As a future video game developer ( hopefully), I want to be able to unlock the potential behind motion controls. Motion controls and game that use them suffer from the "Play it safe" rules of gaming and though they might work for a while it makes a game repetitive eventually. I am tried of seeing motion control games with quick time events, motion prompts, and unnecessary minigames. Motion controls are suppose to enchant the mechanics of an video game, not make me return video feel like a choir
As a future video game developer ( hopefully), I want to be able to unlock the potential behind motion controls. Motion controls and game that use them suffer from the "Play it safe" rules of gaming and though they might work for a while it makes a game repetitive eventually. I am tried of seeing motion control games with quick time events, motion prompts, and unnecessary minigames. Motion controls are suppose to enchant the mechanics of an video game, not make me return video feel like a choir
hope that's been going well for you, in 2021!
so are you one? are you dead?
Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting. Thouse kicks were fast as lightning. It was a little bit frightning. But they fough t with expert timing
Great review as always Derek. =)
The graphics are horrible and the lip motion isn't great. It's not too bad I guess. I might get this but I'll look at a few other reviews first.
Mr Videos & Games افلام اكشن
dude thats fuckin sweet intro music.. is this only for the kinect? like will this game not work if you dont have a kinect?
Your a very good reviewer thanks I don't want it anymore now.
1:19 pandality
i hope jen is playing KotoR and getting ready for a review.......
(thumbs up so SOMEONE can see....)
i wish it was like the first game stipid sensor games are met to be lazy wit ha a controler .o.
The PS3 version is god-awful. Looks horrible, plays horrible .. This kinect version actually looks pretty decent.
wow, if the expressions in that panda's face were as terrible in the movie as they are in this, this movie would cause dreamworks to bankrupt
KUNG FU PANDA 2 V2 "5 2018)😀😀
@lionsmaine1238 Same here.
Nice voice!
2:21 finish him!
Like mortal kombat.
You're quite bad at this game. I've got all of the achievements and I'll probably never play this game again.
Oh well still better than Cars 2
i hate simplicity in video games, it just ruins the emersion.
Every major platform?! There's no V, oh wait, I did this joke already...
UMM THIS GAME SUCKS IM NOT GETTING THIS GAME FOR MY KINECT! im gonna check out cars two for my xbox hopefully that would be better
first LOL LMAO
I think little kids might dig it.
The character animation is just awful.
Animated movies are going downhill this year.
the game is a piece of crap in my opinion i'm sorry but it looks boring