I am impressed with Bhawana Somaaya's interview skills. She kind of reminds me of Barbara walters who used to ask the questions outside the box and form her questions according to the answers she gets, which is very interesting to watch, not redundant like other reporters(same o' same o'). Breath of fresh air, finally. Hope she gets all the accolades she deserves.
Love u anushka mam
anushka"s skin is soo gorgeous and glowing!!!😍😍
love u Anushka Mam
Anushka ❤️❤️
Anushka 😍
both are looking very very cute😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Anushka speaks so well
Anushka Mam superb love you
I am impressed with Bhawana Somaaya's interview skills. She kind of reminds me of Barbara walters who used to ask the questions outside the box and form her questions according to the answers she gets, which is very interesting to watch, not redundant like other reporters(same o' same o'). Breath of fresh air, finally. Hope she gets all the accolades she deserves.
Virushka love u ,varun too
Varun 😍
My cutie vd😘😘😘😘
varun best😍😍
Kuchupuchu varun ..... Cuteeee
Vd I love you 💕
vd love you😍😍
Varun is best
😀😀😀😀O.h.my god 😀😀😀
😡😴back 👀🦉tumhum😴👈back to tumhum,
She Talks rubbish on varun pic...but she says talented mom
Anushka ♥️