June 23, 2024 - Losing Focus on God

  • Опубликовано: 22 июн 2024
  • Theme: Losing Focus on God
    Passage: 1 Samuel 27:1-28:2
    This scene in David’s life reveals signs that one’s eyes have turned their focus from God:
    1. The “I”s have it (1).
    2. Accomplishment of your plan (2-3)
    3. Alignment with things opposed to God (4-7)
    4. Promotion and preservation of self regardless of cost (8-10)
    5. Deception and compromise to cover tracks (11-12)
    6. Success but in a position opposed to God’s people (1-2)
    Main Idea: God desires that we continually return our focus to Him as the protector and provider for our life.
    Keep these truths in mind:
    1. This side of heaven, God continually works through sinful and at times unfaithful people.
    2. We have much more of the complete story, so we have less excuse.
    3. The Spirit of God in dwells your life to guide, convict, and lead you in truth.
    Application Questions:
    · How is a scene like this in David’s life sobering? How might it also be hopeful?
    · Looking back on times that you were distant from the Lord, what characterized your life physically and spiritually? Was life itself marked by difficulty or ease? What have you learned through such times that now helps keep you focused on God?
    · How have you justified certain actions or accepted certain things in life that are opposed to God? What does this reveal about you?
    · In what areas are you vulnerable to compromise the teaching of scripture to make things easier for your own life? How do you or can you combat this through the power of the Spirit? What’s a next step that God desires for you to take to return your focus to Him as you protector and provider?

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