That was my thought at the time but will connect the halo's to the other LED lights when I get around to it. I-like how it looks with both on.
Good effort - I will use the LED park lights on all the time ina 2000 WJ Grand Cherokee -thanks for the clip.
Yes I dicided the same. I will connect the LED's to the halo's when I get around to it.
Please help....At 6:34 you show that you have connected (4) red wires (2 and 2). Why is it not just 2 wires to begin with. Thank you!
that was in case I wanted the LED lights and halo lights on together or seperatly. S by wiring them up sepereratly I am just thinking ahead in case I want to change the set up.