typically you pay the interest yearly to the insurance company and then you dont pay the loan back until debts are paid off. Once you pay all the debts off you use the recaptured amount that you used to pay teh debts with to repay your policy (your banking system)
You wouldn’t make quite that much interest in yr 2 ect. because your balance wouldn’t be 12400 all yr…. You are building to that with monthly deposits. But I get compounding.
You need to go watch other videos where he explains this. You do earn interest on 12,400. you earn interest on what you put in regardless of taking it out or not.
Go t R Nelson Nash Institute look for practicians. Call as many as you can understand the machine, the system. Read R nelsons book...BYOB - Be Your Own Bank
my 4th To 10 Th Time
Where is the point you paid the interest from the policy loan? Every year, every month, or not until CC is paid off?
typically you pay the interest yearly to the insurance company and then you dont pay the loan back until debts are paid off. Once you pay all the debts off you use the recaptured amount that you used to pay teh debts with to repay your policy (your banking system)
Our prayers were answered, what a victory 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
$10000 / 200 = 50 / 12 = 4.166 years
I can’t seem to find a bank that pays that amount of interest most I found is .1
You wouldn’t make quite that much interest in yr 2 ect. because your balance wouldn’t be 12400 all yr…. You are building to that with monthly deposits. But I get compounding.
You need to go watch other videos where he explains this. You do earn interest on 12,400. you earn interest on what you put in regardless of taking it out or not.
Nothing makes sense in the way you’re trying to explain it
What are you not understanding? He is teaching us the process of how to pay ourselves. I get it can be confusing so where are you becoming lost?
Go t R Nelson Nash Institute look for practicians. Call as many as you can understand the machine, the system.
Read R nelsons book...BYOB - Be Your Own Bank
I have tried to contact you over and over and nobobody calles me bak